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mental health consultation

Caplans model of mental health consultation; consultant helps consultee to increase capacity to master future problems or handle current work problem; consultee chooses what to implement

Bergan and Kratochwill's definition of Consultation

Consultation is defined as a type of indirect service delivery. Consultant works thru consultee to obtain some change in the client/child.

Meyers mental health consultation in schools

Level One, focus on child, Level two, focus on the teacher, level three, focus on the system; strong focus on primary prevention

assumptions of behavioral consultation

all behaviors are learned, assessment intervention and evaluation are all linked; change must be observable measurable; environmental antecedents are powerful points for initiating change, look at environment, systematic data collection

three types of behavioral consultation

behavioral case consultation, behavioral system consultation, behavioral technology training

types of mental health consultation

client centered case consultation, consultee-centered case consultation, program centered administrative consultation, consultee centered administrative consultation

behavioral case consultation

consultant interacts with consultees who treat the client; focus on the needs of the individual client/child

fundamental assumptions of Caplan's view

consultee's feelings attitudes and beliefs are important in changing behavior, environment factors also important; consultant not directly involved, consultee must take ownership of problems and solutions;

program centered administrative consultation

goal is the development of action plan that can be implemented to solve the administrative problem

consultee centered administrative consultation

goal is to help consultee improve problem solving skills for organizational problems

behavioral system consultation

involves an analysis of the process and structures of a social system, like a school, using behavioral technology to improve a system; focus on whole system

Caplan's view

mental health consultation is a preventative approach in dealing with mental disorders;

behavioral consultation

most important characteristic is indirect service delivery; goal is to change client/consultee/organization behavior

structured interview process

often used in behavioral consultation models

client centered case consultation

primary goal is to develop a plan for dealing with the client's problems

steps in behavioral consultation

problem identification, problem analysis, plan implementation, problem evaluation

consultee centered case consultation

sources of difficulty: lack of knowledge, lack of skill, lack of confidence, lack of objectivity; helps consultee improve, not about the client

behavioral technology training

used to increase skill levels in consultees who interact with clients; most common forms are parent/teacher workshops or training;

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