EXAM-1 Lecture-3 Pests and IPM Concepts

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Define Pesticide

(EPA definition) - Is any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest.

What can be done to intervene in the perennial and severe pest scenario?

-Might attack produce directly -Strategy: reduce GEP! -Usually involve the most integrated approaches, and perhaps the most intense chemical use.

What are some chemical pest control options (i.e. alternative sources of pest control)?

-Not just pesticides! 1) Enticements (attractive odors and feeding attractants) 2) Deterrents (repellants, masking agents, or antifeedants) 3) Food lures and sex pheromones 4) Feeding stimulant baits

What are the major components of an IPM program?

1) Biology 2) Tactics 3) Techniques

Regarding pest management strategies, what is the plan of action (POA) following a known infestation?

1) Do nothing 2) Reduce pest population numbers (+ severe numbers) 3) Reduce crop susceptibility to pest injury 4) Combined reduce population numbers with reduced crop susceptibility

what are the three (3) different programs of biological pest control that can be implemented to help mitigate the high persistence of crop pests?

1) Introduction of Natural Enemies 2) Enhancement/Conservation 3) Augmentation/Inundation

Under the essential component of Biology in a properly constructed IPM program, what are the different parts that make up this category?

1) Life cycle and Behavior 2) Seasonal Cycle 3) Population Dynamics

Describe the combined strategies approach to pest management

1) Most integrated 2) Diversification of tactics produces a greater degree of consistency in pest control 3) Multifaceted; if one tactic fails the others can moderate losses 4)Multiple strategies is the basis of Integrated Pest Management - IPM

What are the four (4) different reasons to a do nothing approach in a pest management strategy?

1) Pest densities are BELOW the economic threshold. 2) When pest causes indirect, non-economic injury. 3) Can require intensive sampling to determine ongoing non-economic status of the pest. 4) Money is not wasted on chemical control.

Under the essential component of Tactics in a properly constructed IPM program, what are the different parts that make up this category?

1) Pesticides 2) Natural Enemies 3) Host resistance 4) Modify effective environment 5) Exclude pests 6) Impact pests's reproductive capacity

What are the three (3) different overlying concepts in the reduce numbers strategy?

1) Pests long-term average densities, GEP or general equilibrium position below ET 2) Dampen population peaks and prevent economic damage during outbreaks 3) Often applied to occasional pests that can be controlled effectively with IPM.

During a reduce (severe) numbers strategies scenario, what protocol is generally employed by the observer?

1) Reduce the carrying capacity or reduce the reproductive/survival potential of populations 2) Crop rotation, till fields, reduce favorableness of pest environments, reduce carrying capacity and survival of pest. 3) Sometimes the carrying capacity cannot be reduced, so technologies such as sterile insect technique or mating disruption are used, for example in orchards.

Describe the reduce crop susceptibility tactics

1) Resistance or crop environment manipulations 2) Tolerance of some cultivars/breeds 3) Pest populations not reduced but economic injury is lowered, crops become less INJURED because of tolerance to pest.

Under the essential component of Techniques in a properly constructed IPM program, what are the different parts that make up this category?

1) Sampling 2) Rearing or culturing 3) Identification

Provide some examples of reduce susceptibility tactics that have been implemented in the past

1) Some aimed at altering synchrony between a plant and pest (phenology) - e.g. Roundup ready to avoid pre-emergence spraying. 2) Similarly, as the case for livestock susceptibility to blister beetle pests, eliminate weeds and cut the alfalfa before it reaches advanced bloom stages. Also, save first or second cutting of hay for livestock feed, as blister beetles become larger as the season progresses. IPM principles are applied here with simple cultural control.

What are the three (3) primary elements of the concepts of pest management?

1) multiple tactics 2) pest populations maintained below levels that cause economic damage 3) conservation of environmental quality

According to Geier (1966), Pest management programs should include what four (4) main principles?

1. Selective for the pest 2. Comprehensive for the production system 3. Compatible with ecological principles 4. Tolerant of potential harmful species but within acceptable limits

What does C stand for in the EIL expression?

= Cost of management per area (for example, $/acre)

What does D stand for in the EIL expression?

= Damage per unit injury (for example, bushels lost/acre/percent defoliation)

What does P stand for in the EIL expression?

= Density or intensity of insect population (for example, insects/acre)

What does I stand for in the EIL expression?

= Injury units per insect per production unit (for example, percent defoliation/insect/acre, expressed as a proportion)

What does V stand for in the EIL expression?

= market value per unit of produce (for example, $/bushel)

What is the definition of pest management according to Pedigo and Rice?

A comprehensive pest technology that uses combined means to reduce the status of pests to tolerable levels while maintaining a quality environment.

Define what a general equilibrium position (GEP) is?

A populations long-term average density.

List some examples of Cultural control pest control methods

A) Crop and cultivar selection (low risk of disease or pests) B) Crop rotation C) Disruption of phenological synchrony D) Deception and concealment practices E) Pest endurance practices F) Pest preventive maintenance operations

As laid out by All and Treacy 2006, what are the steps that they list out for an IPM program of development?

A) Develop a crop life table of pest hazards B) Consider production requirements of the crop and their influence on pest hazard C) Appraise regulatory or social constraints on production or utilization of the crop D) Know taxonomy of pests E) Acquire information on each pests biology and behavior on the crop F) Develop pest life tables G) Characterize pest injury H) Determine economic impact of pest injury and determine thresholds I) Develop a preventative control plan J) Implement efficient sampling methods and key biological control agents K) Have a capability for rapid deployment of suppressive control when warranted L) Create a follow up system for evaluating IPM program effectiveness M) Have flexibility and creativity for adapting and implementing new technologies into ongoing IPM programs

Define Pests

Are organisms that are competitive to mankind or his interests in some manner, i.e. pests are defined by mankind and his lifestyle and preferences rather than by nature.

What is the keystone ( or cornerstone) holding the different IPM components together?


Define the perennial and severe pests scenario

Cause most serious problem(s)

Define Cultural Pest Control

Considerable knowledge about pest biology, ecology and natural control is frequently needed for cultural control (All and Treacy 2006).

What are the aims (i.e. goals) of a pest management program?

Deal with pests in the context of the whole production system rather than a separate collection of individual populations or production activities (e.g., pre- and post-harvest activities). Allow for several techniques to be employed to alleviate problems rather than relying on a single tactic

What conclusion can we draw if we know P=c/V x I X D and EIL=P assuming damage can only be reduced in part, say 80%, then?

EIL=c/V X I X D XK where K= proportionate reduction in potential injury or damage.

During a Occasional pest scenario, what protocol is generally employed by the observer?

Early detection, prediction of outbreaks, employment of tactics when ET is reached are typically the methods used.

Give an example of a do nothing approach to pest management strategies

For example, post-eradiction activities by the boll weevil eradication program.

Define Occasional pest

GEP substantially low, but can exceed EIL sporadically.

What pest problems (i.e. commodity threat) is seen in a perennial and severe pest scenario?

High market value of crop and severe pest densities.

Define what IPM means

IPM = "coordinated systems for managing pest populations that utilize preventative and suppressive control tactics, which are unified by surveillance to assess hazards for injury to determine if curative action is needed." (All and Treacy 2006, All, J. 2004. Integrated Pest Management. Pp. 49-51. In J. Capinera (ed.), Encyclopedia of Entomology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.)

Are pesticides used more as a curative measure for pest control or more as a prophylactic?

In reality, more pesticides are used prophylactively than therapeutically, and it is debated whether preventative use of chemical control can ever be considered in IPM. On the other hand, using pesticide products as a preventative in combination with other control tactics is considered a cornerstone for IPM in certain commodities when hazard for damaging infestations is high, based on past history of problems." All and Treacy (2006).

Define the Economic Threshold (ET)

Indicates the number of insects that should trigger management actions. Pest numbers being used as an index (usually a time parameter) of when damage will occur. Also called the action threshold.

Define IPM in the US

Is a science-based, decision-making process that identifies and reduces risks from pests and pest management related strategies. This system coordinates the use of biology, environmental information, and available technology to prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the most economical means, while minimizing risk to people, property, resources, and the environment. This system also provides an effective strategy for managing pests in all arenas from developed agricultural, residential, and public lands to natural and wilderness areas. This system also provides an effective, all encompassing, low-risk approach to protect resources and people from pests.

Define Economic injury level (EIL)

Lowest number of insects that will cause economic damage, or the minimum number of insects that would reduce yield equal to the gain threshold.

Is the goal of pest management to kill pests?

No! In essence, the point of target is relatable to the phrase of "if it aint broke don't fix it" kind of mentality why waste time and effort on things that have no vested benefit to the overall objective?

Is there a need to lower the GEP on a occasional pest scenario?

No! No desired lowering of GEP, because controls are usually effective (and/or perhaps we have the most and best information on these pests).

What is the main component that farmers, ranchers, and horticulturists aim to reduce to below economic loss levels?

Pest losses (to crops)

What are the four cyclic ideas of a basic and comprehensible pest management program?

Preventic > Control > Threshold > Monitor (repeat)

What is, the overall pretense of pest management?

Preventing economic loss to harvestable cash crops.

Define the reduce numbers strategy

Reducing insect numbers to alleviate or prevent problems

what is a good reference webpage supported by the USDA for help at the national (with regional links available) to farm managers for pest identification and pest problem related information?

Regional IPM Centers

Define the reduce crop susceptibility strategy

Rely on changes in host plant or animal that render it less susceptible to an otherwise damaging pest population

Define the reduce numbers strategy

Sometimes populations are huge, GEP is > than injury level IL

Describe the operation of augmentation/inundation

Temporarily increases natural enemy populations to control pests. Microbial based insecticides is a form of inundative biological control.

In a situation that is subeconomic or noneconomic with regards to pest infestations, what is the protocol for this circumstance?

The GEP for this pest type is below the EIL and ET, thus a "do-nothing" approach (except monitoring is required to maintain that this pest is subeconomic).

Provide a definition for biological pest control

The manipulation of natural enemies for pest management (e.g., parasitoids, predators, disease pathogens).

Define Subeconomic or noneconomic pest?

These do require monitoring, in the case of additive effects and crop damage from multiple subeconomic species.

Describe the operation of the introduction of natural enemies

To control exotic pest that have gained access to new locations. Conducted by national and international biological control organizations

What is the objective of dealing with an occasional pest?

To dampen outbreaks.

Describe the operation of enhancement/conservation

Uses cultural and other methods designed to encourage natural enemies. Use of selective insecticides to avoid destruction of natural enemies is one form.

What is the formula for the EIL Expression?

V x I x P x D = C

Is pest management the same thing as "integrated pest management"?

Yes, in theory it is, but in practice not often practiced to the nail by most farmers in the world (and not just inside the heliocentric realm of the United States).

Regarding regulatory pest control, are there laws that exist that regulate the use of pesticides, and if so, are they more severe than those that may or may not apply to non-chemical IPM methods?

Yes, there are extremely stringent laws regarding the utilization of pesticides and they are much more by the book as compared to non-chemical control methods.

Are pesticides an option in a Occasional pest scenario?

Yes; Pesticides fit well in this category

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