MGT 312 Final, MGT 312 final

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(SL) Persuasion example

Affect change

Value-based behaviors

Align and recognize

oil prices

An example of social and political pressures for change is

The Organizational Socialization Process

Anticipatory socialization, Encounter, Change and acquisition

The approach attempts to identify the unique ways of acting displayed by effective leaders

Behavior styles

(SL) Conceptualization example

Big picture perspective

___ are the dimensions of situational control in Fiedlers model

Leader-member relations, task structure, and position power


Management setting a timetable for the assumption of the role


Management setting no timetable and relies on contingencies


New member not provided a role model


No clear steps


One of the "pros" of _________ organizations is clear roles and responsibilities.

Work-facilitation behaviors

Organize, plan and coach

(SL) Healing example

Overcome failure

Representation and networking behaviors

Promote and connect

achievment-oriented behaviors

challenge and encourage

Radically innovative

change is the most complex, costly, and uncertain of changes.

___ involves leader behavior associated with creating mutual respect of trust and focuses on a concern for group members needs and desires


The dimensions of situational control in fielder model are

leader-member relations, task structure, positive order

strategic plan

outlines an organization's long-term direction and the actions necessary to achieve the planned results.

unity of command

principle specifies that each employee should report to only one manager.

The primary purpose of ____ behaviors is to enhance employees skills and to create positive work relationships among coworkers and between the leader and his or her employees


Leader-member exchange theory focuses on the leader's

relationships with followers.


structure, teams or workgroups, either temporary or permanent, are created to improve collaboration and work on common products.

(SL) building community

team strengthening

The participation and involvement approach to overcoming resistance to change should be used when

the initiators do not have all the information they need to make the change.


traditional organizational design


treating each newcomer individually

In Fiedlers model ____ refers to the extent that a leader has the support loyalty

leader member relations

Supportive behaviors

Concern and assistance

Group-oriented decision-making behaviors

Coordinate cooperation

Path-Goal clarifying behaviors

Describe goals and expectations

Drivers and Flow of Organization Culture (in order)

Drivers of culture, Organization culture, Organizational structure and internal processes, Group and social processes, Work attitudes and behaviors, Outcomes

(SL) Empathy example

Feelings and Emotions

(SL) Foresight example



Grouping newcomers & exposing them to a common set of experiences

Servant Leadership (SL) Listening example

Identify and clarify

___ theory is based on the idea that people have beliefs about how leaders should behave and what why should do for their followers

Implicit leadership

2 dimensions of the competing values framework are:

Internal-External & Stable-Flexible

underlying assumption's of Lewin's model?

Resistance is found even when the goals of change are highly desirable Change involves both learning and unlearning. Effective change requires reinforcement. There must be motivation to change.

(SL) Stewardship example

Responsible for others

(SL) Awareness example

Self knowledge

___ leadership focuses on increased benefit to others rather than to oneself


Interaction-facilitation behaviors

Sharing and communicating

What are recipient characteristics ?

Surprise Pressure Success Disposition

What are change agent characteristics ?

Tact Personality Legit Culture


The newcomer completes a fixed progression of steps


The newcomer socialized overtime with an experience member

benefit of functional structures

They can save money by grouping together people who need similar materials or equipment. Members develop pride in their specialty, which helps quality. Supervisors understand what department members do.' People devote more of their time to what they do best.

____ focuses on clarifying employees role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards continent on performance

Transactional leadership

Coping strategies

are specific behaviors used to deal with a stressful situation

(SL) commitment to the growth of people


In the encounter phase of organizational socialization

employees' values, skills, and attitudes start to shift as the new recruit discovers what the organization is truly like

When a leader is resolving disputes, he or she is engaging in ________ behaviors.


The hierarchy of authority

is a control mechanism in which organizations make sure that the right people do the right things at the right time.

Cognitive restructuring

is a stress reduction technique that is expensive because it requires a trained psychologist or counselor.

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