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a perfect correlation, following on a line, would be a score of a ____. if the r = 0, there is no ___ whatsoever in the data; therefore the study must have ___.
+1.00, relation, failed
with correlational coefficient (r) values range from ___ to ___. the complicated formula yields this number for the ___ that fits the data of a scatter plot.
-1.00, +1.00, line
if the r value is ___, then for every increase in one variable, there is a decrease in the other. this is considered to be a ___ correlation.
-1.00, negative
Example: A hypothetical correlation between alcohol consumption and sexual activity in a sample of college students. r = .33 means that A.) as alcohol consumption increases, sexual activity increases B.) as alcohol consumption increases, sexual activity decreases c.) there is a perfect positive correlation between alcohol consumption and sexual activity
with the regression analysis formula (Y = bX + A), ___ represents the y-intercept. this is the point at which the line intersects the y-axis.
Example: A hypothetical correlation between alcohol consumption and sexual activity in a sample of college students. The correlation is statistically significant, which means that A.) the relationship between alcohol consumption and sexual activity is strong B.)a correlation between alcohol consumption and sexual activity probably exists in the population from which the sample was drawn
Example: A hypothetical correlation between alcohol consumption and sexual activity in a sample of college students. r = -.33 means that A.) as alcohol consumption decreases, sexual activity decreases B.) as alcohol consumption increases, sexual activity decreases C.) there is no correlation between alcohol consumption and sexual activity
Example: A hypothetical correlation between alcohol consumption and sexual activity in a sample of college students. The coefficient of determination is .15, which means that A.) as alcohol consumption increases, sexual activity increases B.) as alcohol consumption increases, sexual activity decreases C.) 15% of the variation in sexual activity is predicted by the students' alcohol consumption
in the sample data, variance is determined by dividing by _______.
write the regression analysis formula
Y = bX + A
one is conducting ___ ___ by putting together a family tree---> they are using existing records.
archival research
___ ___ measures past events or behavior by using existing records. these observations are quantified using similar techniques as those used in observational research (___, ___). this is used for ___ research strategies.
archival research, frequency, duration, descriptive
with the regression analysis formula (Y = bX + A), ___ represents the slope of the line. this is the change in y when x increases by 1 point.
a good first step to analysis of descriptive statistics is to graph your frequency distributions: use ___ ___ for nominal and ordinal data. ___ data is rank ordered, and ___ data refers to names/categories.
bar graphs, ordinal, nominal
what do you use to represent frequency in descriptive research?
bar graphs, polygons, histograms
techniques of behavioral observation: 1.) recording with a ___ (can be concealed) 2.) ___ and ___ method- uses a data sheet to check whether/not the behavior occurred 3.) paper and pencil ___ checkboxes/data sheet- provides more information rather than just "behavior occurred"
camera, paper, pencil, without
which descriptive design produces the most detailed information?
case study
which type of descriptive study? a researcher investigates an individual with a rare disease by interviewing anyone that could have information on the individual of interest.
case study
which descriptive design has problems with generality? does the sample really reflect the general population?
case study (you're speaking for one individual but trying to make predictions for the whole group)
types of descriptive studies: this method provides a detailed, in depth descriptive study of a single individual or small group. this may be conducted through ___ and/or ___.
case study, interviews, observation
correlational research: the stronger the relationship between two variables, the more likely it is that they are impacting one another. however, one cannot assume ___ with strong correlations.
measures of ___ ___ describe the mean, median, and mode. this refers to ___/___ data, which uses polygons and histograms.
central tendency, interval/ratio
a researcher is conducting ___ ___ by examining political strategies for presidential candidates. he/she analyzes previous literature and public media for promotional connections, such as number of times the winner wore a red tie or kissed a baby for publicity.
content analysis
a researcher is conducting ___ ___ by looking through previous literature and public media for instances of victim blaming. she is looking through violent rape case reports to see if descriptions of female clothing were included.
content analysis
___ ___ measures behavior or events in literature or public media. the researcher looks for some content in previous reports. this is used for ___ research strategies.
content analysis, descriptive
which type of descriptive observation? you would intentionally drop your bags in the mall to see if someone helps.
contrived observation
types of descriptive observation: with ___ observation, observer bias could occur since the observer could subconsciously be selecting a certain participant to drop his/her bags in front of. also, no one gives ___, and ___ may be involved.
contrived, consent, manipulation
rating scales of self-report questions: participant response sets are a potential problem. however, researchers can detect random answers by asking the same question twice. this is called a ___ ___, which asks a question once, then asks it again ___ at a later point.
control question, backwards
for scatter plots, one can display each individual's ___ (ex. time spent studying and exam scores). scatter plots do not deal with ___ results.
coordinates, skewed
___ does not imply causation. ___ implies correlation. if you see an r, then you know the study is using the ___ research strategy.
correlation, r, correlational
if someone is interested in studying the percentage of overweight individuals that are currently on weight watchers, he/she would employ the ___ research strategy.
the goal of ____ research is to describe the direction, form, and strength of the relationship between variables.
what type of research? a researcher predicts that the risk of heart attack rises with increasing weight
which research strategy evaluates theories?
___ ___- a numerical measure of the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables
correlational coefficient
pearson is the most commonly used ____ ___. when you see __, assume pearson unless it's otherwise stated.
correlational coefficient, r
____ research includes the measurement of two or more variables in the same group of individuals (obtain ___ or more scores to analyze for each individual), in order to identify patterns of ___ between the variables.
correlational, two, relationship
___ variable- what you're measuring. with the example of ADHD prevalence and greater sizes of urban areas, the prevalence of ADHD would be the ___ variable.
criterion, criterion
a researcher is studying the risk of heart attack with increasing body weight. number of heart attacks would be the ___ variable (what's measured), and body weight would be the ___ variable (which predicts a heart attack).
criterion, predictor
a researcher questions if the nutritional quality of school lunches increases as the district's school income increases. In this study, the school lunch's nutritional quality (what's measured) would be the ___ variable, and the school district's income would be the ___ variable (which predicts nutritional quality).
criterion, predictor
ex.) among smokers, the correlation between cigarettes smoked per day and aerobic capacity is r = -.45, so r^2 = .20 This means that among smokers, the number of cigarettes smoked per day predict 20% of the variation in aerobic capacity that we see from one smoker to another. cigarette smoke per day is the ___ variable and the aerobic capacity/activity is the ___ variable.
criterion, predictor
for correlational data, the ___ variable goes on the y-axis, and the ___ variable goes on the x-axis.
criterion, predictor
in measuring behavior with the observational method, one must: 1.) use well-___ categories of behavior 2.) ___ observers extensively 3.) collect data on ___ agreement
defined, train, interobserver
____ questions should be asked at the end of a questionnaire, and they must be ___. for instance, don't ask about ___ if your study isn't researching gender differences. sensitive questions should be in the ___, and the questionnaire should begin and end with comfortable questions.
demographic, relevant, gender, middle
if someone is interested in studying the percentage of Americans that are overweight, he/she would employ the ___ research strategy.
the ___ research strategy can include survey records for data analysis on the one variable of interest.
the ___ research strategy can look for prevalence rates. e.g., how prevalent is ADHD?
the ___ research strategy examines no relationship between 2 or more variables. This is more interested in describing some phenomena just because.
what type of research? an investigator observes mothers and their infants for the purpose of investigating how mothers talk to infants
which research strategy deals with positively and negatively skewed results via polygons?
which research strategy uses content analysis and archival research?
which research strategy uses frequency distributions, measures of central tendency, and measures of variability?
the goal of the ___ research strategy is to describe individual variables as they exist naturally and NOT to ___ or ___ relationships. there is no IV or ___.
descriptive, explain, examine, manipulation
observation is a form of ___ research. there are 3 types of observation- list them.
descriptive, naturalistic observation, contrived observation, participant observation
the correlational coefficient of ___ is the percentage of ___ in one variable that can be predicted by the other variable
determination, variability
one can't determine which ___ his/her findings are going with correlational research. for example, in studying job satisfaction and overall happiness, the relationship may not indicate how happiness level relates to job satisfaction. this is a ___ problem---> is one variable actually influencing the other?
direction, directionality
measures of central tendency ___ tell us variability. ex.) the mean doesn't tell us that there were outlier scores. however, ___ ___ do quantify variability.
don't, summary statistics
quantifying behavioral observations: ___ method- how long was the participant engaged in the behavior during the session?
correlational research describes the: 1.) ___- shape 2.) ___- which direction is the graph going? 3.) ___- indicator of an effort or relationship
form, direction, strength
disadvantages of survey administration via mail: there are ___ expenses; you don't know who ___ the survey; there's limited access to ___; they might not respond- tends to yield a ___ response rate; can't be ___ based on the participants' responses to certain questions.
franking, answered, addresses, low, individualized
quantifying behavioral observations: ___ method- how many times did the behavior occur during the session?
using a data sheet to record behavioral observations is good for ____ data.
quantitative descriptive data are analyzed using descriptive statistics, such as: 1.) ___ ___ 2.) ___ of ___ ___ 3.) ___ of ___ (spread)
frequency distributions, measures, central tendency, measures, variability
a good first step to analysis of descriptive statistics is to graph your ___ distributions, which may be done through ___ ____, ____, or ___.
frequency, bar graphs, polygons, histograms
techniques of behavioral observation examine the ___, ___, or ___(over a specific period of time) of occurrences.
frequency, duration, rate
descriptive research examines the ___, ___, and ___ of behaviors, specifically through behavioral observation. correlational research examines the ___, ___, and ___ of relationships.
frequency, rate, duration, form, direction, strength
measuring behavior with the observational method: ___ allows the participants to get used to the observer. this is the best way to reduce ___. the researcher's continued presence reduces the ____ reaction.
habituation, reactivity, novel
___ scale- a scale of measurement of data according to which the differences between values can be quantified in absolute but not relative terms and for which any zero is merely arbitrary
quantifying behavioral observations: ___ method- divides the observation period into a series of equal ___ (like 10 seconds) that allows the researcher to record whether/not the behavior was seen during the interval; this gives an estimate of ___ and ___.
interval, intervals, frequency, duration
descriptive statistics: with ___/___ data, describe with summary measures of central tendency and variability. interval/ratio data uses ___ and ___.
interval/ratio, polygons, histograms
a scatter plot involves two continuous variables (___/____ scale) that relate to the ___ and ___ variables. one variable is on the __-___ and the other is on the __ -___. scatter plots graph ___ data.
interval/ratio, predictor, criterion, x-axis, y-axis, correlational
in person administration of surveys is the best for ____ who's responding.
the regression equation describes the ____ that best fits the data in a scatter plot.
scatter plot patterns: ___- data points tend to cluster around a straight line
with scatter plots, you want to use the line that best fits the data, whether it is ___, ____-____, or ____-____.
linear, nonlinear-monotonic, nonlinear-nonmonotonic
survey administration may be done through the: ___, ___, ___, or in ___.
mail, phone, internet, person
one way to compute sample variance and standard deviation for sample data is to: 1.) subtract the ___ from each score (gives you ___ from mean) 2.) ___ the results (gets rid of ___) 3.) ____ up the squared results (squared ___ from mean) 4.) divide by _____.
mean, distance, square, negatives, add, distance, n-1
measures of central tendency: 1.) ___- the average of the scores 2.) ___- middle number 3.) ___- most frequent number
mean, median, mode
what are the mean, median, and mode? these are used for ___ research.
measures of central tendency, descriptive
the descriptive research strategy essentially involves ___ variables with reliable and valid measures. common measurements for this technique include ____ observation, ___, ___ research, and ___ ___. these techniques are also used in other types of research, such as ___ and ___.
measuring, behavioral, surveys, archival, content analysis, correlational, experimental
survey administration via the internet: probably the ___ used form of surveys; can ask lots of information; quick and easy; responses ___ to people who use the internet; don't know who's responding; can't ___ with participants
most, limited, interact
survey administration via phone: have better confidence that you're talking to the person you want to talk to; ___ time consuming; unlikely to get ___ participants; can get ___ information (e.g., what do you mean by that question?); greater ___; can't be individualized based on the participants' responses to certain questions; ___ response rate
most, willing, greater, interaction, low
types of descriptive observation: ___ observation is like the research that Jane Goodall conducted.
which type of descriptive observation? you wait in the mall for someone to drop their bags to see if someone else will help pick them up. you wait for this to happen naturally.
naturalistic observation
___ scatter plot relationship: as scores for one variable increase, scores for the other should decrease.
which scatter plot relationship? social loafing---> as the number of group participants increase, the amount of personal effort decreases
is this research descriptive? an investigator surveys high school students to learn if involvement in after school activities is associated with less use of illegal substances.
descriptive statistics: with ___/___ data, describe the proportion (percentage) of scores that fall under each category. nominal/ordinal data uses a ___ ____.
nominal/ordinal, bar graph
scatter plot patterns: ___- the relationship is one-directional, but a straight line does not fit the data (better described with a curved line)
scatter plot patterns: ___- the direction of the relationship is different at different values of x or y; ex.) age and happiness in a relationship (u curve)
a good first step to analysis of descriptive statistics is to graph your frequency distributions. next, you should describe your data in ___.
rating scales of self-report questions: each question produces a ___ value (sometimes treated as an ___ scale); this allows one to add up each individual score. ___ studies may employ these scales, which are easy to understand and answer.
numerical, interval, survey
types of descriptive studies: observational studies do include ___, but in observing the same behaviors repeatedly, ___ ___ can occur. this makes the behavior no longer seem as ___ as it once was. the experimenter should remain as ___ as possible, therefore a ___ ___ should be employed.
objectivity, observer drift, exaggerated, unbiased, second observer
types of descriptive studies: the ___ method systematically observes and records behavior in order to describe the behavior.
which descriptive design is generally the most time consuming?
which descriptive design produces the most objective data?
which type of descriptive study did Jane Goodall employ?
types of descriptive studies: ___ methods take a long time to conduct, especially when the observer must allow participants to ___ to the presence.
observational, habituate
list the 3 types of descriptive studies
observational, survey methods, case study
self-report questions may be ___-___ since restricted questions don't allow you to gather as much information.
which of the 3 forms of descriptive observation may result in reactivity?
types of descriptive observation: with ___ observation, the participant is fully informed that they're being observed. you often get ___ though, which must be reduced by the researcher.
participant, reactivity
____- measures the strength and direction of ___ relationships. do not use this if the relationship is ____, it will underestimate or fail to detect the relationship.
pearson/r, linear, nonlinear
a good first step to analysis of descriptive statistics is to graph your frequency distributions: use frequency ___ or ___ for interval and ratio data. ___ bars touch, representing the continuous variable without distinct categories. a ___ uses data points instead of bars.
polygons, histograms, histogram, polygon
___ scatter plot relationship: as scores on one variable increase, scores on the other should increase as well.
which scatter plot relationship? the faster someone speaks, the more likely they are to change the attitude of the audience
uses of correlational research: ____- uses scores on a predictor variable to make predictions about unknown scores on a ___ ___, based on prior research in which both the ___ variable and the ___ variable were measured.
prediction, criterion variable, predictor, criterion
the ____ variable is the one responsible for the change. this is what you're interested in about what's being measured . this may increase or decrease the ___ variable. with the example of ADHD prevalence and greater sizes of urban areas, the size of the urban area would be the ___ variable. This would predict ADHD rates.
predictor, criterion, predictor
in measuring behavior through the observational method, the behavior must not be influenced by the ___ of the observer. even having a video camera present produces ____. however, you can ___, perhaps by hiding or using a two-way mirror. this does pose an ___ issue since the participants may not give ___ ___ for observation.
presence, reactivity, conceal, ethical, informed consent
__- is the coefficient of determination. this is interpreted as the percentage of ____ in one variable (criterion) that is predicted by its relationship with the other variable (predictor).
r^2, variability
___ scale- a scale of measurement of data which permits the comparison of differences of values; a scale having a fixed zero value.
one criticism of the observational method of descriptive research is that ___ can confound the results. for instance, the gorillas may have reacted differently in the presence of Jane Goodall. In order to prevent ___, the researcher should stay in the environment for lengthy periods of time so that the subjects can ___ to his/her presence.
reactivity, reactivity, habituate
___ ___ is a common technique for quantifying behavioral observations that measures every instance and duration of behavioral all at once. this is more ___, especially if you're looking at more than one type of behavior. this would ___ and ___ each time the behavior occurred. it provides the exact ___ period, ___, and ___. technology has helped make this more possible.
real-time recording, difficult, start, stop, time, frequency, duration
___ ___ looks for the relationship between the two variables that can be described with a ___ equation (x and y- predictor and criterion variables). Remember that correlational research uses scatter plots.
regression analysis, linear
types of descriptive studies: in creating surveys, one must give answer choices that are ____ to the phenomena of interest. For instance, whether or not a person would buy a certain product.
uses of correlational research: 1.) assesses ___ and ___ of instruments 2.) evaluates ___ 3.) makes ____
reliability, validity, theories, predictions
in constructing a questionnaire, group questions should be presented in the ___ format, which should appear ___. it should be easy and aesthetically ___. one should keep the scale rating the ___ throughout the questionnaire. the questionnaire should read at an ___th grade level.
same, uncluttered, pleasing, same, 8
to display correlational relationships visually, you must use a __ ___.
scatter plot
what type of graph and research strategy? y-axis is the prevalence rate of ADHD (criterion variable) and the x-axis is the size of the urban area (predictor variable)
scatter plot, correlational
___ ___ determine the direction of the relationship.
scatter plots
___ ___ can be performed on correlational coefficients.
significance tests
the ___ ___ tells on average, how far the individual scores are from the mean.
standard deviation
the square root of variance
standard deviation
a ___ ___ ___ is a correlation found in a sample that likely represents a corresponding correlation in the population. this is not simply a result of chance variation.
statistically significant correlation
as the correlational coefficient (r value) gets closer to +/- one, it will have a ___ relationship.
measuring behavior with the observational method may require ___ ___ (did the behavior actually occur?). one must use well-___ categories of behavior to reduce subjectivity. ex.) if something is thrown or forcefully contacted, she is displaying aggression.
subject judgment, defined
what are the range, standard deviation, and percentile scores? these are used for ___ research.
summary statistics, descriptive
types of descriptive studies: the ___ method obtains a description of variables in a particular group of individuals.
types of descriptive studies: this method is quick and easy, which forms a huge advantage.
which descriptive design allows the collection of data on many different variables from a large group of people?
which descriptive design always relies on self-report?
survey (although you can conduct a case study without the individual by asking friends and family)
types of descriptive studies: this method yields great amounts of information quickly. however, the researcher doesn't know if this information is coming from the target audience he/she is trying to get a demographic on. this may ___ the research.
survey, confound
nowadays, ___ can automatically categorize and chart behavioral observations, giving measurements on ___ and ___.
technology, frequency, duration
when we do find a relationship, there's always the possibility of a ___ variable influencing the findings.
types of descriptive studies: with surveys, you don't know if the participants are being ___, and you don't know who's answering the surveys unless they're done in ___.
truthful, person
types of descriptive studies: with case studies, one disadvantage is the ___ of peoples' responses. this method is still ____, but not so much as the observational method.
validity, time-consuming
if you're looking for the correlational coefficient of determination (r^2), look for the term ___ in the answer.
____ tells how different the scores are in distribution from the "typical" score. this applies to ___/___ data, which uses polygons and histograms.
variability, interval/ratio
summary statistics quantify ___. this includes the ___, ____ ___, and ___ ___.
variability, range, standard deviation, percentile scores
the average squared distance from the mean
descriptive statistics: 1.) the sum of squares / n - 1 = ___ 2.) the square root of variance = ___ 3.) standard deviation / the square root of n = ___
variance, standard deviation, standard error