Industrial Revolution

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Eli Whitney

Definition: A famous American inventor who is known for creating the cotton gin Time Period: 1793 Enduring Issue: Industrialization Word Association: machinery, technology, cotton gin, advancements Sentence: Eli Whitney invented a machine called the cotton gin which separated the seeds from raw cotton.

Robert Owen

Definition: An early socialist who set up a model community in Scotland, putting his own ideas into action. Time Period: 1700's Enduring Issue: Economy, Conflict Word Association: limited child labor, socialism, mill owner, labor unions Sentence: Owen campaigned vigorously for laws that limited child labor and encouraged the organization of labor unions.

David Ricardo

Definition: British Laisse fair economist who believed that increasing the wage of workers would only cause more overpopulation, because families would have more children instead of improving their living situation Time Period: 1700's Industrial Revolution Enduring Issue: Conflict Word Association: opposed to government, laws of free market, dismal science Sentence: Like Malthus, David Ricardo had to hope for the improvement of the working class, due to their misuse of their wages.

Thomas Malthus

Definition: a British economist who discovered why the population was exploding and the reason for poverty among the city Time Period: 1700's (Industrial Revolution) Enduring Issue: Conflict Word Association: An Essay On The Principle Of Population, unavoidable, lack of food, natural laws Sentence: Thomas Malthus was one of many thinkers who tried to understand the staggering changes taking place in the Industrial Revolution.

Karl Marx

Definition: a German philosopher who believed that socialism would not help the community, yet communism would Time Period: 1800's Enduring Issue: Authority/Leadership Word Association: communism, communist manifesto, Fredrick Engels Sentence: Both Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels believed that communism would lead to a peaceful society where pay was given out as a result of the work that is done.

James Watt

Definition: a Scottish engineer who was famous for his modification and improvements to the steam engine. Time Period: mid 1700's Enduring Issue: advancements in technology Word Association: Industrial Revolution, locomotives, steamships, steam energy Sentence: Watt's engine, after several years of work, would become a key power source of the Industrial Revolution.


Definition: a political theory in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is payed based on their abilities and needs Time Period: mid 19th century Enduring Issue: Power struggles Word Association: economy, Karl Marx, supposed fairness, unsuccessful Sentence: Although communism seemed great in the eyes of Karl Marx, this system quickly transformed into a dictatorship.

Putting-out/Cottage/ Domestic system

Definition: a process where raw cotton is distributed to peasant families who spun it into thread and then wove the thread into cloth at their own homes Time Period: Late 1600's Enduring Issue: Job Specialization Word Association: profit, teamwork, prevented overcrowding in buildings Sentences: British merchants tried to contain the vast amounts of cotton being brought in from India by offering the peasants a job. This process was then later known as the domestic system.


Definition: economic and political system where all production should be control by the workers themselves, instead of a big company Time Period: Industrial Revolution Enduring Issue: Human Rights Word Association: equality, freedom, radical Sentence: Under socialism the people as a whole rather than private individuals would own and operate means of production.

Adam Smith

Definition: famous economist in Britain who came up with the idea of Laisse Fair economics. This was a system where the the exchange of goods and services was unregulated. Time Period: Early 1800's Enduring Issue: Economics Word Association: hand off, no government involvement, freedom to the people, lower pricing, more goods Sentence: Adam Smith believed that Laisse Fair economics would benefit not just peasants, but the rich as well. This was why is was so sucessful.


Definition: money used to invest in enterprises Time Period: mid 1600's to 1700's Enduring Issue: Environmental effect on human life Word Association: prosperity, slave trade, large business corporation, capitalism Sentence: Many businessmen were willing to risk their capital in new ventures due to the healthy economy.


Definition: multistory buildings in the city, which were divided into small apartments Time Period: 1760's (Industrial Revolution) Enduring Issue: Human rights violations (poor treatment) Word Association: multiple families, awful conditions, no bathrooms, street sewages Sentences: These inhuman tenements had no running water or any time of bathroom. Members only access to water was through a dirty communal pump.

Labor Union

Definition: organizations/ groups of workers who met secretly to discuss the horrible conditions they were put under Time Period: 1760's (Industrial Revolution) Enduring Issue: Conflict, Resistance Word Association: illegal, work reforms, no political power, Luddites Sentences: The first active labor union rebellion occurred in the early 1800's of England, where textile workers demolished the machines they were forced to use. They then lost their jobs due to the resistance.


Definition: people who managed and assumed the financial risk of starting a business Time Period: Mid 1700's Enduring Issue: Human impact on the economy Word Association: businessman, wealthy, risk, optimism Sentence: Although the upper class tended to look down on business people, they were unable to reject the wealth sprouting from entrepreneurs

Enclosure Movement

Definition: rich landowners attempted to take over and consolidate land that was formally shared by peasant farmers Time Period: mid 1700's Enduring Issue: Conflict Word Association: efficient farming, Parliament, private ownership, organization Sentence: The enclosure movement forced many farmers and peasants into the world of unemployment.

Means of production

Definition: the farms, factories, railways, and other large businesses that produced and distributed goods Time Period: Industrial Revolution Enduring Issue: Economic Status Word Association: supply and demand, suppliers, freedom, connections, monopolies Sentences: Economist divide the means of production into four categories: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.


Definition: the working class Time Period: 1700's through 1800's Enduring Issue: Leadership/ Authority Word Association: farmers, communism, in favor of Marx, enemies of bourgeoise Sentence: In the end, Marx predicted, the proletariate would wage war against higher class members and gain rights over production.


Definition: to movement of people into cities Time Period: 1760's (Industrial Revolution) Enduring Issue: Human impact on environment Word Association: jobs, large buildings, overcrowding, factories Sentence: Changes in farming, population growth, and a demand for more workers, all lead to urbanization of places like New York City and Chicago.

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