EMT 1-4

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Which of the following scenarios does NOT involve the administration of ALS?

64-year-old cardiac arrest pt defibrillated with an AED

When faced with a situation in which a patient is in cardiac arrest, and a valid living will or DNR order cannot be located you should:

begin resuscitation at once

Which of the following statements about health care in the United States is true?

expensive but does not necessarily provide better outcomes

The goal of the primary assessment is to:

identify and rapidly treat all life-threatening conditions

The continuous quality improvement (CQI) process is designed to:

identify areas of improvement and provide remedial training if needed

The EMT's scope of practice within his or her local response area is defined by the:

medical director

The person who is responsible for authorizing EMTs to perform emergency medical care in the field is the:

medical director

Who is ultimately responsible for ensuring quality control for all EMTs at an EMS agency?

medical director

At the scene of a mass-casualty incident, you identify a patient as an organ donor. When triaging the other patients, you:

may have to assign the donor a lower triage priority

Which of the following describes a code of conduct that can be defined by society, religion, or a person, affecting character and conscience?


in regard to therapeutic communication patient techniques, what does the term reflection mean?

restating a pt's statement made to you to confirm your understanding

Maintaining the chain of evidence at the scene of a crime should include:

not cutting through holes in clothing that were caused by weapons

the transmission range of a(n) ________________ _________________ is more limited than that of mobile or base station radios.

portable radio

You are assessing a 72-year-old man with abdominal pain. The patient is sitting in a chair; he is conscious, alert, and calm. As you are talking to the patient, your partner discreetly directs your attention to a handgun, which is located on a nearby table. You should:

position yourself in between the pt and gun and ask your partner to request law enforcement assistance

Which of the following is a nationally recognized component of an EMS system?

public education

The manner in which the EMT must act or behave when caring for a patient is called the:

standard of care

Protective measures that prevent health care workers from coming into contact with germs are referred to as:

standard precautions

Which of the following statements regarding communication with a child is correct?

standing over a child often increases his/her level of anxity

The standards for prehospital emergency care and the individuals who provide it are typically regulated by the:

state office of EMS

Physiological signs of stress include __________.

tensed muscles

In the eyes of the court, an incomplete or untidy patient care form indicates:

that inadequate pt care was administered

Which of the following is published by the U.S. DOT and provides guidance for hazardous materials incidents?

the Emergency Response Guidebook

Which of the following statements regarding the EMS medical director and an EMT's scope of practice is correct?

the medical director may expand an EMT's scope of practice after proper training and state approval

A ___________ receives messages and signals on one frequency and then automatically retransmits them on a second frequency.


If you feel you have been harassed at work, you should first ___________.

report it to a supervisor

While treating a patient with a high fever and cough, you accidentally expose yourself to the illness. What should you do?

report it to the infection control officer

Today's EMS providers are trained according to the __________.

2009 National EMS Standards

When obtaining patient care orders from a physician via a two-way radio, it is important to remember that:

the physician's instructions are based on the information you provide

EMRs such as fire fighters, law enforcement officers, and park rangers, are an integral part of the EMS system because:

the presence of a person to initiate BLS care cannot be ensured

Credentialing refers to:

the process by which the qualifications to practice are determined

Typical components of an oral patient report include all of the following, EXCEPT:

the set of baseline vitals taken at the scene

which of the following statements regarding the different stages of the grieving process is correct:

the stages of the grieving process may occur simultaneously

Which of the following entities controls licensure of EMTs?

the state in which the EMT practices

EMRs such as firefighters, law enforcement officers, and park rangers are an integral part of the EMS system because:

they often arrive at the scene before an ambulance and EMTs

Your best protection against legal liability when a competent patient refuses EMS care and transport is to:

thoroughly document

You have been tasked by your medical director with assisting in the development of your EMS agency's institutional standards. When developing these standards, it is important to:

to be reasonable and realistic to avoid overburdening EMS personnel

What is the purpose for providing Mobile Integrated Healthcare?

to facilitate improved access to health care at an affordable price

You arrive at the scene of a motor vehicle versus pedestrian accident. The patient, a 13-year-old male, is unconscious and had multiple injuries. As you are treating the child, a law enforcement officer advises you that the child's parents will be at the scene is approximately 15 minutes. What should you do?

transport the child immediately and have the parents meet you at the hospital

You suspect that a 6-year-old girl has broken her leg after falling from a swing at a playground. Shortly after you arrive, the child's mother appears and refuses to allow you to continue treatment. You should:

try to persuade the mother that treatment is needed

You are interviewing a 52-year-old man who complains of chest discomfort. The patient is a retired paramedic and is very anxious because he thinks he is having a heart attack. Which of the following statements would be appropriate to say?

"it is possible that you are experiencing a heart attack..."

Which of the following statements would be appropriate for an EMT to make when responding to a grieving patient?

"It's okay to be angry" "I'm sorry for your loss"

Which of the following questions is used to determine a patient's chief complaint?

"What seems to be the matter?"

A 60-year-old man complains of chest pain. He is conscious and alert and denies shortness of breath. Which of the following questions would be the MOST appropriate to ask him?

"do you have any heart problems or take any medications?"

Which of the following statements is NOT appropriate to document in the narrative section of a PCR?

"general impression revealed that the pt was intoxicated"

One of the most important recent advances in prehospital emergency care is the _____________.


You are responding to an accident scene involving an overturned semi truck carrying diesel fuel. Which reference source will be most helpful in this case?

DOT's "Emergency Response Guidebook"

What organization is EMS administered through on the federal level?

Department of Transportation

Which organization developed and published the first curriculum that served as the guideline for EMT training?

Department of Transportation

At what level is an individual who has training in basic life support, including automated external defibrillation, use of a definitive airway adjunct, and assisting patients with certain medications?


The determination that prompt surgical care in the hospital is more important than performing time-consuming procedures in the field on a major trauma patient is based MOSTLY on:

EMT research

Which of the following can help reduce stress levels?


All radio communications in the United States are regulated by the _________.


Which of the following is the most common type of high-risk call EMS providers respond to?


Which of the following is the EMT required to wear when treating patients with suspected tuberculosis?

N95 Mask

EMT training in nearly every state meets or exceeds the guidelines recommended by the:

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Which of the following agencies is the source of the "EMS Agenda for the Future," the multidisciplinary national review of all aspects of EMS delivery?

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

What agency is responsible for enforcement of safety guidelines in the workplace?


Which of the following statements regarding tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) immunizations is correct?

Tdap boosters are recommended every 10 years

EMS, as we know it today, has its origins in the 1966 __________.

White Paper ("Accidental Death and Disability: The Neglected Disease of Modern Society")

which of the following would provide the EMT with the BEST cover in a situation involving active gunfire:

a concrete barricade

Which of the following statements regarding a "dedicated line" is MOST correct?

a constantly open line of communication that cannot be accessed by outside users

What program, often available for EMS personnel, involves contracted agencies that provide a wide array of mental health, substance abuse, crisis management, and counseling services?

a critical incident stress management program

Which of the following is required to work as an EMT?

a current BLS/CPR credential

You are assessing a 75-year-old woman with mild shortness of breath. As you are asking her questions about her chief complaint and medical history, you progressively move closer and closer to her. In doing this, it is important to remember that:

a greater sense of trust must be established as you move closer to a pt

Shortly after loading your patient, a 50-year-old man with abdominal pain, into the ambulance, he tells you that he changed his mind and does not want to go to the hospital. He is conscious and alert and has no signs of mental incapacitation. You are suspicious that the man has a significant underlying condition and feel strongly that he should go to the hospital. Which of the following statements regarding this situation is correct?

a mentally competent adult can withdraw his/her consent at any time

Which of the following scenarios MOST accurately depicts abandonment?

a paramedic transfers pt care to an EMT

What did the EMS Agenda for the Future create?

a plan to standardize the levels of EMS education and EMS providers in an effort to ensure more seamless EMS care across the country

Information included in a radio report to the receiving hospital should include all of the following, EXCEPT:

a preliminary diagnosis of the pt's problem

Which of the following general statements regarding consent is MOST correct?

a pt can consent to transport but can legally refuse to be treated

In which of the following situations does the EMT not have a legal duty to act?

a response to a MVC while off-duty

The standards for prehospital emergency care and the providers who deliver it are governed by the law in each state and are typically regulated by__________.

a state office of EMS

You are providing a patient report via radio to medical direction. Your report should include _________.

a summary of care

Which of the following descriptions MOST accurately portrays emergency medical services (EMS)?

a team of HCPs responsible for providing emergency care and transportation to the sick and injured

Gross negligence requires ___________.

a willful or reckless disregard for the standard of care

While evaluating a noncritical patient in the field, you receive a call from dispatch regarding a serious four-car accident. You inform the patient you are treating to have someone take him to his doctor to get checked out before leaving to attend to the more seriously injured people. This is an example of what?


you are transporting an elderly woman who has possibly experienced a stroke. She is obviously scared but it unable to talk and cannot mover the entire right side of her body. In addition to providing the medical care that she needs, you should:

acknowledge that she is scared and tell her you'll take good care of her

Why are prehospital emergency care guidelines updated on a regular basis?

additional information and evidence indicate the effectiveness of certain interventions has changed

Which of the following has training in limited advanced life support skills, such as IV therapy?

advanced EMT

During your assessment of a 20-year-old man with a severe headache and nausea, you ask him when his headache began, but he does not answer your question immediately. You should:

allow him time to think and responsd

when decontaminating the back of your ambulance after a call, you should:

allow surfaces to air dry unless indicated in the product directions

When dealing with the family of a child that has just died, you should __________.

allow the loved ones to be with the child if possible

Which of the following errors is an example of a knowledge-based failure?

an EMT administers the wrong drug to the pt because she did not know pertinent information about the drug

Which of the following scenarios MOST accurately depicts informed consent?

an EMT advises a pt of the risks of receiving treatment

which of the following scenarios MOST accurately depicts a posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) reaction:

an EMT becomes distracted at the scene of a MVC involving the same type of car in which a child was previously killed

What are the three stages of general adaptation syndrome?

an alarm response, reaction and resistance, recovery/exhaustion

You are part of the response to a motor vehicle collision on a busy highway. There are multiple vehicles involved and multiple casualties. The police and local fire department are all part of the same response. In order to facilitate effective communication among response agencies:

an interoperable communications system should be utilized

Which stage of grieving commonly results in blame?


As an EMT, the performance of your duties will be compared to that of:

another EMT

You arrive at a scene and you see a diamond-shaped placard on a transportation vehicle, what should you NOT do?

approach the driver side of the vehicle and offer help

During your monthly internal quality improvement (QI) meeting, you review several patient care reports (PCRs) with the staff of your EMS system. You identify the patient's name, age, and sex, and then discuss the treatment that was provided by the EMTs in the field. By taking this approach to the QI process, you:

are in violation of HIPAA because you did not remove PHI beforehand

Despite your numerous, sincere efforts to convince a 40-year-old man to consent to EMS treatment and transport, he refuses. After explaining the potential consequences of his refusal and determining that the patient has decision-making capacity, you ask him to sign an EMS refusal form, but he refuses to do that as well. You should:

ask a family member, law enforcement officer, or bystander to sign the form verifying that the pt refused to sign

Medical control gives you an order that seems inappropriate for the patient's condition. After confirming that you heard the physician correctly, you should:

ask for clarification

Acting in such a way as to make another person fear immediate bodily harm is called:


A patient regains consciousness en route from his office to the emergency department. The patient tells you that he feels fine and does not want to go to the hospital. Under these circumstances, you should:

assess whether or not the pt's mental condition is impaired

common factors that influence how a patient reacts to the stress of an illness or injury include all of the following, EXCEPT:

assessment by the EMT

According to the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, an EMT should be able to:

assist a pt with certain prescribed medications

Which of the following situations requires you to notify the appropriate authorities?

attempted suicide

the stage of the grieving process where an attempt is made to secure a prize for good behavior or promise to change one's lifestyle is known as:


Radio hardware containing a transmitter and receiver that are located in a fixed place is known as what?

base station

When you and your partner arrive at the residence of a man in cardiac arrest, you immediately recognize the patient as the drunk driver who killed your brother several years earlier. A backup ambulance is en route to the scene. You should:

begin CPR/apply AED immediately

Which of the following should you do when lifting something heavy?

bend your legs, not your waist

In which manner should you act and speak with a patient?

calm and confident

What prevents hemoglobin from transporting oxygen to tissues?

carbon monoxide

Which of the following incidents does NOT require a report to be filed with local authorities?

cardiac arrest

Which of the following is the process in which a person, institution, or program is evaluated and recognized as meeting predetermined standards to provide safe and ethical care?


the process by which an individual, an institution, or a program is evaluated and recognized as meeting certain standards is called:


Which of the following is an example of secondary prevention?

cervical spinal immobilization

When you begin an oral report, you should state the patient's age, sex, and:

chief complaint

For a do not resuscitate (DNR) order to be valid, it must:

clearly state the pt's medical problem

EMTs should have a strong working knowledge of medical terminology in order to:

communicate effectively with other members of the health care team

Which of the following is an example of a primary prevention strategy?

community awareness programs that emphasize the dangers of drinking and driving

Your EMS system uses a computerized PCR in which you fill in the information electronically and then send it to the emergency department via a secure Internet server. When completing your PCR after a call, you should:

complete a thorough and accurate narrative because drop-down boxes cannot provide all of the information that needs to be documented

While en route to the scene of a shooting, the dispatcher advises you that the caller states that the perpetrator has fled the scene. You should:

confirm this information with law enforcement personnel at the scene

Immediately after being dispatched to a residence for an elderly patient with diabetic complications, you should:

confirm with dispatch that you received the call information

A 4-year-old boy had an apparent seizure. He is conscious and calm and is sitting on his mother's lap. His father is sitting in a nearby chair. The child's mother suddenly begins crying uncontrollably, which causes the child to start crying. You should:

consider asking the father to hold the child so your partner can calm the mother

Empathy requires the EMT to ___________.

consider the needs of others

All information recorded on the PCR must be:

considered confidential

What should you do if a patient refuses treatment or transport?

contact medical control

While transporting a woman with diabetes, you inadvertently give her oral glucose even though her blood glucose level was high. You reassess the patient and note that her condition did not change; she remained stable. You should:

contact medical control and notify him/her of the error

You are caring for a patient with pancreatic cancer. The patient is emaciated and only responds to loud verbal stimulus with the occasional moan. He offers no other response. The family tells you that there is no DNR but they do provide you with a Physician Order for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST), which provides medical orders and is signed by the patient's physician. As you review the documentation, your partner reports that the patient has stopped breathing and has no carotid pulse. You should:

contact medical control for guidance

If an EMT candidate has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, he or she should:

contact the state EMS office and provide them with required documentation

An appropriate demonstration of professionalism when your patient is frightened, demanding, or unpleasant is to:

continue to be nonjudgmental, compassionate and respectful

While transporting a stable patient with chest pain to the hospital, you come across a major motor vehicle crash involving several critically injured patients. Your MOST appropriate action should be to:

continue transporting your pt and notify the dispatcher of the crash

The patient care report (PCR) ensures:

continuity of care

You belong to a small volunteer EMS company and are treating a patient with chest pain, and you feel that the administration of aspirin is indicated. You ask the patient if he is allergic to aspirin and he says no. Shortly after you administer the aspirin, the patient develops signs and symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. Later in the hospital, the doctor advises you that the patient's medical history indicates that the patient has an allergy to aspirin. The patient later sues you. Which of the following is your best defense strategy?

contributory negligence

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) provide ________.

counseling services

The tactical use of an impenetrable barrier for protection that law enforcement agents use is called what?


Recently you started noticing that a coworker is disinterested in his work. He has started coming in late and has taken to sitting alone and not socializing with other members of the team. The job has been stressful lately. Call volume has increased and you rarely have any downtime between calls. What is your coworker most likely experiencing?

cumulative stress reaction

Putrefaction is defined as:

decomposition of the body's tissues

An obvious sign of death caused by discoloration of the body from pooling of the blood to the lower parts of the body is called what?

dependent lividity

You arrive at the scene of an apparent death. When evaluating the patient, which of the following is a definitive sign of death?

dependent lividity

A 50-year-old male is found unconscious in his car. There were no witnesses to the event. When gathering medical history information for this patient, the EMT should:

determine if the pt has a medical alert bracelet or wallet card

When communicating with a visually impaired patient, you should:

determine the degree of the pt's impairment

When evaluating a patient with multiple complaints, the EMT's responsibility is to:

determine which complaint poses the greatest threat to the pt's life

Which of the following MOST accurately defines negligence?

deviation from the standard of care that may result in further injury

An EMT would MOST likely be held liable for abandonment if he or she:

did not make provisions for continued care of an injured pt

During the alert and dispatch phase of EMS communications, the dispatcher's responsibilities include all of the following, EXCEPT:

discouraging the caller from providing care until the EMS unit arrives

Common sources of stress for EMTs include _________.

disturbing sights, smells and sounds

If you discover an error as you are writing your PCR, what should you do?

draw a single horizontal line through the error, initial it, and write the correct information next to it

Where would you MOST likely find information regarding a patient's wishes to be an organ donor?

driver's license

Which of the following gives surrogates the right to make decisions for patients regarding their health care in the event that the patient is incapacitated and unable to make such decisions?

durable power of attorney for health care

When does acute stress occur?

during a stressful situation

Once your ambulance is dispatched to an emergency, you have an obligation to respond. What is this called?

duty to act

Which of the following components are needed to prove negligence?

duty to act, breach of duty, injury/damages, causation

Communicating with hearing-impaired patients can be facilitated by doing all of the following, EXCEPT:

elevating the tone of your voice and exaggerating word pronunciations

What is the best way to care for your patient once he tells you he does not want to go to the hospital?

encourage them to call 911 if the condition worsens

You are dispatched to an office building for a 49-year-old male with chest pain. When you arrive at the scene, you find the patient to be conscious and alert, but in obvious pain. He tells you that he did not call 911; a coworker did. He further states that he does not want to be treated or transported to the hospital. You should:

ensure he is aware of the risks of refusal

Upon arriving at a potentially unsafe scene, you should:

ensure that you are safe

which of the following is NOT an FCC principal EMS-related responsibility?

ensuring that all radios contain lithium batteries

When a person considers his or her own cultural values as more important when interacting with people of a different culture, what is this referred to?


When performing his or her duties, the EMT is generally expected to:

exercise reasonable care and act prudently

You suspect that a pregnant 16-year-old girl has a broken leg after she was hit by a car. You explain that you plan to splint her leg, and she agrees to treatment. What type of consent is her agreement considered?


You arrive at the scene of a call to find an elderly man complaining of chest pain. You introduce yourself and ask permission to examine him. He nods and extends his arm. Which type of consent is this?

expressed consent

Encouraging this patient to provide more information about his injury is an example of which therapeutic communication technique?


You have responded to a vehicle accident call. Initially, the male patient allows you to splint his broken arm and complete a primary assessment. However, he rescinds consent during transport and demands to be let out of the ambulance. If you refuse, which of the following might you be charged with?

false imprisonment

You and your partner are attempting to resuscitate a middle-aged female in cardiac arrest. Because of the remote location you are in, you are unable to contact medical control. What should you do?

follow standing orders

After you submit the electronic PCR for a call, you realize that you accidentally documented the wrong vital signs. What should you do?

follow your agency's directions for making an amendment

Among the safety precautions you can take at the scene are all of the following EXCEPT:

gently rocking a vehicle to ensure that it will not move before attempting to extricate the pt

The official transfer of patient care does not occur until the EMT:

gives an oral report in the ER

What are the minimum infection control precautions for all patient contact situations?

gloves and eye protection

A patient successfully sued your EMS employer and was awarded compensatory and punitive damages. This means the agency was likely found guilty of ___________.

gross negligence

Which of the following has the weakest transmission signal and, as a result, is LEAST likely to be heard by the party being called?

hand-held portable radio

medical control guides the treatment of patients in the system through all of the following EXCEPT:

hands-on care

Which of the following precautions can always be taken by an EMT to reduce the risk of becoming ill?

handwashing, with or without water

You are transporting a 54-year-old male in cardiac arrest. An EMR is driving the ambulance as you and your partner attempt to resuscitate the patient. What is the MOST logical way of notifying the hospital?

have the driver contact dispatch and relay pt information to the hospital

You and your partner arrive at the scene of a motor vehicle crash. The driver, a young male, is severely entrapped in his car. He has an open head injury and massive facial trauma. He is unresponsive, is not breathing, and does not have a palpable carotid pulse. You should:

have your partner check for a pulse to confirm that the pt is deceased

The ____________ deals with the well-being of the EMT, career progression, and EMT compensation.

human resources department

Which of the following types of consent allows treatment of a patient who is unconscious or mentally incapacitated?


Upon arriving at the scene of a patient with difficulty breathing, you determine that the scene is safe. You enter the residence and find the patient sitting in a chair in obvious distress. Your first action should be to:

introduce yourself to the pt

while providing care to a patient, blood got onto the ambulance stretcher. Because the stretcher was not properly cleaned afterward, a virus was transmitted to another EMT several days later. Which route of transmission does this scenario describe:

indirect contact (not with the pt him/herself)

Obtaining continuing medical education is the responsibility of the:

individual EMT

A patient's refusal for EMS treatment and/or transport must be:


Confined-space fires present a high risk of __________.

inhalation injury

Laypeople are often trained to perform all of the following skills, EXCEPT:

insertion of the oropharyngeal airway

In many states, a minor may be treated as an adult for the purpose of consenting to or refusing medical treatment if the minor:

is self-supporting and lives by him/herself

What was the focus of Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's On Death and Dying?

it introduced the stages of grief

What is the primary feature of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?

it limits the availability of a pt's health care information

What purpose did The White Paper Serve?

it revealed the inadequacy of prehospital emergency care and transportation

If an action or procedure that was performed on a patient is not recorded on the written report:

it was not performed in the eyes of the law

Which of the following is a common characteristic of mental health problems?

lack of impulse control

Two EMTs witnessed a call in which a coworker gave adequate medical care but ignored the patient's emotional needs. The coworker was deliberately rude solely because the patient was thought to be infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The EMTs ignored the coworker's treatment of this patient and took no steps to prevent this behavior from happening again. This lack of action on the part of the two EMTs is considered:

legal but unethical

Your patient is refusing care. Which of the following should you do first?

let him know what your concerns are

Which of the following can help improve the quality of sleep?

limiting caffeine intake

All of the following are considered to be protected health information (PHI), EXCEPT:

location of the call

Continuing education in EMS serves to:

maintain, update, and expand your knowledge and skills

Which of the following is NOT a function of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)?

maintaining communications equipment on the ambulance

Calming and reassuring an anxious patient can be facilitated by:

maintaining eye contact

at the scene of an automobile crash, a utility pole has been broken and power lines are lying across the car. The patients inside the car are conscious. You should:

mark off a danger zone around the downed lines

When communicating with an older patient, it is important to remember that:

most older people think clearly and are capable of answering questions

Which of the following statements regarding the NREMT is correct?

national standard for EMT testing

When caring for a 65-year-old male with respiratory distress, you place him in a comfortable position but do not apply oxygen. The patient's condition continues to deteriorate and he develops cardiac arrest and dies at the hospital. This scenario is an example of:


You receive a subpoena to testify in court regarding a case that occurred two years ago in which you and your partner did not attempt resuscitation of a cardiac arrest patient. Upon receiving the subpoena, you should:

notify the director of your EMS system and obtain legal counsel

What type of medical direction do standing orders and protocols describe?


When dealing with a confused patient, you should __________.

orient the pt often

An EMS provider who has extensive training in various aspects of advanced life support (ALS) is called a(n):


Cardiac monitoring, pharmacological interventions, and other advanced treatment skills are functions of the:


Doing what is best for the patient is known as ________.

patient advocacy

The right of a patient to make decisions concerning his or her health is called what?

patient autonomy

The MOST effective way to determine whether your patient's problem is medical or traumatic in origin is to:

perform a careful and thorough assessment

According to the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, an EMT would require special permission from the medical director and the state EMS office in order to:

perform blood glucose monitoring

the EMT's first priority is:

personal safety

what should you do if you suspect your patient has TB?

place a particulate air respirator on yourself and a surgical mask on the pt

Which of the following is an advantage of enhanced 9-1-1 systems over regular 9-1-1 systems?

potential use of GPS technology

Public health examines the health needs of entire populations. In the United States, public health focuses on education and what else?


A proactive approach to public health focuses on _________.

prevention of injury and illness

You are treating a man with a closed head injury following an assault by a burglar. The patient, who has slurred speech, becomes verbally abusive and tells you to leave him alone. You should:

proceed with treatment and utilize law enforcement if necessary

Dressing and acting properly while on duty are examples of ___________.

professional attributes

definitive or conclusive signs of death that are obvious and clear to even nonmedical people include all of the following EXCEPT:

profound cyanosis

The criteria to be licensed and employed as an EMT include:

proof of immunization against certain communicable diseases

What section of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(HIPAA) most affects EMS personnel?

protecting pt privacy

In order to treat a patient, what will you need to follow?


To minimize the risk of litigation, the EMT should always:

provide competent care that meets current standards

You and your partner are the first to arrive at a potential crime scene with a critically injured patient involved. The scene is safe. Your first priority is to:

provide immediate pt care

You are dispatched to a middle school for a 16-year-old female experiencing an asthma attack. She is conscious and alert, but in severe respiratory distress. The school nurse informs you that she has tried several times to contact the patient's parents but has not been successful. You should:

provide treatment up to your level of training and transport the child at once

Which of the following is a unique function of the emergency medical dispatcher (EMD)?

providing callers with life-saving instructions

Roles and responsibilities of the EMT include __________.

providing on-scene leadership

In which of the following circumstances can the EMT legally release confidential patient information?

pt is competent and signs a release form

upon arriving at the scene of a motor vehicle crash, you note that two small cars collided head-on; the occupants are still in thier vehicles. The fire dept is in the process of stablizing the vechicles and law enforcement personnel are directing traffic. after parking the ambulance at a safe distance, you and your partner should:

put on high-visibility safety vests

The responsibility of the medical director to ensure the appropriate medical care standards are met by EMTs on each call is called what?

quality control

You are dispatched to an apartment complex for a shooting. Law enforcement personnel are present and have the suspect in custody. You find the patient lying in a narrow space between the couch and coffee table of his small apartment. He is semiconscious and has a large gunshot wound to his chest. You should:

quickly move the coffee table to access and treat the pt

What is the second stage of response in the stress response known as the general adaptation syndrome?

reaction and resistance

If a defibrillator manufacturer claims that its device terminates ventricular fibrillation on the first shock 95% of the time, you should:

recognize that this does not mean the device will save more lives

Which of the following is included in the narrative section in a PCR?

refusal of care

As you radio the hospital to give a report on your patient, which of the following should you do?

remain objective and impartial

After receiving online orders from medical control to perform a patient care intervention, you should:

repeat the order to medical control word for word

When performing a reassessment of your patient, you should first:

repeat the primary assessment

quid pro quo, a type of sexual harassment, occurs when the harasser:

requests sexual favors in exchange for something else

As you are wheeling your patient through the emergency department doors, you receive another call for a major motor vehicle crash. You should:

respond only after giving a verbal pt report to a nurse or physician

You are dispatched to the residence of a person who frequently calls 9-1-1 for nonemergency care. You should:

respond under the assumption that an acute emergency exists

Which of the following authorizes you, as an EMT, to provide emergency care to a patient?

the medical director

Which of the following statements regarding standing orders is correct?

should be followed when physician contact not possible

You are transporting a 34-year-old male who is unresponsive, and his patient care record includes the abbreviation BS. Based on this information, the patient care record:

should define the abbreviation to ensure clarity

Two-way communication that requires the EMT to "push to talk" and "release to listen" describes which mode of communication?


By definition, pandemic illnesses have ___________.

spread throughout the world

the MOST serious consequence of drug or alcohol abuse among EMS personnel is:

substandard or inappropriate pt care

Which of the following statements regarding Good Samaritan laws is correct?

such laws will not protect the EMT in cases of gross negligence

After being dispatched on an emergency call, you should expect the dispatcher to provide you with all of the following information, EXCEPT:

the general geographic location of the incident

Denial, anger, and bargaining are stages of __________.

the grieving process

information given to the responding unit(s) should include all of the following EXCEPT:

the list of all pt medications

what is the first thing you should do if exposed to a patient's blood or body fluids?

turn over pt care to another EMS provider

You and your partner are dispatched to a residence for an "ill person." When you arrive, you find that the patient, a 44-year-old man, does not speak English. There are no relatives or bystanders present who can act as an interpreter. You should:

use short simple questions and point to specific body parts to determine the source of the pt's complaint

While at the scene of a motor vehicle crash, you determine that there are two critically injured patients and that another ambulance is needed. You attempt to contact the dispatcher with your portable radio but are unsuccessful. You should:

use the mobile radio in the ambulance to contact dispatch

When communicating information over the radio, you should:

use the words "affirmative" and "negative" instead of "yes" or "no"

General guidelines for effective radio communications include all of the following, EXCEPT:

using 10 codes

Which of the following involves the spread of infection by animals or insects that carry an organism from one person or place to another?

vector-borne transmission

What is therapeutic communication?

verbal and nonverbal communication techniques that encourage pts to express their feelings and to achieve a positive relationship

What type of mode does an interoperable communications system use?

voice-over-internet protocol

When does care end:

when the physician declares it

When should you start protecting yourself so that you can remain safe on the scene?

when you are dispatched

When is it MOST appropriate to consider requesting additional ambulances at an accident scene?

when you determine there are multiple pts

As an EMT, you may be authorized to administer aspirin to a patient with chest pain based on:

your local EMS protocols

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