Global Communications Final

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• InterpretiveCommunities&media"cultures"

- Social integration of people/communities of the highest order - Creation of social/cultural communities and networks - Transformative re-examination of the status quo - Privilege the Home

Women are the poorest of all across cultures. They do 67% of the world's work, earn 10% of the world's pay, and own only 1% of the world's land.

Women are the poorest of all across cultures. They do 67% of the world's work, earn 10% of the world's pay, and own only 1% of the world's land.

2nd Language Dominance—

• "National Language" different from the language of the people • Colonial Linguistic ties • English as a "Global Language"

Reel bad arabs: how hollywood vilifies a people

Jack Shaheen


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Modernization Theory (ies) 1950s-2016: The "Soft REVOLUTION"

population explodes

• ThePOWERofNewMediaTechnologies&Techniques

- Realization of the potential of electronic/digital media - Preview of the Future of Global Television/Media

World most expensive phone costs:

Malawi - 56.29% of average monthly earnings Madagascar - 52.55% of average monthly earnings Central African Republic - 51.63% of average monthly earnings

The Sheraton/Hilton Effect: Free Trade Fundamentalism:

"highpriest"offree-tradefundamentalism. InterviewwithFriedman:"IwasspeakingoutinMinnesota--my hometown, in fact -- and guy stood up in the audience, said, 'Mr. Friedman, is there any free trade agreement you'd oppose?' I said, 'No, absolutely not.' I said, 'You know what, sir? I wrote a column supporting the CAFTA, the Caribbean Free Trade initiative. I didn't even know what was in it. I just knew two words: free trade.'"

Egyptian Film Industry

1950s-1970s Golden Age 100-200 Films per year Genres: Action Adventure "Westerns" Sahara Bedouin PoliticalCritique Drama/Melodrama Romance Comedy Musicals Historical Cairo = "Hollywood" of the Middle East SET the STAGE for Pan- Arabic Films for ALL Arab speakers and Muslims Technically Professional Creative/Artistic License "hybridized" fusion

Harold Adams Innis Bio

A non-conformist scholar— interdisciplinary The University of Chicago, School of Sociology (under Lewis Mumford, Robert Park, George Herbert Meade -economics combined with symbolic interactionalism) Completed his PhD. at the University of Chicago in 2 years. Innis' dissertation focused on the history of TECHNOLOGY. Specifically, the impact of the railway (as a technology) in creating Canadian Society (economics, culture, communication). A "structuralist." He looked at the underlying structures (foundational pillars) that shaped culture. One of the original "founders" of GLOBAL Media and Communication as an academic discipline. InnisMarshall McLuhan American/European Media, Comm, Cultural Studies, etc

Types of pseudo-events From the obvious to the not so obvious.

A press release issued by a company or organization to drum up ideas or language for marketing/branding value. Photo ops are considered a type of media event, where the event is orchestrated for the sole purpose of photography for the media. A news/press conference is often held when an organization has an announcement and wants members of the press to get the announcement simultaneously. The in-person events may include interviews, questioning, and show-and-tell. A planned presentation or speech such as on company earnings or the President's State of the Union Address is a form of media event. A news story about a projected future happening/event. An interview, if conducted for the purpose of generating media coverage of a particular person, event, or issue. A protest or rally may be planned almost exclusively for the purpose of getting media attention to an issue or cause. The Selfie. The Facebook photo op

DOHA, QATAR: Media Hubs in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

British protectorate until 1971 More than 15% of the world's proven gas reserves. Home to Al-Jazeera (Middle East based World News Provider) Elections in 1999: Qatari women were allowed to vote and stand for office. Highest GDP in the world 2015 = $143,038 2nd lowest unemployment rate Reporters w/o Borders Press Freedom index 74-113

Harm DeBlij

Friedman's "Flat World" is ABSURD! Instead, the world has a Rough REALLY ROUGH Landscape. Geographic PLACE ALWAYS plays a HUGE determining factor in your opportunities LARGE portions of the world's population (over 50%) are NOT part of the Global Village, nor do they even know what it is. One WORLD THEORY (and SMALL WORLD theory) is ABSURD! We are geographically and culturally extremely diverse— Economics, Health, Education, Linguistics, Daily life, etc

Anthony D. Smith

London School of Economics Sociologist Interdisciplinary - Global Problems/Issues are complex, and therefore, require multi-disciplinary approaches for any understanding or solutions. Smith'sFocal points: Ethnicity, Culture, Nationalism Ideology formation IDENTITY formation and POWER

Robin Wright's Ideas

The Middle East is at the CENTER of GLOBAL Geo-Political COMMUNICATION The U.S. leadership (Pentagon, Congress, Presidential Admin from both parties) does not have a clue about what is really goingoninmiddleeasternandlargelyMuslimsocieties. They are operating on the advice of middle eastern exiles/expats who haven't been in their home countries for years. The majority of Muslims (young and old) are shying away from extremism and extremist/violent groups (i.e. Hamas, Al Quaeda). Authoritarian and Extremist groups STILL HOLD major power positions and won't go down easily. Youth populations are rapidly embracing technology and global information networks over violence as tools for social change. Muslims are finding that terrorism doesn't win wars, but intimidates peoples into extreme acts. The jihadis have failed to provide anything constructive for positive social change. Many Muslims have integrated seamlessly into American society, taking positions in Congress, women's professional basketball, and surgical teams. Wright's Arguments about new media technologies in the Middle East (Scent of Jasmine) 1. Optimism of positive real political, economic, and cultural change vs. Pessimism, cynicism/nihilism, violence. 2. Global News focus: War, Conflict, ViolenceStandard news stereotypes 3. Pop culturePoliticsDissent (MUSIC, fashion, entertainment are important vehicles of dissent.) 4. POWER of Social and MOBILE Media Networks for POLITICAL PURPOSE (2008-2014) —Speed of organization via mobile/social media • YouTube, Facebook, Texting, Twitter—tools for gathering, communication, dissent. • Hard to censor (at least initially) • Gender! The rights and views of women • Dissent/Violence/Backlash can become communicated GLOBALLY as it is happening!

Linguistic Diversity

There are approximately 6,900 living languages generally recognized today. Of these, 6,000 have registered population figures. List of the top 10 languages: 1. Mandarin 885 million speakers 2. Spanish 332 million speakers 3. English 322 million speakers 4. Bengali 189 million speakers 5. Hindi 182 million speakers 6. Arabic 175 million speakers** 7. Portuguese 170 million speakers 8. Russian 170 million speakers 9. Japanese 125 million speakers 10. German 98 million speakers 11. Wu 77 million speakers **There are many different types of Arabic. Egyptian Arabic is the most widely spoken with approximately 42 million speakers.

Wade Davis Focal Points:

Worldwide indigenous cultures AND THE Preservation of Global Cultural Diversity. Ethnobotany (from ethnology, study of culture, and botany, study of plants) is the scientific study of the relationships that exist between people and plants. Cultural Rituals/Patterns of Behavior—Food, medicine, intoxicants, spiritual transcendants, etc. Beliefs, myths, magic, narrative traditions, media Comparative Culture Codes — tatoos, piercings, fashion, grafitti, body language, verbal/non-verbal communication Language and Culture Sustainable cultural interactions with local biological environments

American Global Ignorance?! What can/should be done? • Facts:

~25-30% of Americans have a college degree Less than 20% of Americans have a passport. Less than 10% have used it for places other than Europe, Canada, and the Caribbean. Top 3 Travel Destinations for Americans - Disneyland/World - Las Vegas - NYC (Times Square) • News Readership?

Harold Adams Innis Foundational Arguments

#1 Media & Communication Techniques and Technologies serve as one of the most culturally transformative (and under-examined) forces of historical change for ALL cultures. #2 If you want to truly understand the transformation of human society and civilizations ON A GLOBAL SCALE, then you must examine the (1) ECOLOGY/MIX of media technologies, (2) the BIASES that they instill, and (3) intended and UN-intended consequences

Daniel Boorstin: Pseudo-Events

& Pseudo-Events Background: American Writer, Theorist, World Historian (1914-2004) Lawyer and Professor at the University of Chicago for 25 years Wrote over 25 books on topics of American media, history, exploration, genius, creativity, art, etc. Pulitzer Prize 1974. Librarian of Congress (Presidential Appointment) 1975 -1987 The Image:A Guide to Pseudo-events in America (1961) • Focus: The roles of Mass Media in American Social and Political Life. • Central ConceptThe evolution media-induced Pseudo-Events: Definition #1: An event or activity that exists for the sole purpose of media coverage or publicity. It may also include any event that is covered in the mass media or was hosted largely with the media in mind. Definition #2: pseudo events are usually: dramatic, planned, repeatable, social, cause other pseudo- events, and give a mass sentiment that one must know about it to be considered "informed."

MEGASPECTACLES-GlobalAudiences-Global History/Ceremony/Ritual

- Attracts the largest audiences in the history of the world - These MEGA SPECTACLE + GLOBAL MEDIA Events are Increasing - GLOBAL SPORTS function as a central catalyst for mega media events (Olympics, World Cup, Cricket). - Overcoming conventional geo-politics - Intense Public opinion/involvement - History in the Making

Everett Roger

- Diffusion Theory (1980) Background: Rogers background was in AGRICULTURE. Many of his initial ideas revolved around spreading industrial agricultural technologies to increase food production. Focus: How can developing countries "leapfrog" from "developing" nations into first world status through COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES and the DIFFUSION of mass technologies and mass media. Idealized Information Flows: More Media More Free Flow of Information More Freedom (But is this really true?)


- Reality is uprooted - Framing of narrative spectacle on a Global Scale - Hegemony - Neo-romantic desire for HEROISM - Media Events become civil ceremonial/ritualistic "Holidays" with the power to conquer time & space

Ithiel de Sola Poo

--"The role of communication in the process of modernization and technological change." (1963); Technologies of Freedom (1984)

most watched mv of all time

1. "Gangnam Style"[7] 2. "Blank Space"[8] 3. "See You Again"[9] 4. "Uptown Funk"[10] 5. "Shake It Off"[11] 6. "Baby"[12] 7. "Bailando"[13] 8. "Dark Horse"[14] 9. "All About That Bass"[15] 10. "Roar"[16]

Perceived characteristics of innovations. How likely those potential adopters are to move from awareness to adoption.

1. 2. relative advantage (the 'degree to which an innovation is perceived as being better than the idea it supersedes); compatibility (the degree to which an innovation is perceived to be consistent with the existing values, past experiences and needs of potential adopters); complexity ('the degree to which an innovation is perceived as difficult to use'); 4. trialability ('the opportunity to experiment with the innovation on a limited basis'); and observability ('the degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others').

5 Stages of Innovation Adoption

1. AwarenessInitial interest 2. EvaluationSelf Needs/Expectations 3. PurchaseTrial/Learning Curve 4. Adoption 5. Habitual Life Ritual

Friedman's 7 Major "Flatteners"

1. Collapse of Berlin Wall --11/'89: The event not only symbolized the end of the Cold war, it allowed people from other side of the wall to join the economic mainstream. 2. Web Browsers --Internet Explorer/Netscape/Safari: Browsers and the Web broadened the audience for the Internet from its roots as a communications medium used primarily by 'early adopters and geeks' to something that made the Internet accessible to everyone from five-year-olds to ninety-five-year olds. 3. Open sourcing: Communities uploading and collaborating on online projects. Examples include open source software, blogs, and Wikipedia. Friedman considers the phenomenon "the most disruptive force of all." 4. Outsourcing: Friedman argues that outsourcing has allowed companies to split service and manufacturing activities into components which can be subcontracted and performed in the most efficient, cost-effective way. 5. Off-shoring: The internal relocation of a company's manufacturing or other processes to a foreign land in order to take advantage of less costly operations there. China's entrance in the WTO allowed for greater competition in the playing field. Now countries such as Malaysia, Mexico, Brazil must compete against China and each other to have businesses offshore to them. 6. the In-forming TECHNOLOGIES: Google, Yahoo, Baidu (China), Yandex (Russia) and other search engines are the prime example. "Never before in the history of the planet have so many people-on their own-had the ability to find so much information about so many things and about so many other people." 7. The TECHNOLOGY "Steroids" : Personal digital devices like mobile phones, iPods, personal digital assistants, instant messaging, and voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).


1. GLOBAL Reverence and Ceremony: Funerals, Hearings, Weddings, Revolutionary Changes, Sporting Events 2. "Normative" viewing = "MANDATORY viewing" 3. Symbolic SPECTACLE Acts = Reflect certain CORE values and RULES of society 4. Interruptions of daily life and media routine = cancellation of regular media and life routines 5. Suspension of the critical Tend to be objects of SELF-WORSHIP 6. Monopolistic Hegemonic 7. Live events (en-direct), but HIGHLY STAGED and rehearsed and preplanned 8. "Outside of the studio" locations (CONTROL) 9. Collusion btw Organizers (Public, Govt, other) and Broadcasters 10.Reconcilliation + Celebration = Renewal of Loyalty to culture, media, each other.

Anthony D. Smith's Arguments about Global Culture!

1. Global culture is an "artificial" cultural construct largely promoted by way of: - Television-Seductive visuals, music, commentary - Marketing tools/ploys to sell the idea of global harmony in order to sell products or ideologies. **This global culture artiface has grown exponentially with digital media— Mobile Media, Global Advertising, Social Media--YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, etc. 2. Global Culture is an illusionary and largely "optimistic ideal which glosses over HUGE differences created by ethnicity, nationalism, race, language, culture, religion, etc. in ONE WORLD HARMONIUS UNITY.

Top 5 Computer Vendors 2015

1. Lenovo 19.7% 2. HP 19.2% 3. Dell 13.6% 4. Asus 7.3% 5. Apple 7.2% 6. Acer Inc. 7.0% 7. Others 26.9%


1. The FREEDOMS to control and develop one's own destinies. Implies a moral necessity to have it as a cornerstone of free will and the democratic process. 2. The quality and the reality of having independent authority over a geographic area, as well as the systems and processes of governance (economic, political, & cultural) 3. MEDIA SOVEREIGNTY usually refers to the capability to produce and control one's own media and communications systems AS WELL AS the INFORMATION/content WITHOUT outside interference.

"Media" = TRIPLE Meaning:

1. The Technologies used to transmit information/messages—Books, TVs, Satellites, Fiber optics, computers 2. The Organizations, People, & Services (e.g., BBC, Microsoft, FaceBook, Google, Associated Press, Oprah, John Stewart, Gaga, United Nations, Corporations, Governments, Journalists, PR/Advertising, etc.) 3. The "interactions," "transactions," and resulting "resonance" that happen during and b/c of media use/consumption.

The Institutions of "Modernization" Organizational BACKING of the Soft POWER WAR for Hearts and Minds

1. The USA Government Massive Foreign Aid: LOANSFor TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT 3. The United Nations and associated I-NGOs Marshall Plann (Pres. Truman) Ties to the State Department (U.S. Foreign Policy) • US State Dept. - USAID - USIA--United States Information Agency - The Peace Corps - Embassies, Consulates, American Organizations/Unions •UNICEF •UNDP •(UNESCO)--Internationalized Efforts for World-wide Development • Department of Defense (DOD) • Intelligence Community: CIA, NSA, FBI Voice of America 2. The World Banking Trinity i. The World Bank ii. The International Monetary Fund iii.The World Trade Organization Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, Yale, UPenn, Stanford, CalTech 5. Private BUSINESS-Media-PR-Marketing Corporations & Lobbying Groups

Worlds Largest Corporations

1. Walmart 2. Sinopec Group 3. Royal Dutch Shell 4. China National Petroleum 5. Exxon Mobil 6. BP 7. State Grid 8. Mobil

Globalization of Music Top 10 Music Videos on YouTube 2015

1. Wiz Khalifa, "See You Again (ft. Charlie Puth)" Total views: 1,166,000,000 2. Maroon 5, "Sugar" Total views: 872,000,000 3. Ellie Goulding, "Love Me Like You Do" Total views: 809,000,000 4. Major Lazer & DJ Snake, "Lean On (ft. MØ)"Total views: 794,000,000 5. Taylor Swift, "Bad Blood (ft. Kendrick Lamar)" Total views: 634,000,000 6. David Guetta, "Hey Mama (ft. Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack)" Total views: 458,000,000 7. Sia, "Elastic Heart" Total views: 450,000,000 8. Fifth Harmony, "Worth It (ft. Kid Ink)" Total views: 422,000,000 9. Adele, "Hello" ->Total views: 414,000,000 10.Silentó,"WatchMe(Whip/NaeNae)"Total views:410,000,000

Perceived characteristics of innovations.

1. relative advantage (the 'degree to which an innovation is perceived as being better than the idea it supersedes); 3. 4. 5. 2. compatibility (the degree to which an innovation is perceived to be consistent with the existing values, past experiences and needs of potential adopters); complexity ('the degree to which an innovation is perceived as difficult to use'); trialability ('the opportunity to experiment with the innovation on a limited basis'); and observability ('the degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others').

Popular Culture studies

1.Culture Industries and Patterns of Behavior associated with Fashion Celebrity Fads/Trends Popular books/fiction Magazines Movies Music Sports Video Games Food 2.Media and Communication systems (both the Technologies AND Techniques) 3.The SYMBOLS and trends of POPULAR CULTURE 4.AUDIENCES and Identities (Mass and individuals) 5.ENCULTURATION & Socialization Processes 6.The blending & bridging of culture-politics-economics

Not-So Small World Arguments AGAINST a Small World Theory

1.Linguistic Diversity 2. Economic$ Living wage vs. Disposable Income 3. International Travel Barriers 4. Limited Access to Electricity 5. Access to Clean Water 6. Cultural Diversity and Cultural Complexity 7. Limited Access to Education/Literacy 8. gender equality

Cairo-wood's Decline 1975-2000

1.Nationalization (Strong Government Intervention)Formula films 2.Broadcast Television (1970s) Cable TV/Satellite TV 3.Differentiation of MEDIA CULTURES emerging throughout MENA (Saudi, Turkey, Lebanon, UAE, and others) 4.Competition with Hollywood "Global Blockbuster system"VCR and DVD

What the world eats

100 diets around the world peter menzel

20% - 1.2 billion people - of the world's people exist on less than $1 per day.

20% - 1.2 billion people - of the world's people exist on less than $1 per day.

happiest place on earth?

95% of Bhutanese people claim to be very happy

Wade Davis

Canadian (British Columbia) • Formal Education: (Harvard) • Disciplines: anthropologist, ethnobotanist, and photographer, filmmaker. • Explorer-in-Residence at the National Geographic Society. • Professional speaker. • Recent work in East Africa, Borneo, Nepal, Peru, Polynesia, Tibet, Mali, Benin, Togo, New Guinea, Australia, Colombia, Vanuatu, Mongolia and the high Arctic of Nunuvut (Canada) and Greenland. • Recent TV Series: National Geographic four-hour series, Ancient Voices/Modern World: Australia, Mongolia, and Colombia

Robin Wright

Arab Spring, The Middle East & The World Social, Political, and Communication Change in the Middle East Background • B.A. from University of Michigan • American foreign affairs analyst, journalist and author. • Big Picture Perspective: Worked in The Middle East, Europe, Africa, and as a roving foreign correspondent in Latin America and Asia. Reported from 140 Countries U.S. foreign policy for The Washington Post Written for The Los Angeles Times, The Sunday Times of London, CBS News and The Christian Science Monitor. Currently works for THE NEW YORKER and serves as a Middle East "Expert" for Global TV

Media Development/Evolution in Bhutan

BCMD—TheBhutanCentre for Media and Democracy • GrassrootsMEDIA EDUCATION INSTITUTION • NationalFunding! • MediaNOMADSProjectK- 12 + • NationalTeachersCollege

Thomas Friedman bio

Born: July 20, 1953 St. Louis Park, Minnesota Residence: Bethesda, Maryland Occupation: Popular Author/Columnist/Speaker for The New York Times Education: B.A. from Brandeis (1971) M.A.: University of Oxford on a Marshall scholarship, M.Phil. (Ph.D.) in Middle Eastern Studies Works: 1981: United Press International London; Beirut, Lebanon 1982: The New York Times as a reporter, and was re- dispatched to Beirut at the start of the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. 1984 to 1988: NYTimes Reporter in Jerusalem, and received a second Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the First Palestinian Intifada. 1990: First Book, From Beirut to Jerusalem, describing his experiences in the Middle East. 1992: Friedman becomes the NYTimes White House correspondent 2000: Book: Lexus and the Olive Tree

Jonah Kessel


WORLD Television: Most Watched TV

Ceremony: Michael Jackson's funeral (July 2009) was seen by 2.5 to 3 billion people worldwide. • Sports: The 2010 & 2014 FIFA World Cup Final = 1.75~2.0 billion people worldwide. • Sports: The 2008 Olympic Games China= up to 4.7 billion individual viewers (70% of World's Population) • News: The rescue of the 33 trapped Chilean miners in 2010 = 1 billion people worldwide. • 2011 & 2015 Cricket World Cup= India vs. Pakistan = 1 Billion households in 182 countries. • Festival: China Central Television = 500-800mil for Spring Festival Gala and Xinwen Lianbo


Cold War Political Alignments/Divisions: 1945-2000WARSAW PACT Countires--Soviet Union, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia...

The NON-Aligned Nations Non-Aligned Countries

Cold War Political Alignments/Divisions: 1945-2000 Countries which were either no invited to be part of NATO or the WARSAW Pact or whic had decided not to become affiliated with the either NATO or WARSAW nations. Non-Aligned Countries include over 80 countries and account for nearly 70% of the world's population. India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Colombia, Thailand, Egypt...


Cold War Political Alignments/Divisions: 1945-2000 NATO Countries (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)--U.S., Britain, Canada, France, West Germany, Italy, Turkey...

Pseudo Event

Daniel Boorstin Definition #1: An event or activity that exists for the sole purpose of media coverage or publicity. It may also include any event that is covered in the mass media or was hosted largely with the media in mind. Definition #2: pseudo events are usually: dramatic, planned, repeatable, social, cause other pseudo- events, and give a mass sentiment that one must know about it to be considered "informed."

Traditional People/Society

Daniel Lerner 1. Entrenched in Past/Tradition 2. Conservative/dogmatic 3. Unchangingfatalistic 4. Value Nature over Technology 5. Inefficient (Time/approach) Slow 6. Non-scientificnon- technical/rational "Backward" 7. IrrationalFEARFUL


Daniel Lerner• 1.Time allocation and TIME management—FUTURE DIRECTED. Ultimate belief in upward mobility and PROGRESS! 2.Efficiency trumps all other concerns 3.IndividualisticEGO driven/Optimistic 4. IndustrialUrbanTECHNOLOGICAL 5. Entrepreneurial/Promotional 6.Rational (quantitative, math, science, and linear logic) 7."Psychic Mobility" > Empathy--Psychological Projection of one's self onto another > Time = $$$ > Urban, Industrialized, and Cosmopolitan-- >Future Looking > Linear Passage from traditional to modernized

Critiques of Friedman and his Arguments

Economic Class: Elite of the Elite • Friedman's individual Net worth: ~$50 million USD • Wife: Ann Bucksbaum heiress to General Growth Properties (shopping mall development) Forbes estimates Bucksbaum family's assets at $4.1 billion, including about 18.6 million square meters of mall space. • Friedman's home in Bethesda, Maryland. The July 2006 issue of Washingtonian reported that they own "a palatial 11,400-square- foot house, currently valued at $9.3 million, on a 71⁄2-acre parcel just blocks from Bethesda Country Club." The Sheraton/Hilton Effect: Free Trade Fundamentalism: "highpriest"offree-tradefundamentalism. InterviewwithFriedman:"IwasspeakingoutinMinnesota--my hometown, in fact -- and guy stood up in the audience, said, 'Mr. Friedman, is there any free trade agreement you'd oppose?' I said, 'No, absolutely not.' I said, 'You know what, sir? I wrote a column supporting the CAFTA, the Caribbean Free Trade initiative. I didn't even know what was in it. I just knew two words: free trade.'"

Key Idea: Dominant Media TECHNOLOGIES (DMTs) within a Society

Every culture, nation, or empire relies upon a small set of DOMINANT MEDIA Techniques and/or INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (DMTS) through which essential elements of information are communicated to that culture. The Dominant Media/Information TECHNOLOGY (DMT) = Is one that the majority of people in a society uses or relies upon regularly to stay "connected" to their culture. The DMT is the media source that the MAJOR messages (political, economic, social) must conform to in order to reach a critical portion of a society's mass audience. The DMTs are the MAJOR culture PRODUCERS in a society. (Identity, Knowledge, Fashion, Politics, etc.) Cultural/Political/Economic POWER. Those who control and/or best manipulate a DMT are the groups which control informational power in a society. The DMT can vary widely between cultures (Japan vs. Mali) and within cultures (Urban vs. Rural). Competition vs. Change-There is a constant competition between media forms going on all of the time in every society over which will deliver important information to the masses. However. the DMT in a culture does NOT shift very quickly.

Bhutan: Some Fast Facts

Himalayas = In between India- China-Nepal Flight into Bhutan: Left side of the plane Highest unclimbed mountain in the world 25,000ft - Gangkhar Puensum Population: ~ 708,000 Capital of Thimphu: about the size of Burlington ~ 8,000 feet elevation Monarchy: Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck + 2008: Bhutan Becomes a Democracy GNH- Gross National Happiness Last Tantric Buddhist country in the world Farming: ~79% of the Population Arable Land: 8% Hydro-Electricity—India No foreign tourists allowed in until 1975

Daniel Dayan

Social scientist born in Casablanca, Morocco. He is Director of Research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris. French/Moroccan. Focus: Visual mass media: (1) the anthropology of television (2) the aesthetics of cinema and (3) the sociology of journalism.

Media Development

Increasing the quantity AND improving the QUALITYof the available kinds of media, USEFUL INFORMATION, or means of communication. Implied notion of progress.

Computers 'do not improve' pupil results, says OECD By Sean Coughlan

Investing heavily in school computers and classroom technology does not improve pupils' performance, says a global study from the OECD. The think tank says frequent use of computers in schools is more likely to be associated with lower results.


Jeremy Rifkin 1. 21st Century Technologies have become incredibly efficient at producing, manufacturing, and replicating products! 2.The "Marginal" Cost to manufacturers of goods in some areas is minimal (or in some cases $0). 3.Traditional Pricing of goods is no longer bound by cost of manufacturing an item 4.Global Capitalism is being transformed Commons vs. Competition, Sharing, Collectives, Aid, Profit, etc.

Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) is Saudi Arabia's $100 billion attempt to use its vast oil wealth to build a 21st century city from scratch • Red Sea Port (Suez) • Oil • Education • Finance • Tourism • Religion

Harold Innis Key Idea:

Knowledge MONOPOLIES Every culture or nation develops an elite set of KNOWLEDGE MONOPOLIES which have tremendous power over the information flows of a culture. Knowledge Monopolies = A small group of people who have learned the SKILLS and have the ECONOMIC clout necessary to use and gain EXCLUSIVE CONTROL over the development and evolution of a society's dominant communication or information technologies. Agenda Setting: Those knowledge monopolies continually try to shape at least three areas in your life: • What you do with your time • What kinds of information you do or don't receive (filters), and • HOW you think about events, people, places, time itself. Culture Creators/Shapers: Knowledge Monopolies are the primary creators and communicators of culture as a "product." They tell us about what our culture is and then sell us the products/ideas associated with that cultural notion.

World according to Sesame Street

Linda Knowlton and Linda Costigan

world's cheapest phone costs:

Macau, China - 0.11% of average monthly earnings Hong Kong, China - 0.18 % of average monthly earnings Denmark - 0.19% of average monthly earnings

Wilbur Schramm

Mass Media and National Development (1964)

Ideological Corporate Capitalistic Perspective:

Media Control must be in the hands of private companies and individuals (i.e. NOT collective communities or governments). IBM, Apple, Cisco, Disney, 20th Century Fox, Gannett, Intel, NBC, CBS, etc. Approach: Persuade/Make people use mass media technologies across an entire population! INSTILL THE NOTION THAT MEDIA = PERSONAL or INDIVIDUAL FREEDOMS. Major media: Radio, Television, Phones, Newspapers, Film

The Political-Economic Equation

Modernization (Tech/Ideological) Economic "Free Market" Capitalism Social/Cultural Progress American Democratic Practices Stable and Sustainable National Development

More than 3 billion people exist on less than $3 per day ($90month/$1,000yr) (World Bank)

More than 3 billion people exist on less than $3 per day ($90month/$1,000yr) (World Bank)

News Magazines & the Imagistic Framing

News Magazines & the Imagistic Framing • Bias #1: Nationalistic/Patriotic Political Bias-- News Media almost always reinforce the Government on foreign policy issues. News Patriotism • Bias #2: Corporate Consumer Culture Bias: AudiencesAdvertisers: However, they profit from larger news readership 70%-30% split (ads vs. news). • Bias #3: News slants create/reinforce Mainstream Cultural Biases/Viewpoints • Bias #4: Dramatic/Confrontational Bias: Divisional and Oppositional Polemics conveyed through IMAGES, HEADLINES, and EDITORIAL SLANTS of ARTICLES 1.Gender: Womenvs.Men 2. Politics: Conservative vs. Liberal 3. Age: Children - Tweens - Adults - Elderly 4. Religion: Believers vs. Non-believers 5. Race: Black vs. White 6. Masters of Society vs. Common People 7. US (Americans) vs. Them


Only 7 Computer manufacturers make 95% of ALL the world's computers. Quanta (Taiwan) 33% of all laptops Foxconn electronics

The TRANSFORMATIVE POWER of Media and Communication TECHNIQUES & TECHNOLOGIES across cultures

Our media techniques & technologies constantly FILTER & SHAPE both our INFORMATIONAL DIETS and our BEHAVIORAL LIVES in largely "invisible" ways. 1.Normalization" most mainstream media devices become quickly "normalized." That is the more they are used or promoted, the more they appear "normal," "common-place, " and largely UNQUESTIONED. 2.HABITUAL MEDIA USE"Invisibility" a. WearelargelyUNCONSCIOUSofourmediaconsuminghabits! b. People DO NOT tend to earnestly question their communication devices, habits, or the people who control such devices or media technologies. c. MEDIAINFLUENCEoftengoesunnoticedbythegeneralpopulaceatboth an individual level and a mass level. 3.HABITS OF MINDINFORMATION CONFIRMATION BIAS: People tend to rely on sources of information which simply confirm what they already believe. We tend to create information "bubbles." This tends to lead to conservative HABITS OF MIND

Pakistani sisters the Justin Bibi's

Pakistani sisters the Justin Bibi's

Doc Photography: A Global Family Portraits: The Food and Stuff of Our Lives

Peter Menzel & Faith D'Aluisio

Hole in the Wall India

Rajendra Rawar

Daniel Lerner--

Research Concept: Defining a "Modern Man" and a "Modernized Society."

Strong Link between Literacy and Economics$$: 50-70% Wage loss if you can't read/write

Strong Link between Literacy and Economics$$: 50-70% Wage loss if you can't read/write

Symbolic Ecology/Environments

Symbolic Ecology/Environments Humans are "hard-wired" for symbol/meaning making. The Ecology of Symbols We live in a Petri Dish of evolving symbols/systems. "Audience Studies"- Using the tools of sociology and anthropology to study how people are REALLY using media

Nicholas Negroponte

Taking OLPC , One Laptop per child, to Colombia

who Runs the Internet Anyway? (And why it is NOT culturally neutral)

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN): A private nonprofit corporation in Marina del Rey, California. It took over the management of the internet from the U.S. Government (DoD) in 1998. ICANN manages the Internet's Domain Name System (DNS) and correct IP addresses. 2. U.S. Dept of Commerce (DOC) gives ICANN the limited right to make policy for the internet. 3. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF): An international organization with an open membership policy that has several working groups. Each working group concentrates on a specific topic, such as Internet security. Collectively, these working groups try to maintain the Internet's architecture and stability. 4. The Internet Architecture Board (IAB): An IETF committee, the IAB's mission is to oversee the design of Internet protocols and standards. 5. Upstream internet providers: •UUNETLevel 3,Verizon,AT&T,qwest,Sprint,IBM

United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a federation of seven states formed in 1971 by the then Trucial States after independence from Britain. Full name: United Arab Emirates • Population: 9.4 million (UN, 2014) • Capital: Abu Dhabi • Largest city: Dubai • Area: 77,700 sq km (30,000 sq miles) • Major language: Arabic • Major religion: Islam • Life expectancy: 77 years (men), 79 years (women) (UN) • Main exports: Oil, gas • PPP Purchasing Power Parity: US $67,720 (World Bank, 2006) ________DUBAI________tourism for the elite (workers rights strike)

Cold War Political Alignments/Divisions: 1945-2000

The WEST NATO Countries (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)--U.S., Britain, Canada, France, West Germany, Italy, Turkey... The EAST WARSAW PACT Countires--Soviet Union, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia... The NON-Aligned Nations Non-Aligned Countries--Countries which were either no invited to be part of NATO or the WARSAW Pact or whic had decided not to become affiliated with the either NATO or WARSAW nations. Non-Aligned Countries include over 80 countries and account for nearly 70% of the world's population. India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Colombia, Thailand, Egypt...

Jeremy Rifkin ideas

The ZERO MARGINAL COST SOCIETY & -all humans/primates are soft-wired with mirror neurons so that if we observe others we can feel what you're doing the same neurons line up as if its happening to me. -soft wired for sociability, attachment, affection, companionship, and our first drive is to belong -empathy: can we extend our empathy to the human race, creatures, biosphere? Save us, save planet 2 empathize is 2 civilize

DEVELOPMENT ------>Sovereignty

The ability to progress in ways and at a rate which is chosen by and benefit a nation's citizens. This implies a BREAK from older colonial power and an overcoming large scale inequalities (gender, economic, political, age, etc.) , insecurities (food, political, fear, etc.). HOWEVER, it may not actually be true!

Common Euphemisms/Synonyms of Modernism

Third World • Poor • Untechnological • Inefficient • Anti-business • Anti-Western • Backward • Impoverished • Poverty Stricken • Illiterate • Stone Age • Natives • Unable to help themselves

The World is Flat

Thomas Friedman Book: The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century Arguments: "WorldFlattening"=Ametaphorforviewingthe world as a level playing field in terms of commerce, where all people and economic competitors have an equal opportunity Flatteningalsorepresentsaperceptualshift required for countries, companies and individuals to remain competitive in a global market. Historical and geographical divisions are becoming increasingly irrelevant.

Globalization 3.0

Thomas Friedman Globalization 1.0: A period in which countries and governments were the main protagonists (1492-1800s) Globalization 2.0: A period in which multinational companies led the way in driving global integration (1820-2000) Globalization 3.0: Our current period in which international market flattening has occurred as a result of a convergence of personal computer penetration worldwide with fiber-optic micro cable with the rise of work flow software. (2000+)

MEDIA HUBS in The Modern Middle East:

UAE, Qatar, Cairo, Beirut

Modernization Theory Media-Communication-Technology 1960s-Present (After Lerner)

Wilbur Schramm -- Mass Media and National Development (1964) Ithiel de Sola Pool --"The role of communication in the process of modernization and technological change." (1963); Technologies of Freedom (1984) Everett Rogers -- Diffusion Theory (1980)

Pirnima McCutcheon

design like you give a damn (India) Architects for humanity

filter bubbles

eli parser

schooling the world

Schooling the world: the white man's last burden

jim hurst and carol black

Elihu Katz

media events Sociologist Focus: the interplay between mediaconversationopinionACTUAL ACTION in the public sphere. Mentored by Paul Lazarsfeld (Columbia University)-The social science of MASS and inter- personal communication. Inspired by Anwar Sadat's (Egytian leader 1970s) peace-making initiatives between Egypt & Israel. Katz and Daniel Dayan began assembling a library of those live broadcasts of historic occasions that enthralled a whole nation or the world.

Al Jazeera

• 1996: Al Jazeera Satellite Channel following the closure of the BBC's Arabic language TV station. The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Khalifa, provided a loan of ($137 million). • 1999: Al Jazeera's first day of 24-hour broadcasting • 2000: Nightly viewership at 35 million across the Arab world. • 2001: Qatar "officially" allows private satellite dishes. Al Jazeera launches free Arabic language web site. TV available in UK via British Sky Broadcasting. • Sept 11, 2001 Afghanistan Iraq War (2003): Al Jazeera gains global audiences as a direct alternative to CNN, BBC, and all other western media outlets. • 2003 Al Jazeera develops a sports channel. 23 bureaus around the world and 70 foreign correspondents world wide. News sharing with BBC. • 2006: Al Jazeera International—Global English Language Channel/Web Site. • 2008: Israel announces a "boycott" and sanctions of Al Jazeera for biased coverage of Palestine. • 2013: Al Jazeera purchases Current TV (Al Gore) and develops Al Jazeera AMERICA. • 2013: 22 members of staff of Al Jazeera's Egyptian bureau announced their resignation citing biased coverage of the ongoing Egyptian power redistribution • 2015 +: Al Jazeera SPANISH, Al Jazeera Urdu, Al Jazeera Kiswahili, Al Jazeera TURK

WORLD Television: Most Watched TV

• Ceremony: Michael Jackson's funeral (July 2009) was seen by 2.5 to 3 billion people worldwide. • Sports: The 2010 & 2014 FIFA World Cup Final = 1.75~2.0 billion people worldwide. • Sports: The 2008 Olympic Games China= up to 4.7 billion individual viewers (70% of World's Population) • News: The rescue of the 33 trapped Chilean miners in 2010 = 1 billion people worldwide. • 2011 & 2015 Cricket World Cup= India vs. Pakistan = 1 Billion households in 182 countries. • Festival: China Central Television = 500-800mil for Spring Festival Gala and Xinwen Lianbo


• ICT = Information and Communication Technologies • STI = Science Technology & Innovation • ImportantResources: 1. Reportersw/oBorders 2. UNESCO Reports and Research Data 3. GlobalRoadWarrior

Media Evolution & "Development" in Bhutan

• LARGER TRANSFORMATIONS - Compulsory Education - 58% Literacy - Dzongkha + Nepali + Tshangla + Engish - 1970s to Present: Electricity - Bhutan gets first stoplight - Bhutan Takes down only stoplight - 60% of population is under 25 • 21ST CENTURY Media Transformations: - 1999: Television Enters (Satellite TV 45200 Channels) - 2000: The Web/Internet - 2005: Cell Phone Telecom - 1970s to Present: Electricity to rural areas - Bhutan gets first stoplight - Bhutan Takes down only stoplight - 2010: The Credit Card arrives! • Urban/Rural Divide • Nepalize Minority • GLOBAL TOURISM!!!

Media/Technology Adoption :

• Media Adoption Approach: - (1)Innovators - (2) Early Adopters - (3) Opinion Leaders - (4)Mass Adopters - (5)LateAdopters - (6)Laggards/Non conformists

BEIRUT, LEBANON: Media Hubs in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

• Paris of the Middle East! • French Colonial Influence • Riviera Opulence on the Mediterranean • MULTI-CULTURAL • Multi-Religious • Night clubs, Movies, Media civil war 1980s 2012 tourism media business. art architecture media music tourism.

Cultural Stereotypes and Story Telling

• Stereotypes are a central part of ALL stories • Quick/Identifiablequickest "meaning- making" comes out of oppositional forces • Dramatic Tension • Represent the Extremes of our Cultural Biases • Largely "normed" and therefore invisible - Information Overload + - Quick Stories + - Lack of context - Unidimensional + - Uninformed populace + - Humor (All comedy all the time)+ - Self-centrist+ - Extreme Solutions+


• The Assad Family rule. • President Hafez al-Assad ruled from 1970 to 2000. • Authoritarian Rule • Strong Connections to: - Russia - Lebanon - Iraq - Iran • "Emergency Law" in place since 1963

Time Magazine and Foreign Policy

• Time/Life Media Empire: Henry Luce— Founder (1923) • Time Magazine = News for the "common man" • Life Magazine = American Family Culture/Society • Mainstream News Digest- One sitting • America First (Ardent Nationalism/Patriotism) • Centrist Conservative Editorial Slant • United States is the Guiding light of Freedom and Democracy worldwide


•Anethnicgroup (or ethnicity) is a group of people whose members identify with each other, through a shared heritage, often consisting of a shared language, a shared culture (often including a shared religion) and/or a shared ideology that stresses common ancestry, values, and roots 1. Cultural heritage 2. Language 3. Belief-religious/spiritual values 4. Politics 5. Ideological stance 6. Ethnosymbolism

Critical Media Literacy Approach Critical Analysis of media is a must for freedom of the individual w/in a consumer culture

•Arguments of a CMLA: Literacy (reading/writing) is at the core of larger media literacy. Critical Analysis of media is a MUST for freedom of the individual w/in a consumer culture. The educated "consumer" is a media literate person (with a knowledge about the language and techniques used in all different types of media). Approaches: Consult multiple forms of media and get information from different sources. Combine Theory, History, Practice Production—Quality/Important Stories/Issues Critically analyze all media/information regardless of the source. Age-Appropriate media. Ideological Stances: People learn more from our media than they do from most other sources in our culture (including schools, families, etc). Therefore, we need to constantly ask, WHAT is being taught, by WHOM, and WHO benefits?

GNH!!! Gross National Happiness 4 Pillars + 9 Domains of Happiness

•Good Governance Good Governance is a considered a pillar for happiness because it determines the conditions in which Bhutanese thrive. Sustainable Socio-economic Development A thriving GNH economy must value social and economic contributions of households and families, free time and leisure given the roles of these factors in Happiness. •Preservation and Promotion of Culture Happiness is believed to be contributed to by the preserving the Bhutanese culture. •Environmental Conservation •Environmental Conservation is considered a key contribution to GNH. The environment is believed to contribute to aesthetic and other stimulus that can be directly healing to people who enjoy vivid colours and light, untainted breeze and silence in nature's sound. 1.Psychological Wellbeing 2.Standard of Living 3.Good Governance 4.Health 5.Education 6.Community Vitality 7.Cultural Diversity and Resilience 8.Time Use 9.Ecological Diversity and Resilience

Structuralism + Semiotics Popular Culture Studies

•Roland Barthe's Mythologies + Frankfurt School of Theorists Popular Culture Studies •CONCEPTUAL BELIEFS: 1. In the 20th & 21st Centuries, SOFT POWER has become equally as important as traditional HARD POWER (Military, Nation, Resources) 2. The geo-politics of SOFT POWER MUST be more critically analyzed in order to understand any and ALL parts of globalization.

Jeremy Rifkin Bio

► American economist, writer, public speaker, political advisor and social/environmental activist ► Creator of the Foundation On Economic Trends ► According to the The European Energy Review: "Perhaps no other author or thinker has had more influence on the EU's ambitious climate and energy policy than the American 'visionary' Jeremy Rifkin." 1988: The Global Greenhouse Network. Rifkin brought together climate scientists and environmental activists from 35 nations in Washington, D.C. for the first meeting of the Global Greenhouse Network. 1989: The Hollywood Lectures on global warming and related environmental issues for a diverse assortment of film, television and music industry leaders, with the goal of organizing the Hollywood community for a campaign. 1990: Formation of TWO major environmental organizations, Earth Communications Office (ECO) and Environmental Media Association

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