CMST 2061 Midterm Exam - Quizzes Review
How long should an Elevator Speech be?
30-60 seconds
Which of the following are NOT assignments you will complete for the final Elevator Speech Presentation grade? a. A self evaluation of your elevator speech b. A video upload of your Elevator Speech c. A peer evaluation of your group member's elevator speeches d. A quiz on the assignment
A self evaluation of your elevator speech
Susan is twirling her hair around her finger as she nervously awaits a job interview. Her behavior is known as what kind of nonverbal communication behavior?
When preparing for the interview, interviewers should first begin by identifying those skills and personal qualities most suited for the job. In essence, the interviewer is developing
An ideal applicant profile
Feedack is less timely when we use
Asynchronous media
John wants to do well in an upcoming job interview. Prior to the interview, he should
Attempt to anticipate likely interview questions and formulate answers to them
Which of the following is primarily related to Stage 4 of the linear communication model, perceiving the information as a message. a. Attending b. Decoding c. Channeling d. Deciding
What do your authors suggest as the first step in a sound listening plan?
Be mindful of your self-talk
What individuals learn first about you
Biases how they perceive subsequent information about you
Which of the following strategies would likely prove most effective in helping a person with low self esteem control negative self-talk when listening?
Checking to see if their responses are rational or emotive
Max Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy is an example of
Classical Theory
In the listening dynamic, senders have a responsibility to
Design the message with the particular receiver(s) in mind
Which of the following are things a successful Elevator Speech should include? a. 1-2 important skills you have b. Effective Elevator Speeches include all of these c. An action step where you ask for the next meeting d. A success story
Effective Elevator Speeches should include all of these
According to Chapter 1, which business and professional communication problem does office gossip fall under?
Ethical dilemmas
Which form of communication media would likely be most rich?
Communication through new media channels are best described by the linear model of communication, while face-to-face meetings are form of communication that truly fit the simultaneous transaction model
Communicators have very little influence over how others perceive them during a first encounter
Critics claimed that, of the two Humanistic theories, the Human Resources approach didn't do enough to emphasize organizational goals and needs
Excellent cultures spend more time planning, discussing, and analyzing than weak, ineffective organizational cultures
For the peer evaluations, you should give each group member a 500-word evaluation.
In disagreeable or uncomfortable interactions, it is best to passively listen, so you do not seem aggressive
In the workplace, you should always try to change others' negative impressions about you
Interviews appear to do little to minimize organizational turnover rates
Mediated communication refers to the use of new media, rather than traditional forms of communication, to facilitate communication in the contemporary workplace
Misemployment refers to hiring an unqualified candidate
The best listening approach is passive listening which lets it just happen naturally and doesn't interfere with the process
Though important for many service oriented fields like travel, hospitality, real estate and sales, good communication skills are not particularly important for highly technical scientific fields
When two people are using online instant messaging at the same time, they are engaged in asynchronous communication
You should never answer an illegal question during an employment interview
You should use common abbreviations, such as LOL, and emoticons in business emails to help convey nonverbal cues.
A system of concepts with indications of the relationships among them that help us to understand a phenomenon is the definition of
Formal, scholarly theory
Permeable boundaries enable an organization to:
Function as a relatively open system
Which of the following likely would be a bona fide occupational qualification? a. Being within a specific age range b. Having a husband/wife in a similar line of work c. Being childless and having the plan and the willpower to stay that way d. Having special skills and pertinent physical attributes required for the job
Having special skills and pertinent physical attributes required for the job
The Hawthorn Studies led to a new classification of theories about organizing, called:
Humanistic theory
Perception refers to
Identifying and classifying stimuli apprehended by the senses
Recent research reveals that posture impresses others. What else does good posture do?
Impresses ourselves
Employees complain of feeling overwhelmed by e-mail and text messages, with some employees checking their e-mail boxes up to 40 times per hour. Such constant connection with others results in
Information overload
Which of the following is NOT a reason that new media may limit the adequacy of feedback? a. It may be asynchronous b. It may lack nonverbal cues c. It may send communication across great distances d. It may be affected by information overload
It may send communication across great distances
Which of the following is an important function of the employment interview?
It yields idiosyncratic information about the candidate
Darlene finds the speaker uninteresting and boring; she turns to her smartphone to text her friends. What important principle does Darlene ignore?
Listening is the responsibility of both the speaker and the receiver?
Communication competence involves knowing what's appropriate and having the requisite communication skills to perform. What is the third factor important to defining communication competence?
Amer lives in Boston and Terre lives in Portland. Which principle of "new media" would allow them to be able to work together on a regular basis?
New media remove the barriers of time and space
Laid back meetings, long lunch breaks, lots of water cooler talk, and pets in the office are all indicators of:
Organizational culture
In the workplace, we provide higher-status individuals with more
Personal space
Which of the following represent language which is inclusionary, rather than exclusionary? a. Women and boys b. Physically challenged client c. Old coworker d. Female manager
Physically challenged client
Which of the following would be most characteristic of a digital native?
Posts videos on of their best business presentations
Some characteristics are more influential than others when people form first impressions. These characteristics are called
Which has the most powerful influence over our self talk?
Self-concept and self-esteem
A good, valid job interview should be highly structured, not unstructured. Which of the following is likely to be characteristics of a good job interview?
The interviewer facilitates the conversation with the candidate to glean relevant information
Meaning is a central concept to the communication process. From the communication perspective meaning would best be described as
The subjective response of a communication to experiences and symbols used to label those experiences.
A useful theory helps its user describe, explain, predict, and control
In the workplace, higher-status individuals have more personal space than lower-status people
It is difficult to change an organization's culture if the change you want to make is different than the vision held by senior leadership or management
It is more difficult to change a person's impression of you than to create a first impression because the other person must expend energy and endure discomfort to change their impression
Listening sometimes requires us to look for clues about the message's meaning that aren't explicitly communicated
More than one theory can explain the same phenomenon
Our self-image influences how we process what we hear
Quiet communicators are often perceived as less competent than their more verbal counterparts
The "personalness" of new media is a measure of well they simulate face-to-face conversation
The gathering of idiosyncratic information is extremely valuable to the hiring process and is one of the primary purposes of the job interview
Though commonly used, email is a risky form of communication in the workplace
Which of the following rules applies to effective email usage at work? a. All of the above b. Respond to messages within 48 hours. c. Keep your message impersonal d. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Which of the following is a good listening behavior? a. Focusing narrowly on facts and details to get them exactly right b. Using facial expressions to communicate interest c. Pretending to listen, even if you are bored d. Formulating your response while listening, which saves time
Using facial expressions to communicate interest
According to the chapter, what is misemployment?
Working at a job that does not match your skills or interests