JavaScript Frameworks, Libraries & Serverless Questions
platforms for serverless architectures
AWS Lambda GCP Functions Azure Functions IBM OpenWhisk
What is AngularJS good for?
AngularJS is good for declaring "dynamic views" in web applications
Which of the following are TRUE of Node.js?
Is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome V8 Includes modules that handle HTTP Is bundled with 'npm'
Which of the following are TRUE of Firebase?
Is a cross platform set of tools Includes functionality for authentication
What is JSX?
JavaScript XML, a syntax extension to JavaScript
Which of the following are TRUE of React?
React is a view layer library, not a framework Using ReactJS it is easy to mix HTML and JavaScript React Native allows to build iOS apps
What layer of the MVVM pattern is Vue.js focused on?
The ViewModel layer
In Agile Development what is the difference between "pigs" and "chickens"?
pigs are the "scrum team", that have deliverables in the sprint and chickens are "observers", that do not have deliverables in the sprint
What is the difference between waterfall and agile development regarding "testing" a software application?
waterfall: test late agile: test early and continuously