Chapter 19- The French Revolution

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3. List 5 other long-term problems facing the French monarchy in the 1780's.

-Bad harvests -Food shortages/rising cost of living -unemployment/ poverty -Criticism from philosophes -Failure to make necessary reforms

What is the convention and what is its importance?

-Forced freedom -radical -state>church -this occurs when the Parisian Radicals, the Sans-Culottes, are in charge

What is the Thermidorian Reaction and what is its importane?

-against radicalism -kick out san-culotte -jacobin clubs closed -remaining terror leaders executed Republic of virtue ends -order/stability -respect private property -unregulated economy -catholics worship again -the directory put in place -LEADS to dictatorships

What is august days and what is its importance?

-limited government -equality -official end of the Old Regime and privileges

What was the significance of a nation in arms?

A Nation in Arms was an army made up of the people that defended France from the European Coalition. It brought major nationalism to France.

Who was Abbe Sieyes? What was his major contribution?

Abbe Sieyes was a brother within the Catholic Church. Sieyes' major contribution was his pamphlet known as ""What is the Third Estate?" wherein he sympathizes with and shows his support for the third estate. Changed people's opinions

What is "a nation in arms" and what is its importance?

After european coalition -felt threatened - "levee en masse" -stopped coalition -expanded france -led to nationalism

What is the Women's March to Versailles and why is it important?

August Days phase 1 -paris women march into versaille -kill guards -Capture royals and bring them to paris -national assembly moves as well -turning point- captives

2. How was the Estates-General organized?

Consisted of the three estates. 300 from the first and second estate. Third estate got 600 because they had the most people. Mostly made up of nobles, those with legal training, and liberals.

What role did women play in the radical phase of the Revolution?

During the women's march to Versailles, women killed guards and put their heads on pikes! They captured the royals and brought them to paris, the nat. Assembly moved as well.

Explain how did each of the following contributed to the undermining of the Revolution: a) financial pressure; b) the flight to Varennes; c) composition of the Legislative Assembly.

Financial pressure- third estate still unhappy, starving and poor. The flight to Varennes contributed to undermining the revolution because when Louis XIV was captured, he was brought to Paris which was the heart of radicalism in France. When he was there, he was at the will of the Commune. How can there be a limited monarchy without a cooperative monarch. Legislative assembly could not be made up of constitution writers-angry they cant take part in what they created to run it

What was the significance of the Tennis Court Oath?

First step in the french revolution, and during the meeting at the Tennis court the national assembly promised not to disassemble until constitution was written and they drafted the first constitution.

Why did France declare war on Austria in 1792? What was the Declaration of Pillnitz?

France declared war on Austria because they felt threatened by the Declaration of Pillnitz which was a declaration from the King of Prussia saying that Europe should collaborate and "help" French monarchy to be restored.

Who was Georges Danton? What did he and the sans-culottes want?

Georges Danton was a leader of the Paris Commune, and promoted the bloodshed against anti-revolutionaries.

Describe the new government create by the Constitution of 1791. In what other ways was France restructured?

In 1791, the new government restructured France by reorganizing the bureaucracy, abolished privileges of guilds, towns, & provinces. It also abolished the current provinces and established 83 equally sized departments. Local officials were elected, and the government was decentralised. It also established a limited monarchy and a legislative assembly.

What did the Paris Commune want? What action did it take in June of 1793?

In June 1793 the Commune executed Louis XIV, therefore eliminating the possibility of a constitutional monarchy.

What was the National Convention? What action did it take regarding the monarchy?

Mobs are enraged at Louis and blame him with the bad things in their lives, they attack the royal family and nation assembly, suspend the king from office, and imprison the royals. They then, against the wishes of the other european monarchs, execute the royal family. They overthrew the legislative assembly and called themselves the "National Convention".

Did women make significant gains toward equality as a result of the Revolution?

No they didn't.

Who was Olympe de Gouges and why was she important?

Olympe de Gouges was a feminist. She wrote declaration of the rights of women and was important because enough people backed her and agreed that she was able to get published

How did peasants take matters into their own hands, and with what results? What was the Great Fear?

Peasants took matters into their own hands in the provinces of France during what is known as the Great Fear. During the Great Fear, enraged peasants went around destroying property of the first and seconds estate (especially landlords). They were not as focused on bloodshed as much as they were focused on property destruction.

What is the National Assembly and what is its importance?

Phase 1 -3rd estate declares itself as "The National Assembly" -600 voting heads -Eventually officially ends the Old Regime during the August Days.

Who was Olympe de Gouges and what was her importance?

Phase 1 -Feminist -wrote declaration of the rights of women

What is the Flight to Varennes and what was it's importance?

Phase 1 -Louis XIV attempts to escape from France and go to Habsburg ruled Austria -He is captured near the border and brought to Paris, which is the most radical part of France.

What is the Delcaration of Pillinitz and what was it's importance?

Phase 1 -Prussian King says Europe should work together to "help" France. -the Legislative Assembly sees this as a threat and declares war! -France triumphs in war and this results in major nationalism.

What was the Tennis Court Oath and what was its importance?

Phase 1 -The voting members from the 3rd estate, upon being locked out of the assembly hall, convene in a tennis court and vow not to leave until they have drafted a constitution. -Louis XIV responds by sending troops but also deems it legal and fine.

What is the Great Fear and what is it's importance?

Phase 1 -Uprisings in provinces against the first and second estates -destruction of property is more popular than bloodlust

What was the cahiers de doleances and what was it's importance?

Phase 1 -list of grievances compiled by each of the three estates in France in 1789. -showed Europe how angry 3rd estate was

What phase was abbe sieyes in and what was his importance?

Phase 1 -member of the first estate who sympathized with the grievances of the third estate. - "brother" Sieyes

What is the Fall of the Bastille and what was it's importance?

Phase 1 -Bastille was a large prison for political prisoners in Paris -It was known as a symbol of oppression, therefore the Parisian mobs destroyed it

What is the Civil Constitution of the Clergy?

Phase 2 -Clergy become subservient to the state -Paid by the state, not by the church.

Who was Jacobins and what was their importance?

Phase 2 -Extremists -Wrote constitution -couldn't participate -turned against

Who were the Girondins and what was their importance

Phase 2 -before were radicals, but were happy with first republic, didn't want another rev

Who was San Culotte and what was their importance?

Phase 2 -most extreme -want republic -third estate who are not lawyers, doctors, etc. These people are artisans, laborers, and smaller shop owners/shopkeepers. -they want relief from

What phase was Robespierre in and what was his importance?

Phase 2/ -Dictator -established the Republic of Virtue, very similar to Rousseau and forced freedom -Dechristianization -his execution ends the radical phase of the revolution.

What phase was Danton in and what was his importance?

Phase 2/ -Leader of the Paris Commune -Calls for blood -rallies Parisians against royalists and anti-revolutionaries.

What is the Republic of Virtue and what is its importance?

Radical 2 -ends radical phase -force france to be free -dechristianization of france -goes to far -by robespierre -executed

What is Vendee and what is its importance?

Radical Phase -Counterrevolution in provinces -they fear that the Parisian mobs are too radical

What is the Committee of Public Safety?

Radical Phase -Protect those "with" the revolution -decide who is enemy of the state -12 men -this begins the Reign of Terror wherein an estimated 25,000 citizens are executed for their anti-rev beliefs, or not being pro-rev enough

What is the Paris Commune and what is its importance?

Radical Phase -radical changes wanted -June 1793 -Convention invaded -Arrest of Girondists demanded -Girondists executed

What phase was Marat in and what was his importance?

Radical Phase 2/ -Editor of newspaper "Friend of the People" -Calls for blood -rallies French -Leads to Paris Commune

What steps were taken to abolish slavery?

Slavery was abolished in Haiti, but then reinstated by Napoleon later on.

What were the cahiers de doleances?

Statements of local grievances.

How was the "republic of virtue" a manifestation of Rousseau's "general will"?

The "republic of virtue" was a manifestation of Rousseau's "general will" because he wanted to avoid tyranny so much that he kinda became a tyrant himself. He had the CPS execute those who opposed his idea of freedom in the Reign of Terror.

The "August days" of 1789 were pivotal in the French Revolution. Explain what significant events occurred on August 4th and August 26th and why they were so important.

The August days took place during the first phase of the revolution. This was the official end of the Old Regime. During the August days, it was decided that all estates will be taxed (not solely the third), game laws would be repealed, serfdom was abolished, reduce feudal dues, end all privileges, and published the "Declaration of the Rights of Man" which established religious toleration, free speech and press, private property, and equality under the law.

Explain the decline of the Committee of Public safety.

The CPS began to decline when the Commune turned it into a tool instead of it's own self-functioning committee.

Why was the Committee of Public Safety formed? How did Robespierre dominate it?

The CPS made up of 12 people, was formed to protect France from internal and external aggressors. It ended up only defending revolutionaries and executing anti-revolutionaries. Robespierre dominated it because he use it as a tool during the Reign of Terror to execute 25000 "enemies of the state" aka people who were not pro-revolution enough

How was the Catholic Church affected by the Revolution?

The Civil Constitution of the Clergy abolished the first estate, and also closed monasteries and nunneries and members of the clergy had to swear an oath to France(not allowed to swear to anyone but pope/god so this angered devout christians)

Evaluate the accomplishments of the Convention.

The Convention was successful abolishing the monarchy, setting price limits, seizing land from nobles, establishing a national education system, and they executed Louis XIV.

Did the Declaration of the Rights of Man include women?

The DRM did not include women.

Who were the Girondins and the Mountain? Who did they represent? How did they differ on the issue of what to do about the monarch?

The Girondins and the Mountain were the two factions within the Jacobin club. Girondins(upper third estate) believed that the king should be kept alive so they can create a constitutional monarchy. The Mountain believe in executing the king!

What was the Paris Commune? Who were the sans-culottes?

The Paris Commune was a sovereign government established in Paris, the heart of the revolution. The Sans-Culottes were artisans, laborers, and other lower third estate members who were incredibly radical and had power in the second phase of the revolution. They wanted a republic where the government would care for them

What was the Thermidorian Reaction? What policies of the Terror were undone?

The TR was the third phase of the revolution, and occured when Robespierre was executed which ended the radical phase. It removed the Sans-Culottes from power, closed Jacobin clubs, ended the republic of virtue, executed remaining leaders from reign of terror, and catholic worship was returned. It also established the Directory.

8. Explain why each of the following groups began to oppose the Revolution: a) the clergy; b) peasants; c) radical political clubs (Jacobins).

The clergy opposed the revolution because they became subservient to the state due to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. Peasants in some areas opposed the revolution because they began to suffer more than they did under the Old Regime, because of the deregulation of the economy and the further food shortages. Radical political clubs began to oppose the revolution because the higher third estate had established what they wanted for their businesses and wanted them to do well-broke off from jacobins to become girondins

Why did the counterrevolution in the Vendee take place?

The counterrevolution in the Vendee(and other suburbs surrounding paris) took place because peasants in the provinces feared that the Parisian mobs were becoming TOO radical.

Describe the new government established by the Constitution of 1795.

The directory with a legislative of 600 men and the executive was five men.

What impact did the execution of Louis XVI have on the rest of Europe?

The execution caused Europe to see that a bloody revolution could happen anywhere, and if it could happen to the biggest powerhouse in the continent then it could happen to them. They also collaborated to invade France and created the coalition with multiple nations!

2. Explain the differences between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Estates.

The first estate was made up of the clergy, the second estate was made up of the nobility of France, and the third estate was made up of business owners, lawyers, doctors, teachers, and everybody else.

What impact did the invasion by the Coalition have on the revolution?

The invasion of the Coalition caused the formation of A Nation in Arms, and the French fought so well that they not only defended their lands but also expanded their borders! Paved the way to modern warfare bc everyone fought: all men, some women, and young boys. This was a major source of nationalism in France.

What issue divided the Estates-general when it convened in 1789?

The issue of voting divided them. By estate vs by person(wanted by third estate)

1. How did the social structure of the Old Regime contribute to rising unrest in France

The members of the Third Estate were upset with being exploited for labor and being the only taxed estate, therefore carrying the French economy.

Explain the purpose and results of the Convention's pursuit of de-Christianization and the new calendar.

The new calendar was created so Sundays could not be found and worshipped on.

What was the ostensible purpose of the Reign of Terror? What were its results?

The purpose of the Reign of Terror was to execute those who opposed the revolution to create the republic of virtue.

What groups in France welcomed war? Why?

The radicals in paris as well as most of france welcomes war. One goal was to keep foreigners out, so the french people rallied against a common enemy

How did the Estates-General transform into the National Assembly?

The third estate, decided to create a constitution after being locked out of the estates-general

How did the war radicalize the Revolution?

The war radicalized the Revolution because it caused major nationalism throughout all of France.

What was the Women's March? How was it a turning point in the Revolution?

The women's march was when paris women stormed versaille. The killed the guards, and took captive Louis and the national assembly. They were outraged and starving, and ended up marching the royals and the assembly all the way to paris where they were held hostage by the radical parisians

What is the Directory and what is its importance?

Thermidorian Reaction -Republic -legislative + 5 man executive -Opposed by san-coulette, radicals, women, and royalists -Becomes more controlling w military because of riots -Napoleon saves -deregulated economy -property owners are empowered due to deregulated economy, this is the triumph of the bourgeoisie. -Leads to dictatorships -Napoleon Dynamite gains -food shortages leads to mobs which leads to the use of military on citizens -Napoleon aids Abbe Sieyes and another director (unnamed in notes) in a Coup d'etat to overthrow the other 3 directors.

How did the fall of the Bastille save the new National Assembly?

They realized they had the people backing them up on their side, so they were less inclined to bow down

What was the Civil Constitution of the Clergy? Why do some historians consider it a blunder?

This was a blunder because it caused many christians to turn against the revolution because they valued their faith more than they valued their nationalism.

1. Why did Louis XVI summon the Estates-General in 1789?

To look for a way to solve the immediate financial crisis.

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