bio final 2

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type 2 curve

drops sharply at the start, reflecting very high death rates for the young, but flattens out as death rates decline for those few individuals that survive the early period of die-off

Which type of mutation plays the most important role in increasing the number of genes in the gene pool? Duplication Mutation Changes in the nucleotide sequence Point mutation


desert characteristics

30 N and S of equator due to dry air masses, Microclimate makes it so it is not hitting the coast, Cold at night, hot at day, Plants have adaptation for heat and desiccation, store water, Animals adapted to be nocturnal and water conservation

Mezozoic Era

251-65 mya, coral reefs, dinosaurs, mammals emerged, flowering plants and insect diversified

All animals with bilateral symmetry have __________ germ layer(s).


the carbon cycle

CO2 in atmosphere- photosynthetic organisms take up and use in photosynthesis to make organic form, Consumer eating these forms, die, decompose and help recycle forms made, Back into atmosphere from cellular respiration

examples of ecology

Organismal, Population, Community, ecosystem, landscape, global

ecological footprint

amount of land each human needs for life style


an animal whose mouth is formed from the blastopore

solutions to human impacts

Reduce energy use, Convert to renewable sources, Reduce deforestation , International effort

Postzygotic barriers

Reduced hybrid viability, Reduced hybrid fertility, Hybrid breakdown

mutualism examples

Relationship between ants and garden fungi and Relationship between ants and bacteria that grow on their bodies

consequences of large footprint

Reliance on resources from afar, Environmental damage, Social inequality

what kinds of animals are monogamous


how population statistics change over time

birth, death, migration

increase of density

birth, immigration

What are the characteristics of the subphylum of Cephalochordata and Urochordata?

blade-like shape, feed on plankton, leaves burrow to swim to new place, Muscles are arranged in chevron pattern, this is evidence of segmentation


blastopore becomes anus

ray finned fish characteristics-

bony rays that support fins, major source of protein

garter snake example

When researchers offered banana slugs to snakes collected from each wild population, most coastal snakes readily ate them. In contrast, inland snakes tended to refuse.

Paedomorphosis example

When salamanders become an adult, they have a change in sexual structures and body

amniotic egg membranes

amnion, chorion, yolk sac, allantois.

reptile characteristics

amniotes, Scales contain keratin to protect skin from desiccation and abrasion, shell protects egg from drying out, Lizards and snakes do not use metabolism to control body temp, can be ecto birds can be endothermic


amniotic egg has 4 kinds of membrane

Some digestion in sponges takes place in the __________. gastrovascular cavity osculum spongocoel amoebocytes


2 clades of unikonta

amoebozoans and Opistokonts

Difference between gross and primary net

amount of energy producers burn when metabolize

outcomes of interspecific competition

competitive exclusion, coexistence

Uniform spacing patterns in plants such as the creosote bush are most often associated with chance competitive interaction between individuals of the same population the concentration of nutrients within the population's range the random distribution of seeds.

competitive interaction between individuals of the same population

The asexual spores produced by members of the phylum Ascomycota are called _____. conidia mycelium asci mushrooms


The asexual spores produced by members of the phylum Ascomycota are called _____. mycorrhizae conidia mushrooms asci


Which biome is the largest terrestrial biome on Earth?

coniferous forest

Ecosystem energy flow

constant input of energy, constant transfer and loss out of ecosystem

how will species respond to climate change

geographic range may shift (if suitable habitat), endangered/extinct

what does it mean to be chemotrophs

get energy from chemicals, export enzymes that digest outside of body and eat chemicals

what. is a climograph

graphing mean temperature and mean precipitation

Do you think a tropical rain forest or temperate grassland likely has more nutrients in the soil?


climate change impact

greenhouse gases trap waste, Sessile organisms and/or those with limited habitat are disproportionately


group of individuals of same species in same area

Life tables typically follow the fate of a cohort, a _____.

group of individuals who are the same age

Assuming that r has a positive value, in the formula dN/dt = rmaxN(K - N)/K, the factor rN tends to cause the population to do what?

grow increasingly rapidly

A population that is growing logistically _

grows fastest at an intermediate population density

A population that is growing logistically __________. grows fastest as it approaches carrying capacity has a high r grows fastest at an intermediate population density grows fastest when density is lowest

grows fastest at an intermediate population density

How do fungi get to new food?

growth if close by, dispersal of spores for longer distance

Largest negative impact on biodiversity

habitat destruction

Key Characteristics of animals make them efficient consumers

heterotrophs, Tissues formed from layers of embryonic cells, Process food inside their bodies many have efficient digestive system, Nerve and muscle cells, Can move and detect and capture potential prey

marsupials characteristics

high metabolic rates, nipples for milk, give birth to live young, complete embryonic development while nursing

benefits of biodiversity

high productivity, high stability, high resistance (biotic and abiotic stress)

how area affects diversity

higher area = higher species

how latitude affects diversity

higher in tropics, More time for speciation to occur , Climate => Sunlight and precipitation

What was the earliest hominin to have an enlarged brain (relative to body size)?

homo habillus

Enzymes and transport systems in the inner membranes

homologous to those in the plasma membrane prokaryotes

example of altruism

honeybees: The workers themselves never reproduce, but they labor on behalf of a single fertile queen. the workers sting intruders, a behavior that helps defend the hive but results in the death of those workers.

proximate questions

how a behavior occurs or is modified.

Bottleneck effect

how chance in a population ends up reducing the number of the population, ends up changing the allelic effect of the population

Which of the following most accurately measures an organism's fitness? how much food it is able to make or obtain how many fertile offspring it produces its ability to withstand environmental extremes its mutation rate

how many fertile offspring it produces

human k value

how many humans can earth support?

Radiometric dating

how we determine ages, A naturally occurring radioactive "parent" isotope decays to "daughter" isotope at characteristic rate

microsporidian examples

humans, protists, animals

humpback whale video

humpback whale calls are the most complex in the animal kingdom

human impact of savanna

hunting and cattle ranching


identified by molecular data, have widest range of animal body forms

A new species can arise in a single generation _

if a change in chromosome number creates a reproductive barrier

A population will always grow exponentially under what circumstances? if there are no limiting factors if it is a population with a Type I survivorship curve until it reaches carrying capacity None

if there are no limiting factors

Fossils are

imperfect record of macroevolutionary changes in history of life

A salmon returns to its home stream to spawn. What term best applies to this behavior? imprinting cognition sign stimulus conditioning


The formal denition of evolution is all about change. Where does this change? In an individual In the environment In the population In the life span

in population

The gill flap, or operculum, was an important adaptation for sh because it helps with __________. sensing chemicals in the water underwater reproduction maintaining O2 sensing vibrations in the water

maintaining O2

Adaptive radiations are often seen after _

major new evolutionary adaptations, such as flight, mass extinctions

the carbon cycle biological importance

makes up organic molecules, building blocks of life

examples of fixed action patterns

male stickleback fish: red color on underbelly

cambrian explosion

many new animals evolve in short time


marine predators, use tentacles to grasp prey, closed circulatory system

where do ascomycetes live

marine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats

monogamy is a

mating system of one male and one female forming an exclusive social pair bond

fruit consists of

mature ovary


monkeys and apes

In some species, it is difficult to distinguish the sexes based on external characteristics. Which type of mating behavior is likely to occur in such species?


mating systems

monogamy, polygyny, and polyandry

pan crustaceans

more close to lobsters than myriapods, includes crustaceans and hexapods

sources of genetic variations

mutation, rapid, sexual reproduction

Relationship between ants and fungus


There is a fungus in Oregon that covers 890,965 hectares! The bulk of this fungus is most likely _____. haustoria pathogenic mycelia reproductive structures sporangia



myxini and lamprey


myxini and petromyzontida

what is optimal foraging model

natural selection should favor a foraging behavior that minimizes the costs of foraging and maximizes the benefits.

If all humans lived like us

need 4 earths


negative doer of behavior and positive for recipient

Which of the following is (are) unique to animals? heterotrophycells with mitochondria chitin nervous conduction and muscle movement

nervous conduction and muscle movement


networks of branched hyphae adapted for absorption

do all animals have symmetry


myxini and lamprey characteristics

no backbone but have rudimentary vertebrae, sister groups

common characteristic shared between myxini and Petromyzontida

no backbone, JAWLESS

turtle characteristics

no holes in skull behind eyes, box like shell of upper and lower shields fused to vertebrae, clavicles and ribs. some on land some in water

coenocytic hyphae

no separations (septa)

evolutionary trends of animals

no tissues, no symmetry, no head, no body cavity

abiotic factors


1. What type of plant is a bryophyte? Does it have vascular tissue or seeds?

non-vascular land plant no seeds.

Internal fertilization, leathery amniotic egg, and skin that resists drying are characteristics of nonbird reptiles amphibians mammals sharks

nonbird reptiles

1. To which of the four eukaryotic supergroups do amoebas belong? a. Unikonta b. Rhizaria c. Chromalveolates d. Apicomplexans e. None of the listed responses is correct.- Every group has amoebas

none bc all have it

1. What type of plant is a fern? Does it have vascular tissue

nonflowering vascular plant, have seeds. Vascular tissue is xylem- moves water and nutrients. phloem- moves glucose

Mosses is a

nonvascular plant

human impact of tundra

not common due to temps, oil and mineral extraction

extraembryonic membrane

not part of the body of the embryo. develop tissue layers that grow out from embryo.

what is a keystone species

not super abundant but important to ecosystem

Vertebrates and tunicates share ____ jaws adapted for feeding a high degree of cephalization endoskeleton with a skull notochord and dorsal hollow nerve chord

notochord and dorsal hollow nerve chord

different variations of reproduction

oviparous, ovoviviparous, viviparous

what is oligotrophic

oxygen rich

Relationships with trees


Archaean cell walls lack


A European honeybee communicates to other worker bees the location of a distant food source it has discovered by: vibrating its wings at varying frequencies. All options performing a waggle dance visual cues

performing a waggle dance


permanent move to new home

what is permafrost

permanently frozen layer of soil restricts plants that can grow

wind pollination

pollination of plants by means of pollen carried on the wind

human impact of streams/rivers

pollution, blocking areas changing ecosystem

The mating system in which females are more ornamented than males is monogamy polygamy polyandry polygyny


you spot four female deer and a single male deer. If this reflects the mating system of this species, it would be an example of what type of mating system?


1. What is sporopollenin? What is it used for?

polymer of cell wall of spores and pollen grain. used to prevent dehydration


pool for building blocks of cell to make new parts and energy

The smallest unit that can evolve is a(n) __________.


How is a logistical model different from an exponential growth model

population expansion decreases as resources become scarce. It levels off when the carrying capacity of the environment is reached, resulting in an S-shaped curve.

Costa rica sustainability

protect and preserve woodland by not cutting down trees, environmental programs to become carbon neutral

body cavity function

protect organs, hydrostatic skeleton, organs over independently of outer body

Soft bodies


1. What advantages do seeds have over spores?

protection and nourishment


protein synthesis site, Prokaryotes have a slightly different composition and smaller

1. In mosses, haploid __________ directly produce buds that grow into gametophores. a. Gametophores b. Protonemata c. Antheridia d. Spores e. Archegonia

protonemata bc they develop and bud

Hox genes

provide positional information in an animal embryo. provide positional information, During animal embryonic development

The swim bladder of ray-finned fishes was probably modified from simple lungs of chondrichthyans. developed into lungs in saltwater provides for regulation of buoyancy. Two of the options are correct

provides for regulation of buoyancy.

purpose of notochord

provides skeletal support throughout chordate. Muscles work during swimming

Challenges to Land

scarce water, lack of structural support

Glaucophyte algae

still have peptidoglycan cell wall between their two membranes, Own genome, 15-20kB in length, No introns, Genes, rRNAs, tRNAs sequence comparisons ,


strong and durable and flexible polysaccharide

- & + outcomes=

strong selective force

Rocky intertidal zone

structural adaptations for hard substrates


structurally modified flagella

pollen grain

structure that contains the entire male gametophyte in seed plants


study of interactions by organisms and environment

abiotic factors may affect the distribution of organisms

temperature, water, oxygen, salinity, sunlight, soil

Two species of water lilies in the same pond do not interbreed because one blooms at night and the other during the day. The reproductive barrier between them is an example of ___

temporal isolation



myriapods characteristics

terrestrial, antennae, 3 appendages

The certainty of paternity is relatively low in most species with internal fertilization because

the acts of mating and birth (or mating and egg laying) are separated over time.

1. Apicomplexans are currently assigned to the SAR clade because __________. a. they have life cycles with both sexual and asexual stages b. they have true roots, stems, and leaves c. they are parasites d. the apicoplast, a modified plastid, appears to be of red algal origin e. Both the first and third responses are correct.

the apicoplast, a modified plastid, appears to be of red algal origin

Dispersion is

the pattern of spacing among individuals within the boundaries of the population.

logistic population growth

the per capita rate of population growth approaches zero as the population size nears the carrying capacity (K).

If you wanted to determine what percentage of the population of Thailand is less than 10 years old, you could look at ______

the population's age structure

The coefficient of relatedness between two brothers is ________

the same as the coefficient of relatedness between mother and daughter

Sponges lack what?

true tissues

Which of the following pairs of biomes is characterized by relatively simple food webs (low biological diversity)?

tundra and desert

intrasexual selection

two same sex organisms battling for a mate

Habitat isolation

two species of garter snakes occur in the same areas

which type of questions are indirect


garter snake and naked mole rats are an example of

ultimate causation

1. Green algae differ from land plants in that many green algae a. are heterotrophs. b. are unicellular. c. have plastids d. have alternation of generations. e. have cell walls containing cellulose.


microsporidians characteristics

unicellular Parasitic cells that form resistant spores synthesize chitin rich walls, reduced mitochondria, small genomes

1. Which pair of alternatives is highlighted by the life cycle of the cellular slime molds, such as Dictyostelium? a. prokaryotic or eukaryotic b. unicellular or multicellular c. diploid or haploid d. autotroph or heterotroph

unicellular or multicellular

ascomycetes examples

unicellular yeasts, cup fungi, plant pathogens

cryptomycetes characteristics

unicellular, flagellated spores, found in aerobic and anaerobic environments, parasites and protists

What is characteristic of the Archaeplastida supergroup

unicellular, related to green algae

Herring gulls fiercely defend the areas around their nests in cliff-top breeding colonies. Within the colony they would show a _____ dispersion pattern.


Herring gulls fiercely defend the areas around their nests in cliff-top breeding colonies. Within the colony they would show a __________ dispersion pattern.


Pine trees in a forest tend to shade and kill pine seedlings that sprout nearby. This causes the pine trees to __________.


o Which of the following taxonomic groups contains all the others? Amoebozoans, Unikonta, Opistokonts, Fungi, Animals


hydrothermal sea vents

volcanic origin with diverse prokaryotic organism with unique metabolic properties

salamander characteristics

walk side to side bending of body, paedomorphosis

Insects or other animals transfer pollen from one flower to the sex organs on another flower..

which makes pollination more directed than the wind-dependent pollination of most species of gymnosperms.

stimulus- response chain

which the response to each stimulus is itself a stimulus for the next behavior.

example of dispersal

while land-bound kangaroos have not reached Africa under their own power, other organisms that disperse more readily, such as some birds, have.

ultimate questions

why a behavior occurs in the context of natural selection.

Among the invertebrate phyla, phylum Arthropoda is unique in possessing members that have ____ cuticle ventral nerve cord wings segmented bodies


Sandy. intertidal zones

worms, crustaceans to bury in sand

reduce gametophytes

Microscopic male and female gametophytes are nourished and protected by sporophyte

chaparral characteristics

Mid latitude and coastal regions, Precipitation and temp is variable , Summer hot, fall. Winter cooler, Organisms adapted to fire, Animal grazing

Communities that exist in the aphotic zone ultimately depend on food manufactured by chemoautotrophic bacteria or ____

algae and cyanobacteria that live in the photic zone

Plankton consists of ___

algae, cyanobacteria, and animals that drift near the surfaces of oceans, lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams

Saclike gut

alimentary canal

Sponges lack __________. a. the ability to make organic compounds from CO2 and water b. a complete digestive tract c. a nervous system d. true tissues e. All of the listed responses are correct.

all a. the ability to make organic compounds from CO2 and water b. a complete digestive tract c. a nervous system d. true tissues


all ancestors of human since the split from ape lineage


all aquatic and include many species of clams, oysters, mussels, and scallops, hinged shell divided into two halves, gills used for feeding

Kin selection in naked mole rats

all individuals in colony closely related


all organisms living in a community and how they interact with abiotic factors (energy & nutrients)

Descent with modification

all organisms related through descent from an ancestor that lived in the remote past

The Galápagos finches collected by Darwin are thought to have descended from a very small parent population. Different species of finches that are confined to only one or two islands most likely arose by __

allopatric speciation

prokaryotic reproduction characteristics

binary fission, short generation time, exponential growth, considerable genetic variation

human impact of deserts

biodiversity by urbanization and farming

phylum arthropoda

chelicerates, myriapods, pancrustaceans


modification of behavior based on specific experiences

what is ecotone

overlap on climograph

biotic factors examples

plants, animals, protists, bacteria, fungi


"cephalochordata" sister group to chordates, blade-like shape, leaves burrow to swim to new locations


"true animals" have tissues, such as muscle tissue and nervous tissue

tunicates "urochordata"characteristics

'tail chordates'= tunicates, Widespread sessile marine organisms, Larva have all chordate traits, not adults

homosporous spore production

*most seedless vascular*§ Sporangium single spore bisexual gametophyte egg/sperm

angiosperm life cycle

- Gametophyte development - Pollination - Double fertilization - Seed development

Evolutionary advantage of seeds

-a seed may remain dormant until favorable conditions trigger germination -are a variety of dispersal agents: wind, animals, water -stored supply of food

purpose of pharyngeal slits or clefts

-allow water to enter the mouth and exit body without passing through digestive tract. Suspension- feeding in invertebrates

What distinguishes a coelomate animal from a pseudocoelomate animal is that coelomates _____ -have a body cavity and pseudocoelomates don't -have a body cavity lined with mesoderm and pseudocoelomates don't -have a digestive system with mouth and anus and pseudocoelomates don't -have a gut that lacks suspension while pseudocoelmates don't

-have a body cavity lined with mesoderm and pseudocoelomates don't

1. Which of the following adaptations is common to all seed plants? a. Pollen b. Ovules c. Heterospory d. reduced gametophytes e. All of the listed responses are correct.

. Pollen b. Ovules c. Heterospory d. reduced gametophyte

2. Which of the following best describes the function of fruits? a. reward for pollinators b. to distract herbivores from eating the leaves c. protection and dispersal of seeds d. food storage for the plant to use over the winter e. Depending on the plant species, any of the listed responses are possible.

. protection and dispersal of seeds


1. male parts of a flower 2. make pollen 3. pollen holds sperm cells

life cycle of a pine

1.) Each pine tree (mature sporophyte) (2n) has both ovulate and pollen cones 2.) microsporocytes produce haploid (n) microspores via meiosis. Microspore develops into a pollen grain (male gametophyte enclosed by the pollen wall) 3.) Ovulate cone has 2 ovules (2n) that each contain a megasporangium (2n) 4.) Pollination occurs when pollen grain reaches ovule through the microphyle. Pollen grain forms pollen tube that digests its way thru the megasporangium

how to interpret a life table

1000 sheep are born, reach an age of zero. Of those sheep, 54 will die before they reach 0.5 years of age. That makes for a death, or mortality, rate of 54/1000, or 0.054, which is recorded in the far-right column.

You are watching a movie in which one of the characters excitedly claims to have found human remains in Asia dated at 10 million years old. The date was obtained by carbon

14 dating. What is your reaction?- This can't possibly be true because carbon-14 dating can only be used back to about 75,000 years.

2 frogs would reproduce how many offspring per pair


1. A student encounters a pondweed which, judging from its appearance, seems to be a charophyte. She brings a sample back to her biology lab. Using only a compound light microscope to study the sample, which of the following features should help her to determine whether the sample comes from a charophyte or from some other type of green alga? 1. molecular structure of enzymes inside peroxisomes 2. structure of sperm cells 3. presence of phragmoplasts 4. rings of cellulose-synthesizing complexes a. 1 and 3 b. 1 and 4 c. 2 and 3 d. 1, 3, and 4 e. 2, 3, and 4

2, 3, and 4 2. structure of sperm cells 3. presence of phragmoplasts 4. rings of cellulose-synthesizing complexes

1. Beginning with the germination of a moss spore, what is the sequence of structures that develop after germination? 1. embryo 2. gametes 3. sporophyte 4. protonema 5. gametophore a. 4, 1, 3, 5,2 4, 3, 5, 2, 1 b. 4, 5, 2, 1, 3 c. 3, 4, 5, 2, 1 d. 3, 1, 4, 5, 2

4, 5, 2, 1, 3 protonema, gametophore, gamete, embryo, sporophyte

In a Hardy Weinberg population the frequency of allele a is 0.7. What is the % of that population is Aa 42 3 21 30


Establishing Protected Areas

7% of land = nature reserves, Placement/design of reserves (to balance human needs) pose many challenges

pathogen effects

= Disease-causing microorganisms, increase by global human travel, increase virulence in new environments

Net Primary Production equation

= GPP - Ra, Ra= energy of respiration of primary producers (autotrophs), NPP=What is available to next trophic level

ecosystem energy flow steps along way

= trophic levels

Terrestrial ecosystems

=> Temp, H20, soil nutrients (N/P

What is an example of an observation that Darwin made? Members of a population often vary in their inherited traits All species produce more offspring than an environment can support Use and disuse theory A and B

A and B

What does a branch point in a phylogenetic tree represent?

A branch point represents a point at which two evolutionary lineages split from a common ancestor.


A durable polymer that covers exposed zygotes of charophyte algae and forms the walls of plant spores, preventing them from drying out.

Which of the following populations probably exhibits exponential growth?

A fruit fly population that recently arrived on a lush mid-oceanic island previously inhabited only by plants


A leaflike structure that protects and encloses the bud of a flower.

Cytoplasmic Membrane Structure

A lipid bilayer with proteins embedded, Selectively permeable

Which of the following is a fixed action pattern?

A stickleback fish attacks a wood block with a red bottom.


A structure that develops within the ovary of a seed plant and contains the female gametophyte.

Which of the following best illustrates optimal foraging?

A sunbird will more fiercely defend flowers that produce more food.

Which of the following sex and generation combinations most directly produces the pollen tube?A) male gametophyte B) female gametophyte C) male sporophyte D) female sporophyte

A) male gametophyte

Some cnidarians go through both a motile stage and a sessile (attached) stage during their life cycle. The attached stage is called A. polyp B. medusa C. larva D. embryo E. mesoglea

A. polyp

the phosphorus cycle biological importance

ATP, DNA, phospholipids

Every environment characterized by

Abiotic factors and Biotic factors

Arthropods have what

CHITINOUS EXOSKELETON bilateral symmetry, body segmentation, a complete digestive system, and an open circulatory system, and they molt when they grow.

what is mimicry

Advantages for predators too!, Mimicry evolution allows may predators to approach prey

heterokaryotic stage

After the fusion of the mycelia, some cells contain two genetically distinct haploid nuclei that do not fuse right away. Mycelia are fused but nuclei are not

What do Hox genes have to do with the evolution of jaws?

All common ancestors of gnathostomes have duplication of hox genes, Enhanced forebrain, sense of smell and vision

Allele frequencies can be altered by __________. Genetic drift Gene flow Natural selection All of the above

All of the above

During his voyage around the world, Darwin was inspired to think about evolution by fossils he collected the works of others such as Lamarck the unique organisms he saw in the Galápagos Islands All of the above

All of the above

Plasmids __________. often contain antibiotic resistance genes replicate independently of the main chromosome can be involved in transfer of genetic material between prokaryotic cells are transferred from one bacterium to another by conjugation All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

the nitrogen cycle processes driving movement

Ammonification, nitrification, denitrification

associative learning

Animals associate one feature of their environment with another

1. Which of the following is true of the life cycle of mosses? a. The haploid generation grows on the sporophyte generation. b. Spores are primarily distributed by water currents. c. Antheridia and archegonia are produced by gametophytes. d. The sporophyte generation is dominant. e. The growing embryo gives rise to the gametophyte.

Antheridia and archegonia are produced by gametophytes.

Limits to Primary Production

Aquatic ecosystems => Light & nutrients (N/P), Sewage & agricultural runoff => Eutrophication

wetland characteristics

Area often saturated in water, Plants adaptations for excess water, Nutrients in these areas with periodic depletion of oxygen, Flooding, Most productive biomes, Bacteria, photosynthetic organisms, Lilies, cat tails, cypress, spruce, invertebrates, birds, otters

Which phylum is characterized by animals that have a segmented body? Cnidaria Arthropoda Platyhelminthes Mollusca


Allometric growth

As organism grows, its body proportions change


As seeds develop from ovules after fertilization, the ovary wall thickens, and the ovary matures

Seeds contain all of the following EXCEPT A. a seed coat .B. an endosperm. C. an embryo. D. a pollen grain. E. triploid tissue.

D. a pollen grain.


Asks questions about how organisms relate


Assemblage of various species living close enough together for interaction

positive interactions

At least one species benefit, and neither is harmed

Annelids __________. a. include leeches, earthworms, and flatworms b. have a mouth that is separate from the anus c. use their pseudocoeloms as hydrostatic skeletons d. have characteristically long bodies with external, but not internal, segmentation e All of the listed responses are correct.

B. have a mouth that is separate from the anus

Allometric growth example

Baby head is bigger than body

Which of the following is NOT an abiotic factor that an organism could come into contact with?

Bacteria (bc it is living)

life cycle of basidiomycota

Basidio haploid cell, Spores germinate and make mycelia. Mycelia can grow in all directions. Mycelia of opposite mating type fuse together and continue to divide as dikaryotic mycelia. Make basidiocarp from mitosis Basidiocarps (n+n) 2 unfused haploid nuclei. Under gills, cells that hang down called basidia. Only cells that undergo karyogamy to make diploid nuclei. Then meiosis and get 4 products (basidiospores). They snap off and float out of gills

optimal model

Behavior as a compromise between benefits and costs, To survival & reproduction

behavioral ecology

Behavior as evolutionary adaptation to the environment, focused on ultimate questions

habitat fragmentation

Beneficial for some species, But generally, reduces overall biodiversity, Aided by 'movement corridors'

social behavior benefits

Better hunting success, Food sharing, Increased vigilance, Mates easy to find, Assisting kin

arthropods characteristics

Bilateral symmetry, Triploblasts. Alimentary canal, coelomate, Jointed appendages, Exoskeleton of chitin, Complex organs, including true terrestrial forms, Very diverse group, open circulatory


Bilateria (triploblastic)- Planaria, Bilateral symmetry, Cephalization (head), Sac-like gut, Acoelomate (but gastrovascular cavity)

key strategies of restoration ecology

Bioremediation, Biological augmentation, Keystone species

Species interactions important to community composition example

Black rush affects community diversity by making the soil more hospitable

common vs golden spiny mouse

Both naturally nocturnal , Where they coexist, golden spiny mouse becomes diurnal

community is described as

Boundaries of area, Dominant conditions, Dominant species


Bristlelike surface fibers, Tight adhesion

biological diversity

Can be hard to determine # and abundance in rare, hard to ID, or highly motile species

introduced species effect of biodiversity

Can be intention or unintentional, Intentional introduction of kudzu in US, Without native predators, parasites & pathogens, species can spread rapidly!

radiocarbon dating

Carbon 14, After an organism dies, C14 level doesn't change, less amount of C14 means it is old

characteristics of chondrichthyans

Cartilage fish, restricted distribution of bone is a derived condition, largest and diverse group consists of sharks, rays, Dense bodies (sink or swim), Variation of reproduction

Which of the following is characteristic of protostomes?

Cell fate is determined early during embryonic development.

what cell features ALL cells possess?

Cell membrane, DNA, ribosomes, cytoplasm

food webs

Chain lengths limited by energy constraints

1. In animal cells and in the meristem cells of land plants, the nuclear envelope disintegrates during mitosis. This disintegration does not occur in the cells of most protists and fungi. According to our current knowledge of plant evolution, which group of organisms should feature mitosis most similar to that of land plants? a. unicellular green algae b. Cyanobacteria c. Charophytes d. red algae e. multicellular green algae


Bacteria do not always swim aimlessly but are attracted by such nutrients such as sugar and amino acids, and are repelled by harmful substances and bacterial waste products. Movement toward chemical attractants and away from repellents is called, gliding motility Chemotaxis tumbling Spirochetes flagellar partitioning


mollusk examples

Chitons, gastropods, bivalves, cephalopods

Sex pilus/pili

Conjugation between cells

Major factors delimiting Terrestrial biomes

Climate (temp. & precip.)

mollusks characteristics

Coelomate, Alimentary canal, Some with trochophore lava, Terrestrial forms with lungs,In protostome development, the blastopore becomes the mouth

genetic recombination

Combining DNA from two sources, Contributes to diversity, Transformation, transduction, and conjugation

Role of Disturbance

Communities constantly changing, Man-made vs. natural disturbances (glacier/storms/fires), Varying frequency/intensity

species biodiversity

Community level, Endangered- endangered extinction throughout lifetime, Threatened- likely to become endangered in the future, 12% of birds & 21% of mammals = threatened

social behavior cons

Competition for food, Competition for mates, Increased conspicuousness, Increased disease

nutrient cycling Rates variable

Controlled by temp, H2O & nutrient availability, Dependent on decomposers (detritivores)

how air and rain flow in. mountains

Cool air flow during the day, then warm air cools over mountain and releases moisture (rain), cool dry air absorbs and descends (rain shadow)

streams/rivers characteristics

Current, Waters first come is headwater. Cold, O2 rich, Downstream: warmer, well O2, Bottom is silty, Diversity of fish, invertebrates

3 layers in cell envelope

Cytoplasmic membrane (ALL) cell wall (most), outermembrane (some)

Some digestion in sponges takes place in the __________. )A. gastrointestinal tract B. spongocoel C. osculum D. amoebocytes E. gastrovascular cavity

D. amoebocytes

Consider the following list of animals: giant squid, earthworm, largemouth bass, snail, tapeworm, coral, and starfish. The two that belong to the same phylum are the __________, and their phylum is __________.

D. giant squid and snail ... Mollusca

Tapeworms are highly specialized worms that make their living as endoparasites. To which of the following phyla do the tapeworms belong?

D. phylum Platyhelminthes

The gametophyte of mosses has two stages. During the first stage, there is a branching of filament cells called the A. antheridium. B. archegonium. C. rhizoid. D. protonema. E. sori.

D. protonemata

Haploid spores are produced in the ___ of a moss .A. sori B. antheridia C. archegonia D. sporangium E. anther

D. sporangium

semiannual lake turnover

Mixing of the water, more oxygenated water at surface with nutrient rich at the bottom

Evidence of major evolutionary changes come from

DNA, fossils, lice


Darwin predicted Madagascar an insect, it was found after his death · Universal traits of land plants- alteration of generations, multicellular dependent embryos, walled spores produced in sporangia, apical meristems

Permian extinction

Defines boundary between Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, Caused extinction of 96% if marine animal species causes was volcanism, global warming

sexual selection

Differences in mating success = differences in reproductive success

climate change

Directional change to the global climate, Lasting three or more decades

savanna characteristics

Distributed sub equatorial and equatorial, Precipitation is seasonal, Dry seasons can last long, Warm temps but seasonal variation, plant species have to be fire adapted for fires and seasonal. Drought, Large herbivores are common but insects more common

Watching squirrels in the park, you start to wonder why they act so oddly. One squirrel bit the tail of another. Which of the following is a question about the proximate cause of this behavior?

Does the presence of a tail close by cause a squirrel to bite?

Why are many of the world's deserts located at latitudes between 30°N and 30°S?

Dry air, originating at the equator, descends toward Earth's surface between 30°N latitude and 30°S latitude.

evolutionary trends of mammals

Duplication of hox genes, jaws, limbs, amniotic egg, protected skin, warm blooded


During development the mouth of deuterostomes develops from an opening into the embryonic gut other than the blastopore, which develops into the anus.

Which sequence is correct in the life cycle of alternation of generations? A. gametophyte spores sporophyte B. gametophyte gametes spores sporophyte C. gametophyte gametes zygote spores sporophyte D. gametophyte spores gametes zygote sporophyte E. gametophyte gametes zygote sporophyte spores

E. gametophyte gametes zygote sporophyte spores

Biomass Pyramid

Each tier = dry mass of all org's in trophic level

how climate varies with seasons

Earth is at constant tilt of 23.5 as it rotates, it stays the same , Towards poles, more variation in where the sun hits the earth

Consequences of inefficiency in energy production

Eating lower on food chain can support more individuals

Which of the following is a characteristic of cnidarians? Triploblastic bodies Mesoderm Bilateral symmetry A lack of true tissues Ectoderm and endoderm

Ectoderm and endoderm

Fossil record characteristics

Emergence of terrestrial vertebrates, Impact of mass extinctions, Origin of key adaptions (flight)

Measures of Primary Production

Energy per unit area per unit time (J/m2/yr), Biomass added per unit area per unit time (g/ m2/yr)

Cytoplasmic Membrane Structure Serves as a site for

Energy reactions, Nutrient processing

The Water Cycle Biological Importance

Essential to all life

spatial learning

Establishment of a memory (cognitive map) that reflects the environment's spatial structure

the first eukaryotes

Eukaryotic cells have nuclear envelope, mitochondria, ER & cytoskeleton, Eukaryotes originated by endosymbiosis

Which of the following describes fungi? Eukaryotic phototrophs with rigid cell walls Eukaryotic nonphototrophs with rigid cell walls Prokaryotic nonphototrophs with rigid cell walls Prokaryotic phototrophs with no rigid cell walls

Eukaryotic nonphototrophs with rigid cell walls

what is vertical layering

Important feature of terrestrial biomes, Provides diverse habitats for animals, Periodic disturbance

the water cycle processes driving movement

Evaporation, transpiration, precipitation, condensation, etc.

how mountains affect sunlight and temp

Every 1,000-m increase in elevation = ~6ºC decrease in temperature

Example of circannual rhythm

Every spring robins gather in the park to build nests and reproduce.

character displacement

Evolution favors splitting up niches between competitors


Evolutionary history of species /group of organisms

Animals that possess homologous structures probably __________. Evolved from a common ancestor are headed for extinction are not related have increased genetic variation

Evolved from a common ancestor

example of species biodiversity

Ex. Coastal red wood ecosystem

Fossil record is biased in favor of species that

Existed for a long time, Were abundant and widespread, Had hard parts such as skeletons, teeth or shells

If two species are close competitors, and one species is experimentally removed from the community, the remaining species could be expected to

Expand its realized niche

threats to biodiversity

Extinction is a natural event, higher than normal = Biodiversity crisis, 1000+ species extinct in last 400 yr

seedless vascular plants

Ferns, § plants in each clade lack seeds but collectively the two clades are called

Which of the following is characteristic of oligotrophic lakes?

Few littoral plants and a low density of phytoplankton

Disturbance is hypothesized to be the most beneficial in terms of increasing biodiversity at

Moderate levels

Why is the amniotic egg considered an important evolutionary breakthrough? It has a shell that increases gas exchange. It allows deposition of eggs in a terrestrial environment. It prolongs embryonic development. tt permits internal fertilization to be replaced by external fertilization.

It allows deposition of eggs in a terrestrial environment.

What is the importance of turnover in temperate lakes?

It brings oxygen-rich water to the bottom and nutrient-rich water to the surface.

Which of the following statements best defines an altruistic act?

It immediately benefits another individual at some cost to the performer.

what is microclimate

Fine, localized patterns in climate

evolution of mammalia

First ones were tiny insectivores and nocturnal, By early cretaceous

Human impacts on earth

Nutrient enrichment, Toxin accumulation, Climate change, Ozone depletion

population conservation

Focus efforts on population size, genetic diversity & critical habitat

declining population approach

Focus on threatened/endangered pop.'s that show decreasing trend, Regardless of size, Emphasize environmental factors that cause decline

water circulation

Global circulation of ocean surface water, reflective of wind patterns

One reason that deserts tend to be found at 30oN and 30oS latitudes is that

Global wind and pressure patterns affect where rain falls


Foreign 'naked' DNA is up taken by a 'competent' cell, Facilitated by DNA-binding proteins on cell wall


Formation of new alleles, altering gene number or position

coral reefs characteristics

Formed from calcium carbonate skeletons of coral, Requirements: High o2 and solid substrates, Lots of diversity of organism that can live here, Are animals

Which of the following pairs is NOT a correct match? Chondrichthyes, great white shark Mammalia, kangaroo Osteichthyes, perch Gnathostomata, hagfish

Gnathostomata, hagfish

Elemental Reservoirs Defined by

Organic vs. inorganic materials, Materials directly available for use?

main characteristics of tetrapods

Four feet, digits transmit muscle generate forces to ground when walking, head separated from body by neck, except for fully aquatic species, they do not have gills

Which of these is NOT one of the criteria for maintaining Hardy Weinberg equilibrium? Gene ow must be zero Very large populations Random mating Frequency of all genotypes must be zero

Frequency of all genotypes must be zero


Fusion of two haploid nuclei to form a diploid nucleus then undergoes meiosis. Occurs in many fungi, and in animals and plants during fertilization of gametes

biogeochemical cycle more mobile elements =>

Gaseous C, N occur in atmosphere

What is the first thing that must happen in order for speciation to occur?

Gene flow between populations must be interrupted.

At which point in the adaptation of a population is it clear that speciation has occurred Gene pool changes establish reproductive barriers between two populations. Viable, fertile hybrids occur. An allopatric separation occurs. All of the above

Gene pool changes establish reproductive barriers between two populations.

At which point in the adaptation of a population is it clear that speciation has occurred?

Gene pool changes establish reproductive barriers between two populations.

Fish Consumption Advisories for steelhead

General public: Up to 22 inches: 1meal/week, Over 22 inches: 1 meal/month, Women/Children- Never

Adaptive radiation can be a direct consequence of three of the following four factors. Select the exception. Vacant ecological niches Genetic drift Colonization of an isolated region that contains suitable habitat and few competitor species Evolutionary innovation

Genetic drift


Genetic material is transferred between prokaryotic cells

how to write binomial nomenclature

Genus (capitalized) + specific epithet (lowercase), Typed names = italicized, Handwritten = underlined

Shannon Diversity Index

H = - (pA ln pA + pB ln pB + pC ln pC + ...) p=abundance

habitat loss effect of biodiversity

Habitat fragmentation in foothills of LA, 70% of coral reefs damaged by humans

characteristics of mammalia

Have mammary glands for offspring, offspring is fed with milk, hair and fat provides insulation and protection, kidneys help conserve water, internal fertilization

restoration ecology

Help return degraded ecosystems to a more natural state

sea otter case study

High mortality rate recently, impact fishing

population ecology

How biotic/abiotic factors influence abundance, dispersion, and age structure of populations


How community changes after disturbance

ultimate causation major question

How does the behavior aid survival and reproduction? What is the behavior's evolutionary history?

vertebrate characteristics

Hox genes and others duplicated, Neural crest cells during development, Skeletal system, More complex nervous system, Eventually fins and legs

temperate broadleaf forest characteristics

IN, Midlatitude, Northern hemisphere, Lots of rainfall or snow, Winters freezing, summers very hot, Vertical layering in this biome, deciduous trees , Northern hemisphere- animals migrate and birds

porifera (sponges) characteristics

INVERTEBRATE, No symmetry, no tissues, Filter (suspension) feeder, split between eumetazoa, sedentary

Biogeochemical cycles

Involve biotic & abiotic components

cnidaria characteristics

Include jellies, Radial symmetry, Two tissue layers, No head/brain but nerve (diploblast), Nervous system like net, Predator with sac-like digestive cavity

U.S. Human Survivorship

Infant mortality is not provident enough Average life expectancy is increasing

Theory of Serial Endosymbiosis

Ingested/symbiotic prokaryotes living in in larger cells,

Examples of Secondary production efficiencies

Insects 40%, Caterpillar 33/100J = 33%, Fish 10%, Birds and mammals 1-3%

horizontal gene transfer

Interchange of genes between organisms in different domains

Intraspecific vs. interspecific competition

Intra- same animals, interspecific competition = between two species

Why are big, predatory animals rare? Most big, predatory animals are tertiary consumers, which implies that:

It's hard for an ecosystem to support many of them because so much energy is lost at each level of energy exchange

A variety of opossum that lives on an island with no predators lives much longer than its relatives on the mainland, even when both are kept safely in a zoo. The island variant's genes have been selected for slow aging, whereas the mainland variant's genes have been selected for quick reproduction. The island opossum exhibits __________ selection, and the mainland opossum exhibits __________ selection.


What do sea urchins eat?


A __________ is a chordate but not a vertebrate. Shark Lamprey sea star Lancelet Frog


Community and Ecosystem biodiversity

Larger ecosystem, Entire landscape, region, Human activity is effecting this

Soil Nutrients

Levels dependent on decomposition rates

Nutrient Cycling

Life depends on recycling chemical elements!

what is a biome

Life zones characterized by vegetation type (terrestrial biomes) or physical environment (aquatic biomes)

what is kin selection

Natural selection that thus favors altruism by enhancing the reproductive success of relatives

They saw ___ in serial endosymbiosis

Organelles and bacteria similar in size, Mitochondria and chloroplasts- binary fission,

nonhuman apes

Lineage diverged from old world monkey lineage 25-30 MYA, Humans share most recent common ancestor with this group, Hominids

cross fostering mice example

Male California mice are highly aggressive toward other mice. male white-footed mice are less aggressive. male California mice raised by white-footed mice were less aggressive toward intruders.


Mammary glands, Internal fertilization most viviparous, Hair, Differentiation of teeth

Which of the following is a key observation that must be explained in a unifying theory about life All living things require oxygen to survive. Organisms are rarely well-suited to their environments. Evolution is based on descent with modication. Many basic characteristics are shared by all living things

Many basic characteristics are shared by all living things

heterosporous spore production

Megasporangium on Megasporophyll --> Megaspore --> Female Gametophyte ---> Eggs Microsporangium on microsporophyll --> microspore --> Male Gametophyte ---> Sperm

Physical features of landscapes influence biodiversity

Many species use more than on kind of ecosystem, Border species

sand dune succession example

Marram Grass (~6-20 yr) > Grass/Cottonwood > Conifers (~50-100 yr) > Black oak/hickory (~100-150 yr)

Keystone Species example

Marram grass facilitates colonization of other plants by stabilizing sand

mating choice

Mating behavior = higher reproductive success, Attracting, choosing between & competing for mates and caring for offspring

eutherian anthropoids

Monkeys, Great Apes, Chimpanzees

DNA analysis of living human population

Nuclear FOXP2 gene for language (many changes in last 200,000 years), Mitochondrial DNA 9eve, 200,000 years ago in Africa), Y- chromosome (changes suggest migration from Africa)


Movement of genes between bacteria by phages

Sand Dune Succession

Moving away from shore is like moving back in time,

mollusk 3 main parts

Muscular foot (large muscle for movement), Visceral mass (internal organs), Mantle (secretes shell)

What is the ultimate form of variation in living organisms? Mutation Sexual reproduction Genetic drift Natural selection


You can buy mycorrhizal fungus to add to soil when you plant trees and other plants. Why would you want to do this? Mycorrhizal fungi prevent transposons from accumulating in plant cells. Mycorrhizal fungi assist plants in the absorption of essential nutrients. Mycorrhizal fungi produce carbohydrates needed by plants. Mycorrhizal fungi live in plant leaves and produce toxins that discourage herbivores.

Mycorrhizal fungi assist plants in the absorption of essential nutrients.

the nitrogen cycle available form

N2 gas can be fixed by bacteria, Ammonium or nitrate for plant uptake, Animals can only use organic nitrogen

the nitrogen cycle

N2 in atmosphere, fixed (g to available in water/land) in natural way through microorganisms, Fixation in root nodules- can fix nitrogen, Assimilated- made in organic forms by plant, Humans make fertilizer using nitrogen

the nitrogen cycle biological importance

Nucleic acid, all living organisms need DNA or RNA, Part of amino acids/proteins

Populations at theory's equilibrium must satisfy 5 conditions

No net mutations, Random mating, No natural selection, Very Large Population Size, No migrations (gene flow)

northern coniferous forest characteristics

North America, Largest terrestrial biome on earth, Precipitation variable, periodic drought, Conifers and main vegetation, Animals are migratory- birds, Large mammals and birds- moose, brown bears, tigers

Keystone species

Not as abundant

Plasmodial Slime molds

Not multicellular. A type of protist that has amoeboid cells, flagellated cells, and an amoeboid plasmodial feeding stage in its life cycle.

benefits of prokaryotes

O2, temp, decomp, digestion, vitamins, bioremediation

the water cycle Major reservoirs

Ocean -97 glaciers- 2, lakes

early multicellular eukaryotes

Oldest fossils of multicellular eukaryotes are small red algae ~1.2 BYA, Larger, more diverse soft-bodied organisms

How are fossils dated

Order of fossils in rock strata- order they were formed, Relative fossils ages inferred, but NOT actual ages


One species kills another for food (predation/herbivory), Or derives resources from living host, harming it (parasitism)

biodiversity hotspot challenges

Only a small fraction of earth's surface, Never includes all taxonomic groups, Biased towards vertebrates and plants, Conditions may change over time

what is coexistence

Only if there are 1+ significant differences in their niches

2. Of the following, which is a difference in how reproduction occurs in gymnosperms compared to angiosperms? a. Only the sperm of angiosperms combine with two central cell nuclei to form triploid endosperm. b. Only gymnosperms can contain male and female sporangia on the same plant. c. Only angiosperms have reduced gametophytes. d. Only angiosperm pollen grains form pollen tubes. e. Double fertilization only occurs in gymnosperms

Only the sperm of angiosperms combine with two central cell nuclei to form triploid endosperm.

Primary production

Only way energy enters living systems, Entire ecosystem dependent on PP

ocean pelagic zone characteristics

Open ocean water, top layer constantly mixed by wind, more o2, Deeper gets less turnover, more pressure, less nutrients, Covers 70% of earth's surface, Largest biome, Drifters: plankton, plant drifters form food source, Fish, turtle, marine mammals

birds and mammals came when

Originated during the Mesozoic, Radiated after extinction of dinosaurs

genes and environment

Our behavior reflects a combination of both genetics and environmental conditioning

ozone depletion impact

Ozone protects earth from damaging UV, Layer decrease 2-10% mid-latitudes past 20 years, Human-produced CFCs decrease ozone

What era did the Cambrian explosion occur in?

Paleozoic Era

The correct order of the geologic eras, from most ancient to most recent, is ___

Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic

_________ fungi absorb nutrients from living organisms Parasitic Mutualistic Decomposer The first and second responses are both correct.

Parasitic and Mutualistic

life history traits

Patterns in survival & reproduction in populations, offspring. and reproduction, Age at first reproduction

intertidal zones characteristics

Periodically submerged based on tides, Rocky, sandy, fully covered sometimes or no water, Constant change of conditions like 02 and nutrients, salt levels, Mechanical forces make tides strong, Sponges, sea amenities, small fish

Pheasants do not feed their chicks. Immediately after hatching, a pheasant chick starts pecking at seeds and insects on the ground. How might a behavioral ecologist explain the ultimate cause of this behavior? Pheasants learned to peck, and their offspring inherited this behavior. Pecking is the result of imprinting during a critical period. Pecking is a fixed action pattern (FAP). Pheasants that pecked survived and reproduced best.

Pheasants that pecked survived and reproduced best.

the carbon cycle processes driving movement

Photosynthesis- moves from inorganic to organic, Burning fossil fuels, respiration

the carbon cycle available form

Photosynthetic organisms Co2 convert to organic molecules, Organic molecules consumed by heterotrophs

Major factors limiting Aquatic biomes

Physical and chemical environment (like salt)

Colonization of Land

Plants & fungi likely colonized land together, Fossilized plants show evidence of mutually beneficial associations with fungi (mycorrhizae)

radiata bilateria split

Radial symmetry- slice any direction with mirror image, Bilateral symmetry- 2 halves when cut

biotic factors may affect the distribution of organisms

Predation, Herbivory, Competition, Mutualism, Parasitism

why do we care about biodiversity

Preserve diversity for future generations, Importance to agriculture, medicine, Virus resistance gene found in wild rice varieties, Rosy periwinkle has cancer-inhibiting compounds, 25% of prescriptions in US derived from plants!

cognition and solving problems

Process of knowing that involves awareness, reasoning, recollection, and judgment

Trophic Efficiency

Production at one level compared to production at previous level, Generally, ~10% (90% not transferred to next level)

Why is salt a good preservative to use for foods such as pork and fish? Salt breaks down the peptidoglycan found in the capsule of prokaryotes. Salt breaks down the chitin contained in the cell walls of prokaryotes. Salt is a toxin to prokaryotic cells and leads to their death. Prokaryotic cells living in the food will shrink from their cell walls, impacting their ability to reproduce. Prokaryotes living in the food products will take in excess water and explode.

Prokaryotic cells living in the food will shrink from their cell walls, impacting their ability to reproduce.

tropical forest characteristics

Rain is constant but some have seasonal effects, Temp is high year-round due to where the sun is hitting more directly, and the tilt isn't affecting

adaptive radiation

Rapid evolution of diversely adapted species, from a common ancestor, when new environment comes available

r selection colonizers

Rapid growth, Early maturity, Many, small offspring, Little parental care

limitations to associative learning

Rats can associate bad food with smell, but not sight/sound

Which of the following sets of animals contains only gnathostomes?

Rays, turtles, pigeons, and tuna

zoopagomycetes characteristics

Resistant zygosporangium as sexual stageform filamentous hyphae and reproduce asexually by producing nonflagellated spores

the phosphorus cycle

Rocks- weathered, phosphorus enters soil, can be up taken by plants in phosphate, Organic form- when consumers have access , Leached into water systems

Primary Succession on Sand Dunes

Sand blows into dune along shore of Lake Michigan, As lake recedes, vegetation colonizes them

__________ are members of the phylum __________ and feed by __________.

Sea anemones ... Cnidaria ... using stinging cells to capture small animals that venture too close to them

marine benthic zone characteristics

Seafloor, Organisms vary by area they are in, Hydrothermal sea vents

temperate grassland characteristics

Seasonal precipitation, Cold winters, below freezing, hot summers, Flowering plants, Fires common and droughts, Grazing animals such as horses, bison

1. Which of the following best states the advantages that seeds have over spores? a. Seeds can survive even in conditions that are unfavorable for the parent plants. b. Seeds contain embryonic plants, an abundant food supply, and a protective covering. c. Seeds are single cells, demanding fewer nutrients from the parent plants. d. Seeds can survive for extended periods of time at reduced metabolic rates. e. Most seeds are poisonous; therefore, they are not consumed by animals and persist in the environment for long periods of time.

Seeds contain embryonic plants, an abundant food supply, and a protective covering.

Stromatolites characteristics

Segmented rock formed with prokaryotic organisms

killer whales

Several otter whale attacks sighted in 1990's

Selection that acts over evolutionary time to preserve traits that increase an individual's ability to mate is? Sexual selection Directional selection Stabilizing selection Balancing selection

Sexual selection

basidiomycota "club fungi"

Sexual spores produced in basidia, Fruiting bodies are basidiocarps. Decomposers of wood

darwin's natural selection

Showed patterns in the natural world, Explained process of natural selection, testable, not falsified

how do fungi get to food locally

Single spore landed in middle of ring and spore began to grow mycelium underground and expanded. To reproduce, they came up

resource partitioning

Slight variations in niche allow similar species to coexist

k selection competitors

Slow growth, Long maturation time, Few, large offspring, Lots of parental care

The average human birth weight ranges between 7-8 pounds. Which of these explains the observation Diversifying selection Genetic drift Directional selection Stabilizing selection

Stabilizing selection

1. List a characteristic from the Stramenopiles, Alveolates, and Rhizarion subgroups of SAR.

Stramenopile- most photosynthetic, hair like projections paired with smooth, 3 groups alveolates- membrane enclosed sac, apicomplexans (go through animal wall) photosynthetic, parasites, have dinoflagellates rhizaria- has most amoebas

small population approach

Studies processes that cause extinctions in decreasing populations

what is the differences between the curves

The Type I curve, illustrated by the large mammals, tracks organisms that tend to live long lives the Type II curve considers birds, mice, and other organisms characterized by a relatively constant mortality or survivorship rate throughout their life expectancies. The Type III curve, small mammals, fishes, and invertebrates, is the opposite: it describes organisms with a high death rate (or low survivorship rate) immediately following birth.

one theory of killer whales eating otters

Switched to feeding on smaller mammals due to past overexploitation by commercial whalers, But need to eat many, many more to survive


System of information transfer through observation or teaching that influences behavior (and fitness) of individuals in a population

binomial nomenclature

System of taxonomy based on resemblances, Linneaus

semi in vitro pollination

Take ovules, scoop them out, put on Jello, took stigma and put pollen grains on it, pollen grains formed tubes, decapitated style and put head on jello

gnathostomes characteristics

Teeth and jaws help grip food, Phalangeal slits are more used for gas exchange, Enhanced forebrain, sense of smell and vision, Lateral line system

earth's climate

Temperature, precipitation, sun, wind, Varies by latitude and season, Determined by position relative to sun

Seasons on Earth in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are caused by

The angle of the sun's rays striking Earth changing as the Earth orbits the sun with a constant tilt

reproductive rate

The average number of offspring that a female produces during her lifetime

Which of the following is true about the phylum Cnidaria? a. This phylum has more species than any other phylum. b. The bodies of cnidarians are bilaterally symmetrical and show cephalization. c. All cnidarians except corals are in the medusa stage. d. The bodies of its members are organized around a gastrovascular cavity. e. All of the listed responses are correct.

The bodies of its members are organized around a gastrovascular cavity.

what is true about the phylum Cnidaria

The bodies of its members are organized around a gastrovascular cavity.

Which of the following describes the distribution of survivorship or mortality for a population that has a Type II survivorship curve?

The chance of death is roughly constant over all ages.

Ants carry dead ants out of an anthill and dump them on a "trash" pile. If a chemical from a dead ant is applied to a live ant, other ants will carry it, kicking and struggling, from the anthill, until the substance wears off. Which of the following explains this behavior? The ants are responding to a circadian clock. The ants have become imprinted on the chemical. The ants can only learn by operant conditioning. The chemical is a sign stimulus for a fixed action pattern. The ants are following a stimulus-response chain

The chemical is a sign stimulus for a fixed action pattern.

With each cycle, consider

The chemical's biological importance, The form in which each chemical is available for use, The chemical's major reservoir, Key processes driving movement of each chemical

Endosymbiosis of Chloroplasts

The chloroplasts of eukaryotes evolved from endosymbiotic cyanobacteria

A blackcap warbler from a captive migratory population is mated with another blackcap warbler from a captive nonmigratory population. The lab-reared offspring exhibit a modest amount of migratory restlessness. This behavior, which is intermediate between that of the two parents, could be interpreted as evidence for which of the following statements?

The differences in migratory behavior among populations are influenced by genetic differences among the populations.


The female reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of the stigma, style, and ovary.

Which of the following statements about biomes is correct?

The major factors affecting the distribution of biomes are temperature and precipitation.

characteristic of sponges

They consist of two layers of cells with a noncellular gelatinous layer between them. They have collar cells. They have holes, or pores, in specialized cells, through which water enters.

Animal behavior is governed by complex interactions between ________

genetic and environmental factors

evolutionary. consequences of competition

The more niches overlap, the more likely competition will occur

Which of the following choices is an expression of a population density?

The number of Paramecium caudatum in a 250-mL solution in a glass flask

life cycle of a pine

The pine tree is the sporophyte and produces sporangia in male and female cones Small cones produce microspores called pollen grains, each of which contains a male gametophyte The familiar larger cones contain ovules, which produce megaspores that develop into female gametophytes It takes nearly three years from cone production to mature seed

Which of these is true about the pocket mice? The appearance of dark volcanic rock caused a mutation for dark fur As a species, mice are evolving dark fur The same mutation could be advantageous in some environments but not others All are true

The same mutation could be advantageous in some environments but not others

Which choice below describes a feature of grassland that explains why its remnants are concentrated in arid regions of North America and central Asia?

The soil is fertile, and most grassland has been converted to farmland.

ecological niche is

The sum of all resource needs of a particular species, abiotic and biotic

What evidence supports the hypothesis that mitochondria and plastids evolved from prokaryotic endosymbionts?

They have a single circular chromosome similar to bacterial chromosomes., Their ribosomes are more like prokaryotic ribosomes than eukaryotic ribosomes.

Which of these statements is true about cnidarians? They are segmented They have three tissue layers They have a single opening that acts as both a mouth and anus They can exist in two stages: the polyp and choanocyte stage

They have a single opening that acts as both a mouth and anus

1. Which of the following statements is true of archegonia? a. They are the sites where male gametes are produced. b. They may temporarily contain sporophyte embryos. c. They are the same as sporangia. d. They are the ancestral versions of animal gonads. e. They are asexual reproductive structures.

They may temporarily contain sporophyte embryos.

How do cnidarians feed?

They use those tentacles to capture prey and push food into the gastrovascular cavity.

In cross-fostering experiments, offspring of two species are switched early in development and reared by the opposite species. They are then compared with similar offspring reared by their own species. What is the point of this experimental design?

This experimental design attempts to distinguish between the effects of genetics and those of the environment.

What could a climograph be used for?

To compare the temperature and precipitation of different biomes

Gross Primary Production

Total amount of sunlight converted to chemical energy per unit time

Intrasexual selection

Traits that increase survival/reproduction increase

estuaries characteristics

Transition between river and sea, Salinity varies. Low tide is less salt water, Form a complex network of tidal channels, levy's, Nutrient rich, highly productive, Types of grasses adapted to salt like algae, Attracts invertebrates bc lots of food

communication between animals

Transmission and reception of signals between animals

Which of the following is an example of a postzygotic reproductive barrier? The sperm of a marine worm can only fertilize eggs of the same species One species of frog mates in April, but another mates in May. One species of flower grows in forested areas, another in meadows. Two fruit flies of different species produce sterile offspring

Two fruit flies of different species produce sterile offspring

Which of the following is an example of a postzygotic reproductive barrier?

Two fruit flies of different species produce sterile offspring.

An oak tree produces thousands of acorns, but very few grow into mature oak trees. The oak tree exhibits a _____ survivorship curve.

Type III

An oak tree produces thousands of acorns, but very few grow into mature oak trees. The oak tree exhibits a __________ survivorship curve

Type III


Use organisms to organisms to add essential materials to a degraded ecosystem

Gram stain

Used to determine type of bacteria from cell walls

how do animals communicate

Using visual, tactile, auditory and chemical (pheromones) signals

chordates characteristics

VERTEBRATES, Bilateral symmetry, Triploblasts. Alimentary canal, coelomate, Notochord, Dorsal hollow nerve cord, Pharyngeal gill slits, Post-anal tail

darwin's observations

Variation exists in populations, offspring share parents' traits, organisms have a great potential to reproduce, but populations generally stable (many die)

What variability must a trait have to be considered an adaptation through natural selection Homology, variation, development Ancestors with vestigial forms of trait Variations, heritability, and differential success Fossil remains and uniform variation

Variations, heritability, and differential success

Upon being formed, oceanic islands, such as the Hawaiian Islands, should feature what characteristic, leading to which phenomenon?

Variety of ecological niches leading to adaptive radiation

What are three basic issues that life histories entail?

When reproduction begins, how often the organism breeds, and how many offspring are produced during each reproductive episode

evolutionary consequences of exploitation

Warning/camouflage coloring, Mechanical/chemical defenses, Mimicry

the water cycle

Water in ocean, precipitation -droplets condense saturated with water vapor, movement over land or ocean, water can move through soil and ground runoff can enter ocean again

Global circulation of surface water in the oceans.

Water is warmed at the equator and flows north and south toward the poles, where it cools.

the phosphorus cycle processes driving movement

Weathering of rocks- phosphate in soil, Leaching- phosphate reaches aquatic systems

Secondary Production

What all other trophic levels do with energy

What human factors have contributed?

Wind and precipitation patterns shifting, Global temp's and extreme weather patterns have increased

Which of the following represents gene flow? Wind blows pollen from one population to another. A small population of humans colonizes a newly formed island. An earthquake results in the formation of a canyon. Genes are shufed by crossing over.

Wind blows pollen from one population to another.

osteichthyes characteristics

Within Chordata, vertebrata, gnathostomes, Have hard matrix of calcium phosphate bone, Ray finned fish

sarcopterygii "lobe fins" characteristics

Within Chordata, vertebrata, gnathostomes, Osteichthyes, rod shaped bones surrounded by thick layer of muscle

Changes in Bering Sea, Alaska

Without kelp forests, biodiversity plummets

zygomycetes life cycle

Zygomycetes have asexual and sexual phases in their life cycles. Tubular cells with one + mating type, and one - mating type Build separation with multiple haploid nuclei (gametangia) Heterokaryotic stage- cellular structures fuse plasma membranes, get single plasma membrane with 3 nuclei from each mating type but haven't fused. Build outer cell wall of zygosporangium. Can travel Karyogamy Meiosis- = cells with begin undergoing mitosis to form many spores. They are released out and spread. Single haploid spores form mycelium. Mycelium can make sporangium to make more spores

survivorship curve

a plot of the proportion or numbers in a cohort still alive at each age

HardyWeinberg equation to test whether

a population is evolving

exponential pop growth

a population that experiences such ideal conditions increases in size by a constant proportion at each instant in time.

A true coelom is __________. a body cavity lined with endoderm and ectoderm a body cavity lined with mesoderm no body cavity body cavity of the abdomen

a body cavity lined with mesoderm

only cephalopods have in the mollusca family

a closed circulatory system

alimentary canal

a digestive tube with two openings, a mouth and an anus.


a fold of tissue that drapes over the visceral mass and secretes a shell

A land snail, a clam, and an octopus all share ____? a mantle a radula gills distinct cephalization

a mantle

During the development of most animals, cleavage leads to __________. fertilization the formation of a gastrula metamorphosis the formation of a zygote a multicellular blastula

a multicellular blastula

Chimpanzees have a relatively low birth rate. They care for their young, and most chimps live a long life. The chimp survivorship curve would look like ___

a relatively flat line that drops steeply at the end

Which of the following best illustrates optimal foraging?

a sunbird will more freely defend flowers that produce more food

A gram-negative cell wall consists of __________. peptidoglycan and cellulose a thin layer of peptidoglycan surrounded by a capsule a thick layer of peptidoglycan surrounded by an outer membrane containing lipopolysaccharides a thin layer of peptidoglycan surrounded by an outer membrane containing lipopolysaccharides cholesterol and peptidoglycan

a thin layer of peptidoglycan surrounded by an outer membrane containing lipopolysaccharides

1. Arrange the following structures, which can be found on male pine trees, from the largest structure to the smallest structure (or from most inclusive to least inclusive). 1. sporophyte 2. microspores 3. microsporangia 4. pollen cone 5. pollen nuclei a. 1, 4, 3, 2, 5 b. 1, 4, 2, 3, 5 c. 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 d. 4, 1, 2, 3, 5 e. 4, 3, 2, 5, 1

a. 1, 4, 3, 2, 5 sporophyte, pollen cone, microspangia, microspore, c

2. Which of the following flower parts develops into a seed? a. Ovule b. Ovary c. Fruit d. Stamen

a. Ovule

1. Which of the following adaptations is common to all seed plants? a. Ovules b. Heterospory c. reduced gametophytes d. Pollen e. All of the listed responses are correct.

a. Ovules b. Heterospory c. reduced gametophytes d. Pollen

2. A pea pod is formed from __________. A pea inside the pod is formed from__________. a. an ovary ... an ovule b. an ovule ... a carpel c. endosperm ... an ovary d. an ovary ... a pollen grain e. an anther ... an ovule

a. an ovary ... an ovule

major role in predictable weather patterns

air circulation and precipitation

what happens when warm, moist air approaches a mountain

air rises and cools, releasing moisture on the windward side of the peak

1. If a fern gametophyte is a hermaphrodite (that is, has both male and female gametangia on the same plant), then it a. belongs to a species that is homosporous. b. must be diploid. c. has lost the need for a sporophyte generation. d. has antheridia and archegonia combined into a single sex organ. e. is actually not a fern, because fern gametophytes are always either male or female.

a. belongs to a species that is homosporous.

1. The development of the __________ prevents plants from drying out and protects them from microbes. a. Cuticle b. Gametangia c. apical meristem d. Peristomes e. Stomata

a. cuticle

1. If we were to apply the most recent technique used to fight potato late blight to the fight against the malarial infection of humans, then we would a. increase the dosage of the least-expensive antimalarial drug administered to humans. b. increase the dosage of the most common pesticide used to kill Anopheles mosquitoes. c. introduce a predator of the malarial parasite into infected humans. d. use a "cocktail" of at least three different pesticides against Anopheles mosquitoes. e. insert genes from a Plasmodium-resistant strain of mosquito into Anopheles mosquitoes.

a. insert genes from a Plasmodium-resistant strain of mosquito into Anopheles mosquitoes.

1. In ovulate cones, megasporocytes undergo __________ and produce __________ megaspores. a. a. meiosis ... haploid b. mitosis ... diploid c. meiosis ... diploid d. mitosis ... haploid e. Depending on environmental conditions, any of the listed responses may occur.

a. meiosis ... haploid

Which choice below generally represents the correct order of events in fungal sexual reproduction? a. plasmogamy, karyogamy, meiosis, germination b. germination, meiosis, karyogamy, plasmogamy c. karyogamy, meiosis, plasmogamy, germination d. meiosis, plasmogamy, karyogamy, germination e. plasmogamy, meiosis, germination, karyogamy

a. plasmogamy, karyogamy, meiosis, germination

Sowbugs are really crustaceans, not insects. Therefore, a sowbug does NOT have __________. a. three pairs of legs b. anntanae c. jointed appendages d. an exoskeleton e. an open circulatory system

a. three pairs of legs

phylogeny do tell us

about evolutionary relationships, information about similar characteristics in closely related species, sister taxon share an immediate common ancestor

Heterotrophs get nutrients by

absorption (NOT ingestion)

Which marine zone would have the lowest rates of primary productivity (photosynthesis)?


birds characteristics

adaptations that facilitate flight, lack bladder, toothless, feathers made from same keratin on scales, endothermic

Lake Malawi, in the African Rift Valley, is home to more than a hundred species of cichlid fishes, each with slightly different diets and habits. All these species probably evolved from a common ancestor, making them an example of ____

adaptive radiation

example of bioremediation

adding mycorrhizal fungi can help plants to access nutrients from soil

as the sun's angle changes,

affects local environments. For example, the belts of wet and dry air on either side of the equator move slightly northward and southward

human impact of chaparral

agriculture and urbanization

example of nutrient enrichment

agriculture, using fertilizer

heterochrony example

an organism's shape depends in part on the relative growth rates of different body parts during development. Changes to these rates can alter the adult form substantially, as seen in the contrasting shapes of human and chimpanzee skulls

purpose of post

anal tail- skeletal elements and muscles that help propel aquatic species in water

Which of the following would be the least useful in determining the relationships among various species?

analogous structures

1. Which of the following was not a challenge for survival of the first land plants? a. sources of water b. sperm transfer c. Desiccation d. animal predation e. absorbing enough light

animal predation bc not many herbivores in the beginning

fungi share their digestive services with

animals (cows)

Leeches are members of the phylum __________ in the clade of bilaterally symmetric animals called __________.

annelida; lophotrochozoa

selective pressure

anything that may impact survival in a given. environment

Which lake zone would be absent in a very shallow lake? benthic littoral aphotic pelagic


pelagic zone

aphotic and photic

You are designing an artificial drug-delivery "cell" that can penetrate animal cells. Which of these protist structures should provide the most likely avenue for research along these lines? a. Pseudopods b. apical complex c. excavated feeding grooves d. Nucleomorphs e. mitosomes

apical complex

chytrids live in

aquatic environments and some on land

Sponges are most accurately described as ____ aquatic filter feeders freshwater scavengers marine predators aquatic predators

aquatic filter feeders

biotic factors of sea urchins

area with lots of sea urchins, kept seaweed covered, removed sea urchins, seaweed covered 85% of area present

chelicerate, myriapods, and pan crustaceans are clades from


The breeding of plants and animals for particular traits by humans is called homology natural selection artificial selection paleontology

artificial selection

plants have specialized features to

attract pollinators


attracts pollinators

What signals might be best employed by a nocturnal forest animal seeking to identify its territory?

auditory and olfactory

In temperate lakes, the surface water is replenished with nutrients during turnovers that occur in the autumn and spring autumn and winter spring and summer summer and winter

autumn and spring

2. Which of the following is a characteristic of all angiosperms? a. complete reliance on wind as the pollinating agent b. double internal fertilization c. free-living gametophytes d. carpels that contain microsporangia e. ovules that are not contained within ovaries

b. double internal fertilization

Fungi that consist of a continuous mass containing hundreds or thousands of nuclei are known as _____. a.Septate b.Chytrids c imperfect fungi d. Dikaryotic e. Coenocytic

b coenocytic These fungi, known as coenocytic, lack septa. Septa divide hyphae into cells.

1. Within a gymnosperm megasporangium, what is the correct sequence in which the following should appear during development, assuming that fertilization occurs? 1. sporophyte embryo 2. female gametophyte 3. egg cell 4. megaspore a. 4 → 3 → 2 → 1 b. 4 → 2 → 3 → 1 c. 4 → 1 → 2 → 3 d. 1 → 4 → 3 → 2 e. 1 → 4 → 2 → 3

b. 4 → 2 → 3 → 1 megaspore, female gametophyte, egg cell, sporophyte embryo

. In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. Match the number of chromosomes present in each of the following onion tissues. How many chromosomes should be in a generative cell nucleus? a. 4 b. 8 c. 16 d. 24 e. 32

b. 8

The majority of animal species are __________. a. Vertebrates b. Insectsc. Marined. Acoelomates e. Nematodes

b. Insects

1. A feature of bony fish not found in sharks is __________. a. pelvic and pectoral fins with bony supports b. a swim bladder c. a lateral line system d. Gills e. mineralized teeth

b. a swim bladder

A feature of bony fish not found in sharks is __________. a. pelvic and pectoral fins with bony supports b. a swim bladder c. a lateral line system d. Gills e. mineralized teeth

b. a swim bladder

2. During pollination, pollen grains are transferred from the __________ to the __________. a. carpel ... stigma b. anther ... stigma c. ovary ... anther d. anther ... sepal e. stigma ... ovary

b. anther ... stigma

Sponges feed by __________. a.scraping bacteria and algae from hard substrates b. filtering small particles from water c. absorbing nutrients from the guts of their hosts d. performing photosynthesis e. paralyzing small crustaceans with stinging cells

b. filtering small particles from water

1. Ferns and mosses are limited mostly to moist environments because __________. a. their pollen is carried by water b. they have swimming sperm c. they lack cuticles and stomata d. they lack vascular tissue e. their seeds do not store water

b. they have swimming sperm

change in population equation

bN- mN

Has cell walls of peptidoglycan, No meiosis. What is it?


The next time you have cream of mushroom soup, you can say, "What a delicious __________." ascomycete protist zygomycete basidiomycete


what is reciprocal altruism

behaviour whereby an organism acts in a manner that temporarily reduces its fitness while increasing another organism's fitness, with the expectation that the other organism will act in a similar manner at a later time.

Which of the following is a characteristic of adult echinoderms? bilateral symmetry spiral cleavage gastrovascular cavity exoskeleton

bilateral symmetry

do fungi reproduce sexually or asexually



both benefit

1. What is some evidence that plants evolved from green algae?

both have flagellated sperm, formation of phragmoplast, rings of cellulose cell walls.

benthic zone

bottom of all aquatic zones, deep or shallow

zoopagomycetes examples

bread mold, parasitic or commensal symbionts of animals

# of offspring/reproduction life history trait

broods: small sizes had more survival

Nonvascular plants

bryophytes, do not form clade

naked mole rat example

burrowing rodents, nonreproductive cares for young

A population that grows rapidly at first and then levels off at carrying capacity can be modeled _______

by logistic equation

Parental care as likely to be

by males as by females

1. Heterosporous plants produce __________. a. megaspores that bear antheridia and microspores that bear archegonia b. spores that produce both archegonia and antheridia c. megaspores that develop into female gametophytes and microspores that develop into male gametophytes d. megaspores that develop into male gametophytes and microspores that develop into female gametophytes e. seeds

c. megaspores that develop into female gametophytes and microspores that develop into male gametophytes

In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. Match the number of chromosomes present in each of the following onion tissues. How many chromosomes should be in an embryo nucleus? a. 4 b. 8 c. 16 d. 24 e. 32

c. 16

A genetic change that caused a certain Hox gene to be expressed along the tip of the vertebrate limb bud instead of farther back helped make possible the evolution of the tetrapod limb. This type of change is illustrative of a. The influence of environment on development b. Paedomorphosis c. A change in a developmental gene or in its regulation that altered the spatial organization of body parts d. Heterochrony

c. A change in a developmental gene or in its regulation that altered the spatial organization of body parts

2. Which structure is common to both gymnosperms and angiosperms? a. Stigma b. Carpel c. Ovule d. Ovary e. Anthers

c. Ovule

1. What is located in the scalelike structures packed densely in pollen cones? a. developing seedlings b. Sporophytes c. Sporangia d. developing pollen tubes e. Megasporocytes

c. Sporangia

1. In seed plants, which of the following is part of a pollen grain and has a function most like that of the seed coat? a. Sporophyll b. male gametophyte c. Sporopollenin d. Stigma e. Sporangium

c. Sporopollenin

2. The portion of a flower that receives the pollen is the __________. a. Style b. Anther c. Stigma d. Filament e. Ovary

c. Stigma

Which characteristic below is shared by plants, fungi, and animals? a. They are heterotrophs. b. They have cell walls. c. They are multicellular eukaryotes. d. They release enzymes to the outside of the body to aid in digestion. e. Their cells are supported and connected to one another by structural proteins.

c. They are multicellular eukaryotes.

A major characteristic of arthropods is __________. a. radial symmetry b. a pseudocoelom c. a chitinous exoskeleton d. flame bulbs e. All of the listed responses are correct.

c. a chitinous exoskeleton

2. The vast majority of angiosperms with two cotyledons formerly classified as __________ are now classified as __________. a. eudicots ... basal angiosperms b. monocots ... magnoliids c. dicots ... eudicots d. eudicots ... dicots e. monocots ... dicots

c. dicots ... eudicots

ecdysozoan- nematode associated bacteria

c. elegans

1. Gymnosperms differ from both extinct and extant (living) ferns because they a. are woody. b. have macrophylls. c. have pollen. d. have sporophylls. e. have spores

c. have pollen.

1. A lamprey, a shark, a lizard, and a rabbit share all the following characteristics EXCEPT __________. a. a dorsal, hollow nerve cord b. Vertebrae c. hinged jaws d. pharyngeal clefts in the embryo e. All of the listed responses are correct.

c. hinged jaws

A lamprey, a shark, a lizard, and a rabbit share all the following characteristics EXCEPT __________. a. a dorsal, hollow nerve cord b. Vertebrae c. hinged jaws d. pharyngeal clefts in the embryo e. All of the listed responses are correct.

c. hinged jaws

1. In ovulate cones, megasporocytes undergo __________ and produce __________ megaspores. a. meiosis ... diploid b. mitosis ... diploid c. meiosis ... haploid d. mitosis ... haploid e. Depending on environmental conditions, any of the listed responses may occur.

c. meiosis ... haploid

The water vascular system of a sea star functions in __________. a. pumping water for swimming movements b. keeping all parts of the body moist at low tide c. movement of the tube feet d. Digestion e. Reproduction

c. movement of the tube feet


came before homo, 4-2 MYA

1. Which structure of a bryophyte sporophyte is specialized for gradual spore discharge? a. Seta b. Foot c. Peristome d. Stomata e. Capsule

capsule- facilitated opening and closing


carbon dioxide + water + sunlight = carbohydrate + oxygen

No population can grow indefinitely. The ultimate size of any population is limited by _____.

carrying capacity of its environment

Many features in the environment influence microclimate by

casting shade, altering evaporation from soil, or changing wind patterns.

Dead zone in Mexico

caused by fertilizer and sewage from farmland, sucks oxygen out of water

how climate change effects bumblebees

causing flowers to bloom earlier and effect 3 types of bumblebees pollination

The first single

celled organism- Stromatolites

what is a neural crest

cells along the edges of closing tube of embryo

1. Briefly describe cellular slime mold and plasmodial slime mold. How do they differ?

cellular start off as single celled and live individually. If in stress, they come together to form multicellular organism. Plasmodial- no cell walls/membrane to separate so they are a blob of diploid nuclei. Not multicellular

Genetic drift

changes in gene frequencies because of chance

Stramenopiles have what types of flagella

characteristic flagellum (hairy smooth)

Fungi are __________ organisms. mixotrophic photoheterotrophic chemoautotrophic chemoheterotrophic photoautotrophic


fungi have extracellular digestion called


In contrast to plants, cell walls of fungi are made of_____ lignin cellulose chitin peptidoglycan


chytrids characteristics

chitin cell walls, most are unicellular but some multicellular, produce gametes and diploid zoospores that swim with the help of a single flagellum.

major characteristic of arthropods is __________. chitin exoskeleton radial symmetry psuedocoelom ame bulbs

chitin exoskeleton

cryptomycetes can synthesize

chitin rich cell wall

fungi cell walls are made of

chitin, not evolved from common ancestors

phylum mollusca

chitons, gastropods, bivalves, cephalopods

Which of the following was derived from an ancestral cyanobacterium? a. chloroplast b. Mitochondrion c. Hydrogenosome d. Mitosome e. Two of the responses above are correct.


In terms of food capture, which sponge cell is most similar to the cnidocyte of a cnidarian? amoebocyte choanocyte epidermal cell pore cell


In terms of food capture, which sponge cell is most similar to the cnidocyte of a cnidarian? amoebocyte choanocyte epidermal cell pore cell



chondrichthyans, osteichthyans,

An animal has bilateral symmetry, pharyngeal clefts, a post-anal tail, and deuterostomic development, it must be a chordate annelid arthropod mollusc


what is competitive exclusion

chthalamus is found higher, higher fundamental niche, Balanus better competitor, same niche sizes

When Drosophila were exposed to a particular odor and electric shock at the same time, they started to avoid the odor. This is an example of __________

classical conditioning

When Drosophila were exposed to a particular odor and electric shock at the same time, they started to avoid the odor. This is an example of __________.

classical conditioning

example of associative learning

classical conditioning (pavlov)

chelicerata characteristics

claw-like feeding appendages, lack antennae

levels of biodiversity

genetic, species, community and ecosystem

Ocean currents influence

climate along the coasts of continents by heating or cooling overlying air masses that pass across the land.

global change effect of biodiversity

climate change, atmospheric chemistry & ecological systems decrease Earth's capacity to support life, Gases can be carried through the wind, dissolve rainwater to form acid rain, Ex. Acid rain

Organisms that live in a homogenous abiotic environment and cooperate to avoid being eaten would likely show a(n) __________ pattern of dispersion.


When needed resources are unevenly distributed, organisms often show a(n) _______ dispersion pattern


When needed resources are unevenly distributed, organisms often show a(n) __________ dispersion pattern


increase of greenhouse gases increases

co2 and temperature

genetic variation in banana slugs

coastal populations feed on them, inland snakes refused to feed on them but coastal snakes did

what is a cavity called


Fungi that consist of a continuous mass containing hundreds or thousands of nuclei are known as _____. coenocytic dikaryotic imperfect fungi septate


Selective pressure (competition) =>


ocean current towards equator carries

cold water to the poles

human impact of coral reefs

collecting them, overfishing, GW, pollution

Colonia ex. Zygnema

common pond algae

Most likely to form a fossil

common squirrel

An ecologist would suspect a population to be growing rapidly if it _

contains many more prereproductive than reproductive individuals

Different species that inhabit the same type of biome but occur in widely separated geographic regions often appear similar due to _________

convergent evolution

human impact of temperate grassland

converted to farmland

Most important role of photosynthetic organisms in ecosystem

converting inorganic to organic compounds

rain shadow

cooler,dry air descends, absorbing moisture

Flagella run


where are aquatic biomes found

cover most of the earth

what is eutrophic

created from human inputs, nutrient rich, several organism depleted oxygens

hyphal structure of multicellular fungi

cross walls between cells=seperate hyphae

example of optimal foraging model

crow drop height: if the drop is successful, the shell breaks and the crow can dine on the whelk's soft parts. If not, the crow flies up and drops the whelk again and again until the shell breaks.

How researchers used the paths of rubber duckies to help us better understand ocean currents

current driven by wind, tides ocean floor, if the earth didn't rotate, the low pressure would take over

human impact of tropical forests

cutting them down

Living vertebrates can be divided into two major clades chordates and tetrapods urochordates and cephalochordates cyclostomes and gnathostomes marsupials and eutherians

cyclostomes and gnathostomes

1. Which of the following were probably factors that permitted early plants to successfully colonize land? 1. the relative number of potential predators (herbivores) 2. the relative number of competitors 3. the relative availability of symbiotic partners 4. air's relative lack of support, compared to water's support a. 1 and 2 b. 2 and 3 c. 3 and 4 d. 1, 2, and 3 e. 1, 2, and 4

d. 1, 2, and 3 1. the relative number of potential predators (herbivores) 2. the relative number of competitors 3. the relative availability of symbiotic partners

2. Among plants known as legumes (beans, peas, alfalfa, clover, etc.) the seeds are contained in a fruit that is itself called a legume, better known as a pod. Upon opening such pods, it is commonly observed that some ovules have become mature seeds, whereas other ovules have not. Thus, which of the following statements is (are) true? 1. The flowers that gave rise to such pods were not pollinated. 2. Pollen tubes did not enter all of the ovules in such pods. 3. There was apparently not enough endosperm to distribute to all of the ovules in such pods. 4. The ovules that failed to develop into seeds were derived from sterile floral parts. 5. Fruit can develop, even if all ovules within have not been fertilized. a. 1 only b. 1 and 5 c. 2 and 4 d. 2 and 5

d. 2 and 5

2. In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. Match the number of chromosomes present in each of the following onion tissues. How many chromosomes should be in an endosperm nucleus? a. 4 b. 8 c. 16 d. 24 e. 32

d. 24

1. Which of the following statements is true of the pine life cycle? a. Cones are homologous to the capsules of moss plants. b. The pine tree is a gametophyte. c. Male and female gametophytes are in close proximity during gamete synthesis. d. Conifer pollen grains contain male gametophytes. e. Double fertilization is a relatively common phenomenon

d. Conifer pollen grains contain male gametophytes.

2. The triploid nucleus of the embryo sac develops into the __________. a. Carpel b. Fruit c. Embryo d. Endosperm e. Seed

d. Endosperm

1. A __________ is a chordate but not a vertebrate. a. Shark b. Lamprey c. sea star d. Lancelet e. Frog

d. Lancelet

Fungi in the phylum Basidiomycota are the most important decomposers of wood because of their ability to break down _____. a. Opisthokonts b. Mycorrhizae c. Cellulose d. Lignin e. jet fuel

d. Lignin

2. Which of the following flower parts develops into the pulp of a fleshy fruit? a. Stigma b. Style c. Ovule d. Ovary e. Micropyle

d. Ovary

1. Which of the following can be found in gymnosperms? a. nonfertile flower parts b. triploid endosperm c. Fruits d. Pollen e. Carpels

d. Pollen

1. What is located in the scalelike structures packed densely in pollen cones? a. Sporophytes b. developing pollen tubes c. developing seedlings d. Sporangia e. Megasporocytes

d. Sporangia

1. In lab class, a plasmodial slime mold is used as a demonstration organism. One of the students does not understand why this organism is not considered multicellular. How would you explain it to her? a. Plasmodial slime molds are not able to reproduce sexually, so therefore they are not truly multicellular. b. Multicellular organisms are seen only in the kingdoms Animalia and Plantae. c. The nuclei found in the plasmodium of a plasmodial slime mold are diploid. d. The plasmodium is undivided by membranes and contains many diploid nuclei; therefore, it is not technically multicellular. e. The distinct cells that make up the plasmodium do not cooperate, so they do not represent a truly multicellular organism.

d. The plasmodium is undivided by membranes and contains many diploid nuclei; therefore, it is not technically multicellular.

All animals with bilateral symmetry have __________ germ layer(s). a. Zero b. One c. Two d. Three e. four

d. Three

1. The adaptation that freed vertebrates from water for reproduction and allowed them to radiate into diverse terrestrial environments was the __________. a. lateral line system b. Placenta c. bony appendage d. amniotic egg e. Operculum

d. amniotic egg

snake characteristics

descended from lizards with legs, produce waves of lateral bending to move, carnivorous, acute chemical sensors, heart-detecting organs

The adaptation that freed vertebrates from water for reproduction and allowed them to radiate into diverse terrestrial environments was the __________. a. lateral line system b. Placenta c. bony appendage d. amniotic egg e,. Operculum

d. amniotic egg

Where and when does fertilization occur in the mushroom life cycle? .a in a mushroom, when eggs and sperm meet B. underground, when the hyphae of different mating types fuse c. on the surface of the ground, c. when a basidiospore germinates d. in a mushroom, when the nuclei of a dikaryotic cell fuse e. underground, as a mycelium begins to spread

d. in a mushroom, when the nuclei of a dikaryotic cell fuse

1. Where would you find a fern gametophyte? a. on the underside of the leaf (frond) b. in a freshwater stream c. inside a dissected seed d. on moist soil e. attached to the underground stem (rhizoids)

d. on moist soil

instantaneous growth equation

dN/dt= rN

Which of the following would most likely be an example of a density-independent factor limiting population growth?

daily temperature extremes

Which one of the following would most likely be an example of a density-independent factor limiting population growth?

daily temperature extremes


dead organic matter

Ecological rules

decomposers (saprobes), parasites, mutualistic symbionts

organisms with internal fertilization

decrease in certainty of paternity

food web often invasive species

decrease/lower predators/parasites

Rain forest: Rapid decomp

decreasing soil nutrient levels

abyssal zone

deep, part of ocean several meters below surface

Wind pollinated species are more in

dense populations such as grasses and tree species in temperate forests

A particular environmental change causes the deaths of 25 individuals in a herd of 100 wild horses, and it kills 50 individuals in a herd of 200 horses. In this case, the growth of a wild horse population is most likely limited by __________. (Assume that the two herds are found in territories of equal size.)

density-independent factor

purpose of mating systems

determining reproductive success

Innate behavior

developmentally fixed, doesn't vary among individuals

purpose of dorsal hollow nerve chord

develops into a part of CNS brain and spinal cord

heterokaryotic stage

different fungi can fuse together but nuclei do not

which community is more diverse? A Community with different types of trees equally or one species of tree majority

different types of trees equally

Which characteristic(s) is (are) shared by both cnidarians and at worms? flattened bodies radial symmetry true muscle digestive system with a single opening

digestive system with a single opening

Which characteristic(s) is (are) shared by both cnidarians and atworms? true muscle radial symmetry digestive system with one opening 2 of these

digestive system with one opening


digestive tract, liver, lungs

In mushrooms, karyogamy results in the formation of the __________ phase. haploid diploid triploid dikaryotic


Antibiotic resistance in bacteria is an example of which of the following? disruptive selection directional selection stabilizing selection macroevolution

directional selection

Cattle egrets, originally only found in Africa and southwestern Europe, can now be found in North America because of which of the following?


Secondary succession

disturbance cleared community but still soil and seeds

Which of the following statements about fungi is/are true? `a.The dominant stage of the life cycle is usually haploid. b. Many species obtain their nutrients from decaying organic matter. c. The haploid nuclei of dikaryotic hyphal cells fuse to form a diploid zygote. d. Spores germinate and then mitotically divide to form a mycelium. e. All of the listed responses are correct.

e. All of the listed responses are correct.

Fungi are __________ organisms. a. Photoautotrophic b. Mixotrophic c. Chemoautotrophic d. Photoheterotrophic e. Chemoheterotrophic

e. Chemoheterotrophic Fungi "move" to another location through growth of hyphae. But the "movement" is for feeding, which is the specific role of the mycelium.

If an animal has segments, bilateral symmetry, pharyngeal clefts, a post-anal tail, and deuterostomic development, it must be a member of the __________. a. Mollusca b. Platyhelminthes c. Arthropoda d. Annelida e. Chordata

e. Chordata

If an animal has segments, bilateral symmetry, pharyngeal clefts, a post-anal tail, and deuterostomic development, it must be a member of the __________. a. Molluscab. Platyhelminthes c. Arthropodad. Annelida e. Chordata

e. Chordata

1. What is the evolutionary significance of megaphylls? a. They provide a way to transport water and nutrients throughout the plant's body. b. They allow plants to grow taller. c. They increase the surface area for absorption of nutrients. d. They are modified leaves that have sporangia. e. They increase the surface area for photosynthesis.

e. They increase the surface area for photosynthesis.

The mushroom in a basidiomycete life cycle serves the same function as the _____ in the ascomycete life cycle, which is to _____. a. zygosporangium ... produce sexual spores b. dikaryon ... store a food reserve c. conidium ... supply the rest of the fungus with chitin monomers d. plasmodium ... form gametes e. ascocarp ... scatter sexually produced spores

e. ascocarp ... scatter sexually produced spores

The asexual spores produced by members of the phylum Ascomycota are called _____. a. Ascib. Mycorrhizae c. Lichensd. Mushrooms e. Conidia

e. conidia

1. The seed coat's most important function is to provide a. a nonstressful environment for the megasporangium. b. the means for dispersal. c. Dormancy. d. a nutrient supply for the embryo. e. desiccation resistance.

e. desiccation resistance.

1. The cells within pollen grains are __________ and together comprise the __________. a. diploid ... spores b. diploid ... a new sporophyte c. haploid ... spores d. diploid ... sperm nuclei e. haploid ... male gametophyte

e. haploid ... male gametophyte

Which of the following groups does NOT exhibit bilateral symmetry? a. Chordates b. Arthropods c. Molluscs d. Annelids e. Jellies

e. jellies

1. Vascular tissues of plants include __________. a. cuticles for conducting water, and phloem for conducting organic molecules b. xylem for conducting water and minerals, and phloem for conducting dissolved organic molecules c. xylem for conducting organic molecules, and phloem for conducting water and minerals d. phloem for conducting water and minerals, and lignin for conducting organic molecules e. lignin for conducting organic molecules, and phloem for conducting sugars

e. lignin for conducting organic molecules, and phloem for conducting sugars

Which statement below about zygosporangia is/are true? a.They are multinucleate formations. b.They are resistant to freezing and drying. c.They are metabolically inactive. d.They are produced through plasmogamy. e.All of the listed responses are correct.

e.All of the listed responses are correct

Temporal isolation

eastern/western spotted skunk (range overlaps)

deuterostomia clades

echinoderms and chordates

why do animals evolve shortly in cambrian explosion

ecological changes with more predators

amphibian characteristic

eggs and skin can dry out, some aquatic, some land, found in damp areas, fertilization is external

what kinds of animals are polygyny


An aquaculture facility hatched salmon eggs and released young fish into a river leading to the ocean. The fish fed and grew in the ocean, and in a few years they returned to the facility. Because the number of returning fish was low, a scientist suggested adding a chemical to the river that would __________.

enable them to imprint on the facility

Cretaceous mass extinction

end of dinos, cause was iridium in sed rocks, dust clouds

Landscape Conservation Shift focus: individual species

entire communities, ecosystems, and landscapes

Cenozoic Era

era that began about 66 million years ago, known as the "Age of Mammals"

characteristics of fungi

eukaryotes, cell walls of chitin, haploid dominant life cycle, heterokaryotic stage, uni and multicellular

All protists are A) unicellular. B) eukaryotic. C) symbionts. D) monophyletic. E) mixotrophic.


human impact of lakes


all classes of vertebrates

everything after myxini


evolutionary change in rate or timing of developmental events, can alter timing of reproductive development relative to non-reproductive organs

ecological interactions=

evolutionary changes

plastids are

evolve from endosymbiosis of green or red algae, plant regulators, metabolize fatty acids


excavated feeding groove

nutrient enrichment impact

excess nutrients, humans remove nutrients and move them to another

what is oviparous

lay eggs that hatch outside mothers body

The logistic growth model differs from the exponential growth model in that it __

expresses the effects of population-limiting factors on exponential growth

The logistic growth model differs from the exponential growth model in that it __ implies that population size stabilizes at K when the birth rate is zero expresses the effects of population-limiting factors on exponential growth s J-shaped and the exponential growth model is S-shaped never shows the effects of population-limiting factors

expresses the effects of population-limiting factors on exponential growth

ascomycetes life cycle

extended dikaryotic stage, the production of asci during the sexual phase. The haploid phase is the predominant phase of the life cycle. Conidia is formed externally at tips of hyphae.

genetic biodiversity

extinction decreases genetic diversity

Mammals underwent adaptive radiation after

extinction of terrestrial dinos

Mass extinctions

extinction rate has increased dramatically, Fossil record indicates five big mass extinction events, Where >50% of marine species become extinct

mucormycetes examples

fast growing mold on bread, fruits, parasites on plants


fast growing molds, parasites, and commensal symbionts

What is the single unique characteristic that distinguishes extant birds from other extant vertebrates? feathers amniotic egg ight endothermy


Complete metamorphosis __________. features a larval stage that looks different from the adultis accompanied by a complete rearrangement of the genome is the same thing as molting involves adults that are specialized for eating and growth

features a larval stage that looks different from the adultis

Complete metamorphosis __________. a. does not occur in wasps, bees, or ants b. involves adults that are specialized for eating and growth c. is the same thing as molting d. features a larval stage that looks. different from the adult e. is accompanied by a complete rearrangement of the genome

features a larval stage that looks. different from the adult

A trend rst observed in the evolution of the earliest tetrapods was ____ feet with digits appearance of jaws a amniotic egg bony vertebrae

feet with digits

vampire bats example

female donate blood to one who didn't eat, only eat a little to not harm the prey

1. A botanist discovers a new species of plant in a tropical rain forest. After observing its anatomy and life cycle, he notes the following characteristics: flagellated sperm, xylem with tracheids, separate gametophyte and sporophyte generations with the sporophyte dominant, and no seeds. This plant is probably most closely related to a. Mosses. b. Charophytes. c. Ferns. d. Gymnosperms. e. flowering plants.

ferns bc no seeds and sporophyte dominant

human impacts of estuaries

filled in areas and pollution

what is a filter feeder

filter out food particles suspended in the surrounding water as they draw it through their body

Attachment points appendages

fimbriae and pili

Motility appendages


microsporidians lack

flagellated spores

type 1 curve

flat at the start, reflecting low death rates during early and middle life, and then drops steeply as death rates increase among older age-groups.

lophotrochozoa examples

flatworms, rotifers and acanthocephalans, ectoprocts, brachiopods, molluscs, and annelids.


flatworms, tapeworms


flowering plants that produce seeds in fruit

interconnectedness example

flying fox bat is an important pollinator and disperse seeds

Below the photic zone of the ocean, _________

food chains are detritus-based

as population and prosperity increase, limits for

food, space, resources, waste filtering capacity

selective pressure example

foraging (drosophila 'for' gene)

fungi grow by

forming multicellular filaments

the carbon cycle major reservoirs

fossil fuels, atmosphere, solutes in oceans, soil

why are kangaroos only in australia

fossil record, adaptive radiation

Cambrian explosion

fossils resemble modern animal phyla, (535 to 525 MYA), Prior to, animals were not hunters, little amount of predators

monotremes characteristics

found only in australia and new guinea, one species of platypus and 4 species of echidnas, lay eggs, have hair and produce milk, lack nipples

According to the endosymbiotic theory of the origin of eukaryotic cells, how did mitochondria originate?

from engulfed, originally free living proteobacteria

The water vascular system of echinoderms ____ functions as a circulatory system functions in locomotion and feeding is bilateral in organization moves water through animals body

functions in locomotion and feeding

annelids characteristics

fused rings, segmented worms live in freshwater habitats, have coelom, Alimentary canal, Marine forms have trochophore larva

1. Briefly explain the bryophyte life cycle.

gametophyte dominant. spore dispersal, one goes to antheridia, one goes to archegonia. antheridia goes to archegonia and fertilization occurs. sporophyte grows out and has capsule.

moss is

gametophyte dominanted

1. When you see a green, "leafy" moss, you are looking at the __________. a. structure that results directly from a fertilized egg b. structure where meiosis occurs c. spore-producing structure d. gametophyte generation e. sporophyte generation

gametophyte generation

the nitrogen cycle major reservoirs

gas (atmosphere)

The blastopore is a structure that rst becomes evident during _____ fertilization cleavage8 cell stage gastrulation


Which of the following evolutionary mechanisms does NOT contribute to the process of allopatric speciation? gene flow mutation genetic drift natural selection

gene flow

allopatric speciation is

gene flow is interrupted when a population is divided into geographically isolated subpopulations.

social learning

learning through observation of others

human threats to biodiversity

habitat loss, introduced species, overharvesting, global change

5 common reproductive barriers

habitat, temporal, behavioral, mechanical and gametic isolation

What is characteristic of the SAR supergroup

hairy and smooth flagella, pseudopodia and rhizorian subgroup, plasmodia

primate characteristics

hands and feet for grasping, digits with flat nails, skin ridges on fingers, large brain and short jaw, flat face, parental care and social behavior, adaptations to living in trees

Annelids __________.

have a mouth that is separate from the anus

complete metamorphosis

have larval stages specialized for eating and growing that are known by such names as caterpillar, maggot, or grub.


have mesoderm

1. Briefly describe the life cycle of a fern.

have sporangia, homosporous, sporophyte dominant. sporangium produce bisexual spore, one archegonia and one antheridia, fertilize antheridia, gametophyte is under ground, plant we see is sporophyte.

human impact of temperate broadleaf

heavily settled

Video of sea otters

help sea urchins otters are active predator that prevent predation in sea urchins

caecilians characteristics

legless, blind, resemble earthworms, tropical climates

organisms with external fertilization (egg laying)

increase of certainty of paternity

food web dominant species

increase/higher biomass/abundance

Grassland: Slower decomp

increasing soil nutrient levels


independent of others

inclusive fitness

individual still passes genes by helping close relatives

Natural selection acts on

individuals, Evolution occurs in populations

toxin accumulation example



inherited characteristics that enhance their survival and reproduction in specific environments

what characteristics of sunlight is include in abiotic factors

intensity and wavelength


interaction over a limited resource

Altruistic behavior _________

is expected when it increases the long-term inclusive fitness of the altruists

primate examples

lemur, apes, monkeys

what are gnathostomes

jawed vertebrates

myxini "hagfish" characteristics

jawless, reduced vertebrae, skull made of cartilage, use segmental muscle to exert force against notochord, have slime glands


just ectoderm and endoderm

Example of eutherian


Cell wall helps

keep shape

he enhanced reproduction, through apparently altruistic behavior, of related individuals with common alleles is referred to as __

kin selection

aquatic biomes examples

lakes, wetlands, streams/rivers, estuaries, intertidal zones, ocean pelagic zone, marine benthic zones

A __________ is a chordate but not a vertebrate.


Which extant chordates are postulated to be most like the earliest chordates in appearance? lancelets sharks amphibians reptiles


tundra characteristics

large areas of arctic or high mountaintops, Precipitation is low but high on alpine, Winters are very cold, -30 Celsius, cool summers, Vegetation is herbaceous- grasses, Permafrost, Ox, caribou, moose

aquatic biomes are not defined by


biogeographic factors affect diversity

latitude, area

Gram-negative bacteria have __________ peptidoglycan than gram-positive cells, and their cell walls are __________ complex structurally. less ... less less ... more more ... less more ... more None of the listed responses is correct.

less ... more

density dependent-

limit population more as population increases

basidiomycota break down


the water cycle Available form


Rooted plants are found only in which zone of a lake?


biotic factors


What is characteristic of the Unikonta supergroup

lobe, tube shaped pseudopodia, where amoebas are the most

human impact of northern coniferous

logging old trees

A newly mated queen ant founds a nest in an unoccupied patch of suitable habitat. Assuming that no disasters strike the nest, which of the following types of equation is likely to best describe the population growth of the new colony?


characteristics of coenocytic hyphae

long membrane and lots of nuclei, Cytoplasm and all organelles freely flow along tubes of cells

reciprocal altruism

long-term relationship => both parties benefit at some point

what is a notochord

longitudinal, flexible rod located between the digestive tube and the nerve cord.

slime layer

loose, protects against loss of water/nutrients

north pole

low angle of incoming sunlight

south pole

low angle of incoming sunlight

aphotic zone

lower, region where little light penetrates

A population's carrying capacity A) may change as environmental conditions change. B) can be accurately calculated using the logistic growth model. C) generally remains constant over time. D) increases as the per capita growth rate (r) decreases. E) can never be exceeded.

may change as environmental conditions change.

Which of the following reproductive barriers actually prevents individuals of closely related species from copulating successfully?

mechanical isolation

Which of the following reproductive barriers actually prevents individuals of closely related species from reproducing? mechanical isolation hybrid sterility gametic isolation hybrid breakdown

mechanical isolation

cnidaria clades

medusozoa and anthozoa

Sustainable Development Goal

meet needs of people today w/o harming future generations, Connects life sciences, social sciences, economics, and humanities

Larvae go through what to become what

metamorphosis to become juveniles.

myriapods examples

millipedes and centipedes

the mimic octopus

mimic stingray, flounder, sea snake

case study of greater prairie chicken

minimum viable population decreases population size at which species can survive, estimated based on pop's breeding potential

eutherians characteristics

more complex placentas, longer pregnancy


more tightly bound, denser, adherence, shielding

type III curve

mortality is often high among the youngest individuals


most common, resources, protection

mycelium body structure

most of body is underground, tubes are mycelium

How do fungi move?

most with no flagella or movement structures

sponges do not have

mouth and anus

Horizontal gene transfer

movement of genes between species

During the development of most animals, cleavage leads to __________. multicellular blastula formation of a gastrula fertilizationformation of a zygote

multicellular blastula

1. In life cycles with an alternation of generations, multicellular haploid forms alternate with a. unicellular haploid forms. b. unicellular diploid forms. c. multicellular haploid forms. d. multicellular diploid forms. e. multicellular polyploid forms

multicellular diploid forms

1. Describe some characteristics of Green algae.

multicellular, sexual reproduction, phototrophs, charophytes and chlorophytes

How do we calculate reproductive rates?

multiplying the proportion of females surviving to each age (lx) by the average number of offspring produced at each age (mx) and then adding the products from all the age groups:


muscle, other organs

Basidiomycota examples

mushrooms, puffballs, and shelf fungi

All mammals ____? bear live young complete their embryonic development in the uterus nourish their offspring through mammary glands All are correct

nourish their offspring through mammary glands


nuclei fusion forms diploid zygote and undergo meiosis to germinate.

bacteria and archaea (prokaryotes) do not have

nucleus and membrane around DNA, no golgi, ER, mitochondria


nutrients diffuse into the embryo from moms blood

Vascular tissue plants

o - cells joined into tubes that transport water and nutrients throughout the body

Alteration of Generation Steps

o 1. Gametophyte produces haploid gametes by mitosis o 2. Two gametes unite (fertilization) and form a diploid zygote o 3. Zygote develops into multicellular diploid sporophyte o 4. Sporophyte produces unicelled haploid spores by meiosis o 5. Spores develop into multicellular haploid gametes

Bryophyte Cycle- gametophyte dom

o 1. Spores develop into threadlike protonemas o 2. Haploid protonemas produce buds that divide by mitosis and grow into gametophytes o 3. Sperm must swim through a film of moisture to reach egg o 4. Zygote develops into sporophyte embryo o 5. Sporophyte grows long stalk that emerges from the archegonium o 6. Attached by its foot, the sporophyte remains nutritionally dependent on gametophyte o 7. Meiosis occurs, and haploid spores develop in the capsule. When the capsule is mature, the lid pops off and the spores are released.

Ex. Volvox

o 2 types of differentiated cells o Embedded in extracellular gel o Connected via cytoplasmic strands o Small number of cells in colony reproductive o Some divide asexually (internally) o Some make gametes

reproductive rates

o = AVE # offspring/female in an age group o Vary greatly b/t species

Land Plants evolved from Green Algae

o Charophytes share traits with plants § Cells of both have circular rings of proteins embedded in the plasma membrane. They synthesize the cellulose found in the cell wall. • Originated by primary endosymbiosis

Cells that form stalk die out

o Spores at top survive, huge advantage in reproduction o Mutation in single gene § Cheaters (never stalk)


o embryo packaged with a supply of nutrients inside a protective coat § Gymnosperm- naked seed, conifers § Angiosperms- huge clade of flowering plants, with seeds

Alveolata: Apicomplexans Plasmodia

o include Plasmodium- causes malaria o Apicomplexans go through liver to make merozoites and infect RBC, differentiate into 2 different sexes o Animal parasites § Apex- organelles host penetration o Liver- liver cell- RBC- gametocytes- zygote (fertilization)

solutions to footprint

o increase Carrying capacity: technological advance

Benefits of land

o unfiltered sunlight, more CO2, rich soil

In fungi the function of mycelium is _____ reproduction obtaining food defense movement

obtaining food

In fungi, the function of the mycelium is _____. defense obtaining food dispersal to distant habitats movement surviving a period of food shortage

obtaining food

intersexual selection

often female, one sex chooses a mate based on a set of traits

human impact of intertidal zones

oil pollution


one benefit at sake of the other


one benefits but doesn't effect the other negatively or positively

2. Angiosperm double fertilization is so-called because it features the formation of a. two embryos from one egg and two sperm cells. b. one embryo from one egg fertilized by two sperm cells. c. two embryos from two sperm cells and two eggs. d. one embryo involving one sperm cell and an endosperm involving a second sperm cell. e. one embryo from two eggs fertilized by a single sperm cell.

one embryo involving one sperm cell and an endosperm involving a second sperm cell.

sexual dimorphism

one gender has ornate features


one time producer

barnacles feeding example

open appendages to draw food in

In __________, an animal learns to associate one of its behaviors with reward or punishment.

operant conditioning

Through trial and error, a rat learns to run a maze without mistakes to receive a food reward: operant conditioning agonistic behavior imprinting classical conditioning

operant conditioning

examples of marsupials

opossums, kangaroos, koalas

Primates are distinguished from other mammals by __________.

opposable thumbs, nails, and good depth perception

Feeding behavior with a high energy intake-to-expenditure ratio is called herbivory autotrophy heterotrophy optimal foraging

optimal foraging

Sexual reproduction

organismal variation via allele shuffling

Rapid Reproduction

organismal variation via mutation

homo erectus

originated in Africa, first hominin to migrate out of Africa, became extinct 200,000-70,000 Y ago

homo sapien

originated in Africa, skull elongated, less pronounced brow ridges


other plasmids can be transferred


outer covering, nervous system


oval-shaped body and a shell composed of eight dorsal plates, unsegmented body

overharvesting effect of biodiversity

overfishing, Big species w/restricted habitats, low reproductive rates = increase vulnerable, Bluefin tuna pop decrease 80% in 10 yr

human impact of ocean pelagic zones

overfishing, pollution, acidification, global warming


phenotypic and genetic similarities due to shared ancestry

the phosphorus cycle available form

phosphate is most important inorganic form

biogeochemical cycle Less mobile elements =>


Phytoplankton is half of all

photosynthesis on earth

In which of the following pairs of populations is allopatric speciation most likely to occur fruit flies on bananas and fruit flies on oranges pine trees in Alaska and pine trees on the island of Madagascar bacteria in a hospital and bacteria in a nursery mountain lions in the canyons of Wyoming and in the nearby canyons of Utah

pine trees in Alaska and pine trees on the island of Madagascar


placental mammals

You find a new organism, it: Is autotrophic, Has dependent multicellular embryos, Has cell walls of cellulose, Has multicellular haploid and diploid stages. What is it?


What are some characteristics of vertebrates?

possess 2 or more hox genes, backbone present, skeletal and complex nerve system, neural crest

Prezygotic barriers __________. only occur in asexual organisms are necessary in order for speciation to occur prevent fertilization of gametes from members of closely related species prevent donkeys and horses from mating

prevent fertilization of gametes from members of closely related species

toxin accumulation impact

produce and release toxic byproducts, biomagnification

the bacteria that cause tetanus can be killed only by prolonged heating at temperatures considerably above boiling. This suggests that these bacteria __________. have cell walls containing peptidoglycan secrete endotoxins are autotrophic protect themselves by secreting antibiotics produce endospores

produce endospores

Ancient cyanobacteria were very important in the history of life because they ___

produced atmospheric oxygen


produces spores by meiosis

ascomycetes characteristics

production of spores in sac, develop asocarps (fruiting bodies) during sexual reproduction

homo neanderthalensis

prominent brow, larger brain, common ancestor to homo sapien

which type of questions are direct


approaches to studying animal behavior

proximate and ultimate questions

nematodes characteristics

pseudocoelomate, Alimentary canal, No circulatory system, Hydrostatic skeleton, Tough cuticle shed with growth

human impact of wetlands

purify water and reduce flooding

altruism favored when

rB>C (hamilton's rule)

An animal with a true coelom that has __________ cleavage must be a(n) __________. (

radial; deteurostome

examples of gnathostomes

ray-finned fishes, sharks, reptile humans

Which of the following sets of animals contains only gnathostomes? conodonts, placoderms, and acanthodians lampreys, conodonts, and hagfish bass, sharks, and frogs rays, turtles, pigeons, and tuna

rays, turtles, pigeons, and tuna


red algae, chlorophytes, charophytes § Closest relatives to land plants § Originated by primary endosymbiosis · Algae's include unicellular species, colonial species, and multicellular species

1. The functional role of sporopollenin is primarily to a. comprise spore surface structures that catch the wind and assist in spore dispersal. b. reduce dehydration. c. make spores less dense and able to disperse more readily. d. repel toxic chemicals. e. provide nutrients to spores.

reduce dehydration

1. What is characteristic of the Excavata supergroup?

reduced mitochondria, excavated feeding groove

Oceans affect the biosphere in all ways except producing a substantial amount of O2 remove CO2 from the atmosphere moderate climate in terrestrial biomes regulate pH of freshwater biomes

regulate pH of freshwater biomes

parasitism relationship

relationship between ants and trees


release spores that look like dust

1. What are the evolutionary advantages of seeds?

remain dormant until conditions are favorable when it grows into a diploid sporophyte.


repeat producer


repeating glycoprotein subunits

Unlike a regular phylogenetic tree, phylogenetic trees with branch lengths proportional to time can be used to _

represent the chronological time that has passed since two groups diverged from a common ancestor

the gills of a mushroom (basidiomycete) are specialized for _____. respiration reproduction defensefood storage


What were the two major "problems" that had to be solved before plants, animals, and fungi could fully move into terrestrial habitats? a. prevention of dehydration and locomotion b. support and absorption c. reproduction and locomotion d. cell division and absorption of nutrients e. reproduction and prevention of dehydration

reproduction and prevention of dehydration

Which of the following conditions is necessary for speciation to occur?

reproductive isolation

Which of the following conditions is necessary for speciation to occur? adaptive radiation mass extinction sympatric speciation reproductive isolation

reproductive isolation

In which vertebrates is fertilization exclusively internal? chondrichthyans, osteichthyans, and mammals chondrichthyans, osteichthyans, and reptiles reptiles and amphibians reptiles and mammals

reptiles and mammals

present day amniote clases

reptiles and mammals

Allopatric speciation

requires an initial geological barrier

fixed action patterns

response to 'sign stimulus' through sequence of unlearned acts

species distribution

result of evolutionary history & ecological factors

what is ovoviviparous

retain fertilized egg in oviduct, embryo hatches in body

species diversity comparison

richness vs abundance

cost to foraging

risk of predation

asexual fungi reproduction cycle

rowing as filamentous fungi that produce (haploid) spores by mitosis; molds, if they form visible mycelia.

ascomycetes produce sexual spores in

saclike asci contained in fruiting bodies called ascocarps

An ascus is _____. an asexual spore-producing structure on a stalk a club-shaped cell with spores on its outer surface a saclike structure containing spores the sexual structure of chytrids a cup-shaped structure containing many spore-producing cells on the gill of a mushroom

saclike structure containing spores

examples of amphibians

salamanders, frogs, caecilians

echinoderms characteristics

sea stars, Bilateral symmetry, Triploblasts. Alimentary canal, coelomate, Deuterostome development, Water vascular system with tube feet, Symmetry changes during development

Stramatonopiles/alveolates originated from

secondary endosymbiosis of red algae


secreted hydrolytic enzymes

the phosphorus cycle major reservoirs

sedimentary rocks, soil, ocean, organisms

1. The eggs of seed plants are fertilized within ovules, and the ovules then develop into __________. a. Spores b. Seeds c. Ovaries d. Fruit e. Gametophytes


reproductive frequency traits

semelparity and iteroparity

Nearly all animals with a bilaterally symmetric body plan (such as arthropods and mammals) have

sensory equipment concentrated at the head end of their body, including a central nervous system ("brain").

sexual selection results in

sexual dimorphism

flowers are specialized for

sexual reproduction


sexually mature but w/juvenile structures

Jaws rst occurred in which extant group of shes? lampreys ray finned fish sharks (chondrichthyans) placoderms

sharks (chondrichthyans)

ecdysozoans characteristics

shed a cuticle as they grow, nematodes and arthropods

Imagine that a species of fish used to be a broadcast spawner (producing many eggs that then get no subsequent parental care) but has evolved to be a mouth brooder (holding the eggs in the parent's mouth until they hatch and then caring for the young for a while). We would expect the survivorship curve of this species to:

shift from type III to type 1 or II

Fossil record

shows macroevolutionary change in large time scales

Parental protective behavior in turkeys is triggered by the cheeping sound of young chicks. What term best applies? sign stimulus cognition classical conditioning imprinting

sign stimulus

Founder effect

significant events in small population


similar external morphologies


similar in two or more species because they are inherited from a common ancestor


similarity due to convergent evolution


single female mating with multiple males


single male mating with multiple females


single, spiraled shell, slow, use defense against predators


single-cellular, contain alveoli (mebrane bound sacs underneath plasma membrane.


size and fission makes new mitochondria like bacteria

When the per capita birth rate equals the per capita death rate, _

size of population remains constant

2 approaches to population conservation

small population and declining population approach


social interactions, territorially

What kind of learning is thought to form the origin of culture?

social learning

When gene flow between two populations ceases, the potential for __________ exists speciation sexual selection hybridization fusion


sympatric speciation is

speciation occurs in populations that live in the same geographic area

goal of restoration ecology

speed up the recovery of a degraded ecosystem from a disturbed state closer to former undisturbed state

The zygotes of many protostomes undergo __________ cleavage and __________ cleavage. spiral ... determinate radial ... indeterminate spiral ... indeterminate radial ... determinate spiral ... radial

spiral ... determinate

The zygotes of many protostomes undergo __________ cleavage and __________ cleavage.

spiral; determinate

what organisms dont have symmetry

sponges and releatives


spore-producing structures found in fungi

1. The structural integrity of bacteria is to peptidoglycan as the structural integrity of plant spores is to a. Lignin. b. Cellulose. c. secondary compounds. d. Sporopollenin.


Primary succession

start w/ no soil or seed bank, little life

Peptidoglycan cell wall in bacteria

sugars crosslinked by polypeptides, Many antibiotics target

life table

summarizes the survival and reproductive rates of individuals in specific age-groups within a population.


sun overhead at equinoxes

nematode examples

superb parasite, C. elegans, dog heartworms, undercooked pork

lx = Nx/N0

survivorship= Nx is alive, No is comparing the number alive at birth

In the embryo of a shark, ectoderm gives rise to __________; mesoderm gives rise to __________; endoderm gives rise to __________. a. the central nervous system ... the outer covering of the animal ... b. the lining of the digestive tube the lining of the digestive tract ... c. muscle ... the outer covering of the animal digestive tube d. muscle ... the outer covering of the animal ... the central nervous system e. the central nervous system ... muscle ... the lining of the digestive tube

the central nervous system; muscle; the lining of the digestive tube

Turnover of water in temperate lakes during the spring and fall is made possible by which of the following? warm, less dense water layered at the top cold, more dense water layered at the bottom the changes in the density of water as seasonal temperatures change currents generated by nektonic animals

the changes in the density of water as seasonal temperatures change

In arthropods, molting is necessary because __________

the chitinous exoskeleton cannot grow

In the HardyWeinberg equation, p^2 represents___? the expected frequency of homozygous dominant individuals in the population the frequency of dominant alleles in the population the frequency of heterozygous individuals in the population total alleles

the expected frequency of homozygous dominant individuals in the population

What evidence supports the hypothesis that mitochondria and plastids evolved from prokaryotic endosymbionts? They have a single circular chromosome similar to bacterial chromosomes. They have flagella similar to bacterial flagella. Their ribosomes are more like prokaryotic ribosomes than eukaryotic ribosomes. They divide by a process similar to meiosis. The first and third responses are correct.

the first and third responses are correct.

life cycle of fungi

the fusion of hyphae from two individuals, forming a mycelium that contains haploid nuclei of both individuals.Eventually, two nuclei that originated from different individuals fuse to form a diploid zygote. Meiosis then produces either four haploid nuclei or four haploid cells.


the male reproductive organ of a flower

The density of a population is

the number of individuals per unit area or volume:

example of density of population

the number of oak trees per square kilometer in the Minnesota county or the number of Escherichia coli bacteria per milliliter in a test tube.

To calculate the human population density of your community, you would need to know the number of people living there and _____

the size of the area in which they live

Some species of rotifers undergo parthenogenesis, which means that

the species consist only of females that produce more females from unfertilized eggs

According to the punctuated equilibrium model of evolution, __

the tempo of evolution consists of abrupt episodes of speciation among long periods of equilibrium

Wet and dry seasons in tropical deciduous forests are ultimately caused by _____

the tilt of the Earth

what is inclusive fitness

the total effect an individual has on proliferating its genes by producing its own offspring and by providing aid that enables other close relatives to produce offspring.

Conifers are heterosporous

the two types of spores are produced by separate cones: small pollen cones and large ovulate cones.


the union of the cytoplasms of two parent mycelia

allopatric speciation example

the water level in a lake may subside, resulting in two or more smaller lakes that are now home to separated populations

Some sharks are viviparous, which means that __________. the young develop within the female's body they maintain a constant body temperature they have a tendency toward single births they have a tendency toward multiple births

the young develop within the female's body

what is viviparous

the young develop within uterus and obtain nourishment prior to birth by receiving nutrients from mothers blood through placenta

cross-fostering study

the young of one species are placed in the care of adults from another species

incomplete metamorphosis

the young resemble adults, have different body proportions, and lack wings

What is one visible feature that makes it easy to identify sea cucumbers as echinoderms?

they have five rows of tube feet

flatworm characteristics

thin bodies that are flattened dorsoventrally, triploblastic but lack body cavity, live in marine areas

All animals with bilateral symmetry have __________ germ layer(s). one two three four


Homo erectus was the first hominin

to leave Africa.

r selection

traits for maximal growth rate at low densities

k selection

traits for maximal survival under competition

feeding relationships

trophic structure, link producers to top carnivores

what are examples of terrestrial biomes

tropical forest, deserts, savanna, chaparral, temperate grassland, northern coniferous forest, temperate broadleaf forest, tundra

2. The pollen tube releases two sperm cells into the embryo sac. The result of this is the __________. a. formation of a gametophyte b. union of the two sperm nuclei, forming a zygote c. union of one sperm nucleus with the egg nucleus and of the other sperm nucleus with two nuclei of the central cell, forming a triploid nucleus called the endosperm d. fusion of both sperm nuclei with the egg nucleus and the formation of a triploid zygote e. union of one sperm nucleus with the egg nucleus and the disintegration of the other sperm nucleus

union of one sperm nucleus with the egg nucleus and of the other sperm nucleus with two nuclei of the central cell, forming a triploid nucleus called the endosperm

photic zone

upper, where there is sufficient light for photosynthesis

leaf cutter ants example

use bodies to eat, clean and cut leaves, want fungus made

frogs characteristics

use hind legs to hop, long tongue to pick at prey, have adaptations to avoid being eaten

We can date fossils by

using radioactive isotopes with longer half lives in the surrounding rock to estimate fossil age

example of reciprocal altruism

vampire bats

lakes characteristics

vary in size, oligotrophic/eutrophic, closer to land, more plants adapted to land and water, plankton in benthic zones

Which of the following is characteristic of most terrestrial biomes? distributiong predicited by rock and soil patterns clear boundaries between adjacent biomes vegetation demonstrating vertical layering cold winter month

vegetation demonstrating vertical layering

ocean current away from equator carries

warm water away from equator

abiotic factor examples

water, soil, light, air

define animal behavior

way an animal or organism acts

what kinds of proximate questions answer

what stimulus elicit behavior, how growth and development affect it, physiological mechanisms

Evolutionary prediction of optimal model

when B>C, behavior maintained

Certainty of paternity is high with external fertilization because

when egg laying and mating occur together

Which of the following correctly lists the embryonic stages in the order that they develop?

zygote, blastula, gastrula, larva

Life cycle of fern- sporophyte dom

§ * archegonia and antheridia are typically carried on separate female and male gametophytes. Flagellated sperm swim through a film of water toward eggs, entering the archegonia in response to chemical attractants. Eggs are not released but instead remain within the bases of archegonia. After fertilization, embryos are retained within the archegonia. Layers of placental transfer cells help transport nutrients to the embryos as they develop into sporophytes.


§ Archegonia- female § Antheridia- male


§ Group of protists defined by DNA similarities § Stramenopila, Alveolata, and Rhizaria


§ Include amoebas that have lobe or tube-shaped pseudopodia as well as animals and fungi § First eukaryotic supergroup to diverge from other eukaryotes § Include protists related to fungi and animals

Flower Life Cycle

· Get 4 microspore from every microsporocyte · Microspore undergoes mitosis to form microgametophyte · Ovules in ovary are diploid cells some cells undergo meiosis · 4 meiotic products, 3 degenerates, 1 is megaspore · Megaspore undergoes mitosis and gets a female gametophyte · Stigma captures pollen grain, they get sperm cells inside of cell and deliver to ovules

exponential population growth model

· If growing exponentially- J shaped curve · R is changing · Higher intrinsic rate will grow faster than lower · Logistic model- S shaped curve


· Lobe-shaped pseudopodia · Entamoebas · Parasites


· affect population regardless of size

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