Micro bio test 1

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(microbiology) single-celled or noncellular spherical or spiral or rod-shaped organisms lacking chlorophyll that reproduce by fission


a kingdom of mostly one-celled eukaryotic organisms that are different from plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi. Lack cell walls , heterotrophs , classified by locomotion, reproduce asexually or sexually by conjunction,

Koch's Postulates

a sequence of experimental steps for directly relating a specific microbe to a specific disease

Rhizopus nigricans

black bread mold

Protozoan motility structures include

cilia, flagella, pseudopods

Biogenesis refers to the

development of life forms from preexisting life forms

Alexander Fleming

discovered penicillin

Pneumocystis carinii

ubiquitous systemic opportunistic pathogen pneumonia in HIV patients- fungi


whiplike tails found in one-celled organisms to aid in movement


An organism that cannot make its own food.

Paul Ehrlich

Discovered first cure for syphilis, salvarsan

Animalia characteristics

Eukaryote, no cell walls or chloroplasts, multicellular, heterotroph

Protista characteristics

Eukaryotic cell - algae has cellulose, Protozoa has no cell wall, autotrophs ex . pftesteria

Reproductive or aerial hyphae

Extends from surface and bear reproductive structures called spores


Four species of malaria Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium Vivax Plasmodium ovale Plasmodium malariae * don't move, obligate intracellular parasite, apicomplexicans

Subcutaneous mycoses( fungal infections)

Fungal infections beneath the skin that enter through a puncture wound in the skin

Linnaean Classification System

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

Louis Pasteur

Pasteurization and biogenesis

DNA viruses

Usually double stranded (ds) but may be single stranded (ss) Circular or linear

RNA viruses

Usually single stranded, may be double stranded, may be segmented into separate RNA pieces

Edward Jenner



When the buds of yeast fail to break away , forming a short chain of cells

Which fungi is typically spherical or oval and larger than bacteria?


Carlus Linnaeus

established the basis for the modern system of classifying organisms

oncogenic viruses

experts estimate that up to 13% of human cancers are caused by viruses

Cutaneous mycoses( fungal infection)

fungal disease that affects hair, skin, and nails, can be transmitted

Systemic mycoses ( fungal infections)

fungal infection deep within the body, acquired through inhalation of spores , not contagious

Ringworm is caused by


Plasmodium requires both ___ and ___ to complete its life cycle

mosquitoes and humans


tiny particles, smaller than bacteria and other pathogens, which must invade living cells in order to reproduce; when they invade, the cells are damaged or destroyed in the process releasing new particles to infect other cells. Obligate intracellular parasite

The specific type host a virus infects is determined by 2 factors

- the virus's requirements for a specific attachment to the host cell - the host must have the factors the virus needs to multiply

Transformation of viruses

-virus carries genes that directly cause cancer -virus produces proteins that induce a loss of growth regulation in the cell

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

1st person to observe living things; known as the "Father of Microbiology"

binary fission

A form of asexual reproduction in which one cell divides to form two identical cells.


A genus of heterotrophic dinoflagellates that has been associated with harmful algal blooms and fish kill


A group of organisms that have jointed appendages, an exoskeleton, bilateral symmetry, and reproduce sexually; insects

tinea pedis

A ringworm fungus of the foot


A virus that infects bacteria

microbial kingdoms

Animalia -animals Plantae-plants Fungi - fungi ( yeast and mold) Protista - Protozoa and algae Monera- bacteria ( all bacteria and only bacteria)


Animals that carry pathogens from person to person

"Viruses are specific," what does this statement mean?

Are able to infect specific types of cells of only one host species

Candida albicans

Attaches to human tissue as a yeast but requires a pseudohyphae to invade deeper tissue

Opportunistic bacteria

Bacteria, normally harmless in healthy hosts, that cause infection when the immune system is weakened.

Joseph Lister

Began using disinfectants and antiseptics during surgery

binomial nomenclature

Classification system in which each species is assigned a two-part scientific name

Three basic shapes of bacteria

Cocci (spherical), bacilli (rod-shaped), spirilli (spiral shaped).

Which of the following pairs is mismatched or incorrect? Alcohol- decolorizer Crystal violet- basic dye Safranin - acid dye Iodine - mordant All choices are correct

Crystal violet- basic dye

Viruses contain either


Candida albicans

Fungi -Human normal microbiota , cutaneous, systemic, mucocutaneous , opportunistic pathogen, vaginitis, thrush

Cryptococcus neoformans

Fungi -Systemic mycosis, associated with bird feces , transmitted by the inhalation of dried pigeon droppings , often occurs in immunosuppressed individuals, causes chronic fungal meningitis

Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton

Fungi -ringworm (tinea), dermatophytes , habitat is soil and animals


Fungi, eukaryotes, unicellular ( yeast ) or multicellular ( molds) , cell walls are present and contain chitin, heterotrophs, nutrients are absorbed from environment, reproduction sexually and asexually by spores, fungal spores are important in fungal identification

Histoplasma capsulatum

Fungi-systemic mycoses, found in soil, can be fatal

Non-enveloped viruses

Human papilloma virus , adenovirus


Hyphae grow together and intertwine forming visible masses or mats


Long filament of cells that makes up the body of molds

Fungi characteristics

Molds - multicellular, yeast - unicellular, eukaryotic, heterotrophs, cell wall made of chitin, asexual or sexually spores

Which of the following kingdoms is not represented in the list of organisms: Aspergillus Toxoplasma Anopheles Plasmodium Crytococcus


Plants characteristics

Multicellular; cells have a nucleus, cell walls made of cellulose and often contain chloroplasts; feed by photosynthesis; may have roots, stems and leaves


Outer protein coat of a virus

Monera characteristics

Prokaryotic, Unicellular, Autotrophic & Heterotrophic, binary fission ,cell made of peptidoglycan.


Protista , unicellular, eukaryotes, various shapes, photoautotrophs, rarely associated with human disease, important for the balance of nature, cell walls contain cellulose , sexual and asexual reproductive forms,

Balantidium coli

Protozoa- Movement by CILIA Only parasitic of humans that cause illness ( vomiting &stomach cramps) Causes balantidial dysentery Acquired through ingestion of drinking water contaminated with feces CILIIATE


Protozoa- movement by FLAGELLA, several different causes by different species, Chagas' disease is carried by triatoma fly, African trypanosomiasis ( African sleeping sickness) carried by tse-tse fly, VECTOR

Robert Koch

Proved that a particular microbe causes a particular disease

budding yeast

Reproduction by yeast where the parent cell forms a bud on its outer surface, the parents cell's nucleus divides and half of the nucleus migrates into the bud which eventually breaks away.

Pathogenic fungi

Rhizopus, mucor, aspergillus

Which of the following statements is false? -plasmodium causes malaria - asexual reproduction of Plasmodium occurs in the Anopheles mosquitoes - sexual reproduction of plasmodium occurs in the anopheles mosquito - since plasmodium is passed to and from humans by the mosquitoes,the insect may be both intermediate and definite host - the plasmodium progeny produced in the liver of infected humans are called merozoites

Since plasmodium is passed to and from humans by the mosquitoes, the insect may be both intermediate and definite host


Some Protozoa produce a protective capsule called a cyst, this allows the organism to survive unfavorable conditions


Some fungi can grow as either a mold or a yeast exhibiting two forms of growth, usually occurs in pathogenic fungi, in which dimorphism is temperature-dependent 25 degrees C = mold 37 degrees C= yeast

In the name Staphylococcus aureus , aureus is the



Sporozoites or infective stage of Plasmodium enters human with bite of infected mosquito Sporozoites are carried by the blood to the liver In the liver, they undergo schizogony and produce thousands of progeny called merozoites Merozoites re-enter bloodstream and infect RBCs In the RBCs, they mature to trophozoites and appear as a ring (called ring stage) Ring stage enlarges, divides repeatedly, causing the RBC to eventually burst and release more merozoites Bursting of the RBCs and release of the merozoite waste products is responsible for the chills and fever associated with malaria Most of these merozoites infect new RBCs and the process repeats itself. Some are picked up by feeding mosquitos in which they undergo the sexual portion and infect other humans

Which of the following is not a causative agent of ringworm?


enveloped virus

influenza, measles , rabies , hiv , herpes


outer covering around capsid, usually consists of some combination of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, may or may not be spiked for attachment

mechanical vector transmission

pathogens are on vector's body parts and are passively brushed off and onto the host

biological vector transmission

pathogens are within the vector and transmission to the host is through a bite

vegetative hyphae

portion of hyphae that obtains nutrients

Trichomonas vaginalis

protozoa- movement by FLAGELLA Has no encysting stage Causes urethritis and vaginitis Acquired through contact with vaginal - urethral discharge, usually by sexual transmission or clothes STD

Giardia lamblia

protozoa- movement by FLAGELLA Has two nuclei Causes giardial enteritis Acquired through ingestion of drinking water contaminated with feces Can cause vomiting and stomach cramps

Entamoeba histolytica

protozoa- movement is by PSEUDOPODS , also used for feeding. Causes amoebic dysentery, acquired through ingestion of drinking water contaminated with feces ( can cause vomiting and stomach cramps)

Paul Berg

recombinant DNA

tinea cruris

ringworm of the groin

tinea uguium

ringworm of the nails

tinea capitis

ringworm of the scalp


science of classification

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