CHST Exam Prep 2

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When required to use PPE, the employee must be training in all the areas except? A) How to purchase PPE B) When PPE is necessary C) The limitations of the PPE D) How to properly don, doff, adjust, and wear PPE

We selected answer A because: 1910.132(f)(1) The employer shall provide training to each employee who is required by this section to use PPE. Each such employee shall be trained to know at least the following: • When PPE is necessary; • What PPE is necessary; • How to properly don, doff, adjust, and wear PPE; • The limitations of the PPE; and, • The proper care, maintenance, useful life and disposal of the PPE. 1910.132(f)(2) Each affected employee shall demonstrate an understanding of the training specified in paragraph(f)(1)of this section, and the ability to use PPE properly, before being allowed to perform work requiring the use of PPE.

A needs assessment does all the following except: A) Identifies the type of training required B) Identifies the problem or need before designing a solution C) Saves time and money by ensuring that solutions effectively address the problems they are intended to solve D) Identifies factors that will impact the training before its development

We selected answer A because: According to the NSC, a needs assessment helps to: a. Distinguishes between training and non training needs b. Identifies the problem or need before designing a solution c. Saves time and money by ensuring that solutions effectively address the problems they are intended to solve d. Identifies factors that will impact the training before its development After the first step in the training process which is the needs assessment, training goals are developed and during that process you will determine what knowledge the trainee needs to know to eliminate the problem. Remember, if you want them to tell time, then teach them how to tell time, not how to build a watch.

Which class of employees would you expect to have the greatest potential for accidents? A) New employees B) Experienced employees C) Administrative employees D) Disabled employees

We selected answer A because: According to the NSC, although statistical data differ, it is generally agreed that new employees are significantly more prone to work-related accidents.

Communication is defined as? A) Sharing information and/or ideas with others and being understood B) Sharing information and/or ideas with others and gaining approval C) Sharing opinions and/or ideas with others and being understood D) Sharing opinions and/or ideas with others and gaining approval

We selected answer A because: According to the NSC, communications is defined as "sharing information and/or ideas with others and being understood".

On multi-employer work sites, what is the best method for one employer to inform the other employers about new SDS's? A) Develop a system for the general contractor and subcontractors to share SDS's. B) The general contractor is responsible. C) The superintendent should see that everyone is informed. D) Everyone should be responsible for their own.

We selected answer A because: Develop a system for the general contractor and subcontractors to share the SDS's.

During a training session, often you will attempt to change the way your audience views their procedures or actions. A primary way to help facilitate change is to: A) allow everyone to express their point of view B) follow the lesson plan without interruptions C) allow limited questions at the end of the presentation point out how the change will affect the workplace

We selected answer A because: During any training situation where you are attempting to change habits or procedures, the trainee will have questions as to why it is necessary and is your recommended way the best way. When you allow the trainee to share ideas, evaluate the material and become involved will increase their acceptance of the material.

Employee training records maintained under the provisions of 1910.1030 must be retained for what period of time? A) 3 years from the date of training B) Duration of employment plus 3 years C) 5 years from the date of training D) Duration of employment plus 5 years

We selected answer A because: Employee training records maintained under the provisions of 1910.1030, Bloodborne Pathogens, must be retained for three year from the date on which the training occurred.

Which of the following is not an expected out come of group training? A) gain skills B) share ideas C) evaluate information D) become actively involved in the planning and implementation of company policy

We selected answer A because: Group techniques encourage participation from a selected audience. These methods allow trainees to share ideas, evaluate information and become actively involved in the planning and implementation of company policy. Group training is helpful when you need to transfer specific information to a group of people who need to know the same information.

Hazardous chemical labels should be written in: A) In a language and symbols that workers can read and identify hazards B) English C) English and Spanish D) According to North American or European standards

We selected answer A because: Hazardous chemical labels should be written in a language and symbols so that workers can read and identify hazard

Who must be trained for working on a scaffold? A) All workers B) Competent persons C) Workers who assemble or dismantle scaffolds D) Workers above 10 feet

We selected answer A because: OSHA 1926.454 states that the employer shall have each employee who performs work while on a scaffold trained by a person qualified in the subject matter to recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used and to understand the procedures to control or minimize those hazards. The training shall include the following areas, as applicable: • The nature of any electrical hazards, fall hazards and falling object hazards in the work area; • The correct procedures for dealing with electrical hazards and for erecting, maintaining, and disassembling the fall protection systems and falling object protection systems being used; • The proper use of the scaffold, and the proper handling of materials on the scaffold; • The maximum intended load and the load-carrying capacities of the scaffolds used; and • Any other pertinent requirements of this subpart.

After safety training is completed, there are many ways to continue to encourage safety at the job site. The best includes: A) Setting a good example, encouraging safe behavior, follow up on complaints and hazard reports B) Setting a good example, strictly enforcing all safety requirements, follow up on complaints and hazard reports C) Encouraging safe behavior, require persons that report problems to fix them, setting a good example D) Getting worker to clearly document their safety concerns, strictly enforcing all safety requirements, performing surprise checks of equipment

We selected answer A because: Research has shown that a positive environment encourages better safety by workers than an environment based strictly on enforcement. Enforcement is an important aspect of a safety program, but positive encouragement before enforcement is best. It is crucial to set a positive example as the supervisor by following all safety requirements. The supervisor needs to follow up on all complaints and hazard reports

Safety and health training can involve many different delivery systems and training techniques. Often group methods are used to increase the effectiveness of training and the active participation by students. Which of the following would be the best use of the role playing technique? A) In human relations training B) For job instruction training in a one-on-one situation C) To illustrate the complexities of a step-by-step detailed industrial task D) For in-depth technical subjects

We selected answer A because: Role playing is ideally suited for human relations education or training. It allows the students to become participants in a "drama" or "play" that depicts the interaction of humans during stressful or error provocative situations. The technique is not suited for problem solving or technical training.

Many safety management training classes provide detailed instruction on the establishment of safety and health committees. Which of the following would not be considered a duty of a central safety committee? A) Approve purchase requests for safety equipment B) Review design of new plant equipment C) Investigate extra hazardous conditions D) Guide and direct the safety effort

We selected answer A because: Safety Committees to be effective should not be concerned with the day- to-day activities of the safety program within the company...that is, they should not purchase safety equipment, or investigate minor hazards or accidents. They should be responsible for direction of the overall safety effort and provide guidance for the various program elements.

Verbs or actions words used in learning objectives must be as specific as possible. The behavior must be observable and measurable. Which of the following verbs does not meet this criterion? A) understand B) identify C) troubleshoot D) enter data

We selected answer A because: Some words that should be avoided when writing learning objectives are; know, understand, appreciate, learn, cover, study. It is almost impossible to determine if the student has accomplished those objectives. Some example preferred words are; explain, classify compare, calculate, demonstrate, operate, measure, troubleshoot, analyze, develop, plan.

Who is in the best position to provide effective safety training of industrial work groups? A) Supervisors B) Senior Management C) OHSTs D) Training Professionals

We selected answer A because: Supervisors are in the best position to provide realistic and effective training for industrial workers. They have detailed knowledge of work processes and control workflow.

Which of the following training methods allows for the least amount of student-instructor interaction? A) Lecture B) Role playing C) Case study D) Facilitated discussion

We selected answer A because: The benefits of the lecture is that you can impart information to a large group in a relative short time, however this leaves little time or opportunity for interaction between the trainee and the instructor.

During the planning stage of a Construction Health & Safety Training Program which of the following is the most important consideration? A) Training Objectives B) Training Methods C) Instructor Qualifications D) Training Program Content

We selected answer A because: The establishment of Training Objectives is the key to good planning. No other single element has the ability to allow the training program to succeed.

During a training session it is stated that the pH is a measure of a materials acidity or alkalinity. What would a pH of 2 indicate? A) A very strong acid B) A basic mixture used for building other compounds C) An alkaline D) A mixture of compounds

We selected answer A because: The pH is a number that indicates the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution. The range of the pH scale is from 0 to 14. Aqueous solutions having a pH from 0 to 7 are acidic. Aqueous solutions having a pH from 7 to 14 are basic, or caustic, or alkaline. A material having a pH of 2 would be a very strong acid.

One-way communications has several short falls. Which of the following is not a short fall? A) the information will be transmitted correctly B) information flows in only one direction C) lack of feedback D) receiver may not understand the message

We selected answer A because: This type of communications has several problems: a. Information only flows in one direction. b. The lack of feedback means the sender will not know if the message has been received and/or understood. This is the major drawback to one-way communications. c. The receiver may not understand the message.

After a training session to introduce a set of employees to a new process, you pass out an evaluation sheet to obtain feedback kom the employees on the training session. Which of the following would be an inappropriate question? A) was the content accurate B) did the instructor display enthusiasm C) did the instructor maintain your interest D) was the presentation organized/easy to follow

We selected answer A because: When presenting material that is new to a trainee, refrain from asking them to validate the content of the training program. Questions concerning the training environment, the instructor's skill and presentation are valid questions.

During a training class, a lesson plan requires that students be able to recall certain facts about personal protective equipment. Which of the following would be true concerning the agencies in the United States that test and approve respiratory protection equipment? A) NIOSH B) OSHA C) NHTSA D) DOT

We selected answer A because: Within the United States both NIOSH test and approve respiratory protection.

In safety and health training, tests are highly recommended in all of the following except? A) always B) the training involves a certification process C) the effectiveness of the training may be questioned D) the risk of not mastering the objectives include injury, death or severe financial loss

We selected answer A because: In safety and health training, tests are highly recommended in all of the following except? • the training involves a certification or qualification process • the organizational culture supports its use » the effectiveness of the training may be questioned • the risk of not mastering the objectives include injury, death or severe financial loss • Qualitative and quantitative data are needed pertaining to training and/or safety and health issues

Ladder jack scaffolds platforms shall not exceed a height of feet? A) 10 B) 20 C) 25 30

We selected answer B because: 1926.452(k) - "Ladder jack scaffolds." Platforms shall not exceed a height of 20 feet (6.1 m). All ladders used to support ladder jack scaffolds shall meet the requirements of subpart X of this part -- Stairways and Ladders, except that job-made ladders shall not be used to support ladder jack scaffolds. The ladder jack shall be so designed and constructed that it will bear on the side rails and ladder rungs or on the ladder rungs alone. If bearing on rungs only, the bearing area shall include a length of at least 10 inches (25.4 cm) on each rung.

If you are going to select a software program to track and monitor your accidents and rates, the best option would be: A) Data base B) Spread sheet C) Word processing D) Financial management

We selected answer B because: A spreadsheet is a computer program that enables you to develop and perform all sorts of calculations between the text and values stored in the document. Most spreadsheets include charting and limited database capabilities.

Behavior is most influenced by: A) Activators B) Consequences C) Discipline D) Feedback

We selected answer B because: According to Scott Geller, The Psychology of Safety, while all four answers have an impact on behavior, consequences, in general, have the most impact. Discipline and feedback can be considered types of consequences, but there are others to be considered including positive reinforcement and reward.

Which is the best example of a safety performance benchmark? A) thorough root cause analysis B) Incident rate below the industrial average C) Increased injury trends D) Employee involvement

We selected answer B because: According to author Dan Peterson in Safety By Objectives, a safety performance benchmark is similar to a goal. A benchmark is based on research conducted on other similar organizations and applied to one's own organization.

According to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard which of the following would not require employers to provide employees training on the hazardous chemicals in the workplace? A) Initial assignment B) Resupply of chemicals C) Change in job assignment with new chemicals D) New chemical hazard in the work environment

We selected answer B because: According to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1926.59) employers shall provide employees with information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area: • at time of initial assignment • if transferred to a new assignment with new chemical hazards • when a new chemical hazard is introduced into the work place

Successful adult training can be measured by all of the following except? A) Demonstrate the application B) Show a tape of a previous experience C) Let the trainee practice the new skill D) Discuss how the new skills can be applied

We selected answer B because: Adults want satisfactory answers to the following questions to accept and apply learning. 1. Why is it important? 2. How can I apply it? 3. How does it work? 4. What do I need to know?

Medical records maintained under the provisions of 1910.1030 must be retained for what period of time? A) 30 years B) Duration of employment plus 30 years C) 5 years D) Duration of employment plus 5 years

We selected answer B because: Medical records maintained under the provisions of 1910.1030, Bloodborne Pathogens, must be retained for the duration of employment plus 30 years.

Which of the following is true concerning the training of personnel who erect and dismantle scaffolding?term-2 A) Training must be done under the supervision of a certified training instructor B) A competent person must perform the training C) Training is not, and never was required D) Training is a good idea and would ensure safety, but is not required by OSHA

We selected answer B because: OSHA requires a competent person to provide training on the nature of fall hazards, the correct procedures for erection, maintenance and disassembly, the proper use, placement and care in handling, etc. Additionally, all erection and disassembly must be done under the supervision of a competent person.

When you develop the tests and evaluations for your training program, you should use all of the following guidelines except? A) Test items must be reliable. B) Evaluations are norm-referenced C) Each test item must have criterion-related validity D) The evaluation tool should be developed before the training begins

We selected answer B because: Reliability is a measure of how well a test item discriminates the knowledge level of the participants. Evaluations for training purposes are NOT norm-referenced. Norm-referencing means that how well a trainee scores depends on how well or how poorly other trainees perform. Evaluations for training purposes should always be criterion- referenced. This means performance is measured against a pre-set standard. The test must measure what it is suppose to measure. The evaluation tool should always be developed before training begins.

Safety training is best delivered: A) As an integrated part of all other training B) By the front line supervisor C) By a contracted trainer D) By co-workers

We selected answer B because: Safety training is best delivered by the front line supervisor.

A safety orientation session might include the information that the A-weighted sound level measurement is used as the "standard" scale in occupational noise measurement because: A) It weights intermittent and impact noise B) Weighing is related to effects of noise on the ear C) It filters out "white" noise D) It has a built in dose response curve

We selected answer B because: The A-weighted scale most closely weights the sound to the injurious effects of the noise on the ear.

Which of the following best describes the use of the Critical Incident Technique method during an incident investigation? A) A method to identify mechanical integrity issues in chemical process equipment B) An open-ended retrospective method of interviews that identify the critical aspects of an incident. C) A guided discussion as part of pre emergency planning exercise A sampling of human behaviors through observations

We selected answer B because: The Critical Incident Technique (or CIT) is a set of procedures used for collecting first hand observations of human behavior that have critical significance and meet methodically defined criteria. A critical incident can be described as one that makes a significant contribution—either positively or negatively—to an activity or phenomenon and to understand the relationship between competencies and reasons for accidents. Critical incidents can be gathered in various ways, but typically respondents are asked to tell a story about an experience they have had. Through the use of the critical incident technique one may collect specific and significant behavioral facts, providing a sound basis for making inferences as to requirements for measures of typical performance (criteria), measures of proficiency (standard samples), training, selection and classification, job design, operating procedures, equipment design, motivation and leadership (attitudes), and individual behavior. Critical incidents can be gathered in various ways, but typically respondents are asked to tell a story about an experience they have had. CIT is a flexible method that usually relies on five major areas. The first is determining and reviewing the incident, then fact-finding, which involves collecting the details of the incident from the participants. When all of the facts are collected, the next step is to identify the issues. Afterwards a decision can be made on how to resolve the issues based on various possible solutions. The final and most important aspect is the evaluation, which will determine if the solution that was selected will solve the root cause of the situation and will cause no further problems.

Training mandated by the Hazard Communication Standard is accomplished to allow employees to become familiar with the hazards of chemicals in the workplace and protective measures. Which of the following statements is most correct concerning Hazcom training done by a commercial training company? A) OSHA will cite the commercial training company for any training deficiencies B) OSHA will cite the employer for any training deficiencies C) OSHA will cite both the employer and the training company for any training deficiencies D) OSHA will cite the training company only if it has been licensed and approved by OSHA

We selected answer B because: The following information was extracted from the Hazard Communication Standard "QUIP" published by OSHA. In response to a request for clarification OSHA stated "If it is determined that an employee has not received training or is not adequately trained, the current employer will be held responsible regardless of who provided the training to the employee. An employer, therefore, has a responsibility to evaluate an employee's level of knowledge with regard to the training and information requirements of the standard, and the employer's own hazard communication program, including previous training the employee may have received."

Which of the following is not considered to be an effective training method? A) Demonstration B) Technical speech C) Guided discussion D) Individualized instruction

We selected answer B because: The strategies listed are below the standard type of instructional strategies. 1. Lecture 2. Demonstration 3. Guided Discussion 4. Individualized Instruction 5. Role Play Learner Discovery Method

The primary purpose of a safety meeting is: A) Provide discipline to workers not following safety rules B) Inform workers of job specific hazards C) Satisfy government regulations D) Company paperwork

We selected answer B because: There are several purposes and outcomes of safety meetings. The major purpose is to inform workers ofjob specific hazards.

When is the least effective time to present a safety training session? A) after an accident B) after the company announces it is downsizing C) after the monthly accident data shows an increase in the incident rate D) after a plant explosion

We selected answer B because: There are three things that will keep a person from listening: Word barriers — e.g. death, liar, layoff, IRS, etc.; Emotional barriers — e.g. bias, boredom, envy, fatigue, etc.; and distractions. A good example of a distraction is to present safety training at the end of a shift. One of the most important times to ensure that training has been presented is before any non-routine work.

The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) requires certain training for each new underground miner. Which of the following best describes that training? A) Performance based training B) Specification based training C) 180 hours of on-the-job training D) 10 hours of classroom education

We selected answer B because: Throughout the history of The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) the organization has stressed the importance of training for miners. The training is expressly prescribed, "Every new underground miner shall receive no less than 40 hours of prescribed training". MSHA then lists the prescribed training complete with format. This is in contrast to the performance based training required by recent legislation, eg: the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.

People will model behavior that they view are beneficial; therefore, workers are more prone to follow rules when: A) Contractors are seen bypassing rules B) The supervisor follows the rules C) Workers are sometimes disciplined for breaking rules D) They see fellow workers punished when caught breaking rules

We selected answer B because: Workers are more likely to follow rules when the supervisor leads by example and follow the rules

Written documentation should be provided to each student who satisfactorily completes the training course. The documentation should include all the following except - A) Student's name. B) Student's Social Security Number C) Name and address of the training provider D) Statement that the student has successfully completed the course

We selected answer B because: Written documentation should be provided to each student who satisfactorily completes the training course. The documentation should include: • Student's name. • Course title. • Course date. • Statement that the student has successfully completed the course. • Name and address of the training provider. • An individual identification number for the certificate. • List of the levels of personal protective equipment used by the student to complete the course. This documentation may include a certificate and an appropriate wallet- sized laminated card with a photograph of the student and the above information. When such course certificate cards are used, the individual identification number for the training certificate should be shown on the card. Recordkeeping. Training providers should maintain records listing the dates courses were presented, the names of the individual course attendees, the names of those students successfully completing each course, and the number of training certificates issued to each successful student. These records should be maintained for a minimum of five years after the date an individual participated in a training program offered by the training provider. These records should be available and provided upon the student's request or as mandated by law.

Which of the following training methods is primarily used to find new, innovative approaches to issues? A) Meeting B) Brainstorming C) Case Study D) Role Playing

We selected answer B because: Brainstorming is a technique of group interactions that encourages each participant to present ideas on a specific issue. The method is normally used to find new, innovative approaches to issues. There are four ground rules: 1. Ideas presented are not criticized. 2. Freewheeling creative thinking and building on ideas are positively reinforced. 3. As many ideas as possible should be presented quickly. 4. Combining several ideas or improving suggestions is encouraged.

Which of the following is not a reason to test? A) to determine how well the students can perform the objectives prior to training. B) to be able to measure the students progress against other students. C) to measure how well the student can perform the objectives during the training. D) to determine how well the student can perform the objectives after training.

We selected answer B because: The three reasons to test are: • to determine how well the students can perform the objectives prior to training. • to measure how well the student can perform the objectives during the training. » to determine how well the student can perform the objectives after training.

Effective training calls for the use of standardized training. This can be greatly enhanced by using lesson plans. A lesson plan is designed to? A) be provided as a course handout B) provide the trainees with the course objectives C) provide the instructor with standardized guidance for the training session D) for the instructor and students to review prior to the beginning of the training session

We selected answer C because: A lesson plan is designed to insure the instructor — • presents the material in the proper order • does not omit essential material • conducts the training on the proper timetable • places proper emphasis on items to be covered • provides for student participation • has confidence in the presentation

Accident costs such as loss in earning power, loss of time by supervision, damage to tools and equipment, and cost of training a new worker are also called? A) Direct costs B) Insured costs C) Indirect costs D) Miscellaneous costs

We selected answer C because: Accident costs such as loss in earning power, loss of time by supervision, damage to tools and equipment, and cost of training a new worker are also called indirect costs.

As described in ANSI/A1HA/ASSE Z10, for an organization's occupational health and safety management system to succeed, top management leadership and which of the following are most critical? A) Supervisor accountability B) Employee participation C) OHS written policy D) Sustainable safety observation program

We selected answer C because: According to ANSI/AIH/ASSEA Z10, top management leadership and employee participation are the main divisions in the scope of this standard.

Which of the following is the best indicator of training effectiveness? A) Favorable Student Critiques B) Correct Student Response to Questions C) Increase in effectiveness of Job Performance D) Testing meets expected norms

We selected answer C because: Job performance is the most effective and final measure of any training program and the training should be designed to correct skill deficiencies. Testing is highly recommended when the effectiveness of the training may be questioned.

Which of the following fails to describe a requirement of the owners of a hazardous waste site cleanup project, under the provisions of the OSHA 1910.120, site safety and health training program? A) Training for all site workers and supervisors B) Training for spill response C) Training for specialists responding to the scene of a spill D) Training on personal protective equipment

We selected answer C because: OSHA 1910.120 requires an extensive safety and health plan that includes a safety and health training plan. There are extensive requirements outlined in the HAZWOPER standard on the various levels and complexity of training. Training for responding specialists, such as Hazmat teams, is required but generally the responsibility for this training would fall upon their employer, rather than the owner of the clean-up contract.

The OSHA regulation covering underground construction is 1926.800, which covers the construction of underground tunnels, shafts, chambers and cut-and-cover excavations. Under the provisions of the standard employees must be taught to recognize and avoid hazards associated with underground construction. Which of the following is not required by OSHA 1926.800 to be included in the training provided employees working underground? A) Air monitoring B) Flood control C) Sanitation D) Check-in and check-out procedures

We selected answer C because: OSHA 1926.800 requires that employees be taught to recognize and avoid hazards associated with underground construction. The instruction should include: • Air monitoring • Illumination • Flood Control • Personal Protective Equipment • Fire Prevention & Protection • Ventilation • Communications • Mechanical equipment • Explosives • Emergency procedures including evacuation plans and check-in and check-out systems Sanitation is not specifically included in the OSHA standard.

When you measure training program effectiveness, which of the following is the least valuable? A) Behavior — what behaviors were changed as a result of the training B) Knowledge — what skills were learned and demonstrated C) Reaction — how the students liked the training Interaction — how the students interacted and exchanged ideas in class

We selected answer C because: Reaction is the least valuable at the end of the training, since the student does not know the actual use of the skills or knowledge gained until they put it into action. That is why most training experts recommend a second critique after six months to obtain a valid reaction from the students.

According to NIOSH, to provide the most effective level of safety during confined space entry, which of the following correctly indicates the minimum amount of training necessary? A) Recognition of hazardous materials, first-aid training, rescue training and orientation on self contained breathing apparatus B) Confined space hazard recognition training, training for testing hazardous atmospheres, training on rescue procedures, training on PPE and advanced first-aid training. C) Confined space hazard recognition training, training for testing hazardous atmospheres, training on rescue procedures, training on PPE and first-aid training. D) Recognition of hazardous materials, advanced first-aid training, training on rescue procedures, and in-depth training on the use of self contained breathing equipment

We selected answer C because: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) document "Criteria for a Recommended Standard ... Working in Confined Spaces" provides several recommendations for safely working in confined spaces. Their major recommendations include: • RECOGNITION: Training in what constitutes a confined space and what hazards may be present is essential to the establishment of a good accident prevention system. TESTING, EVALUATION, AND MONITORING: All confined spaces shouldbetestedbyaqualifiedpersonbeforeentry.Testsshouldbemadefor oxygen, flammability and toxic substances. Evaluation should consider methods of isolation, ventilation, PPE, communication, lockout etc. Monitoring should be continuously employed to determine if the atmosphere has changed while the work is being performed or during breaks in the work routine. • RESCUE: Rescue procedures and training must be well thought out, developed and implemented prior to entry. The rescue procedures should be practiced frequently enough to provide a level of proficiency that eliminates life-threatening rescue attempts and ensure a calm response to any emergency. Advance first-aid training is strongly recommended for all participants in the rescue phase of the operation. Remember that the attendant can not become a rescuer until they have been relieved from their attendant duties. There must be an attendant on duty. The following example from the NIOSH research file demonstrates the need for an organized confined space entry control program.

Which of the following is not a required training item under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard? A) Work area operations containing hazardous chemicals B) Location of hazardous chemical list & SDS C) Plant emergency evacuation plan D) Details of the labeling system

We selected answer C because: The OSHA Hazard Communication Standard requires employees to be provided with the following information and training: • The requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard. • Any operations in the work area where hazardous chemicals are present. • The location and availability of the written hazard communication program, to include the list of chemicals, and material safety data sheets. • Training on the methods and observations that may be used to detect the presence of release of a hazardous chemical in the work area. • The physical and health hazards of the chemicals in the work area. • The measures employees can take to protect themselves from these hazards, including specific procedures such as work practices, emergency procedures, and personal protective equipment. • The details of the Hazard Communication Program including an explanation of the labeling system and the material safety data sheet, and how employees find and use the information.

One training technique especially useful when dealing with craft employees during safety and health training is the case study. Which of the following is the most correct concerning a case study? A) Case studies must always involve fictitious situations or accidents so that no one group or person will have hurt feelings B) Case studies should be written and passed out as handouts to be most effective because most crab employees do not have a long attention span C) Case studies are good problem solving tools D) Case studies involving real situations should only be used if they can be presented by the actual participants/victims

We selected answer C because: The case study is an especially effective technique for safety and health training, since it often illustrates the multi-causal aspects of accidents as well as the tragic consequences. The case study is an excellent problem solving technique. Normally case studies are presented to a group that has the goal of evaluating the mistakes made in the situation and providing real world solutions. The technique is particularly effective when the group is allowed to come to the conclusion that they can benefit from the mistakes of other construction contractors and thus prevent accidents. Real mishaps are effective case studies and should be used as often as possible to add credibility to the technique, but one must be aware of the sensitivities involved in tragic accidents.

There are three main types of test that are administered during training. These are? A) multiple choice, essay and posttest B) multiple choice, essay and pretest C) pretest, review test and posttest D) multiple choice, essay and review test

We selected answer C because: The three main types of tests that are administered during a training session are the pretest, to determine baseline knowledge, review test, to determine progress and posttest to determine if the student has met the objectives.

Which of the following is the most often recommended fundamental safety training for construction workers? A) First Aid, Supervisors Safety, and Welding B) Welding, Forktruck Training, and Back-Care C) Fire Extinguisher Training, First Aid, and Contingency D) Contingency, First Aid and Vehicle Operations

We selected answer C because: The three most often recommended fundamental training courses for construction workers are: First Aid, Fire Extinguisher, and Contingency. Contingency meaning emergency procedures.

In the practice of Safety and Health, training is often offered as a universal solution. However, safety and health training should be targeted to real problems. Training should only be recommended as the solution to problems where increased knowledge or skill is needed or where required by directive. Which of the following best describes the reason or objective for after training testing? A) To weed out weak performers B) To spot workers who have "attitude" problems C) To spot weakness in the training program D) To allow the students to see how much they learned

We selected answer C because: There are two objectives to after training testing. First, to see if the student has gained skill or knowledge in the subject area. Second, to assist the developer and instructor in evaluating the effectiveness of instruction. For example, if a significant percentage of the students in an average class cannot perform up to the specifications outlined in the lesson plans, then the instruction is simply not working. The problem could be the atmosphere, the instructional method, instruction techniques, the instructor, training material, etc. In any event, changes are in order. Effective training is a complex task, in which evaluation of the instruction is often overlooked. One thing that cannot be corrected by training is "poor worker attitude". This is often a complaint against the training staff is that the attitude hasn't changed, but generally that is the responsibility of the supervisor.

Communications has many forms, which is the most effective in the workplace? A) face to face group lecture B) face to face group two-way communications C) face to face individual two-way communications D) written individual two-way communications

We selected answer C because: Two-way, face-to-face communications is the best way to convey messages on the job.

Which of the following is not a communication barrier? A) Bias B) Mood C) Negative reinforcement D) Non verbal actions that conflict with the training subject

We selected answer C because: Communication barriers consist of: a. Knowledge — the trainee already thinks the know all that is needed b. Bias — people's attitude may cause them to tune out the information c. Mood — does something keep the individual from hearing the information d. Nonverbal actions — do you say one thing while doing something counter

During a training session on hazardous material labeling, you are referring to the NFPA 704, Identification of Hazards of Materials. During this presentation you should properly identify what color and purpose for the left diamond? A) Blue, fire B) Yellow, fire C) Red, fire D) Blue, health

We selected answer D because:

Annual training requirement for a confined space rescue team must include: A) PPE training B) Entry Training C) CPR training D) Rescue training

We selected answer D because: According to OSHA 1910.146(k)(2) An employer whose employees have been designated to provide permit space rescue and emergency services shall take the following measures: • Provide affected employees with the personal protective equipment (PPE) needed to conduct permit space rescues safely and train affected employees so they are proficient in the use of that PPE, at no cost to those employees; » Train affected employees to perform assigned rescue duties. The employer must ensure that such employees successfully complete the training required to establish proficiency as an authorized entrant, as provided by paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section; • Train affected employees in basic first-aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The employer shall ensure that at least one member of the rescue team or service holding a current certification in first aid and CPR is available; and Ensure that affected employees practice making permit space rescues at least once every 12 months, by means of simulated rescue operations in which they remove dummies, manikins, or actual persons from the actual permit spaces or from representative permit spaces. Representative permit spaces shall, with respect to opening size, configuration, and accessibility, simulate the types of permit spaces from which rescue is to be performed.

The primary purpose for using On-the-Job training is: A) it is cost effective B) more than one person can be trained at a time C) requires the minimum amount of time for total training D) allows the worker to produce during the trainingperiod

We selected answer D because: According to the NSC, OJT or JIT is widely used because it allows the worker to produce during the training period. The primary instruction is the demonstration or demonstration-performance method of training.

Your company has hired a new worker who was qualified as a powered truck operator at her previous company. What is the training required to get this person qualified as a power truck operator in your company? A) Send to a formal school B) Accept the other company's qualification C) Have the employee attend your company's initial training program D) Ensure the operator has the knowledge and skills required to operate the power trucks, including your company's procedures.

We selected answer D because: CFR1910.178, Powered Industrial Trucks, requires anyone changing equipment or workplace location to meet the requirements outlined in the Refresher Training requirements (para 1910.178 (l)(4)). Only employees that are trained and authorized should operate industrial powered trucks.

What defines successful communications? A) sender and message B) sender and receiver C) message and receiver D) sender, message and receiver

We selected answer D because: Communications consists of three basic elements: the sender, the message and the receiver. When you are communicating, whether orally or in writing, always provide for feedback. This is the only way to ensure that the message got through.

Untrained personnel who are unfamiliar with the product or the hazards involved but who want to help in an emergency is a reason why the latches on the outside of aircraft to release cockpit canopies are marked. Which of the following is not true about such devices? A.) Such devices must be foolproof in an emergency B.) They require little physical effort to operate C.) They can be easy to operate when only a few words of instruction are provided D.) They must be labeled in multiple languages

We selected answer D because: In any emergency there is a possibility that the person (or persons) involved may not be able to escape under his/her own resources. Provisions must be made for rescue by other personnel, if the need should arise. Rescues may be attempted by: 1. Persons familiar with the product and its operation, hazards, and emergency devices. 2. Personnel familiar with the hazards in general but not the specific equipment. 3. Untrained personnel who are unfamiliar with the product or the hazards involved but want to help.

One technique often used in safety and health training in the industrial environment is the conference method. Which of the following is the most correct concerning this important training tool? A) Individual knowledge is not particularly important during a conference session B) The conference technique is not particularly suited to problem solving C) The success of the conference technique depends on the ability of the main presenter D) The success of the conference depends almost entirely on the ability of the facilitator

We selected answer D because: One of the most valuable group techniques is the conference method. The strength of the conference method is in the individual knowledge and experience of the participants. The number of members should be kept small to allow maximum exchange of ideas. The establishment of goals and objectives is crucial to the success of this method. But more than anything else, this teaching method hinges on the capability of the facilitator or instructor. The facilitator logs the objectives and keeps the information and opinions flowing during sessions. After the conference, the facilitator distributes recommendations and informs members of actions taken as a result. Shortfalls associated with this method is the facilitator ensuring that the conference does not become a bull session and if management does not follow up on the recommendations, then the group will not support future efforts.

Often in safety and health training programmed or instructional learning is used instead of more traditional methods. Which of the following is most correct concerning the technique of programmed learning? A) Programmed learning is very controversial because it attempts to control the actions of workers B) Programmed learning is confined to computer use only C) Programmed learning is not suitable for complex, complicated endeavors D) Programmed learning is an effective tool for very short study sessions

We selected answer D because: Programmed or instructional learning is an excellent tool for learning just about anything. However, the development of programmed or instructional learning text books or computer programs is very expensive in both time and money. The newer programmed or instructional learning techniques involve interactive computer products. These products combine the features of video and small computers to produce a product that leads the student step-by-step through the learning process. The older instructional learning methods use the text book approach that is presented in a series of numbered pages calledJames, each frame consists of three parts: • explanation of a concept • questions based on the concept • a "book" answer to the concept Should the student answer the question incorrectly, some programmed lessons lead the student to another more detailed explanation of the concept. A programmed text or computer program is extremely useful to persons who must study for short periods of time due to hectic schedules. An additional advantage of this system is that you can study very effectively when you are tired or preoccupied because it provides a lot of repetition and forces you to stay focused. Unlike conventional learning programs, programmed learning is excellent for studying when you have a spare moment. Short periods spent on programmed learning are just as effective as longer sessions.

Job site safety training is critical part of a safety program. Which of the following statements is most true? A) While comprehensive, pre-assignment training covering company assigned topics is necessary, all workers perform best when allowed to self-study training materials. B) While comprehensive, pre-assignment training covering regulatory required topics is necessary, on the job experience is the best "trainer." Until workers make their own mistakes, they won't really learn. C) Comprehensive, pre-assignment training covering all needed topics and information is the best method of ensuring employees are trained and qualified to perform their tasks safely. D) While comprehensive, pre-assignment training covering regulatory required topics is necessary, short, single topic tailgate meetings are very effective.

We selected answer D because: Safety training is a crucial part of a comprehensive safety program. There are many topics that regulations require training to be accomplished prior to job assignment. Industry has recognized that ongoing training provided for short periods of time (less than an hour), covering single topics is a very effective method to training workers. The key to safety training is to provide workers with information to prevent accidents and injuries.

Which of the following agencies is concerned with pedestrian safety? A) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) B) National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) C) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) D) Federal Highway Administration (FHA)

We selected answer D because: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) was established to reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving large trucks and buses. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) may prohibit a state from issuing, renewing, transferring, or upgrading CDLs if the agency determined the state is in substantial noncompliance with the CDL licensing and sanctioning requirements. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) oversees safety in the many branches of the Department of Transportation and reports on all aircraft accidents and major surface accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has responsibility for vehicle safety. It has published over 400 standards on vehicles and vehicle systems. The Federal Highway Administration (FHA) is concerned with administering the highway construction budget and has safety responsibility only for roadways, traffic control devices and pedestrian safety.

The U.S. OSHA standard 1910.120, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, requires training for waste site workers, occasional workers, and site supervisors. Which of the following best describes the training required for the general waste site worker? A) 40 hours of training on-site, with at least 2 days field experience under a trained supervisor B) 24 hours training on-site, and two days hands-on C) 24 hours training off-site, one day hands-on D) 40 hours of training off-site, with at least 3 days field experience under a trained supervisor

We selected answer D because: The OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response standard, 1910.120, requires general workers to be provided 40 hours of hands-on instruction off-site, combined with at least 3 days field experience under the supervision of a trained supervisor. Additionally these workers must complete 8 hours of refresher training each 12 months.

Training is primarily focused on behavior change. In education, the focus is on information about something that may or may not be used on the job. In training, the focus is also on how to do something properly and how to apply the new information and skills on the job. The benefits of safety and health training include all the following except? A) improved performance B) fewer accidents C) reduced costs D) attitude adjustment

We selected answer D because: The benefits of safety and health training include all the following except? • improved performance • fewer incidents/accidents • reduced costs • reinforcement of the operational goals of the organization It is not designed to modify attitudes.

During Health and Safety communications with workers, the main objective is to? A) Teach workers to understand what is being said B) Provide a vehicle for suggestions C) Teach workers to write and read well D) Provide a safety message that will be understood and accepted by the workers

We selected answer D because: The bottom line in any training or education effort is to provide a message that will be understood and acted on by the workers.

Which of the following is the most correct concerning the OSHA Hazard Communication requirement for the maintenance of worker training records? A) Training records must be maintained by the employee B) Training records must be maintained by the employer C) Training records must be maintained at the worksite D) There is no requirement in OSHA to maintain a worker's training record

We selected answer D because: The following information was extracted from the Hazard Communication Standard "QUIP" published by OSHA. In response to a request for clarification OSHA stated "The HCS sets performance- oriented employee training requirements at section 1926.59 (h) in order to ensure that employees are provided with information and training about the hazardous chemicals they work with, both at the time of their initial assignment and whenever a new hazard is introduced into their work area. However,..., there is no requirement that "employee training records" be maintained at each jobsite, in fact, there is no requirement in the HCS to maintain any records of employee training."

Which of the following is a primary desirable attribute of a safety training instructor? A) Always uses an overhead projector B) Covers the course content and adds many war stories C) Enhances the presentation with many scientific and technical terms D) Covers the quantity of material as outlined by the courseobjectives

We selected answer D because: The instructor should follow the lesson plan and ensure that the trainees meet the objective of the course. The training must meet the trainee's expectation, without an overkill.

The outside consultant and trainer can be a particular value as a change agent in an environment of low trust in all the following except where: A) First line supervisors have marginally low skills B) There are pockets of turf that prevent departments from cooperating C) There is poor alignment across levels of management concerning values that support good safety training D) The trainee has questions that are pertinent to the subject matter

We selected answer D because: The outside consultant and trainer can be a particular value as a change agent in an environment of low trust when first line supervisors have marginally low skills, there are pockets of turf that prevent departments from cooperating there is poor alignment across levels of management concerning values that support good safety training. The trainee should always have questions pertinent to the subject matter regardless of the trainer.

When performing instructor duties for a Health and Safety Training session, it is most important to? A) Dress for the occasion B) Know what you are talking about C) Use plenty of visual aids D) Use a well prepared lesson plan

We selected answer D because: The use of a lesson plan will provide standardization to a presentation and avoid omission of essential material. The lesson plan also helps the instructor conduct the class according to a timetable and should provide for student participation or involvement.

Which of the following is of least importance when considering an instructor for a Health & Safety Training project in a construction setting? A) Knowledge of subject B) Presentation style C) Desire to instruct D) Appearance

We selected answer D because: There are many attributes that complement a successful trainer or educator. Some of these are: • Experience • Knowledge of subject • Desire to instruct • Presentation style • Honesty • Appearance • Ability to communicate • Sensitivity to people Some of these attributes are more important than others. The motivation of the students and their level of sophistication will determine to a great extent which attribute is the most important. In a construction setting appearance is generally considered to be of lesser importance than the desire to instruct, knowledge of subject and presentation style. This is not to say appearance is not important, just that it is of lesser impact on the learning process.

When is training least appropriate: A) At the beginning of shift B) After an incident C) After a recordable injury D) At end of work shift

We selected answer D because: Training is least effective and appropriate at the end of the work shift.

The general objective of providing safety training is: A) To prepare for testing B) To meet regulatory requirements C) To minimize insurance premiums D) To impart knowledge and ability

We selected answer D because: Training is provided to impart knowledge and ability. In the case of safety training, the primary objective is to impart knowledge and ability to allow a worker to prevent injuries and accidents.

In order for Construction Health and Safety Training to provide maximum effectiveness, firm training objectives should be established and used. Which of the following requirements of training objectives is the least important? A) Training objectives should be Reasonable B) Training objectives should be Measurable C) Training objectives should be Obtainable D) Training objectives should be Written

We selected answer D because: Training objectives should above all be reasonable, measurable and obtainable. It is very desirable, but not imperative that the objectives and goals for any program to be written, so as not to be misplaced or relegated to a low priority.

You are the Safety Director of a textile plant that has received an OSHA inspection. You were cited for several violations and your citations have been received at the main plant. Which of the following actions is most correct? A) You must pay the fine within 15 working days B) The workers must be allowed to see the citation C) You must fix the discrepancy within 30 days D) You must post the citations for at least three days

We selected answer D because: You are required by OSHA to post the citation at or near the location of the violation for three days or until corrected whichever is longer.

Asbestos training is required to include which of the following? A) PPE Selection B) Conducting a negative exposure assessment C) Retention of medical records D) Methods to recognize asbestos

We selected answer D because: Employers must provide a free training program for all employees who are likely to be exposed in excess of a PEL and for all employees performing Class through IV asbestos operations. Employees must be trained prior to or at initial assignment and at least annually thereafter. Training courses must be easily understandable and include the following information: • Ways to recognize asbestos. • Adverse health effects of asbestos exposure. • Relationship between smoking and asbestos in causing lung cancer. • Operations that could result in asbestos exposure and the importance of protective controls to minimize exposure. + Purpose, proper use, fitting instruction, and limitations of respirators. • 'Appropriate work practices for performing asbestos jobs. • Medical surveillance program requirements. + Contents of the standard. • Names, addresses, and phone numbers of public health organizations that provide information and materials or conduct smoking cessation programs. • Sign and label requirements and the meaning of their legends. • Written materials relating to employee training and self help smoking cessation programs at no cost to employees. Also, the following additional training requirements apply depending on the work class involved: • For Class I operations and for Class II operations that require the use of critical barriers (or equivalent isolation methods) and/or negative pressure enclosures, training must be equivalent in curriculum, method, and length to the EPA Model Accreditation Plan (MAP) asbestos abatement worker training (see 40 CFR Part 763, Subpart E, Appendix C). • For employees performing Class II operations involving one generic category of building materials containing asbestos (e.g., roofing, flooring, or siding materials or transite panels), training may be covered in an 8-hour course that includes hands-on experience. • For Class III operations, training must be equivalent in curriculum and method to the 16-hour Operations and MOfntenance course developed by EPA for maintenance and custodial workers whose work disturbs ACM (see 40 CFR Part 763.92). The course must include hands-on training on proper respirator use and work practices. • For Class /U operations, training must be equivalent in curriculum and method to EPA awareness training (see 29 CFR Part1926.l 101 for more information). Training must focus on the locations of ACM or PACM and the ways to recognize damage and deterioration and avoid exposure. The course must be at least 2 hours in length. On all construction sites with asbestos operations, employers must designate a competent person—one who can identify asbestos hazards in the workplace and has the authority to correct them. This person must be qualified and authorized to ensure worker safety and health as required by Subpart C, General Safety and Health Provisions for Construction (29 CFR Part 1926.20). Under these requirements for safety and health prevention programs, the competent person must frequently inspect job sites, materials, and equipment. The competent person must attend a comprehensive training course for contractors and supervisors certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or a state approved training provider, or a complete a course that is equivalent in length and content. For Class III and IV asbestos work, training must include a course equivalent in length, stringency, and content to the 16-hour Operations and Maintenance c‹iurse developed by EPA for maintenance and custodial workers. For more specific information, see 40 CFR Part 763.92(a)(2).

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