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SCHEDULE A schedule analysis is critical when dealing with long-term projects.

A ______________________ feasibility assessment is very important for projects that have long implementation time frames.

SYSTEMS ANALYST A systems analyst plans, evaluates, and maintains information systems for an organization.

A _______________________ ______________________ uses analysis and design techniques to solve business problems, then develops and implements the systems using information technology.

COMPUTER NETWORK Networks support the interactions between people, as well as the interactions between end users and the other components of an information system (e.g., hardware, software, and data resources.)

A ________________________ ____________________ is a telecommunications network that enables computers to exchange data resources and information.

C) Evaluation

A bowling center has implemented a new expensive system in hopes of increasing its clientele. The system stores and tracks patrons' bowling performance over time and displays for them the extent to which their performance has been improving over time. However, this new system has failed to attract more patrons. During which phase of systems development is this failure discovered? A) Analysis B) Documentation C) Evaluation D) Support


Although WPA has been a secure encryption protocol for wireless networks, it is being replaced by a standard that offers even stronger security as the latest Wi-Fi encryption protocol. What is the name of this new standard? A) WPA1 B) WPA+ C) WPA2 D) WiFi-1

CULTURES Cultural norms should be understood in global projects.

Although eye contact is important for good communication, this can imply disrespect or aggression in some ______________________.

D) Variable

Amanda has been asked to regularly extract and process databases from many sources into a data warehouse, which will be used by several departments within the hospital. Which data type should Amanda recognize is prevented by her data warehouse design? A) Historical B) External C) Static D) Variable

INFORMATION SYSTEM An information system is a system that accepts input data and processes it into information as output.

An ________________ _______________ consists of all the components that work topgether to process data into useful information.

A) Document camera

An art history professor would like to show an original oil painting from the eighteenth century on the classroom projector. The class is held in a large auditorium with more than 250 students attending. Which hardware component is required to digitize the painting? A) Document camera B) Multicore processor C) Sensor D) Teleprompter

A) Primary key in record "Vendor"

An auto parts manufacturer is creating a new relational database to more accurately identify their customers and vendors. The manufacturer's database design team decided to use "vendorID" to link a given vendor to a specific product, as illustrated in the diagram shown. What type of attribute is "vendorID"? A) Primary key in record "Vendor" B) Primary key in record "Product" C) Foreign key in record "Vendor" D) Master key in record "Product"

C) Chief technology officer

An automobile manufacturer is considering equipping the engines of its new models with the capability of detecting early symptoms of an imminent mechanical or electric failure, automatically transmitting that warning to the dealership from which the customer purchased the car, and the dealership automatically contacting the customer to schedule a repair appointment. It is facing the challenge of whether all this is technically feasible and operationally viable. Who needs to address this challenge of value creation through technology use? A) Database administrator B) Chief information officer C) Chief technology officer D) Web administrator

B) Query-based

An emergency department physician is treating an unconscious patient. The physician needs to request the medical history from the patient's primary healthcare facility. Which type of HIE model is used for this purpose? A) Opt-out B) Query-based C) Consumer-mediated D) Directed

A) Blending the attributes of different IT system designs to meet the unique user needs of the business A blended IT organization takes the attributes of different IT designs to meet the unique user needs of a business. These attributes may include delivering and maintaining IT infrastructure as well as optimizing important business assets, such as production, services, customer relations, and information management.

An integral component of planning and organizing IT systems for businesses includes which of the following? A) Blending the attributes of different IT system designs to meet the unique user needs of the business B) Avoiding consultations with outside vendors and customers C) Duplicating IT systems models of competitive businesses in order to minimize start-up and development costs D) Relying exclusively on expert IT consultants to evaluate all facets of the business operation

B) Synchronous

An international company is facing the challenge of its software development team working on a specific application spread across the globe in 16 countries in 12 different time zones. Flying them to the same location once a week or even once a month for coordination purposes would be prohibitively expensive. Moreover, the issues that arise tend to be urgent and in need of almost immediate resolution in communication with team members in other countries. Which communication style is necessary to resolve the issues in the given scenario? A) Multichronous B) Synchronous C) Dyschronous D) Asynchronous

B) Decision support system

An online mail order company decides to create its own Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to help management analyze customer's purchasing patterns. To be successful at managing relationships with customers, the CRM system must have access to large amounts of customer purchasing data for analysis and report generation. Which MIS tool is also useable by the company's CRM system? A) Executive support system B) Decision support system C) Group support system D) Infrastructure support system

C) Query-based

An urgent care physician must obtain a patient's medical records. Which type of HIE model should be used to obtain these records? A) Directed B) Consumer-mediated C) Query-based D) Health insurance


Broadband has enabled data, voice, and video to be combined and transmitted over one network. What is the name of the standard that allows this convergence between voice and data networks? A) TCP/IP B) VoIP C) IEEE 802.11 D) Bluetooth

Risk avoidance

Developing an alternative plan for achieving objectives by avoiding a specific risk or risk category. For example, finding a path around traffic congestion might include taking surface roads versus the expressway during rush-hour traffic.

object-oriented and structured

Two main methods for modeling and designing systems are _____________-_______________ and ____________________.

B) first-level managers Management information systems represent a category of information systems that serve low-level managers. MIS are usually focused on short- to medium-term business decisions.

Management information systems focus on technology, people, and organizations. They primarily serve __________. A) frontline staff B) first-level managers C) executives D) consumers

D) All of the above Floods, earthquakes, power outages, and more are major threats to managing information systems.

Managing information systems is a challenging role because of the constant changes and threats to computer-based information systems. Which of the following can be a major threat to information systems? A) Floods B) Earthquakes C) Power outages D) All of the above

longest Earlier CPM developers utilized an activity-on-arrow diagram (known as a PERT chart) while contemporary developers use the activity-on-node diagram to outline the critical path of a project.

Once the CPM structure is established, the __________________ paths for each task, as well as the earliest and latest dates, are calculated.

TRUE The modern IS management function is extremely complex and changes regularly. Finding qualified employees is critical to maintaining an effective IS.

One of the most important IS management issues facing businesses today is hiring skilled IS workers. True or False

Analysis Phase 1. Identifying problems, opportunities, and objectives 2. Determining information requirements 3. Analyzing system needs Design Phase 4. Designing the recommended system 5. Developing and documenting software Implementation Phase 6. Testing and maintaining the system 7. Implementing and evaluating the system

Seven formal stages of SDLC

Risk transference

Shifting risk to another party. For example, in a case where risk cannot be avoided, shared, or reduced to an acceptable non-damaging level, insurance can be purchased to provide restorative reimbursement for damaged equipment or services and, potentially, lost revenue.

Organizational resistance to change Position description changes Roles and responsibilities changes Required user skill set changes Organizational process and structural changes Changes in the nature of existing managerial activities Competition for limited organizational resources Competing stakeholder interests Competing project initiatives

Some of the areas other than technology that must be considered when contemplating a new system are:

PROBLEM SOLVER A systems analyst must play a role in overall system troubleshooting as a problem solver.

The primary role of a systems analyst is _____________________ ___________________.

B) appropriate or acceptable Written communication in all capital letters is considered inappropriate when used in a document.

The use of all capital letters in written communication, especially letters, memos, and email, is considered to be all the following, except: A) aggressive or angry B) appropriate or acceptable C) yelling or shouting

A) Software and data The six major components of a computer based information system are: People Processes Data Hardware Software Networks

What are two of the six major components of a computer-based information system? A) Software and data B) Data and external influences C) Software and telecommunications D) Telecommunications and hardware

C) Product sales support

What business function benefits from both wireless networks and cellular technologies? A) Corporate hiring standards B) Consideration of product retirement C) Product sales support D) Evaluating technology trends

D) Web sales

What business strategy relies heavily on efficient and secure software implementations? A) Vendor selection B) IS staff training C) High-quality products D) Web sales

A) Soliciting feedback throughout the project IT professionals should request regular feedback to ensure the audience has a clear understanding of the information.

What communication best practice should IT professionals perform during a project? A) Soliciting feedback throughout the project B) Sharing documentation with all users C) Holding regular meetings to give status updates

acronyms Acronyms or abbreviations might not be understood by the audience.

When conducting presentations, technical ___________________ should be avoided if possible and defined when required.

B) Buy three systems and test them to see which one performs best. Buying three solutions is not economically feasible.

Which of the following is not the best avenue for the evaluation of alternative solutions for an information system? A) Develop a system in house and test its performance and reliability. B) Buy three systems and test them to see which one performs best. C) Evaluate companies in the same industry and their implemented systems/solutions.

C) Choose projects based on company goals and return on investment. A good approach to selecting a strategic project is to categorize projects based on organizational goals.

Which of the following is one approach to selecting a strategic project? A) Allow customers to choose the project. B) Let the project manager choose the project. C) Choose projects based on company goals and return on investment. D) Let IT staff select the project.

B) Resistance to change Resistance to change by stakeholders is a primary reason for implementation failure.

Which organizational behavior leads to information system implementation failures? A) Increased management layers B) Resistance to change C) Increased bureaucracy D) Alignment of IT and business goals

Transaction processing systems (TPS) Common business transactions include employee payroll, customer sales, and supplier payments. One of the earliest types of IS, TPS are developed to decrease costs, decrease processing time, and increase accuracy. TPS achieve these benefits by automating and recording routine business transactions that are too tedious and monotonous for frontline employees to process manually in an effective and efficient manner. A transaction processing system is a computer system that tracks transactions required to run a business. Highly structured, with predefined rules, TPS provide critical information to other departments and systems within the organization.

_________________ _______________ _______________________ collect, store, update, and retrieve transaction data within an organization.

Object-oriented systems

_________________-_________________ __________________ development uses the object as the unit of design, and it is based on the concepts of class and inheritance. Objects that belong to a class will all have similar features, and objects may inherit properties or conditions from other classes. For example, numerous automobiles belong to the class of automobiles, and numerous trucks belong to the class of trucks, but both inherit the property of vehicle from the vehicle class.

Executive information systems (EIS) These systems incorporate summarized information from decision support systems and management information systems, along with external factors to forecast and analyze trends. An example of an executive information system is a digital dashboard, which displays charts and graphs showing up-to-the-moment performance indicators on sales, profit, expenses, and inventory on an executive's computer. Executive information systems summarize data but have the capability to drill down to the details. Outputs include summary reports, graphs, plots, and forecasts, which can be viewed via screen display, as well as in printed form.

__________________ ___________________ ___________________ are a specific class of DSS that support the strategic decision-making process of top-level executives.

Decision Trees Decision trees are graphs that use a branching method to illustrate every possible decision outcome.

____________________ ______________ represent graphical representations of the rules, conditions, and actions of the process.

Decision-support systems (DSS) While MIS are generally applied to structured problems at the organizational level, DSS are often developed to handle unstructured problems at all levels (i.e., single user, group, or organization). Further, MIS typically replace the decision maker by making automatic decisions. In contrast, DSS support the entire decision-making process, but the actual decision is ultimately made by a human. DSS use information from both the transaction processing systems and the management information system, along with external factors such as stockholders requirements, regulations, product pricing, and competition.

____________________ ___________________ _____________________ focus on supporting all phases of specific decision-making processes and procedures for arriving at a solution.

Management information systems (MIS) MIS provide performance reports based on the results from transaction processing systems, such as product cost data, sales data, and expense data. This information guides managers with tactical decisions and predictions for future business performance. What-if scenarios are used to create decision-making process simulations to assist with potential changes in the short-to-medium term business direction (i.e., 1 to 2 years), which is the focus of mid-level management.

_____________________ ______________________ __________________ represent a category of information systems that serve lower to middle managers.


_____________________ software are programs that are commonly used by end users as a means of increasing their productivity by directly applying them to specific tasks inherent in the work they are responsible for accomplishing.


__________________________ (i.e., typically output) is data that has been transformed by a predefined process (e.g.. organization, format, calculations, etc.), through which it takes on an additional informing quality that adds value for the end user recipient.

Network management systems and Database management systems

14. In 1965, computers had .092 MIPS, and today's computer have about 238,000 MIPS. What business practices have taken advantage of this massive increase in computer speed? Choose 2 answers Internal auditing schedule Network management systems Executive management hiring Database management systems

C) Work breakdown structure

A WBS is developed at the beginning of a project to identify activities required to complete a project. What does WBS stand for? A) Work and business system B) Work baseline system C) Work breakdown structure

work breakdown structure (WBS)

A ___________ __________________ ________________ is a broken down list of all deliverables showing what the customer will get at the end of a project.

D) Cloud computing

A business requires large amounts of data that are processed into information and used to maintain a competitive advantage over their competitors. As the business grows, the data storage and processing capabilities are becoming extremely challenging and costly. What external technological environment can be used to help address these issues? A) Parallel processing B) RAID storage C) Service-oriented architecture D) Cloud computing

Take steps to detect any presences of malware, require a username and password for network access

A business wished to extend the use of its virus scanning software to the business' customers. This requires the business to allow customers enough access to the internal network so virus scanning software can be downloaded to a customer's computer. Which two security measures will the business have to take to ensure customer access for virus scanning downloads, yet protect internal systems from possible unauthorized access? Choose 2 answers Take steps to detect any presences of malware. Ask each customer to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Reboot every router after each download has completed. Require a username and password for network access.

D) User requirements

A car dealership has been receiving complaints from its customers about its inflexible repair system in which customers who drop off their cars the previous evening are not properly placed in the queue and tend to be placed behind those who drop off their cars the morning of the scheduled repair. It needs technical staff members who understand the scheduling/drop-off operation so it can determine and articulate precise customer needs to the programmers who would then build the code behind the system. What type of challenge is this? A) Security B) Coding C) Project risk D) User requirements

C) Data mart

A company has many separate departments that focus on different business aspects and uses data warehouse subsets to hold data specific to each individual department. The company started a new department and created a new subset. What is this new subset called? A) Primary data B) Data tuple C) Data mart D) Secondary data

D) Character shifting

A corporation is using the encryption illustrated in the diagram below to protect business-sensitive information. What type of encryption is the corporation using? A) Character ordering B) Word substitution C) Exclusive bit shifting D) Character shifting

C) System protection

A corporation needs to improve its security policies and has decided to limit physical access to corporate computers. What value will the corporation realize with this policy? A) Always-on hardware vulnerability B) Network Protection C) System protection D) Guard against malware

B) Parallel adoption

A corporation wishes to modify its current distribution system. The management team asks the information systems (IS) team to analyze the proposed distribution change. Upon approval of the proposed IS project, the IS team must choose the project implementation method. Which method allows the old system to operate while the new system is developed and tested? A) Direct implementation B) Parallel adoption C) Prototyping D) Indirect implementation

Enforcing document retention and destruction policies Requiring the use of ID badges at building access points Mandating annual information security training for all employees

A decades-old hospital has several hundred employees and a modern IT infrastructure. An IT security analyst has been hired to provide a layered defense structure and must take measures to ensure confidential information remains confidential. Which activities will help the IT security analyst accomplish this goal? Choose 3 answers Enforcing document retention and destruction policies Requiring the regular acknowledgement of an acceptable use policy Requiring the use of ID badges at building access points Requiring specific fields be updated only with appropriate data Requiring that redundancies are added to each business critical service component Mandating annual information security training for all employees

A) Health and Human Services (HHS)

A facility discovers a breach of 8,500 records. Which website must be used to report this breach? A) Health and Human Services (HHS) B) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) C) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) D) Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

A) Cloud-based database

A fast food restaurant chain is in the process of adding more restaurants in an overseas market. One of the requirements is to have a reliable and scalable database technology that allows the local restaurants, as well as the corporate office, data access regardless of the platforms and locations. Which database technology supports these business data requirements? A) Cloud-based database B) Data warehouse C) Online analytical processing database D) Data mart

B) Social networking

A food truck wants to connect with its customers using a site that enables users and businesses to use public messages to create informed commerce. Which concept describes service to consumers and businesses in closing the feedback loop? A) Smartphone app integration B) Social networking C) Mobile e-commerce D) Customer relationship management

C) The company becomes data-centric.

A healthcare organization is considering an expansion into a new target market. The organization's management team develops a decision process to analyze current market strengths and to predict needs for the proposed new target market. Which benefit does the healthcare organization gain by developing this target market decision process? A) Management travel is reduced. B) The company reduces debt financing. C) The company becomes data-centric. D) Management decisions are easier.

C) Function-oriented

A healthcare organization is planning its yearly budgeting cycle. Management has requested the information systems team to validate current hardware and software performance. Which type of evaluation can the team use to perform this validation? A) System-oriented B) Strategic-oriented C) Function-oriented D) Object-oriented

B) Integrity

A healthcare organization utilizes employee passwords as a data privacy measure to secure sensitive data. The IT security team has been tasked with ensuring the data is produced and modified in the correct way. Which data privacy goal is the IT security team tasked with accomplishing in this scenario? A) Confidentiality B) Integrity C) Availability D) Duplication

C) By localizing the patients' care

A hospital in a rural area institutes the use of telemedicine to facilitate specialty consultations for its patients. How does this adoption impact patient care? A) By allowing patients to contact specialty physicians at any time B) By increasing the amount of personal monitoring for the patients C) By localizing the patients' care D) By better educating the patients

B) Process There are three steps to building a system model The first step is to collect information about the proposed system. This information is collected from various sources including customer input, analysis of existing system, and review of customer procedures and processes. The information gained during this process is used for the second step, which is the development of functional flow diagrams, functional specifications, and a flow dictionary. In the third step, the functional flow diagrams are presented to the customer/user or reviewer. In this step, the flow diagrams are explained and each function is briefly described. During this customer walk-through step, user input is obtained, the model is revised, and user approval is obtained.

A hospital is exploring the possibility of a merger with another hospital and decides to create a system model of the merged hospitals. In which step of the model will the hospital create a functional flow diagram? A) Architectural B) Process C) Testing D) Enterprise

A) Economic feasibility

A hotel experiences relatively long checkout lines on Sundays when the majority of its customers check out. Replacing the hotel's existing checkout system with an expensive state-of-the-art system has crossed the mind of top management, and yet, due to its relative monopoly in that region, the hotel's customers tend to be rather loyal. The management is wondering whether the costs involved in installing a new system would be recouped by the new system in the long run. Which type of feasibility is presented in this scenario? A) Economic feasibility B) Technical feasibility C) Schedule feasibility D) Political feasibility

determination of user requirements 2. Determining information requirements There are two primary types of requirements: Product requirements define the criteria that must be met by the product. Examples of product requirements might describe what the product should do, how it should look, how long it should last, and how easy it should be to use, as well as a variety of other requirements. Project requirements define what resources are needed for project completion and how the project will be implemented.

A key component of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) is the ______________________ ____ ________ _____________________, which consists of all the criteria the user may need, want, or demand. These requirements may be static or dynamic, and they are not always easy to communicate, document, or understand.

D) Communicator

A large hotel chain needs to develop a system that would coordinate its airport shuttle service with its customers' needs. This requires that their systems analysis staff interacts with both customers and shuttle drivers to identify and document the necessary requirements. In which role would a systems analyst assume to address this issue? A) Supporting expert B) Change agent C) Problem solver D) Communicator

THREE About one third of the IS management agenda is expected to change every three years, confirming the highly dynamic nature of the IS management function.

A large part of IS management's main agenda changes every __________________ year(s) due to the constant evolvement of information systems, confirming the highly dynamic nature of the IS management function.

B) Proximity authentication access control

A large university hospital has issued smartphones to its employees with a policy that the devices may not be used off of the hospital's campus. An IT analyst has been tasked with finding a way to enforce this policy. Which solution provides a fitting solution to this problem? A) Cell phone storage lockers near building exits B) Proximity authentication access control C) A man trap with a metal detectors D) Vigilant training and auditing procedures

A) Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS)

A local hospital closes and donates several computers to a youth center. Soon afterward, the hospital is notified that children at the center have access to patient demographic information on the computers. The hospital immediately retrieves the computers. According to breach notification regulations, who should the hospital notify? A) Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) B) Joint Commission C) State Attorney General D) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

B) Application software

A marketing manager uses a desktop publishing software to create advertising brochures that will be mailed to potential customers. To which major software category does the desktop publishing software in this scenario belong? A) System software B) Application software C) Utility software D) Simulation software

B) Clickstream analysis

A marketing manager would like to study customer behavior and how it relates to customer's purchase products from its online store. Specifically, she would like to know which website page the majority of customers spent the most time on, when and where they decided to abandon the shopping cart, and how long (on average) a customer takes to complete a sales transaction. Which database technology supports this study? A) Data mining B) Clickstream analysis C) Cloud-based database D) Smart Grid service

A) Business intelligence system utilizing data mining technology

A marketing research firm is planning a study involving consumer preferences toward new coffee flavors. The company needs to analyze coffee data from the coffee manufacturer, as well as preference data from consumers in order to discover whether certain flavors are more or less popular among certain segments of the population. Which database technology would help the company conduct this research project? A) Business intelligence system utilizing data mining technology B) Multi-user transactional database that integrates data from various sources C) Data reporting tool capable of generating ad hoc managerial reports D) Non-relational analytical platform that can quickly process a large amount of data

C) A server computer

A medical practice needs to allow multiple computers to have access to a shared printer. Which type of computer is required to manage the print requests to a shared printer? A) A laptop computer B) A client computer C) A server computer D) A supercomputer

False A model is not coded; it is diagrammed.

A model is an image of an item, system, or process that we code in order to imitate, follow, or duplicate whatever the model represents. True or False

A) Sentiment analysis

A national publisher of newspapers wants to mine its data warehouse (including inputs from social media) to identify which of its publications customers believe provides reliable reporting. Which tool is used for this initiative? A) Sentiment analysis B) Predictive analysis C) Text analysis D) Clickstream analysis

D) Call the help desk for assistance

A nurse attempts to log into the electronic health record (EHR) system, but with each attempt, an error message states that an incorrect password is being entered. After multiple attempts, the account is locked, and the nurse cannot access the system. What should the nurse do in this situation? A) Ask a coworker to log in B) Call a privacy officer to report the issue C) Notify the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) D) Call the help desk for assistance

B) Treatment can be monitored for a better health outcome.

A patient is using a new method of managing asthma conditions via a smartphone app that links to a sensor device attached to an asthma inhaler. The system logs a patient's treatment in the mHealth app and transmits the data to the patient's doctor. What is the benefit to the patient of using this type of mHealth technology? A) The technology's small and portable inhalers are easier to carry. B) Treatment can be monitored for a better health outcome. C) A prescription is not required for the inhaler. D) Treatment time is shortened and approved for every age group.

D) Directed

A physician is able to share a patient's electronic health record with a referring hematologist. Which HIE model is described? A) Health insurance B) Consumer-mediated C) Query-based D) Directed

B) A decision support system (DSS) that improves decision-making

A police department at a large metropolitan city implemented an information system that analyzes historical crime data, including date and locations as well as other external, environmental, and city-related data. The system then produces daily predictive reports of the major locations around the city that are likely to require additional police attention. The police department uses the reports to plan the officers' patrol routes, targeting the areas that the system predicted to have high likelihood of incidents. Which type of computer-based information system provides a competitive advantage based on the described scenario? A) A geographic information system (GIS) that helps increase market share B) A decision support system (DSS) that improves decision-making C) A transaction processing system (TPS) that promotes product differentiation D) A management information system (MIS) that enhances the customer experience


A police department at a large metropolitan city implemented an information system that integrates historical crime data, including date and locations to other external, environmental, and city-related data. The system then produces daily predictive reports of the major locations around the city that are likely to require additional police attention. The police department uses the reports to plan the officers' patrol routes, targeting the areas that the system predicted to have high likelihood of incidents. Which two strategies does the information system at the police department aim to accomplish? Choose 2 answers Improving decision-making Cost saving Product differentiation Customer satisfaction Operational efficiency


A process description tool __________________ the details of a function and represents the processing steps in a logical format.

Decision trees

A process description tool documents the details of a function and represents the processing steps in a logical format. Several process description tools are available, including modular design, decision tables, decision trees, and pseudocode (structured English). ______________ ___________ are graphical representations of the rules, conditions, and actions of the decision table

Modular design

A process description tool documents the details of a function and represents the processing steps in a logical format. Several process description tools are available, including modular design, decision tables, decision trees, and pseudocode (structured English). _________________ ______________ uses a combination of sequence, selection, and looping as building blocks to visually represent the system.

Decision tables

A process description tool documents the details of a function and represents the processing steps in a logical format. Several process description tools are available, including modular design, decision tables, decision trees, and pseudocode (structured English). __________________ _______________ represent all combinations of conditions and actions in a logical structure.

Structured English or pseudocode

A process description tool documents the details of a function and represents the processing steps in a logical format. Several process description tools are available, including modular design, decision tables, decision trees, and pseudocode (structured English). ________________________ uses the three building blocks of sequence, selection, and looping along with limited use of data terminology to describe the process.

D) Digital signature

A regional manager of a home health agency has received an important financial document seemingly sent by a branch manager, but he doubts whether the report was actually sent by that manager. Which technology could be used to verify that the report was indeed sent by the branch manager? A) Anti hack B) Firewall C) Virtual private network D) Digital signature

C) Promote competitive advantage

A ride-sharing cab company is looking for ways to generate more business by attracting more customers, both on the supply (driver) and demand (passenger) side, via a strategy of tracking their monthly miles and offering "frequent flier" bonuses, just like airline companies have done. Which IT management challenge is addressed in this scenario? A) Attain operational efficiency B) Improve decision making C) Promote competitive advantage D) Develop strong relationships with suppliers

B) Database administrator

A small medical practice that is growing quickly into a medium-sized medical practice is facing the challenge of consolidating and storing information received from multiple sources from the ground up in order to ensure that operations run efficiently. The medical practice needs to hire an expert who will, in addition to the above, maintain security and apply upgrades as needed. Which IT professional does the medical practice need to hire in order to address this challenge? A) Chief technology officer B) Database administrator C) Computer programmer D) Web developer

PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES A process must have clearly defined input and output guidelines. examples are equipment and maintenance schedules and backup and recovery policies

A structured sequence of activities to govern the use, operation, and maintenance of IS.

written and oral communications skills While a systems analyst may understand the proposed system, it is important to be able to communicate system benefits and capabilities to the audience. The objective of communication is to ensure that the audience understands the who, what, when, why, and how of the project. In other words, understand what you are presenting and why. This IT professional should understand the knowledge level of the target audience, as well as the needs and requirements of the project. Feedback should be solicited throughout the project to confirm that the audience understands the information.

A systems analyst must possess effective ___________________ and ___________ _____________________ ___________.

B) Develop new products and services

A university is looking for ways to customize its courses to the unique needs of its students by creating various levels of hybrid online courses, such as 80% online for one student, whereas only 30% online for another. Which IT management challenge is addressed in this scenario? A) Achieve operational excellence B) Develop new products and services C) Develop strong relationships with suppliers D) Improve decision-making

Risk acceptance

Accepting that a risk will occur and doing nothing to avoid or prevent it. An example would be accepting that a baseball will pass through a window facing the park and planning to replace the window when it occurs. Acceptance can be active or passive. Active acceptance is understanding the risk and making a plan of action when it occurs. Passive acceptance is understanding the risk and doing nothing to plan for recovery.

Risk reduction

Acting to reduce the potential for a risk to occur or affect damage to the project. An example would be the installation of a pre-action fire suppression system to protect sensitive electronics, where non-reactive gas is used to smother a fire before a traditional water suppression system is activated.

B) To determine if the outcome is possible and desirable The end objective of a feasibility study is to determine if the outcome of the development project is possible and desirable; that is, if it will have a return on investment.

As an IT professional, you are conducting a feasibility study for a project. What is the overall objective of a feasibility study? A) To determine the technology required B) To determine if the outcome is possible and desirable C) To determine development cost

A) Insourcing is internal development, while outsourcing involves contracting out development. Resources internal to organizations (insourcing) are "make" decisions, while outsourcing is a "buy" decision meaning external resources will be contracted.

Assume you are an IT project manager dealing with competing priorities, stakeholders, and budgets. Many times, one or more stakeholders want to outsource a specific element of a project to save time, money, or both. From the project management perspective, how would you explain the difference between insourcing and outsourcing to nontechnical team members? A) Insourcing is internal development, while outsourcing involves contracting out development. B) Insourcing is contracting development, while outsourcing is doing the project in another country. C) Insourcing is the act of launching a project, while outsourcing is the act of ending a project. D) Insourcing is hiring employees, and outsourcing is laying off employees.

fountain, spiral, build and fix, prototyping, and incremental models. The fountain model allows for activity overlap, such as the need for a system design prior to coding or hardware acquisition. The spiral model recognizes the need to review or repeat earlier stages as the project progresses. Build and fix is the simplest SDLC model allowing for code to be incrementally modified and implemented until successful. The prototyping model requires the development of a scaled prototype that can be tested prior to full-scale development. The incremental model divides the product into sections that are user-tested at each stage, resulting in fewer errors in the completed system.

Contemporary SDLC models include the

Analysis 1. Identifying problems, opportunities, and objectives A project team cannot afford to waste time or money addressing the wrong issue.

During this stage, the problem is defined, and potential solution opportunities and objectives are identified.

DESIGNS 4. Designing the recommended system The focus is on how the system will work and the primary output will be a system specification. Decisions will be made as to what data will be stored and where it will be stored. If needed, the architecture design will specify the hardware and network infrastructure

During this stage, the systems analyst _______________ the recommended system.

3. Analyzing system needs This document is the end result of the analysis phase. At this point, management might make a decision to continue with the recommendation or discontinue any further work on the project. Decisions will be made as to whether or not to develop the system in-house or to outsource the project.

During this stage, the systems analyst identifies the system needs and any structural decisions that will be involved. A systems requirements specification describes alternatives that were considered and provides a recommendation for the new system to management

5. Developing and documenting software

During this stage, the systems analyst works with the programmers to develop and document any software that needs to be developed.

A) Information privacy

Employees are sharing patient information found in the HIE on social media. Which type of concern is created by this situation? A) Information privacy B) Data granularity C) Data integrity D) Information security

Hardware refers to physical IT devices (Equipment) INPUT DEVICES: mouse, keyboard, touchscreens, voice recognition, microphones, scanner, etc... OUTPUT DEVICES: printer, monitor, speakers, etc STORAGE DEVICES: portable hard drive, flash drive, tape drive, cloud, etc.

Examples of Hardware

B) Change the wireless access points to other another frequency

Fred is an IT engineer at a large physician's practice, where 35 employees carry laptops and print to the wireless printer. Recently, the practice has discovered that the many Bluetooth headsets, cordless telephones, and regular usage of the breakroom microwaves are causing long-standing intermittent micro-outages at often predictable times of the day. Which solution to this problem will avoid disruption to the work environment? A) Change to corded communications devices B) Change the wireless access points to other another frequency C) Install traditional network wiring D) Upgrade the wireless access point antenna shielding

True HIE is also useful to public health authorities in identifying events or conditions for which they are monitoring and conducting surveillance on behalf of the public's health (e.g., infections such as tuberculosis), or those associated with potential bioterrorism (e.g., smallpox or anthrax)" (HealthIT.com, 2014).

Health information exchanges (HIE) are defined as "communication of healthcare information electronically across organizations within a locale, region, community, state, or nation. The goals of HIE are to improve access to and retrieval of clinical data or other information relevant to a patient's care, to reduce waste, and to provide better and more timely care. True or False

D) Anti-malware

Hostile or intrusive software with harmful intent can take the form of executable code and greatly damage a user's computer. Which technology can be used to minimize the chances of this happening? A) Rolling code B) Biometrics C) Encryption D) Anti-malware

B) A business analyst understands business operations and processes. Systems analysts understand systems and some business processes. Systems analysts might have some level of understanding of business operations, but it is not a primary area of expertise for systems analysis.

How are a systems analyst and a business analyst different? A) A systems analyst understands business operations and processes and implements them in IT. A business analyst understands systems and some business processes. B) A business analyst understands business operations and processes. Systems analysts understand systems and some business processes. C) There is no difference between the two; they are both able to do the job of the other.

C) Provides increased ability to consult with other specialists

How does the availability of telehealth affect areas with fewer trained physicians? A) Increases revenue to insurers by requiring less treatment B) Allows patients to choose physicians throughout the country C) Provides increased ability to consult with other specialists D) Takes patients' treatment out of the hands of health maintenance organizations

Three The three types of evaluations are system oriented, function oriented, and strategy oriented. The primary focus of system effectiveness is on system-oriented evaluation, which is the ability of an information system to discriminate between files or data that are relevant to a user query, and those which are not relevant.2 This form of evaluation also includes query response speed and memory space demands. Methods of system-oriented analysis include measures of precision (the percentage of retrieved files that are relevant) and recall (the percentage of files that are retrieved). Function-oriented evaluation examines the performance of data, hardware, software, networks, and human resources.3 The goal of this evaluation is the determination of the success of the information system in meeting functional objectives. The focus of function-oriented evaluation is to confirm the quality and functionality of the information and outputs. The factors that most influence the success of an information system are the functionality of the system, the quality of the data, the usefulness of the system, system usage, system efficiency, and user satisfaction. The focus of strategic-oriented evaluation is the determination of whether the information system outputs enable management to make strategic decisions that will help develop and achieve the future mission and vision of the organization.

How many types of management information systems evaluations are there?

B) Data integrity and quality

In a consumer-mediated exchange, which facet can be difficult for an organization to control? A) Interoperability B) Data integrity and quality C) Cost D) Privacy and security

Who will use the application?5. Developing and documenting software By what degree will it satisfy the company's needs? Can it be updated? How and when will it be updated? On what schedule will it need to be implemented? What is the cost, both now and into the future (i.e., total cost of ownership [TCO])?

In a make-or-buy decision, organization executives must weigh the different types of available options to select the best alternative for the anticipated future operation and expansion of the business. These criteria will include the following:

True When modeling a system, information on input, output, processes, and data is required.

In order to model a system, it is necessary to determine the various inputs and outputs required by the customer, as well as the necessary processes for managing them. True or False

Unified Modeling Language (UML) UML helps visualize and analyze an information system architecture.UML also helps model systems by using static structures and dynamics as well as the behavior of systems. For this reason, UML has structure diagrams, behavior diagrams, and interaction diagrams to help model and visualize information systems. In order to model the proposed system, it is necessary to determine the various inputs and outputs required by the customer, as well as the necessary processes for managing them. The model will depict users, inputs, outputs, and processes in a model similar to the following example. Systems design models most often are comprised of diagrams, charts, and maps. A data-flow model describes how data moves and is processed by the proposed system under development.

In software engineering, system models are depicted using _________________ ___________________ _____________________ , which is a general-purpose modeling language designed to provide a standard method to represent the design of a system.3

A) Operating systems, programming languages, and computer hardware Systems analysts focus on programming languages, operating systems, and supporting computer hardware.

In what areas should a systems analyst be a subject matter expert? A) Operating systems, programming languages, and computer hardware B) Network design, electronics, and databases C) Embedded software, databases, and microchip

TRUE Data that are organized are significant and can become useful information.

Information is data that have been organized to provide value to an organization. True or False

DATA, INFORMATION Information is data that have organizzed to provide value.

Information systems accept __________ as input and process it into ___________________ as output.

SECURITY Security is a critical issue that needs to be considered when managing information systems due to possible threats. Hardware assets must be protected from outside threats.

Information systems executives must make difficult hardware decisions regarding _________________.

C) Improved transparency

Interactions between buyers and sellers are often more effective when sellers intimately understand the needs of their customers, and when customers have more information to make important decisions. Thanks to the variety of beneficial resources, information, and services made possible by the Internet, such interactions may be highly individualized, and tailored to the buyer's purchasing capacity, and relative influence. What is another important advantage of a digital market over a traditional market, from a buyer's perspective? A) Information asymmetry B) Less price discrimination C) Improved transparency D) Increased search costs

B) Reviewing instant message logs

Interactive online communications, such as instant messaging, email, and video teleconferencing, have allowed managers at a large retailer to boost efficiency by enabling collaboration between geographically separate employees. However, such technologically assisted interactions have led to inappropriate conduct by employees, requiring the employer to implement processes or technological controls to reduce risk and encourage professionalism, but potentially invade employee privacy. Which technological action, if used, will represent an ethical challenge for this large retailer? A) Filtering Internet content B) Reviewing instant message logs C) Archiving all email D) Blocking access to video streaming sites

domain, class The domain model represents the definitions and concepts of the problem, and defines relationships of the entities. The class model helps visualize static entities and relationships between them.

Logical models are expressed through __________________ models and _____________models.

Political and Legal Pressures

Organizations respond to these pressures by enacting policies, complying to standards, and allying with experienced partners.

Technological Pressures

Organizations respond to these pressures by planning for improvements to reduce or manage complexity, creating faster and more accurate models to make better decisions, and innovating to sustain competitive advantages to keep up with competitors or to enter new markets. Disruptive technology is a technology that disrupts an existing market by creating a newer, cheaper value market and is often not as capable as established products before they emerge as leading options.

Economic Pressures

Organizations respond to these pressures by realizing the need to plan for or react to a changing workforce, powerful suppliers, customers, and/or competitors. Information technology has become critical to the success of the business enterprise because IT enables automation and a faster response to market needs.

Cultural Pressures

Organizations respond to these pressures by using ethical business practices, building strong cultural ties with their stakeholders (both inside and outside of the organization), being socially responsible, and enacting sustainable business policies and practices. Implementation of information technology requires acceptance and change from within the organization, and the IT professionals must consider the organizational structure, processes, and culture.

B) It was developed by the U.S. Defense Department. Program Evaluation and Review Technique was created and developed in 1957 by the U.S. Department of Defense.

PERT stands for Program Evaluation and Review Technique. Which of the following is true about PERT? A) It was developed by IBM. B) It was developed by the U.S. Defense Department. C) It was developed by Microsoft.

Risk sharing

Partnering with groups or individuals who have more experience and who will accept or absorb some or all of the risk involved. For example, when planning a community event, partners are often sought to help sponsor a venue or service in order to reduce financial risk.

D) By continuously monitoring patients' conditions

Patients with heart failure sometimes wear cardiac life vests, which can sense arrhythmias and provide defibrillation. How is mHealth being used to manage care in this scenario? A) By decreasing the amount of patient care performed by nurses B) By utilizing remote third-party patient reporting C) By providing cardiac rehabilitation D) By continuously monitoring patients' conditions

unplanned care

Query-based exchanges are used most often for _________________________________ ___________________.

C) Mesh topology

Sasha is an IT engineer at a large physicians' practice, where 35 employees carry laptops and print to the wireless printer. Several wireless access points are installed in the ceiling at appropriate points throughout the office space, though they share the same Service Set Identifier (SSID). In fact, an employee can start a large download, and then carry her laptop from one end of the office space to the other without losing her connection. Which network topology configuration supports this scenario? A) Star topology B) Token ring topology C) Mesh topology D) Bus topology

MAPS Diagrams, charts, and maps help model systems.

Systems design models typically consist of diagrams, charts, and ___________.

C) Shipping and transportation costs Shipping and transportation costs are not always considered in TCO.

TCO takes into account the total costs over time, including all of the following, except: A) Maintenance and service contract costs B) Fixed and ongoing operating costs C) Shipping and transportation costs D) Deployment and network infrastructure costs

HORIZONTAL Because information systems encompass many different business functions in an organization, the IS function is horizontal in nature and cannot work alone in a vertical structure.

The IS function is _____________________ in structure and its success depends on its cooperation and relationship with the other functions in an organization.

goal Evaluating alternative solutions is performed to select the best system that meets user requirements.

The _____________ of evaluating alternatives is to select the option that best meets the user requirements.


The _________________ model is the traditional systems development method, so named because each stage must be completed before moving on to the next stage.

critical path method (CPM) The CPM structure consists of a model identifying the work breakdown structure (WBS), time requirements per activity, the dependencies and relationships between the activities, and the logical deadlines for each deliverable or milestone.

The __________________ _____________ ___________________ is a step-by-step process planning technique that defines the critical and noncritical tasks within a project in order to reduce or minimize process delays and time-related problems.

Critical Path Method (CPM) This process identifies tasks that are critical and which can not be delayed without adversely affecting the project. The tasks that are not on the critical path may have slack time and can possibly be delayed without delaying the entire project. The tasks are charted in order to allow the project manager to display the project critical path from project start to finish. The arrows are used to indicate which tasks must be completed before the next task begins. A project can have several near critical paths in parallel, as well as subcritical or noncritical paths that do not affect the overall project duration. Add the time for all tasks in each path to determine the duration and end date for each path. The total number of days that the project has to be completed from the start to the finish is called the project duration.The critical path of the project is the longest path in the diagram. Strategies to avoid project delays might be to put the most experienced workers on the activities included in the critical path. A project schedule is considered sensitive if there is a likelihood that the critical path will change during the project. If the project schedule contains several critical paths, the project schedule is sensitive, while if only one critical path and slack (i.e., extraneous nonproductive time) exists within the project tasks, the project is insensitive.2

The ______________________ ____________________ ___________________ is able to represent the shortest amount of time in which the project can be completed, as well as determine the impact that one delayed task would have on the entire project.

TRUE Project managers choose to outsource when they lack resources or expertise, and offshoring is chosen to reduce cost.

The decision to outsource or go offshore with a project is based on a lack of core competencies inside the business or where there is financial savings in labor cost. TRUE OR FALSE

E) All of the above Proper systems analysis necessitates the performance of a feasibility study in order to determine whether the solution is financially, technologically, or organizationally feasible. Normally, several alternative solutions are identified and presented during the systems analysis process. The user must then determine which, if any, of the proposed systems meets the feasibility criteria.

The feasibility study is performed to determine whether A) the proposed system is a good investment B) whether the necessary technology is available C) whether the user's information specialists can manage the system D) whether the organization can adapt to the changes introduced by the new system E) All of the above

True Strategy-oriented evaluation looks at system output.

The focus of strategic-oriented evaluation is the determination of whether the information system outputs enable management to make strategic decisions. True or False

B) The financial system introduces unwanted liabilities.

The information systems support team is asked to perform an analysis of corporate privacy measurers regarding a centralized relational database. The database is interconnected to several business groups via the internal data network that also supports connectivity to outside organizations. Which ethical risk is identified after a secondary analysis? A) The financial system is poorly designed and implemented. B) The financial system introduces unwanted liabilities. C) The financial system is unavailable to all users. D) The financial system requires additional storage space.

Time: the time allotted to complete the scheduled tasks of the project Scope: the specifically defined output or deliverable(s) intended at the end of the project Resources (cost): the necessary human (laborers), capital (equipment), and liquid (cash) assets necessary to complete the project's output Quality: the degree of satisfaction by which each of the above components is satisfied

The major components of projects include the following:

The inputs, outputs, processing steps, and data storage needs The volumes of data to be handled, the database capacities needed, the numbers and categories to be supported, and with what level of service The interface necessary for user interaction with the system The control measures that will be necessary

The methods of obtaining user requirements include interviewing its users, analyzing the existing system, performing an analysis of the business area, and/or experimenting with the system during development. The user requirements analysis must determine the following specific requirements:

PEOPLE People are the individuals who interface with the hardware, software, network, and data.

The most important component of an information system.

defining the information requirements

The most important task performed during system analysis is ___________ ____ __________________ _________________, because the leading cause of system failure and cost overrun is inaccurate requirements.

True One type of feasibility study is operational and is used to determine if a new system is compatible with the organization.

The operational feasibility study objective is to understand if the proposed system is compatible with existing or proposed organization operation objectives. True or False

consultant, supporting expert, change agent, problem solver, communicator, and arbitrator. While acting as a consultant, the systems analyst serves and interacts with the users to understand their needs and requirements. The role of supporting expert requires the systems analyst to be knowledgeable in a variety of operating systems, programming languages, and computer hardware, although they seldom are involved in the development of hardware and software. The systems analyst serves as the change agent in encouraging user acceptance and adoption of the new system through understanding and addressing user concerns. The role of change agent encompasses the identification of the desired organizational improvements, designing systems that will implement those changes, and training and motivating users to operate and access the new system. The role of problem solver involves converting processes and procedures into system components and troubleshooting errors or delays that may occur. The systems analyst must be a good communicator, capable of interacting with internal users and customers to identify and document requirements that are necessary to develop the appropriate system. The role of arbitrator requires a systems analyst to resolve conflict by addressing user concerns and problems that may occur between conflicting parties within the organization.

The primary roles of a systems analyst include:


The process of creating a model is an _____________________ process with the outcome being a validated model of the proposed system and requirements.

critical path

The red line in the above picture outlines the ________________ _________of this project, or the series of steps in the project that will take the longest to complete. The ________________ __________ will determine the project duration.

Whether people or use it. The extent to which an IS gets used is related to how effective and efficient the end user feels it is in achieving the purpose(s) for which it was developed.

The single most critical factor in determining the success or failure of an information system.

Managing people and Managing communications It is essential for a project manager to manage resources for a successful project outcome, and it is essential for a project manager to manage communications for a successful project outcome.

The two essentials for successful project management.

TRUE Systems analysts sometimes have to resolve conflicts between user requirements and systems design.

The systems analyst sometimes plays the role of arbitrator to resolve conflicts by addressing user concerns. True or False

prepare written reports Written communication is especially important because written documents will exist long after conversations are forgotten. Documents should be proofread for clarity, grammar, and technical accuracy, and should follow a consistent format. The basic report should consist of a cover letter, introduction or executive summary, summary, findings, recommendations, and, when necessary, appendices. Effective written communication is also important in email communication. Although less formal than written documents and manuals, attention should be given to grammar, spelling, and content accuracy in any written communication.

The systems analyst will be required to ____________________ __________________ __________________ throughout the system analysis and design process.

analysis, design, and implementation. Systems analysis is the process of analyzing an organizational problem that can be solved with an information system.

The three phases in systems analysis are analysis, design, and implementation.

Duration Add the time for all tasks in each path to determine the duration and end date for each path.

The total number of days that the project has to be completed from start to finish is called the project

B) System design Six phases of SDLC Requirement gathering and analysis Design Implementing or coding Testing Deployment Maintenance

The traditional systems development lifecycle (SDLC) consists of six formal phases. Which phase of the SDLC involves developing the plan for capturing data and producing the output? A) System analysis B) System design C) System conversion D) System maintenance

U.S. Department of Defense

The work breakdown structure (WBS) concept was developed along with the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) by the _______ __________________ ______ _______________________ in 1957.1

TWO There are two methods for modeling and designing systems: object-oriented and structured.

There are ____________ main methods for modeling and designing systems.

(1) conveying the relevance and value of IT to the rest of the organization (2) managing critical relationships between the IT unit and key internal and external stakeholders, and (3) implementing effective IT solutions.

There are many critical issues involved in information systems management (ISM). Three primary issues, broadly defined, relate to

Query-based The key component of the successful implementation of HIEs is that of interoperability. HIEs require governance standards, pathways between state and national exchanges, and health information professionals with an understanding of public health data analysis.

There are numerous forms of HIE that include directed exchange, query-based exchanges, and consumer-mediated exchanges. A directed exchange of data has the ability to transfer data from one entity to another securely to support the coordination of care. Directed exchange occurs when the primary care provider sends patient health information electronically to a specialist as they coordinate patient referrals and treatment protocols. _________________________ - _________________ exchange normally occurs when providers request information electronically for unplanned care. Query-based exchanges routinely occur in emergency rooms. When a patient arrives, the ER physician queries laboratory, radiology, and perhaps primary care records.

Consumer-mediated The key component of the successful implementation of HIEs is that of interoperability. HIEs require governance standards, pathways between state and national exchanges, and health information professionals with an understanding of public health data analysis.

There are numerous forms of HIE that include directed exchange, query-based exchanges, and consumer-mediated exchanges. A directed exchange of data has the ability to transfer data from one entity to another securely to support the coordination of care. Directed exchange occurs when the primary care provider sends patient health information electronically to a specialist as they coordinate patient referrals and treatment protocols. ___________________________ - ___________________ exchange is the ability for patients to control the use of their health information among providers.

Legal The feasibility study helps to predict and determine whether the outcome is desirable. By performing a feasibility study, an organization may save money or prevent undesirable consequences.

There are several types of feasibility that should be addressed by a feasibility study: economic, technical, operational, schedule, legal, and political. ______________: Determines the legal aspects and repercussions of the project. This consideration may be important for organizations that do business with government agencies, foreign governments, or who manage or maintain sensitive or confidential data.

Schedule The feasibility study helps to predict and determine whether the outcome is desirable. By performing a feasibility study, an organization may save money or prevent undesirable consequences.

There are several types of feasibility that should be addressed by a feasibility study: economic, technical, operational, schedule, legal, and political. __________________: Determines whether the project will be viable once completed. This assessment is very important for projects that have long implementation time frames.

Economic The feasibility study helps to predict and determine whether the outcome is desirable. By performing a feasibility study, an organization may save money or prevent undesirable consequences.

There are several types of feasibility that should be addressed by a feasibility study: economic, technical, operational, schedule, legal, and political. _____________________: Total cost of ownership (TCO) is one method for determining the economic feasibility of a system or project. TCO takes into account the total costs over time, including hardware, software, labor, lease fees, and licensing.

Political The feasibility study helps to predict and determine whether the outcome is desirable. By performing a feasibility study, an organization may save money or prevent undesirable consequences.

There are several types of feasibility that should be addressed by a feasibility study: economic, technical, operational, schedule, legal, and political. ______________________: Considers how potential stakeholders will respond to the changes resulting from the proposed system(s). Stakeholders who do not support or feel threatened by the system may oppose or disrupt implementation.

Operational The feasibility study helps to predict and determine whether the outcome is desirable. By performing a feasibility study, an organization may save money or prevent undesirable consequences.

There are several types of feasibility that should be addressed by a feasibility study: economic, technical, operational, schedule, legal, and political. _______________________: The assessment of operational feasibility provides an insight into whether or not the proposed system(s) are compatible with the existing or proposed operations of the organization.

Technical The feasibility study helps to predict and determine whether the outcome is desirable. By performing a feasibility study, an organization may save money or prevent undesirable consequences.

There are several types of feasibility that should be addressed by a feasibility study: economic, technical, operational, schedule, legal, and political. _______________________: To determine the technical feasibility of a system, technology and providers need to be compared and limitations identified. In addition, the technical risk of the system will depend on size, complexity, and user experience.

PEOPLE AND PROCESSES The six major components of a computer based information system are: People Processes Data Hardware Software Networks

There are six major components of a computer-based information system, four of which are also in the information technology component. Which two components are only parts of the information system? Choose 2 answers People Hardware Software Data Networks Processes

The first step is to collect information about the proposed system. This information is collected from various sources including customer input, analysis of existing system, and review of customer procedures and processes. The information gained during this process is used for the second step, which is the development of functional flow diagrams, functional specifications, and a flow dictionary. In the third step, the functional flow diagrams are presented to the customer/user or reviewer. In this step, the flow diagrams are explained and each function is briefly described. During this customer walk-through step, user input is obtained, the model is revised, and user approval is obtained.

There are three steps to building a system model:4

system-oriented, function-oriented, and strategy-oriented The primary focus of system effectiveness is on system-oriented evaluation, which is the ability of an information system to discriminate between files or data that are relevant to a user query, and those which are not relevant.2 This form of evaluation also includes query response speed and memory space demands. Methods of system-oriented analysis include measures of precision (the percentage of retrieved files that are relevant) and recall (the percentage of files that are retrieved). Function-oriented evaluation examines the performance of data, hardware, software, networks, and human resources.3 The goal of this evaluation is the determination of the success of the information system in meeting functional objectives. The focus of function-oriented evaluation is to confirm the quality and functionality of the information and outputs. The factors that most influence the success of an information system are the functionality of the system, the quality of the data, the usefulness of the system, system usage, system efficiency, and user satisfaction. The focus of strategic-oriented evaluation is the determination of whether the information system outputs enable management to make strategic decisions that will help develop and achieve the future mission and vision of the organization.

There are three types of system evaluation:

effectiveness Effective organizations require effective systems.

There is a direct relationship between the system ____________________________ of an organization and the effectiveness of the organization's management information.


This phase includes testing, user training, maintenance, and documentation of the system.

B) Directed exchange, consumer-meditated exchange, and query-based exchange

What are the three types of HIEs? A) Query-based exchange, customer-mediated exchange, and directed exchange B) Directed exchange, consumer-meditated exchange, and query-based exchange C) There are only two exchange types. D) None of the above

A) Using resources that reside outside the country in another geographical region Offshore means outside of the country, typically in a geographical region offering cheaper labor.

What does offshore outsourcing mean? A) Using resources that reside outside the country in another geographical region B) Using internal and external resources to staff projects C) Using contractors to staff projects D) Using internal resources and contractors

A) How stakeholders respond to system changes New systems change how information is shared and how decisions are made. Stakeholders can either support or derail the initiative, depending on their perspective and how they think the system will impact them.

What is meant by the political aspect of a feasibility evaluation? A) How stakeholders respond to system changes B) How executive management funds projects C) How users will respond to new systems

B) A set of tasks with a clear objective and an ultimate deliverable Projects require clear tasks to be performed on time and within budget to accomplish objectives.

What is the best definition of a project? A) A planning activity B) A set of tasks with a clear objective and an ultimate deliverable C) A set of tasks that have no deadline and a constantly changing objective

A) The longest path through the network diagram, indicating the shortest amount of time in which a project can be completed The critical path is the path with the longest time duration and represents the shortest amount of time a project can be completed.

What is the critical path? A) The longest path through the network diagram, indicating the shortest amount of time in which a project can be completed B) The path with the most activities and longer durations C) The shortest path through the diagram, indicating the maximum length of time in which a project can be completed

B) Health information exchange

What is the definition of the acronym HIE? A) Health insurance exchange B) Health information exchange C) Health investigation exchange D) None of the above

A) Coordinated care

What is the key purpose of a directed exchange? A) Coordinated care B) Unplanned care C) Patient control of data sharing D) None of the above

A) Patient control of their health information The purpose of consumer-mediated exchanges is for patients to control the sharing and use of their health information among providers.

What is the main purpose of consumer-mediated exchanges? A) Patient control of their health information B) Unplanned data shared with treating physician C) Coordination of care D) None of the above

A) Good communication objectives involve the who, what, when, why, and how of a project. Good communication objectives should strive to cover all facets of who is involved, why things are being done, and how things are being done.

What should be the objective of good communication during an information systems project? A) Good communication objectives involve the who, what, when, why, and how of a project. B) Good communication objectives involve all project documentation. C) Good communication objectives mean all communication should be verbal.

B) Team members should try to understand foreign cultures. It is important to understand some basic aspects of other cultures whose members are part of the project.

What should team members acknowledge and understand when projects are global? A) Team members should communicate in foreign languages. B) Team members should try to understand foreign cultures. C) Team members should translate documents.

B) Organizations are living organisms that readily accept change and do not require much planning. Organizations must be included in the analysis and design because they are not always accepting of change and they must accept change inherent by a new system. Thus, a lot of planning must go into new design considerations.

When a new system is designed, the proposed changes must consider the organization's jobs/skills, along with organizational structure. Which choice below is not true when considering a new system? A) Organizations should be included in the analysis and design because they must accept change inherent by new systems. B) Organizations are living organisms that readily accept change and do not require much planning. C) Organizations are living organisms that do not accept change readily and, therefore, they must be included in systems design.

A) Functional flow diagrams emphasize element behavior, function, and flow. There are many ways to diagram and show the elements, behavior, function, and flow of a system; the functional flow diagrams provide a visual model.

When building a logical model of the system, you use a functional flow diagram. What is the purpose of the functional flow diagram phase in modeling systems? A) Functional flow diagrams emphasize element behavior, function, and flow. B) Functional flow diagrams are waterfall depictions of element interaction. C) Functional flow diagrams represent the relationship of data.

A) The determination of whether the information system outputs enable management to make strategic decisions Strategic system evaluation focuses on system output, enabling management to make informed decisions about the future mission.

When identifying post-implementation considerations, which of the following best defines strategy-oriented system evaluation? A) The determination of whether the information system outputs enable management to make strategic decisions B) The determination of the success of the information system in meeting functional objectives C) The ability of the information system to discriminate between files or data that are relevant to a user query

D) Mistakes can be easily corrected when identified. Mistakes may indicate a lack of understanding by a variety of stakeholders or the need for material rework, each of which may not be easily corrected.

When it comes to identifying and evaluating alternative solutions prior to acquiring a new information system, which of the following is not correct? A) When embarking on a strategic complex initiative, various solutions should be evaluated. B) Mistakes can be very costly to businesses. C) Before deciding on a solution, several alternatives should be evaluated. D) Mistakes can be easily corrected when identified.

A) All information systems have an impact on organizations and, therefore, organizational issues need to be part of the analysis. Information systems can create, change, or threaten the management structure of an organization. Therefore, it is important to include the organization in the analysis.

When performing a systems analysis, why does the organization need to be analyzed as part of the process? A) All information systems have an impact on organizations and, therefore, organizational issues need to be part of the analysis. B) Organizations have the IT resources and, therefore, they must be accounted for. C) Organizations can veto a change and, therefore, they must be included in analysis.

C) A feasibility study determines if a solution is possible for an organization. A feasibility study looks at financial, technical, and organizational issues that could impede success.

When performing systems analysis, why is a feasibility study important? A) A feasibility study determines if a solution is too expensive. B) A feasibility study helps understand and define a system. C) A feasibility study determines if a solution is possible for an organization.


When preparing written reports, technical acronyms should be _______________when possible, and defined when required.

C) Both Documentation must be prepared correctly, with grammar, clarity, consistency, and accuracy in order to avoid adversely affecting the system.

When reviewing successful communication, what documentation guidelines should be considered? A) Grammar and clarity B) Consistency and accuracy C) Both

C) An employee processes monthly payroll checks and benefits using an open-source software.

Which activity is an example of how information systems support business functions of human resource departments? A) An employee processes invoices to be paid using proprietary software. B) An employee verifies a customer's credit status using a credit check software. C) An employee processes monthly payroll checks and benefits using an open-source software. D) An employee reviews daily inventory reports using an inventory management software.

C) Rapid application development

Which approach to systems development has a limited emphasis on the planning process and uses prototypes in lieu of predetermined specifications? A) Traditional software development life cycle B) Computer-assisted software engineering C) Rapid application development D) Joint application design

C) Data are properly destroyed.

Which aspect of data governance is used to ensure that once an online payment transaction is successfully processed, the credit card information is removed from the company servers? A) Data are properly recorded. B) Data are properly stored. C) Data are properly destroyed. D) Data are properly retrieved.

B) Data are properly stored.

Which aspect of data governance is used to ensure that the customer data and payment information saved in the company server are properly encrypted? A) Data are properly recorded. B) Data are properly stored. C) Data are properly destroyed. D) Data are properly retrieved.

B) Quality control

Which business function is primarily the responsibility of production and operations information systems? A) Accounts payable B) Quality control C) Recruiting and training D) Product pricing

A) Hierarchical database

Which database type, used frequently in early style databases but much less frequently today, contained inflexible data relationships that formed a treelike structure? A) Hierarchical database B) Relational database C) Object-oriented database D) Analytical database

B) Joint application development

Which development methodology brings developers together with clients or end users in order to regularly collaborate on a solution? A) Rapid application development B) Joint application development C) Object-oriented development D) End-user development

D) Social networks Although a business might market itself using social networks, this is not an influence.

Which factor does not influence the interaction between a business enterprise and its information system? A) Organization B) Processes C) Culture D) Social networks

B) Substitute products cost less and have less capabilities, but eventually displace legacy, established products. Disruptive technology is usually cheaper and not as capable as established products before they emerge as leading options.

Which of the following best describes disruptive technology? A) Substitute products cost less but have more capabilities and replace established products. B) Substitute products cost less and have less capabilities, but eventually displace legacy, established products. C) Substitute products are based on chaos and fuzzy logic.

C) Project management is the application of planning, organization, time management, leadership, communication, and problem solving skills to accomplish an objective and deliverable on time and on budget. Planning, organizing, time management, leadership, communication, and problem solving are all part of project management.

Which of the following best describes project management principles? A) Project management is the application of offshore resources to accomplish an objective and deliverable on time and on budget. B) Project management is the application of strategic thinking and information to reach a business decision. C) Project management is the application of planning, organization, time management, leadership, communication, and problem solving skills to accomplish an objective and deliverable on time and on budget.

C) Systems analysis is used to analyze organizational problems. Systems analysis looks at an organizational problem and determines if it can be solved with an information system.

Which of the following best describes systems analysis as a general term? A) Systems analysis is a feasibility study. B) Systems analysis is defined by Systems Development Life Cycle. C) Systems analysis is used to analyze organizational problems.

B) Configuring the access point to accept only specific MAC addresses

Which tactic defeats a war driver by barring access to your secured wireless network? A) Using an appropriate security solution, such as WEP or PGP B) Configuring the access point to accept only specific MAC addresses C) Regularly resetting the router password D) Configuring the access point to hide the SSID

B) Wi-Fi

Which telecommunication protocol is used to connect devices in a wireless local area network (LAN)? A) Bluetooth B) Wi-Fi C) Ethernet D) Token ring

A) Post Office Protocol (POP)

Which telecommunication protocol is used to retrieve email from a mail server? A) Post Office Protocol (POP) B) Transmission Control C) Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) D) File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Point-to-Point protocol (PPP)

D) Pseudocode

Which tool is appropriate for use in the design phase of information systems development to specify the detailed logic of a business process in narrative form in a manner easily translatable into any programming language? A) Work Breakdown Structure B) Unified Modeling Language C) Flowchart D) Pseudocode

Wireless bridge and Wireless repeater

Which two network devices boost Wi-Fi strength for wireless devices in areas of low signal quality? Choose 2 answers Wireless bridge Wireless access point Access point client Wireless repeater

A) Writing skills are essential for documentation requirements. All aspects of systems analysis and design must be documented; therefore, good writing skills are required.

Why are good writing skills critical to the systems analyst function? A) Writing skills are essential for documentation requirements. B) Writing skills are essential as the primary method of communication. C) Writing skills are essential because new ideas are shared in writing.

C) Information technology has automated business operations and changed the economics of information.

Why has information technology become critical to the success of business enterprise in the last 20 years? A) Information technology increases management layers for better decision making. B) Information technology creates more data and information for decision making. C) Information technology has automated business operations and changed the economics of information.

A) System modeling is used to implement findings and start over to ensure the system is understood. When going through all the steps in system modeling, the review process will identify faults or missing requirements that involve the redesign of the model.

Why is system modeling referred to as an iterative process? A) System modeling is used to implement findings and start over to ensure the system is understood. B) System modeling is an iterative process because it is required to model several times. C) System modeling is an iterative process because information gathering is not a perfect process.

D) Peer to peer

Widespread use of the Internet caused disruption and quick evolution within the music industry. Responses to widespread Internet usage included technological evolutions, such as uniquely identifiable digitally tagged files, and the passage of laws that penalized file sharing. Which type of e-commerce put music industry artists, publishers, and retailers at risk of losing potential revenue due to widespread use of the Internet? A) Business to consumer B) Business to business C) Consumer to consumer D) Peer to peer

B) To increase the number of available IP addresses

With technology trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Cloud Computing, eCommerce, and mCommerce, the Internet has become a very important and useful aspect of society. To prepare for these trends and aid in technology evolution, a necessary and critical change in telecommunications was the conversion from IPv4 to IPv6. What was the primary reason to convert to IPv6? A) To enable the Internet to operate at a higher bandwidth B) To increase the number of available IP addresses C) To enable the support of Web 3.0 D) To complete the conversion from analog networking to digital networking

MANUALS Training manuals must be prepared in written form.

Written communication can occur in the form of letters, electronic mail, memos, reports, and ____________________.

MISINTERPRET Written communication is a concrete form of communication, as it is difficult to misinterpret.

Written communication is a concrete form of communication because it should be difficult to _____________________________.

A) A sensitive schedule has more than one critical path. When a project is determined to have multiple critical activities leading to multiple critical paths, the schedule is sensitive.

You are working on a project and hear the word "sensitive" referred to with regard to the work schedule. What is meant by a project schedule being sensitive? A) A sensitive schedule has more than one critical path. B) A sensitive schedule has slack time. C) A sensitive schedule addresses resource allocation

Structured systems models

_______________ ______________ _____________ are methodical and process-oriented, moving from the general level to the specific level through a series of processes.

A) Have the most experienced workers complete tasks on the critical path. Any task on the critical path that has a delay will delay the entire project. Putting the most experienced workers on those tasks will increase the likelihood of finishing the project on time.

Your company has been asked to develop a user's manual for a new product. The project must be completed within 60 days. Which step would increase the likelihood of finishing the project on time? A) Have the most experienced workers complete tasks on the critical path. B) Evenly divide the experienced workers between all tasks for the project. C) Assign the least experienced workers to the tasks on the critical path.

Logical models

______________ ____________ are static views of objects and entities that make up an information system model. A model is an image of an item, system, or process that we create in order to imitate, follow, or duplicate whatever the model represents.

PERT charts

______________ _________________ can be used to diagram project tasks, along with time required to complete each task.

DATA Data (i.e., typically input) can take on many forms, including alpahnumeric data, text data, image data, and audio data.

______________ are more than just raw material; they are facts that are a valuable organizational resource that must be well managed to benefit all end users in an organization.

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