Chapter 2: History of Management (comprehend) [SoMgmt]

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Taylor's four principles of scientific management: ...(list them)

(1) develop a science for each element of a worker's work, which replaces the old rule-of-thumb method, (2) scientifically select and then train, teach, develop the workers, (3) cooperate with the workers to insure all work is done in accordance with the principles of the science, (4) there is almost equal division of the work and the responsibility between management and workers

Two insights about chaos theory: ...(list them)

(1) minute changes can lead to radical deviations in the behavior of a natural system, (2) patterns lurk beneath the seemingly random behavior of natural systems

4 conditions for people being indifferent to directions: ...(list them)

(1) understandable directions, (2) directions consistent with the purpose of the organization, (3) directions compatible with people's personal interests, (4) directions can actually be carried about by the people

On average, each company that adopted scientific management saw a ...(number) percent increase in production


The wave of scientific management lasted for about ...(number) years


...(person) is the most notable researcher in the Hawthorne Studies

Elton Mayo

The husband and wife team of ...(these two people) are best known for their use of motion studies to simplify work

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

...(person) is the father of scientific management

Frederick Taylor

...(person) invented charts that are essentially timelines

Henry Gantt

Management is still a science, but ...(this is happening too)

a different kind of science

Mayo found that financial incentives ...(are/aren't) the most important motivator for workers


The last paradigm shift in management happened ...(around this time)

at the turn of the 20th century

Mayo found that group norms and behavior play a critical role in ...(this thing)

behavior at work

Taylor's four principles of scientific management: (1) develop a science for each element of a worker's work, which replaces the old rule-of-thumb method, (2) scientifically select and then train, teach, develop the workers, (3) ..., (4) there is almost equal division of the work and the responsibility between management and workers

cooperate with the workers to insure all work is done in accordance with the principles of the science

Therbligs helped ...(stop this) to shave off seconds, saving an incredible amount of time and increasing productivity when applied to the entire workforce

decrease reach and other movements

Soldiering is when workers ...(do this)

deliberately slow their pace or restrict their work output

Taylor's four principles of scientific management: (1) ..., (2) scientifically select and then train, teach, develop the workers, (3) cooperate with the workers to insure all work is done in accordance with the principles of the science, (4) there is almost equal division of the work and the responsibility between management and workers

develop a science for each element of a worker's work, which replaces the old rule-of-thumb method

4 conditions for people being indifferent to directions: (1) understandable directions, (2) directions consistent with the purpose of the organization, (3) directions compatible with people's personal interests, (4) ...

directions can actually be carried out by the people

4 conditions for people being indifferent to directions: (1) understandable directions, (2) directions consistent with the purpose of the organization, (3) ..., (4) directions can actually be carried about by the people

directions compatible with people's personal interests

4 conditions for people being indifferent to directions: (1) understandable directions, (2) ..., (3) directions compatible with people's personal interests, (4) directions can actually be carried about by the people

directions consistent with the purpose of the organization

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth also helped ...(do two pro-labor things)

eliminate child labor and improve working conditions

Mayo found that workers' ...(two things) affected their work

feelings and attitudes

Mayo found that ...(these things) are not the most important motivator for workers

financial incentives

Management is ...(doing this)

getting work done through others using efficiency and effectiveness

Mayo found that ...(these two things) play a critical role in behavior at work

group norms and group behavior

Aside from productivity, firm success also depends on ...(this factor)

how well workers are treated

A real job preview (RJP) involves ...(this practice)

letting applicants know what part of their job will entail

...(term) is getting work done through others using efficiency and effectiveness


Two insights about chaos theory: (1) ..., (2) patterns lurk beneath the seemingly random behavior of natural systems

minute changes can lead to radical deviations in the behavior of a natural system

The husband and wife team of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth are best known for their use of ...(term) to simplify work

motion studies

Seat of the pants management had ...(two negative attributes)

no standardization of procedures and no follow-up on improvements

Performance evaluation involves having the employees evaluated about once a year by either ...(two methods)

observing or having the employees review themselves

A(n) ...(term) is a radical change that never goes back to the old method

paradigm shift

Two insights about chaos theory: (1) minute changes can lead to radical deviations in the behavior of a natural system, (2) ...

patterns lurk beneath the seemingly random behavior of natural systems

...(term) involves having the employees evaluated about once a year by either observing or having the employees review themselves

performance evaluation

A(n) ...(term) involves letting applicants know what part of their job will entail

real job preview (RJP)

Therbligs helped decrease reach and other movements to shave off seconds, ...(resulting in this)

saving an incredible amount of time and increasing productivity when applied to the entire workforce

...(term) studies and tests methods to identify the best, most efficient way to complete a job

scientific management

Frederick Taylor is the father of ...(term)

scientific management

Taylor's four principles of scientific management: (1) develop a science for each element of a worker's work, which replaces the old rule-of-thumb method, (2) ..., (3) cooperate with the workers to insure all work is done in accordance with the principles of the science, (4) there is almost equal division of the work and the responsibility between management and workers

scientifically select and then train, teach, develop the workers

...(this type of) management had no standardization of procedures and no follow-up on improvements

seat of the pants

...(term) is when workers deliberately slow their pace or restrict their work output


Scientific management ...(does this)

studies and tests methods to identify the best, most efficient way to complete a job

Taylor's four principles of scientific management: (1) develop a science for each element of a worker's work, which replaces the old rule-of-thumb method, (2) scientifically select and then train, teach, develop the workers, (3) cooperate with the workers to insure all work is done in accordance with the principles of the science, (4) ...

there is almost equal division of the work and the responsibility between management and workers

Therbligs are all about ...(two things)

time and motion

Henry Gantt invented the Gantt chart, which is essentially a(n) ...(representation)


First, the Gilbreths ...(did this) and then tried to find a better way for workers to be efficient and effective

took still shots of workers doing normal activities

4 conditions for people being indifferent to directions: (1) ..., (2) directions consistent with the purpose of the organization, (3) directions compatible with people's personal interests, (4) directions can actually be carried about by the people

understandable directions

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