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The phrase, coined by journalist John O'Sullivan, which came to stand for the idea that white Americans had a calling and a duty to seize and settle the American West with Protestant democratic values was:

Manifest Destiny

The Second Ku Klux Klan was particularly strong in what region of the country?


Which legislation divided the former Confederate states into military districts governed by martial law?

Military Reconstruction Act

Who wrote The Principles of Scientific Management?

Frederick W Taylor

What territories did US gain possession of as a result of the Spanish American War?

Guam Puerto Rico the Philippines

Who documented the plight of slums in American cities in the book How the Other Half Lives?

Jacob Riis

Who was the founder of Hull House?

Jane Addams

Which of the following men was a railroad magnate?

Jay Gould

The most prolific gunman, who allegedly killed over 20 men in Texas in various gunfights, including one victim he killed in a hotel for snoring too loudly, was:

John Wesley Hardin

Who wrote The Awakening?

Kate Chopin

Which of the following was NOT a factor that led the US to enter WW1

Pearl Harbor

Which of the following was NOT a Progressive reform aimed at increasing democracy?

Pendleton Civil Service Act

Reconstruction first began under the control of who?

President Lincoln

A broad movement between 1896 and 1916 led by white, middle-class professionals for legal, scientific, managerial, and institutional solutions to the ills of urbanization, industrialization, and corruption is known as:


Most American missionaries were:


Which car company pioneered production techniques, such as the assembly line, that drastically reduced the price and made car ownership possible for a large share of the American population?


Who came up with the "Frontier Thesis"?

Frederick Jackson Turner

Which of the following were innovations that proved critical in shaping urbanization at the turn of the twentieth century:

electric lighting intracity transportation communication improvement the rise of skyscrapers

What important innovation helped skyscrapers come into existence?


Which of the following was a consequence of scientific management?

factory owners were able to hire more women and children increased profits increased efficiency

At the start of his presidency, Woodrow Wilson promised to only intervene in international affairs when

it was morally imperative to do so

Which of the following was NOT a problem facing American farmers in the late 19th century?


Which was better for American consumers, a high or low tariff?


American President Woodrow Wilson's plan for peace following WW1 was known as

the 14 Points

Which of the following events is an example of nativism?

the Sacco & Vanzetti case

What event prompted passive of the Pendleton Civil Service Act?

the assassination of the president by a deranged office-seeker

What is the "Social Gospel"?

the belief that the church should be as concerned about the conditions of people in the secular world as it was with their afterlife

of the following did NOT contribute to loosening sexual mores during the 1920s?

the legalization of alcohol consumption

What was the Great Migration?

the name for the large wave of African Americans who left the South after the Civil War, mostly moving to cities in the Northeast and Upper Midwest

Which of the following elements helped to transform the US from a mostly rural, agricultural nation to an urban, industrial nation?

urbanization industrialization immigration

Which of the following words describe Gilded Age Presidents?


What ended Reconstruction?

Compromise of 1877

Which of the following groups of people was exempted from amnesty under President Johnson's Reconstruction plan?

Confederate political leadership high-ranking military officers persons with taxable property worth more than $20,000

Which political party typically relied on white supremacist terror to intimidate voters?

Democratic Party

Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction was called the:

10% Plan

What abolished slavery in the United States?

13th Amendment

In 1900, US Census records indicated that how many children between the ages of 5-10 were working?

1 in 6

What was the average factory wage in 1890?

20 cents an hour

Today, what percentage of Americans have ancestors who arrived in the US through the port at Ellis Island?


Who was the first to patent the telephone in 1876?

Alexander Graham Bell

Who was the most important spokesman for increasing American naval power?

Alfred Thayer Mahan

Which of the following activists used more confrontational tactics such as picketing and hunger strikes in order to draw attention to the fight for womens suffrage?

Alice Paul

Who wrote the Gospel of Wealth?

Andrew Carnegie

Which of the following was the most famous American athlete during the 1920s?

Babe ruth

What event led to the drastic increase of Chinese immigrants in the US?

California Gold Rush

The US's open door policy related to what?


Who attacked first at the Battle of Little Big Horn?

Col George Custer and his American soldiers

Who was elected President in 1928?

Herbert Hoover

What legislation gave land from the American to settlers who worked it for five years?

Homstead Act

What regulatory agency was created to oversee railroad prices and ensure their fairness?

Interstate Commerce Commission

The time period when the Southern States were brought back into the Union following the Civil War was known as


Which political party relied upon the "bloody shirt" campaign?

Republican Party

Which of the following groups emerged in the US during the Progressive Era but wanted more radical reform?

Socialist Party of America

Beginning the 1880s, immigrants into the United States mostly came from

Southern and Eastern European countries

What war represents a crucial milestone in the US's development as an empire

Spanish American War

What helped turn the tide of public opinion in favor of workplace safety regulations? Correct!

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

What was the America First campaign?

US government propaganda to convince Americans to do their part to support the war effort

ch agency controlled the American economy during WW1 by use of government contracts and allocation of raw materials?

War Industries Board

Which American leader was responsible for creating a number of international treaties designed to foster cooperation in the Far East, reduce the size of navies around the world, and establish guidelines for submarine usage?

Warren G. Harding

The belief that the Anglo Saxon race was mentally superior to others and owed the less evolved populations their stewardship and social uplift was termed what by Rudyard Kipling?

White mans burden

The noted anti-imperialist and proponent of world peace who Woodrow Wilson appointed as his first Secretary of State was

Wiliam Jennings Bryan

Who was the first important American politician to advocate for overseas territorial expansion?

William Seward *

Which president initiated the most anti-trust lawsuits?

William Taft

Whose policy "substituted dollars for bullets"?

William Taft

Which president intervened the most in Western Hemisphere affairs?

Woodrow Wilson

The Commission System was instituted after:

a hurricane destroyed much of Galveston, TX

A muckraker was:

a journalist or writer who exposed problems in American society and urged the public to identify solutions

What important technology innovation allowed fencing out west?

barbed wire

Why did American settlers encroach on Sioux land in the Black Hills?

because gold was discovered

Why did Reconstruction come to an end?

because of a political compromise

Laws passed by various southern states during Reconstruction that were designed to limit the freedoms of the newly freed slaves were collectively known as

black codes

Which of the following did NOT occur during WW1?

civil rights movement

The Dakota War began because of:

continuous encroachment by American settlers on Indian territory government corruption lack of annuity payments

What was the greatest obstacle to effective unionization during the Gilded Age according to the textbook?

general public skepticism about collective action

The financial kickback provided to city bosses in exchange for political favors is known as:


A method of growth wherein a company grows through mergers and acquisitions of similar companies is known as:

horizontal integration

Why were women reformers disappointed with the 15th Amendment?

it failed to give women the right to vote

Teddy Roosevelt won a Nobel Peace Prize for:

negotiating an end to the Russo-Japanese War

Did the United States join the League of Nations?


Were the promises of the First Treaty of Fort Laramie upheld by American settlers and the government?


Did the availability of household appliances give women more leisure time as promised?


In exchange for the the US government's protection of workers' rights to organize and bargain collectively, what did organize labor promise during WW1?

not to strike

Did President Johnson support or oppose the 14th Amendment


The utmost priority of every Gilded Age president was:

protection of the spoils system

Which of the following was most important in helping to create an American culture?


Which of the following terms is a negative term for the big businessmen who made their fortunes in the massive railroad boom of the late nineteenth centur

robber baron

The first houses built by Western settlers were made of


What does the textbook call "perhaps the most important industrial advancement of the era" in chapter 18?


The Farmers Alliance plan for government warehouses to store crops and provide loans to farmers was called the


Margaret Sanger did which of the following things:

supported the eugenics movement publicized birth control techniques founded the organization that became Planned Parenthood

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