Chapters 2, 9, 10, 11

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which of the following best represents a meal that follows the principle of nutrient density?

- amount if nutrients in a. food relative to the amount of calories -foods with a lot of nutrients and low calories are called nutrient dense -nutrient dense foods are generally low in sugar and low in fat

What is Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)?

- ​Maximum amount of a nutrient that is unlikely to pose any risk of adverse health effects to most healthy people -This value is necessary to determine because of the large number of people taking supplements and the large number of fortified foods such that it is possible to get too much

Which of the following best describes the principal behind bioelectrical impedance?

-A slight electric current is conducted through the body -Because fat is a poor conductor of electricity the more fat one has the more resistance the current encounters

The anaerobic energy source for activities lasting less than 10 seconds in duration is....​ ​

-ATP-creatine phosphate (CP) system: provides immediate energy from ATP and CP, which are high-energy compounds stored within muscle cells ​-Can provide energy for very short duration, up to 10 seconds

All of the following are true about the relationship between distribution of body fat and chronic disease risk

-Abdominal hernias ​-Accidents -Certain cancers: colon, rectal, prostate, breast, uterus, etc. -Complications during pregnancy ​-Complications with surgical procedures -Metabolic syndrome -Osteoarthritis (knees, hips, lower spine) -Poor self-esteem -Respiratory problems -Sleep disturbances -Varicose veins

All of the following are successful strategies for weight loss

-Adopt a non-diet approach to weight loss​ -Develop long-term healthy eating and physical activity habits -Set achievable goals -​Avoid "all-or-nothing" thinking -Focus on health rather than appearance

The amount of energy burned through Physical Activity is affected by all of the following except:

-All that are affected: -Amount of muscle mass required for activity -​Amount of weight being moved in activity -Duration of activity

what is true about cardiorespiratory endurance?

-Best types of activities to improve cardiovascular endurance use large muscle groups, i.e., arms and legs -Brisk walking, aerobic exercise, aerobic dance, running, cycling, cross-country skiing, rowing, etc. -American College of Sports Medicine recommends cardiovascular conditioning at least five times a week and continuous 30 to 60 minutes each session

​What approach can be used to kill bacteria or parasites in your water supply?

-Boiling tap water for one minute for parasites or bacteria -Running water through a special filter system -"Flushing" the tap for one minute with cold water will reduce contaminants from pipes

what is true about Nutrient Content Claims?

-By law, foods carrying terms called ​nutrient content claims ​must adhere to specific definitions spelled out by the Food and Drug Administration. - Ex. "low fat," "low-calorie," "light," etc.

Which method is the most accurate measure of total body fat and which method is the least likely to give you an accurate measure of total body fat?

-DEXA / DXA Scan is the most accurate -Skin test is the least accurate

Which of the following best characterizes the hormone leptin?

-Decreases your appetite -When body fat decrease leptin levels fall and appetite increases

A sound strategy regarding MyPlate is to__________.

-Energy balanced, limited in total calories, & portion controlled -Nutrient-dense and includes vegetables, fruits, high-fiber whole grains; fat-free or low-fat dairy products; and seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, soy products, nuts, seeds, and oils -Very low in solid fats and added sugars and low in sodium

truth about flexibility

-Flexibility: range of motion -Depends on the elasticity of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments and on the condition of the joints -Tends to decrease with ageImproves in response to stretching and can be maintained by frequent stretching exercises -When you feel a slight strain in the muscle, hold the position for 20-30 seconds

​In order to meet nutrient needs within calorie limits, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends____?

-Follow a healthy eating pattern across the lifespan -Focus on variety, nutrient density and amount -Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats and reduce sodium intake -Shift to healthier food and beverage choices -Support healthy eating patterns for all

Which best describes how muscle glycogen can be utilized for energy during physical activity?

-Glucose-Circulating glucose and muscle glycogen supply carbohydrate to the muscle ​-circulating glucose from liver glycogen, gluconeogenesis and oral intake

​All of the following are reasons that "variety" is important to achieving a healthy diet except:

-Incorporate a wide selection of different foods within and among the different food groups -​Prepare foods a variety of ways -​Some nutrients are in a lot of different foods and we can easily get enough if we just eat a variety of foods -Some foods are better source of nutrients than others

All of the following are true about the measurement Basal Metabolic rate except:

-Is proportional to lean body mass -Organs and skeletal muscle -Higher in males b/c more muscle mass -Lean body mass also decreases proportionally with age -Can decrease with fasting and malnutrition

Which of the following is NOT a nutrition or health risk associated with intake of soft drinks?

-Lower intake of milk, fruit, fruit juices -Increased risk of several medical problems ​ *Type 2 diabetes​ *Osteoporosis and bone fracture ​ *Dental caries​ *Increased blood pressure

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is characterized by what?

-Maternal drinking during pregnancy -Characteristic pattern of facial abnormalities -Growth retardation -Brain damage, often manifested by intellectual difficulties or behavioral problems

How does increasing muscular strength contribute to weight loss?

-Muscular Strength: ability of the muscles to work against resistance -Resistance training has many benefits -Build well-toned muscles needed for daily activities at work and during recreation -Strong muscles, tendons, and ligaments are less prone to injury -Helps with weight loss: increases lean body mass increases BMR

Muscular endurance is best described by:

-Muscular endurance = ability of a muscle to keep working for long periods -Influences performance as an activity continues ​-18t h​ hole of a golf game -Pedaling the last 10 miles of a 100-mile bike tour

All of the following information is required to be on a food label except:

-Name of the food = statement of identity -Name of the manufacturer = packer or distributor -Net contents of the package tells you what quantity of the food product is in the container and helps you compare prices -The ingredient list is in descending order by weight -Disclose when they are made with a major food allergen (milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, crustacean shellfish, wheat, soybeans) -Nutrition Facts panel (unless the package is small)

24. Which of the following is a negative health risk/outcome associated with underweight?

-No energy reserves for prolonged periods of physiological stress or injury -Irregular menstrual cycles -Infertility -Osteoporosis

what is true about bottled water?

-Oversees the bottled water industry -Follows EPA's regulations -Requires clear labeling of bottled waters ​-Detriments of bottled water -Plastic bottles increase the use of non-renewable resources -Costs 250 to 10,000 times more per gallon than tap water

Heavy consumption of alcohol can negatively impact nutritional status in the following way:

-Protein deficiency can develop -Stomach cells become prone to ulcers -Intestinal cells fail to absorb thiamin, folate, and vitamin B​12

The potential health benefits of consuming tea include:

-Reduces inflammation -Decreases total cholesterol -Decreases LDL-cholesterol -Protects against blood clot formation -Decreases blood pressure

Which of the following best describes the ingredient list on a food label?

-Tells you the largest proportion of ingredients by weight -Be aware that there may be multiple sugar ingredients but they will be listed separately, so it is difficult to get a sense of total proportion of sugar -Helps identify ingredients that they are avoiding for health, religious or other reasons

The Percent Daily Value tells you:

-The percent daily values is calculated from what experts deem is healthy for adults -It tells you how much of what you should consume is supplied by a serving of that food

what is required on a Nutrition Facts panel?

-Using the nutrition facts panel -Keep serving sizes in mind -Notice the total calories per serving -Check out the nutrient information that must appear in the Nutrition Facts panel, e.g., total fat, saturated fat, ​transf​at, cholesterol, etc. -Look for the percent Daily Values

When we use the term aerobic metabolism we are referring to ___________.

-With ample oxygen, muscles can extract all available energy from carbohydrate and fat via aerobic metabolism -Moderate activity level allows the heart and lungs to supply enough oxygen to perform aerobic metabolism

what are characteristics of caffeine dependence syndrome?

-Withdrawal symptoms -Caffeine consumption despite knowledge of potential harm -Repeated, unsuccessful attempts to cut back on caffeine -Tolerance to caffeine

how can one achieve the diet planning of balance?

-avoid overemphasis on any food type or nutrient at the expense of another -if you can ear excess amounts of one thing it will result in you not consuming enough of others -a large amount of one micronutrient can sometimes inhibit utilization other micronutrients

A person with Bulimia Nervosa demonstrates this behaviors

-binge eating -recurrent compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain such as self-induced vomiting, laxative, fasting, excessive exercise - self-evaluation unduly influenced by body shape and weight

Obesity is defined as a BMI greater than ___30 or a % of body fat greater than __________.

-body fat greater than​ 25% defines ​obesity​, with 21-25% being borderline -For women, over 33% defines ​obesity​, with 31-33% being borderline.

What increases BMR?

-caffeine -fever -growth (higher in children and preggers) -height (higher in thinner people) -high thyroid hormone -smoking -males -muscle mass (more lean tissue = higher BMR)

what is true about alcohol absorption and metabolism?

-food in the stomach slows alcohol -women metabolize less efficiently than mend due to less body water and less alcohol dehydrogenase in the stomach -ethnicity: native Americans have huger rates of liver damage due to alcohol consumption

Which of the following best describes the effect of Ghrelin on appetite?

-increases it by 30% -In dieters who lose weight ghrelin levels increased which make it harder to lose weight

which of the following is NOT true about the nutrient requirements of an individuals in a population?

-individuals in a population will have different requirements -some people will have requirements in the low side and some on the high side but theoretically, many people are near the average requirements -we can draw this in a frequency histogram

The two sources of glucose for muscles to use for energy during exercise are...

-muscle glycogen -plasma glucose

what is a healthy eating pattern?

-not a rigid diet prescription but rather a flexible set of options that can accommodate personal preferences, social situations and seasonal availability

The concerns surrounding energy drinks include:

-not regulated by FDA -Caffeine levels are not suitable for all -Mixing with alcohol increases heart arrhythmias -Consuming before or during exercise may cause light-headedness and nausea -Caffeine in sports drinks may be counterproductive for replacing fluids lost during exercise because of diuretic action -Mixing various stimulants can intensify their effects making them potentially unsafe -Sudden cessation of use may cause withdrawal symptoms

The two sources of fatty acids for muscles to use for energy during exercise are...

-plasma fatty acids -intramuscular TAG -amino acids

the diet meets the planning principle of adequacy if it...

-provides all of the nutrients (protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, mineral and water) and energy in amounts need to maintain health -avoid nutrient deficiency

how is anorexia nervosa characterized?

-refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimal normal weight for age and height -intense fear of weight gain or becoming fat when they are underweight -distorted body image -denial of seriousness of underweight

what factors decrease BMR?

-slows down with age -lower thyroid hormone -reduced energy intake (fasting, starvation, low-calorie diets) -lowest when sleeping

which of the following best summarizes the diet planning principle of calorie control?

-supply the amount of energy you need to maintain a healthy weight -energy intake should not exceed energy needs

all of the following are inconsistent with the diet planning principle of moderation except:

-there is room in a healthy diet for foods that are high in unhealthy substances but these foods should be consumed less frequently or in small amounts

The physical activity guidelines for Americans for aerobic activity are:

1 hour and 15 mins

The bariatric surgical procedure _________1_________ reduces dietary intake by _________2______.

1. Gastric bypass surgery 2. attaching the lower part of the small intestine to the stomach.

"Hard water" is high in the minerals ___1__ and ___2____, whereas "soft water" is high in ___3___.

1. calcium 2. magnesium 3. sodium

Considering hot beverages, _____ has the most caffeine followed by ______ and then ______.

1. coffee 2. teas 3. soft drinks 4. energy drinks

The protein requirement for athletes is ....

1.2-2 g/kg per day

​A health claim on a food label is a statement that _________

A statement linking the nutritional profile of a food to a reduced risk of a particular disease is known as a health claim

When trying to lose weight, the optimal amount of weight to lose per week is_____________.

About 1 to 2 pounds a week no more

Rapid weight loss caused by a severe restriction in energy intake is not ideal because_______.

As soon as you go "off" the diet and resume eating higher energy you will gain the weight back

What is the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)?

Average daily amount of a nutrient that meets the nutrient needs of 97 to 98 percent of healthy individuals of a specific age and gender

Body mass can be an inaccurate measure of body fatness because....

Does not take into account ​muscle mass​, bone density, overall ​body​ composition, and racial and sex differences

When person does not eat enough calories to meet their energy needs between meals or overnight while sleeping, the body uses the following sources of stored energy:

Fat from muscles

The primary fuel source for high intensity exercise is _______.


The fate of excess calories consumed as carbohydrate is...


Which of the following is the appropriate hydration pattern to optimize performance during physical activity?

I​nclude plenty of fluids—two or more 8-ounce glasses of water per meal—to ensure adequate hydration

How does athletic training change the fuel source that is utilized during physical activity?

Muscle glycogen increases as the % intensity of exercise increases

Which of the following does NOT represent the use of the overload principal in physical conditioning?

Physical conditioning: A planned program of Physical Activity (PA) directed toward improving the function of a particular body system

According to MyPlate, fat from which source should be limited in the diet?

Saturated fats and trans fats, added sugars, and sodium

The physical activity guidelines for Americans for strength training are:

Strength training At least 2X week, all muscle group

The physical activity guidelines for Americans for stretching are:

Stretching At least 2X week for 10 min/day

​The agency that monitors municipal water supplies and sets limits for potential contaminants is __________.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Which of the following is NOT true about a Nutrition Facts panel?

The label tells you everything u need to know about the food that is being described

The only way to reduce the amount of energy that is stored in our body as fat is.

To exercise

In order for a weight loss to be maintained over time, the following must happen:​ ​

To have a permanent change in body weight you must have a permanent change in energy intake or energy expenditure

Which of the following is one of the desirable characteristics of a weight loss diet?

To have long lasting results

All of the following are symptoms of hyponatremia (low blood sodium) EXCEPT_________.

True: -Severe headache -Nausea and vomiting -Muscle cramps -bloating -Confusion -Seizure

Which of the following is NOT one of the signs of dehydration and heat stroke?

True: -​Very high body temperature (104F or higher) -Hot, dry, red skin -Sudden cessation of sweating -Deep breathing and fast pulse -Blurred vision -Confusion, delirium, hallucinations -Convulsions -Loss of consciousness

BMI is a useful index because it is correlated to....

Weight in relationship to height

One of the benefits of choosing whole fruit over fruit juice to meet your recommended daily intake of fruit is:

Whole foods have less calories and no added sugars

According to the key recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which dietary component should be limited to no more than 10 percent of calories per day?

added sugars and saturated fats

When someone eats dessert even though they feel full after eating the main course of the meal, it is an example of the person eating in response to _____.


appetite vs hunger

appetite = desire to eat / cue from brain hunger = cue from body needs from

After a long period of insufficient intake of carbohydrate, the body will get glucose for the brain and central nervous system from...

body protein and glycogen will be used

what is an ideal eating pattern?

contains food that provides adequate nutrients, fiber and calories without an excess of added saturated/trans fat, sugars, sodium and alcohol

The MyPlate visual tool indicates that protein is the most important macronutrient. (T or F)


The sources (inputs) of body water, listed from largest to smallest, are:

food and water ingesting

The body's primary anaerobic energy source is:


Which major goal is part of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

have a guideline for a healthy diet

​Which of the following is consistent with a key recommendation of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

intake of fruit and. veggies

According to the Dietary Guidelines, what proportion of grain servings should be consumed from whole-grain sources?

make half of your grains whole grain

​what are common food allergens, the presence of which must be disclosed on a food label?

milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, crustacean shellfish, wheat, soybeans

The primary fuel source for low intensity exercise, such as walking or running slowly enough to carry on a conversation, is _______________.

muscle TAGS and plasma fatty acids are the predominant substrates with a small contribution of glucose

Resistance exercise can increase BMR because it________________.

promotes an ​increase​ in lean body mass or muscle tissue

DXA uses ​_____ to measure the composition of the body, including fat mass, lean body mass and bone mass/density.


The best predictor of maintenance of weight loss over time is________.

regular exercise

All of the following are true about cow's milk except:

saturated fat content high in 4% and 2% cow's milk

The Thermic Effect of Food is best described as____________.

the energy needed to digest, absorb and process the food that you eat

a nutrient requirement is defined as

the levels of particular nutrients with the lowest amount that is necessary to maintain a person in good health

What aspects of energy expenditure are captured by the measurement of Basal Metabolism?

the sum total of all the chemical activities of the cells necessary to sustain life

MyPlate suggests that 75% of your plate should come from plant-based foods. (T or F)


Abdominal body fat can most easily be measured by ________.

waist circumference

All of the following are true about using a measurement of body density to determine the amount of body fat EXCEPT....

​-Hydrostatic weighing or underwater weighing to measure body volume. -Air displacement methods to measure body volume, e.g., BOD POD

what are the FDA rules regarding the use of health claims?

​The FDA has strict rules governing the use of health claims -If a food label makes a claim about a certain nutrient then the food must contain a minimum amount of that nutrient -If there is a health claim because a food is low in a food component then it must meet that legal definition of "low" -Even so, the label can only imply that the food "may" or "might" reduce risk of disease

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