ENVS 1126 Exam 2

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Consider the following statements: (I) In any energy conversion, some of the usable energy is always lost (II) Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it may be converted from one form to another, (III) Systems will go spontaneously in one direction only, toward increasing entropy. Which of these are statements of the second law of thermodynamics? a.I and II b.II and III c.I and III d.I, II, and III

1 & 3

A uranium-235 fueled nuclear power plant emits about ___________ as much radioactivity as a coal-burning power plant that produces the same amount of electricity. a.one percent b.100 times c.10 times d.10 percent


During which period of time was the first sewage treatment plant built in the United States? a. 1800-1850 b. 1750-1800 c. 1850-1900 d. 1900-1950


The ecological efficiency in a food chain is 15%. A pollutant (X) is transferred from one trophic level to the next with an efficiency of 45%. The concentration of X on trophic level 3 is 18 ppm. What is the concentration of X on trophic level 1? a.4 b.3 c.2 d.6


Which one of the following soil horizons does not contain humus? a.A b.C c.O d.E


Which one of the following is the major cause of mortality in the least developed countries of the world? a.Communicable diseases b.Injuries c.Cardiovascular diseases d.Cancer

Communicable diseases

Which one of the following energy policies would not encourage use of natural gas and oil? a.Corporate tax rebates for installation of integrated gasification combined cycle power plants b.Carbon tax c.Cap and trade on CO2 emissions d.Corporate tax rebates for installation of combined cycle power plants

Corporate tax rebates for installation of integrated gasification combined cycle power plants

Which one of the following is not a technique used in integrated pest management? a.Crop rotation b.Destruction of crop residues c.Cosmetic spraying d.Planting of refuge crops

Cosmetic spraying

Which one of the following has been shown to most adversely affect the reproduction of birds? a.DDD b.DDT c.DDP d.DDE


Which one of the following is not among the conditions conducive to small families? a.High cost of raising children b.Early age at marriage c.Educational opportunities for women d.Social security system

Early age at marriage

Which one of the following statements is not one of the four basic assumptions of the scientific method? a.Every result has a cause, and every event in turn will cause other events b.What we perceive with our five senses represents an objective reality, not some kind of dream or mirage c.Through our powers of observation, manipulation, and reason, we can discover and understand the basic principles and natural laws by which the universe functions d.Energy can neither be created nor destroyed

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed

The population profile of a hypothetical country is shown below. The vertical axis is age, and the lower and upper dashed lines correspond to ages of 15 and 65, respectively. The horizontal axis indicates the number of males (blue) and females (pink) in the population. This population profile indicates which one of the following: a. The population is increasing. b. The population is stable. c. Women live longer than men in this country. d. The population is decreasing

The population is decreasing

The principal concern with the use of neonicotinoid insecticides is their adverse effects on _________. a.amphibians b.bees c.fish d.birds


Golden rice is a cultivar of rice that was genetically modified to address problems associated with diets that are deficient in vitamin A. Golden rice is enriched with which one of the following? a. beta carotene b. astaxanthin c. zeaxanthin d. lutein

beta carotene

Golden eagle populations in England recovered after use of _______was terminated in sheep dips. a. dieldrin b. aldicarb c. parathion d. DDT


Which one of the following is not involved in maintaining population equilibrium? a.Food supply b.Disease c.Drought d.Predation


On which of the following continents is more water used for industrial purposes than for agriculture? a.Europe b.South America c.Asia d.Africa


Which one of the following regions of the world has the greatest installed PV panel electricity generating capacity? a.Europe b.North and South America c.Middle East and Africa d.China


How many fissile isotopes are there? a.10-20 b.fewer than 5 c.more than 20 d.5-10

fewer than 5

Electricity produced by which one of the following is not an example of green power? a.wind b.solar c.geothermal d.natural gas

natural gas

Most electric power plants built in the United States since 2000 use which one of the following sources of energy? a.coal b.nuclear energy c.oil d.natural gas

natural gas

Which one of the following sources of energy is not used by electric power plants that generate electricity by boiling water? a.Natural gas b.Coal c.Nuclear energy d.Oil

natural gas

The United States has extensive deposits of ________________ in Colorado, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming that, if exploited, could yield the equivalent of an estimated 800 billion barrels of oil. a.tar sands b.bitumen c.oil shale d.shale gas

oil shale

What is the principal reason that western rangelands in the United States produce less than half the livestock forage that they did in the early 19th century? a.overcultivation b.overgrazing c.failure to rotate crops d.overdrafting of aquifers


Which one of the following soils would you expect to find in a tropical rain forest? a.alfisol b.mollisol c.oxisol d.aridisol


Which one of the following fissionable isotopes is produced in a breeder reactor? a.uranium-238 b.uranium-235 c.uranium-233 d.plutonium-239


he fertility rate in Burkino Faso has exceeded the replacement rate for many years and is currently about 5.1. if the fertility rate were to suddenly drop to the replacement rate, why would the population of Burkino Faso continue to increase? a.Improved nutrition from genetically modified crops b.Immigration from neighboring countries c.Recent dramatic improvements in health care d.Population momentum

population momentum

In a nuclear power plant fueled with uranium-235, what is the purpose of the moderator? a.prevent a runaway chain reaction b.slow neutrons c.maintain power output within a specified range d.shut down the reactor if there is a loss of cooling water

prevent a runaway chain reaction

If Earth rotated in the opposite direction, the Trade Winds in the Southern Hemisphere would blow from the a. southeast b. southwest c. northeast d. northwest


Biodiesel is a fuel made from a mixture of normal diesel fuel and oil from a.canola b.soybeans c.oil palms d.corn


Which one of the following terms is used to characterize the arrangement of soil particles in clumps and aggregates? a.texture b.structure c.composition d.anisotropy


In hypothetical country A, everyone dies when they reach the age of 60. In hypothetical country B, which has a better health care system, everyone dies when they reach the age of 80. If the total population of both countries is stable, what percentage of the total population would you expect to be in the age group 21-40 years inclusive? a.33% in country A and 25% in country B b.20% in country A and 15% in country B c.25% in country A and 33% in country B d.15% in country A and 20% in country B

33% in country A and 25% in country B

A population is growing exponentially with a doubling time of 10 years. If the size of the population now is 50, what will be the size of the population 30 years from now? a. 200 b. 300 c. 500 d. 400


Geothermal power plants provide electricity for __________ people in the United States. a.5 million b.5,000 c.500,000 d.50,000

5 million

In approximately how many countries is the rate of maternal mortality lower than it is in the United States? a.10 b.5 c.50 d.25


In country X, the supply of calories averages 100% of the minimum daily requirement. Of the people living in country X, what percentage is likely to have calorie-deficient diets? a.25% b.50% c.0% d.75%


The amount of biomass on successive trophic levels in a food chain forms a pyramid in which the biomass on trophic level N+1 is only 20% of the biomass on trophic level N. If pesticide P is transferred from one trophic level to the next with 100% efficiency, what will be the concentration of P on trophic level 5 if the concentration of P on trophic level 2 is 4 parts per million (ppm)? a. 2500 ppm b. 500 ppm c. 100 ppm d. 20 ppm

500 ppm

Which one of the following soil horizons is also called topsoil? a. B b. A c. C d. E


Which one of the following was not part of China's one-child policy? a.Additional food rations for same-sex couples b.Job priority for only children c.Housing preferences for one-child families d.Monthly subsidy for one-child families

Additional food rations for same-sex couples

Which one of the following is not an example of cultural control of a pest? a. Elimination of barberry, an alternate host for wheat rust b.Introduction of parasitic wasps to control gypsy moths c.Planting hedgerows and shelterbelts to provide refuges for natural pest enemies d.Rotating crops so that pests of the first crop cannot feed on the second crop

Introduction of parasitic wasps to control gypsy moths

Which one of the following is an example of primary succession? a.Grasses emerge from the soil after saltwater from a tsunami kills all above-ground vegetation in a meadow b.After a forest fire, pine trees grow from seeds that were protected beneath pine needles c.Trees reappear on the slopes of Mount St. Helens after the fallout of volcanic ash kills all the above-ground vegetation d.Lichens appear on basalt rock 50 years after a volcanic eruption on the Big Island of Hawaii

Lichens appear on basalt rock 50 years after a volcanic eruption on the Big Island of Hawaii

Which of the following are two of the negative aspects of no-till agriculture? a.May increase the effects of pests that remain in crop residues and requires use of herbicides b.Requires use of herbicides and is restricted to perennial crops c.Results in lower crop yields and may increase the effects of pests that remain in crop residues d.Is restricted to perennial crops and results in lower crop yields

May increase the effects of pests that remain in crop residues and requires use of herbicides

Which one of the following statements is true? a.R-strategists have low biotic potential and good recruitment most of the time b.R-strategists have low biotic potential and poor recruitment most of the time c.R-strategists have high biotic potential and good recruitment most of the time d.R-strategists have high biotic potential and poor recruitment most of the time

R-strategists have high biotic potential and poor recruitment most of the time

Which one of the following is not an example of blue water? a.The Mississippi River b.Lake Huron c.Groundwater d.Rainwater taken up by plants

Rainwater taken up by plants

chapter 10 Which one of the following statements is not true? a. Globally about 15-20% of all electricity is generated by hydroelectric dams b. Roughly 140,000 deaths each year are traced to waterborne diseases c. Globally about 2 billion people do not have access to adequate sanitation services d. Roughly 800 million people do not have access to safe drinking water

Roughly 140,000 deaths each year are traced to waterborne diseases

Global warming during the 21st century is expected to a.Slow the hydrologic cycle and speed up the thermohaline circulation of the ocean b.Speed up the hydrologic cycle and slow the thermohaline circulation of the ocean c.Slow the hydrologic cycle and the thermohaline circulation of the ocean d.Speed up the hydrologic cycle and the thermohaline circulation of the ocean

Speed up the hydrologic cycle and slow the thermohaline circulation of the ocean

which one of the following statements is true? a.The demographic transition has preceded the fertility transition b.The fertility transition has preceded the epidemiologic transition c.The epidemiologic transition has preceded the fertility transition d.The demographic transition has preceded the epidemiologic transition

The epidemiologic transition has preceded the fertility transition

Which one of the following statements is not true about the Grameen Bank? a. Recipients of the loans form credit associations b.The loans have been found to have the greatest social benefits when focused on men c.It loans small amounts of money to poor people d.The payback rate on the loans has exceeded 97%

The loans have been found to have the greatest social benefits when focused on men

Cabbages and Condoms is a.The name of a restaurant chain in Thailand b.Two ways to avoid unwanted pregnancies c.A nonprofit with a goal of improving nutrition and reproductive health d.Two ways to minimize the likelihood of contracting HIV through casual sex

The name of a restaurant chain in Thailand

Carbon dioxide emissions by which one of the following countries have decreased the most since 2005? a. india b. china c. russia d. US


Which one of the following countries has the shortest life expectancy? a. sweden b. switzerland c. US d. japan


Which of the following countries have the largest areas of arable land? a.China and United States b.Brazil and China c.United States and India d.Brazil and India

US and India

The two countries that account for the greatest amount of ethanol production as a fuel are a.Cuba and China b.USA and Cuba c.China and Brazil d.USA and Brazil

US and brazil

The fastest-growing forms of renewable energy for electricity production in the world are a. Wind and hydroelectric b. Hydroelectric and biomass c. Wind and solar photovoltaic d. Solar photovoltaic and biomass

Wind and solar photovoltaic

The figure below shows concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere from the late 1950s to the present time. In addition to the long term trend of increasing CO2 concentrations, the concentrations also oscillate up and down by several parts per million on an annual basis. At what time of the year would you expect the concentrations to be highest? a.In the middle of the summer b.At the end of winter c.At the end of summer d.In the middle of winter

at the end of winter

Which one of the following sources of calories in the human diet requires the greatest amount of land per calorie to produce? a.pork b.dairy c.beef d.poultry


The forms of renewable energy that currently account for the greatest amount of renewable energy production in the United States are a.Hydropower and solar photovoltaic b.Biomass and hydropower c.Solar photovoltaic and wind d.wind and biomass

biomass and hydropower

Which one of the following countries accounts for the most oil imported by the United States? a.Venezuela b.Saudi Arabia c.Mexico d.Canada


Which one of the following countries has the lowest per capita energy consumption? a.Canada b.United States c.Germany d.China


In which two of the following countries are the greatest numbers of people living on less than $10 per day? a. China and India b. Pakistan and Afghanistan c. India and Pakistan d. Afghanistan and China

china and india

chapter 15 Most of the human deaths attributable to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former Soviet Union were a. the engineers who deliberately disabled the power plant's safety systems b. firemen who were called in to put out the fires that resulted from the accident c. children who drank cows' milk contaminated with radioactive iodine d. Ukrainian workers who were bused in daily to work at the remaining reactor in the Chernobyl complex after the accident

firemen who were called in to put out the fires that resulted from the accident

Roughly 99% of crop irrigation globally is done by a.center pivot methods and drip irrigation b.flood irrigation and center pivot methods c.drip irrigation and surge flow d.Surge flow and flood irrigation

flood irrigation and center pivot methods

In which one of the following states is groundwater not being withdrawn faster than it is being naturally replenished? a.Nebraska b.Ohio c.California d.Florida


Which of the following countries generates the greatest percentage of its electricity from nuclear power plants? a.USA b.France c.China d.Russia


Who said, "Responsible biotechnology is not the enemy: starvation is" a.Wangari Maathai b.Muhammad Yunus c.Jimmy Carter d.Malala Yousafzai

jimmy carter

Temperatures are projected to rise more at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere by the end of this century because ________________ a.the ice on Greenland is melting b.most of the anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide are in the northern hemisphere c.melting the ice on the Arctic Ocean will decrease the albedo of the Arctic Ocean d.the Arctic Ocean is almost completely surrounded by land

melting the ice on the Arctic Ocean will decrease the albedo of the Arctic Ocean

The three principal greenhouse gases emitted as a result of agricultural activities are a.ozone, methane, and carbon dioxide b.carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and ozone c.methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide d.nitrous oxide, ozone, and methane

methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide

Which one of the following is the best soil for agriculture? a.alfisol b.mollisol c.oxisol d.aridisol


Ecologist Eckhard wants to stop the algal blooms in City Park Lake by reducing the inputs of essential nutrients to the lake from stormwater runoff. Which one of the following strategies would have the least effect on the algal blooms? a.remove half the inorganic nitrogen and half the inorganic phosphorus from the stormwater runoff b.remove all the inorganic nitrogen from the stormwater runoff c.remove all the inorganic phosphorus from the stormwater runoff d.remove all the carbon dioxide from the stormwater runoff

remove all the carbon dioxide from the stormwater runoff

The three crops that account for the greatest areas of farmland devoted to the production of genetically modified (GM) crops do not include which one of the following? a.canola b.rice c.soybeans d.corn


The three crops that account for about 50% of global food demands are a.soybeans, rice, and wheat b.rice, wheat, and corn c.wheat, corn, and soybeans d.corn, soybeans, and rice

rice, wheat, and corn

Which one of the following is not one of the vital concepts that move societies toward a sustainable future? a.Sound science b.Stewardship c.Security d.Sustainability


Which one of the following statements describes what happens when countries pass through the fertility transition? a.The dependency ratio decreases and then increases b.The dependency ratio increases and then decreases c.The dependency ratio decreases and remains low d.The dependency ratio increases and remains high

the dependency ratio decreases and then increases

Which of the following statements correctly characterizes the results of using pesticides in agriculture globally? a.The quantity of crops lost to pests has increased but the percentage of crops lost to pests has decreased b.The quantity of crops lost to pests has decreased and the percentage of crops lost to pests has decreased c.The quantity of crops lost to pests has increased and the percentage of crops lost to pests has increased d.The quantity of crops lost to pests has decreased but the percentage of crops lost to pests has increased

the quantity of crops lost to pests has increases and the percentage of crops lost to pests has increased

The site recommended by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for long-term disposal of radioactive waste from the nuclear power industry in the United States is a.The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad, New Mexico b.The San Andreas Fault near Palm Springs, California c.Yucca Mountain, Nevada d.The sediments at the bottom of the ocean within the territorial waters of the United States off the coast of California

yucca mountain, nevada

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