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As a student you need a nonprobability sample to study college apparel. You plan to attend your college's Saturday football game and intercept people as they enter the stadium. You have designed a ____ sample.


You are interviewing business executives about new monetary policies of the government. You ask each CEO exactly the same question in the same way, with no probes. You are using a(n) ______.

structured interview

An operational definition for a variable provides the basis for measurement of that variable.


Data analysis involves looking for relationships among variables and applying statistical techniques to test the strength of those relationships.


If the researcher summarizes interview content to capture key themes, issues, attitudes, etc., the research is using content analysis.


In qualitative research, interviewers use probes to extract more meaning from an answer.


If the researcher has no theory to guide a decision, he might choose an option, implement it, then measure the results to determine the effectiveness of the decision. Theories are developed based on the success of the application of the decision. This is an example of ______.

action research

A powerful research technique that involves interviews, observation, and record analysis is a(n)

case history

You have two sales managers who generate very different results with the same product to sell and the same number of salespeople. You want to understand why. You need a ______ study.


Primary data are unprocessed or raw data.


The focus group is the most widely used method of group interview.


The interviewer in a group interview is often called the moderator.


The management dilemma defines the symptoms that through the process of exploration ultimately generate the research question.


The proportion of homeowners who own a riding lawn mower is a population parameter for a lawnmower study by Toro.


A firm randomly draws 25 weekly punch cards to determine an estimate of the percent of 200 employees who clock in late returning from lunch. This estimate is a sample statistic.

(True) As an estimate of a population parameter, a sample statistic is our best substitute.

In a study on faculty technology training for your university, which would be the target population?

All faculty and visiting executives who are teaching classes. All faculty and graduate assistants who are teaching classes. All those at your university with faculty rank. All those at your university with faculty rank who are currently teaching classes.

You have found an article, but it doesn't provide you with any information about the authors other than their names. Which source-evaluation factor should concern you most?


A particular author has been referenced in several articles found during your literature search. To find more articles by her you will use which of the following?

Bibliography/bibliographic database

Which of the following tasks is NOT part of research design?

Collecting data

Which if the following is NOT a tenet of the scientific method?

Conducting a survey (The tenets of scientific method don't specify the methodology.)

Your hypothesis: "Purchases of frozen yogurt at yogurt stores increase when the temperature rises above 85 degrees, regardless of whether it is rainy or sunny, especially when a 20% coupon is available." In this hypothesis: What type of variable is the purchase of frozen yogurt?

Dependent variable

Explanation Item 9 Item 9 10 of 10 points awarded Item Scored Which tasks would be completed to prepare data for analysis?

Editing of data to ensure consistency across cases Correcting data entry errors Assigning or altering the coding schemes assigned to variables Determining the process for dealing with some cases having missing data

You've found a website relevant to your exploration strategy but it's difficult to search the website with specific key terms. Which source-evaluation factor should concern you most?


Which of the following best describes a construct in business research?

In an abstract concept that needs an operational definition.

Your hypothesis is that "Quarterly maintenance of plant machinery will reduce the number of product defects except when worker rotations are affected by vacations or machines are retooled for new model introductions." In this hypothesis: What type of variable is quarterly maintenance of plant machinery?

Independent Variable (IV)

Which of the following defines a conclusion drawn from facts or evidence?


What makes a strong hypothesis?

Is testable. Clearly specifies the relationships between variables to be measured. Explains more facts than an alternative hypothesis.

Which of the following is accurate about the research question?

It is a hypothesis.

An operational definition differs from a dictionary definition in which of the following ways?

It provides the criteria or basis for measurement of a concept or construct.

Which of the following is accurate about the research question?

Its answer must provide the manager with the direction to solve the management dilemma.

Which of the following describes the characteristics of ordinal data?

Permits grouping and ordering of cases' responses

Which of the following describes the characteristics of nominal data?

Permits grouping of data

If, during exploration, you conduct an interview with a faculty member about training to use technology, you would be including what type of source in your exploration strategy?

Primary source

Which ethical standard in research most affects research data quality?

Providing adequate training for data collectors

You are evaluating a packaging-related article posted on the web and discover the website is sponsored by the leading manufacturer of aluminum cans. Which source-evaluation factor should concern you most?


Which of the following is TRUE of research that is funded using a functional area budget?

Research funds come from the manager's own operating budget.

During your literature search you found a research report on a study, but it doesn't provide much detail on the methodology used. Which source-evaluation factor should concern you most?


Which of these is a function of a hypothesis?

Suggests the research design. Helps determine appropriate significance test. Provides the framework for conclusions.

What is the role of theory in research?

Used to predict outcomes or phenomena

If you want to find detailed internal company information about employees during your exploration, you hope the company has _____.

a data warehouse

You plan a major promotion for a new product. Two different types of promotion have been used in the past to introduce new products. You want to know which type of promotion to use for the new product—which type will generate the greatest sales for the new product. You need a _____ study.


You want a study that will tell you not only how many employees participated in safety training in the last year, but what particular training, how often, the method, and who provided the instruction. You need a _____ study.


Halloween is a holiday that is capturing increasing sales in home décor. You design a study that uses an email invitation to a specialized online collection of Halloween décor items. To half of your customer list the email subject line reads: "A unique collection of Halloween items to decorate your home." To the other half, your email subject line reads: "This Halloween collection is available for only a short time." You are designing a(n) _____.


You take a random sample of ice cream lovers to determine their flavor preference. Precision measures ____

how closely the sample estimate represents the population parameter.

You need to draw a nonprobability sample of engineers who have a knowledge of robots. You will design a _____ sample.


A dashboard is a visualization of

key performance indicators (KPIs).

You want to evaluate changes in attitudes toward your business over a year's period in which several changes will take place. So you design an online survey and send out a link each month to your Facebook followers to take the survey for 12 months. You designed a _____.

longitudinal field research study

The process of stating the basic dilemma and then developing other questions by progressively breaking down the original question into more specific ones is called the _____.

management-research question hierarchy

A collection of questions asked of/collected from a target population or cases drawn from that population represent a _____.

measurement instrument

In an experiment, participants taste various snack products and rate them on flavor, crunchiness, and overall taste satisfaction. The data collected relate to ______.

measurement questions

After conducting three 8-person focus groups of homeowners, to determine their interest in decorating their homes with Halloween items, you use this information and other exploratory information to design a survey, conducted by phone. You designed a ____.

multiple-methodology study

Which of the following would be likely to generate nonsampling error?

participants not answering all survey questions

If your study is designed to understand what motivates ice cream lovers to purchase their favorite brand, your best target population is _____.


Your firm is conducting a study among employees about their attitudes toward union membership. Management needs a sampling design that guarantees each employee has an equal chance of being chosen for the study. You must design a ____.

probability simple random sample

During a trade association convention, your firm sets up a booth in the exhibits area and conducts and captures on digital video more than 100 interviews with participants. After the convention you study these videos to learn themes to help you determine what participants were looking for in exhibit displays. You conducted a _____.

qualitative research study

In which type of business research is sampling design more likely to include probability sampling?

quantitative research design

At the International Toy Fair, you decide to study retailers to understand how to improve their experience at your booth. You recruit 100 attendees each day of the three-day convention who agree to evaluate 10 booths of their choosing and record their evaluations on digital tablets. You take pictures of each of the booths evaluated, and tally the results of these 300 online surveys. In total you have 3,000 booth evaluations, covering more than 120 different booths. You designed a _____.

quantitative research study

The interview question funnel depicts the order of questions in an interview, moving from _____.

questions about a broad topic followed by more specific questions that narrow that topic

Your firm plans to invest $20 million in one of two promotional strategies to reposition its coffee brand as a free-trade product. Your sampling design should be a _____.

systematic probability sample

You gather a group of luxury car buyers together and present each with a card. That card contains "BMW." You ask them to relate the word to an important event in their current life.

word/picture association

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