HFT3224 Final Study Guide

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It is estimated that in the United States, about ________ of all economic output is toward making tangible, physical objects.

20 percent

Which goal-setting sequence is correct for the following steps? 1. Evaluate resources. 2. Identify goals. 3. Review the mission and job tasks. 4. Communicate goals. 5. Link rewards to goals. 6. Build feedback mechanisms.

3, 1, 2, 4, 6, 5

Part-time, temporary, and contract workers who are available for hire on an as-needed basis are known as

A contingent workforce

Employment planning involves

Addition of Staff, Reduction of, and Selection Only

Social responsiveness refers to the capacity of a firm to

Addressing some pressing public need

Which of the following is an example of selection device reliability?

An applicant was given the same interview score by five independent interviewers.

Which kind of organizational culture do the following values describe? 1. Don't be lazy or sloppy. 2. It's better to try a good idea and fail then to stick with a bad idea. 3. When you think your product is perfect, go back and try to make it better.

An innovative, risk-taking company that has high standards

Which of the following statements about organizational culture is correct?

An organization with a strong culture would need fewer written rules and regulations to conduct business than a weak culture.

When dealing with international organizations, managers must be ________ in order to accommodate the managing styles of different cultures.

As flexible as possible

Which popular name has been assigned to those individuals born between 1946—1964?

Baby boomers

A candy manufacturer would increase both efficiency and effectiveness by making

Better candy at a lower cost

A low-level manager is most likely to solve problems under which condition?


Mintzberg developed his ten managerial roles by

Closely monitoring the work activities of five chief executives

Generally, most people try to achieve ________ between their attitudes and their behavior.


Gina's Hassle Line fields a call in which a work-study student is complaining that he is being discriminated against because he is a transgender person. What should Gina do?

Contact state and/or local authorities

Which of the following is an example of a structured problem?

Deciding shipping options for a vacuum cleaner

Another term for effectiveness is

Doing the right things

Today, managers favor this approach with regard to work specialization.

Employees specialize to maintain efficiency.

An important part of the controlling function is


Effectiveness refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs.


The sociocultural component of the external environment of an organization includes trends and traditions, but not basic attitudes and values.


Customer service cannot be considered a strategic weapon for an organization.

False Anything that a company has or does that gives it an edge on its competition qualifies as a strategic weapon. Since customer service can serve as such an edge, it can be considered a strategic weapon.

Core competencies include an organization's major capabilities and its resources.

False Core competencies include the capabilities of an organizational-its skills and abilities only-not its resources.

Fiedler's contingency model focused on having employees describe their ideal coworker.

False Fiedler's model focused on having employees identify their least preferred coworker, not their ideal coworker.

Gen Y individuals are those people who were born after 1997.

False Gen Y people are defined as individuals who were born from 1982 to 1997.

The criterion that determines the effectiveness of a control system is how well it reduces unnecessary costs.

False Goals, not costs, determine the effectiveness of a control system. The more a control system helps the organization achieve its goals, the more effective and successful it is.

Body language and facial expressions are the only forms of nonverbal communication.

False In addition to body language and facial expressions, tone of voice is a major form of nonverbal communication that conveys a great deal of information.

Long-term plans used to refer to plans that covered a period of over three years, but now it refers to any time period over one year.

False Long-term plans, in fact, used to refer to plans that covered periods of over seven years. Now long-term plans cover a time period of three years or more.

Change is something that managers strive to eliminate completely.

False Managers recognize that change is inevitable and cannot be eliminated. Rather than try to get rid of change, managers seek to manage change.

McClelland thinks that having a high nAch guarantees that a person will be a good manager.

False Managers with high nAch may be good at achieving their own personal goals, but they may not be good at encouraging and helping others achieve similar goals. Thus, having a high nAch is no guarantee that a person will be a good manager.

Manufacturing and service organizations produce both physical and nonphysical outputs.

False Manufacturing organizations produce physical outputs. A car company, for example, produces cars. Service organizations produce nonphysical outputs.

At some point, all managers create formal plans.

False Many managers, especially those who are part of small organizations, do not ever resort to making systematic formal plans.

A scorecard with respect to organizational performance should always focus on all four performance areas equally.

False Many organizations choose not to use a balanced approach; instead, they focus disproportionately on one (or more) particular area, such as customer relations, and de-emphasize other areas.

Managers with a parochial view of the world tend to see things from the point of view of a foreign culture.

False Parochialism is a narrow, rather than a broad, point of view. A manager with a parochial view sees things only through his or her own culture and does not try to understand the perspective of a person from another culture.

Negative reinforcement penalizes an individual for an undesired behavior.

False Penalizing an individual for undesired behavior is called punishment, not negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement is the withdrawal of an unpleasant stimulus.

Time deadlines tend to increase innovation.

False Studies have shown that time deadlines tend to decrease innovation. Innovation needs to be on its own timetable; trying to force innovation often results in failure.

Path-goal theory states that a supportive leadership style works best when tasks are highly unstructured.

False Supportive leadership results in high employee performance and satisfaction when subordinates are performing structured tasks. In this situation, the leader only needs to support followers, not tell them what to do.

The U.S. workforce is now over 70 percent male.

False The U.S. workforce now stands at 49.8 percent female. With changes in employment that are likely to take place after the current recession ends, women soon are likely to make up the majority of workers.

The decision of an organization to bring in new equipment from the outside is an example of an external force that creates a need for organizational change.

False The decision to purchase the equipment comes from inside the company. Therefore, the decision is an internal, not an external, force that creates a need for organizational change, so the statement is false.

The manager has control over all three components of customer service interactions.

False The first component, the customer, cannot be controlled by the manager.

As organizations become larger, they tend to become more organic.

False The greater the size of the organization, the more mechanistic it tends to be. However, the relationship is not at all linear but rather seems to jump at certain levels in numbers of employees. An organization with fewer than 100 employees, for example, may be very organic, while adding just a few more employees could cause the organization to suddenly take on more mechanistic characteristics.

The second step in the decision-making process is identifying a problem.

False The identification of a problem is the first step in the decision-making process. Once you have identified a problem, you can decide how to solve it.

The main idea of the "white-water rapids" metaphor is that change is always destructive.

False The main idea of the "white-water rapids" metaphor is that change is constant, unpredictable, often drastic, but not necessarily destructive, so the statement is false.

Groups tend to be more efficient and less effective than individual decision making.

False The reverse is usually true. Because achieving consensus within a group takes time, group decision making often takes longer than individual decision making, making it less efficient. However, groups are typically more thorough than individuals, so group decisions are often more effective at achieving goals than decisions made by individuals.

In contrast to Fiedler, path-goal theory assumes that leaders assume a single, permanent leadership style.

False To the contrary, path-goal theory assumes that leaders can change their leadership style depending on the situation. This is a major difference from the view of Fiedler, who sees leadership style as fixed.

In different countries, the most universal aspects of leadership seem to be elements of transactional leadership.

False Transformational, rather than transactional, elements of leadership seem to be most universal. These include vision, trustworthiness, dynamism, positiveness, and proactiveness.

Employees in Mexico are less likely to belong to a union than employees in the United States.

False Union membership is more common in Mexico than it is in the United States.

Verbal intonation refers to how loud the speaker speaks.

False Verbal intonation is involved with how the speaker emphasizes specific words and phrases, not the volume of speech.

Labor markets are an internal force that creates a need for organizational change.

False When labor markets change, organizations must change with them, so labor markets are an external, not an internal, force for change. For example, an influx of highly skilled immigrant labor can cause a company to revise its ambitions.

How many management functions were originally proposed by Henri Fayol?

Five: plan, organize, command, coordinate, control

Which of the following is NOT a common way in which corporate cultures are transmitted to employees?

Formal culture meetings

In the selection process, there are ________ possible outcomes.


One legislator sees decreased tax revenue as the key problem in the budget. A second legislator sees increased spending as the problem. Each of these legislators has a(n) ________.

Framing bias

The "father" of scientific management was

Frederick Winslow Taylor

University (Scenario) Gina is a dean at Polydor College, a school with almost 6,000 students. In her daily activities, she has to deal with problems that involve students, faculty, curriculum, budgets, and a variety of other things. Among the problems Gina needs to deal with are complaints from students that the Physics Department has only one faculty member who is a woman and one who is a member of a minority group. Gina has been meeting with the department chair to address this problem. Gina recognizes that students and parents pay a lot of money to attend the university, so when large and small problems arise Gina wants them dealt with effectively. She has installed a 24-hour "Hassle Line" with highly trained people to answer questions and solve problems. She hopes to have her Hassle Line employees function within a customer responsive culture. Gina sees her school's greatest opportunity to increase enrollment in prospective students who are good at multitasking and are good with technology. What term describes these prospective students?

Gen Yers

Authority gives an individual the right to do this.

Give orders

Proponents of the socioeconomic view of social responsibility believe that being socially responsive is

Good for business

A person who is being hypocritical about something that has high importance in her life would be likely to experience ________ discomfort from cognitive dissonance.


A Different View (Scenario) Jana has spent the last year traveling to different operations for her company. She visited factories in Mexico and Thailand, a finance operation in Singapore, a pearl company in Japan, and many other venues. She now has collected her thoughts about the various places she visited. In Venezuela Jana found that people tended to show great deference toward their superiors. When meeting with one higher-up, she noticed that the local managers seemed to exhibit extremely obsequious behavior. How would you characterize this trait?

High power distance

What determines whether an organization has a strong culture or a weak culture?

How much employees accept the organization's key values and are committed to those value

Experts predict that these two countries will be larger than the developed countries of the world by year 2050.

India and China

Which of the following identifies the best illustration of the phrase "demographics is destiny"?

India is experiencing explosive growth partly because its population is growing rapidly.

In attribution theory, the behavior of an individual who shows low distinctiveness and low consensus is likely to be attributed as ________.

Internally caused

Being humble is a typical characteristic of ________.

Japanese leaders

All learning organizations share a distinct structure.

Learning organizations take on a variety of different structures. Each structure is customized for the organization and the work that it does.

Groups decisions are usually ________ individual decisions.

Less efficient than

A global team member from Israel would be ________ to engage in social loafing as a team member from Canada.

Less likely

The decision of the Seattle Post Intelligencer newspaper to go "all-digital" resulted in

Managers needing to drastically reduce their workforce

All of the following are characteristics of a highly formalized organization EXCEPT ________.

Minimum number of rules

In most cases, organizations that have managers who behave ethically tend to have

More ethical employees

Which of the following is NOT considered to be a part of the planning function of a manager?


Disagreeable team members rarely decrease team performance.

One or more disagreeable team members are known to drag down the performance of an entire team.

A company looks at its expenses and finds that its electricity costs have increased, exceeding the budget by 20 percent. Which of the following would be most likely to require immediate action on the part of the company?

Overall costs for electricity have gone down by 5 percent.

Those arguing against being socially responsible might make the claim that costs for social goals are ultimately

Paid for by consumers in the form of higher prices

The culture of an organization is analogous to the ________ of an individual.


Which of the following is a basic definition of ethics?

Principles that define right and wrong

Which U.S. law gives you the legal right to see your professor's letter of recommendation?

Privacy Act of 1974

State motor vehicle offices usually use this kind of departmentalization.


__________ indicates how consistently a selection device measures a criterion.


What is a weakness of a simple structure?

Reliance on a single person is risky.

An internal analysis, the third step of the strategic management process helps identify ________.

Resources and capabilities

is the obligation or expectation to perform a duty.


A fraternity is an example of an organization because it is comprised of people who

Share goals and function within a common structure

Unstructured problems are

Situations in which all options are not known

The role of ________ is more important for managers of small organizations than for managers working in large corporations.


A low-ranking employee having the best parking space in the company parking lot is an example of ________.

Status incongruence

Even people who have no plans to be managers can benefit from studying management because

They are likely to be managed in their work career

The ________ prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, or sex.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

According to the text, economic and demographic changes are two important components of the environment that constrain the actions of managers.


The omnipotent view of management holds that good managerial decisions result in an organization's success.


Maslow states that people can no longer be motivated by a given need if it is largely taken care of.

True A good example of this would be to look at motivations of a wealthy person: with all of his or her material needs taken care of, this person has little motivation to work hard for rewards that would bring only material benefit. In order to motivate this kind of person, the reward would need to include elements of self-esteem and self-actualization.

A heuristic can simplify the decision-making process.

True A heuristic is a rule of thumb that is used to simplify the decision-making process by allowing the decision maker to focus on just a few variables rather than all variables. When used wisely, heuristics make decision making easier and simpler.

A manager who mentions that supervisors might lose their jobs if they don't go along with a change is using the technique of coercion.

True Coercion involves making direct or indirect threats, so suggesting that people could lose their jobs qualifies as coercion.

Stress can arise from an opportunity.

True Demands, constraints, and opportunities all can cause people to feel stress. Opportunities are stressful because people get anxious when they know a lot is "on the line."

An effective team must have a whole and identifiable task.

True Having a discrete task to perform increases team coherence and motivation, which ultimately results in increased team effectiveness.

Employees with high self-esteem tend to be more satisfied with their jobs than low SEs.

True High SE individuals tend to correlate with high job satisfaction, perhaps because they are able to derive more fulfillment out of the work itself rather than the praise they get from doing the work.

A country with high uncertainty avoidance and high power distance is more likely to engage in groupthink than a country with low uncertainty avoidance and low power distance.

True High uncertainty avoidance makes managers avoid difficult decisions and be overly agreeable and accommodating. High power distance allows high-status individuals to dominate groups. Both of these attributes would contribute to groupthink, the tendency of groups to avoid controversy and conform to conventional positions.

According to Hofstede, countries such as Singapore and Japan are more collectivist than the United States.

True Hofstede's framework rates Japan and Singapore as "collectivist" and the United States as "individualistic." A collectivist culture has a stronger group identity than an individualistic culture.

Employees are considered an input in transformation process.

True In addition to people, equipment, and materials, capital, technology, and information are inputs into the transformation process.

Some control criteria, such as employee satisfaction and absenteeism, are applicable to almost any management situation.

True In almost all situations, the success of managers is related to how satisfied employees are and how dedicated they are to their jobs, so these criteria are fairly universal.

Technology has changed the way managers manage by forcing them to keep track of employees in remote locations at all times of the day and night

True Managers in today's world must stay in touch with employees who can be located anywhere in the world and may have problems at any time of any day.

The goal of operations management is to manage the process of turning labor and raw materials into goods and services of some type.

True Operations management is the act of controlling and managing the process that turns inputs, such as raw materials, labor, and equipment, into products that customers buy.

Partners in a value chain management system need to be able to both learn from and educate other partners in the value chain.

True Partners in the value chain often switch roles. They may learn from one partner and turn around and play the role of teacher with a second partner. Those roles could also switch at a later date.

Perceptual shortcuts can sometimes be accurate and valuable.

True Perceptual shortcuts can be valuable for making quick assessments of people and situations. The danger of perceptual shortcuts is to rely on them too much or fail to go beyond an initial impression.

The problem with many problem-solving teams is that they don't have the authority to act on their decisions.

True Problem-solving teams often come up with good ideas but lack the managerial authority to implement their ideas. Many people feel that problem-solving teams don't allow team members to make decisions that have impact.

Situational leadership theory (SLT) states that an R1 worker who is unable and unwilling to perform a task responds best to a telling leadership style.

True SLT states that a telling style in which the leader defines specific roles and tasks works best with an unable and unwilling worker.

Selective perception involves a listener hearing what he or she wants to hear.

True Selective perception is the counterpart to filtering from the listener's point of view.

Long-term stability and the long-term ability to make profits is an argument for social responsibility.

True Socially responsible companies tend to have more long-term stability and ability to make profits than their counterparts that are not socially responsible. Presumably, a better public image of being socially responsible helps build company loyalty, which in turn becomes an important asset during hard economic times.

When information is passed to senior level managers, it is usually edited and filtered to put the speaker in the best possible light.

True Speakers must summarize and invariably do so to their own advantage.

One major way that an organization can protect itself against sexual harassment cases is to make sure that all employees are well educated on the topic.

True The more employees know about harassment and the trouble it causes, the less likely they will be to engage in the behavior.

The primary determinant of an individual's pay is the type of job he or she performs.

True The specific job a person has is the most important factor in determining pay. In general, jobs that require greater skills, knowledge, and talent pay more than those that don't require these capabilities. Jobs that require the person to assume greater responsibility and authority also pay more.

Personality is defined as a unique combination of behavioral, emotional, and thinking patterns that each person has.

True These patterns can be identified by personality tests such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® and the Big Five model.

Vertical boundaries separate employees by their rank in an organization.

True Vertical boundaries refer to the classic corporate pyramid in which rank is measured by how high vertically an employee is on the pyramid.

Which of the following countries reports the highest level of employee stress?

United Kingdom

When work specialization originally began to be implemented early in the twentieth century, employee productivity initially rose.

When work specialization originally began to be implemented early in the twentieth century, employee productivity initially rose.

The "calm waters" metaphor envisions an organization as ________.

a large ship on a calm sea

Which company would be least likely to use videoconferencing for a meeting of its designers and marketers?

a perfume company

Autonomy is important in the JCM because it gives the worker ________.

a sense of personal responsibility

Expectancy theory and goal-setting theory align well with American workers because American culture places a strong emphasis on ________.

achievement and individualism

Which of the following is NOT a common way that employee recognition programs recognize worker achievements?

added worker responsibilities

Because leading is one of the four basic managerial functions, ________ leaders.

all managers should be

In a condition of certainty,

all outcomes of all alternatives are known

A spelling mistake in a message is an example of ________.

an encoding error

Kurt Lewin's "calm waters" metaphor sees change as ________.

an unusual event

Eric the Redd (Scenario) Eric Redd graduated from college and was hired by a corporation that manufactured parts for the automotive industry. The employees on the assembly line seemed bored, and their motivation was low. Eric's employer decided to try to reorganize to increase productivity. During his career, Eric will see his job change from an engineer to a more complex job assignment. Eric is offered a chance to help direct the efforts of some employees assigned to his work group. This is a chance for Eric to experience ________.


For a baseball player, a statistical report would feature such things as ________.

batting average and slugging percentage

Managers who fail to plan may

be adversely affected by change

Organizational culture and attitudes are shared by ________ value chain partners.

both internal and external

Inputs in the transformation process include ________.

both material and nonmaterial items

In the situational leadership theory (SLT), readiness is defined as ________ to perform a task.

both the ability and willingness

Skills, attitudes, knowledge, and social cultural systems affect ________.

both the sender and the receiver

Rather than try to make employees happy, managers might do well to focus on making work ________

challenging and interesting

Which of the following is thought to best motivate professionals?

challenging problems and important work

To identify a problem, a manager

compares the current state of affairs with some standard or goal

Equity theory recognizes that individuals are concerned with ________.

comparing their rewards to those of others

When two members of a team are having a personal conflict, the team leader takes on this role.

conflict manager

Employees at a company protest a change that allows an automatic answering system to answer phone inquiries, claiming that the company is becoming "depersonalized." They are most likely resisting change due to ________.

conflicts with company goals

The JCM contends that meaningful work is ________.

considered important and valuable by the worker

High-quality service that gives customers an experience that doesn't vary from time to time is called ________.


The characteristics that make a team effective include ________.

context, composition, work design, and processes

A team that lacks discipline needs someone to fulfill this team role.


A team that lacks new, interesting, exciting ideas needs someone to fulfill this team role.


A basketball coach showing players how to position themselves on the court during practice is carrying out ________, a form of concurrent control.

direct supervision

A cost leadership competitive strategy focuses on which of the following?


Studies show that the higher the rank a star performer has in an organization, the more he or she relies on ________ for success.

emotional intelligence

What financial threat does sexual harassment pose to companies?

enormous risk of major lawsuit settlements

SWOT analysis combines

external and internal analyses

To reduce dissonance in the workplace, managers are advised to hold ________ responsible for the causes of the dissonance.

external forces

An action show producer has a read-through of a half-written show in which actors, writers, producers, and the director are free to make comments and changes before the show is filmed. What kind of control is being used?

feedforward control

Studies of performance in organizations that plan have reached ________ with respect to the benefits of formal planning.

generally positive conclusions

Asch's results are attributed to the tendency of people in groups to ________.

go along with the pack

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is an example of which of the following forms of environmental change?

government laws and regulations

The most popular OD efforts involve cooperation and these kinds of activities.

group interactions

Maslow's hierarchical model ________.

has never been validated by studies

A manager who is trying to sound conciliatory should make sure that ________.

her voice shows no anger

Filtering tends to be more prevalent in this kind of organization.

highly vertical

Which managerial controlling decision is most affected by organizational culture?

how much to empower employees

Planning gives organizations direction that primarily helps them

improve teamwork and coordinate activities

Organizational behavior focuses on ________.

individual and group behavior as well as organizational aspects

All of the following are dangers of revising production goals downward EXCEPT ________.

it increases incentive to work harder

All of the following are characteristics of value chain management EXCEPT ________.

it is efficiency oriented

An organization's real goals and priorities are best revealed by

its actions in the marketplace

A manager would most likely be interested in employees' attitudes about which of the following?

job satisfaction

Two main communication challenges of using company internet systems are legal issues and ________.

lack of personal interaction

Monica's boss allows her to make any decision she thinks is important on the spot without consulting anyone. Monica's boss has this kind of leadership style.

laissez-faire style

Direct supervision as a basic means of control is much more common in ________

less technologically advanced countries

When the New York Times experimented with charging money for its online news source, its popularity on the Internet plummeted. This shows that online news, at least as it is defined in this market, has ________.

little value

Workers with a Theory Y point of view would be likely to ________.

love their job more than the money they make

The channel is the ________.

medium that the messages travels through

Verbal intonation is a form of ________.

nonverbal communication

The requirement for value chain management that involves better product demand forecasting information is ________.

organizational processes

Which of the following defines the time frame of a long-term plan?

over three years

Programmed decisions draw heavily on which of the following?

past solutions that were successful

In his study of differences in cultural environments, Geert Hofstede found that

people vary from culture to culture in five value categories

The New Hire (Scenario) Frances begins her career working in the human resources department of a major corporation. She is asked to help ensure the organization is following the federal guidelines for employment. In testing for the executive position, Frances has a candidate fill out a typical sample budget for the department he would be working in. This is an example of a(n) ________ test.


The Retreat (Scenario) The first-line managers of ELH Inc. were sent on a retreat to Silver Falls for their inaugural strategic planning meeting. Few people knew each other, but their task was clear: design a new performance appraisal system for subordinates that would be effective and usable. The first day, little was accomplished except for the jockeying to see who would be the official leader. Finally, Jim seemed to wrangle control and helped provide the first real direction for the group. By the second day, the group seemed to begin working well. They spent the morning determining group standards with respect to how they would make decisions within the group and how to manage the idea-generation process. On the third and fourth days, the managers got down to work and moved amazingly quickly, with ideas flowing freely. By the end of the fourth day, they had a workable system developed, and they felt satisfied. That night they all signed off on a new document to be presented to the regional manager the next day. They all felt a twinge of regret at having to break up the group and return to normal work life. In the third and fourth days of the retreat, the managers were in the ________ stage of group development.


An advantage of management by walking around is ________.

personal contact

A constraint causes stress because it ________.

prevents you from achieving your goal

Which type of team is rarely given the authority to unilaterally implement any of its suggested actions?


A soap company that features a bath soap department, a laundry detergent department, and a dish soap department is using which of the following?

product departmentalization

The New Hire (Scenario) Frances begins her career working in the human resources department of a major corporation. She is asked to help ensure the organization is following the federal guidelines for employment. In an interview, Frances informs a candidate that the job is "absorbing" but its hours will be "long and grueling." Frances is conducting this kind of interview.

realistic job preview

Taylor began to develop his theory of ________ after a result of viewing workers in steel companies.

scientific management

An effective feedforward strategy for dealing with employee theft is ________.

screen workers before they are hired

In goal-setting theory, which of the following is the best kind of feedback?

self-generated feedback

Which of the following pairs would be a good match in Holland's scheme?

social: coach

When managers influence employee behavior, they ________.

steer it in a particular direction

If an employee rebuffs inappropriate sexual advances from her boss but still receives a promotion,

the boss can still be guilty of sexual harassment

Which managerial planning decision is most affected by organizational culture?

the degree of risk the plans contain

One way to emphasize team cohesion is for employers to distribute rewards based on a team's productivity to ________.

the entire team

Networked communication capabilities include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

the grapevine

If a trait theory of leadership were true, then all leaders would possess ________.

the same traits

To use a physical test as a selection device, a company must demonstrate that

the test does not discriminate against people with physical disabilities

Open-book management encourages employees to ________.

think like an owner

Which of the following is an example of a strategic goal for a professional baseball team?

to average over 90 wins a year for the next 5 years

In today's decentralized business world, ________ the most important strategic decisions.

top managers still primarily make

A team that is suffering attacks by managers from another division needs someone to fulfill this team role.


The ________ is the series of work actions that add value to a product as it is being transformed from inputs to finished product.

value chain

MBWA stands for management by ________.

walking around

The most comprehensive form of performance measurement is this.

written report

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