General Psychology: Final Exam

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Cattell's personality test identified ____ personality traits that were scored on a continuum from high to low.


Which of the following best fits the acceptance stage of Elizabeth Kübler-Ross's stages of grief model?

After battling cancer for 4 years, Steve has come to the realization that he will most likely not survive the illness. He spends time organizing his financial papers, & he meets w/ friends for the last time/

Which study supports Schacter & Singer's idea that emotion is the interpretation of the interaction of physiological arousal & the cognitive label we apply to explain the arousal.

Participants were injected w/ epinephrine. Some were told about its arousal effects & some were not, then they observed other angry or euphoric behavior. While everyone that received an injection of epinephrine experienced the same psychological arousal, only those who were not expecting the arousal used context to interpret the arousal as a change in emotional state.

____ is the process of changing our attitude toward something based on some kind of communication.


In order for ____ to occur, it is best if the interval between the conditioned stimulus & the unconditioned stimulus is small, sometimes just a matter of seconds.


Kieran is attempting to condition a parrot to greet him when he enters the room. He repeatedly pairs his entry to the room w/ a treat for the parrot. Kieran can say that ___ has occurred as soon as the parrot greets him in response to his entry.


Physical changes that occur during puberty include the maturing of the ____ & the ___ glands

adrenal sex

How we feel about various topics (EX: Jarious gets mad at people who use profanity) reflects the ____ component of an attitude.


If someone cuts Stevie off on her drive to work, she gets angry & has a hard time getting over it. This is an EX of the ___ component of an attitude.


Intense fear, anxiety, & avoidance of public places & spaces is known as


Changes in ____ structure & function have been demonstrated in adolescents who are either at-risk or have been diagnosed w/ various mood &/or anxiety disorders.


In a study by Raineki, Cortés, Belnoue, & Sullivan (2012), rat pups who experienced abuse early in their lives showed structural changes in the ______, which were linked w/ depressive behaviors.


There is a connection between changes in _____ w/ carious mood & anxiety disorders.


Alysha believes that she is good at basketball b/c she has put forth countless hours of practice & effort. Julian Rotter would say that Alysha has _____.

an internal locus of control

According to Jung, the "memories" & stories that are shared in the collective unconscious of all people are known as


If Jeremy has social anxiety disorder, which is a safety behavior he might adopt in order to reduce anxiety in social situations?

ask other people lots of questions

In classical conditioning, organisms learn to

associate events that repeatedly happen together

When a person or animal makes connections between stimuli or events that occur together, they are exemplifying ____ learning.


If Samaria demonstrates behavioral inhabitation early on in life by crying or not speaking when in new situations or around unfamiliar people, she will be ___

at a greater risk for developing social anxiety disorder

Dominic doesn't want to contribute to polluting his city, so he rides his bike to school each day instead of taking his car. This is an EX. of the ____ component of an attitude.


The ____ component of an attitude compels us to act a certain way to align our behavior with our belief.


Which is an EX of classical conditioning?

being afraid of thunder & lightening b/c the last 2 times you were in a thunderstorm, there were also tornadoes

As Gary gets older, his ____ intelligence increases, while his ___ intelligence decreases.

Crystallized fluid

_____ intelligence tends to increase w/ age, whereas _____ intelligence decreases w/ age.

Crystallized fluid

According to ____, personality traits can be categorized into 3 categories: cardinal traits, central traits, & secondary traits.

Gordon Allport

Darkness will naturally cause your pupils to dilate, since they are opening up to let in more light of the surroundings. Light causes the pupil to contract. Knowing this, how could you design a classical conditioning experiment forcing the pupils to dilate?

Ring a bell directly before turning the lights off, 20 times in a row. Then ring the bell.

Who would be statistically more likely to develop PTSD: Tanya, who experience sexual assault, or Miguel, who lost his house during a devastating tornado.


According to the ____, the source, content, & audience will all influence the persuasiveness of a message.

Yale attitude change

_____ believed that physiological arousal is very similar across the diff. types of emotions that we experience. For EX, our body might respond similarly to getting a new job or getting fired from a job. Theses researchers claim that the cognitive appraisal of the situation is critical to the actual emotion experienced.

a Schachter-Singer

Which of the following is an Ex of a reflex?

a newborn baby knowing how to nurse

Martin, age 66, is an avid reader & can easily quote some of his favorite books & describe impressive details from his life. He might, however, not preform as well as his younger self on

a test of information-processing speed

Sharonda realized that her health was declining rapidly, so she decided to spend a few weeks w/ each of her children & spend quality time w/ those she loves. Her behavior best fits which stage of Elizabeth Kübler-Ross's stages of grief model?


Levi is worried that everyone who looks at him notices his chin dimple. In fact, he's so concerned about it, that he doesn't leave the house for days at a time, tries to wear heavy scares to hide it, & can think of little else. Levi likely has

body dysmorphic disorder

According to the reading, we use facial expressions, tone, & _____, including motions & movements, to express emotion.

body language

Using cold, hard facts to sell a computer is an Ex of the ___ to persuasion.

central route

If Emily is terrified of elevators b/c she was once stuck inside of one at the age of 5, then ___ might explain how she developed her phobia.

classical conditioning

Modeling, verbal transmission of info., & ____ are all ways that someone might come to develop a specific phobia.

classical conditioning

When Justin's dog hears the sound of a car door slam outside, she excitedly runs to the door & barks. This is an Ex of

classical conditioning

Beliefs & knowledge about certain things (Dustin believes baseball is better than football, for ex.) represents the _____ component of an attitude.


JoJo believes firmly that abortion is wrong & that life begins at conception. This is an EX of the ____ component of an attitude.


The Schachter-Singer theory of emotion consists of a _____ along w/ the physiological component of an experience.

cognitive appraisal

Giselle understands the harmful effects of smoking, & yells at her parents for smoking, but smokes anyway. she feels some psychological discomfort from her hypocritical behavior. this discomfort is called ___

cognitive dissonance

Mandy grew up believing that everyone from California was "weird." but at school, Mandy's new roommate & best friend is from Cali, so she reasons that maybe Californians aren't all that bad. What best accounts for her attitude shift?

cognitive dissonance theory

According to Carl Rogers, we find ____ when our thoughts about our real self & ideal self are very similar.


____ are culturally specific standards that govern the types & frequencies of displays of emotions that are acceptable.

cultural display rules

What are cultural display rules?

culturally specific standards that govern the types & frequencies of displays of emotions that are acceptable

When Jack heard others talking about terrorists attacking NYC, his first reaction was, "No way, that can't be happening." Where does Jack's response fit in Elizabeth Kübler-Ross's stages of grief model?


Ivan Pavlov

established the principles of classical conditioning through his experiments with dogs

When a previously learned behavior disappears b/c the conditioned stimulus is no longer paired w/ the unconditioned stimulus, we call it___.


Which type of persuasion may account for the fact the Jane is willing to drive her friend an hour to the airport after her friend first agreed to only drive her to the store?


Constant worry is a key feature of

generalized anxiety disorder

Leini is constantly worried about nearly everything in her life. She worries she will perform poorly in school, she worries about her health, & she worries about her family & friends. All of the worry makes it hard for her to focus & concentrate. She could possibly be diagnosed with ___

generalized anxiety disorder

Pharrell feels like he is continuously worried about trivial things, so much so, that he feels restless, tense, & irritable. he could possibly be diagnosed with __

generalized anxiety disorder

____ is characterized by a continuous state of excessive, uncontrollable, & pointless worry & apprehension.

generalized anxiety disorder

What is Erikson's primary developmental conflict of middle adulthood?

generatively vs. stagnation

Traumatic events that involve harm by others (combat, rape, & sexual molestation) carry ___ than do other traumas for developing post traumatic stress disorder.

greater risk

The 7 universal emotions are

happiness, surprise, sadness, fright, disgust, contempt, & anger

Individuals suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) show marked reductions in volume of several parts of the ___.


Smaller structures & reduced volume in the ____ is linked w/ PTSD.


According to the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, ____ twins have very similar personalities when ___.

identical together or apart

According to Erik Erikson, the primary developmental dilemma of adolescence is

identity vs. confusion

LaToya's friends drop by her house & insist she join them while they go prank some of the kids at their rival school. She knows she shouldn't go, but hops in the car anyway. Her ____ behavior is better understood if you know about the developing adolescent brain.


According to a study by Raineki, Cortés, Belnoue, & Sullivan (2012), rat pups who experience abuse early in their lives were likely to show depressive behaviors &

increased activation in the amygdala

Aarush is a psychologists from Sri Lanka who developed a personality test that he believes fairly represents & measures the types of traits important to the pole in his country. This follows the ___ approach to the study of personality.


Based on changes in the weather, bears hibernate. This is an EX of an innate behavior, known as a ___.


Sea turtles moving toward the ocean immediately after birth, & joeys moving to the mother's pouch immediately after birth are EX's of ___.


People in early adulthood (20s through early 40s) are ready to est. emotional closeness & maintain relationships w/ others. What is the primary developmental task of this stage?

intimacy vs. isolation

What is Erikson's primary developmental conflict of early adulthood?

intimacy vs. isolation

Acquiring knowledge & skills through experience is called _____.


Mary Claire watches her father bake bread every Sunday afternoon. Eventually, she starts to join him in the kitchen & he shows her the ropes of how it's done. After years of doing this together, Mary Claire decides she wants to open a bakery. This exemplifies


What was the most important takeaway from Ivan Pavlov's experiment w/ dogs?

learning can occur when a conditioned stimulus is paired w/ an unconditioned stimulus

A person w/ low self-efficacy would likely

less confidence in the face of opposition

Monkeys were _____ to develop a fear of fear-relevant stimuli, like toy snakes or a toy crocodile, as they were to fear-irrelevant stimuli, like flowers or a toy rabbit.

more likely

Susan is undergoing chemotherapy, which makers her feel nauseous. Now she feels nauseous the moment she walks into the doctor's office. What is the unconditioned response in this situation?


When Rosalie falls asleep at a park next to an elementary school, the ringing bell wakes her up. She immediately jumps to her feet & starts to pack up her bag b/c she has been conditioned to think the ringing bell signifies the end of class & the need to go somewhere else. When Rosalie was little, before ever attending school, the sound of a bell was a

neutral stimulus

Mahdi locks the door before she goes to bed at night, then checks it exactly 10 more times before she can actually fall asleep. This may be a sign that Mahdi suffers from

obsessive-compulsive disorder

The ____ is an area of the frontal lobe involved in learning & decision-making & the perceived emotional value of things. it plays a critical role in OCD.

orbitofrontal cortex

A ____ is a short period of extreme worry sometimes manifested by an accelerated heart rate, sweating, trembling, choking sensations, hot flashes or chills, dizziness or lightheadedness, fears of losing control or going crazy, & fears of dying.

panic attack

While nearly 1/4 of Americans may experience a panic attack at some point during their lives, in order to be diagnosed w/ a ____ , a person should have attacks along w/ at least 1 month of anxiety & worry about the attacks.

panic disorder

Celebrity endorsements of produces utilize the ____ to persuasion.

peripheral route

The process of changing our attitude toward something based on some kind of communication is called


The James-LAnge theory holds that we experience an emotion first after.

physiological arousal

Brian, an officer in the Air Force, was injured while serving in Iraq. He was involved in a roadside ambush & although he sustained only minor injuries to his arm, one of his soldiers was killed during the gunfire. He has had a hard time sleeping ever since & often has nightmares of the event. He often blames himself for what happened & feels terribly guilty about it all. Brian has symptoms of

post traumatic stress disorder

If cognitive theories of panic disorder are correct, how can you treat panic disorder?

reducing thoughts about catastrophes caused by sensations

If conditioning theories about panic disorder are correct, how might it be treated?

reducing thoughts about catastrophes caused by sensations

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is characterized by obsessions, which are ____ &/or compulsions, which are ___.

repetitive, distressing thoughts repetitive behaviors

In Pavlov's classical experiment with dogs, the unconditioned response is ____ & the conditioned response is ___.

salivation; salivation

Confidence in our own abilities is something Albert Bandura called ____


A person w/ high self-efficacy would likely

set attainable goals

Jonte has such an extreme fear of flying that she almost never gets home to see family in Georgia, ever sine she took a job in New Jersey. Her excessive, distressing, & persistent fear is considered a/an

specific phobia

Darnell was the subject for his in-class demonstrations on classical conditioning. His teacher read through a list of random words, but each time she said the word, "pizza," she squirted him in the face with a water bottle, which caused him to flinch. When talking about pizza later outside of class, he didn't flinch, but then 2 days later, his friend from class said, "Hey Darnell, pizza!" & he flinched with fear. This is an EX of ___.

spontaneous recovery

Sierra & her family are on vacation at the beach. They eat lasagna for dinner & then head out to the waves. Sierra tries boogie boarding & ends up swallowing a mouthful of salt water, which makes her sick to her stomach. The next time someone offers her lasagna, the thoughts of it makes Sierra feel sick. This is an Ex of a/an ____

taste aversion

When participants in study were forced to smile while watching cartoons, they labeled them as even funnier & happier than participants who were frowning. this supports ____

the facial feedback hypothesis

Joe Banks is running for mayor. 1st, he has a team walk through neighborhoods to handout buttons & small fliers. A week later, another team goes by to ask if people would be willing to put small signs in their yards. 2 weeks after that, he goes through the neighborhood to ask for help on voting day. He is using methods of ____.

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon

In the study w/ Little Albert, he was conditioned to fear a rabbit b/c it was paired w/ a frightening sound. In this EX, what was the unconditioned stimulus?

the loud sound

Emotional information is often conveyed through

tone, facial expressions, & body language

The peripheral route to persuasion ___

typically results in less permanent behavior change.

Which component of a classically conditioned behavior automatically elicits a reaction? for Ex, dimming the lights will cause the eyes to dilate.

unconditioned stimulus

Happiness, sadness, fright, & surprise are

universal emotions

Sven eats popcorn every time he goes to the movies. He goes to a new theatre w/ no concessions & finds that his mouth is watering for popcorn the entire time. In this EX, what is the conditioned stimulus?

watching a movie

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