Chapter 16, 17, 18 Nutrition

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Infants born to women who exercise tend to __ than babies born to non exercising mothers.

- Be more neurologically mature - Be leaner

What symptoms may an infant have if he/she develops an allergic reaction to milk

- Blood in the stool - Vomiting -Constipation

Intakes of which micronutrients tend to be suboptimal in many adults

- Calcium - Vitamin D - Vitamin B-6

What are some precautions a person should take when using complementary approaches to health to reduce the risk of negative effects

- Check with a physician - Use one product at a time - Keep a diary of symptoms

What is likely to decrease milk production

- Consuming alcoholic drinks - Cocaine -Marijuana

Which of the following are issues with teen pregnancies

- Enter pregnancy underweight - Low nutrient intake - Gain too little during pregnancy

Identify strength training recommendations for older adults

- Exercise different muscle groups in each sessions -Rest between exercise sets -Exercise the major muscle groups

Of the additional 800 calories per day required for milk production, approximately

- Half should come from fat stored during pregnancy - Half should come from the diet

Multiple previous pregnancies or pregnancies occuring less than 1 year apart increase the risk that future pregnancies will result in a

- Low birth weight infant - Premature birth

Adequate intakes of potassium are needed for

- Maintaining fluid balance - Contracting muscles - transmitting nerve impulses

What can occur if prenatal care is inadequate

- Maternal deficiencies can harm the developing fetus - Chronic diseases can increase the risk of fetal damage

What are some side effects of eating alone

- People who eat alone choose fewer nutrient-dense foods - Many people who eat alone become apathetic toward life

Identify a strategy to encourage teenage boys to make healthy food choices

- Serve non-fat or low-fat dairy products -Stress the importance of nutrition for physical development -Stress the importance of physical activity

Which of the following are food items a breastfeeding mother may need to stop consuming if she suspects her infant is suffering from colic

- Strong flavored vegetables - Chocolate milk products

What are some benefits of the proteins found in human breast milk compared to cows

- They are easier to digest they are less likely to cause allergic reaction - They are less stressful to infant kidneys

Which of the following statements are true about typical teenager eating patterns

- They do not eat enough fruits and vegetables - They choose foods in higher in salt and added calories

What are the daily protein needs for infants

-1.5 g/k.g body weight - Nearly twice as much as adults

Which of the following is true about vitamin K

-American Academy of Pediatrics recommends infants receive a vitamin K injection at birth -Intestinal bacteria produces vitamin K -Infants are born with little ounces of vitamin K

What are some psychosocial factors that affect nutritional status among older adults

-Apathy -Grief -Depression

What are some alternative treatment options for pregnancy-induced hypertension that can be used if it is too soon to deliver the infant

-Bed rest - Magnesium sulfate treatment

Babies born to obese women are at increased risk of __

-Being stillborn. - Becoming obese -Birth defects

The DRI's for adults are divided by gender into 4 age groups. These changes in nutrient needs take into consideration the following

-Body composition changes, -organ function changes, -metabolic changes

Which is an appropriate milestone for young children regarding self-feedings

-By age 5 or 4 children can use a fork efficiently -At 1 year of age infants can drink from a cup

Which two supplements should not be taken together to avoid competition for absorption

-Calcium -Iron

Which statements are true about colostrum

-Colostrum is a thin, yellowish fluid -Colostrum is the first fluid released from the breast at the end of pregnancy

Why are some sources of milk inappropriate choices for infants

-Cows milk is low of vitamin C & E - Goat's milk is low in folate, vitamin c, iron -The protein in cows milk is difficult for infants to digest

Which of the following are true about cravings during pregnancy

-Cravings may not affect a pregnant woman's health as long as her diet is adequate in nutrients and calories -Some cravings during pregnancy are for nonfood substances like clay and rubber bands

What are some negative effects that medications and supplements can have on the body

-Diuretic and laxatives can cause excess water loss, - iron supplements can interfere with the functioning of zinc and copper - Antibiotics can deplete the body of vitamin K

What are some strategies a pregnant woman can use to reduce morning sickness

-Eat saltines prior to getting out of bed - Avoid greasy of fried food - Avoid large fluid intake in the morning

What are some guidelines for healthy eating in later years

-Eat with friends and family -keep easy-to-prepare meals on hand - eat regularly

Please pair the term with its correct definition

-Embryo~ Developing life form from the beginning of the third week until to he end of the eighth week after conception. -Ovum~ The egg cell from which a fetus eventually develops. -Fetus~ from the beginning of the ninth week after conception until birth. -Zygote~ Fertilized ovum; the cell resulting from the union of the ovum and sperm.

What adverse health events are associated with uncontrolled eclampsia

-Fetal death - Liver and kidney damage - Maternal death

Which populations are multivitamins and mineral supplements recommended during pregnancy

-Frequent dieters -Vegans -Teenagers

Vitamin K~ Vitamin D~ Vitamin B-12~

-Given to all infants at birth -Given to breastfeed and formula fed infants until intake of formula or solid food to provides adequate amounts -Breastfeed infants whose mothers are vegan

Many older Americans suffer from diet related chronic diseases such as

-Heart disease, -osteoporosis, -certain cancers

Which of the following are not approved by the FDA

-Herbal Supplements -Dietary Supplements

What is the result of a low folate intake

-Impaired normal growth -Neural tube defects in offspring in teenage girls

Benefits of physical activity include

-Improving balance, -sleep, -increasing muscle strength

Rank the group with the highest protein requirements to the lowest protein requirements relative to body weight

-Infants -Children -Adolescents -Adults

Pregnant women can usually ease or avoid heartburn symptoms by

-Limiting caffeine intake -Avoiding spicy food

What are the effects of inadequate magnesium intake

-Loss of bone strength - Poor heart rhythm -Muscular weight

What are some effects caused by the gradual loss of nerve cells

-Loss of memory -impaired reasoning

What are the following benefits of maintaining lean body mass in elderly

-Maintains basal metabolic rate - Keeps body fat low - Decreases risk of dehydration

Which are characteristics body composition changes in males seen by the end of adolescences

-Males have a heavier skeleton compared to females -Males have a higher concentration of red blood cells from females

Which changes can influence nutrient and calorie needs

-Menopause -Less of lean body tissue

Infants born to women who consumed insufficient calories are

-More likely to die soon after death -small

What are indicators of a well-nourished breastfed infant

-Normal weight gain -6 or more wet diapers per day -Stools that look like lumpy mustard

Correct situation with its associated adverse health even

-Obese Pregnant Women~ High Blood pressure, gestational diabetes, and difficult delivery -Infant born to Obese Woman~ Birth defects, death within the first few weeks after birth, obesity during childhood may be experienced. -Underweight pregnant woman~ Lighter placenta, lower nutrient stores (Iron) - Infant born to underweight mother ~ Low birthweight and increased risk of being premature may be experienced.

The prevalence of which of these chronic diseases rise with age__

-Obesity -Heart disease -Osteoporosis

What are some ways parents can encourage healthy eating in their preschoolers

-Offer a variety of healthy foods -Give children some freedom in choosing which type of food to eat and how much to eat

What are some possible causes of low body image that may develop in teenagers

-Peer pressure -Messages from the media -Physical changes of adolescents

Who provides the greatest influence on the nutrition education of children as they grow older

-Peers -Media -Teachers

Which factors contribute to edema during pregnancy

-Placental Hormones -Blood Volume

The American Academy of pediatrics recommends a vitamin and mineral supplement for children who are

-Poor eaters -Vegan

What ate the main consequences of failure to think

-Poor physical growth - impaired mental development

__ should never take supplements unless under the guidance of a physician

-Pregnant women -children under 2 years of age -people over the age of 65

What are the adverse health affects associated with iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy

-Preterm Delivery -Increased risk for fetal death -Low birth weigh infants

Black Cohosh ~ Garlic- Ginseng- Echinacea- Ginger

-Reduce post menopausal symptoms -Reduce blood cholesterol or blood pressure -Relieve stress -Stimulate immune systems -Motion sickness and nausea

What are some advantages of breastfeeding for the mother

-Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes - Decreases the risk of ovarian and premenopausal breast cancer -Potential for quicker return to prepregnancy weight

Which statements are true regarding the function of the placenta

-Removes waste products from the fetus to the mother -Exchanges nutrients, oxygen, and other gases between the mother and fetus -Releases hormones to maintain the pregnancy

Which are signs of successful aging

-Slow decline of physiological function -Late onset of chronic disease

What are some programs funded by the USDA that help women of low socioeconomic status procure foods and nutrition education

-Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) -Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) -Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

The brain releases the hormone oxytocin to trigger

-Uterine contractions -let down reflex

What nutrients are impacted when menopause occurs

-Vitamin D needs may increase -Calcium needs may increase -Iron needs decline

What are some physiological changes that occur with aging

-Weakened sense if thirst -Reduced bowel function -Decreased vision

Teenagers in which of the following sports are likely to restrict calories in an attempt to keep weight down

-Wrestling - Gymnastics

What are some factors that cause a failure to thrive in children

-inborn errors of metabolism -infections -Physical abnormalities

What are some examples of reasonable dietary approaches for the lactating mother to optimize nursing for both infant and maternal health

-moderate fat intake - Consume approximately an extra 400-500 calories per day - Well-balanced diet

What is considered healthy weight gain for a pregnant woman during the second and third trimesters

0.8- 1 pound per week

Adults over the age of 65 should limit alcohol consumption to no more than __

1 drink per day

At what pace do experts recommend adding new foods to a baby's diet

1 ingredient at a time

How long does it take for an infant to establish his or her own growth percentile

1 to 3 years

Match the time frame during pregnancy with the correct term for each developmental stage

1-2 Weeks~ Zygote 3-8 Weeks~ Embryo 9-40 Weeks~ Fetus

List the steps in the process of the let-down reflex in order from start to finish

1. Sucking stimulates nerves in the nipple and areola 2. The pituitary releases oxytocin and prolactin 3. Oxytocin stimulates release of milk

What age are most females when there height increases at the fastest rate


When does the greatest weight gain occur in makes after the fast growth seen during infancy


What is the fiber recommendation for children after one year of age

14 grams per 1000 calories

Brain development is three quarters complete by __ years of age


How many ounces of milk do infants need every 2 to 4 hours

2 to 3 ounces

Consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods, limiting added sugar intake, and balancing energy intake with energy output are all suggestions made by

2015 dietary guidelines for Americans

During the first trimester, the calorie needs for an active, pregnant woman are approximately

2200 kcal

Approximately how many calories are allowed during the second and third trimesters to allow for a healthy pregnancy


All adults should manage in moderate intensity aerobic activity for __ minutes daily at least five times per day


How many additonal calories are needed by pregnant women during the second and third trimester

350 to 450 kcal per day

Total fat should account for about __of a baby's calories intake

40 to 55

A favorable pregnancy outcome is a full-term gestation period of

40 weeks

Nutrition experts agree that most babies are not ready for solid food until __ of age

6 months

The American Academy of Pediatric recommends breastfeeding exclusively from birth until __

6 months

Transitional formula is designed for infants age __

6 months to 2 years

Match the healthy people 2020 goals for breastfeeding infants

82%- Breastfeeding at the time of discharge 61%- Breastfeeding for 6 months 34%- Breastfeeding at one year

When does the majority of bone formation occur

9 to 18

The calorie needs of physically inactive adults fall steadily throughout adulthood due to

A gradual decline in basal metabolism

Individuals with __ have increased needs for energy and some vitamins and minerals


The total fat intake of adults of all ages is often __ the recommendations

Above at

An example of a complementary approach to health is

Acupuncture along with medications to control pain

When is half of peak adult bone mass achieved


__ is the longest stage of the life cycles, it begins when an adolescent completes his or her physical growth


During pregnancy, caffeine can __

Affect fetal heart rate Decrease blood flow through the placenta Affect fetal breathing

During which stage of life are the body systems at their peek efficiency rate __

Ages 19 to 30

Nutrient dense foods can be displaced during pregnancy in women that consume


High blood cholesterol alterations in protein production, poor blood glucose regulation, and high free radical levels are all possible causes of

Alzheimer's disease

Which of these following diseases is not directly diet-related but can be treated or prevented with proper nutrition

Alzheimer's disease

Use meal replacement products~ Seek non-dairy calcium sources~ Wear sunglasses in sunny conditions~ Preform regular physical activity~

Appetite decrease with age Lactase production declines Sense of vision declines Lean body mass decreases

What is one of the best promoters of optimal fetal growth

Appropriate weight gain during pregnancy

Which disease has over 100 forms and causes the degeneration and roughening of the once smooth cartilage that covers and cushions the bone joints


This vitamin is a particular problem for older adults as deficiency can exist even with adequate dietary intake


Which B vitamin is recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists for pregnant women to prevent or treat nausea


The best indicator of a child's nutritional status is


The two factors associated with the high caloric needs of the infant include rapids __ growth and high __ rate

Growth; metabolic

A child who was breastfed during the first 6 months of life has a decreased chance of developing __ problems


Straining to excrete dry hard stools when constipated during pregnancy may cause the formation of __


Germander, pokeroot, comfrey, Yohimbe and chaparral are all __ remedies known to pose significant health risks


What are factors that significantly influence at the rate at which a person ages

Hereditary, Life style, Environment

In some cases, the nutrient and calorie demands of lactation are

Higher than

Standards for infants formulas are set to help formulas match the nutrient composition of

Human milk

The nutrient composition and bioavailability of __ are designed by nature to meet the needs of human babies

Human milk

What is the medical condition characterized by distractibility, impulsiveness, disruptive behavior, and overactivity__


Severe nausea that continues beyond 14 weeks of gestation is known as, __ , a serious condition that may require hospitalization

Hyperemesis Gravidarium

Continually receiving minimal qualities of food may

Impair growth and development

Which is the best statement in reference to strategies for a successful pregnancy

Improving health status prior to conception will increase the chance of a successful pregnancy

An underweight woman may improve her pregnancy outcome by __ more weight before or during pregnancy relative to normal or overweight women.


During which life stage is brain growth the fastest


The greatest nutrient needs occur when the growth rate is highest. At what life stage does this occur


When are fluid needs the greatest per pound of body weight


Intakes of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may improve which of the following during pregnancy

Infant Birth Weight, height and gestation duration

Who may experience the condition known as colic


Iodine needs can be easily met by pregnant women throughout the use of __ salt


Frequent use of aspirin, bleeding ulcers, and hemorrhoid's can potentially lead to an __ deficiency


What is the most common form of malnutrition during the adult year in North America

Iron deficiency anemia

What's the recommended first solid food

Iron fortified cereal

If an infant's poor nutrition results in stunted growth and development catch-up growth during the toddlers years __ possible dietary deficiencies are connected

Is most likely not

How do kidney nephrons affect kidney failure

Kidney nephrons filter waste from the blood stream, when they do not do their job, the kidneys will loose function

Excess protein might have a negative effect on which of the following organs


What is an organization that would be helpful for a mother to contact to learn more about breastfeeding her infant

La Leche league

What are some negative nutritional effects of depression

Lack of interest in food Loss of appetite

Factors that can limit breastfeeding success include

Lack of role models, information, inadequate support system

What is the main carbohydrate in breast milk


What is the primary carbohydrate in the diets if most infants


The calorie needs of infants is 2 to 4 times greater what is the reason for the greater calorie requirement seem in infants

Larger surface area allows a great deal of heat loss in infants

Some common food contaminants that can pose danger to a pregnant woman and her fetus include.

Lead Mercury Polychlorinated Biphenyls

Public breastfeeding _ legal in the U.S


A woman with a high BMI is recommended to gain __ weight during pregnancy than a woman with a lower BMI


Breast milk is __ expensive than formula


Transitional formulas generally have

Less fat, a similar amount of minerals

__ is one's pattern of living it includes food choices, exercise patterns, substance use


Which of the following groups of people are at risk of a vitamin D deficiency

Limited sun exposure Do not consume milk

Milk is a __ food


After the 4th month, avoid exercises that are done while

Lying Down

Why is it best for a woman to avoid alcohol and caffeine when nursing

Many of the substances a mother ignites are secreted in her milk

Pair the components of weight gain during pregnancy with their corresponding weight contribution

Maternal fat stores- 4 to 8 pounds Fetus- ~8 pounds Fetus, amniotic fluid, and placenta- ~ 11 pounds

Gestation of menses in women, usually beginning at about age 50, is called


What is a consequence of inadequate water intake for nursing mothers

Milk composition can be altered

Women should ___ their trans fatty acid intake during pregnancy


The amount of __ available for purchasing food can have a great impact on the types and amounts of food one eats


Infants require __ energy micronutrients, macronutrients per pound of body weight as other adults


Infants use __ water than adults to wash away the same amount of waste in the urine


Infants breastfeed by adolescent mothers may grow __ infants of older mothers

More slowly than

Certain hormones increase a pregnant woman's sense of smell, which contributes to__

Morning sickness

In developing countries, prolonged undernutrition during pregnancy will lead to death for the ___ in 1 in 180 births


Fats are important part of an infants diet because they are vital to the development of the __ system


Which of the following is a condition related to a low folic acid intake during pregnancy

Neural tube effects

Which type of exercise is best for someone who is at risk of falling


__ weight children have a built in feed mechanism that regulates food intakes to match their intake needs.


What is a good practice to help prevent ear infections in infants.

Not allowing a child to take a bottle to bed

Women tend to experience the most issues with breastfeeding if they were __ before pregnancy


Constipation is the main intestinal problem for people of which stage of life

Older Adulthood

Diminished lean body mass increased fat stores, and decreased body weight, are all primary changes in body composition that occur in the

Older adult years


Organ that forms in the uterus during pregnancy and is responsible for transferring nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the fetus and removes fetal wastes

A female who becomes pregnant within two years of mercher at greatest nutrition nutrition because she is __

Physically mature

Substance use such as alcohol abuse, cocaine abuse, and smoking in teenagers tends to result in __ nutrition


Pregnancy-induced hypertension can escalate into __ and the even more ___ severe

Preeclampsia; eclampsia

During what period of a woman's life will she most likely experience morning sickness, constipation, and edmea


Which is the only time during adulthood when substantial amounts of nutrients are needed for growth rather than for maintenance


Smoking during pregnancy is linked to __ births


After birth, the mother produces __ , a hormone that enables her to produce milk for breastfeeding


The principal hormone that promotes milk production is __ and is stimulated by birth and by sucking


what is the name of the principal hormone that promotes milk production and is stimulated by both the birth of the baby and by sucking


Consuming __ in amounts slightly higher than the RDA may help preserve muscle mass in aging adults


How does a decrease in kidney function affect protein status

Protein needs may need to be adequate but not excessive

SNAP~ Child and Adult care food program~ Seniors market nutrition program~

Provides transfer cards to purchase food Provides meals and snacks for low income adults and children Low income older adults with coupons for fresh produce at community supported agriculture programs

What factors influence food and nutrient intakes of adults

Psychosocial, economic, physiological, physical

Possible factors that may interfere with normal development during pregnancy

Radiation, Trauma, Tobacco smoke

What are some factors that contribute to the development of osteoporosis

Reduced absorption of vitamin D Inadequate intake of vitamin D and calcium

What type of care does a patient with Alzheimer's disease need to maintain health and improve mental health status

Regular physical activity

__ is the term for the extent to which an organ can preserve essentially normal function despite decreasing cell number or cell activity

Reserve Capacity

A diet restricted in calories during pregnancy

Results in smaller babies

A lack of vitamin D will lead to deformities and the deficiency disease called


To easily meet the needs for iodine during pregnancy, women should use iodized


What age group is at the highest risk for malnutrition


Pregnant women__ engage in a low to moderate physical activity program during pregnancy


According to the CDC, a mother with HIV that has received antiretroviral intervention __ breastfeed

Should not

To begin weaning a mother can introduce fluids in a

Sippy Cup

How many meals a day is best for children


As adulthood progresses the rate of hormone synthesis and release will


Gastroesophageal reflux occurs in infants because the lower esophageal __ does not close completely


The foodborne illness that poses the greatest risk during pregnancy is caused by ___

The bacterium Listeria monocytogenes

Where do the fats in human milk come from__

The mothers diet synthesized by breast tissue


___is required for both DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation, which is part of the reason its RDA increases so much during pregnancy and why it is a recommended supplement for women of childbearing age

Weight loss is a problem for older people because it __ the risk of nutrition-related illness and death



is the practice of eating nonfood items

What can deter women from attempting breastfeeding

lack of information, misinformation

As body tissues age it takes __ time to restore balance


Units of kidney cells that filter waste from the bloodstream & deposit them into the urine are called


An __ is a surgically created opening in the intestinal tract where the endpoint usually opens from the abdominal cavity rather than the anus.. for example colostomy


Physical development during the growing years will be impaired if __ intake is inadequate


If a mother chooses to use a schedule of expressed milk and/or supplemental formula feedings it is__ that it begins 1-2 months of exclusive breastfeeding


Oxytocin causes contraction of the muscle-like cells surrounding the ducts of the __ tissue


Which statement is true about breast size during pregnancy

Breast size during pregnancy is not an indication of successful breast feeding

The potential effect of a deficiency in __ could lead to growth retardation and/or low birth weight


Smoking and a high fat diet __ a person's life expectancy even if their genetic potential is for a very long life

Can shorten

Losses in growth and development experienced during periods of poor nutrition usually __ be made up for with future good nutrition


Which nutrients have been shown to have a variety of important anti-aging and health protective effects



Cell resulting from the union of an egg cell and a sperm until it divides

Food allergies often begin in __


Type 2 diabetes has become common in __ due to the rise in obesity in this age group

Children, teenagers

What type of water can be added to formula without being treated

Cold water

Lactobacillus bifidus is a component of ___


____ Is the thin, yellowish "immature" milk that may first appear anytime from the late pregnancy to several days postpartum


Identify a potential reason for low fluid intake in older adults

Conscious decision to decrease fluid intake to reduce urination

A child that consumes too little fiber, water, and does not respond promptly to the urges to defecate may suffer with bouts of __


Exercise and adequate fiber and water intake are important in the prevention of


The term " successful" describes how physical and physiological functions __ when a person grows older only because we grow older not because of lifestyle choices


More than 20% of adults over the age of 65 have diabetes due to

Declining carbohydrate metabolism

A result in diarrhea in infants is __


__ caused by inadequate fluid intake, can cause mental confusion and impacted fecal matter


Poor zinc status may have what affect on elderly adults

Delayed wound healing

After the common cold, the most common childhood disease is __

Dental Carries

Who is best to consult about the fluoride needs of children


Greater than 15% of home healthcare patients, or those in hospitals and nursing homes that are 65 years or older experience


What factors can influence the development of obesity in children

Dietary, Hereditary, Environmental

Infant formula made with "predigested" protein is designed to help infants

Digestive Problems

Which of the following statements is true

Diseases that accompany old age are not an inevitable part of aging

Healthy food habits for teens __ giving up favorite foods

Do not mean

The __ effect is a small change like social isolation as a result of a spouse's passing that leads to a chain of events (deteriorated diet, health decline, and inability to care for one's self)


An infant's birth weigh __ the first 4 to 6 months and __ by the first birthday

Doubled; tripled

Drug use during pregnancy is harmful to the fetus because

Drugs can reduce blood flow to the brain

If a baby sleeps with a bottle, the dripping liquid from the nipple will pool in the mouth and back up in their throat and the tubes leading to the __


What is a good method to preserve lung function

Eat a diet rich in antioxidants

Which of the following are environmental factors that influence the rate of aging

Education Income Shelter

Metabolic adjustments that help pregnant women to meet the calorie and nutrient demands of pregnancy include

Excreting less of some nutrients using some nutrients more efficiently Absorbing some nutrients more efficiently

__ can halt, slow, and even reverse reductions in lean body mass


What lifestyle behaviors can protect the cardiovascular system

Exercising regularly, eating a low-fat diet, eating a diet moderate in sodium

Steering children towards healthful foods is likely to be more successful if parents__

Expose them to nutrition education, understand the eating behaviors if young children

Who has the greatest influence on food preferences in early childhood


Fish and Supplements are a good source of omega- 3

Fatty Acids

A diet rich in __ helps adults reduce their risk of heart disease, avoid constipation, and helps them age successfully


To help prevent birth defects during pregnancy, the amount of the B vitamins __ acid is increased from 400 micrograms each day


What are some of the most important nutrients required for proper growth

Folate, zinc, iron, calcium

Which of the following diet related causes have been proposed to cause hyperactivity__

Food additives, alternatives, large amounts of sugar

What are some ways parents can encourage healthy eating in their preschoolers

Food, smell, taste, color

Obesity is a major risk for__ disease especially in older women


During pregnancy, another type of diabetes can develop in weeks 20 to 28 and is called ____ diabetes


Which is true about formulated infants

They are more likely to be obese when compared to breastfed infants

The long-term effects that lead to poor physical growth and impaired mental development are consequences associated with a child's failure to


The extrusion reflux is normal response present in early months of life of life that cause the __ to thrust forward when touched


With which health condition are up to 90% of children overweight at the time of diagnosis.

Type 2 diabetes

It is ___ to eat raw meats or other raw animal products during pregnancy


What term refers to those changes commonly thought to be a typical or expected part of aging, such as increased body fat, declining bone mass, and increasing poor health

Usual Aging

Which of the following vitamins can be prescribed to treat severe cases of acne

Vitamin A

Men tend to be low in all of the following nutrients except

Vitamin D

The low progression of chronic diseases due to cell damage caused by free radicals is an effect of low __

Vitamin E

Many adults fail to consume adequate amounts of __ a habit that places them at risk of mild dehydration


It usually takes __ of consumption of a mother's nutrient poor diet before maternal nutrient stores are depleted and her milk supply negatively affected


___ during pregnancy is a good indication of growth and development for the fetus and health for the mother

Weight Gain

Growth charts depict the gains in __ as children age

Weight and stature that are expected

Protein, carbohydrate, and micronutrient needs __ to support pregnancy

are increased

Zinc absorption __ as stomach acid production diminishes with age


Metabolic efficiency influences longevity because the rate at which people metabolize food has a __ effect on their weight


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