Gender Comm Chap 5

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Know the ways masculine speaking style is upheld in public speaking (Gender-Based Misinterpretation in Communication)

1. A masculine speaking style is generally the standard for public speaking 2. Assertive, dominant, confident, masculine style is the standard for public speaking. 3. Women who are effective in politics tend to manage a fine balance in which they are sufficiently feminine to be perceived as acting appropriately for women and sufficiently masculine to be perceived as acting appropriately for politicians.

Know and be able to identify examples of the characteristics of communication in masculine speech communities

1. Effort to establish status and control. "I have a plan" they disclose less. 2. The use of speech to accomplish speech to accomplish instrumental objects. To show how they are knowledgeable about a topic, they may want to show their knowledge to others. 3. Conversational command. Masculine speakers may reroute conversations by using what another says as a jumping-off point for their own topics, or they may interrupt. 4. Masculine speech tends to be direct and assertive. Compared with women's language, men's is typically more forceful and authoritative. 5. Masculine speech tends to be more abstract than feminine speech. Men frequently speak in general or conceptual terms that are removed from concrete experiences and personal feelings.

Know and be able to identify examples of the characteristics of communication in feminine speech communities

1. Feminine people use language to foster connections, support closeness, and mutual understanding. (Relationships) 2. To achieve symmetry, communicators often match experiences to indicate, "You're not alone in how you feel. (Equality) 3. "Oh you must feel terrible" communicates that we understand and support how another feels. (Support)

Language Allows Self-Reflection

1. Is thinking about yourself and how you name and evaluate yourself. 2. Self reflection is not just personal 3. Androgynous is possessing both qualities of male and female. Possess qualities of both genders


ruled by women

Minimal response cues

verbalizations such as yeah or umhmm.

4 main aspects that cultivate boys communication through children's toys and games

1. Use communication to assert your ideas, opinions, and identity . 2. Use talk to achieve something, such as solving problems or developing strategies. 3. Use communication to attract and maintain others' attention. 4. Use communication to compete for the "Talk Stage." Make yourself stand out, take attention away from others, and get others to pay attention to you.

4 main aspects that cultivate girls' communication through children's toys and games

1. Use communication to create and maintain relationships. The process of communication, not its content, is the heart of relationships. 2. Use communication to establish egalitarian relations with others. Don't outdo, criticize, or put down others. If you criticize, be gentle. 3. Use communication to include others bring them into conversations, respond to their ideas. 4. Use communication to show sensitivity to others and relationships.

Language shapes Awareness of Gendered Issues

1. We give names to things that matter. 2. Making advances = sexual harassment (seriously) 3. Language = not static we language to reflect our changing understanding of ourselves and our world.

Language Defines men and women differently

1. Women are frequently defined by appearance and by relationships with others. Women athletes are judged for appearance. Language Social views of women are passive 2. Men are defined by activities and accomplishment. Men are active participants in language sex for example: He laid her, He screwed her and he made love to her.

Language Organizes Perception of Gender

1. Women are often stereotyped as emotional and weak. Ex "Can you do blah, blah, blah. If they are assertive they are known as bitchy and rude. 2. Men who use emotional language are described as weak or wimpy.

Language Evaluates Gender

1. Women= cupcakes, feast for the eyes, sugar. Not attractive "Dog" overweight= "Pig" Women who are sexually active are known as slut . 2. Men who are sexually active are called Stud. Those are complements.

male generic language

1. purports to include both women and men yet refers only to men. 2. Male generic language leads many people to assume that only males are included .

Relationship Talk (Gender-Based Misinterpretation in Communication)

Can we talk about us? 1. Males only want to discuss relationships only if there is a problem. They view problems as a means of doing things and solving problems 2. Females or feminine speech enjoy talking about their relationships even if there is not a problem. Feminine styles of speech believes communicating about the relationship is a process that sustains it.

Trouble talk (Gender-Based Misinterpretation in Communication)

Talk about troubles or personal problems 1. Women share problems and expect there emotional needs met by showing support. 2. Men have a problem they do not want to share it b/c they do not want to look weak. Women feel shut out when men don't share problems. 3. If a man does share a problem and a women tries to relate by comparing the situation to one she had, he feels she is now trying to steal center stage and bring the focus to her.

The point of the story (Gender-Based Misinterpretation in Communication)

Telling a story. 1. Men focus on main points of the story and leave out the details about feelings, that women believe are at the heart of the story. 2. Women provide the details of the story, not b/c they will change the story. They add the details in b/c they matter in the relationship level meaning.

1. Showing Support (Gender-Based Misinterpretation in Communication)

With a problem men and women handle things differently. 1. Women want comfort and a connection. For a problem they want to talk about it and an get supported. They want empathy. 2. When men are presented with a problem. They offer up a solution. Women believe men are acting unsympathetic to the problem and dismiss their feelings. Men don't aren't sympathetic b/c they feel it condescending.

Gender-linked language effect

asserts that differences between women's and men's communication are influenced by a variety of factors including topics, speaker status, salience of gender in a communication situation, and other people present

Speech community

exists when people share understandings about goals of communication, strategies for enacting those goals and ways of interpreting communication.


is a generalization about an entire class of phenomena based on some knowledge of some members of the class.

Polarized thinking

which is conceiving of things as absolute opposites. 1. Our commonly used vocabulary emphasizes all or none terms and this all or none thinking.

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