Chapter 24 Section 1 Key Terms and Quiz

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Camillo di Cavour liberated the northern Italian states from Austria with the help of his ally, France.

Red Shirts

Garibaldi's followers, used guerrilla warfare to take control of Island of Two Sicilies


Giuseppe Garibaldi, the "sword" of Italy, and his army of Red Shirts spearheaded a military revolt in southern Italy that led to the successful unification of Italy.


Giuseppe Mazzini started a nationalist group called Young Italy to fight for the unification of the separate Italian states.

Victor Emmanuel

King of Sardinia, garibaldi offered kingdom of two sicilies to this king even though he favored a republic. Venetia was the only one that did not agree to italian unification. When war broke out between austria and prussia italians sided with prussia and prussia won.


The Catholic Church recognized Italy as a legitimate nation, and the pope encouraged Catholics to vote.


The Congress of Vienna created political boundaries that ignored national groups.


The only successful Italian revolt occurred when Mazzini and his followers seized Rome and took control from the pope.


To escape the widespread poverty that plagued Italy, millions of Italians emigrated after unification.


the Brain, prime minister of Sardinia-Piedmont, founded a nationalist newspaper, believed in a thriving economy, believed in a monarchy, supported France in a war with Russia and gave France Savoy and Nice in exchange for support in war against Austria


the Heart, apart of the Carbonari, exiled due to outspoken nationalism, thought Europe needed to redraw the lines set by the Congress of Vienna


the Sword, the Red Shirts, leader of revolutionary army, exiled from Italy twice but learned techniques of guerrilla warfare and then stayed in Italy for good when Cavour asked him to lead the Sardinian army against Austria

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