introduction to sociology chapter 4-5 questions

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What do sociologists call it when people's jobs require them to manage their feelings as a part of their official duties?

emotional labor

Young army recruits arriving at bootcamp are about to enter a(n)

total institution

Why might a sociologist not classify people who drive Mazda Miatas as a group?

they do not have ongoing social relations

Sociologically, what is the difference between a group and a crowd?

Individuals associated with a group feel a shared identity and have ongoing social relations.

What is the danger of too much group cohesion?

It can lead to groupthink, in which dissenting opinions are strongly discouraged.

Which of the following statements about bureaucracies is true?

People who work in bureaucracies may feel alienation as a result of being treated in terms of roles, rules, and functions rather than as individuals.

Which of the following is accurate about the process of socialization?

Society shapes the individual, and the individual shapes society.

Which of the following is an example of re-socialization?

a women learning basic life skills after a car accident

What is the strongest type of conformity that can occur as a result of social influence or peer pressure?


Which type of conformity has occurred when someone joins an animal rights group and then adopts a vegan diet?


[ ] provide most of our emotional support

primary groups

Through a sociological lens, a [ ] would be considered a group.

professional dance teams

According to Sigmund Freud, the personality passes through four distinct [ ] stages of development


What are some examples of things students learn from a school's hidden curriculum?

punctuality, neatness, and discipline

Which of the following phenomena is a reason that group efficiency declines as groups increase in size?

social loafing

Parents often buy their children gender-specific toys. Boys are given action figures that encourage active and aggressive play, while girls are given dolls and toy ovens that reinforce traditional gender roles. This is part of what process?


the process by which individuals learn and internalize the values, norms, and beliefs of their social groups and thereby become functioning members is known as...


In all probability, the sociology professor who is giving this test would be totally unable to grade a test given in the chemistry department. What aspect of bureaucracy does this illustrate?


The term "master status" is defined as a

status that generally overrides all other statuses a person possesses

Members of a fraternity believe that they help create social cohesion by bringing together students with shared values. What perspective best describes their views?

structural functionalism

A goal of socialization is to...

teach norms, vales, and beliefs

What does the nature vs. nurture debate help us understand?

the complex interaction between hereditary traits and social learning

What did Sigmund Freud suggest in his book The Interpretation of Dreams?

the conscious level of awareness is the tip of the iceberg, and just below the surface are the subconscious and the unconscious

Changes in the importance of socialization's different agents might occur over time within a society. Identify the major agent(s) of socialization that is/are less important to adolescents now than in the late 1800s.

the family

Which of the following sources of socialization forms the foundation for all other socialization agents?

the family

Some theorists have suggested that all individuals act like mirrors to each other. What do sociologists call this concept?

the looking-glass self

Some argue that individuals who repeatedly commit violent crimes have a genetic flaw that predisposes them to engaging in such acts. Others claim that these individuals are the products of their social environments and learned to act out in these ways. This is an example of...

the nature vs. nurture debate

A crowd, aggregate, and category are all different ways of referring to a group, according to sociologists.


Our social networks include only those with whom we identify and interact with regularly.


The Asch experiment yielded different results when other researchers tried to replicate it decades later, but a recent replication of Milgram's experiment had virtually the same results. What important implications does Milgram's research have for contemporary society?

It demonstrates that the power of conformity can still lead to real-life instances or obedience

Which of the following companies did George Rizer view as emblematic of the spread of bureaucratic rationalization?


What term did sociologist George Ritzer use to describe the spread of rationalization a bureaucratic ways of operating into everyday life?


What do the several cases of children who grew up in extreme social isolation, such as the case of Genie in 1970, suggest?

Most of our mental capacities, and perhaps even the ability to think, are learned through social interaction.

What do sociologists call it when members of groups are influenced by other members?

None of these answers are correct (peer pressure)

Which of the following is an example of bureaucratic organization at colleges and universities?

Students being issued ID numbers

What does social identity theory suggest about teamwork?

The most efficient teams have members with strong social identities.

Which of the following is a quality of charismatic leaders?

They possess extraordinary personal qualities.

Which of the following is best suited to preventing groupthink?

a leader who encourages and rewards the presentation of alternative opinions

What are the people a part of if they associate with each other on a regular basis because they enjoy spending time together?

a primary group

What do sociologists call a group that provides standards by which an individual can judge their own accomplishments?

a reference group

Churches usually teach their members rules and often codify these rules into formal commandments to be followed Given this, churches can be considered...

agents of socialization

Émile Durkheim worried that individuals would feel less connected to groups in an increasingly fragmented modern world, which would lead to...

anomie or normlessness

All green-eyed people in the United States would be classified as a(n)...


What kind of power is exhibited by a police officer who pulls over a suspect after a high-speed pursuit?


A football coach threatens to kick a player off the team unless the player works harder What kind of power is the football coach wielding?

coercive power

Henrik is addicted to smoking cigarettes and would smoke all day long at work if it were allowed. However, he knows that if he broke the rule against smoking in his office he would get in serious trouble and may even be fired, so he only smokes outside of work. A sociologist would describe this type of conformity as...


Which theoretical perspective would suggest that group memberships are used to separate and deferentially treat individuals on the basis of their categorization?

conflict theory

An individual belongs to a [ ] if the members are mostly anonymous to one another.


A [ ] is an example of a total institution


A famous monologue from Shakespeare's As You Like It begins as follows: All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts. Which theory of social life could be seen a s taking its inspiration from these lines?


What have scholars called Erving Goffman's ideas, given that impression management relies so much on strategies of performance?


Sigmund Freud once said that the id was like a wild horse and that the [ ] was like a rider astride the horse struggling to keep it under control.


Physical beauty is considered a(n) [ ] status


Re-socialization is particularly necessary when people are cut off from society and their former identities are stripped away. Which of the following is an example of a life change that would lead to this more dramatic form of re-socialization?

entry into a total institution

Children raised with minimal or no human interaction are referred to as...

feral children

The sense of solidarity, or team spirit, that an individual feels toward their group is called:

group cohesion

University leaders ignore rumors and complains about the football coach sexually abusing students in order to uphold the reputation of the university's title-winning football program. This action to preserve public image over protecting the safety of students is a result of


What sort of group dynamic may have led officials at NASA to ignore warnings and launch the space shuttle Challenger, which exploded shortly after takeoff?


Ade and his parents immigrated to the United States from Nigeria when he was a young child. Growing up, he found himself behaving and talking differently at school than at home because he felt it would help him fit in and be treated like everyone else. Which sociological concept best explains Ade's behavior and interactions with others?

impression management

What do we call groups that are used as standards to evaluate ourselves positively, in terms of the qualities we aspire to achieve, or negatively, in terms of the qualities we wish to avoid?

reference groups

A(n) [ ] is a position in a social hierarchy that comes with a set of expectations.


Janae and Ren are coworkers who recently started dating. One day Janae notices Ren stealing office supplies. She's torn between being a good employee and reporting the theft or helping her new romantic partner avoid getting in trouble. Janae is experiencing...

role conflict

A person who leaves their job of twenty years to retire is undergoing...

role exit

A high school football coach is worried about how he should handle his roster. On one hand, it's his job to win as many games as possible, which means playing the best players. On the other hand, his contract also requires him to allow every member of the team to meaningfully participate. The tension he feels is the result of...

role strain

As children get older, which agent of socialization tends to replace parents as their most intense and immediate influence?


Which of the following is a factor that can lead to increased group cohesion?

shared values

Works of fiction such as The Jungle Book are retellings of myths about feral children. These stories highlight the sociological concept of [ ], but some real-world examples of kidnapping and abuse are no myth.

social isolation

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, has a rule that if a team cannot be fed by two pizzas, the team is too large. The "two pizza" rule tries to counteract

social loafing

What type of authority does a king wield, according to Max Weber's typology of power?

traditional authority

Our sense of self is largely created through social processes.


A [ ] consists of group members who share information and advice, provide support to one another, and have common interests, but never meet in person.

virtual community

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