History of Illustration

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The work of which artist was influenced by observational drawing and natural science illustration?

Beatrix Potter

What publication revolutionized the Op-Ed page of newspapers by introducing conceptual illustrations for articles?

The New York Times

Influential for punk artists and future generations of media activists, what best defines the Situationist International strategy of détournement?

appropriating elements of visual culture in order to subvert its original meaning

Though producing work in different contexts, which artistic strategy did Richard Hamilton, Andy Warhol and Wes Wilson all share in common?


What artistic strategies did Emory Douglas, Corita Kent, and the Eyemaker's collective share in common?

appropriation and juxtaposition of diverse mass media sources

Borrowed from military terminology, avant-garde connotes what kind of relationship between art, artists and society?

art and artists should challenge the status quo and lead society forward

Which 1978 graphic novel received critical acclaim and popularized the genre?

A Contract with God

The Silver Age of Comics in the 1950s-60s is characterized by:

A resurgence of gritty superhero comics

British illustrator John Tenniel produced illustrations for which of the following publications?

Aesop's Fables Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Punch Magazine

The German peintre-graveur (painter-engraver) responsible for the below, _____________, became enormously successful due to his virtuosic skill, innovative compositions, commitment to empirical observation, and self-branding.

Albrecht Dürer

Arthur Rackham gained popularity as an illustrator for producing:

high-quality illustrations for collectible gift-books

James Montgomery Flagg's iconic 1917 I Want You for U.S. Army poster featuring Uncle Sam is based on a __________ poster.


Orchestrated by Bernays, which president was the first to invite celebrities to the White House?

Calvin Coolidge

Artists Bernie Fuchs, Harvey Dinnerstein and Burton Silverman produced powerful illustrations for mainstream magazines that focused on which of the following subjects?

Civil Rights leaders and activism

Each of the following are examples of postmodern simulation referenced in your reading "Postmodernism, Indie Media and Popular Culture", EXCEPT:

Documentary photography

Which European nation had the most liberal policies regarding political satire and caricature in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?


Influential illustrators such as Norman Rockwell were critical of the use of photographs as aids in the artistic process.


Nazi war artists were tightly controlled in terms of subject matter and style, only depicting the glories of Hitler's regime.


Newspapers and illustrated magazines were the primary venue for war photographs in the nineteenth century.


Only artists employed by the U.S. military were allowed to travel with troops throughout WWII.


Postmodern illustration is a distinctly recognizable visual style emphasizing unified and simplified compositions.


Punk zines emphasized stylistic uniformity, high production value, and technical virtuosity in their design.


The Underground Press Syndicate and the Liberation News Service each sought to bring more unity and cohesion in form, style and content to the underground press


The children's books published by John Newbery were known for the high quality of their illustrations.


The folk tales that became popular forms of family entertainment in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century emphasized wholesome stories of childhood innocence.


In the 1930s, comics still remained an insignificant part of the newspaper.


In the 1950s and 1960s, commercial illustrators defined themselves and their work in opposition to the emerging trends in the modern art world.


Psychedelic posters prioritized clarity of communication over visual effects.


Norman Rockwell's _______________ paintings were printed as covers for the Saturday Evening Post prior to being reproduced by the millions as a fund-raiser for war bonds.

Four Freedoms

Which popular children's book reflects the influence of European modernist painting in its art design?

Goodnight Moon

The _____________ brothers published a popular collection of German folk tales that become staples in childhood entertainment.


The imaginative and dynamic drawings of ____________ inspired Walt Disney, who made it a core reference in his studio.

Heinrich Kley

Which British artist produced poetic imagery of British citizens seeking shelter from Nazi air raids?

Henry Moore

Which alternative art journal helped established an important professional network of women artists, curators and critics in the U.S. over the course of the 1970s-90s?


Japanese sensō-e prints emphasized which of the following?

Japan's military might and the bravery, patriotism and self-sacrifice of the soldiers

Likely depicted in the image above, who is credited for introducing mechanical print technology to Europe in the fifteenth century?

Johannes Gutenberg

Which naturalist produced one of the largest and most significant illustrated bird books, still used to this day?

John James Audubon

Still commemorated by an annual award for children's literature in his name, which eighteenth century publisher is considered the father of children's literature?

John Newbery

Working as an illustrator of greeting cards prior to pursuing a career in children's books, ____________ impacted through popular illustrations ideas about childhood innocence and nostalgia that persist to this day.

Kate Greenaway

Which contemporary illustrator draws from the traditions of ukiyo-e prints in rendering highy-detailed picture books?

Mitsumasa Anno

First published in 1658 and a classroom staple for two centuries, what is considered to be the first children's book?

Orbis Sensualium Pictus

All of the following created the context from which underground comix emerged in the 1960s EXCEPT:

Osamu Tezuka

Which artist established many of the characteristic visual conventions of manga?

Osamu Tezuka

Producer of the first legally-defined obscene comic, which artist was responsible for helping to move underground comix from the pages of campus and alternative newspapers to a genre in its own right?

Robert Crumb

Which of the following books was critiqued by dictator Francisco Franco of Spain and the Nazi party for its alleged support of pacifism?

Robert Lawson's 'The Story of Ferdinand'

The dominant state-sanctioned style in the Soviet Union by the mid-twentieth century, ___________ emphasized idealized political leaders and workers.

Socialist Realism

The contemporary icon of a rosy-cheeked Santa Claus was developed by _____________ in conjunction with ad campaigns for Coco-Cola.

Sundblom Studio

What is considered to be the first U.S. comic book?

The Adventures of Obadiah Oldbuck

English photographer Roger Fenton produced the first extensive photographic coverage of which war?

The Crimean War

Nineteenth-century satirical newspapers such as Le Charivariand Punch, are considered part of:

The Industrial Age of Comics

Published in 1962, what children's book signaled to publishers the customer demand for more diverse characters and stories ?

The Snowy Day

Yank and Stars and Stripes were published by:

The U.S. Army

Popularized through unauthorized product lines, what was the first newspaper comic strip with mass appeal in the United States?

The Yellow Kid

Which famous American children's book writer/illustrator was inspired to improve upon the bland "Dick and Jane" early reader books, combining a wide range of simple words with fanciful characters and surreal settings?

Theodore Geisel

According to the chapter titled "Postmodernism, Indie Media and Popular Culture", a media text is said to be intertextual when it communicates to a viewer via a series of citations or quotes from other media sources with which the viewer is familiar.


Children's books such as Little House on the Prairie, Millions of Cats, and Charlotte's Web all depict an nostalgia for a pre-industrial, idyllic past.


The commercial posters of artists such as Mucha and Toulouse-Lautrec were collected as works of art during the lifetime of both artists.


Underground comix featured a diverse range of stories, ranging from sex and drug use to social commentary to autobiography, in an equally diverse range of graphic styles.


Which artist brought an aesthetic influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement and Japanese prints to popular classics such as Aesop's Fables and Grimms' fairy tales in the late nineteenth century?

Walter Crane

Told from the perspective of the "average enlisted man", which comic boosted army morale and won its artist a Pulitzer Prize?

Willie and Joe

According to the chapter titled "Postmodernism, Indie Media and Popular Culture", what best defines the idea of postmodern simulation?

a representation that takes the place of the reality it is meant to depict

In 1862, Edward Lear published his Book of Nonsense, which combined:

absurd limericks and comic illustrations

In what ways does this illustration by Coby Whitmore exemplify the influence of modernism.

ambiguous space and large swatched of bold color

Commonly used in Nazi propaganda posters to cultivate a sense of nationalism, _______________ stylistically tied back to German folk art.

blackletter font

Bernie Fuchs, Robert M. Cunningham, Bob Peak, and Robert Heindel were innovators of post-WWII magazine illustration, frequently drawing on what features of modern abstract painting?

bold colors flattened compositions gestural brushwork

Exemplary of instructional books for children, what narrative device structures James Janeway's A Token for Children?

children on their deathbeds renouncing sin

Mainstream comic books since the late 1980s have largely been dominated by stories featuring:

complicated anitheroes

In the 1970s, what expanded the comics market to include the sale of back-issues, smaller and independent comic books, and the emergence of speciality comic book stores?

direct marketing

Li Hua, Otto Dix, and Rockwell Kent are examples of artists who produced __________ images of war in their respective contexts


Harold Lasswell's theory of propaganda suggests that:

effective propaganda bypasses reason and appeals to emotions and repressed desires

What cultural factors contribute to the rise of children's books in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century?

emergent ideas about childhood innocence increased urbanization and decreased child mortality emergent publishing industry eager to expand markets

Natural science and medical illustrations from the sixteenth and seventeenth exemplify early modern European interests in gaining knowledge through:

empirical observation

Olive Beaupre Miller publishing enterprise My Book House encouraged child literacy through:

employing women to sell books door-to-door encouraging families to build their own home libraries of children's books producing illustrated readers aimed at specific age groups

Mass media is defined as:

forms and texts that works in unison to generate specific dominant or popular representations of events, people, and places

How did illustrator George Cruikshank retain a sense of dynamic movement and spontaneity in his drawings when he transferred them for mass reproduction?

he etched them directly into copper plates himself

What best characterizes the Pop art approach of Andy Warhol?

he incorporated mass visual culture into his fine art works

How did Edward Bernays increase the rate of smoking for women in the U.S?

he organized a media spectacle in which a group of New York socialites smoked "freedom torches" during a parade

The modern field of art history has traditionally prioritized art that is autonomous, making the study of illustration challenging for what reason?

illustrations are contingent

What is a characteristic feature of a postmodern approach to children's book illustration?

images and texts that are open-ended and ambiguous

According to New Yorker cover art director Françoise Mouly (stated in her TED Talk video), what best describes the kind of images that she selects for the magazine's cover?

images that provoke and idea or emotion that is made meaningful by each viewer

Each of the following historical shifts form the conditions for the emergence of postmodern culture in the post-WWII era EXCEPT:

industrialization and urbanization

As illustrated in the image below, mechanical print production impacted artistic labor in which of the following ways? (workshop one)

it became more specialized and divided into discrete tasks

In what ways is the image below characteristic of the satirical approach of William Hogarth?

it is based in the contradictions of contemporary urban experience

How does this illustration reflect a conceptual approach to illustration?

it represents social and psychological complexity through suggestion, metaphor, and plays between image and text

The professional spheres of illustration and graphic design began to part in direction beginning from the mid-1950s, with many design professionals attracted to what features of the International Typographic (Swiss) Style?

its unity and simplicity of design

American art critic Clement Greenberg characterizes kitsch as "debased and academicized simulacra of genuine culture." What does he mean by this?

kitsch culture is a formulaic and second-rate copy of authentic cultural forms kitsch culture mimics the effects of authentic culture kitsch culture is strips authentic cultural forms of their content and sells only an empty imitation

What is a key argument in Walter Benjamin's essay, "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction"?

mechanical reproduction destroys the ritualistic aura of an original work of art

Popularized by American illustrator Jon Whitcomb, big head illustrations featured:

melodramatic close-ups of figures against a plain background

Lippmann's theory of mass society and public opinion suggests that:

most people are not capable of making reasoned and informed decisions and must therefore be guided in their political participation

In comic books, comic strips and graphic novels, each individual static image is called a:


Which of the following made sketch artists and illustrators better suited to depict war in the mid-to-late-nineteenth century than photographers?

photography required cumbersome and sensitive equipment and long exposure times

The image below is an example of which of the following Dada strategies?


Drop City's DIY cookbooks were designed to:

provide plans and suggestions for geodesic dome construction and sustaining a remote communal outpost

Understanding the negative association with the term propaganda, Edward Bernays coined the term ___________ to describe his activities.

public relations

While the sales in comic books dipped following WWII, which genre of comic increased in popularity?

romance comics

What constituted the distribution network for alternative newspapers, DIY manuals, and psychadelic and political posters?

record and book stores the individual exchange of print material between college students, activists, and other interested parties head shops

Widely read magazines such as Ladies' Home Journal, Good Housekeeping, and McCall's presented a view of American women that emphasized:

refined taste in food and home appliances idealized beauty and fashion domestic duties of wives and mothers

The books of Michael Willhoite and Diana Souza met with controversy in the 1990s due to their depictions of:

same-sex parenting

Which formal decision(s) did Norman Rockwell make in the representation of Ruby Bridges' first day at an all-white school?

she wears a clean white dress and walks along a wall baring racist vandalism

Members of Push Pin Studio sought to challenge the dominance of the Swiss, or, International Typographic Style by suggesting that illustration and graphic design:

should be integrated processes

Charles Shultz captured complex human relationships through a(n) __________ style.


The tradition of narrative realism in the early twentieth-century visual culture of the United States emphasized:

small-town prosperity and presumed family values

What permitted the development of popular, general-audience comic strips that could be printed simultaneously in many newspapers throughout the United States.

syndicated licensing

Which of the following cultural factors impacted the development of children's books in the twentieth century?

technological developments such as film and television increased attention to diversity and inclusion federal literacy programs

Despite attempts to enrich the design of commercial magazines in the 1960s, which of the following effectively spelled the end of many that had been popular throughout the first half of the twentieth century?

television increased suburbanization rising production and distribution costs

While they partook of different media technologies, what idea did the Alternative Press movement, video and computer collectives, and the makers of DIY manuals all share in common?

that everyday people should be empowered to use and create their own media

This widely-reproduced portrait from Andreas Vesalius's De Humani corporis fabrica (1493) communicates which of the following messages about the anatomist?

that his knowledge and insight comes from direct visual observation

According to the chapter titled "Postmodernism, Indie Media and Popular Culture", artists Cindy Sherman and Nikki Lee explore what key idea about postmodern identity?

that identity is fluid, contextual and constructed through mediated performances

Which of the following features of psychedelic culture did San Francisco-based poster artists seek to capture?

the blurring of distinction between art and low art, audience and performer, individual and collective immersive, interactive, and hallucinogenic experiences multi-media and multi-sensorial environments

Despite their tremendous diversity, modern artist's books and magazines tend to share which of the following traits in common?

they are self-reflexive, foregrounding the materiality and media through which they are made

What about John Steptoe's 1969 book Stevie made it a unique contribution to children's literature of the period?

the African American characters speak in a contemporary urban vernacular

Over the course of the 1960s, which social transformations re-shaped America's relationship to the image of the "American Dream"?

the Civil Rights Movement feminism anti-war activism

What new opportunities does the emergence of webcomics allow artists working in this format?

the ability to work on a greater range of topics with less editorial control the ability to market work through subscriptions, merchandising, fundraising, and expanding storytelling into other online platforms the ability to reach special-interest audiences

From what historical predecessors did the producers of punk posters, album covers, and fanzines draw inspiration?

the alternative press Dada the Situation International

The image below exemplifies The New York Times' Op-Art page in that:

the articles content is communicated through a visually dynamic combination of image and text

In what ways is the image below characteristic of conceptual illustration?

the artist employs a visual metaphor to communicate a broad idea about drug addiction

Habermas' concept of the public sphere suggests:

the centrality of freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, freedom from coercion, and a free press to a functional democracy the public sphere is distinct from both the market and the private sphere of the home democratic societies need public spaces wherein an informed citizenry can discuss and debate pertinent topics

The darker orientation of the Bronze Age of Comics begins from:

the depiction of drug use in a Spiderman comic

What subject forced a confrontation between the Comics Code Authority and Marvel Comics editor Stan Lee?

the depiction of drug use in a Spiderman comic

What motivated the cultural production of the riot grrrl movement?

the desire to create a international feminist network the desire to encourage art, music, and media making by women to create a space within the punk movement that was empowering and safe for women

Producer of the first legally-defined obscene comic, which artist was responsible for helping to move underground comix from the pages of campus and alternative newspapers to a genre in its own right?

the dynamic and innovative range of comics produced by mainstream competitors

Beginning from the 1970s, what technological innovation allowed for the quick transfer of print material between illustrator, writer, and client, thus expanding the possibility for an illustrator to work with a remote client?

the fax machine

What inaugurated the Golden Age of Comics?

the first publication of Superman

All of the following things were influential to Stewart Brand's The Whole Earth catalogue EXCEPT:

the graphic styles of the commercial design studios

The image below signifies the otherness of indigenous America through which code(s)?

the indigenous people's comparative lack of technologies the cannibal scene in the background the nudity of the indigenous woman

How is this example of page design from a Kelmscott Press book exemplary of the Arts and Crafts approach?

the integration of images and typography into a unified and ornamental page design

Which of the following best describes the conditions of art making in the Romantic period?

the market for prints increased significantly national art academies institutionalized artistic training art patronage shifted away from the church and monarchy

In the chapter "Scientific Looking, Looking at Science", the authors make the argument that:

the production and meaning of scientific images are dependent on cultural context

According to the chapter titled "Postmodernism, Indie Media and Popular Culture", what best defines the idea of pastiche?

the result of playful imitation or appropriation of multiple cultural sources

Which of the following best characterizes the historical context in which the postwar ideal of the 'American Dream' took shape?

the rise of celebrity and consumer culture aspirational imagery in mass magazine stories and print advertising a booming post-war economy

Coined by media theorist Marshall McLuhan, "The medium is the message" refers to what?

the symbiotic relationship between the form of a given medium and the message communicated

Ethnography means:

the writing of culture

Artists Margaret Kilgallen and Barry McGee exemplify a postmodern orientation to illustration in that both artists:

they assemble a wide range of historic visual references they have an interdisciplinary practice worked between the realms of street art, commercial illustration, and gallery work

Following the development of halftone printing at the end of the nineteenth century, why did newspapers and governments support illustrators and artists in depicting conflict zones?

they could bring pictorial clarity to chaotic conflicts they could synthesize complex sequences of events into a single image cameras were limited in their depth of field and scope

Following the development of photography in the mid-nineteenth century, what benefits could graphic artists still claim for their illustrated works?

they could synthesize multiple elements in a story in a single image they could capture the essence of a story beyond literal appearance they could communicate dynamic action where photography was not technologically capable of doing so

In what ways did printed books transform the reading habits of early modern Europeans?

they disseminated new knowledge and information on a range of topics to a wide public

What best do the approaches of Lowbrow, Pop Surrealist, and Illustration Brut that emerged in the 1980s and 90s share in common?

they each appropriate elements of cast-off, subcultural, low-class cultural sources

What characterized the images of respected illustrated newspapers such as the Illustrated London News, L'Illustration, and Le Monde Illustré?

they were synthesized interpretations of verbal and textual reports, original drawings of news correspondents, pre-existing imagery, and the illustrator's imagination

The illustrations for Henry Gray's Anatomy Descriptive and Surgical (1859) were produced with what fundamental purpose in mind?

to aid medical students in learning the names of discrete areas of the human body

What was the function of the studio system for illustrators?

to deliver illustrators and designers to clients

What was the function of the United States War Departments' Division of Pictorial Publicity?

to generate public support and interest in the United States' participation in the First World War

What was the function of the Comics Code Authority?

to review content for immoral content

Popularized in his influential comic Tintin what characterizes Hergé's ligne claire technique?

uniform line weight and flat filled-in color

Which of the following features characterize the Punchmagazine layout?

use of the double column typically used in almanacs visual references to the magazine's brand persona, Mr. Punch inclusion of a large-cut political cartoon

The print below exemplifies the concerns and formal approaches of Romanticism in that the artist:

uses a highly personal symbolism to communicate universal ideas about justice and freedom

The so-called Golden Age of illustration in the U.S. was made possible by which of the following:

widespread adoption of photomechanical printing investment of advertisers competition among numerous publications for the best artists and widest readership

All of the following are examples of street literature EXCEPT:

vinegar valentines

What best defines an illustration?

visual communication through pictorial means a central component of visual culture an image that 'illuminates' or 'shines light upon its subject

This type of image, referred to as a ____________, was designed in order to instruct physicians in the treatment of various ailments and injuries.


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