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Contains sphincter pupillae and dilator pupillae muscles in its stroma which control pupillary size.


Continuous changes in the shape of the lens keep images focused on the retina. (a) The lens flattens for distant vision when the ciliary muscles are relaxed and the shape of the ciliary body holds the ciliary zonule taut. (b) To see closer objects, the ciliary muscle fibers contract, changing the shape of the ciliary body, relaxing tension on the ciliary zonule, and allowing the lens to assume the more rounded shape.

Anterior corneal epithelium, anterior limiting lamina, substantia propria, posterior limiting lamina, posterior epithelium of the cornea

List the 5 layers of the cornea

outer fibrous tunic, middle vascular tunic, and the inner retinal tunic

The eye is composed of a lens and three layers: ______, ______, and ____________

Outer Limiting Layer

The outer limiting layer is the line of adherent junctions that attach the rod and cone inner segments to the distal ends of the Muller glial cells (red outline).


The stroma also contains pigmented cells, melanocytes. Both ciliary processes and the inner surfaces of the iris are covered by a pigmented layer & are continuation of the retina.

sclera, cornea, limbus

What 3 things make up the fibrous tunic?

iridocorneal angle, iris, ciliary body, choroid

What 4 things make up the vascular tunic?

palpebrae (eyelids), third eyelid and conjunctiva, and the lacrimal apparatus

What are the adnexa or accessory ocular structures?

hair cells

What are the little whispy structures found on the sides of the crista ampullaris

Dilator and sphincter pupillae muscles

What controls the amount of light to which the retina is exposed?

Aqueous humor

What glucose rich substance nourishes the cornea and maintains intraocular pressure?


What is caused by an increase in intraocular pressure?


What is inflamation of the cornea called?


What is located anterior to the lens and separates the anterior and posterior chambers?

Ciliary processes

What is number 3, the aqueous humor forming cells of the eye? (non-pigmented cells form the aqueous humor)

Crista ampullaris

What is shown in this image?


What is structure C that lines the eyelids and is continuous with the epithelium of the limbus?


What is structure I? This has an opening called the pupil that helps the anterior and posterior chambers communicate.

Vascular sclera

What is structure S?


What is the anterior portion of the eye that is an avascular, transparent concave lens?

Descemet's membrane

What is the basal lamina of the Posterior epithelium of the cornea called? It is also refered to as the posterior limiting lamina.

produce aqueous humor

What is the function of the cells indicated by the arrow labeled NE?

Protects the eye, maintains shape of the eye, provides insertion points for tendons of extraocular muscles

What is the function of the sclera?


What is the large pink, circular structure at the center of this image?

pigmented epithelium

What is the name for the cells located on the bottom side of the iris in this image?

tarsal glands

What is the name for the glands located in the lower half of this eye lid?


What is the name for the large pink structure at the bottom of this image?

suspensory ligaments

What is the name for the little stringy filaments found at the center of this image that run between the ciliary body and the lens?


What is the name for the structure found on the right side of this image?


What is the name for the structure in front of the lens on this image?


What is the name for the structure that runs from the cornea to the lens?

simple squamous epithelium

What is the name of the cells marked as "EN"?

ciliary process

What is the name of the hair-like structures seen on the left side of this picture?

organ of corti

What is the name of the hearing organ seen in this picture?


What is the name of the large dark pink circle at the center of this image?


What is the name of the lining located on the lower half of the eye lid?

scala tympani

What is the name of the lower tube in each compartment?

scala media

What is the name of the middle tube in each compartment?

ciliary body

What is the name of the muscle located on the left side of this image?

ciliary body

What is the name of the muscle seen at the bottom of this image?

ciliary body

What is the name of the muscle that can be seen in this picture?

ceruminous gland

What is the name of the structure labeled "CG"?

sebaceous gland

What is the name of the structure labeled "SG"?

Bowman's membrane

What is the name of the structure marked as "B"?

Descemet's membrane

What is the name of the structure marked as "D"?


What is the name of the structure that extends from the edge of the eye towards the lens?

optic nerve

What is the name of the tail-like structure on this image?

ciliary processes

What is the name of the tiny hair like structures at the bottom of this image?

scala vestibuli

What is the name of the tube above the sting in each compartment?

Reissner's membrane

What is the name of the very thin membrane seen in the middle of this image?


What is the portion of the eye that extends out to the left on this picture?

White, opaque layer of dense irregular connective tissue

What is the sclera?


What is the slightly vascular corneoscleral junction where the opaque sclera overlaps the transparent cornea? This provides metabolites for the cornea


What is the structure found at the top of the crista ampullaris?

Crista ampullaris

What is the structure shown in this picture?


What is the structure that is lightly shaded in pink at the top of the crista ampullaris?


What is the structure that makes up a portion of the external layer of the eye shown here?


What is the vascular supply to optical retina that contains pigment; Tapetum lucidum?

Anterior corneal epithelium

What layer of the cornea is structure number 1?

anterior limiting membrane

What layer of the cornea is structure number 2 that supports the anterior corneal epithelium?

Substantia propria

What layer of the cornea is structure number 3? This is the stroma of the cornea.

Posterior limiting lamina/membrane

What layer of the cornea is structure number 4 that is also called Descemet's membrane and supports the endothelium?

Posterior epithelium

What layer of the cornea is structure number 5? Also known as the corneal endothelium.


What makes up the neuro-epithelial tunic?


What part of they eye is composed of 5 layers and has remarkable regenerative capacity?


What structure is represented by the "S" on this image?

Ciliary Body

What suspends the lens, contains smooth muscle for accommodation, and has processes covered by secretory epithelium?

Vascular Tunic

What tunic does the pink represent?

Nervous tunic

What tunic does the yellow represent?

Fibrous tunic

What tunic does this represent?

non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

What type of cells are the ones marked as "E"?

the orbit

Where is the eyeball located in the skull?

avascular, made up of dense connective tissue with parallel collagen bundles

Why is the cornea transparent?

3 Layers (Tunics) of Eye

i. Fibrous (external) tunic ii. Vascular (middle) tunic or uvea iii. Nervous tunic (retina)

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