MKTG 351 Alternative Evaluation and Selection

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Consummatory motives

Underlie behaviors that intrinsically rewarding to the individual involved.

Perceptual mapping

When the consumer ranks the similarity of different products and helps to develop a map.

Which of the following is a noncompensatory decision rule?

conjunctive disjunctive lexicographic elimination by aspects

Projective techniques

When the respondent indicates the criteria that someone else might use. The someone else is usually a projection of the respondent.


When there is several different attributes and certain attributes are slightly better than others.

Decision Rules for Attribute-Based Choices

-Conjunctive Rule (Non compensatory) -Disjunctive Rule (Non compensatory) -Elimination-by-Aspects Rule (Non compensatory) -Lexicographic Rule (Non compensatory) -Compensatory Rule (Non compensatory)

Instrumental motives

Activate behaviors designed to achieve a second goal.

Surrogate indicator

An attribute used to stand for or indicate another attribute.

Disjunctive Rule

Establishes a minimum required performance for each important attribute (often a high level). All brands that meet or exceed the performance level for any key attribute are acceptable. If minimum performance was: (SEE TABLE) As long as at least ONE attribute that is greater than equal to the required minimum, the product is acceptable.

Conjunctive Rule

Establishes minimum required performance for each evaluative criterion. Selects the first (or all) brand(s) that meet or exceed these minimum standards. If minimum performance was: (SEE TABLE) If one attribute is not greater than or equal to minimum requirement, the product is ruled out.

Evaluative criteria, importance of criteria, and alternatives considered meet-

Evaluation of alternatives on each criterion---->Decision rules applied----->Alternative selected

Elimination-by-Aspects Rule

First, evaluative criteria ranked in terms of importance Second, cutoff point for each criterion is established. Finally (in order of attribute importance) brands are eliminated if they fail to meet or exceed the cutoff. If rank and cutoff were: (SEE TABLE) If one attribute of high importance does not meet the minimum requirement, then the product is eliminated. If each product has some that do not meet the requirement, decide by importance of attribute.

Given the following minimum standards (cutoff points) Price = 3, Quality = 4, and Ease of use = 3, which of the following computers would be chosen using the conjunctive decision rule?

NEC Dell Compaq Price 4 5 2 Quality 3 4 5 Ease of Use 4 4 4 Dell because it meets all minimum requirements.

Which of the following is typically NOT a type of consumer choice process?

Rational choice

Attribute-Based Choice

Requires the knowledge of specific attributes at the time the choice is made, and it involves attribute-by-attribute comparisons across brands.

Affective choices

Tend to be more holistic. Brand not decomposed into distinct components for separate evaluation. Evaluations generally focus on how they will make the user feel as they are used. Choices are often based primarily on the immediate emotional response to the product or service.

Sensory discrimination

The ability of an individual to distinguish between similar stimuli.

Blind test

The consumer is not aware of the product's brand name.

Conjoint analysis

The consumer is presented with a set of products or product descriptions in which the evaluative criteria vary. Ex. 24 laptops that vary on four criteria.


The general nature of the outcome being sought.

Attribute-based choice requires _____.

The knowledge of specific attributes at the time the choice is made, and attribute-by-attribute comparisons across brands.

Evaluative criteria

The various dimensions, features, or benefits a consumer looks for in response to a specific problem.

Which of the following tends to be more holistic in nature, and the brand is not decomposed into distinct components that are evaluated separately from the whole?

affective choice

Joseph is considering the purchase of a computer, and he is comparing brands on the basis of price, memory, speed, and reliability. He mentally ranks each alternative on these attributes and makes a selection based on these rankings. Joseph is using which type of choice process?

attribute-based choice

Bounded rationality

A limited capacity for processing information.

Consumer Choice and Types of Choice Processes

-Assumption 1: Consumers seek one optimal solution to a problem and choose on that basis Reality: Consumers have all sorts of "metagoals" that are different from this -Assumption 2: Consumers have the skill and motivation to find the optimal solution Reality: Consumers often lack both the skill or motivation to do so -Assumption 3: The optimal solution does not change as a function of situational factors such as time pressure, task definition, or competitive context Reality: Context effects are common

Attitude-Based Choice

-Involves the use of general attitudes, summary impressions, intuitions, or heuristics; no attribute-by-attribute comparisons are made at the time of choice.

Which of the following is a type of consumer choice process?

-affective choice -attitude-based choice -attribute-based choice

Three types of consumer choice processes:

1. Affective Choice 2. Attitude-Based Choice 3. Attribute-Based Choice

Lexicographic Decision Rule

Consumer ranks the criteria in order of importance. Then selects brand that performs best on the most important attribute. If two or more brands tie, they are evaluated on the second most important attribute. This continues through the attributes until one brand outperforms the others. Acer would be chosen because it performs best on Price, our consumer's most important attribute. (SEE TABLE)

Given attribute cutoffs of Price = 5, Quality = 5, and Weight = 4, which of the following would be chosen using the disjunctive decision rule?

NEC Dell Compaq Price 5 4 4 Quality 3 3 5 Ease of Use 3 3 1 Compaq and NEC because they have attributes that meet at least one of the standards, thus they are acceptable choices.

Compensatory Decision Rule

States that the brand that rates highest on the sum of the consumer's judgments of the relevant evaluative criteria will be chosen. Where Rb= overall rate of brand b Wi=Importance of weigh attached to evaluative criteria i Bib= evaluation of brand b on evaluative criterion i n= number of evaluative criteria considered relevant See problem about DELL on page 267!!

Which decision rule establishes minimum required performance standards for each evaluative criterion and selects the first or all brands that meet or exceed these minimum standards?



when one attribute is said to be better than all others.

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