Chapter 6: Religions, BE ABLE TO

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Identify the following characteristics of all major religions for Islam -Point of origin -Method of diffusion -Current distribution -Landscape expression

-1 billion adherents -Originated in Saudi Arabia (Mecca and Medina) around AD 600. -Spread originally by muslim armies to North Africa and the near East. -Two types: -Sunni (83%)- Found throughout the muslim world. -Shi'ite-Mainly found in Iran (90%). (15%) in Pakistan. (65%) Iraq.

Identify the following characteristics of all major religions for Judaism -Point of origin -Method of diffusion -Current distribution -Landscape expression

-14 million adherents -Monotheistic -Pentateuch: The first five books of the old testament. -Sects: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform -Israel: Homeland for jewish people, created in 1948, conflicts between Israel and palestine. Christianity: -2 billion adherents make it the most practiced in the world. -Originated in Bethlehem (8-4 BC) and Jerusalem (AD 30) with Jesus Christ. -Spread by missionaries and the Roman Empire. (Constantine AD 313). -It is the most practiced religion in Africa today.

Identify the following characteristics of all major religions for Hinduism -Point of origin -Method of diffusion -Current distribution -Landscape expression

-Found mainly in India -The four sacred texts are ancient hymns called Vedas, but few hindus historically could read. -Often found near coastlines and river bands where most sacred sites are located. -Many,many festivals, often surrounding harvest or spring or the birth of Gods.

Map the "religious regions" of the United states. MAP

-Mormons (Utah) -Roman Catholics (Far west, far east) -Lutherans (Northern) -Baptists (Southern)

Identify the following characteristics of all major religions for Buddhism -Point of origin -Method of diffusion -Current distribution -Landscape expression

-Originated near modern nepal around 530 BC by prince Siddhartha Guatama. -Spread originally into India and Sri Lanka by Magadhan Empire. -Indian traders brought it to China in the 1st century AD. -By the 6th century it had lost its hold on India, but was now in Korea and Japan.

Discuss various specific religious conflicts around the world in terms of the following: -Religion v politics -Religion v religion---Interfaith conflicts -Religion v religion---intrafaith conflicts -Religion v secularism

-Religion v Politics: In the United States there is a law allowing the freedom to a religion. This allows any citizen of the United States the right to chose their own religion. In some countries this law doesn't exist, and some governments greatly enforce the idea of a single religion. -interfaith conflicts: This is the most common. This form of conflict happens when two groups of a completely different religion disagree on the way the other interprets a god(s). -Intrafaith conflicts: Different regins or groups of a religion may have different ways of interpreting the religion based off of their ideas and surroundings. -Secularism conflicts: This also happens a lot when someone who has no religious beliefs argues with someone who is very religious.

Describe ways in which the environment influences religion and ways in which religions affect the natural environment.

Burial practices: -Judeo-christians bury family members because of religious beliefs. -Hindus and Buddhists often do not bury but cremate. Relationship with nature: -Sacred spaces -Sacred architecture -Role of religion in domination of Earth.

Distinguish between ethnic and universalizing religions: -Different holy sites -Different holy days -Different methods of diffusion

Ethnic religions: -Has meaning in a particular place only. -Unknown source or origin. -Tightly packed around where could be the origin. -Holidays are based on local climate and agricultural practice. Universalizing religions: -Appeal to people everywhere. -Individual founder (prophet). -Message diffused widely (missionaries). -Followers distributed widely. -Holidays based on events in founder's life.

Discuss the major branches, their origins, and the current distribution of the following religions: -Christianity -Islam -Buddhism -Hinduism

The four major branches of religion are: Christianity, Islam, buddhism, and Hinduism. Christianity originated in Jerusalem and Bethlehem with Jesus Christ. It is currently distributed around the entire north hemisphere. Mainly in Europe and North America. Islam Originated in Mecca. Its current distribution is most of northern Africa and the middle eastern countries such as Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. Buddhism Originated in Northern nepal and is currently distributed around east China, Japan, Korea, and some parts of south west China. Hinduism Originated in India and has pretty much stayed there. Hinduism is found predominantly in India.

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