Decreasing Behaviors.

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______ ____ is an explanation of what a bx occurs

behavioral function

a bx that results in the individual receiving attention has a ___ function.


what is an example of negative punisher

paying a speeding ticket

when a problem bx being addressed using extinction increase before it starts to decrease is called

extinction burst

Type 1 punishment involves:

Adding a condition to reduce a behavior

The quote "All behavior has a communicative intent" (Carr, 1977) can be best explained by the statement:

Behavior always serves a purpose for the person engaging in the behavior.

Differential reinforcement works by:

Reinforcing only the behaviors that should be increased while removing reinforcement from behaviors that should be decreased.

Differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) involves:

Setting an interval for the problem behavior not to be displayed and reinforcing if it is not displayed

Under which of the following circumstances should extinction not be used?

When it could cause harm to the individual or others in the environment

Extinction works by abruptly stopping ____ for a bx


Which of the following is an example of a motivating operation?

Jan is hungry, so she works harder to get crackers as a reward.

Which of the following is an example of negative punishment?

Paying a speeding ticket

giving Jon a bit of food for bx like playing with toys or watching a video for 30 seconds as long as he doesn't scream. Is what kind of differential reinforcement?


Which of the following functions of behavior involves avoiding a task or interaction?


Escape extinction works by:

Not allowing the individual to escape what they were trying to avoid

____ ____ is when a previously extinguished bx seemingly randomly occurs

spontaneous recovery

in type 2 punishment, you ( add or take away) a condition to reduce bx

take away

type 2 punishment is ( positive or negative) punishment


when an individual engages in a bx because it feels good or alleviates pain has a ____ _____ function.

sensory stimulation

At what point should a behavior reduction plan be considered?

When environmental variables for behavior are ruled out

In type one punishment, you ( add or take away) a condition to reduce a bx


behaviors maintained by automatic reinforcement can be addressed by extinction by ____ the opportunity for the person to engage in the bx


Problem bx is problematic only under certain _____


when including punishment as a part of an intervention, ____ must be collected in order to determine if it is effective,


Problem bx are those that need to be _____ and are not necessarily _____.

decrease and bad

differential reinforcement works by reinforcing only bx that should be increase and removing reinforcement for bx that should be ____


a bx that results in the individual getting out of having to engage in a non- preferred activity has an ___ function.


a variable that makes a reinforcer more or less effective is called

motivating operation

type 1 punishment is ( positive or negative) punishment


escape extinction works by not allowing the individual ____ ____ to get them out of doing whatever triggered the behavior

problem bx

extinction should be used to reduce problem bx along with ___ to increase appropriate replacement bx


bx is problematic when it interferes with ___ or ____.

safety or learning

Individuals engage in problem bx because the bx works in helping them get what they ____.


Which of the following is an example of overcorrection?

Marty had to clean the bathroom wall because she wrote on it.

Which of the following could ensure that an intervention involving the use of punishment is effective?

Collecting and reviewing intervention data

What is the best course of action to take in the event of an extinction burst?

Continue the intervention.

giving a point every time sally raises her hand instead of blaring out. Is what kind of differential reinforcement?


giving frank time with a vibration toy if he accepted a bite of food within 10 second of its presentation. Is what kind of differential reinforcement?


Giving a sticker to BO when he walks instead of run. is what kind of differential reinforcement?


Extinction of behavior maintained by positive reinforcement works by:

Taking away the reinforcer for problem behavior

What is the difference between differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) and differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI)?

The replacement behavior selected in DRA does not have to be incompatible with the problem behavior.

what is an example of type 1 punisher

being told no

Extinction works by:

Abruptly stopping reinforcement for problem behavior

In which situations are differential reinforcement of low rates of behavior (DRL) used?

Behaviors that are acceptable at low rates

differential reinforcement is used to _____problem bx


Punishment is the result of a stimulus following a behavior that serves to:

Reduce the behavior

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