Final Exam Definitions and Ideas

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evolutionary biology

Assumption based on behavior due to physical and physiological dispositions that helped human ancestors survive and reproduce

Implicit priming

more subtle, presumably no demand (scrambled sentences)


one female with several males, males with one female


one male mates with several females, females with one male

What was the general approach through which primatologists determined that chimpanzees exhibited culture?

1953 observing one wash a sweet potato and all others being following - move from washing in river to washing in ocean

Identify two psychological biases that influence the transmission of social information, according to dual inheritance theory

Boyd, richardson, and Henrich, said natural and sexual selection acting upon genes and o A broader variety of selection processes acting upon culturally transmitted variants are basis that influence what

According to Hagen and Syme (2021), how do the prevalence and incidence of major depression compare to the prevalence and incidence of mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dementia, and Parkinson's?

Depression is 1000x more common than other pathological disorders Vastly higher than dementia, parkinsons, etc.


Examines behavior on the assumption people maximize inclusive fitness

Zahavi's "handicap" hypothesis

Extravagant male traits are costly to develop and maintain Choosing a mate with "good genes" requires an honest signal of genetic quality Only males in good condition (those with good genes) will be able to fully develop and maintain an ornament

Explicit priming

Overt presentation, but possible demands effects (writing an essay)

The bargaining model in terms of suicide

Hagan, Suicide attempts are a costly signal of need; successful suicides are a by-product

Identify and distinguish three ways that information may be socially transmitted, according to the taxonomy used by Alex Mesoudi

Horizontal transmission, oblique transmission, verticale transmission, verticale transmission, no system for information passes younger to older

operational sex ratio

OSR = fertile females / sexually active males high ratio = females compete w/ females low ratio = males compete w/ males

How is human culture understood to differ from culture as observed in chimpanzees, orangutans, and other species?

Only in humans does socially transmitted knowledge accumulate substantially over generations yielding increasingly complex tool use, a growing foundation of knowledge, and detailed skill-based behavioral repertoires

Inclusive fitness in terms of Suicide

Successful suicide increases the inclusive fitness of low reproductive value individuals who are a burden on kin

What Book did Tooby and Cosmides write

The Adapted mind: referred to as the manifesto of contemporary ev. psych


The gathering of males in an area for the purpose of displaying to attract females.

Robert Trivers' theory

Theory of parental investment: the sex that invests more in offspring will be picker about males less investing sex will compete more for sexual access to higher investing sex because lower investing sex will experience greater variance in reproductive success

What are a few famous examples of chimpanzee behaviors that are understood to be cultural?

Tool usage behavior, grooming, courtship and examples of behavior observed in what animals

What are the three ingredients for evolution by natural selection?

Variation, differential fitness, inheritance

The bargaining model of depression argues what about major depression disorder and what is an example

What model argues major depression is a costly signal of need; suicide is an example of a costly signal

Which behaviors of culture did Jane Goodall observe in 1960

Who observed Termite and ant fishing, knock for attention, rain dance in chimpanzees

What metaphor did Ed Hagen propose for understanding post-partum depression

Who said that post partum depression was like going on strike because one party is burdened with investing most of the time and energy to rearing the offspring

Evolutionary models of depression generally begin with what observation—an observation that is not included in the DMS-V criteria related to depression?

depression starts with adversity and affects inclusive fitness

reproductive skew

difference in how many offspring most successful individual has vs. least successful

Four major parameters for religious priming

explicit, implicit, subliminal, contextual

Limitations of male reproduction


female cryptic choice

females are able to decide if males are successful at impregnating them

Limitation of female reproduction

food, condition

Fisher's runaway hypothesis

if females have a preference for a trait, males with trait will do better, preference will be favored, females with preference will generate "sexy son" - successful males


information (knowledge, ideas, beliefs, and values) that is distinct from that stored in the human genome and which is socially transmitted

why females may sexually select traits in men that are survival disadvantaged

male ornaments: Fisher's "runaway hypothesis" Zahavi's "handicap" hypothesis

intersexual selection

mating success determined on between sex interactions: males evolve to make themselves more attractive and females evolve their preferences

intersexual selection

mating success determined on within-sex interactions (sperm competition, male to male competition) females go with winner


mating with one partner (only 3% of mammals) perennial: forever serial: for a while

How is lactose intolerance used to illustrate gene-culture co-evolution?

most mammals stop producing lactate after weaning, western cultures have continued to produce and consume milk, some adult are resistant to lactose


no stable pair bonds

two types of polygamy

polygyny and polyandry

Identify 5 factors that according to Hagan's bargaining model of PPD should cause PPD

poor infant viability, few recourses, low social support, high opportunity costs, social constraints on decision making

consequences of when polyandry is favored

sexual selection stronger on females than males

How does inclusive fitness model relate to environmental conditions?

suicide increases with latitude and harsher conditions

Vertical transmission

transmission - biological parents to children

Oblique Transmission

transmission - unrelated members of parental generation

Horizontal transmission

transmission - via unrelated members of the same generation

According to to Alex Mesoudi what does it mean if something is non-Darwinian

what is Alex mesoudis name for something that is characterized by microevolutionary processes discovered by genetics after Darwin

According to to Alex Mesoudi what does it mean if something is Darwinian

what is Alex mesoudis name for something that is characterized by variation, inheritance, and competition

According to the bargaining model of depression, how should social partners of a depressed individual interpret and respond to suicidality and withdrawal from daily activities, as opposed to the depressed individual crying and being upset?

what model suggests partners should react more strongly to suicide and social withdrawal than crying because those are more costly to people with good fitness

when is polyandry favored

when males become limiting recourses low offspring survival - male prenatal care (limited recourses environment) - males have greater reproductive effort and lower reproductive rate

According to Hagen, how is major depression similar to anger?

who argues suicidality and depression are like anger in that they function in part to inflict costs on social partners, in order to resolve conflicts in the actors favor

Is there evidence of sex differences in depression

women have a higher risk of depression than males

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