Jesus Christ chapter 6

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l How did Jesus express the New Law?

Jesus expressed the New Law in the Golden rule; "Treat everyone as you want to be treated".

Saint Francis of Assisi -

Saint Francis of Assisi loved and sought poverty as a way to walk the path of discipleship even though he grew up the son of a wealthy cloth businessman.

Mosaic Law-

The Law, most importantly the Ten commandments, that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai to guide the lives of the Israelites

Summarize the parable of the field of treasure-

A man finds a treasure buried in a field so he sells all he has in order to buy the field. The kingdom of God is like the field of treasure.

A scribe in the Gospel according to Mark-

A scribe who asked Jesus the question, "Which is the greatest commandment" in a friendly way, sincerely wanting to know the answer.


A solemn agreement between human beings or between God and his people involving mutual commitments or guarantee

According to the Beatitudes, who will be part of the Kingdom of God?

According to the Beatitudes those whom the world regards as most unfortunate- those who are poor in spirit, who mourn, who are meek, and who are persecuted, search for righteousness and so on.

Law of the Gospel-

Also called the New Law, it is summarized in Jesus' New Commandment to "love another as I have loved you"

Kingdom of God-

Also called the reign or rule of God, or the Kingdom of Heaven, it is the state of righteousness and joy in the Holy Spirit that the ministry of Jesus announced and inaugurated and which is mysteriously present in the Church today, most especially in the Eucharist


An attitude of spiritual freedom, which allows one to use material goods without becoming enslaved by them

Besides the Beatitudes, what else did the Sermon on the Mount teach?

Besides the Beatitudes, the Sermon on the Mount taught to love God and one another.

Sofia Cavalletti-

Created the method of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, named after the parable of the Good Shepard. This method was made to help children have a "living encounter with the living God."

How are God's commandments like road signs?

God's commandments are like road signs because in the process of discernment, they helped us to find our way, and help us to get our bearings, even in unfamiliar places, and to help to keep us from getting lost and frustrated. When the weather gets stormy, the commandments of God can lead us to the right pace, almost like a spiritual GPS.

Natural Law-

God's fatherly instruction that is written on the human heart and accused by human reason

What would happen if everyone took to heart the message of the Kingdom?

If everyone took to heart the message of the Kingdom then people would not be as focused on gaining material possessions, and they will break out of the cycle of violence that leads people to take revenge and to perpetuate conflicts or fights. There will be no despair, crime, war, inequality or justice.

What will happen if we are too attached to material goods?

If we are too attached to material goods we will ultimately be disappointed because in the long run, material possessions will not grant eternal life or any of the other things that can be obtained through putting the Kingdom of God above material possessions.

What is promised in Deuteronomy to those who follow the commandments?

In Deuteronomy it is promised that the Lord will bless you in the land that you are entering to possess, and that you and your descendants may live will happen to those who follow the commandments.

Golden Rule-

In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you

What does Jesus say in reference to the "narrow gate"?

In reference to the "narrow gate" Jesus says that it is harder to travel, it will however lead to eternal life unlike a wide gate which appears to be the easy, or safe route. In the end you will regret not have taking the "narrow gate".

What is the basic message of the parable of the pearl and of the field of treasure.

In short, God's Kingdom is worth more than anything, and the spiritual task is to set your life around it.

Why was it important to the Israelites to carry out the commandments?

It was important to the Israelites to carry out the commandments because it is a chance for them to show their covenants relationship with God. told them they will become numerous if they obey and live God's commandments.

What sort of happiness does following Jesus bring us?

Jesus brings us the sort of happiness that is deep, lasting fulfillment, not immediate gratification. It is fair to say that God's vision of happiness for us includes having true, meaningful friendships, and finding a fulfilling career, not the item we put on our Christmas list.

What did Jesus teach about religious observances?

Jesus taught that religious observances condemn the desire to "show off" our religious devotion. We should not seek approval from others when we give to the poor, pray of fast, rather we should do these things because in doing so we act as Jesus' disciples. It also benefits our relationship with God the Father, who sees and blesses such actions.

Analyze How would you apply Jesus' teachings on the Kingdom to today's world

Jesus taught that that to be merciful and pure in heart is more important than to be successful and wealthy. God calls on us to transform this world so that the Kingdom of God can be fulfilled "on earth as it is heaven". Those who detach from what this world values such as wealth, power, honor, and pleasure.

Why is Jesus' advice to the rich young man disturbing?

Jesus' advice to the rich young man disturbing is because the rich man was a good man and had obeyed the commandments. So for God to say that if you wish to truly be perfect, sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, it feels like God wants everything from you. Which is not true God says to the rich man yes you have obeyed me, very well, but now you need to prove your loyalty by giving more. Once you have done tis you will be set on the road to discipleship.

How are Jesus' teachings "countercultural"?

Jesus' teachings are countercultural because our society seems to believe that it is easy to travel the path that leads to eternal life, but Jesus knew that it would be hard.

What does Mark's story about the greatest commandments teach us?

Mark's story about the greatest commandments teaches us that loving God with all your heart, understanding, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.

Who received the Ten commandments, and where?

Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai

Do the Beatitudes contradict the Law of Moses?

No the Beatitudes do not contradict the Law of Moses, rather they add to it by imposing new laws such as becoming meek, mournful, poor in spirit, and persecuted.


Process-through prayer, study, Scripture reflections and discussions- of determining what God is calling us to, both in a specific circumstance as well as in the big picture of our lives


Received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai

How did Saint Francis of Assisi show that he understood Jesus' teachings?

Saint Francis of Assisi showed that he understood Jesus' teachings by seeking poverty as a way to walk the path of discipleship. St Francis of Assisi grew up as the son of a wealthy cloth businessman in Assisi. He embraced poverty and became a role model for untold millions since the thirteenth century. He was involved with the creation of the first crèche.

List some people who exemplified Jesus' advice for entering the Kingdom of God.

Some people who exemplified Jesus' advice for entering the Kingdom of God are Saint Francis of Assisi and St. Paul.


The Beatitudes are the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, addressing how to respond to the desire for happiness that God has given each of us

What are the Beatitudes and what do they promise?

The Beatitudes are the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, addressing how to respond to the desire for happiness that God has given each of us and promised the Kingdom of God/heaven.

What did the Beatitudes change?

The Beatitudes changed the way in which people responded to the desire for happiness that God has given each of us. It also forced people to challenge their consciences. The ten commandments were pretty general and brief, "Don't Murder", "Don't commit adultery", and so on. The beatitudes challenge us to take it a step further, so when we go to bed at night we can reflect on our progress to the path of the Kingdom. So instead of going to bed every night satisfied that you didn't kill anyone, think deeper, did you kill anyone emotionally?

Why is the Catechesis of the Good Sheppard successful?

The Catechesis of the Good Sheppard was successful because it is based on an image that young children can appreciate, that the teachers are well-trained, and that it teaches children in a way that is developmentally appropriate.

Why does the Gospel according to Matthew present Jesus as the new lawgiver?

The Gospel according to Matthew presents Jesus as the new lawgiver because although he did not abolish God's old laws, he did however he does release the potential of the Old Law. He also issues a new commandment; Love another as God loves us.

Explain the attitude that the Israelites, as a whole, had toward the commandments.

The Israelites as a whole were thankful and gracious because they felt confident that God's path illuminates the path of happiness and living forever.

How did the Israelites' view the Ten commandments?

The Israelites viewed the Ten Commandments as a gift and a way how to live. They enjoyed good order, stability, and fruitfulness when they followed the commandments.

What was the Israelites' attitudes toward the Law of God?

The Israelites' were thankful and gracious. They felt confident that God's path illuminates the path of happiness and living forever.

The Good Shepherd-

The good Shepherd cares for his people and keeps them safe. He provides for them, and he even saves them from themselves when they wander off and get lost. (Jesus)

What is the greatest commandment? The second greatest.

The greatest commandment is "Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. The second greatest commandment is "Love your neighbor as yourself.

Summarize the parable of the pearl-

The merchant sells everything he has to buy one perfect pearl. The kingdom of God is like the perfect pearl

What is the origin of the image of Jesus as the Good Sheppard?

The origin of the image of Jesus as the Good Sheppard is Jesus calling himself a Sheppard because like a Sheppard, Jesus cares for his people and keeps them safe. He provides for them, and he even saves them from themselves when they wander off and get lost.

Which parables show the value of the Kingdom of God?

The parable of the pearl and the parable of the field of treasure show the value of the Kingdom of God.

What is the relationship between our priorities and our spiritual health?

The relationship between our priorities and our spiritual health is corresponding. You should ask yourself whether or not the decision you are about to make will lead you closer to the Kingdom? We are all called to "strive first for the Kingdom of God and his righteousness" and to hold it more dearly than any earthly possession.

Rich young man in the Gospel according to Matthew-

The rich young man in the Gospel according to Matthew was told by Jesus that although he obey the Ten Commandments, if he wanted to be perfect then he needed to sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor, the man began to grieve because he was rich and had many possessions.

Sermon on the Mount-

The summary of key teachings of Jesus found in the Gospel according to Matthew

What part did the Ten Commandments play in the covenant between God and the Israelites?

The ten commandments play an important part in the covenant between God and the Israelites. The Ten commandments gave the Israelites a way to show their covenants relationship with God, and they make it clear what God expects from them so the Israelites felt that God was fair. They also provided God with a way to test the loyalty of his covenants with the Israelites.

What are the two great commandments?

The two great commandments are "Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your minds," and "Love your neighbor as yourself

How are these commandments a summary of the ten commandments?

These commandments are a summary of the ten commandments because by loving the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, you are not having other Gods or idols, nor are you taking the name of the LORD your God in vain, and you are remembering the Sabbath day and keeping it holy. Also by loving your neighbor as yourself, you are not murdering, committing adultery, stealing, bearing false witness against your neighbor, nor coveting. You are however honoring your mother and father.

How do we know that God wants us happy?

We know the God wants us happy because the desire for happiness is built into human nature, God has paced the longing in the human heart and he wouldn't have done that if he didn't want us happy.

How should we feel about material goods? Explain your answer.

We should feel detached from material goods because one should be able to use material goods without becoming enslaved by them. This means that while it is not always necessary to give up all of your material goods to become a disciple of God, it is however necessary that you are not more focused on material goods than the Kingdom of God.

What can you do in your everyday life to serve God's Kingdom?

You can ask yourself whether or not the decision you are about to make will lead you closer to the Kingdom? We are all called to "strive first for the Kingdom of God and his righteousness" and to hold it more dearly than any earthly possession.

Think about two or three of the commandments. How does society pressure us to disobey them of to help support them?

• Honor your mother and father- Society pressures us to disobey the commandment of honoring your mother and father through media. Movies that portray children screaming at their parents, or going against the will of the parents is constantly shoved in our faces. • You shall not murder- Society pressures us to disobey the commandment of not murdering through gaming and movies. Video games show people shooting, stabbing, or even beating people to death. Movies too often portray violent and gruesome scenes of death. So young boys and girls who play these games, and adults who watch these movies, begin to think that murdering is "cool", when in reality it is a sin.

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