CH 21 Addictive and Unhealthy Behaviors

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Making Referrals

A person who has a rapport with the affected individual should schedule a private meeting to discuss the matter. Emphasize feelings rather than directly focusing on eating behaviors. Be supportive of the athlete and treatment recommendations, and keep all information confidential. Consistently show concern for the athlete as a person. Avoid using the term eating disorder. Make and have ready potential referrals to a specific clinic or person.

Prevalence of Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating in Sport

Accurate assessment is difficult to achieve for a variety of reasons: Fear of being dropped from program Questionable accuracy of studies (assessment problem) so data must be viewed with caution

Prevalence of Substance Abuse in Sports

Accurate assessment of substance abuse is difficult to achieve because of the sensitive and personal nature of the problem. Most studies have focused on alcohol and steroid use: Alcohol use: 55-92% of high school athletes; 87-88% of college athletes Performance-enhancing drugs: Reported use by only 5% of high school and college athletes (40-60% among elite athletes) A 2003 CDC study: 1 in 16 high school students used steroids

Understanding Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia is potentially deadly, with a mortality rate of 5%, the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric condition. It can lead to starvation and other medical complications such as heart disease. The suicide risk of those affected is 50% higher than that of the general population. Affected people don't see themselves as abnormal.

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is a psychological disease characterized by an intense fear of becoming obese, a disturbed body image, significant weight loss, the refusal to maintain normal body weight, and amenorrhea.

Research on the Prevalenceof Eating Disorders in Sport

Athletes appear to have a greater occurrence of eating-related problems (disordered eating) than does the general population. Athletes and nonathletes have similar eating-related symptoms. Eating disorders and pathogenic weight loss techniques tend to have a sport-specific prevalence (e.g., among wrestlers versus archers). Female athletes in general report higher rates of eating disorders than male athletes Compared with nonathletes, it is primarily athletes in "thin build" sports that emphasize leanness (e.g., gymnastics and diving) who are at greater risk of developing eating disorders.

Unusual eating patterns are often one of the best indicators of an eating disorder. If a person hides food and disappears after eating, this can be a sign of a. bulimia b. anorexia nervosa c. anorexia nervosa and bulimia d. psychological depression


Recognition and Referral of an AthleteWith Eating Problems

Be able to recognize the physical and psychological signs and symptoms of these conditions. If you suspect an eating disorder, make a referral to a specialist in the area.

Detection of Substance Abuse

Be aware of the warning signs of substance abuse: Change in behavior (lack of motivation, tardiness, absenteeism) Change in peer group Major change in personality Major change in performance (academic or athletic) Apathetic or listless behavior Impaired judgment Poor coordination Poor hygiene and grooming Profuse sweating Muscular twitches or tremors


Bulimia is an episodic eating pattern of uncontrollable food bingeing followed by purging and is characterized by an awareness that the pattern is abnormal, fear of being unable to stop eating voluntarily, depressed mood, and self-deprecation. Condition is severe but less severe than anorexia. Bulimia can lead to anorexia. Bulimic people are aware that they have a problem.

alcohol use

College athletes are more likely than non-athletes to abuse alcohol and experience alcohol-related problems. Athletes are at higher risk for binge drinking because they regard parties as an important part of their social life, and possess binge-drinking friends. It is estimated that about 80% of college athletes drink, a higher percentage than non-athletes. Within a given two-week period, college athletes are more likely than non-athletes to binge drink and to do so more frequently. The use of alcohol by male athletes is higher than that of nonathletes; no significant differences exist between the use of alcohol by female athletes and nonathletes.

Disordered Eating

Disordered eating covers a spectrum of exaggerated eating patterns involving increased health risks. The extremes of disordered eating are anorexia and bulimia. It is difficult to distinguish athletes with an eating disorder from those who have many of the psychological symptoms of an eating disorder but no official diagnosis of an eating disorder. Eating disorders are often seen as a female affliction; however, males also experience disordered eating.

Dealing With Eating Disorders

Do Be supportive and empathetic Emphasize the importance of nutrition Make a referral for professional treatment for the person if possible Don't Hold team weigh-ins Single out the individual in front of teammates Discuss the problem with nonprofessionals

Defining Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a state in which either discontinuing or continual use of a drug creates an overwhelming desire, need, and craving for more of the substance.

Addiction to Exercise

Exercise addiction: A psychological or physiological dependence on a regular regimen of exercise that is characterized by withdrawal symptoms after 24 to 36 hours without exercise Positive addiction to exercise: A condition in which exercise is viewed as important in one's life but is successfully integrated with other aspects of life (healthy habit) Negative addiction to exercise:A condition in which life becomes structured around exercise to such an extent that home and work responsibilities suffer

Factors Contributing to the Onsetof Eating Disorder Symptoms

Internal Factors Negative mood Low self-esteem Perfectionism in achievement Desire for control External Factors Negative influences on self-esteem Hurtful relationships Hurtful role models Sport performance

Disordered Eating Facts

Lifetime prevalence of bulimia is 1.5% in women and .5% in men. Lifetime prevalence of binge eating disorder is 3.5% in women and 2.0% in men. Binge eating is more common than anorexia or bulimia and is commonly associated with severe obesity. Eating disorders have more than doubled since the 1960s. Forty to sixty percent of high school girls diet. Thirteen percent of high school girls purge. Thirty to forty percent of junior high girls worry about weight. Forty percent of nine-year-old girls have dieted. Five-year-old girls are concerned about diet.

Common Side Effects of Recreational Drugs

Mood swings Distorted vision Decreased reaction time Changes in blood pressure

The Problem of Substance Abuse

Ninety-eight percent of elite athletes said they would take a banned performance-enhancing substance with two guarantees—they would not be caught and they would win. Sixty percent said they would do so even if it meant they would die from the side effects.

steroid use

Of teens who use steroids, 4 out of 10 say that their decision to pursue the performance-enhancing drugs was inspired by professional athletes who take them. Among high school boys, 11% say that they've tried using steroids at least once in order to gain an edge in their preferred sport. Of athletes who decide to take steroids regularly, 80% show some form of biochemical abnormalities of the liver during medical testing. Aggression and irritability are 56% more likely to happen when athletes are taking steroids compared to when they are not. Among those who admit using steroids, 80% said they believed the drugs could help them achieve their athletic dreams. When asked, 57% of users said they would use steroids even if it would shorten their lives. Of people who use steroids, 60% believe that taking them is a right of the modern professional athlete.

Why Athletes and Exercisers Take Drugs

Physical reasons Enhance performance Rehabilitate injury Look better Control appetite and lose weight Psychological reasons Escape from unpleasant emotions or stress Build confidence or enhance self-esteem Seek thrills Gain extrinsic rewards One is low in self-control Reduce anxiety Social reasons Peer pressure False consensus effect (overestimate number of competitors doping) Emulating athletic heroes

Primary Versus Secondary Exercise Dependence

Primary exercise dependence Exercise is an end in itself, although it may include altered eating behaviors for the purpose of enhancing performance. Secondary exercise dependence Exercise is a symptom of another primary pathological condition, such as an eating disorder.

Prevention and Control of Substance Abuse

Provide a supportive environment; address the reasons that people take drugs. Educate participants about the effects of drug use. Inform participants that performance-enhancing drugs amount to cheating and unfair competition to enhance athletes' morality. Set good examples. Teach coping skills. Use web-based programs to deliver personalized feedback.

Characteristics of Bulimia

Recurrent binge eating A sense of lacking control over eating behavior during the binges Engaging in regular self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives or diuretics, strict dieting or fasting, or vigorous exercise in order to prevent weight gain Average minimum of two binge-eating episodes a week for three months Persistent overconcern with body shape and weight

Preventing Negative Addiction to Exercise

Schedule rest days. Work out regularly with a slower partner. If you're injured, stop exercising until healed. Train hard-easy: Mix in low intensity and less distance with days of harder training. If interested in the health aspect, exercise three or four times a week for 30 minutes. Set realistic short- and long-term goals.

Major Categories of Performance-Enhancing Drugs

Stimulants Narcotic analgesics Anabolic steroids Beta-blockers Diuretics Peptide hormones and analogues

Define substance abuse

Substance abuse is a maladaptive pattern of psychoactive substance use indicated by one of two patterns of use: Continued use despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurring social, occupational, psychological, or physical problem caused or exacerbated by use of the psychoactive substance. Recurrent use in situations in which use is physically hazardous. Some symptoms of disturbance have persisted for at least one month or have occurred repeatedly over a longer period

Sport Deterrence Model of Drug Abuse

The DSDM states that individuals conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the consequences of law-breaking behavior before deciding to break a law. The DSDM consists of three components: The costs of a decision to use The benefits associated with using Specific situational factors that may affect the cost-benefit analysis of using

Steroid Use by Females

The use of performance-enhancing drugs such as steroids has been seen as predominantly a male domain. Research has revealed that young girls (some as young as nine years old) are using bodybuilding steroids—not necessarily to get an edge on the playing field but to get the toned, sculpted look of models and movie stars. About 5% of high school girls and 7% of middle school girls admit to trying anabolic steroids at least once; use of the drugs has risen steadily since 1991. In teenage girls, the side effects from taking male sex hormones can include severe acne, smaller breasts, deeper voice, excessive facial and body hair, irregular periods, depression, paranoia, and fits of anger dubbed "roid rage." Steroids also carry higher risks of heart attack, stroke, and some forms of cancer.

Symptoms of Negative Addiction to Exercise

Tolerance or need for increased amounts of exercise Withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and fatigue Exercise often is in larger amounts than was intended (intention effect) Loss of control More and more time devoted to exercise Conflict as exercise takes precedence over other activities Exercise is continued despite knowledge of problems

Research on the Prevalenceof Eating Disorders in Sport

Up to 66% of female athletes may be amenorrheic as compared to 2% to 5% of nonathletes. Although anorexia and bulimia are of special concern in sports emphasizing form (e.g., gymnastics, diving, and figure skating) or weight (e.g., wrestling), athletes with eating disorders have been found in a variety of sports. Approximately 63% of all female athletes develop symptoms of an eating disorder between the 9th and 12th grades.

Characteristics of Anorexia Nervosa

Weight loss to 15% below normal Intense fear of gaining weight or being fat, despite being underweight Disturbance in one's experience of body weight, size, and shape In females, the absence of at least three consecutive expected menstrual cycles

Predisposing Factors

Weight restrictions and standards Coach and peer pressure Sociocultural factors Performance demands Judging criteria Critical comments about body shape and weight Genetic and biological factors Mediating factors

Introduction to Addiction and Unhealthy Behaviors in Sport and Exercise

While sport and physical activity involvement has numerous physical and psychological benefits, this does not mean participants do not engage in unhealthy behaviors or even become addicted to drugs and alcohol. Such unhealthy behaviors include doping, substance abuse, eating disorders, and illegal gambling.

Which of these is a psychological reason athletes use drugs? a. build confidence b. reduce anxiety c. increase extraversion d. a and b

a and b

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