Chapter 5 Self-Test

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In the early days of psychology's history, people were asked to _____, or observe their own conscious experience and try to describe it.


Individuals who suffer from ______ experience uncontrollable sleep attacks at times when a person normally wouldn't be sleeping.

inverted spectrum problem

One problem with introspection, known as the ________, is that even if you can perfectly describe your experiences, there is no guarantee that others would understand them the same way you do.

REM behavior disorder

People who suffer from ______ act out their dreams because the paralysis that normally occurs during REM sleep is absent or incomplete.

sleep apnea

People who suffer from ______ stop breathing for at least 10 seconds and sometimes as long as a minute or two when they are sleeping.


Persistent difficulty falling or staying asleep is referred to as _______.

change blindness

A form of inattentional blindness in which a person fails to notice changes in a visual stimulus is called _______.

hypnotic analgesia

A reduction in pain perception caused by hypnotic suggestion is known as _____.


A regularly occurring state of altered consciousness that happens when arousal is very low is known as _____.


A splitting of conscious awareness ask known as ________.


According to Freud's iceberg analogy, the focus of your attention at the current moment lies within your ______ mind.


According to Freud's iceberg analogy, thoughts and emotions that you aren't currently aware of, but could easily bring to mind rake place in your ______.

latent content

According to Freud's theory of dreaming, _____ consists of unconscious drives and wishes.

manifest content

According to Freud's theory, ______ is the visible, surface content of a dream.

dynamic unconscious

According to Freud, this is the deepest part of the iceberg that contains hidden memories, instincts, and desires.

activation synthesis

According to the _____ theory of dreaming, dreams result from the brain's attempt to create a "story" out of chaotic brain activity.

global workspace

According to the ______ hypothesis, conscious awareness arises from synchronized activity, from across various brain regions, that is integrated into coherent representations of an experience.

alcohol myopia

Alcohol narrows attention and perception and restricts how much information people take into account when deciding how to behave. This is known as ______.

default mode network

An interconnected system of brain regions that are active when the mind is alert and aware, but not focused on any particular task, such as during mind wandering, is known as the ______.

drug addiction

An uncontrollable compulsion to use a substance even though doing so causes problems for the user, such as damage to health and relationships or an inability to manage responsibilities is classified as ______.

psychoactive drugs

Chemicals that influence consciousness or behavior by altering the brain's chemical message system are referred to as ________.


Drugs that decrease activity in the nervous system are known as _____.


Drugs that dramatically change the contents of conscious awareness, distort perceptions, and trigger sensory experiences in the absence of sensory input are known as _______.


Drugs that increase activity in the nervous system are known as ______.


During _____, our brain is active, we cannot move our skeletal muscles, and we dream.


During deep sleep, our brain experiences _____ waves.


During relaxed wakefulness, our brain experiences ______ waves.


During stage 1 of sleep, our brain experiences _____ waves.


During wakefulness when we are alert, our brain experiences _____ waves.

REM rebound

If a person is deprived of REM sleep, a phenomenon called _____ will occur where REM sleep increases to make up for the previous loss.

circadian rhythm

The ______ is the regular, 24-hour pattern of bodily arousal.


The ability to perform a task without conscious awareness or attention is known as ______.


The ability to think about one's own thinking is referred to as ______.

selective attention

The act of focusing one's awareness onto a particular aspect of one's experience at the exclusion of everything else is known as ______.

cognitive unconscious

The various mental processes that support ordinary perception, memory, and thinking without conscious awareness or attention is called the ______.


Unpleasant physical symptoms that result when a person is physically dependent on a drug and its effect wears off is known as _______.


Walking or performing other behaviors during sleep is known as _______.

k complexes

What is the term for sharp rising and falling waves that occurs during stage 2 of sleep?

sleep spindles

What is the term for short bursts of electrical activity that occurs during stage 2 of sleep?


_____ can be defined as our awareness of both the external world and the internal world.


_____ perception is a form of perception that happens just below the level of conscious awareness.


______ involves social interaction in which a subject shifts into a highly relaxed state of mind and becomes readily accepting of perceptions, feelings, thoughts, or behaviors that are suggested.


______ is a set of practices that focus on training mental processes like attention, awareness, and sometimes emotions.

night terrors

______ refers to a disorder in which people, while still asleep during deep sleep, experience anxiety or fear along with increased heart rate and respiration.

inattention blindness

______ refers to a failure to perceive information that is outside the focus of one's attention.

drug tolerance

______ refers to the diminished response of a drug that results from prolonged use, leading the drug user to require larger doses to achieve the same effect.

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