Ch 24 and 25 history

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Budget cuts, tax cuts, increased defense spending. The national debt clims 186% in reagan years.


A situation where inflation rate is high, economic growth rate slows down, and unemployment remains high

Operation eagle claw

An atempt to end the iran hostage crisis by rescuing the 52 diplomats held captive. It failed and was humiliating to the US. The failure played a huge role in reagans victory.

Why was nixon visiting china and the societ union important?

CHINA: by going to china, nixon was trying, in part, to take advantage of the decande long rift btwn china and soviet union. It also opened up diplomatic and economic relationships wot chinese. SU: nixon and brezhnev signed the SALT 1 treaty. This was a five year agreement that would limit the # of ballistic missiles and submarine launed missiles to 1972 levels.

Ronald reagan

Called great communicator. Formwr governor of cali. Elected after carter.

Impact crisis had in 1980 election

Carter did not handle the iran cisis well and therefore ronald reagan was elected insted of him.


Commitee to reelect the president.(nixon). They were involved with the burglary of yhe democratic documents

The new right/conservative coalation

Fighting the assault of traditional values. An alliance of conservative special interest groups (business and religious) concernded wkth cultural and social moral issues. Wanted to block ewual rights amendment, abortion, affirramtive action, and entitlment programs that benefited special interest groups. WANTED TO BRING BACK TRADITIONAL FAM VALUES

Nancy reagan

First last has "just say no" to drugs campaign

Ping pong diplomacy

First showing of the chinese and US improving relationship

Mikhail gorbachev

General secretary of soviet communist party. He adopted glasnost; allows critiscm, some freedom of press. Plans peresroika; some private enterprise, and a move to democracy

Fords reaction to Watergate

He pardoned nixon for all offenses he might have commited, avoiding future prosecution.

Supply side economics

If people payed fewer taxes, they would save more money

Saddam hussein

Iraq leader during the persian gulf war

Henry kissinger

Nixons national security advisor and later secretary of state. Shaped much of nixons foreign policy. He believed in the notion of real politik; basing foreign policies on realistic views of national interest rather than principles.

Struggles that carter and ford faces economically

Opec raising oil prices;major fuel shortage. Inflation increased from 7.6 to 11.3%

OPEC and how it effected the economy

Organization of petroleum exporting countries. In the Yom kiPpur war, the us sided with israel, its long time ally, the arab OPEC nations cut off oil sales to the US. When they gave it back, the prices quadrupled.

Camp david accords

President carter invited the leaders of egypt and isreal to maryland. After 12 days, the two sides signed the first peace agreement between israel and another arab country.

How did the cold war come to an end

The breakup of the soviet union in 1991 (14 countries seperate and become independant)

Trickle down evonomics

The largest tax cuts would go to those with the highest incomes. As the prosperity returned, the profits at the top would trickle down to the middle class and even the poor. (Did not work)

Watergate scandal

The nixon administattion attempt to cover up a burglary of the democratic national commitee headquarters at the watergate office and apartment complex in DC. Led the nixon being impeached.

Iran hostage crisis

The shah of iran (US ally was losing favor with irinians due to corruption and dictatorial tactics. A revolution broke out and ghe muslim religious leader ayatollah established a theocracy based on quran. Cater continued to support the shuah and invited him in US for cancer treatments. This act infuriated the revolutionaries. Arm students seize the US embassy and took 52 americans hostage. Militants demanded the return of the shah in exchange for releasing the hostages. Carter refused. The captives were finally released 444 days later.

Contras in nicaragua

sandinistas-rebel group takes over and carters sends them aid. Reagan called them communists and helped the contras (opposition forces) with monies funneled from iraq from illegal arms sales.

Social issues the country faced during the conservative movement

AIDS, drug abuse, US students lag behind students in other nations

Order of presidents

Nixon ford carter Reagan Busch

Primary goals of jimmy carter and his administration

To restore integrity to the white house and never lie to the amrican people, control the energy crisis with oil. He sought to use moral principles to guide the US foreign policy and fight for freedom around the world.

Why did iraq invade kuwait in the gulf war

To take its oil and threaten a US oil spill

Norman schwarzkopf

US and kuwait fighting force leadwr who caused 10,000 iraq deaths and only 400 of their own casulaties. Linerated kuwait.

Bob woodard and carl bernstein

Washington post reporters that linked numerous member of the CRP to the buglary.

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