gmos test

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light-dependent reaction

- uses the pigment chlorophyll to capture light energy - requires water - synthesizes ATP and NADPH - generates oxygen gas - takes place in the thylakoid membrane

since organisms have evolved over time to live in specific environments, any change in abiotic factors, such as precipitation and temperature, make it difficult for organisms to adapt to these changes. Scientists are working on several types of plants that can resist these changes. Select all of the following that are examples of plants that have been modified to resist effects of climate change

- wheat plants are modified to increase photosynthesis in response to changing carbon dioxide levels - corn and soybean varieties that are drought resistant help plant growth in changing precipitation patterns - as carbon dioxide and methane increases, sea grasses and trees are modified to increase their ability to store carbon to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide levels

Early records show humans started to artificially breed plants and animals for desirable traits.

12,000 years ago

Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, practiced selective breeding to describe the basic principles of inheritance. By selectively cross-breeding pea plants with selected traits over several generations, he discovered that certain traits show up in offspring without any blending of parent traits.


Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen discovered a method of inserting genetic information into bacteria. This was recorded as the first genetically modified organism.


Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen inserted genes from a species of frog into bacteria. This was recorded as the first genetically modified animal


Paul Berg assembled the first DNA molecules that combined parts of genes from different organisms. This type of molecule became known as recombinant DNA


The first genetically modified organism, Flavr-Savr tomato, was approved for human consumption. The Flavr-Savr tomato was engineered to have a longer shelf life


________, the most primitive of land plants was the first plant to in which the fertilized egg develops into a _________. Due to the lack of _______ required to transport water and nutrients, mosses are found low to ground and in moist environments

Mosses ; protected embryo ; vascular tissue

during gene transfer, _____ plants would transfer herbicide-resistant genes to _____ plants

GM ; weed

available plants genetically modified organisms and their uses

GM plants that reduce the impact of pest species

The lateral movement of genes between species is called

Gene transfer

Specific sections of DNA that control the production of proteins or other products are called_______


How do genes relate to the production of proteins?

Genes contain codes stored in the order of the nucleotide sequences within them. These codes contain the instructions for the production of specific proteins.

Which statement best describes how genetically modified bacteria are used to manufacture biotechnology products?

Genes for biotechnology products of interest are removed from their original source, inserted into a plasmid and transferred into bacteria. Bacteria express these gene products during protein synthesis.

Which of the following is an example of a potential risk of using genetically modified plants?

Genes for herbicide resistance could transfer to weed species, resulting in "super weeds" that were resistant to herbicides.

Which of the following is a risk associated with gene transfer?

Genes for herbicide resistance may transfer from genetically modified plants to weed species, creating "super weeds" that are resistant to herbicides.

How are plants genetically modified to prevent untimely fruit ripening?

Genes for ripening and ethylene susceptibility are turned off or altered.

Which statement best summarizes the process of gene cloning?

Genes of interest or segments of DNA are inserted into bacteria so that exact copies of the gene can be created.

Alteration of the genome of organisms due to the addition of foreign genetic material into the organism

Genetic Engineering

Expression of desirable characteristics that would otherwise not be found in these organisms

Genetic Engineering

Livestock that have been modified to improve traits such as quality of meat, disease resistance, and survival

Genetic Engineering

Soybeans grown with herbicide-tolerant seeds

Genetic Engineering

General description of use of vector

Genetic material is introduced into a plant by using a plant bacterial pathogen

Example: Arctic apple

Genetically Modified Crops to Control Ripening of Food

Purpose is to reduce the loss of food due to spoilage

Genetically Modified Crops to Control Ripening of Food

Purpose is to provide food sources that have unique characteristics that help prevent human diseases

Genetically Modified Crops to Increase Nutrition

Examples: Corn and canola

Genetically Modified Crops to Increase Yield

Purpose is to reduce the loss of competition from weeds

Genetically Modified Crops to Increase Yield

Purpose is to reduce the loss of crops due to insects

Genetically Modified Crops to Increase Yield

Occurs in a laboratory

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Organisms in which the genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Variation due to genetic manipulation by technician

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Researchers used a process called RNA interference to turn off the expression of the gene responsible for the polyphenol oxidase enzyme

Genetically modified crops to control ripening of food

Purpose is to change the relative abundance of fatty acids in seed oil to increase crop yield

Genetically modified crops to increase yield

Which of the following statements best describes the biggest difference between organisms that are considered genetically modified organisms and those that are not?

Genetically modified organisms are unique in that they contain human-introduced genetic variations.

Which of the following global challenges has encouraged the development of genetically modified organisms?

Global climate change has seen an overall increase in surface temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns, creating the need for agricultural crops that can withstand these changing climates.



What happens to the recombinant DNA created during the process of gene cloning?

It is inserted into a bacterial host cell.

If genes for herbicide-resistance transfer from genetically modified crop plants to native weed species, which of the following outcomes is most likely?

It would drive the evolution of "super weeds" that are resistant to glyphosate herbicides.

What statement below is true about the evolutionary origins of plants?

Land plants evolved from an aquatic ancestor closely related to today's Charophytes, roughly 700 million years ago.

The Flavr-Savr tomato was removed from the market due to lack of understanding of GMOs

Late 1990s

Which statement best describes an example of how animals have been successfully genetically modified?

Mice have been genetically modified to act as models of human disease.

Animals serve as models for studying human disease

Models for Human Diseases

Developed to study potential new treatments for diseases

Models for Human Diseases

General description of RNA interference

Plant cells are transformed by silencing existing genes

Plants are autotrophic. What does this mean?

Plants are able to produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis.

Which statement best summarizes the direction being taken by researchers as they develop the next generation of GMOs?

Plants are being developed to resist the impacts of climate change.

Scientists use several different processes to identify and copy genes of interest. Which of these processes involves using automated processes to create millions of exact replicates of a gene or DNA segment?

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

How are plants genetically modified to improve human health and well-being?

Potatoes are genetically modified to produce edible vaccinations for diseases.

How are mutations introduced through the PR process?

Primers are used that contain intentional mutations.

Which statement best describes site-directed mutagenesis through PCR?

Primers used for the PC process introduce intentional mutations, so that all replicated segments of DNA contain the mutation.

Developed to produce medicine and pharmaceutical compounds

Production of Biotechnology Products

Example: production of insulin, production of vaccines for hepatitis, and production of clotting factors for hemophilia.

Production of Biotechnology Products

Which process uses primers to introduce changes to a section of DNA and then replicate it in large quantities?

Site-directed mutagenesis through PCR

Which statement(s) best describe the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?

Solar energy is captured and converted into high-energy electron carriers that are used elsewhere during photosynthesis.

Which of the following best describes an example of how animals can be genetically modified?

They can be modified with human genes to produce organs for organ transplants.

Which of the following is a feature of bacteria that make it ideal for genetic modification?

They contain extragenomic plasmids that can carry genes between organisms.

How are crop plants genetically modified to adapt to climate change?

They have resistance to heat and drought.

Once scientists have identified genes of interest and isolated them from their original cells and introduced any necessary changes to them, what must occur before a GMO plant can be created?

Those genes of interest must be incorporated into the genome of the plant.



Using energy molecules ATP and NADPH, the gas carbon dioxide is extracted from the atmosphere and converted into sugars.


a _______organism is an organism that is genetically modified and in which both the donor and the recipient are the same species


over the past twenty years, the percentage of crops grown using GMO seeds has continued to _____


these copies, or ________, are harvested for generating genetically modified organisms


the two strands of the DNA molecule pair the bases on one strand pair with the bases on another strand. This pairing is _________ meaning the adenine pairs with thymine, and guanine pairs with _______

complementary ; cytosine


contain vascular tissue and large leaves called megaphylls


contain vascular tissues and small leaves called microphylls


contain vascular tissues, megaphylls, and seeds


contain vascular tissues, megaphylls, seeds, and flowers

available animal genetically modified organisms and their uses

cows and goats used to produce products in the milk useful to humans

description of protection against insect species

crops are engineered to produce a chemical to deter or kill specific pest species

Process of Transcription

enzymes copy one strand of the DNA molecule into a single stranded mRNA molecule

plants are _______ organisms meaning their cells contain a _____ and membrane bound organelles

eukaryotic ; nucleus

golden rice is a variety of rice that was genetically engineered to synthesize beta carotene, a precursor vitamin B, in the edible parts of the rice plant


research has confirmed that golden rice yields low amounts of beta carotene and is an ineffective source of vitamins for humans to consume


researchers inserted two beta-carotene synthesis genes, one from lilies and one from a soil bacterium, into the genome of rice


Complete the sentence: Within a DNA molecule, information is stored_______

in the order of nitrogenous bases within the DNA sequence.

Crop plants can be modifled to resist patters associated with climate change, including

increased heat and drought.


information in an mRNA strand move to ribosomes and are changed into a polypeptide strand

a __________ organism contains pieces of its own genetic material that have been rearranged to improve a physical trait


in order for a generically modified organisms to be constructed, researchers need ____ quantities of the gene of interest


some enzymes help break __________ into smaller pieces that are more easily absorbed by the body. Other enzymes help bind _________ together to produce a new molecule

large polymers ; small monomers

the amount of arable land on the planet is _______, so the yield per acre must _______ to feed more people

limited ; increase

issues such as climate change, pollution, and pests are all ____________ for humans to increase the crop production per acre

limiting factors

end product of transcription


starting materials of translation


Process of translation

mRNA binds to a ribosome, and tRNA brings in an amino acid via an anticodon to build the polypeptide chain

the ______________ are attached together to form two long strands that spiral to create a structure called a _________

nucleotides ; double helix

information in DNA is stored in the sequence of _____, which are used to manufacture _____ molecules for the cell

nucleotides ; protein

DNA is made up of organic molecules called _________. Each monomer contains a phosphate group, a _____ group, and a nitrogen base. There are four types of monomers: adenine (A), ____, guanine (G), and cytosine (C)

nucleotides ; sugar ; thymine (T)

location in the cell of translation

occurs in the cytosol

location in the cell of transcription

occurs in the nucleus

genetically modified organisms

organisms that contain human-introduced mutations, corn contains a gene from bacteria to allow it to produce its own insecticides

non-genetically modified organisms

organisms that have genetic differences because of naturally occurring mutations, a litter of puppies are all genetically different from their parents

think of the double helix structure as a ladder. The ________ and sugar molecules serve as the sides of ladder and the ___________ are the rungs

phosphate ;nitrogenous bases

plants undergo a process called ______, where they use solar energy to convert carbon dioxide into usable sugars


plants undergo the process of ________, during which carbon dioxide and water react with the input of solar energy to produce glucose, sugar, and oxygen


the process by which plants produce their own food is referred to as


Description of nutritionally enhanced plants

plant contains essential nutrients to make a positive impact on global human health

the bacteria reproduce and copy the _______, producing multiple copies of the gene


within the bacteria are small circular pieces of DNA called ______


used to enhance a gene to produce proteins with novel functions

similarities between mutagenesis and CRISPR

How has nutritionally enhanced plants been modified

the metabolic pathway to produce a particular fatty acid has been reconstituted in the plant rendering it a more nutritionally food source

golden rice was introduced as a potential consumable food in 2000 but was not put into production until 2013 due to manufactures being met with strong opposition from various activists


the purpose of golden rice was to produce a fortified food to be grown and consumed in areas with vitamin deficiencies


used in many societies for an energy source, rice is effective for targeting vitamin deficiencies compared to expensive alternatives like supplements of other consumable products


description of engineered to generate biotechnology products

used to produce antibodies, vaccines, and enzymes to treat humans or animals

Scientists are concerned with the idea that herbicide-resistant genes may transfer from GMO species to

weed species, creating "super weeds" that are resistant to herbicides.

Examples of particle bombardment

wheat plants

Select all of the following reasons why bacteria make ideal organisms for genetic modification.

- They have a small genome and contain plasmids. - They can be grown in large quantities in a small amount of space. - They divide rapidly, allowing their products to be produced quickly.

Which statements best describe some of the global challenges that society faces today?

- An increasing global human population - Global climate change, including increased surface temperatures and changes to climate - Agricultural loss due to insect and pest infestation

Which statements best summarize the research being done to develop the next generation of GMO animals?

- Animals are being genetically modified to contain healthier fat profiles. - Animals are being genetically modified to act as models for human disease. - Animals are being genetically modified to produce vaccinations.

How can bacteria be modified to protect plants?

- Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria can be inserted into a plant. This allows the plant to produce bacterial toxins that are lethal to predatory insects, preventing the plant against insect infestation. - Bacteria can be modified to produce proteins that prevent cells from freezing. This bacteria can then be inserted into a plant, allowing the plant to produce proteins that prevent cells from freezing.

How are genetically modified bacteria used in the synthesis of organic chemicals?

- Bacteria are genetically modified to break down chemicals for use in the manufacturing process, including the break down of mercury. - Bacteria are genetically modified to synthesize chemicals used in the manufacturing process, including the production of biofuels.

How are genetic modifications used to alter plants in order to increase crop yield?

- Bacterial genes for toxins are introduced to plants, allowing them to produce their own toxins that repel insects. This prevents insect predation, increasing crop yields. - Genes for herbicide resistance are introduced to plants, allowing them to be resistant to herbicide applications. This reduces competition from weeds without the side effects of herbicide application, increasing resources needed for optimal plant growth.

Which of the following summarize health risks associated with GMO use?

- GMOs that contain genes from other organisms may cause allergic reactions in individuals that are allergic to the other organism. - Non-food GMOs may accidentally be used to produce food, resulting in allergic reactions or other adverse health effects for humans.

Which statements best explain how genetic modification may be used to improve the life cycle of plants?

- Genetic modification may be used to introduce toxin-producing genes to plants, preventing insect predation and eventual crop losses. - Genetic modification may be used to introduce herbicide resistant genes to plants, preventing competition from weeds without the harmful side effects of herbicide application. - Genetic modification may be used to prevent the synthesis of enzymes needed for ripening, allowing fruits and vegetables to avoid spoilage before making it to the market.

Which of the following describe examples of genetically modified plants?

- Genetically modified potatoes that do not produce harmful chemicals when fried. - Crop plants that produce more food with fewer resources.

Which of the following global challenges has encouraged the development of genetically modified organisms? Select all that apply.

- Global climate change, including changes in precipitation creates the need for agricultural crops that can withstand drought and high salt content. - Global warming of surface temperatures creates the need for agricultural crops that can withstand these hotter temperatures. - An increasing global human population requires more resources, creating the need for genetically modified organisms that have increased nutritonal content or increased yields.

Which of the following biotechnology products are possible to have resulted from genetically modified bacteria?

- Hormones, including human growth hormone and insulin - Blood clotting factors - Interferons for cancer treatments

What are the two ways that RNA interference silences specific genes?

- It produces double-stranded RNA, which is recognized as foreign to cells and is targeted for enzymatic destruction, preventing protein synthesis of that gene product. - It produces double-stranded RNA, which cannot be translated, halting protein synthesis and silencing that gene from being expressed.

Which process allows scientists to transform plants into genetically modified plants?

- Microparticle bombardment - RNA interference - Using A. tumefaciens as a vector

Which statements best summarize the research being done to develop the next generation of GMO plants?

- Plants are being modified to lack harmful chemicals contained in wild plants. - Plants are being modified to resist the impacts of climate change.

Which of the following are characteristics that define the members of the plant kingdom?

- Plants are multicellular. - Plants are photosynthetic, meaning they are able to convert carbon dioxide gas into usable sugars. - Plants are eukaryotic, meaning they have membrane-bound organelles.

Which of the following are correct examples of how bacteria, plants, and animals have been genetically modified.

- Potatoes have been genetically modified to reduce browning and be resistant to fungus. - Pigs are genetically modified to produce heart valves that are identical to human valves. - Bacteria are modified with human insulin genes to produce bioidentical insulin.

Which of the following describe successful uses of GMO animals?

- Salmon are genetically modified to grow faster than wild salmon. - Cows and goats have been genetically modified to produce products in their milk to construct drugs.

Which of the following is a risk of using genetically modified plants?

- There is a risk of harming non-target species, especially with GM herbicide resistant and Bt crops. - There is a risk of adverse human reactions, including allergic reactions. - There is a risk of gene transfer between plants

Which of the following statements) best describes the work of Boyer and Cohen.

- They inserted the genes from a frog into a plasmid and transferred the plasmid into E. coli bacteria. - They used recombinant DNA technology to insert plasmids containing genes for antibiotic resistance into E. coli bactería.

Why are bacteria genetically modified?

- To help fight human disease - To produce hormones, blood clotting factors, and insulin

Why are bacteria genetically modified?

- To produce hormones, blood clotting factors, and insulin - To help fight human disease

select all of the following statements that are characteristics of genetically modified organisms

- a genetically modified organism's genome has been deliberately altered due to human-introduced modifications to express desired traits - in genetic modification, the laboratory technique involves isolating DNA molecules to insert new genetic information into existing cells of an organism in order to alter their genetic makeup - the transfer of genetic material can occur within and across species to produce new or modified characteristics in the organism

Select all that apply to complete the sentence: Each nucleotide within a DNA molecule consists of__________

- a nitrogen-containing base - a deoxyribose sugar - a phosphate group

Genetically modified crops are not only resistant to environmental changes and pest species, but they are able to address global challenges _______________. Select all that apply

- by increasing crop yields and lower food costs - by reducing the environmental footprint of agriculture by using less water - by enhancing human lives by providing vaccines and medicines

description of herbicide tolerance

- crops are engineered to express traits that are resistant herbicides - broad-spectrum herbicides kill the surrounding weeds but leave the cultivated crop intact - cultivated to be tolerant to the chemical glyphosate

select the following characteristics that allow plants to survive and reproduce in a land environment

- develop a means to prevent their cells and tissues from drying out - develop a system to transport water and nutrients to their cells - reproductive structures had to change to disperse gametes in the absence of water - protect their embryos from the temperature and moisture variations of life on land

Major characteristics of ferns

- embryo protection - vascular tissue - Megaphylls

Major characteristics of Gymnosperms

- embryo protection - vascular tissue - Megaphylls - Seeds

Major characteristics of Angiosperms

- embryo protection - vascular tissue - Megaphylls - Seeds - Flowers

Major characteristics of Lycophytes

- embryo protection - Vascular Tissue

similarities between GMOs and NBOs

- genetic variation is found in the offspring - genetic variation can be maintained in the population

description of plants modified to face environmental challenges

- increase nutritional content - reduce spoilage

Due to improvements in ___________ from 1900s to 2000s, people were living longer and having more children, and the world population ________

- modern science and medicine ; tripled

natural breeding organism (NBOs)

- organisms in which genetic material has been altered due to natural processes - variation occurs due to the random mating between organisms - variation occurs due to random fertilization - variation can occur due to natural recombination during meiosis - variation due to genetic mutations

genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

- organisms in which the genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally - variation due to genetic manipulation by technician - occurs in a laboratory

genetically modified bacteria

- produce proteins that protect plants from the effects of freezing - produce enzymes to enhance metabolic pathways to aid in the breakdown of toxic chemicals in the environment - produce biofuels and other chemicals for use in manufacturing

genetically modified animals

- provide organs for humans for transplantation - serve as models for studying human diseases such as cystic fibrosis - reduce the number of pest species that are vectors for diseases such as Zika and dengue fever - modified to have increased nutritional value by reducing their susceptibility to disease, increasing their rate of growth, and improving the quality of the meat/milk

genetically modified plants

- provide plant's resistance to herbicides - reduce the impact of pest species by enter deterring them or killing them - increase the nutritional content or reduce spoilage - allow organisms to better face environmental challenges such as drought, heat, and high salt content in the water supplies

Select the following features of bacteria that make them ideal organisms for genetic modification

- small genome size - rapid generation time - cheap and easy to grow - easy to modify

which of the following issues pose significant challenges to human societies and encourage the development of innovations for agriculture? select all that apply

- the rise in populations across the globe and the need for crops to feed people - the rise in impacts on agriculture due to climate change and the need to increase agricultural productivity - the rise in plastic pollution and biotechnology to resolve it

light-independent reaction

- uses carbon dioxide - carbon fixation with rubisco - energy from ATP and NADPH used to produce sugars - needs to regenerate ribulose bisphosphate - occurs in the stroma

Place the following steps in order to describe the process of gene cloning.

1. A gene of interest is isolated from a human cell. 2. The gene is inserted into a bacterial plasmid, creating recombinant DNA 3. The recombinant DNA plasmid is inserted into a bacterial host cell. 4. The bacteria copies the gene and expresses it. 5. Copies of the gene or gene products are isolated from the bacterial host cells.

Place the following steps in order to recall the process of DNA sequencing.

1. DNA polymerase and a primer are added to the DNA fragment to be sequenced. 2. DNA is replicated and fluorescent labeled nucleotides are added, halting replication with its addition, resulting in different length sequences of DNA that are complementary to the original sequence. 3. A laser and photo detector are used to read the colors of the fluorescently labeled nucleotide ending each sequence. 4. A read out displays a series of peaks, each peak corresponding to a different nucleotide.

Place the following events in order to summarize the history of humans in their creation of genetically modified organisms. Place the earliest event first.

1. Humans first begin to breed plants and animals with desired traits together to obtain sturdier offspring. 2. Watson and Crick discover the structure of DNA. 3. Scientists discover recombinant DNA technology by inserting genetic material into E. coli bacteria. 4. Boyer and Cohen insert frog genes into a bacterial plasmid, which is inserted into E. coli. 5. The Flavr-Savr tomato becomes the first GMO approved for human consumption.

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops are plants genetically engineered to contain the endotoxins of the bacterium, Bt to be resistant to certain insect pests. Place the following steps in the correct order

1. Scientists identify and isolate the gene for the endotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a soil bacteria that contains a natural insecticide 2. The gene is cloned using a bacterial vector 3. Scientists modify the cloned gene for insertion so the gene can be effectively inserted into the plant 4. The plant is transformed when the gene for the endotoxin is directly inserted into the plant tissue and a heritable change occurs in the organism 5. Selection of successfully transformed tissues occurs when tissues are transferred to a selective medium containing an antibiotic 6. Only plants expressing the selectable marker gene will survive and possess the gene of interest 7. Regeneration of plants with insecticidal protection are produced under controlled environmental conditions 8. The crop is available to consume since there are no known health consequences to humans or livestock only insects

alternation of generation describes the life cycle of a plant that has distinct haploid and diploid stages. Place the following steps in the correct order to represent the life cycle

1. two single-celled gametes fuse to form a single-celled zygote 2. the single-celled zygote germinates and results in a multicellular organism, called the sporophyte 3. at maturity, the sporophyte produces an organ called the sporangium 4. spores are produced by meiosis and released from a sporangium 5. the single-celled spore germinates and results in a multicellular organism, called the gametophyte 6. at maturity, the gametophyte produces gametes by mitosis 7. at least one kind of the gametes possesses some mechanism for reaching another gamete in order to fuse

Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen are credited as the scientists who made the first genetically modified organisms. Place the following steps in the correct order to represent the stages of synthesizing the first genetically modified organism

1. a plasmid vector, called pSC 101, was constructed 2. the vector contained a single site for the restriction enzyme EcoRI and a gene for tetracycline resistance 3. the restriction endonuclease, EcoRI, cuts the frog DNA into small fragments 4. the frog DNA fragments were combined with the plasmid vector, which had also been cut by EcoRI 5. the sticky ends of the DNA fragments aligned themselves to those of the vector and afterwards joined together using DNA ligase 6. the plasmids were transferred to tetracycline sensitive E.coli and plated onto a growth medium containing tetracycline 7. the cells that incorporated the plasmid carrying the tetracycline resistance gene grew and formed a colony of bacteria 8. each colony that formed was tested for the presence of frog ribosomal RNA

This plant product plays an important role in an animal's digestive system


Farmers selected desirable characteristics of teosinte to produce what is now recognized as corn.

8,700 years ago

Which statement best defines a gene?

A gene is a section of DNA that codes for the production of proteins or other gene products, including RNA molecules.

Procedure of use of vector

A new gene is inserted into Agrobacterium and is used to infect a plant cell. The new gene is transferred to the plant, and the infected plant cells are used to produce new plants

Which of the following is true for all members of the plant kingdom?

All plants are photosynthetic, meaning they use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide gas into sugars.

Which statement best describes the unique feature(s) of the angiosperms?

Angiosperms were the first flowering plants.

Examples of RNA interference

Artic apple

Which statement best summarizes the process of DNA sequencing?

Automated processes determine the exact order of nucleotides within a gene of interest or segment of DNA.

Which statement best describes the significance of Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria in the development of genetically modified organisms?

Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria can be modified to produce chemicals toxic to insects. The bacteria can then be introduced into plants, creating plants that produce chemicals that are toxic to insects, preventing insect predation.

Which statement(s) best depict how bacteria are genetically modified to aid in the synthesis of organic chemicals?

Bacteria are genetically modified with genes that aid in the synthesis of organic chemicals, including the production of biofuels.

Which statement best describes how genetically modified bacteria are used in bioremediation?

Bacteria are modified with genes for enzymes that can break down toxins in contaminated environments.

Which of the following best describes an example of why bacteria may be genetically modified?

Bacteria can be modified to contain enzymes that break down toxic chemicals, allowing it to be used in bioremediation.

How can bacteria be genetically modified to be used to help the environment?

Bacteria can be modified with genes for enzymes that break down toxic chemicals, including mercury and oil, allowing bacteria to be used to remediate contaminated sites.

Which statement best describes how genetically modified bacteria can be used to benefit plants?

Bacteria can be modified with genes for the production of toxins, allowing plants to produce their own insect-repelling toxins.

Developed to break down toxic chemicals in the environment


Example: clean up large oil spills and removal of toxic levels of mercury


Animals genetically modified to express proteins or pharmaceutical compounds in their milk, meat, or eggs


Developed to enhance some aspect of an animal's physiology, so proteins can be used to develop anti-cancer drugs cheaply


Examples of use of vector

Bt plants that provide resistant to insect pests

Which process uses the Cas9 enzyme to remove and replace specific sections of nucleotides?

CRISP genome editing

based on a simplified version of a bacteria's antiviral defense system


used to directly edit the genes within the genome by inactivating a gene or removing and replacing small sections of nucleotides


Serves as a plant energy reserve in the form of starch


Energy source to grow and carry out basic functions

Carbohydrates and oils

Which of the following enzymes is used in the CRISPR process to bind to, cut, and even replace specific nucleotide sequences?

Cas9 enzyme

Examples of these plant products are tannins, alkaloids, and phenols

Chemical compounds

Provides protection against infections from fungi and bacteria

Chemical compounds

Place the following steps in order to explain how RNA interference silences genes in a plant.

Correct Answer 1. Researchers design small pieces of RNA that are complementary to target RNA. 2. Complementary RNA is added to cells. 3. Complementary RNA binds to target RNA, producing double-stranded RNA. 4. Double-stranded RNA cannot be translated and is broken down by the cell, preventing gene expression.

starting materials of transcription


this pairing plays an important role in how ____ contains information


Which of the following best describes the structure of a DNA molecule?

DNA is a double stranded helix that is composed of a backbone of alternating sugar and phosphate groups withan inner core of complementary nitrogen bases held together with hydrogen bonds.

the plasmid is resealed using an enzyme, _______

DNA ligase

a fluorescent piece of DNA, constructed for an organism of interest, binds to a complimentary piece of DNA, to identify a specific area of a genome

DNA probe

experimental technique: DNA microarray

DNA probe

limitation: the ability to detect the targeted allele is limited to the sensitivity of the current assay

DNA probe

limitation: there is a limited availability of probes to target specific alleles

DNA probe

Scientists use several different processes to identify and copy genes of interest. Which of these processes involves using fluorescent labeled single- stranded pieces of DNA to bind to specific target sequences with the goal of identifying genes of interest?

DNA probes


DNA within the nucleus is converted into a complementary mRNA strand

Within a molecule of DNA, one strand runs in one direction (5' to 31) and the other strand runs in the other direction (3' to 5'). This is referred to as:

DNA's anti-parallel nature.

Major characteristics of mosses

Embryo protection

Which statement best describes how enzymes function within cells?

Enzymes bind with their substrates to catalyze chemical reactions, releasing products.

_______ is a natural plant hormone associated with growth, development, ripening, and aging of many plants


An example of a GM crop includes apple varieties containing manmade genes that produce a pesticide that kills larval pests. This modification decreases the loss of crops due to predation.


At some point, resource utilization of oil, crops, fresh water, etc., will collide with the fact that these are considered infinite resources of the planet.


Cellular respiration is one of the most important metabolic pathways that allows plants to live by manufacturing their own food.


Due to the low projections concerning human population growth and the unlimited amount of farmable land, there is a need to increase crop yield to provide food to the growing population in developed and developing nations.


During the light-independent reaction, when sunlight strikes the chlorophyll in the thylakoid membrane, the energy of the sun is transferred into molecules of ATP, an energy carrying molecule, and NADPH, an electron carrier molecule.


For plants, the process requires an organelle called the chloroplast and pigments called carotenoids, which gives plants their green color and allows them to absorb light.


Historically, methods of controlling agricultural pest were 100% effective at removing pest from agricultural crops.


Insect resistance is not an issue since the survivors do not pass the resistance on to the next generation.


Selective breeding provides a quicker and more precise way to achieve certain desirable traits in crops in one generation rather than multiple generations using genetic engineering.


The first product, carbon dioxide, is a byproduct of splitting water and is released into the atmosphere.


The second product, carbohydrates, is synthesized in the Calvin cycle of the light-dependent reaction.


______ were the next step in plants land evolution , and they developed large leaves, _________, to increase the surface area to conduct photosynthesis

Ferns ; megaphylls

A complex carbohydrate molecule that provides the plant structure


How might genetically modified organisms cause allergic reactions in humans?

Humans may have allergic reactions when they consume food products that contain genes from other species that may cause allergies. Humans may have allergic reactions when non-food GMOs are accidentally used in food products.

Animals are modified to reduce their susceptibility to disease, increase their rate of growth, and improve the quality of the meat or milk

Increased Nutritional Value

Developed to improve the quality of food available for human consumption

Increased Nutritional Value

How is information stored within DNA? Select the best response.

Information is stored in the order of the nitrogenous bases within a molecule of DNA. This order directs the formation of proteins, which control our traits.

What is the purpose of the first step where DNA is heated?

It causes the double helix to separate into two separate strands, allowing replication to proceed.

What is the purpose of DNA sequencing?

It determines the exact sequence of nucleotides in a gene or piece of DNA.

Organisms in which genetic material has been altered due to natural processes

Natural Breeding Organisms (NBOs)

Variation can occur due to natural recombination during meiosis

Natural Breeding Organisms (NBOs)

Variation due to genetic mutations

Natural Breeding Organisms (NBOs)

Variation occurs due to random fertilization

Natural Breeding Organisms (NBOs)

Variation occurs due to the random mating between organisms

Natural Breeding Organisms (NBOs)

How might genetically modified foods impact humans?

Non-food GMOs may accidentally be used for food, resulting in negative health impacts on humans

What would happen if DNA polymerase was not added to the PC reaction?

Nucleotides would not be added to the replicate strand.

An example of this plant product is triglycerides


Provides protection against infections from fungi and bacteria


What is the overall goal of using the PR process?

PC creates a large quantity of replicates of a specific section of DNA.

Which statement best describes the purpose of polymerase chain reactions (PCR)?

PCR creates exact replicates of a gene or section of DNA in large quantities in a short period of time.

Engineered to protect plants from insect predation

Protection of Plants

Example: produce proteins that protect plants from the effects of freezing.

Protection of Plants

using _______, a gene silencing mechanism, scientists were able to turn down the expression of ________ to drastically reduce the browning process in the fruit

RNA interference ; polyphenol oxidase

DNA functions to help cells sustain the activities required for life. Select all of the following activities of a cell that are required for life.

Reproduction Adaptation to changing environmental conditions Response to external stimuli Processing of energy and materials

_______ is a normal phase in the maturation process of fruits and vegetables. Upon its onset, it only takes about a few days before the fruit or vegetable is considered ______ and disposed. The unavoidable process being _____ losses to farmers and consumers

Ripening ; spoiled ; significant

Cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower are examples of crops that were cultivated from new crops with desirable traits from a single ancestor. This is an example of

Selective Breeding

Cows selected to breed based on their higher milk production

Selective Breeding

Making use of existing variation within the species and the natural process of breeding, expression of desired characteristic is carried over into the offspring

Selective Breeding

Process in which organisms are consciously chosen to mate based on particular phenotypic characteristics

Selective Breeding

Genetic variation can be maintained in the population

Similarities between GMOs and NBOs

Genetic variation is found in the offspring

Similarities between GMOs and NBOs

Engineered to produce biofuels and other organic chemicals used for manufacturing

Synthesis of Organic Chemicals

Example: Renewable energy sources such as ethanol and biodiesel

Synthesis of Organic Chemicals

What is the function of the PAM sequence used in CRISPR?

The PAM sequence prevents the Cas9 enzyme from digesting the bacterial host DNA.

Which of the following organisms is most closely related to the ancestors of land plants?

The aquatic algal Charophytes

During the process of photosynthesis, plants convert

The carbon in carbon dioxide into carbon in the form of glucose sugar

What is the fate of an enzyme after it catalyzes a chemical reaction?

The enzyme goes on to catalyze infinitely more chemical reactions.

Which statement best illustrates the process by which fruits and vegetables brown?

The enzyme polyphenol oxidase reacts with polyphenol in the flesh of fruits and the presence of oxygen to produce a browning color.

Which of the following is a reason why bacteria are genetically modified?

They are genetically modified to produce hormones, vaccines, and blood clotting factors.

Which statement best defines mutagenesis?

The intentional introduction of changes to the genetic material of a cell or organism.

How are the sequence of nucleotides determined during DNA sequencing?

The order of fluorescently labeled end-series nucleotides is read with a laser and photo detector.

How has insect resistant plants been modified

The plant contains a gene for a bacterial pesticide that kills larval pests

Which statement depicts how DNA sequencing can be used to analyze genomes?

The sequence of nucleotides can be compared to determine the presence of mutations or differences that may result in genetic disorders.

Almost all the soybean and corn produced in the United States is genetically modified.


Which statement best describes how allergic reactions may occur from the consumption of genetically modified species?

Transgenic organisms contain genes and therefore protein products from other species. If individuals are allergic to the other species, exposure to the transgenic organism may cause an allergic reaction.

Another example of a GM crop is soybeans. The legume has an inserted gene that renders them resistant to weed killers such as Roundup to decrease the losses of plants from herbicides.


Biotechnology can help combat climate change by creating more resilient crop varieties that are better able to survive these changing conditions.


Essentially, the chemical equation of photosynthesis shows that it is a series of chemical reactions in which autotrophic organisms, like plants, synthesize sugars using carbon dioxide, water, and energy from the sun.


Genetically modified Bt corn is designed to control corn pests such as the European corn borer.


Insecticide-producing GM crops have led to a decrease in spraying insecticides and poisoning of non-targeted species.


Insecticides are substances used to repel, kill, or control animals that are considered pests.


Natural insecticides are just as effective at controlling species of insects as synthetic chemicals, such as organophosphate insecticides, but without the harmful consequences to humans or livestock.


Scientists are focusing on genetic modified crops to that provide benefits to humans health.


Scientists have turned to the development of genetically modified organisms to address challenges and to conserve the resources of Earth that provide basic human needs.


Since high energy electrons are removed from chlorophyll and donated to NADPH, water is used as a source of replacement electrons.


There is a consensus that genetic modifications to plants increase the yield of crops per acre, but there is debate on how much due to disagreements on how yield per acre are calculated.


Microparticle bombardment

Uses a gene gun to insert small pieces of DNA into a plant's tissue, allowing it to be incorporated into the plant's genome.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Uses automated processes to create replicates of genes or DNA segments

DNA sequencing

Uses automated processes to determine the sequence of specific sections of DNA

Use of A. tumefaciens

Uses bacteria as a vector to infect plants and allow a gene of interest to incorporate into the plant's genome.

Gene cloning

Uses bacteria to create exact copies of genes or segments of DNA

DNA probes

Uses fluorescent labeled single-stranded pieces of DNA to bind to specific target sequences and determine the presence of genes of interest

RNA interference

Uses small pieces of RNA to bind to complementary RNA, creating double stranded RNA that cannot be translated into proteins.

Which event came first in the creation of genetically modified organisms?

Watson and Crick discover the structure of DNA.

Procedure of particle bombardment

With the use of a gene gun, high velocity metal particles containing a gene of interest can be transferred into the cell by penetrating the cell wall and cell membrane of a plant. The DNA fragment will remain and become incorporated into a plant's chromosome

Developed to potentially have an unlimited supply of transplantable cells, tissues, and organs for humans


The infusion of a nonhuman animal's cells, tissues, or organs into a human recipient


a _________ organism contains genetic material from an organism that is sexually compatible with the recipient


RNA interference (RNAi) is a promising gene regulatory approach in the functional genomics that has significant impact on crop improvement. Which of the following descriptions correctly describes RNA interference

a post transcriptional gene silencing pathway triggered by a double-stranded RNA molecules to prevent the expression of specific genes

DNA nucleotides pair in a pattern known as complementary base pairing. According to this pattern, thymine always pairs with _____ and cytosine always pairs with _____ in a DNA molecule

adenine ; guanine

How does herbicide tolerant plants work

after being sprayed, the herbicide kills nearly all the weeds, but the GM plant remains healthy

a plant's life cycle includes ________, meaning plants alternate between the ______ generation and the diploid generation

alternation of generations ; haploid

the final step in plant evolution, _________, was the presence of _______, a structure that served to attract pollinators and produce fruit

angiosperms ; flower

examples of plants modified to face environmental challenges

apples and potatoes

reproduction of gametophyte


plants are _______, meaning they can produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis


plants are photosynthetic, _______ that manufacture their own food using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water


Examples of nutritionally enhanced plants approved commercial products


Enzymes are highly selective _______, meaning that each enzyme only speeds up a specific reaction


description of gametophytes

cells become specialized into gametes

description of sporophyte

cells undergo meiosis to produce haploid cells called spores

plant cells are surrounded by a cell wall composed of _______ to provide shape to form the tissues and organs of the plant


the ancestry of all plants can be traced back to a type of freshwater green algae ________


plant cells contain _______, the organelle that contains the pigment chlorophyll that has the ability to capture _______ to use to make its own food

chloroplasts ; solar energy

generation of sporophyte

diploid generation

the __________ stage contains cells with two copies of each chromosome and produces ______ by _____ or reproductive cells that contain one copy of each chromosome

diploid sporophyte ; haploid spores ; meiosis

development of sporophyte

egg and sperm produce a diploid embryo that divides and develops into a multicellular diploid structure

to combat issues that threaten potential ___________, scientists are looking for genetically engineer plants for resistance to pest species, to adapt to changes in the environment due to climate change, and to modify plants so they offer more nutrition and increase yield per acre

food shortages

the two different generations produce two different types of reproductive structures: spores and _______


the haploid stage of the plant life cycle is referred to as its _______ stage, while the diploid stage of the life cycle is referred to as it ________ stage

gametophyte ; sporophyte

one possible method of making copies of a gene is _________

gene cloning

the lateral movement of genes between species is referred to as _____ _______ and is a common occurrence in nature

gene transfer

accelerating fruit ripening

genes for ethylene susceptibility are turned on and plants are exposed to ethylene

preventing fruit ripening

genes for ripening and browning and ethylene susceptibility are turned off

the organization of these four different nucleotides is what determines DNA's instructions, or ________

genetic code

most current _________ crops grown for agricultural purposes in the United States are engineered for _______ resistance (cotton and corn) or herbicide tolerance (cotton, corn, and soybeans)

genetically modified ; insect ; herbicide

experimental technique: automated DNA sequencing

genome sequencing

limitation: the role of most genes is unknown or incompletely understood, due to instability to interpret genomic data

genome sequencing

uses dyes and a laser to denote the different nucleotides

genome sequencing

complies a list of the nucleotides for the entire genome, or portions of a sequence, for a species

geonme sequencing

normally, farmers pick their produce while they are ____. The ripening process is then induced by spraying the fruits or vegetables with _____ gas when they reach their destination; however, there are drawbacks

green ; ethylene

Plants can be genetically modified to

grow more food with fewer resources.

during the CRISPR process, _______ ________ directs the enzyme to bind to specific target nucleotide sequences.

guide RNA

the first plants to evolve seeds, _______, not only possess an embryo but also provided nutrients and a protective coat to increase the survival of the embryo


the gametophyte produces ____________ by ______. Upon fertilization, the egg and sperm fuse to form a new ______________

haploid egg and sperm ; mitosis ; diploid sporophyte

generation of gametophyte

haploid generation

Concern: the transfer of genes from transgenic crop species to weed species

horizontal gene transfer

results of the study: very few cases have shown that the resistance is due to gene transfer but is due to the wide-spread use of herbicides and natural selection

horizontal gene transfer

study: in great britain, a large number of weed species are becoming resistant to glyphosate

horizontal gene transfer

these bases are connected weakly by chemical bonds called ______ bonds


A _____ group extends from the 3' end of a DNA strand and a _____ group extends from the 5' end of a DNA strand

hydroxide ; phosphate

a potential risk of genetically modified plants is that the genetic engineering process could cause unnatural changes in the plant and result in the unexpected production of protein in food. Which of the following processes should be used to provide information on food safety?

if the genetically engineered plant has a transgenic protein that is similar to a protein already known to be an allergen. It should be tested in people who have an allergy to the related protein

cell cycle of sporophyte


the stages in the life cycle of a plant are separated from each other through the processes of _______

meiosis and fertilization

genetically modified crops became commercially available for majors crops in the united states in the _________


cell cycle of gametophyte


the spores divide by ______ to produce the ____________ stage

mitosis ; haploid gametophyte

all genetically modified organisms

modified to produce antibodies, vaccines, and enzymes that can be used in the treatment of humans

by changing food on the __________, scientist may be able to solve one of the world's biggest problems: to produce enough food for this growing population

molecular level

in 2020, _________ of planted areas of corn, soybeans, and cotton were genetically engineered

more than 75%


most primitive of plants; lack vascular tissues

all plants have the following characteristic of life: 1) plants are _______ organisms composed of cells, which are organized into _____ and into organ systems

multicellular ; tissues

PCR technology has allowed researchers to target more specific areas of a gene


The intentional introduction of changes to the genetic material of a cell or organism is called_____


intentional use of chemical and biological processes to introduce changes into the DNA


mimics the spontaneous process of mutations


which of the following techniques is used to intentionally introduce changes into the DNA sequence to analyze gene function and gene products?


information within DNA is stored in the sequence of ______, which are used to manufacture protein molecules for the cell

nitrogen-containing bases

similar to the way the order of letters in the alphabet can be used to form a word, the order of _______________ in a DNA sequence forms genes, which tells cells how to make ____ and proteins

nitrogenous bases ; RNA

available fungi genetically modified organisms and their uses


DNA is composed of repeating elements called _____, each of which consist of a deoxyribose sugar, a nitrogen-containing base, and a phosphate group


DNA contains the instructions for making ______, meaning its responsible for controlling all of the activities of a cell

polypeptides, or proteins

several years ago, scientists discovered a small number of genes that control _______ production; the substance that causes _______ of apples

polyphenol ; browning

the enzyme _______ catalyzes a reaction between the polyphenols present in fruits and oxygen, resulting in browning

polyphenol oxidase (PPO)

based on this population trend, the _______ growth rate of humans is projected to continue to grow throughout the 21st century


the unintended effects of genetically modified plants on non-target species has

positively impacted non-targeted insect species due the reduction in the use of chemical insecticides

researchers have genetically modified crops such as tomatoes, bananas and _______ to produce edible vaccinations for diseases


fruits that have been harvested ______ may result in poor taste and quality despite appearing to be fully ripened. Food have also been shown to lose their nutritional quality


the chemical reactions result in a new ______ or molecule that then separates from the enzyme. The _______ is not consumed by the reaction but has the ability to catalyze other reactions

products ; enzyme

end product of translation


concern: the possibility of harmful side effects to humans who consume GMOs

public health

results of the study: in cisgenic organisms, there are no foreign genes and a person should not develop allergy unless an allergy already exists

public health

results of the study: the protein was never approved for consumption

public health

results of the study: transgenic organisms contain genes from different species and a person can have an allergy to the gene being inserted

public health

study: in 2000, a woman had an allergic reaction after eating taco shell with the transgenic protein called Cry9C

public health

the plasmid, now called a ___________ molecule, is transformed into bacterial cells

recombinant DNA

Description of herbicide tolerant plants

renders the plant resistant to RoundUp

Description of insect resistant plants

renders the plant resistant to pest

reproduction of sporophyte


even though the growth rate appears to be ________, this presents several several challenges concerning feeding many people since the world population is estimated to ________ by 30 % in 2050 and production per acre needs to be increase by ______ to feed each person

slowing ; increase ; 70%

Examples of insect resistant plants approved commercial products

soybeans and corn

Examples of herbicide tolerant plants approved commercial products

soybeans, corn, and canola

examples of protection against insect species

soybeans, corn, and cotton

examples of herbicide tolerance

soybeans, corn, cotton, canola, alfalfa and sugar beets

end products of gametophytes

sperm and eggs

end products of sporophyte


development if gametophyte

spores divide to develop into a multicellular, haploid structure

enzymes bind with their ____ to catalyze chemical reactions, releasing products


the molecules that an enzyme works with are called reactants, or _____. These molecules bind to a region on the enzyme called the __________, and the reaction rate will accelerate rapidly

substrates ; active site

light-dependent reaction AND light -independent reaction

takes place in the chloroplasts

using this method, a ________ gene is isolated from the cell and used to _____ a bacteria cell

target ; transform

purpose of translation

to interpret the genetic information from the nucleus via a mRNA molecule into the product called a protein

examples of engineered to generate biotechnology products


during the process of _______, DNA within the nucleus is converted into a complementary mRNA strand


a ______ organism is modified by the insertion of a gene from a different species into its genome


a _________ organism contains foreign genetic material from an unrelated organism


a _________ organism contains genetic material from an organism that is not sexually compatible with the recipient


during the process of ______, information contained in an mRNA strand is changed into a polypeptide


next generation of fungi GMOs

- GM fungi that eliminate mosquitoes and reduce the threat of vector spread diseases like malaria - GM yeast to accelerate the brewing process

next generation of plant GMOs

- GM plants that are altered to withstand influences like heat waves and droughts due to climate change - GM potatoes, tomatoes, and bananas that contain edible vaccines to protect humans against diseases - GM tobacco that does not contain carcinogens - GM tobacco plants that can lead to Zmapp treatment for patients with Ebola

next generation of animal GMOs

- GM pork with high concentrations of beneficial fats - GM cattle that produce leaner meats - GM cattle that produce less methane - GM chicken that produce vaccines to prevent human diseases

Plants can be genetically modified in a number of different ways. Select all of the methods by which scientists are genetically modifying plants

- Plasmids within the plant pathogen. Agrobacterium tumefaciens, are used to introduce genes into a plant - Small particles of genetically modified DNA coated in a metal are fired by a gene gun into plant tissue - Small pieces of RNA are used to silence the expression of specific alleles

CRISPR is a tool used in genome editing. Which of the following descriptions correctly describes how CRISPR may be used?

- To remove and replace the gene of a soybean to improve the quality of soybean oil - To remove and replace the gene of a corn to increase the plant's drought tolerance - To treat human diseases by deleting and replacing harmful mutations - To inactivate genes to determine the role of the gene in the target cell

place the following steps in the correct order to represent the stages of a PCR reaction

1. a sample of DNA is purified and added to a mixture of the following chemicals: deoxyribonucleotides, Taq polymerase, and specific primers 2. the test tube containing the DNA mixture is put into a thermocycler 3. the temperature in the thermocycler is raised to 95 degrees Celsius 4. as the DNA is heated, the molecule is denatured, the hydrogen bonds between the complementary strands are broken, and the strands are separated into two single-stranded molecules 5. The mixture is cooled between 50 to 60 degrees Celsius to allow the primers to bind or anneal to the target DNA sequence 6. the mixture is raised to 72 degrees Celsius the optimal temperature for Taq polymerase to attach the primers and extend the segment of DNA 7. using the primers as a starting point, Taq polymerase adds complementary bases to each of the single DNA strands, creating a new double-stranded DNA molecule (one original strand and one newly made) 8. the cycle starts over again and is repealed until enough DNA is amplified

technique can screen large numbers of DNA sequences to find genes of interest

DNA probe

________ are typically protein molecules that significantly ________ the rate of chemical reactions that take place within cells

Enzymes ; speed up

A gene consists of a long combination of five different nucleotide bases. Different combinations of the nitrogenous bases give instructions for different products


Genes are the basic physical and functional unit of hereditary and contain information that codes for a loss of a product


In DNA, each molecule is encouraged by a gene a specific sequence of carbohydrates that specify how a molecule is to be made


It is always a simple process to identify one gene associated with a single trait


The primary products of DNA are RNA and the arrangement of nucleotides within a gene specifies the order and types of amino acids that must be put together to make an RNA molecule


General description of particle bombardment

Plant cells are transformed by bombarding the tissue with the modified DNA particles

Procedure of RNA interference

Small pieces of RNA molecules inhibit gene expression by neutralizing targeted mRNA molecules

How has herbicide tolerant plants been modified

The plant is tolerant to glyphosate; a key enzyme involved in amino acid synthesis that is present in all green plants

DNA carries the instructions to produce molecules that carry out of all of the functions of a cell required for life and ultimately determines the chemical and physical characteristics of living organisms


Environmental conditions can influence the expression of a gene


Proteins are made of a long chain of chemicals called amino acids, which are determined by the nitrogenous base sequence of nucleotides


Some genes act as instructions to make molecules called proteins


Some genes do not code for proteins but instead RNA molecules


Th particular sequence of amino acids in the chain is what makes one protein different from another


While genes may contain information for a single trait, they often create products that interact in complex biological pathways that may be influenced by other genes


concern: the use of GMO plants is harming beneficial insect populations

impact on non-target species

results of the study: current meta-analysis data has shown that there is generally no impact on non-targeted species

impact on non-target species

results of the study: in some cases, the reduction of chemical insecticides due to the use of Bt endotoxin is benefitting non-targeted species

impact on non-target species

study: genetically modified Bt plants contain an endotoxin that is killing both pest and non-pest insect populations

impact on non-targeted species

the circular pieces of DNA are cut by _____________ to allow the gene of interest to be _______

restricted enzymes ; inserted

Used to understand the function of a gene and its products

similarities between mutagenesis and CRISPR

method of genome editing

similarities between mutagenesis and CRISPR

used to enhance a gene to produce proteins with enhanced functions

similarities between mutagenesis and CRISPR

Purpose of transcription

to make a copy of a gene contained in the DNA sequence which can leave the nucleus

How does insect resistant plants work

to prevent damage to the plant, the insect is killed or a toxic barrier builds up in the plant so that the insect cannot feed on it

how does nutritionally enhanced plants work

to provide necessary nutrients to malnourished populations

which of the following descriptions correctly describes the goal of the genome editing technique, CRISPR?

to use enzymes to target a specific DNA sequence and enable the removal and replacement of the sequence

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