Ch.17 Scrotum (abdomen)
Are the seminiferous tubules tortuous?
Straight tubules
Are the tubuli recti tortuous or straight tubules?
Are there blood vessels in the scrotum?
Is the epididymis located within the scrotum?
Is the vas deferens in the scrotum?
Is there serous fluid in the scrotum?
Tunica vaginalis
Membrane consisting of a visceral layer and a parietal layer that line the inner scrotal wall.
How much fluid is located between the layers of the tunica vaginalis?
Multiple septations
Mediastinum testis
Multiple septations arise from the tunica albuginea to form what?
Pouch of skin that is continuous with the abdomen.
Production of sperm
Cells of Leydig
Testosterone is secreted by what?
Tunica dartos
The dartos is also called what?
Ductules that form the epididymal head
The rete testes drain from the testes into the efferent ductules which drain into what?
Efferent ductules
The rete testes drain from the testes into what?
Median raphe
The scrotum is externally divided into two parts by what?
Tubuli recti
The seminiferous tubules converge to form what?
Seminiferous tubules
The septula form lobules which contain what?
Rate testis
The tubuli recti enter the mediastinum testis forming a network of channels called what?
The tunica vaginalis presents as what on ultrasound?
Epididymal head
Triangular with rounded edges and has an echogenicity similar to the testis.
Production of sperm and testosterone
What are the primary functions of the testes?
What divides the scrotum into sacs internally?
Superficial fascia Contractile tissue
What does the dartos contain?
Serous fluid
What is between the layers of the tunica vaginalis?
What is externally divided into two parts by the median raphe?
Testicles Epididymis Vas deferens Blood vessels Spermatic cord Serous fluid
What is located within the scrotum?
What is secreted by the cells of Leydig?
3-5 X 2-3 X 2-3 cm
What is the approximate measurement for the testes?
Regulate testicular temperature
What is the function of the cremasteric muscle?
What is the primary sex hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of male sex characteristics?
What is the shape of the testes?
Tunica vaginalis
What lines the scrotal sacs?
Cremasteric muscle
What surrounds each testicle and extends into the abdomen over the spermatic cord?
Tunica vaginalis
What surrounds the tunica albuginea?
In the scrotum
Where are the testicles located?
Mediastinum testis
Where do the tubuli recti enters?
Seminiferous tubules
Where does spermatogenesis take place?
In the scrotum
Where is the spermatic cord?
Tunica albuginea
White fibrous tissue that covers each testicle.