FNR: 25150 Exam 1 Mammals

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Pleistocene Extinctions

-10,000- 2 MyBP -glaciation -reduced sea levels -cold hardy species survive -megafaunal extinction 70%

Order Didelphimorphia

-63 species -SA Marsupials -Virginia Opossum

Scatter Hoarders

-many different piles scattered around EX: Gray squirrels


-more cone cells -distinguis colors -1 to 2 nerve cells per nerve -less sensitive

Mammary Glands

-nourishment -rapid growth w/ parental care


-only rods -150 rods to nerves -large eyes -wide pupils -Tapetum Lucidum

Order Perissodactyla

-placental mammals -17 species -odd toed ungulates -horses, rhinos, tapirs

Order Dermoptera

-placental mammals -2 species -Skin wings, Patagium

Order Artiodactyla

-placental mammals -240 species -Even-toed ungulates -pigs, hippos, camels, giraffes, deer

Order Carnivora

-placental mammals -286 species -dogs, cats, weasels, bears, hyenas

Order Lagomorpha

-placental mammals -84 species -rabbits, hares pikas

Order Cetacea

-placental mammals -84 species -whales, dolphins

Order Congulata

-placental mammals -armadillos -lack teeth enamel

Order Chiroptera

-placental mammals -bats -use echolocation foraging -1116 species

Order Primates

-placental mammals -lemurs, monkey, apes, humans - 402 species

Order Pilosa

-placental mammals -sloths and anteaters -lack teeth or teeth enamel

Order Insectivora

-placental mammals -tenrecs, hedgehogs, shrew, moles

Order Proboscidea

-placental mammals -2 or 3 species -elephants


-polyphenols -bind to prot. -block digestive enzymes -can function as toxins


-prepares uterus for implantation -endometrial lining -enhances fat deposition -pelvic enlargement


-prepares uterus for implantation further -inhibits further ovulation -maintains pregnancy -stimulates mammary tissue

Echolocation in bats

-pulse emitted from mouth/nose -sound produced by larynx -ear protection through a bone that separate during pulsed emissions

Why so we sleep

-restore glycogen -brain development -memory consolidation -conserve energy

Which of the following is a feeding adaptation for a myrmecophage?

-elongated rostrum -long tongue -small posterior;y directed spines on tongue -sticky secretions from salivary glands -all of the above*


-encases teeth -heaviest, hardest and friction resistance

Luteal Phase

-estrogen declines -ruptured follicle transforms into corpus luteum -secretes progesterone

Sweat Glands

-evaporative cooling


-from buccal cavity - to stomach

Endophytic Fungi

-grasses infected -passed via seeds -produce alkaloids


-gray matter -front of the brain -control center -relay sensory -motor activity originates -Convolutions (folding) -More fold the more intelligent (more SA for neurons)


-sound based sensing

Larder Hoarders

-store food in one big pile

Alarm Calls

-warn relatives (kin selection) -females Pursuit invitation: distract predator from the rest of the group

Group Defense

-herds reduce predation -dilution effect

OverKill Hypothesis

-humans impact ecosystems


-lack chorion and allantois -gestation short -abdominal pouch -scrotum anterior to penis -uterus and vagina and penis forked -no corpus callosum -small cerebral hemispheres


-large mammals -females w/ young most vigilant -females more aggressive

Buccal Cavity

-lips -taste buds -teeth -tongue


-long rostrum -tubular mouths -long tongue -covered filiform papillae -covered in stick secretions from salivary gland -eat social insects

Eutherian Female Reproductive Tract

-lots info here look at slides


Acidic digestion HCl

Order Diprotodontia

Australian marsupials -tiny gliders EX: koala and great grey kangaroo

when did mammals first appear

Mesozoic Era

Order Monotremata

Monotremes: -Bird-like skull -toothless and leathery sheath -reptilian limb posture -lay eggs -left ovary functional -Lack Nipples -Cloaca - no corpus callosum EX: platypus

The _________exhibits increased folding and many more convolutions in more "intelligent" mammals than it does in the simple ones



Reduced digestive efficiency -excrete undigested prots

The ___________was the most common large herbivore in NA through most of Cenozoic



Rigid bony support of penis (os penis) -supports erect penis and stimulates vagina

The energetic requirements of mammals vary allometrically with body size. Specifically,

Smaller mammals require more energy per gram of body weight per day

What type of communication is the most common for mammals?




what makes up the mesozoic era

Triassic Period, Jurassic Period, Cretaceous Period

Secondary Palate

above the roof of the mouth, enables chewing and breathing simultaneously

continental drift

allopatric speciation= geographical speciation

Bergmann's Rule

animals are larger (lower SA:V) at higher altitudes, better at conserving heat

Protease Inhibtors

block catalytic activity of proteolytic enzymes in herbivore's gut Ex: Lemming


both eyes see at once


chemical rxns and E transformations for growth, repair and reproduction


conifer monoterpenes inhibit fermentation of rumen bacteria


constancy Tb -most mammals

Follicular Phase

developing follicle secretes estradiol


disproportionate change in one biological variable in response to a unit change in another

adaptive radiation

diversification of a group of organisms into forms filling different ecological niches -mammal diversity low until Cenozoic Era

Subclass Synapsida

dominant reptiles during late Paleozoic Epoch

Allen's Rule

farther south typically the smaller, longer and thiner animals are

Habitat Reduction Hypothesis

glaciation= arid steppe


hard to see -molt -countershading


inhibit mitosis and DNA/RNA synthesis -blocks acetylcholinesterase


internal, elevated body temp. maintained by oxidation of food within the body -hypothalamus regulates -energetically expensive


large carb polymer concentration increase w/ maturity -undigested by enzymes/bacterial fermentation

Anapsid temporal opening structure

led to turtles, no temporal opening,

Diapsid temporal opening structure

lizards and snakes arose from, two temporal openings on each side of the skull

Synapsida temporal opening structure

mammals arose from, articulation of the postorbital (PO) and squamosal (squam) bones above the single temporal opening

Subclass Prototheria


Vertical Limb orientation

not spraddle-legged, humerus and femur not horizontal, enables fore and aft limb movements

Small Intestine

nutrient absorption into bloodstream


only can see out of one eye


photoreceptive cell -rods (gray scale) -cones (color)

Order Rodentia

placental mammals -2273 species -squirrels, gophers, voles

Baleen structure is associated with


Large Intestine

posterior end small intest. to rectum -similar to cecum in function

accesory glands

produce semen

Gonadotropic hormones

produced by the anterior pituitary gland -regulate the ovarian cycle -

Reptile jaw articulation

quadrate (skull) to articular bone (lower jaw)


reduction in lumbar ribs/region separate thoracic and abdominal cavities contract while breathing


regulates amount of light entering the eye

Over saturation Hypothesis

return to equilibrium NA from SA


shapes lens/focus light

Complex Dentition

specialization, precise occlusion

What do the testes produce?

sperm and testosterone


sperm maturation

Mammalian jaw articulation

squamosal to dentary joint, quadrate to incus and articular to malleus

Field Metabolism

sum or resting metabolism and E used for all other activities

what makes up cenozoic era

tertiary period, quaternary period

vas deferens

tube propels sperm to ejaculatory duct

Order Dasyuromorphia

-Australian Marsupials -primarily eat insects and meat EX: Tasmanian devil

Order Peramelemorphia

-Australian marsupials -syndactyly -running/hopping gate EX: rabbit-eared bandicoot

Placental Mammals

-Chorioallantoic -True placenta -trophoblast -precocial young -corpus callosum

Marsupial Female Reproductive Tract

-Choriovitelline placenta: connects embryo and uterus -yolk sac placenta -lacks embryonic membranes -contain parental matieral--> foreign to mom so short gestation

Monotreme Female Reproductive Tract

-Cloaca -lay eggs -lack nipples -left ovary functional -shell glands in oviducts

Skeletal Characteristics

-Dentary-squamosal joint present -Three middle ear ossicles present -Mandible consists of only one bone, the dentary -Double occipital condyle instead of only one -Lumbar ribs absent -Secondary (false) palate present -Single bony nasal opening -Diphyodont dentition (two sets of teeth) -Cusps present on the cheek teeth -Two or more roots on cheek teeth

Non-Skeletal Characteristics

-Endothermy -Complete double circulation (pulmonary and systemic), with higher arterial pressure in the systemic portion -Enucleated, round erythrocytes(red blood cells) -Possession of a diaphragm -Combination of integumentary characters, including hair, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands -Mammary glands, functional in females -Nitrogenous wastes excreted as urea instead of uric acid -Specialized facial dermal muscles

Echolocation in Cetaceans

-Focus sound through melon ( fat filled acoustic lens in forehead -sound reception via lower jaw -sonar


-Hindgut fermentation -H20 absorption -elongated tub, opening at junct of small and large intestine -quicker than fore-stomach

Dentary- squamosal jaw articualtion

-articular (malleus) and quadrate (incus) bones (along with the stapes) -transmits vibrations -membrane to oval window of the inner ear

Brain size determined by

-body size -energy expended for brain support

Warning Coloration

-bold pattern -skunks

Secondary Palate

-bony palate ( passage that shunts air from the nostrils -breathing and chewing


-broader env -Low freq far -Pinna: focus and amplify -isolate single sounds


-built only for defense -reduce or stop metabolic function -clock biochemical processes EX: Alkaloids, Terpenoids, Endophytic Fungi, Protease Inhibitors

Digestible Reducers

-cellulose -hemicellulose EX: -Lignin -Tannins -Silica

Dinosaur Extinctions

-competitive release -predators eliminated

Mechanical Defense

-curling into ball -hardened epidermis

Running Away

-cursorial species -rump-patch signaling


-dead epidermal cells

Scent Glands

-deposit scents -sex -social status -breeding condition -health

External Pinna and auditory tube

-ear canal that intercept sound waves -jaw articulation

Angiosperm Radiations

-early Cretaceous Period -expanding food base -new niches

Cynodont therapsids

1st mammals, surviving synapsid lineage, departure of reptilian body

The eyes of many prey species are located on the sides of their head to:

Increase their field of vision

Subclass Theria

Infraclasses: - Metatheria (Marsupials) - Eutheria (Placentals)

Climate Hypothesis

Large mammals long gestation, increasing seasonality


variation in Tb -topor

fibro elastic membrane

walls of erectile tissue near rigid non-erect



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