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Types of Behavior shown by distressed couples and their characteristics: *Mind reading *Interrupting *Yes-Butting *Cross Complaining

* people assuming that they understand their partner's thoughts, feelings and opintions without asking *people disturbing their partners' conversation to express disagreement or to change the topic *People communicating constant criticism of their partners' point of view *People responding to their partners complaints with one of their own

Match the relationship maintenance mechanisms with their corresponding descrtiptions

*Accommodation behavior - people refrain from responding to their partners' provocations iwth a similar ire. *Willingness to Sacrifice - people do things they otherwise wouldn't do to benefit their relationships *Perceived Superiority - people think that their relationships are better than those of other people

Match the negative effects displayed by unhappy partners when they talk with each other with their characteristics

*Criticism --- attacks a partners personality or character instead of identifying a specific behavior that is causing concern *Contempt -- involves insults, mockery or hostile humor *Defensiveness - Involves protecting oneself from an unreasonable attack by making excuses or by cross complaining or hurling counter attacks *Stonewalling -- involves clamming up and reacting to a messy situation by withdrawing into an insensitivity silence *Belligerence - occurs with one partner aggressively rejecting the other all together

Match the kinds of relationships based on approach and avoidance motivations with their cooresponding descriptions

*Flourish - relationhips that are full of delights and aggravations and absent *Distressed - relationships in which neither motivation is being fulfilled so that costs are high and rewards are low *Precarious - relationships that not only offer compelling attractions but area also replete with doubts and discord *Boring - relationshipships that have few negatives but lack novelty and stimulation

Match the kinds of relationships in the interdependence theory with their corresponding descriptions

*Happy, stable relationships - current outcomes exceed the comparison level and the comparison level for alternatives *Unhappy, stable relationships - current outcomes exceed the comparison level for alternatives but do not exceed the comparison level *Happy, unstable relationships - current outcomes exceed the comparison level but do not exceed the comparison level for alternatives *Unhappy, unstable relationships - current outcomes neither exceed the comparison level nor the comparison level for alternatives

Match sociologist Michael Johnson's three types of commitment with their corresponding descriptions

*Personal commitment - occurs when a person wants to continue the relationship because it is satisfying *Constraint commitment - occurs when people continue as a relationship because leaving it is costly *Meoral commitment - derives from a sense of obligation towards ones partner and ones relationship

Four Zones of interpersonal distance with their characteristics: *Intimate Zone *Personal Zome *Social Zone *Public Zone

*Two people's interaction is probably either quite loving or quite hostile *Friends are likely to interact at smaller distances and acquantances at larger ones *Peoples' interactions tend to be more businesslike *People use it for structured interaction like that between a professor and students

Match the function of non-verbal behavior in relationships with their characteristics *Providing Info *Regulating Interaction *Defining Relationships *Interpersonal Influence *Impression Management

*allows others to make inferences aobout a persons intentions, feelings, traits and meaning *It provides cues that regualte the eficient give and take of smooth conversations *It indicates they type of relationship/partnership two people share *Refers to goal oriented behavior designed to influence someone else *Refers to behavior managed by a person or a couple to create or enhaance a particular image.

According to Leanne Knobloch and Denise Solomon's model of relational turbulence, as new partners become accustomed to their increasing interdependence

A period of adjustment and turmoil is to be expected

Indentify an accurate statement about a persons comparison level for alternatives

A person in a satisfying relationship has a lower comparison level for alternatives than a perso who is aware of alternatives

Identify an accurate statement about a person's comparison level for alternatives

A person in a satisfying relationship has a lower comparison level for alternatives than a person who is aware of alternatives

Identify the techniques that help prevent surly interactions in intimate relationships -

Active listening skills Using XYZ statements

In the context of body movement in nonvermbal commnication, unlike high status people, a feature of low-status people is that they tend to

Adopt postures that are relatively compact

In the context of intimate relationships, validation of peoples partners does not require people to

Agree with their partners opinions

In the process of communication, a sender's intentions might differ from the effect on a receiver resulting in ....

An Interpersonal gap

In the process of communication, a senders intentions might differ from the effect on a receiver resulting in

An interpersonal gap.

According to Elaine Hatfield and Ellen Berscheid's two factor perspective on passionate attraction, romantic love is produced, or at least intensified, when feelings or arousal are associate with the presence of

Another attractive person.

Match the kinds of motivations with their descriptions

Approach Motivation -- Peoples motivation for doing something is to feel good Avoidance Motivation -- people seek to escape or elude punishement and pain

Unhappy people are more prone to kitchen sinking because they

Are rarely precise about their complaints

Pair bonding fuleing romantic love that is regulated by the levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine and, possibly, serotonin in specific regions of the brain is being driven by


According to Sprecher and Fehr, compassionate lvoe for ones partner is reduced by

Avoidance of intimacy

When a partner identifies as plainly and concretely as possible a specific behavior that annoyed him or her, it is known as

Behavior Description

As per research, unlike women, men are more likely to _______________

Believe that it is possible to experience love at first sight, and they tend to fall in love faster.

Variations in how loquacious and effusive people are lead to differences in peoples verbal style. These differences are said to be individual differences in


A pattern of interaction that involves sharing good news with friends and receiving enthusiastic, warm responses that increases a persons pleasure and enhances his or her relationships is referred to as __________


After Ben received the news that he had been accepeted into a prestigious university, he immediately informed his friends. Ben's achievements made his friends happy and they decided to buy him a present. In the context of friendship, this scenario is an example of ______________


Different emotions cause people to emit different chemicals from their bodies known as


Rules for relationships are learned during_____________


Identify the themes measured by the UCLA loneliness

Close connections to others, social connection to people in general, isolation from others

People who are high in avoidance tend to be

Close-mouthed, telling their partners, relatively little about their feelings and desires

Match Robert Sternber's components of love with their characteristics

Commitment = cognitive Intimacy = emotional Passion = motive or drive

Indetify the key elements of social exchange according to the interdependence theory

Comparison levels for alternatives, Outcomes, Comparison Levels

A rich, committed frienship with someone with whom one's life is intertwined is associated with

Compassionate love

Passion declines, but intimacy and commitment both increase as people age, and thus, _______________

Coompanionate love may be more stable than romantic love

__________Required knights to seek love as a noble quest and was very idealistic, very elegant and, in theory, nonsexual

Courtly Love

According to Duane Buhrmest and Wyndol Furman, sexuality is a key for adolescents, wherein they typically __________________--

Develop an interest in the opposite sex

CUltural normas that dictate what emotions are appropriate in a particular situations are known as

Display rules

People who are avoidant of intimacy are more ________

Distant and detached, and their passion is more impersonal

When people gain romantic partners, a pattern of ___________ occurs, wherein people spend more time with their romantic partners than with their friends

Dyadic withdrawl

According to the socio-emotional selective theory, _____________

Elderly people tend to focus on emotional fulfillment to a greater extent

Match the kinds of social support according the Barry et al., 2009 with their corresponding descriptions

Emotional Support = Provided in the form of acceptance, affection, and reassurance Physical Comfort = Provided in the form of hugs and cuddling Advice Support = Provided in the form of information and guidance Material Support = Provided in the form of money or goods

Research conducted on companionate love suggests the Oxycontin may encourage ___________

Enduring attachments to those who become associated with its presence in the bloodstream

IN the context of romantic love, even though fantasy enhances romance, it

Erodes with time and experiences

In the context f the types of love experiences siggested by sociologist John Alan Lee, match the types of love experiences with their characteristics

Eros -= people are likely to be heavily influenced by physical appearances and believe in love at first sight. Lotus= people treat love as an uncommited game and are fickle Storgie = people seek genuine friendships that gradually lead to real commitment Mania = People are demanding and possessive and full of wild fantasy and obsession Agape = peopke are giving, altruistic and selfless and treat love as a duty. Pragma = people dispassionately seek partneres who will lofically be a good match for them.

Match the kinds of relationships with their corresponding descriptions

Exchange relationships = People do favors for others expecting to be repaid by receiving comparable benefits Communal Relationships - partners provide favors and support to one another without expecting repayment

One's interdependent self-contrual describes the

Extent to which one things of oneself as an interdependent being

Dominance by a talkative, highly blirtatious woman in the discussion of conflicts that arise in a relationship will bother progressive, andrigynous men


Identify three characteristics that distinguish chronically shy people from people who are shy less often

Fear of negative evaluation from others, Lower levels of social skills, Poor self regard

WHen compared to men, women are more selective about whom they love and __________

Feel passion more slowly

Identify an accurate statement about facial expressions

Feigned expressions differ from authentic expressions

According to Van Steenbergen, when one is fascinated and preoccupied with a lover, he or she may have difficulty________________

Focusing and concentration on anyone or anything else

According to Beverly Fehr, a voluntary, personal relationship, typically providing intimacy and assistance, in which the two parties like one another and seek each ohter's company is known as


Identify a difference between love relationships and friendships

Friendships are usually easier to dissolve than romantic relationships

Indentify the qualities people tend to associate with commitment

Honesty, trust, sharing

In the ludus style of love experience, as offered by John Alan Lee, a person is ________

INterested in having multiple relationtions at the same time.

Indentify the functions of nonverbal behavior in relationships

Impression management, providing information, interpersonal influence, defining relationships

When researchers compared spouses in their sixties to hose in their forties, they found that the old couples ______________

Interacted with more good cheer but less physical arousal

Identify the functions of nonverbal behavior in relationships

Interpersonal influence, providing information, defining relationships, defining relationships, impression management

Match Robert Sternberg's components components of love iwth the feelings involved

Intimacy = feelings of warmth, understanding, trust and support Passion= feelings of physical arousal and desire, excitement and need Commitment= Feelings of permanence, stability, and the decisions to devote onesself to a relationship and to work to maintain it

Erik Erikson staetd that a central task in young adulthood is the development of

Intimacy versus isolation

According to Robert Sternberg, the three different building blocks that combine to form different types of love are __________

Intimacy, passion and commitment

According to the _________________, the commitment emerges from all the elements of social exchange that are associated with people's comparison levels and comparison levels for alternatives

Investment Model

According to the __________________, commitment emerges from all the elements of social exchange that are associated with peoples comparison levels and comparison levels for alternatives

Investment Model

According to Caryl Rusbult, one's _________________ in a present relationship, the things one woudl lose if the relationship were to end, influence one's decision to stay or go


The best help may occasionally be _________ that actually goes unnoticed by a recipient because social support sometimes comes with emotional costs

Invisible support

In the context of the nature of interdependecy, providing good outcomes to one's parter, evven if it involves effor or sacrifice, is self-serving when

It causes a desirable relationship to continue

Unhappy people are prone to

Kitchen sinking - in which they tend to address several topics at once

Match the categories of love with the reasons for their occurrence as proposed by Robert Sternberg

Nonlove= when intimacy, passion and commitment are all absent Liking= When intimacy is high but passion and commitment are very low Infatuation = When intimacy or commitment is absent Empty Love = when commitment is present without intimacy or passion

One's comparison level for alternatives describes the _____________

OUtcomes received by leaving one's current relationship

In the context of interactions, if one's outcomes fall below one's comparison level---

One is dissatisfied with the outcomes

Intimate partners in communal relationships might begin paying close atention tot eh process of exchange if

Outcomes begin falling and profits reduce

In the context of comparison level for alternatives, a person is satisfied in a relationship when the

Outcomes exceed his or her comparison levels

Includes all the variations in a person's voice rather than words he or she uses, such as rhythm, pitch, loudness and rate


When people say one thing but mean another, their true intent in conveyed in their


In an intimate relationship________________refers to a person repeating their partners message in his or her own words giving the sender a chance to agree that that's what he or she actually meant


In intimate relationships, paraphrasing helps.....

Partneres avoid arguments and conflicts that would otherwise reseult form misunderstandings and mistakes

In intimate relationships, paraphrasing helps---

Partners avoid arguments and conflicts that would otherwise result from misunderstandings and mistakes

Indentify an accurate statement about Leanne Knoblock and Denise Solomon's model of relational turbulence.

Partners learn to accomodate each other as intamacy develops

While sheer novelty adds excitement and energy to new loves, once a relationship is established and novelty is lost, __________

Passion slowly subsides.

Indentify an accurate statement about the role of smell in nonverbal communication

People born wihtout a sense of smell are at an interpersonal disadvantage

In the context of social support, people who have insecure style of attachment tend to __________________

Perceive the social support they receive as less considerate

The judgement that someone is attentive, respectful, caring and supportive to our needs and aspirations is referred to as ____________

Perceived partner responsiveness

The judgement one's partner is understanding and caring is known as

Perceived partner responsivness

People assess the accuracy of their iferences about a partner's feelings by asking the partner for clarification by ---

Perceptual checking

Indentify the function of nonverbal behavior in relationships

Providing info, defining relationships, interpersonal influence, impression management

Match the components of attachment identified by attachment theories with their corresponding descriptions

Proximity Seeking = Involves approaching or making contact with an attachment figure Separation Protest = Involves resistance from being separated from a partner Safe Haven= involves turning to an attachment figure as a source of comfort in stressful times Secure Base = Involves using a partner as a foundation for exploring new environments

In the contest of providing social support, people who have secure attachment types tend to

Readily accept interdependent intimacy with others

In the context of the equity theory, identify the ways in which a person can restore actual equity in a relationship

Reducing his or her current perceptions about the relationship, Requesting better treatment his or her partner

Attentive and supportive recognition of an individual's needs and interests is referred to as ______________


Match the aspects of interactions that influence outcomes with their corresponding descriptions

Reward= anything with an interaction that is desirable and enjoyable Cost= Anything within an interaction that is punishing and undesirable

_________________ Makes it easier to put tempting alternatives one's present partners out of his or her mind

Romantic Love

Based on Robert Sternberg's proposition, match the categories of love with their features

Romantic Love = High intimacy and passion occur together Companionate Love = Intimacy and commitment are present Fatuous Love = Passion and commitment are present in the absence of intimacy Consummate Love = Intimacy, passion and commitment are all present to a substantial degree

In superficial conversation ebtween people is rewardding, identify the aspects of communications that can be incresed in order to move them closer to each other

The variety of topics they discuss The personal signifigance of the topics they discuss

According to equity theorists, people are most satisfied in relationships in which

There is proportional justice

According to the interpersonal process model of intimacy, arrage teh states that eed to take place for two people to become close in correct order of occurance

They have to engage in meaningful self-disclosure They have to respond to each other's personal information with interest and empathy They have to recognize that the other is being responsive

In close relationships, both men and women consider expressive skills to be more impratant than instrumental skills


True or False: During adolescence, people gradually shift from their primary attachments from their parents to their peers


In the context of courtly love int he 12th century, the male partner was expected to be __________

Unmarried and the female partner married to someone else

In the context of self disclosure in new relationships, saying too much too soon can be risky because it

Violates other's expecations

In the context of gazing behavior in communication, researchers compare look-and-speak to look-and-listen and summarize these patterns in a

Visual Dominance Ratio

Int he context of gazing behavior in communication, researches compare look-speak to look-listen and summarize these patterns in a

Visual Dominance ratio

A difference between male and female same sex friendships is that

Women's friendships tend to involve emotional sharing, whereas men's friendships tend to involve shared activities

A way of communicating accurately and clearly is the use of_____________________which are statements that combine behavior descritptions and I-statements in relationships


A way of communicating accurately and clearly is by using ____________ which are statements that combine behavior descriptions and I-Statements in relationships

XYZ Statements

According to Erik Erickson, individuals learn how to form enduring, committed intimate relationships during___________

Young adulthood

A defining characteristic of compassionate love is __________________

an altriustic care and concern for the well being of one's partner

According to Levenson et al., when dissatisfied spouses are locked into paterns fo negative reciprocity, they tend to _________________

be scornful of what the other has to say

A feature of perceived partner responsiveness is that _______

it is a key pary of the ongoing process by which intimacy develops

When people are enjoyin gtheir interaction, they tend to

synchronize their nonverbal behavior automatically without thinking about it

The more self-disclosure details romantic couples share

the happier they are

If superficial conversation between people is regarding, identify the aspects of communication that can be incresed in order to move them closer to each other

the variety of topics they discuss, the personal signifigance of the topics they discuss

In the context on nonverbal sensitivity, mens performance in nonverbal communication imprives when

they are motivated to judge other's correctly

In the context of social support, people are more likely to appreciate others' aid and assistance when they ______________

trust the person providing help

Indentify the techniquest hat help prevent surly interactions in intimate relationships--

using XYZ statements and using active listening skills

According to Pese and Pease, the problem with gestures is that, unlike facial epxressions, they

vary widely culture to culture

Loneliness occurs when a person ________

wants more satisfying connections with others

According to the equity theory, a partner in a relationship is ___________________

when he or she receives more outcomes than he or she deserves

According to Robert Sternberg, friendship is an example of ________


When there is an unhappy discrepancy between the number and quality of partnerships one wants and those one has, ____________ occurs


When there is unhappy discrepancy between the number and quality of partnerships one wants and those one has ____________ occurs


Identify the physiological effects of having affectionate partners, according to Seeman et al., 2002

Lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels

According to theorist Helen Fisher, the three interrelated but distanct biological systems that control components of love experiences are __________

Lust, attraction, and attachment

According to Morry et al., 2013, those with an interdependent self construal ________________________

Make more desirable friends than those who are more independent

Trust is important in a relationship because it

Makes interdependence more palatable

A difference btween men and women based on their communication patters is that

Men value instrumental communication skills more than women do

Match the genders with their characteristics based in differences in self-disclosure

Men: liekly to share most meaningful intamacy with only women Women: liekly to share with both males and females

Occurs during a conversation when the participants adopt similar postures and mannerisms, display comparable expressions and use similar paralanguage


People with a long, firm handshake tend to be

More extroverted

Compared to insecure people, secure people have _________

More intimate, more positive, and more satisfying interactions with their lovers

When people say one thing but mean another


In the context of social exchange, Van Lange and Rusbult (2012) state that people

Seek interactions that provide maximim reward at minimal cost

The process of revealing personal information to someone else is called

Self disclosure

According to the_________________________of human motivation, people are attracted to partnerships that expand the range of their interests, skills and experiences.

Self expansion theory

Match Robert Weiss's facets of loneliness with their corresponding descriptions

Social Isolation = Dissatisfaction due to a lack of network of friends Emotional Isolation= Dissatisfaction due to lack of affection

According to the ____________ elderly people are more selective about their friendships because their interpersonal goals differ from those of young people

Socio-emotional selective theory

In context of noncerbal sensitivity, women are better than men at judging others correctly becuase they

Spend more time watching others' eyes

According to Neff and Karney, while romantic love is blind, compassionate love is rooted in more accurate understanding of one's parterns' ________________- and _____________________

Strengths and weaknesses

When people are enjoying their interaction, they tend to

Synchronize their nonverbal behavior automatically without thinking about it

Sensitive Matters that, in the opinion of partners, may threaten the quality of their relationship are known as

Taboo Topics

Different emotions cause people to emit different chemicals from their bodies. This is known as


Cultural norms that dicate what emotions are approptriate in a particular situation are knwn as

display rules

A consequence of kitchen sinking is

drifting off beam

In preadolescence, children develop a need for intimacy wherein they typically _____________-

focus on friends of similar ages and interests

XYZ Statements include I-Statements that

help a person specify his or her feelings

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