Mock Exam 2

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An uniced ABG must be delivered to the laboratory within ≤30 minutes. 5-10 hours. 2 hours. 1 hour.

1 hour.

The muscle of the vessels in the circulatory system can be classified as which type of muscle? Striated involuntary Nonstriated voluntary Nonstriated involuntary Striated voluntary

Nonstriated involuntary

Midstream clean catch urine collections are collected in a sterile container. Obtained by a phlebotomist or other trained healthcare professional and collected in a sterile container. always a stat specimen. obtained by a phlebotomist or other trained healthcare professional.

Obtained by a phlebotomist or other trained healthcare professional and collected in a sterile container.

Which of the following is not part of a phlebotomist's point-of-care job-related duties? Performing POC testing Instructing patients on urine specimen collection Taking blood pressure Performing a tracheostomy

Performing a tracheostomy

The depth of a heel puncture cannot exceed 2.0 mm. 2.4 cm. 1.3 mm. 5.3 mm.

1.3 mm.

The patient has one small, visible, palpable median cephalic vein in the left arm. The phlebotomist will select which needle combination as the best option for the venipuncture procedure? 20 g with a butterfly 22 g with a vacutainer 18 g with a 10-mL syringe 25 g with a 5-mL syringe

20 g with a butterfly

Cold agglutinin test must be maintained at a temperature of 37°F. 32°F. 32°C. 37°C.


The average adult has approximately how much blood? 5 L 0.05 L 15 L 0.5 L

5 L

Which is the correct ratio of plasma to formed elements in the blood? 60% plasma, 40% formed elements 45% plasma, 55% formed elements 50% plasma, 50% formed elements 55% plasma, 45% formed elements

55% plasma, 45% formed elements

A heparinized needle and syringe are necessary in the collection of heparin levels. blood culture. ESR. ABG.


A butterfly needle may be appropriate for use on on pediatric and geriatric patients. on adults' dorsal hand veins. All are correct. patients with small veins.

All are correct.

A phlebotomist must inspect the needle for burrs. bevel facing up. expiration date. All are correct.

All are correct.

A specimen may be rejected by the laboratory if the blood is hemolyzed. the tube was mislabeled. the tube was not transported properly. All are correct.

All are correct.

A tourniquet that has been left on too long or too tight can cause All are correct. hemoconcentration. hemolysis. petechiae.

All are correct.

For which of the following patients should a dermal puncture be performed? Patients who are at risk for venous thrombosis Patients who require frequent blood draws Patients with burns on the arms All are correct.

All are correct.

High bilirubin levels can lead to breakdown of antibodies mismatched blood groups All are correct. jaundice, which can lead to brain damage

All are correct.

Specimens for which of the following tests must be kept chilled? Lactic acid Ammonia All are correct. Pyruvate

All are correct.

The NP culture is used to diagnose upper respiratory infections. croup. whooping cough. All are correct.

All are correct.

The amniotic fluid must be transferred into a sterile container. transported immediately to the laboratory for analysis. All are correct. protected from light.

All are correct.

When collecting blood from a child, the phlebotomist should collect dermal punctures whenever possible. All are correct. consider the psychological aspect of the draw. log the amount of blood collected to avoid depletion.

All are correct.

While processing a specimen, the phlebotomist accidently spills a tube of blood on the table. The phlebotomist should clean-up visible blood first. All are correct. allow bleach to remain in contact with contaminated area for 20 minutes. disinfect the contaminated area with 10% bleach.

All are correct.

Which procedure is collected by a nurse or respiratory therapist instead of a phlebotomist is some hospitals? Capillary or dermal punctures Arterial blood gas Routine blood collection Glucose tolerance test

Arterial blood gas

Which of the following are infectious agents? Airborne vectors Bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi Only bacteria Direct and indirect vectors

Bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi

Which of the following may cause vein occlusion? Dermal puncture Chemotherapy Sphygmomanometer CABG


Which of the following is a sign or symptom of syncope? Black and blue discoloration at the site All are correct. Small red dots at the site of draw Cold, damp, clammy skin

Cold, damp, clammy skin

The lavender-topped tube contains heparin. SPS or ACD. no additive. EDTA.


Which of the following personal protection equipment must a phlebotomist use when performing a skin puncture or venipuncture? Caps and booties Gloves Goggles A mask


Which of the following tubes contain(s) sodium fluoride and potassium oxalate? Gray-topped tube Red-topped tube Lavender-topped tube All tubes with splash guards

Gray-topped tube

Which of the following will cause a shortened bleeding time in a bleeding time test? Scratching of a capillary Aspirin Infection Hair at the incision site

Hair at the incision site

The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act of 1988 follows guidelines and standards set by JC. CLSI. CLIA'88. CDC.


In which tube(s) would a phlebotomist collect an erythrocyte sedimentation rate? All tubes with splash guards Red-topped tube Lavender-topped tube Gray-topped tube

Lavender-topped tube

You have received an order to draw a CBC and cholesterol level on Mr. Smith. He states he is in a rush. Which of the following actions is appropriate to take to speed the process along? Leave the tourniquet tied the entire time. Blow on the site to get the alcohol to dry faster. None are correct. Draw only a green-topped tube.

None are correct.

The phlebotomist dropped a tube of blood on the floor and it broke on impact. The proper way to clean-up the blood and broken glass includes all of the following except: Don PPE as required by facility. Pick up the glass using forceps. Dispose of glass in waste container. Saturate site with bleach.

Pick up the glass using forceps.

___________ is the most important first step in phlebotomy and other testing procedures. Proper specimen handling Proper hand washing Collecting sufficient blood Proper patient identification

Proper patient identification

Which of the following tubes yield(s) a serum specimen? All are correct. Lavender-topped tube Red-topped tube Gray-topped tube

Red-topped tube

Which of the following are correct for ending the phlebotomy procedure? Remove the tourniquet, apply pressure, remove the needle, and discard the needle in the sharps container. Remove the tourniquet, remove the tube, place gauze, remove the needle, apply pressure, active safety device, place in sharps container. Remove the needle, apply pressure, and discard the needle in a biohazard bag. Remove the needle, remove the tube, and remove the tourniquet.

Remove the tourniquet, remove the tube, place gauze, remove the needle, apply pressure, active safety device, place in sharps container.

The yellow-topped tube contains SPS or ACD. EDTA. heparin. no additive.


Which of the following is not needed for a routine phlebotomy procedure? Tourniquet Stickers Gloves Alcohol


The phlebotomist prepares to draw blood on a child that doesn't want to have her blood drawn. The phlebotomist can gain the child's trust by doing all of the following except: Use a soothing tone of voice. Give the child choices when possible. Explain the procedure in terms the child understands. Tell the child it will not hurt.

Tell the child it will not hurt.

Which of the following are the semilunar valves? The aortic valve and the pulmonary valve The mitral valve and the bicuspid valve and the tricuspid valve. The mitral valve and the bicuspid valve The tricuspid valve

The aortic valve and the pulmonary valve

Which of the following is false for blood culture collection? The culture must be collected in the red- and marbled-topped tube and a tourniquet is not used for blood culture collection. The area must be prepped with iodine or another antibacterial agent before the draw. A tourniquet is not used for blood culture collection. The culture must be collected in the red- and marbled-topped tube.

The culture must be collected in the red- and marbled-topped tube and a tourniquet is not used for blood culture collection.

A patient who is known to have tuberculosis is placed in standard isolation. in expanded precautions isolation. in a protective environment. in airborne precautions.

in airborne precautions.

What does the phlebotomist look for when identifying a newborn? The first and last name on the ID band The hospital identification number and the last name The mother's ID bracelet The date of birth

The hospital identification number and the last name

What is phlebotomy? The legal standards for a person who performs blood-drawing skills The process of drawing blood All are correct. A trained professional in blood drawing

The process of drawing blood

How should the phlebotomist proceed if there is a language barrier with the patient? Draw the blood without consent. All are correct. Leave the room and let the physician draw. Use hand gestures to communicate.

Use hand gestures to communicate.

You receive a specimen from a physician's office dated yesterday. The specimen is now 18 hours old, but you do not reject it because it was a stool culture for C. difficile kept at room temperature. a glucose test drawn in a gray top. an ammonia level that remained uncapped. B12 at room temperature in a red top tube.

a glucose test drawn in a gray top.

All of the following are safety equipment for arterial blood gas collection except a fluid-resistant gown. gloves. a face shield. a transport container.

a transport container.

A blood donation given by a patient for use during his or her surgical procedure is called a Willebrand's collection. a cryoprecipitated donation. an autologous donation. None are correct

an autologous donation.

A healthcare-associated infection is an infection that is only significant when a patient is immunocompromised. an infection that requires hospitalization. All are correct. an infection contracted within a healthcare institution.

an infection contracted within a healthcare institution.

A pathogen is always a bacterium. an infectious, disease-causing microorganism. the invasion and growth of a microorganism. never a virus.

an infectious, disease-causing microorganism.

The upper receiving chamber of the heart is the aorta. ventricle. valves. atrium.


You are working quickly to complete your early am draws when you encounter a difficult draw on a newborn that will surely take longer. You should call down to the laboratory for assistance because you need a slurry of ice to transport the temperature sensitive specimen. do not have the appropriate materials to shield the specimen from light. need another phlebotomist to take over so you can end your shift on time. are nearing the acceptable time lapse between collection of the specimen and analysis.

are nearing the acceptable time lapse between collection of the specimen and analysis.

A patient in open heart recovery has an order for an H & H (hemoglobin and hematocrit), electrolytes, glucose, and ABGs. The phlebotomist tells the nurse to collect all of the specimens through the arterial line because blood samples will be labeled as arterial samples. she will dispense blood into tubes and an ABG syringe. arterial blood will yield more accurate values. arterial blood and venous blood values are equivalent.

arterial blood will yield more accurate values.

A 10-year-old child comes into the laboratory with an insurance card and a requisition for a blood draw, stating his mother is in the car. The phlebotomist or patient representative should ask the child to go and get his mother from the parking lot. draw the blood because the child is a mature minor. call the physician to verify the information on the requisition. send the child home without performing the venipuncture.

ask the child to go and get his mother from the parking lot.

The ER nurse hands the phlebotomist an ID bracelet to put on a trauma patient so the phlebotomist can draw stat labs. The phlebotomist should attach the armband to the gurney rail and perform the stat draw. ask the patient to verify their information and to put the armband on themselves. put the arm band on the patient and complete the stat draw in an emergency situation. ask the nurse to put the arm band on the patient because the phlebotomist is not allowed to do so.

ask the nurse to put the arm band on the patient because the phlebotomist is not allowed to do so.

Aspirin may affect a patient's bleeding time. heparin time. HCG. CBC.

bleeding time.

A patient comes to the laboratory stating that the physician called and told her to get a stat CBC drawn. You have no requisition so you should send the patient to medical records for verification of the order. have the physician fax over the request. transcribe the verbal order onto a requisition. call the physician, get a verbal order, and request a follow-up written order be faxed over.

call the physician, get a verbal order, and request a follow-up written order be faxed over.

When you exhale you rid the body of carbon dioxide. oxygen. electrolytes. nitrogen.

carbon dioxide.

Tiny microscopic hairs called _________ are found in all of the air passages of the body. mucus alveoli cilia flagella


The patient has an order for a CBC and a PT, both of which only require a small amount of blood. She had a mastectomy on the left side and scars from a serious burn on the antecubital site of the right arm. The phlebotomist should perform an arterial draw using a small gauge needle and vacutainer. check the patient for possible alternate venipuncture sites. call the physician for permission to draw from the left arm. collect the blood by performing a fingerstick on the right hand.

collect the blood by performing a fingerstick on the right hand.

When completing a butterfly draw on a pregnant woman, the phlebotomist accidentally scratches the top of her hand through the glove as she withdrew the needle. The phlebotomist should get a complete history on the woman to give to her supervisor. not worry about it because the woman is pregnant and therefore not a risk. complete an accidental exposure report form after performing first aid. wash it off and not report it because it is a superficial wound and not a puncture wound.

complete an accidental exposure report form after performing first aid.

An extremely obese patient with tiny, virtually nonpalpable veins requires a CBC. The best option for obtaining the blood sample is venipuncture using a 22 vacutainer and a 2-mL tube. dermal puncture using a microtainer tube. dermal puncture using a Natelson tube. venipuncture using 21-gauge needle and syringe.

dermal puncture using a microtainer tube.

While performing a stack of afternoon draws, the sleeve of the phlebotomist's lab coat is contaminated with a splatter of blood. The appropriate course of action is to roll up the sleeve so the blood is not visible. get bleach from the nurse's station and spray the area. wipe off the blood with an alcohol swab. discard the coat and get a fresh one from the laboratory.

discard the coat and get a fresh one from the laboratory.

The phlebotomist completes a difficult venipuncture on a very angry patient. After returning to the laboratory the phlebotomist should forget about it because she followed proper protocol and procedure. tell the other phlebotomists about how angry the patient was as she drew his blood. call her friend to vent and calm down before going out to collect the remaining draws. document what occurred during the procedure and interaction with the patient.

document what occurred during the procedure and interaction with the patient.

Substances that speed up digestion are called enzymes. compounds. elements. chemicals.


The outermost layer of the heart is the epicardium. endocardium. mesocardium. myocardium.


Red blood cells are platelets. erythrocytes. leukocytes. thrombocytes.


Formation of blood cells is known as homeostasis. hemostasis. leukopoiesis. hematopoiesis.


Blood in the urine is called hemostasis. hematuria. hemoccult. hemoconcentration.


Employers must provide vaccination against _________ free of charge. hepatitis B virus hepatitis C virus hepatitis delta virus hepatitis A virus

hepatitis B virus

Patients within a neonatal ICU or burn unit are on wound and body fluid precautions. in a protective environment. in enteric isolation. in strict isolation and on blood and body fluid precautions.

in a protective environment.

The phlebotomist enters the room of an elderly patient who tells her she had difficulty manipulating the cup while collecting her midstream clean-catch specimen, so she just voided all of the urine into the collection cup. The phlebotomist should inform the nurse so that he or she can assist the patient or collect a catch specimen. take the specimen back to the laboratory for analysis. give the patient a new kit and tell her to recollect it correctly. inform the physician so he or she can perform a suprapubic collection.

inform the nurse so that he or she can assist the patient or collect a catch specimen.

The location where bones come together is called ligament. joint. tendon. pivot.


The stomach passes food into the small intestines. large intestines. gallbladder. esophagus.

large intestines.

The phlebotomist blows her nose into a tissue prior to entering the patient's room. She moves the patient's telephone, water cup, and pitcher over to the side of the bed table so she can put the tray on it. The phlebotomist then goes into the restroom to wash her hands before beginning the procedure. The phlebotomist's actions might have compromised the patient had she not washed her hands. inappropriate because the phlebotomist should never touch the patient's belongings. left the patient at risk for a healthcare-associated infection. were the correct procedure for performing a venipuncture in a patient's room.

left the patient at risk for a healthcare-associated infection.

The most abundant white blood cell is the lymphocyte. neutrophil. basophil. megakaryocyte.


When an admitted patient is not wearing an ID band, the phlebotomist must ask the patient for a picture ID. not draw blood until nursing has placed an ID band on the patient. question the patient and confirm the date of birth. not draw blood from this patient.

not draw blood until nursing has placed an ID band on the patient.

Fecal specimens are collected for occult blood analysis. All are correct. ova and parasite testing. testing for digestive abnormalities.

occult blood analysis.

The phlebotomist was preparing to deliver pathology reports to the doctors' mailboxes when she noted her neighbor had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. She promptly called her neighbor who had been anxiously awaiting the news. All of the following apply to the phlebotomist's action except created a liability issue for the laboratory. okay because her neighbor asked for the information. violated physician-patient integrity. violation of HIPAA.

okay because her neighbor asked for the information.

Veins carry blood back to the heart. All are correct. oxygenated blood away from the heart. deoxygenated blood away from the heart.

oxygenated blood away from the heart.

When a tourniquet is left on too tight, capillaries may rupture, causing urticaria. a rash. petechiae. pain.


As you are putting away the new order of vacutainer tubes, you should leave the shipment unopened until needed so it remains fresh. position current stock so it will be used up first. rotate the stock putting the later expiration dates in the front. place them on the bottom shelves to prevent chemical spills.

position current stock so it will be used up first.

While processing specimens, the phlebotomist finds a tube labeled with the patient's name, medical record number, DOB, date, and time. The phlebotomist should process the specimen and deliver it to the appropriate department for analysis. call the floor and ask who the physician is and write it on the label. relabel the tube because it contains protected personal information. reject the specimen because it does not have the phlebotomist's ID on the label.

process the specimen and deliver it to the appropriate department for analysis.

The proper way to dispose of a needle after removal from the vein is to throw it recapped into a biohazard bag. recap it and put it into a sharps container. put it into a sharps container, after activating needle safety device. collect it in a cup and dispose of it later.

put it into a sharps container, after activating needle safety device.

While performing a venipuncture procedure, the phlebotomist checks the expiration date of the tube being used. This action is considered part of quality assurance. quality control. a delta check. a point of care check.

quality assurance.

All of the following structures are located in the abdominal cavity except rectum. spleen. stomach. liver.


The blood cells that carry oxygen are platelets. red blood cells. white blood cells. tissue cells.

red blood cells.

After putting a tourniquet on a patient, the phlebotomist noticed the development of petechiae. She verified correct application of the tourniquet and should now remove the tourniquet and perform the procedure on the patient's other arm. get the supervisor's permission to continue the venipuncture. continue the procedure and expect a longer clotting time at the puncture site. stop the procedure and refer the patient back to her physician.

remove the tourniquet and perform the procedure on the patient's other arm.

Veins that are hard and cordlike are called tortuous. thrombosed. sclerosed. collapsed.


The phlebotomist is processing a chain of custody specimen and is called to a code blue when she has not yet completed the process. The appropriate course of action is to sign the specimen over to another tech to finish up the process. put the specimen on the phlebotomy cart and take it to the code blue. seal the specimen and place it in the courier pick-up basket. go to the code and then call the client to come back for a recollection.

sign the specimen over to another tech to finish up the process.

Hemostasis is when a person has had adequate sleep and has not eaten in 12 hours. the dynamic steady state of the body in good health. the ability of the blood to clot whenever necessary. the ability of the body to recognize an invading organism.

the ability of the blood to clot whenever necessary.

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide at the tissue level occurs in All are correct. the loops of Henle. the capillaries. the bronchi.

the bronchi.

Physiology is the function of the human body. homeostasis. the structure of the human body. hemostasis.

the function of the human body.

An infection is a disease-causing microorganism. never caused by a virus. always caused by bacteria. the invasion and growth of a pathogen.

the invasion and growth of a pathogen.

Quality assurance for laboratory personnel includes all of the following except specimen collection procedures. specimen transport processes. the laboratory supervisor's home telephone number. specimen-processing policies.

the laboratory supervisor's home telephone number.

The aorta is the major vein. the major artery. a systemic vein. a peripheral artery.

the major artery.

Certification is evidence that the phlebotomist is licensed in the field. the phlebotomist is accredited in the field. the phlebotomist has demonstrated proficiency in the area of blood drawing. the phlebotomist is working in the field.

the phlebotomist has demonstrated proficiency in the area of blood drawing.

The quality of the test result depends on the type of specimen. the time between collecting the specimen and analyzing the specimen. whether the sample is going to be analyzed for glucose or phosphate. the source of the specimen.

the time between collecting the specimen and analyzing the specimen.

The phlebotomist is up on the obstetrics floor and is given an amniotic fluid to transport back to the laboratory. He should wrap the specimen in a heel warmer. separate the specimen into three tubes. wrap the specimen in foil or place in a brown bag. place the specimen on a slurry of ice.

wrap the specimen in foil or place in a brown bag.

All of the following are true about laboratory safety except always wear required personal protection equipment. protect your feet from spills. All are correct. you may store food in the laboratory refrigerator.

you may store food in the laboratory refrigerator.

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