BIOS 2210: Exam 4 Review (pt. 2)

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which of the following is the most common parasitic disease in industrialized nations? balantidiasis schistosomiasis toxoplasmosis giardiasis Trichomonas infection

Trichomonas infection

after an initial infection with Naegleria, what body system will be invaded by the parasite next?

central nervous system

in the dormant cyst form, giardia is protected from the environment by a shell composed of . . . (giardiasis)


Candida albicans can establish opportunistic infections of the . . .

eyes, liver, mouth, skin, and other organs

the most severe form of malaria, called "blackwater fever" is caused by Plasmodium (falciparum/malariae/ovale/vivax).


t/f: a large number of anti fungal agents are available for treating fungal infections.


t/f: dermatophytes, which live on the surface of the skin, are always pathogenic.


t/f: fungi that cause systemic mycoses are uniformly acquired by ingesting contaminated food.


amoebae are a group of protozoa that move and feed using ___________. (timba)

lobe-shaped pseudopods

what is distinctive about the ova of fasciola hepatica? (fluke)

fasciola hepatica ova are most likely to be found in fecal sedimentation preps, the ova have an operculum

a person who shares a hairbrush with other family members is most likely to be at risk for which of the following mycoses? favus aflatoxicosis sporotrichosis pityriasis


trypanosoma cruzi is introduced into the body by . . .

feces containing trypomastigotes contaminating a bite wound

elephantiasis is caused by . . .

filarial roundworms

what is the intermediate host for this disease? (fluke)

freshwater snails

most mycoses are difficult to treat because . . .

fungal cells provide few targets for selective toxicity.

severe frothy diarrhea with a "rotten-egg" smell accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating, and fever are signs and symptoms consistent with . . .


a housefly can transmit diseases as a (biological/fomite/mechanical) vector.


what is the treatment for cutaneous leishmaniasis? (soldier)

meglumine antimonite intramuscular injections

what medication should this name receive to treat this disease? (mystery)


all of the true pathogen fungi discussed in this chapter are . . .

members of the Ascomycota and are dimorphic

how serious cases of giardiasis currently treated in the United States? (giardiasis)


the ___________ spreads more parasitic diseases to humans than other vector.


this disease is also known as Spelunker's disease and Cave disease. what is the most likely cause of Nate's illness? (cave)

histoplasmosis capsulatum

what tools would the doctor use to diagnosis this disease? (cave)

identification of the budding yeast in KOH-prepared samples of skin scrapings or sputum from patient

the number of cases of schistosomiasis has decreased over the past few decades due to which of the following? increase consumption of meat difficulty in controlling arthropod vectors improvement in water systems changes in global weather patterns

improvements in water systems

what was the source of the infection? (cave)

inhalation of spores from the bat guano

why are subcutaneous mycoses uncommon?

injury is necessary to introduce the fungus into the tissue

nematodes such as ascaris infect the ___________ by way of the ___________.

intestinal tract; lungs

histoplasmosis capsulatum . . .

is an intracellular parasite

the pathogen, giardia intestinal, is diplomaonad meaning . . . (giardiasis)

it has 2 nuclei

which of the following statements about Candida is false? it causes thrush it is easily treated with topical antifungals in immunocompromised patients it can be passed to babies during birth it is presented in the digestive tract of 40-80% of all healthy individuals it can be transmitted to adults during sex

it is easily treated with topical antifungals in immunocompromised patients

how likely is it that other scouts were infected during the caving camp out? (cave)

it is highly likely that 90% or more of the scouts will show evidence of infection (antibody formation), only a small percentage of these will get sick.

which of the following is NOT a means of preventing leishmaniasis? (soldier)

keeping dogs as pets in human homes

what is the name of the antifungal drug that Nate is taking? (cave)


peanut butter was prepared using peanut on which Aspergillus had grown. several people who ate it suffered from (mycetismus/mycetoma/mycotoxicosis).


which of the following organisms can colonize the nasal cavity and enter the brain to cause meningoencephalitis? naegleria entamoeba histolytica balantidium giardia acanthamoeba


in cestodes, David proglottids are found . . .

nearest the end of the strobila

is this a contagious disease? (fluke)

no, acquisition of the disease depends on the ingestion of metacercariae, not person-to-person contact

there are four species of Plasmodium that cause the disease of malaria, of which P. falciparum is the most virulent. P. falciparum is transmitted by a mosquito vector to a human host. can all mosquitoes transmit malaria? why or why not?

only female anopheles mosquitos can transmit the malarial parasite to a human host because they are the only ones who take a blood meal from the host

enterobius vermicularis are commonly known as (pinworms/hookworms/tapeworms) because of the shape of the female's tail.


which of the following fungal infections was extremely rare prior the AIDS epidemic? cutaneous candidiasis pulmonary cytrococcosis hypersensitivity aspergillosis pneumocystis pneumonia mycetoma

pneumocystis pneumonia

eating undercooked (fish/pork/snails/vegetables) can result in infestation with Tania sodium.


which of the following contributes to the infection with Trichomonas vaginalis? preexisting disease (ex: chlamydia) living in an underdeveloped area carrels hand washing habits compromised immunity contact with contaminated fomites

preexisting disease

greasy, frothy diarrhea with the smell of ___________ may indicate giardiasis. (giardiasis)

rotten eggs

what is the vector for this disease? (soldier)

sand flies

most fungi exists as (parasites/saprobes/autotrophs) and function as the major decomposers of organic material.


the parasite (leishmania/toxoplasma/trichomonas) is an obligate parasite that is incapable of surviving long outside the host and is transmitted almost exclusively via sexual activity.


the presence of active motile multiflagellated trophozoites in vaginal or urethral secretion is indicative of infection with . . .

trichomonas vaginalis

t/f: Aspergillus causes both mycoses and mycotoxicosis.


t/f: Histoplasma and Coccidioides produce tuberculosis-like damage to the lungs that can be seen on X-ray images.


t/f: all tapeworms are intestinal parasites that completely lack digestive systems.


t/f: anemia is a common consequences of hookworm infestation.


t/f: leishmania species cause systemic disease as well as superficial diseases.


look carefully at the peripheral blood smear. what parasite is present in the blood? (mystery)

trypanosoma brucei

what is the vector for African sleeping sickness? (mystery)

tsetse flies

what is the treatment for this women's condition? (fluke)


what is the mortality rate for untreated cases of African sleeping sickness? (mystery)


the tsetse fly is responsible for the spread of . . .

African sleeping sickness

Triatoma, commonly called "kissing buds," are vectors of . . .

Chagas' disease

a patient infected with a protozoan parasite who also exhibits congestive heart failure is most likely in the final stages of which of the following diseases?

Chagas' disease

which if the following nematodes can be transmitted by mosquitos?

Wucherei bancrofti

giardiasis is one of the more common GI diseases in the United States. both animals and humans are at risk for developing this disease. in what cases would a human be most likely to become infected by this pathogen?

a family hiking in the woods allows its dog to drink from a nearby stream. when they return home, the dog becomes sick with diarrhea in the house and the family members must clean up the mess.

90-95% of the population of the Ohio River Valley has been exposed to Histoplasma capsulatum, but relatively few individuals are diagnosed with histoplasmosis. why is this so?

a healthy immune system clears the infection before signs and symptoms can appear in these individuals

a contact lens wearer and cat owner beings to experience problems with her eye. the eye is inflamed and painful, and examination of the eye reveals that the conductive is ulcerating. which of the following parasites is most likely responsible? cryptosporidium parvum toxoplasma gondii trypanosoma cruzi acanthamoeba entamoeba histolytica


which of the following should be employed to avoid further problems with the Entamoeb histolytica? (timba)

advise doctors to prescribe iodoquinol to people who have been drinking the lake water and now have diarrhea; post warning that the water should be filtered before drinking; advise people that have been drinking the lake water, but do not have symptoms, to visit their doctor and ask about prescription for paromomycin

what is the name of the disease this name is suffering from? (mystery)

african sleeping sickness

the organism appears to be . . . (timba)

an amoeba

antibody test are commonly used for rapid diagnosis of many types of infection. however, they are not particularly useful for diagnosis of histoplasmosis. why is this so?

antibody test are not useful because in endemic areas over 95% of the population has been infected without contracting the disease

the parasites classified as Nematodes . . .

are known as roundworms

opportunistic fungi . . .

are normal microbiota for many individuals

the most common nematode infection worldwide is (ascariasis/filariasis/pinworms).


an avid Gardner is eastern North America begins to have a fever and cough. a sample from her lungs contains yeast cells and pus. she may be infected with . . .

blastomyces dermatitidis

which of the following is an opportunistic pathogenic fungus in humans? histoplasmosis capsulatum blastomyces dermatitidis coccidioides immitis paracoccidioides brasiliensis candida albicans

candid albicans

which of the following can mimic tuberculosis by cause the formation of large cavities in the lungs when the infection becomes chronic? paracoccidioides coccidioides blastomyces candida


which of the following organisms can cause water-borne diarrheal disease? (timba)

cryptosporidium enteritis, vibrio cholerae, entamoeba histolytica

based on the clinical history and presentation, what disease is the soldier most likely to have? (soldier)

cutaneous leishmaniasis

an intestinal parasite that is an emerging disease in North America (cryptosporidium/cyclospora/entamoeba) causes a watery diarrhea with fever.


the infectious stage of a beef tapeworm for humans is the . . .

cysticerci in beef

infections with (dermatophytes/pathogens/opportunists) are commonly acquired by person-to-person direct contact.


ringworm is caused by . . .

dermatophytes growing in the upper dead tissue layers of the skin

humans are the only reservoir for (balantidium/entamoeba/giardia), an intestinal parasite that causes diarrhea.


a patient at a clinic complains of diarrhea that is occasionally bloody and has persisted for sever days. a microscopic examination of a stool sample reveals the presence of very round cysts. these signs are consistent with infection by . . .

entamoeba histolytica

which of the following is the most common parasitic worm in the United States?

enterobius vermicularis

the cell membranes of fungi contain (cholesterol/ergosterol/fatty acid) which is a target of some antifungal treatments.


the (custodies/nematodes/trematodes) are helminths with an incomplete digestive system.


a person reports to a clinic complaining of fever and abdominal pain. the abdomen is swollen, and blood test indicate liver damage. a stool sample is examined under a microscope and found to contain eggs with a spine projecting from its surface. the indications are consistent with infection with . . .

schistosome mansoni

why is snail fever a common name for infections with schistosoma?

snails are the intermediate host

blastomyces dermatitis occurs in the (southeastern/central/southwestern/western) part of North America.


which of the following poses the greatest risk for contracting schistosomiasis? swimming in contaminated water wading barefoot in tide pools ingestion of aquatic vegetation walking barefoot on the shore of a remote lake

swimming in contaminated water

a human fecal sample is examined and found to contain a few strobila. the person is probably infected with . . .


what is the best way to prevent disease caused by Aspergillus species?

the best way to prevent disease caused by Aspergillus species is to take steps to maintain a healthy immune system

a child with a pinworm infection is successfully treated, but later suffers a relapse. which of the following best explains the relapse?

the child's clothing and bedding were not properly laundered

in the life cycle of giardiasis intestinal, the small intestine plays a pivotal role. what is the importance of small intestine in the development of giardiasis?

the small intestine is where the giardia cyst releases the trophozoite and it can adhere to the epithelial cells and begin to multiply.

which of the following regarding all of the tapeworms that infect humans is TRUE?

they all have non-human intermediate hosts

pathogenically, how does giardia produce symptoms in humans? (giardiasis)

they attach to large areas of the intestine

which of the following types of fungal disease is primarily the result of ingestion? dermatophytosis hypersensitivity toxicosis mycosis both mycosis and dermatophytosis


when does the dormant cyst excyst in the human body? (giardiasis)

upon entry into the intestines

to prevent infection with giardiasis, one should ___________ when drinking from a possible contaminated water source. (giardiasis)

use a filter

what food is most often associated with fasciola hepatica infections? (fluke)


the definitive host of a parasite is . . .

where the mature form of the parasite occurs

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