marketing ch. 11

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Products bought to use in a firm's operations, to resell, or to make other products

Business Products

Intangible products that many organizations use in their operations

Business Services

The Food and Drug Administration have strict criteria over what products can be labeled as "natural." True False


Equipment that does not become part of the final physical product but is used in production or office activities

Accessory Equipment

A name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that identifies one seller's product as distinct from those of other sellers


The marketing and financial value associated with a brand's strength in a market

Brand Equity

An organization uses one of its existing brands to brand a new product in a different product category

Brand Extension

The degree of brand loyalty in which a customer strongly prefers a specific brand and will accept no substitute

Brand Insistence

An agreement whereby a company permits another organization to use its brand on other products for a licensing fee

Brand Licensing

A customer's favorable attitude toward a specific brand

Brand Loyalty

The part of a brand that is not made up of words, such as a symbol or design

Brand Mark

The part of a brand that can be spoken, including letters, words, and numbers

Brand Name

The degree of brand loyalty in which a customer prefers one brand over competitive offerings

Brand Preference

The degree of brand loyalty in which a customer is aware that a brand exists and views the brand as an alternative purchase if their preferred brand is unavailable

Brand Recognition

Using two or more brands on one product


Items that become part of the physical product and are either finished items ready for assembly or items that need little processing before assembly

Component Parts

Products purchased to satisfy personal and family needs

Consumer Products

Relatively inexpensive, frequently purchased items for which buyers exert minimal purchasing effort

Convenience Products

The full and legal name of an organization, rather than the name of a specific product is known as a brand. True False


The stage of a product's life cycle during which sales fall rapidly

Decline Stage

The average number of different products offered in each product line

Depth of Product Mix

People who adopt new products early, choose new products carefully, and are viewed as "the people to check with" by later adopters

Early Adopters

Individuals who adopt a new product just prior to the average person

Early Majority

A shopping product has one or more unique characteristics and buyers are willing to expend considerable effort to obtain it. True False


Firms can use the "Made in USA" label on their products as long as more than 50 percent of the product is actually produced in the USA. True False


In the awareness stage of the product adoption process, the buyer seeks information about the product. True False


Joseph Campbell owns his own pet store. He has named his store Campbell's Pet Store. It has become popular, and Joseph wants to trademark the name. He is likely to receive trademark protection if he is the first to register the name. True False


Laggards are those consumers who never adopt the product. True False


Unfinished furniture is considered to be a convenience product because it is relatively inexpensive. True False


When a consumer moves into the adoption stage of the product adoption process, they will adopt the new product. True False

False (Entering the adoption stage does not mean that the person will eventually adopt the new product. Rejection of a product may occur at any stage)

The words "Grade A Eggs" on an egg carton fulfill a legal requirement of labeling. True False

False (Grade A is used to describe the egg's appearance. It is not a description mandated by law.)

Registration of a brand with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office provides a firm with worldwide rights to use that brand for a specified time period. True False

False (To protect a brand name or brand mark in the United States, an organization must register it as a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. In many countries, brand registration is not possible. In such places, the first firm to use a brand in such a country automatically has the rights to it.)

Consistency among package designs is essential for an organization's product mix. True False

False (With category-consistent packaging, the product is packaged in line with the packaging practices associated with a particular product category. However, sometimes marketers choose to diverge from category-consistent packaging to make the brand stand out from competitors.)

Branding all of a firm's products with the same name or part of the name

Family Branding

Using similar packaging for all of a firm's products or packaging that has one common design element

Family Packaging

Weight Watchers Smart Ones TV dinners come in red boxes with many of the same elements. Each box features the giant "Smart Ones" brand name at the top. This is an example of

Family Packaging (To promote an overall company image, a firm may decide that all packages should be similar or should all feature a major design element)

Brands indicating only the product category

Generic Brands

A tangible physical entity


The product life-cycle stage during which sales rise rapidly, profits reach a peak, and then profits start to decline

Growth Stage

A concept, a philosophy, an image, or an issue


A branding strategy in which each product is given a different name

Individual Branding

First adopters of new products


Facilities and nonportable major equipment


The initial stage of a product's life cycle; its first appearance in the marketplace, when sales start at zero and profits are negative

Introduction Stage

Providing identifying, promotional, or other information on package labels


The last product adopters, who distrust new products


Skeptics who adopt new products when they feel it is necessary

Late Majority

Maintenance, repair, and operating items that facilitate production and operations but do not become part of the finished product

MRO Supplies

A brand initiated by producers to ensure that producers are identified with their products at the point of purchase

Manufacturer Brands

The stage of a product's life cycle during which the sales curve peaks and starts to level off or decline, and profits continue to fall

Maturity Stage

Brands initiated and owned by a reseller

Private Distributor Brands

Materials that are used directly in the production of other products but are not readily identifiable

Process Materials

The five-stage process of buyer acceptance of a product: awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption

Product Adoption Process

A specific version of a product that can be designated as a distinct offering among a firm's products

Product Item

The progression of a product through four stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline

Product Life Cycle

A group of closely related product items viewed as a unit because of marketing, technical, or end-use considerations

Product Line

The composite, or total, group of products that an organization makes available to customers

Product Mix

Basic natural materials that become part of a physical product

Raw Materials

Items, with unique characteristics, that buyers are willing to expend considerable effort to obtain

Specialty Products

"Keep Away from Children" was placed on the label of Buckyballs packaging for _______ purposes


An intangible result of the application of human and mechanical efforts to people or objects


Items for which buyers are willing to expend considerable effort in planning and making purchases

Shopping Products

The full legal name of an organization

Trade Name

A legal designation of exclusive use of a brand


Buckyballs was marketed as a desk toy made up of small magnetic spheres. Adults could play with the magnetic spheres and create different shapes. Labeling on Buckyballs packaging clearly stated that this product should be kept away from children. As concerns for safety grew, Buckyballs placed even more warning labels on the packaging. Despite this fact, thousands of children who thought the magnets were candy ingested them. The magnets could cause fatal complications inside the body. If more than one was swallowed, they could attract one another inside the stomach, creating tearing and other complications. Despite all the warnings, the Consumer Product Safety Commission ruled the product was too dangerous and filed a lawsuit. Though Buckyballs magnets were discontinued, they have since returned under the name Zen Magnets. Buckyballs was marketed as a desk toy, and many consumers placed them on their desks at work. Despite this fact, Buckyballs should be classified as a consumer product. True False


Mondelēz International is the parent company for such brands as Triscuit, Chips Ahoy!, Ritz, Nilla, Trident, Dentyne, Nutter Butter, Sour Patch Kids, and many more. It would be correct to say that Mondelēz's product mix is broad. True False


One reason many products do not last past the introduction stage is because initial product prices are high to recoup development and marketing research costs and sales are not high enough to make a profit. True False


Sales peak in a product's maturity stage. True False


The depth of a product mix is measured by the average number of product types in a product line. True False


Supporting services, such as installation and guarantees, are part of a product. True False

True (It is useful to think of a total product offering as having three interdependent elements: the core product, its supplemental features, and its symbolic or experiential benefits. Supplemental features provide added value or attributes that are in addition to the product's core utility or benefit. These features often include perks such as free installation, guarantees, product information, promises of repair or maintenance, delivery, training, or financing.)

Products purchased to solve a sudden problem, products of which customers are unaware, and products that people do not necessarily think of buying

Unsought Products

The number of product lines a company offers

Width of Product Mix

Which of the following is needed for co-branding to be effective? a. Consumer trust and confidence in the brands involved b. Two or more brands owned by different companies c. Two or more brands owned by the same company d. An agreement on the licensing fees to be paid

a. Consumer trust and confidence in the brands involved

Which of the following is NOT one of the main uses of labeling? a. Encourage multiple purchases b. Fulfill legal requirements c. Identification d. Provide information

a. Encourage multiple purchases (Labeling is used for identification, promotional, informational, and legal purposes. Encouraging multiple purchases is a form of promotion a label could provide.)

An individual is motivated to learn about a product's features, uses, advantages, disadvantages, price, and/or location. In what stage of the product adoption process is that person? a. Interest b. Trial c. Awareness d. Evaluation

a. Interest

As Lisa eats her morning bowl of Golden Grahams cereal, she reads about the calories, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins she is ingesting. This information is required by the _______. a. Nutrition Labeling Act b. Fair Packaging and Labeling Act c. Nutritional Content Disclosure Act d. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

a. Nutrition Labeling Act

Which of the following is used by retailers or wholesalers to develop more efficient promotion, generate higher gross margins, and change store image? a. Private distributor brands b. Generic brands c. Equity brands d. Consumer brands e. Manufacturer brands

a. Private distributor brands

Which of the following is an example of a private distributor brand? a. Target's Archer Farms coffee b. Unilever's Dove body wash c. Procter & Gamble's Gillette razors d. Kellogg's Froot Loops cereal

a. Target's Archer Farms coffee

When Microsoft, the company that produces the Windows operating system, introduced its Windows Phone smartphones, this was called _______. a. a brand extension b. brand licensing c. individual branding d. co-branding

a. a brand extension

While grocery shopping, Kris saw an endcap display for Betty Crocker's new Mug Treats product. Kris is in the _______ stage of the product adoption process. a. awareness b. trial c. interest d. evaluation

a. awareness

The National Basketball Association (NBA) allows various organizations to use its logos and trademarks to market a variety of clothing, toys, and other items. The NBA receives a percentage of the gross revenues. This is _______. a. brand licensing b. family branding c. brand exploitation d. co-branding

a. brand licensing

The NBC peacock is an example of a _______. a. brand mark b. trademark c. trade name d. brand name

a. brand mark

The element of the brand that is not made up of words and often includes a symbol or design is known as the _______. a. brand mark b. trademark c. brand name d. brand

a. brand mark

Scotch Tape is a _______ manufactured by 3M Company, which is a _______. a. brand name; trade name b. brand mark; trade name c. brand name; trademark d. trade name; brand

a. brand name; trade name

Don, a purchasing agent for a university, is currently buying laptop computers from ComputerZone for use in a new computer lab at the university. While discussing the purchase with the representative from ComputerZone, Don not only approves the purchase for the computer lab, but also decides he would like to purchase additional laptops so that the university can sell them to students. The first laptop purchase is considered a ______, and the additional laptop purchase is considered to be a _______. a. business purchase; business purchase b. consumer purchase; business purchase c. consumer purchase; consumer purchase d. business purchase; consumer purchase

a. business purchase; business purchase (The laptop computers for the computer lab are purchased to be used in the university's operations, making it a business purchase. The additional laptops are being resold to students, which is also a business purchase.)

In the United States, toothpaste is sold in tubes and ketchup is sold in plastic bottles. However, in other parts of the world, ketchup and tomato paste are also sold in tubes. If Heinz was to introduce ketchup in tubes in the United States, consumers might have a more difficult time recognizing the ketchup product due to the change in the _______. a. category-consistent packaging b. multiple-category packaging c. category-specific packaging d. innovative packaging

a. category-consistent packaging

Crest toothpaste comes in many different varieties and flavors. Whitening, cavity protection, and gum protection are just a few of the varieties available. Crest offers so many different varieties and flavors because _______. a. customers have different needs for toothpaste and Crest can serve many different target markets with a wide variety b. having a wide product mix makes Crest a better trusted brand by consumers c. it is easier to manage a shallow product line than a deep one d. Crest likely has low market share and is attempting to gain more customers

a. customers have different needs for toothpaste and Crest can serve many different target markets with a wide variety

Packaging can provide all of the following functions, except _______. a. determine the price to be charged for the product b. deter shoplifting and prevent product tampering c. protecting the product and maintaining its functional form d. promote a product by communicating its features, uses, benefits, and image

a. determine the price to be charged for the product (Packaging can protect the product and maintains its functional form, offer convenience to customers, deter shoplifting, prevent product tampering, and promote the product. While the packaging contributes to the cost of the product, it does not determine the selling price.)

All Healthy Choice products come in green boxes with the same Healthy Choice logo. This is an example of the use of _______. a. family packaging b. family branding c. multiple packaging d. category-consistent packaging

a. family packaging

All of the following can be used to refer to a brand initiated and owned by a reseller, except a _______. a. generic brand b. private distributor brand c. store brand d. private brand

a. generic brand

A(n) _______ can be a concept, philosophy, image, or issue. a. idea b. good c. product d. service

a. idea

The strongest form of brand loyalty is brand _______. a. insistence b. preference c. recognition d. equity

a. insistence

Heinz changed the packaging of its ketchup, switching from a glass bottle to a plastic bottle. Since the bottle was squeezable, consumers had an easier time getting ketchup out of the bottle. This change in packaging is a strategy that can most likely help boost sales in the _______ stage of the product life cycle. a. maturity b. introduction c. decline d. growth

a. maturity (During the maturity stage, the benefits consumers seek may change, necessitating changes in the product. In the case of Heinz Ketchup, consumers sought to have ketchup that was easy to get out of the bottle, leading to the change in packaging of the product.)

Procter & Gamble manufactures detergent, diapers, razors, toothpaste, toilet paper, and a variety of other products. These products make up Procter & Gamble's product _______. a. mix b. item c. line d. width

a. mix

Multiple packaging is likely to increase demand because _______. a. more of the product is available at the point of consumption b. customers enjoy stocking up on products c. more consumers will buy the product d. the product is easier to store

a. more of the product is available at the point of consumption

Unsought products include _______. a. products of which customers are unaware b. frequently purchased items for which buyers are willing to exert considerable effort c. frequently purchased items that are found in certain retail outlets d. relatively inexpensive, frequently purchased items for which buyers exert only minimal purchasing effort

a. products of which customers are unaware

Jack was born in Australia and moved to the United States when he was a teenager. He is an actor and gets paid to give presentations to elementary school students on Australia's culture and traditions as "Outback Jack." When speaking to school children, Jack is _______. a. providing a service b. marketing a product c. selling a good d. selling an idea

a. providing a service (The speech that Jack provides to schools is a service—an intangible result of the application of human and mechanical efforts to people or objects.)

During the growth stage of a successful product, profits usually _______. a. reach a peak and then start to decline b. are negative but increasing c. are positive and continuously increasing d. are negative but decreasing

a. reach a peak and then start to decline

Douwe Egberts, a coffee brand in the U.K., ran a commercial that showed customers that they could use the empty product package (a glass jar) as a vase for flowers or container for pencils. The company even partnered with a well-known artist to create limited edition jars. This is an example of _______. a. secondary-use packaging b. category-consistent packaging c. minimalist packaging d. altering the package

a. secondary-use packaging

Douwe Egberts, a coffee brand in the U.K., ran a commercial that showed customers that they could use the empty product package (a glass jar) as a vase for flowers or container for pencils. The company even partnered with a well-known artist to create limited edition jars. This is an example of _______. a. secondary-use packaging b. minimalist packaging c. altering the package d. category-consistent packaging

a. secondary-use packaging

Mondelēz International is the parent company for many brands including Triscuit, Chicklets, Tang, and many others. The company's product line includes biscuits (cookies and crackers), chocolate, gum and candy, beverages, and cheese and dairy. The company's biscuit product line has more than 15 brands while the gum and candy product line has less than 10 brands. The depth of product mix for gum and candy is _______ than the depth of product mix for biscuits. a. shallower b. broader c. deeper d. narrower

a. shallower

Brand equity is best defined as _______. a. the marketing and financial value associated with a brand's strength in a market b. the concept that all brands are equal and there is no real difference between competing brands c. the willingness of a customer to view a substitute brand as equal to his or her preferred brand d. a customer's favorable attitude toward a specific brand

a. the marketing and financial value associated with a brand's strength in a market

When a company offers many product lines, it can be said to have a _______. a. wide product mix b. deep product mix c. brand product mix d. shallow product mix e. narrow product mix

a. wide product mix

Buyers recognize the existence of a new product during which of the following stages of the product adoption process? a. Interest b. Awareness c. Evaluation d. Trial e. Adoption

b. Awareness

Which of the following would be an example of accessory equipment? a. Iron ore b. Calculator c. Coca-Cola syrup d. Printing press e. Pencils

b. Calculator

Which of the following does NOT apply to shopping products? a. Marketing channel members expect to receive higher gross margins to compensate for lower turnover. b. Consumers are typically unaware of the product until they see it online or in a store. c. Shopping products are expected to last a fairly long time and are typically more expensive than convenience products. d. Consumers are willing to expend considerable effort in planning and making the purchase.

b. Consumers are typically unaware of the product until they see it online or in a store.

Melinda hates using liquid laundry detergent. She heard about Tide Pods from a friend and did some research. She likes what she learns, but she is concerned about all the incidents where children have accidentally swallowed the pods. She has two young children herself. Melinda begins weighing the pros and cons of Tide Pods versus the liquid laundry detergent. Melinda is in what stage of the product adoption process? a. Awareness b. Evaluation c. Interest d. Trial e. Adoption

b. Evaluation

What is the most protectable brand type as determined by a series of court decisions? a. Descriptive b. Fanciful c. Arbitrary d. Suggestive

b. Fanciful (From most protectable to least protectable, these brand types are fanciful (Exxon), arbitrary (Dr Pepper), suggestive (Spray 'n Wash), and descriptive (Minute Rice). Generic terms, such as aluminum foil, are not protectable.)

Among its many types of products, Unilever markets several brands of ice cream, including Ben & Jerry's, Magnum, Breyers, Klondike, and Good Humor. This is an example of what type of branding policy? a. Co-branding b. Individual c. Store d. Brand extension

b. Individual

Franco purchased light bulbs for use at the bakery he owns. The light bulbs are _______. a. component parts b. MRO supplies c. process materials d. accessory equipment

b. MRO supplies (Light bulbs for use in a business office would be considered MRO supplies. They help Franco facilitate the production of baked goods, but do not become part of the finished product.)

Roger recently went to a grocery store looking to pick up a few items. When he looked for Jif peanut butter, he saw that it was not available in the store. He saw that Peter Pan peanut butter was available and bought a jar of that brand instead. Roger's behavior indicates that he most likely has what level of brand loyalty toward Jif peanut butter? a. Resistance b. Preference c. Insistence d. Recognition

b. Preference

Logan enjoys going to the local zoo. He does not like the price of the zoo food and beverages, however, as they are much more expensive than food in other places. When he does buy a drink, he usually goes for the extra-large because he gets a souvenir cup that he gets to keep. The souvenir cup represents which of the following? a. Brand extensions b. Supplemental features c. Experiential benefits d. Product lines e. Core product

b. Supplemental features

Which of the following co-branded products would be most likely to fail? a. Philadelphia Cream Cheese flavored with Cadbury chocolate b. Tonka trucks featuring Hershey's chocolate c. Tide laundry detergent featuring Downy fabric softener d. Mrs. Smith's Apple Pie featuring Cinnabon cinnamon rolls

b. Tonka trucks featuring Hershey's chocolate

You are a rising star in the purchasing department at your company and you have recently been promoted to manager for business services procurement. As your title suggests, you will be responsible for purchasing business services for your firm. Which of the following statements is true regarding your new role? a. You will be purchasing component parts. b. You will be purchasing janitorial services. c. You will be purchasing process materials. d. You will be purchasing raw materials.

b. You will be purchasing janitorial services. (Janitorial services are a type of business service. If you are engaged in business service procurement, this would fall under your responsibilities.)

A chair can be all of the following, except _______. a. a consumer product if it is used by a family at home b. a consumer product if it is purchased by a wholesaler to resell to a retailer c. a business product if it is used in the waiting room of a doctor's office d. a business product if it is used by an executive at a desk in the company office

b. a consumer product if it is purchased by a wholesaler to resell to a retailer

Each of the following factors should be considered by marketers when selecting a brand name, except that a brand name should _______. a. be designed to be used and recognized in all types of media b. be easy to include in a commercial jingle c. be distinctive from competing brands d. indicate in some way the product's major benefits

b. be easy to include in a commercial jingle (When selecting a brand name, marketers should consider several factors. These include that the brand name should indicate in some way the product's major benefits; be designed to be used and recognized in all types of media; be distinctive from competing brands; and be easy for customers to say, spell, and recall.)

Henry is in the market to purchase a new laptop computer. In the past, he has owned an Apple MacBook and was satisfied with the product. As he starts researching which laptop to buy, he is able to make a quick decision on a new laptop. Because of his previous satisfaction with the MacBook, he decides to buy a new MacBook. For Henry, he is experiencing the benefits of _______. a. family branding b. brand loyalty c. brand equity d. brand mark

b. brand loyalty

Tide Free and Gentle is a _______ of laundry detergent made by Procter & Gamble. a. brand mark b. brand name c. brand identification d. trademark

b. brand name

In the process of manufacturing its vehicles, Ford needs to purchase tires from tire manufacturers such as Goodyear. These tires are best described as _______. a. installations b. component parts c. process materials d. accessory equipment

b. component parts (The tires are component parts. They become part of the final physical product and are purchased ready to be installed on the vehicle.)

Lindsay stops by the Safeway grocery, her preferred store, on the way home from work. She picks up her usual brand of laundry detergent and orange juice, but she sees that there are no more free-range eggs available. Lindsay is very concerned about the ethical treatment of animals and so she leaves Safeway and goes to another grocery to purchase the free-range eggs. Lindsay's purchase of the laundry detergent and orange juice would most likely be classified as _______ products. Her purchase of the eggs would most likely be classified as _______ products. a. convenience; brand loyal b. convenience; shopping c. convenience; specialty d. shopping; specialty

b. convenience; shopping

Martin is the brand manager for a product made by Procter & Gamble. The product packaging has remained the same for the last year and, in recent months, he has reduced spending on promotions. Martin's product is likely in the _______ stage of the product life cycle. a. growth b. decline c. maturity d. introduction

b. decline

When a chain of coffee shops adds locations during the growth stage, the objective it is most likely trying to achieve is to _______. a. generate cash flow b. fill geographic gaps c. increase market share d. maintain market share

b. fill geographic gaps (During the growth stage, a firm should seek to fill gaps in geographic market coverage. Opening additional locations is a way of filling those geographic gaps.)

Price cuts for products typically occur during the _______ stage in an effort to gain market share. a. maturity b. growth c. introduction d. decline

b. growth (Aggressive pricing, including price cuts, are typical during the growth stage as a means of gaining market share)

Jace overcame a drug addiction and is now a motivational speaker. He sends promotional materials to middle and high schools across the United States that provides information on the uplifting, anti-drug "It's Not Worth It" message of his speech. Jace is marketing a(n) _______. a. product b. idea c. good d. service

b. idea (An idea is a concept, philosophy, image, or issue. Jace is marketing the philosophy of his "It's Not Worth It" anti-drug campaign.)

The Kellogg's product mix includes cereals, bars, beverages, frozen breakfast items, and crackers. The company is considering selling a gluten-free cereal. If it was to add this product, Kellogg's would be _______. a. increasing the width of its product mix b. increasing the depth of its product mix c. increasing the depth of its product line d. increasing the width of its product line

b. increasing the depth of its product mix

The four stages of the product life cycle, in order, are _______. a. growth, maturity, reevaluation, and decline b. introduction, growth, maturity, and decline c. primary, growth, recessionary, and decline d. primary, expansion, maturity, and recessionary

b. introduction, growth, maturity, and decline

A major advantage of family branding is that _______. a. it may help facilitate market segmentation when a firm wants to enter many segments of the same market b. it can be a benefit when consumers have positive associations with the brand c. it helps make the brand name more easily protectable through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office d. the negative issues associated with an inferior product do not influence consumers' decisions to purchase the company's other products

b. it can be a benefit when consumers have positive associations with the brand

Sally is a designer working on redesigning a bottle used to sell bottled water. She is working to make it easier for consumers to drink from. She is working on the water's _______. a. licensing b. packaging c. labeling d. promotion

b. packaging

On the shelves at Costco, Costco's Kirkland Bath Tissue, a _______ brand, is likely to be found next to Kimberly-Clark's Cottonelle Toilet Paper, a _______ brand. a. manufacturer; private b. private; manufacturer c. dealer; private distributer d. store; generic

b. private; manufacturer (Kirkland, a brand owned and initiated by Costco, is a private brand. Cottonelle is owned and operated by a manufacturer, Kimberly-Clark, making it a manufacturer brand.)

Huy Fong Foods is buying peppers and vinegar to make its iconic Sriracha sauce. For Huy Fong Foods, these are best described as _______. a. installations b. process materials c. component parts d. accessory equipment e. raw materials

b. process materials

Brands provide all of the following benefits for sellers, except that they do NOT _______. a. help a firm introduce a new product b. reduce perceived risk of purchase c. make repeat purchase easier for customers d. foster brand loyalty

b. reduce perceived risk of purchase (For sellers, brands make repeat purchase easier for customers, help a firm introduce a new product using the same brand name, foster brand loyalty among customers, and facilitate promotional efforts for products with the same brand name. Reducing the perceived risk of purchase is a benefit to buyers.)

Toward the end of the growth stage, all of the following marketing strategies will likely occur, except _______. a. more intense segmentation strategies and the introduction of new flavors or varieties b. repositioning the product to suggest new uses for the item c. promotion focused on encouraging adoption and brand loyalty d. aggressive pricing and price cuts

b. repositioning the product to suggest new uses for the item

Recently, Amazon began using carboard boxes that feature a picture or cut out that encourage an "arts and crafts" project. Utilizing the #morethanabox hashtag, customers can show off their creations on Twitter. This is an example of _______. a. minimalist packaging b. secondary-use packaging c. altering the package d. category-consistent packaging

b. secondary-use packaging

A(n) _______ is an intangible result of the application of human and mechanical efforts to people or objects. a. product b. service c. good d. idea

b. service

The various products carried by a retailer can also have dimensions of width and depth. For example, Target carries electronics such as computers and televisions. Best Buy also carries electronics but has a much larger selection of computers and televisions than Target. In the case of electronics, the product mix of Target is _______ and the product mix of Best Buy is _______. a. deep; shallow b. shallow; deep c. narrow; wide d. wide; narrow

b. shallow; deep

Sondra is taking a Photography 101 class this semester and needs to purchase a DSLR camera. She researches cameras online and narrows it down to either a Canon or Nikon. She then goes to Best Buy to compare the cameras in person. She will spend about $500 on the camera and wants to be sure she purchases a high-quality camera that will last her for the next several years. The camera is a _______. a. specialty product b. shopping product c. unsought product d. convenience product

b. shopping product

In the growth stage of the product life cycle, a typical marketing strategy seeks to _______. a. develop new variations of the product that focus on new benefits that customers are seeking b. strengthen market share and position the product favorably against aggressive competitors by emphasizing its benefits c. eliminate items from the product line, cut promotion efforts, eliminate marginal distributors, and phase out the product d. focus on a single market segment that is most interested in, most able to, and most willing to buy the product

b. strengthen market share and position the product favorably against aggressive competitors by emphasizing its benefits

Jars of Peter Pan, Skippy, and Jif peanut butter could be considered category-consistent packages because _______. a. the jars can be used for other purposes once they are empty b. the jars of all brands are similar and follow a traditional shape for peanut butter jars c. the lids of the jars are in different colors d. the peanut butter in the jars are similar across all three brands

b. the jars of all brands are similar and follow a traditional shape for peanut butter jars

Bert receives a phone call from a representative from a local funeral home. The sales representative let him know that he could prepurchase funeral services, which would save his family members time and money when planning his funeral. Bert did not know such a service even existed. The prepurchase of funeral services is considered a(n) _______ product. a. specialty b. unsought c. shopping d. convenience

b. unsought

To make intangible products more tangible or real to the consumer, marketers often _______. a. use external reference prices b. use symbols or cues to help symbolize product benefits c. use low prices on intangible goods d. use multiple channels of distribution

b. use symbols or cues to help symbolize product benefits

Co-branding is best defined as _______. a. an agreement in which one company permits another to use its brand on other products for a licensing fee b. using two or more brands on one product c. using an existing brand to brand a new product in a different category d. developing a product closely related to existing products in the line but designed to meet different customer needs

b. using two or more brands on one product

The various products carried by a retailer can also have dimensions of width and depth. For example, Dick's Sporting Goods carries sports clothes, shoes, exercise equipment, hunting and fishing equipment, camping supplies, and other products. Bass Pro Shops carries fishing equipment but has a larger selection of different models and brands. In this case, the product mix of Dick's Sporting Goods is _______, and the product mix of Bass Pro Shops is _______. a. wide and deep; wide and shallow b. wide; deep c. deep and wide; deep and wide d. deep; wide

b. wide; deep

A landscaper buys a trailer so that he can transport tools and a lawnmower to different properties. This trailer is an example of which type of business product? a. Installations b. Component part c. Accessory equipment d. Raw materials

c. Accessory equipment

Arjen just got a new German Shepherd puppy. Before he brought his new furry friend home, Arjen researched the best type of dog food to feed the new puppy. He then went to the local pet store and purchased the Blue Diamond brand of dog food. His new dog loved the food and Arjen plans on purchasing the same brand again. What stage of the product adoption process is Arjen in? a. Trial b. Evaluation c. Adoption d. Interest

c. Adoption (A consumer enters the adoption stage of the product adoption process when they purchase the product and expect to use it again when the need for the product arises.)

In order for a label to say, "Made in USA," the Federal Trade Commission says that which of the following must be true? a. The mechanical components of the product are made in the United States. b. The parent company's headquarters are located in the United States. c. All or virtually all of a product's components are made in the United States. d. At least half of the product is assembled in the United States.

c. All or virtually all of a product's components are made in the United States.

Which of the following is the strongest and most desired by marketers? a. Brand preference b. Brand recognition c. Brand insistence d. Brand equity e. Brand loyalty

c. Brand insistence

Sales fall rapidly during which of the following? a. Growth stage b. Introduction stage c. Decline stage d. Maturity stage e. Product development

c. Decline stage

Which of the following are viewed as "in the know" by many product adopters? a. Innovators b. Late majority c. Early adopters d. Early majority e. Laggards

c. Early adopters

When first released, Tide Pods caught consumers' attention because the detergent was placed into a small orange "pod" that users could throw into their washing machine. This eliminated the need to measure and pour out messier liquid detergent. Tide Pods likely represent what type of packaging? a. Secondary use b. Handling improved packaging c. Innovative d. Category-consistent packaging e. Single-use packaging

c. Innovative

Which of the following is closely related to packaging and is used to identify, promote, inform, and address legal requirements? a. Packaging b. Branding c. Labeling d. Brand licensing e. Brand mark

c. Labeling

Buckyballs was marketed as a desk toy made up of small magnetic spheres. Adults could play with the magnetic spheres and create different shapes. Labeling on Buckyballs packaging clearly stated that this product should be kept away from children. As concerns for safety grew, Buckyballs placed even more warning labels on the packaging. Despite this fact, thousands of children who thought the magnets were candy ingested them. The magnets could cause fatal complications inside the body. If more than one was swallowed, they could attract one another inside the stomach, creating tearing and other complications. Despite all the warnings, the Consumer Product Safety Commission ruled the product was too dangerous and filed a lawsuit. Though Buckyballs magnets were discontinued, they have since returned under the name Zen Magnets. What type of brand was Buckyballs? a. Dealer brand b. Store brand c. Manufacturer brand d. Generic brand e. Private distributor brand

c. Manufacturer brand

An advertising campaign that recommends a new way for customers to use a company's product is best suited for a product in which stage of the product life cycle? a. Growth b. Decline c. Maturity d. Introduction

c. Maturity

In which stage do sales first start to decline? a. Prosperity b. Decline c. Maturity d. Introduction e. Growth

c. Maturity

Which of the following is the total group of products that an organization makes available to customers? a. Promotion mix b. Marketing mix c. Product mix d. Product mix width e. Brand mix

c. Product mix

Of the following choices, which would be the most difficult brand name to legally protect? a. Acuvue Lenses b. Snug-A-Bug Baby Clothes c. Southwest Bakery d. Learn & Yearn Toys

c. Southwest Bakery (The most difficult types of names to protect are surnames, descriptive names, geographic names, and functional names. Southwest Bakery is a geographic name and would be the most difficult of these names to legally protect.)

Which of the following best defines the evaluation stage of the product adoption process? a. The buyer purchases the product and will use it again when the need for the product arises. b. The buyer tests the product to determine if it fits his or her needs. c. The buyer considers the product's value versus the competition. d. The buyer searches for information about the product.

c. The buyer considers the product's value versus the competition.

Javier always has the latest products. His friends always come to him when seeking advice on new products. Javier is _______. a. an innovator b. a laggard c. an early adopter d. in the early majority

c. an early adopter

Duane is in charge of finding a new location for Car Rental USA. It must have a large parking lot and covered car wash bay. Duane is looking to purchase _______. a. a process material b. a component part c. an installation d. an MRO supply

c. an installation

If Taco Bell made an agreement allowing another company to use its brand name on a new line of tortillas, tortilla chips, and salsas, this would be called _______. a. brand extensions b. private branding c. brand licensing d. co-branding

c. brand licensing

Elmo, Big Bird, and other Sesame Street characters appearing on lunch boxes, blankets, and toys made by other companies is an example of _______. a. brand extensions b. co-branding c. brand licensing d. family branding

c. brand licensing (When Sesame Street characters appear on those products, it is an example of brand licensing. In brand licensing there is an agreement where one company permits another to use its brand on other products for a licensing fee.)

A customer that regularly purchases Crest toothpaste but would purchase Colgate if the Crest brand was not available has a _______ for Crest toothpaste. a. brand recognition b. brand awareness c. brand preference d. brand insistence

c. brand preference

Most wine comes in similarly shaped bottles. However, Stack Wine offers its wine in four-pack cups. While a traditional winemaker is likely to adopt _______ packaging, Stack Wine has adopted _______ packaging. a. identical; improved handling b. category-consistent; secondary use c. category-consistent; innovative d. improved handling; multiple e. multiple; innovative

c. category-consistent; innovative

Taco Bell has a line of tacos called Doritos Locos Tacos. This is an example of _______. a. individual branding b. family branding c. co-branding d. a brand extension

c. co-branding (Two brands (Taco Bell and Doritos) are being used on one product. This is an example of co-branding.)

Crest toothpaste comes in many different varieties and flavors. Whitening, cavity protection, and gum protection are just a few of the varieties available. Crest offers so many different varieties and flavors because _______. a. Crest likely has low market share and is attempting to gain more customers b. having a wide product mix makes Crest a better trusted brand by consumers c. customers have different needs for toothpaste and Crest can serve many different target markets with a wide variety d. it is easier to manage a shallow product line than a deep one

c. customers have different needs for toothpaste and Crest can serve many different target markets with a wide variety

The stage of the product life cycle when marketers consider a significant reduction of promotional efforts and the elimination of outlets or marketing channels that are not contributing adequately to profits is the _______ stage. a. growth b. maturity c. decline d. introduction

c. decline

Martin is the brand manager for a product made by Procter & Gamble. The product packaging has remained the same for the last year and, in recent months, he has reduced spending on promotions. Martin's product is likely in the _______ stage of the product life cycle. a. growth b. introduction c. decline d. maturity

c. decline (During a product's decline, little is done to change a product's style or design. In addition, spending on promotion efforts is usually reduced considerably.)

Old Spice recognized that it needed to revitalize its brand and attract new segments for its deodorant, leading to a new advertising campaign. This is an indication that Old Spice's products were primarily in the _______ stage of the product life cycle. a. growth b. maturity c. decline d. introduction

c. decline (In the decline stage, marketers decide whether to reposition a product to extend its life or whether to eliminate it. Old Spice decided to reposition its line of products to appeal to a younger audience.)

Old Spice recognized that it needed to revitalize its brand and attract new segments for its deodorant, leading to a new advertising campaign. This is an indication that Old Spice's products were primarily in the _______ stage of the product life cycle. a. maturity b. introduction c. decline d. growth

c. decline (In the decline stage, marketers decide whether to reposition a product to extend its life or whether to eliminate it. Old Spice decided to reposition its line of products to appeal to a younger audience.)

Your local oil change place provides free coffee, comfortable seating, and a variety of magazines in the waiting room. These are examples of _______. a. a service b. the core product c. experiential benefits d. supplemental features

c. experiential benefits (It is useful to think of a total product offering as having three interdependent elements: the core product, its supplemental features, and its symbolic or experiential benefits. Experiential benefits include the atmosphere and décor, and even sounds and smells, of a location.)

When Coca-Cola added Coca-Cola Zero to its line of Coca-Cola soft drinks, the firm was using _______ branding. a. individual b. private c. family d. brand-extension

c. family

Skinnygirl sells Skinnygirl cocktails, Skinnygirl salad dressing, Skinnygirl Bella Blenders, Skinnygirl Sparklers sparkling water, and Skinnygirl Daily Nutrition Bars. This is an example of _______. a. shared naming b. single branding c. family branding d. individual branding

c. family branding

During which stage of the product life cycle do sales decrease because the product has possibly lost its distinctiveness due to the introduction of either similar or superior products? a. Introduction b. Growth c. Maturity d. Decline

d. Decline (During the decline stage of the product life cycle, sales decrease rapidly. Usually, the product has lost its distinctiveness because similar competing or superior products have been introduced.)

PepsiCo sometimes uses the same brand name for multiple products. For example, the brand name Quaker is used for Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Quaker Soft Baked Cookies, Quaker Life Cereal, and Quaker Large Rice Cakes. In other categories, PepsiCo uses multiple brand names. Dole Juice, IZZE Sparkling Juice, Ocean Spray Juice, Naked Juice, Looza Juice, and Tropicana Pure Premium Juices are all juice brands offered by PepsiCo. In this case, Quaker is an example of _______ branding, while the juice category is an example of _______ branding. a. manufacturer; private b. brand-extension; private c. family; individual d. individual; family

c. family; individual

When a chain of coffee shops adds locations during the growth stage, the objective it is most likely trying to achieve is to _______. a. maintain market share b. increase market share c. fill geographic gaps d. generate cash flow

c. fill geographic gaps

A(n) _______ is a tangible physical entity, while a(n) _______ is intangible. a. service; idea b. idea; product c. good; service d. idea; service

c. good; service

When a product's profits begin to decline, it is usually in the _______ stage of the product life cycle; however, when its sales begin to decline, it is in the _______ stage. a. maturity; growth b. introduction; maturity c. growth; maturity d. introduction; growth

c. growth; maturity

Kellogg's is considering making the size of its cereal boxes smaller. The plan would keep the amount of cereal in a box the same but eliminate some of the air trapped inside the box. This is an example of _______ packaging. a. secondary-use b. multiple c. handling-improved d. category-consistent

c. handling-improved (Kellogg's plan would make the packaging easier to handle in the distribution channel since they could fit more boxes on a pallet. This is an example of handling-improved packaging.)

The Red Cross raises money to help people survive natural and manmade disasters. Red Cross can best be described as a(n) _______. a. specialty product b. service c. idea d. good e. unsought product

c. idea

The Kellogg's product mix includes cereals, bars, beverages, frozen breakfast items, and crackers. The company is considering selling a gluten-free cereal. If it was to add this product, Kellogg's would be _______. a. increasing the depth of its product line b. increasing the width of its product mix c. increasing the depth of its product mix d. increasing the width of its product line

c. increasing the depth of its product mix (The width of product mix is measured by the number of product lines a company offers. The depth of product mix is the average number of different product items offered in each product line, so Kellogg's would be increasing the depth of their product mix.)

When a toothpaste manufacturer has a policy of naming each of its toothpaste products differently, such as Shine, Pearl, and UltraWhite, this strategy is called _______ branding. a. family b. equity c. individual d. dealer

c. individual

When Heinz introduced its ketchup in a squeezable plastic container rather than the traditional glass bottle, this was an example of _______ packaging. a. convenience b. traditional c. innovative d. multiple

c. innovative

Felicity loves to try new products because she gets a thrill from it. Even though some of the products she adopted turned out to be failures, Felicity is willing to take the risk. She needs to be the first one to own the newest products! Her best friend Melanie, however, is generally suspicious about new products. For instance, when the iPad first came out, Melanie was highly skeptical. Even when Felicity assured her that it was a good product, Melanie was not certain. Finally, after a few years and lots of encouragement from Felicity, Melanie decided to purchase the newest iPad. Felicity is most likely in the _______ category, while Melanie is most likely in the _______ category of product adopters. a. innovator; early majority b. early adopter; late majority c. innovator; late majority d. early majority; laggard e. early adopter; laggard

c. innovator; late majority

Last week Enrique learned of a new fast food restaurant coming to his city. He looks online to view the restaurant's menu and pricing. Enrique is in the _______ stage of the product adoption process. a. awareness b. trial c. interest d. adoption

c. interest

Brunswick's bowling balls, bowling bags, and shoes are individual product _______ for this sporting goods manufacturer. a. mixes b. life cycles c. lines d. menus

c. lines

Adidas sells its shoes and clothing in various retail outlets. Adidas is a _______ brand. a. dealer b. generic c. manufacturer d. private distributor

c. manufacturer (Because Adidas is initiated by the producer and the shoes and clothing are identified with the producer at the point of purchase, it is a manufacturer brand.)

Herbalife24 includes products developed for athletes in Canada. Herbalife is a weight management and nutrition products company known for marketing products to customers for a healthier lifestyle. Athletes are just one of the groups that Herbalife targets. Herbalife24 is most likely a _______. a. specialty product b. brand extension c. product line d. product item e. product mix

c. product line

Egg cartons that allow eggs to be transported without being cracked during shipment highlight the _______ function of packaging. a. cost effectiveness b. convenience c. protection d. safety

c. protection

In a brand licensing arrangement, the licensee is responsible for all of the following, except _______. a. selling and advertising the product b. paying a licensing fee to the brand owner c. providing trademark protection for the brand d. manufacturing the product

c. providing trademark protection for the brand (In a brand licensing arrangement, the licensee is responsible for manufacturing, selling, and advertising the product, as well as paying a licensing fee to the brand owner and bearing the cost if the product fails. The brand owner is responsible for registering for trademark protection with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.)

_______ are those who choose new products carefully and are viewed as people who are in-the-know by those in the remaining adopter categories. a. The early majority b. Innovators c. Laggards d. Early adopters

d. Early adopters

Jeff went to his local supermarket to purchase cola, chips, dip, and salsa for the weekend's gathering to watch the football game. As far as the cola goes, Jeff thinks they all taste the same and buys either Coke or Pepsi, whichever is on sale. However, for the chips, he likes to buy Doritos Toasted Corn Tortilla Chips when the store has them. While at the store, he picks up Coke and Santitas Yellow Corn Tortilla Chips because the store did not have the Doritos. When he gets to the salsa aisle he finds that his favorite brand, Pace, is out of stock. Rather than buy a different brand, he goes to another store to find the Pace Salsa. Jeff's brand loyalty on this shopping trip can be described as _______ for the cola, _______ for the chips, and _______ for the salsa. a. recognition; preference; loyalty b. awareness; preference; insistence c. recognition; preference; insistence d. preference; awareness; insistence

c. recognition; preference; insistence

Toward the end of the growth stage, all of the following marketing strategies will likely occur, except _______. a. more intense segmentation strategies and the introduction of new flavors or varieties b. aggressive pricing and price cuts c. repositioning the product to suggest new uses for the item d. promotion focused on encouraging adoption and brand loyalty

c. repositioning the product to suggest new uses for the item

When a consumer examines and tests a product to see if it meets his or her needs, he or she is in the _______ stage of the product adoption process. a. evaluation b. adoption c. trial d. interest

c. trial

ACME Corp. has decided that all of its products' packages should be similar. ACME is using which of the following? a. Family branding b. Private distributor packaging c. Brand extension d. Family packaging e. Co-branding

d. Family packaging

An ad that stresses "Get the real Proactiv Solution; accept no substitutes!" is best geared for which stage of the product life cycle? a. Introduction b. Maturity c. Decline d. Growth

d. Growth (The goal of the marketing strategy in the growth stage is to establish and fortify the product's market position by encouraging adoption and brand loyalty.)

Linda felt she had to buy an iPhone. Her old "flip phone" had finally died and her children have been asking her for months to get an iPhone. They thought it would be great if Linda could FaceTime with her young grandchildren rather than just call. Linda is most likely in which group? a. Early adopters b. Late adopters c. Laggards d. Late majority

d. Late majority (Linda is likely in the late majority group. She only adopted an iPhone when she felt like it was necessary. Consumers in the late majority eventually adopt a product because of economic necessity or social pressure.)

An accountant buys a supply of pencils to be used in calculating the taxes of other business firms. Based on this information, pencils in this case would be considered what type of product? a. Accessory equipment b. Component parts c. Raw materials d. MRO supplies

d. MRO supplies

In which stage of the product life cycle do sales reach their peak? a. Introduction b. Decline c. Growth d. Maturity

d. Maturity

Which of the following is characterized by intense competition? a. Growth b. Test marketing c. Introduction d. Maturity e. Decline

d. Maturity

As Lisa eats her morning bowl of Golden Grahams cereal, she reads about the calories, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins she is ingesting. This information is required by the _______. a. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) b. Nutritional Content Disclosure Act c. Fair Packaging and Labeling Act d. Nutrition Labeling Act

d. Nutrition Labeling Act

_______ are used directly in the production of other products but are not readily identifiable in the final product. a. Component parts b. Raw materials c. MRO supplies d. Process materials

d. Process materials

Oculus, acquired by Facebook in 2014, is involved in virtual reality. Its Oculus Rift product is a virtual reality headset released to the public in 2016. Retailers including Best Buy sell the Oculus Rift for approximately $400. Some competitors have emerged to challenge Oculus Rift, including the HTC Vive, Samsung Gear, and Zeiss VR One Plus. What type of consumer product is the Oculus Rift? a. Accessory equipment b. Convenience c. Unsought d. Shopping e. Specialty

d. Shopping

Which of the following product elements derives from customers' involvement with the product, which may convey additional value to many products (and brands) for buyers? a. The core product b. Supplemental features c. Brand equity d. Symbolic or experiential benefits e. Brand loyalty

d. Symbolic or experiential benefits

Which of the following best defines the evaluation stage of the product adoption process? a. The buyer purchases the product and will use it again when the need for the product arises. b. The buyer searches for information about the product. c. The buyer tests the product to determine if it fits his or her needs. d. The buyer considers the product's value versus the competition.

d. The buyer considers the product's value versus the competition.

Free samples can help move consumers into which of the following? a. Adoption b. Awareness c. Interest d. Trial e. Evaluation

d. Trial

When Costco offers free samples of various food items at tables throughout the store, the store is trying to stimulate which stage of the product adoption process? a. Evaluation b. Interest c. Awareness d. Trial

d. Trial (The samples allow consumers to taste or experience a product for the first time. This is part of the trial stage)

Which of the following are purchased when a sudden problem must be solved, products of which customers are unaware of until they see them in a store or online, and products that people do not plan on purchasing? a. Accessory products b. Shopping products c. Specialty products d. Unsought products e. Convenience products

d. Unsought products

Despite his daughter's urging, Fred refuses to purchase a flat screen television. His old, boxy television is working just fine, according to him. Fred is likely _______. a. an innovator b. in the late majority c. an early adopter d. a laggard

d. a laggard

While grocery shopping, Kris saw an endcap display for Betty Crocker's new Mug Treats product. Kris is in the _______ stage of the product adoption process. a. interest b. trial c. evaluation c

d. awareness

A buyer moves into the adoption stage of the product adoption process at the point when he or she _______. a. is self-motivated to get information about the product b. seriously considers whether the product will satisfy his or her needs c. experiences the product for the first time d. begins using that specific product

d. begins using that specific product (Adoption occurs when the buyer purchases the product and can be expected to use it again whenever the need for this product arises. Experiencing the product for the first time can take place during the trial stage)

If Taco Bell made an agreement allowing another company to use its brand name on a new line of tortillas, tortilla chips, and salsas, this would be called _______. a. brand extensions b. private branding c. co-branding d. brand licensing

d. brand licensing

The Double-A of American Airlines, the peacock of NBC, and the apple with a missing bite of Apple are examples of a _______. a. trade name b. brand equity c. trademark d. brand mark e. brand name

d. brand mark

Packaging is most important, as a strategic tool, for _______. a. industrial products b. consumer shopping products c. consumer specialty products d. consumer convenience products

d. consumer convenience products

A product that is relatively inexpensive and frequently purchased would be classified as a _______. a. shopping product b. unsought product c. specialty product d. convenience product

d. convenience product

Tide Pods would most likely be classified as a(n) _______ product. However, suppose a hotel uses Tide Pods to wash their sheets and towels. In this case, Tide Pods would be classified as _______. a. shopping; MRO supplies b. unsought; process materials c. unsought; accessory equipment d. convenience; MRO supplies e. convenience; process materials

d. convenience; MRO supplies

Pete, a product manager, thinks that his company's WonderBurn exercise program has reached the maturity stage of the product life cycle. If so, profits for the program are _______ and the amount of competition in the market is _______. a. decreasing; minimal b. increasing; minimal c. increasing; intense d. decreasing; intense

d. decreasing; intense

Mikka is looking to purchase a new fitness tracker. She compares the Apple Watch to the Fitbit Versa and ultimately decides that the Versa has a better system to remind her to move every hour and it is considerably less expensive than the Watch. Mikka is in the _______ stage of the product adoption process. a. interest b. trial c. awareness d. evaluation

d. evaluation

Skinnygirl sells Skinnygirl cocktails, Skinnygirl salad dressing, Skinnygirl Bella Blenders, Skinnygirl Sparklers sparkling water, and Skinnygirl Daily Nutrition Bars. This is an example of _______. a. shared naming b. individual branding c. single branding d. family branding

d. family branding

All cans of Campbell's soup feature a red and white label as a major element of their design. This is an example of _______. a. family branding b. overall packaging c. package extension d. family packaging

d. family packaging

All of the following can be used to refer to a brand initiated and owned by a reseller, except a _______. a. store brand b. private distributor brand c. private brand d. generic brand

d. generic brand

SC Johnson is a consumer goods manufacturer. The company's product mix includes home cleaning products, air care, pest control, home storage, and auto care. The president of marketing at SC Johnson would like to add laundry products to its product mix. SC Johnson would be _______. a. increasing the depth of its product line b. increasing the depth of its product mix c. increasing the width of its product line d. increasing the width of its product mix

d. increasing the width of its product mix (The depth of product mix is the average number of different product items offered in each product line. The width of the product mix is measured by the number of product lines a company offers, so SC Johnson would be increasing the width of its product mix by adding a product line.)

When _______ is used, each product is given a different name. a. brand mark branding b. co-branding c. family branding d. individual branding

d. individual branding

Ken is someone who likes to have the latest technology. He likes being the first of his friends to have the newest gadget and is willing to take risks with his spending. He is most likely a member of the _______ group. a. early adopter b. late majority c. early majority d. innovator

d. innovator

Sales of a new type of breakfast food have been increasing steadily, but profits have been negative. The breakfast food is most likely in the _______ stage of the product life cycle. a. growth b. decline c. maturity d. introduction

d. introduction

The distinguishing feature between a brand mark and a trademark is that a trademark _______. a. consists of a symbol or design b. creates customer loyalty c. identifies the full and legal name of an organization d. is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office

d. is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office

A brand experiences brand dilution when _______. a. the negative images associated with an inferior product do not influence consumers' decisions to purchase a company's other products b. something happens to make consumers think negatively of a brand c. it capitalizes on the trust and confidence consumers have in the brand d. its image and symbolic impact are weakened because it has been extended too many times or too far outside its original product category

d. its image and symbolic impact are weakened because it has been extended too many times or too far outside its original product category

The makers of Tide Detergent created "pods" of the product, characterized by a small, square, plastic-wrapped packet that was easier to use. Since it is packaged in these square pods, it requires no measuring and can be transported more easily if one is carrying clothes to a laundromat. This change in packaging is a strategy that can most likely help boost sales in the _______ stage of the product life cycle. a. growth b. introduction c. decline d. maturity

d. maturity (Product modifications are likely to occur in the maturity stage to try and reignite interest in the product)

Located on Harry's drive to work are both a Dunkin' Donuts and a Starbucks. When he drives to work, Harry always stops at the Dunkin' Donuts to buy a cup of coffee. Last week, he was on a business trip and could not find a Dunkin' Donuts near his hotel. Since he still wanted a cup of coffee, he went to the nearby Starbucks and bought a cup there. Harry has brand _______ for Dunkin' Donuts and brand _______ for Starbucks. a. insistence; preference b. preference; insistence c. insistence; recognition d. preference; recognition

d. preference; recognition

A _______ is a specific version of a product, while a _______ is a group of closely related products that are considered to be a group because of marketing, technical, or end-use considerations. a. product mix; product line b. product item; product mix c. brand; product mix d. product item; product line e. product mix width; product mix depth

d. product item; product line

When a product's packaging can be reused for an additional purpose, this is best described as _______. a. family packaging b. family branding c. handling-improved packaging d. secondary-use packaging e. category-consistent packaging

d. secondary-use packaging

Peggy is an avid collector of Coca-Cola advertisements printed in magazines during the 1950s and 1960s. She greatly desires to own a specific ad that was featured in a 1954 issue of Life Magazine. This is an example of a(n) _______ product. a. shopping b. convenience c. unsought d. specialty

d. specialty (The print ad is an example of a specialty product. It has unique characteristics and the buyer is willing to expend considerable effort to obtain it.)

You just rented your first apartment after graduating from college. You set out to purchase a new couch and chair for your apartment. Miller's furniture offers free delivery and Scotch Guard fabric protection on any couch more than $500. The free delivery and fabric protection are examples of _______. a. experiential benefits b. the core product c. symbolic meaning d. supplemental features

d. supplemental features

The major characteristic of a private brand is that _______. a. there are no identifying terms on the product or packaging b. they provide lower gross margins for the retailers and wholesalers that sell them c. the producer promotes the product d. the manufacturer is not identified on the product

d. the manufacturer is not identified on the product

When a consumer examines and tests a product to see if it meets his or her needs, he or she is in the _______ stage of the product adoption process. a. interest b. adoption c. evaluation d. trial

d. trial

In the case that a preferred brand is not available, which of the following consumer product types will a shopper be most likely to choose a substitute brand? a. MRO supplies b. Specialty c. Installations d. Shopping e. Convenience

e. Convenience

Experiential or symbolic benefits are most important to which of the following? a. Hewlett-Packard b. Johnson & Johnson c. McDonald's d. H&R Block e. Disney World

e. Disney World

During which of the product life cycle stages do sales rise rapidly? a. Maturity b. Deletion c. Decline d. Introduction e. Growth

e. Growth

Which of the following companies are most likely to use individual branding? a. Apple Inc. b. Ford Motor c. Campbell's Soup Company d. McDonald's e. Procter & Gamble

e. Procter & Gamble

Which of the following is NOT a typical function of packaging? a. To offer convenience to consumers b. To promote a product c. To protect the product and maintain its form d. To prevent tampering and shoplifting e. To prevent efficient handling of the product

e. To prevent efficient handling of the product

Any product making a nutritional claim must have _______. a. the information that the manufacturer thinks is important b. standardized packaging c. package licensing d. promotional nutrition labeling e. standardized nutrition labeling

e. standardized nutrition labeling

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