CH 15 Genetics Terms

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A prokaryotic mRNA can contain open reading frames for several different proteins. This type of mRNA is termed ________


A small effector molecule that binds to a repressor protein and allows it to bind to DNA is called a _______


A small molecule that binds to an allosteric protein or an RNA molecule and causes a conformational change is called a __________


An inducer is a small effector molecule that causes transcription to ......


An operon encodes a _________ mRNA, an RNA that contains the sequences of two or more genes

transcribed, translated

During gene expression, the information in DNA is _____ into RNA, and then the RNA message is ________ into a polypeptide

Sigma 32

Genes induced by heat shock are recognized by an alternative sigma factor called .....


How many domains does the lac repressor contain


If a strain of E. coli has a mutation in the lacI gene such that the lac operon is expressed even in the absence of lactose, the mutatant is called ______

sigma subunit

In prokaryotes, the RNA polymerase holoenzyme is composed of the core enzyme plus the ___________ ___________


In the trp RNA leader, ________ stem loop structures are possible

glucose, galactose

Lactose is a complex sugar composed of the two monosaccharides __________ and ________


Lactose is transported through the membrane of the bacterial cell via opening formed by the protein Lac _________


Mutants whose genes are unregulated are called _______ mutants

RNA polymerase

Positive regulators of transcription usually act by establishing a physical contact with _________ __________ that attracts it to the promoter or keeps it there longer.


Protein that functions as an activator of the lac operon


RNA leader sequences are _______ in that they can alter their stem loop structures and thus their function in respons to a wide variety of environmental cues.

14 2

The RNA leader of the trp operon includes a short open reading frame containing _______ codons, __________ of which code for tryptophan

untranslated region

The RNA leader sequence of mRNA is also referred to as the 5` UTR or 5`_________ _________


The amino acid sequence of the polypeptide is synthesized by the ribosome according to instructions embodied in the sequence of _________ in the mRNA


The binding of a small effector molecule to a regulatory protein changes the ______ of the regulatory protein, which alters its DNA binding ability


The enhancement of RNA polymerase activity is known as _________ regulation


The entire procedure used to sequence the transcriptome is known as ______-_________


The guanine riboswitch functions at the level of .....


The inducer of the genes for lactose utilization is a molecule called __________


The inhibition of RNA polymerase activity is termed _______ regulation

inducer DNA

The lacI (s) mutants cannot bind the _______, but can still bind to the ______. As a result, their lac operon is constantly repressed, regardless of lactose availability

dominant trans

The lacI+ is ________ to lacI- in ___

stem loops

The mRNA from the trpL genes has four regions that are complementary to each other and cause the mRNA to form ________-________

gene regulation

The phenomenon in which the level of gene expression in prokaryotes can vary under different conditions is termed prokaryotic ________ ___________

cAMP receptor

The positive regulator of the lac operon in the __________ ___________ protein (CRP)


The product of the lacA gene adds _____ groups to lactose and other sugars


The product of which gene is not required for the breakdown of lactose


The small effector molecule _______ prevents the lac repressor from binding to operator

catabolite repression

The somewhat imprecise term that describes how transcriptional regulation is influenced by glucose is ___________ ___________


The splitting of lactose into two monosaccharides is catalyzed by the enzyme _____ - _______


To identify operons, computer experts have developed algorithms that search for several closely space genes adjacent to a _______, as well as for transcription termination signals


Transcription in prokaryotes begins when the RNA pol holoenzyme binds to specific DNA sequences in the region called the ___________.


When the lac repressor binds the __________, RNA polymerase cannot transcribe the lacZ, lacY and lacA genes

trans-acting protein

Would using a merodiploid better indicate regulation of a gene by a trans-acting protein or a cis-acting DNA site


___________ are allosteric RNA leaders that bind small effector molecules to control gene expression


a strain of bacteria containing an F plasmid is called a ________, or a partial diploid


an anabolic pathway is turned off if the end product is present in sufficient quantities. This is termed ________ regulation


if a mutation is _________ - acting, whichever allele of the gene is dominant will override any other allele of that gene in the cell

small, translation

molecules called sRNAs refer to ________ RNA molecules that regulate ________ by base pairing with mRNAs

trans operator

the product of the lacl gene is a _____-acting protein that can bind to the _______ of a lac operon regardles of its chromosomal location.


when the lac repressor binds the _____, RNA polymerase cannot transcribe the lacZ, lacY, and lacA genes

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