Chapter 7 Macro

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A family with an average tax rate of 10% would have a marginal tax rate of ____ percent.

luxury cars

A tax on___ would be least regressive

more in Social Security tax than in personal income tax

A wage earner making $10,000 pays_____


About___ percent of all Americans pay more in social security tax than in personal income tax.

Protecting society from violence and invasion, protecting all society, and maintaining public works

Adam Smith's three duties of government_____

Excise Taxes

Aimed at specific goods

Social Security tax

An example of a direct regressive tax would be the______.

taxes paid divided by taxable income

Average Tax Rate = (Formula)

nearly 1.5 trillion

During the last half of 2008 and the first half of 2009, the congress passed and the president signed two bills totaling about_____ in an attempt to avert the Great Recession.

1. stabilization 2. economic regulation 3. provision of goods and services

Economic Role of Government (3)

Per-unit taxes on specific goods

Excise taxes are____

Medicare, Medicaid, social security, food stamps, spending on poor americans, defense expenditures, and national debt

Federal Government spending includes:______ (7)


Federal government spending on medicare and medicaid have increased by a factor of ____ between 1969 and 2011.

Fostering competition, price stability, low unemployment

Goals of the federal government (3)

Regressive Taxes

Heavily on the poor


If you earned 10,000 in 2010 working for yourself, how much did the federal government collect payroll tax?

the marginal tax rate exceeds the average tax rate.

In a progressive tax structure____

Planning the production and distribution of most economic goods

In modern free enterprise economies, ____ is not an economic role of government.


Individuals with taxable incomes of between $0 and $8,350 are in the ___ percent tax bracket


Interest payments on the national debt are projected to be about _____ by 2046.

additional taxes paid divided by additional taxable income

Marginal Tax Rate = (Formula)


Most excise taxes are_____


Most federal government revenue comes from the personal income tax.

Depression and WWII

Most of the growth of the govt. was due to _____ and ______

15, 10

Most u.s. residents are taxed at marginal rates of ___ and ___ percent.


Only govt. purchases are counted in GDP.

Average Tax Rate

Overall rate you pay on your entire income.

Proportional Taxes

Place an equal burden on the rich, middle class, and the poor.

Progressive Taxes

Places a burden on those best able to pay and little or no burden on the poor.

Marginal Tax Rate

Rate you pay on your last few hundreds of dollars earned; tax bracket

Payroll Taxes

Social Security and Medicare taxes are matched by employer.

corporate, estate, excise, personal income, payroll Taxes

Sources of Federal Revenue (5)

Personal Income, Property, and Sales Taxes

Sources of state and local revenue (3)

Education, Health, and Welfare

State and Local govt. spending constitutes_____ (3)

Corporate Income Tax

Tax on a corporations profits

Estate Tax

Tax on estates of people who die.

Indirect Taxes

Tax on goods and services we purchase. Ex: sales and excise taxes

Direct Taxes

Tax with your name on it. Ex: personal income and social security

October 1- September 30 the following year

The Government's fiscal year begins on______


The corporate income tax is____


The economic policy of the U.S. Government could have been described as laissez-faire until about____


The federal personal income tax is____ progressive than it was in 1980.

Spends trillions of dollars, levies trillions of dollars in taxes, redistributes hundreds of billions of dollars, regulates economy

The govt. exerts four basic economic principles____,____,___, and _____

taxes that both workers and employers pay

The money that pays Social Security benefits is raised by_____

is an indirect tax

The sales tax_____


There are now nine federal personal income tax brackets

income, deductions and exemptions

To find your family's taxable income, you need to subtract your____ and your_____.

Govt. Spending

Total that the federal, state, and local govts. spend on everything.

Direct, Indirect, Progressive, Proportional, and Regressive

Types of Taxes (5)

less than .2%

We spend____ of our GDP on foreign aid.

property taxes are the basic source of revenue and education the major type of expenditure.

With respect to local finance, it is correct to say that____

salaries received by social workers employed by the federal government.

___ is NOT an example of a transfer payment.

Income security such as Social Security

____ accounts for the largest percentage of all federal expenditures.

Property taxes are an important source of revenue for the federal government

____ does not apply to the U.S. tax structure.

Veterans' benefits

____ is an example of a transfer payment.

Property tax and expenditures for education

_____ represents the chief source of income and the most important type of expenditure of local governments. (2)

Personal Income

largest source of Federal Revenue

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