Module 1 - Post Test Actual

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CPT Neumann is tasked with a writing assignment and wants to incorporate the Standards for Army writing into his document. Which of the following are required in Army Regulations as Standards Army Writing?

Incorrect *Understood in a single rapid reading; Concisely organized and to the point; Use object-verb-subject sentence order; Passive voice writing.* Correct - ???

The three taxonomies that make up doctrine are the types of Army doctrine and their hierarchy, types of doctrine and which of the following?

Incorrect *Warfighting Functions* Correct - ???

Which writing step matches the briefing step of plan?

Incorrect *drafting* Correct - Pre-writing

During the Spanish-American War, Lieutenant John Parker led his detachment in the capture of San Juan Hill. LT Parker believed the Gatling Gun was more than a defensive weapon as outlined in current doctrine. He requested and received permission to use Gatling Guns in a close support role during the attack. LT Parker's intellect resulted in the first step in developing the principle of fire and maneuver. Which of the following aspects of intellect did LT Parker demonstrate?


Which aspect of the leader attribute of Intellect is most closely aligned with creative thinking?


A commander says that you demonstrate mental agility, interpersonal tact, sound judgment, innovation and the expertise a leader applies while leading. In other words, you are demonstrating:


What kind of knowledge is an understanding of joint organizations, procedures, and roles in national defense?


Which of the following describes a method and pathway for achieving a desired result that specifies what the subordinate must do to reach agreed-upon goals set during the counseling session?

Plan of Action

Which of the following is true regarding biases?

Preconcieved inclination about someone or something.

In which step of the briefing development process would you check audiovisual delivery systems?


A soldier is late for PT, as a squad leader you inform them that if they are late again you will recommend them for an Article 15. Which method of influence did you use?


In which step of the writing process would you try brainstorming?


You were asked by your commander which of the following is NOT an attribute category of the Army Leadership Requirements Model (LRM). You told him _______________ was not an attribute category.


which of the following roles help another individual or team through a set of tasks or with improving personal qualities?


Different from the initial counseling, the periodic follow-up counseling sessions during the soldier's rated period is known as what?

Quarterly counseling

Imagine your're faced with a situation where you are not achieving the desired results. what is the first step your should take to resolve the issue?

define the problem

You overhear someone discussing what relates to actions of leading to accomplish tasks and missions on time and to standard. Which competency are they talking about?


When preparing read ahead materials for your subordinate leaders before Army Doctrine professional development, you must keep in mind that Army doctrine hierarchy includes Field Manuals, Army Techniques Publications, and which of the following?

Army Doctrine Publications

The ______ identifies core competencies and attributes applicable to all types and echelons of Army organizations. It conveys expectations and establishes the capabilities needed of all Army leaders regardless of rank, grade, uniform, or attire.

Army Leadership Requirements Model

As an Army officer you would use Army doctrine hierarchy including Army doctrine publications, Field Manuals and which of the following?

Army Techniques Publications

An information briefing will include _________.

Complex information

Which influence is based primarily on the leaders authority and the chain of command?


When explaining the process of building trust to his subordinates, CPT Neumann explains that three criteria are essential for building trust internally within the Army profession and externally with the American people. What are they?

Character, competence, and commitment

Which leadership role focuses on development of a skill and usually involves practice?


Feedback is normally associated with which of the following?

Conducting an AAR

Identify the following statement that describes the first paragraph of an information paper.

Contains the purpose for writing

You are a part of an Army staff, and your commander routinely gathers input from each member of the staff to accurately assess a problem. Engaging in different perspectives is a key quality of which type of thinking?


You have been given feedback and goals from your supervisor. After consideration, you come to understand and value the input as you advance in leadership. This is an example of which element of a learning organization?

Develop self-awareness

Which of the following statements about counseling is true?

Developmental counseling is crucial for helping subordinates improve performance.

What level of leadership is face-to-face or first line leadership?


You have established and communicated the purpose of mission to your squad, now they need to know how it will be accomplished. What type of leadership will you provide them?


A subordinate approaches you with an issue they're going through. You take the time to genuinely relate to their situation and make sure you understand their motives and feelings. You've demonstrated:


Effective doctrine demands initiative, creativity, adaptability, and _______ action.


Which type of document would you use to provide information, updates, and interim responses to the command group?

Executive Summary

What is the confidence that the American people have in the Army to serve the Nation ethically, effectively, and efficiently?

External Trust

Characteristics of creative thinking include which of the following?

Finding innovative ways to solve the problem

Which type of leadership is granted to individuals based on their position or rank in an organization?


What is the first step of the Military Problem Solving Process when your team is working on a problem?

Gather information and knowledge

what is the first step of the military problem solving process when your team is working on a problem?

Gather information and knowledge

When conducting training on the Army Profession with his Soldiers CPT Neumann asks them "what does it mean to have esprit de corps as an Army Professional?". What is the correct answer?

Incorrect *Support and defend the constitution, serve and live honorably, lifelong learning, and ethical use of lethal force* Correct - The Army's winning spirit, collective perseverance, and reflected in the customs, courtesies, and traditions of the Army

ATP 6-22.1 tells us that counseling is a process done in stages. What are these stages?

Identify the need, prepare for counseling, conduct counseling, follow-up

Which screening criteria would your team use to check on the legality of a solution?

Incorrect *Acceptable* Correct - Suitability

Which component of the army leadership requirements model focuses on skills that can be trained?

Incorrect *Attributes* Correct - ???

According to the army leadership requirements model, which component can also be described as the "BE and KNOW" of a leader?

Incorrect *Competencies* *Army Values* Correct - ???

You are in charge of a briefing to inform the commander of the current situation in order to coordinate and synchronize the efforts of the team. Which type of briefing should you conduct?

Incorrect *Information* Correct - Staff

Which of the following is a strength of the creative exercise of "mind mapping"?

Incorrect *Invites outside perspectives* Correct - ??? ?Reveal new connections?

Which level of leadership requires long-term, visionary thinkers who spend time interacting with non-military?

Incorrect *Leading functions* Correct - ???

You have just assumed leadership and responsibility for a battalion. You must set the vision and goals for the mission outcomes of this group. You have transitioned into which level of leadership?

Incorrect *Leading large organizations* Correct - ???

The leader attributes making up an Army leaders intellect include:

Incorrect *Mental agility, empathy, innovation, interpersonal tact, and communication* Correct - ???

Plagiarism includes (select all that apply):

Incorrect *Paraphrasing, Presenting another's writing as your own, Presenting as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source* Correct - ???

Which method of influence offers incentives for compliance?

Incorrect *Personal Appeals* Correct - exchange

Which briefing step matches the writing step of drafting?

Incorrect *Plan* Correct - ???

Legal motivation of compliance and moral motivation of aspiration are the foundations for the Army_______?

Incorrect *Profession* Correct - Ethic

When a decision is involved and any ambiguity exists about the commander's intent, the briefer should ______________.

Incorrect *Send a draft revised to begin the briefing process again* Correct - ???

When teaching doctrine to your Soldiers how many contributions does doctrine make to the conduct of operations?

Incorrect *Seven* Correct - Six

Of the seven steps in the Military Problem Solving Process, which step emphasizes critical thinking?

Incorrect *Step 4 - Generate Possible Solutions* Correct - ???

CPT Neumann explains to his new platoon leaders that an honorable servant of the nation will _____ by example and demonstrate courage by doing what is right despite risk, uncertainty, and fear.


Which of the following is an element of learning organizations?

Learn from mistakes

When teaching doctrine to your unit you would explain that it is based on ______________ in current operations and training, from adaptive enemies, and after changes in force structure, technology, and social values.

Lessons learned

As an officer you will be vulnerable to analytic pitfalls which derive from analyzing complex situations and making conclusions clouded by one's view of the world and their ability to reason. Select the two general categories of analytical pitfalls.

Logic fallacies and biases

As a leader, which technique or process would you use to plan for tactical military operations?


As a leader, which technique or process would CPT Neumann use to plan for a non tactical issue?


The _________ was expanded and altered so it could apply to operational problems.


As a leader which technique or process would you use to plan for tactical military operations?

Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Which of the following is an informal briefing that occurs during an operation or training event?


You are in a situation and are trying to influence people by providing moral purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission. Which of the following are you demonstrating?

Moral Leadership

Which of the following supplies the will and initiative to do what is necessary to accomplish a mission?


Which lenses should you use when looking at a problem?

Rules, Outcomes, and Virtues

Which of the following are examples of Active Voice? (Select all that apply)

SGT Jones passed the ACFT, Alpha Company completed security checks

When your team is using the Military Problem Solving Process which type of criteria tells you what you cannot do?

Screening Criteria

Many people expressed discontent when the Army transitioned from the Army Physical Fitness Test to the Army Combat Fitness Test. This is an example of which type of barrier to critical thinking?

Status Quo Bias

You are a leader who guides and integrates multiple organizational level units that perform a wide range of functions. What level of leadership are you operating from?


what is usually the most important consideration in scholarly and professional writing?


The Army Profession consists of two communities of practice. The first is the profession of arms. What is the second?

The Army Civilian Corps

What creates a shared professional identity, and provides an enduring set of moral principles, values and beliefs that guide that profession as it provides its specialized service to society?

The Army Ethic

People naturally accept the influence of people they _______.


Which moral challenge is one that you cannot control in the heat of the moment?


the concept of lifelong learning applies to which of the following?

all the above

which type of document would you use to "provide information, updates, and interim responses to the command group"? select all that apply

executive summary

what are the three types of information and knowledge that you and your team will look for during the military problem solving process?

facts, assumptions, opinions

which leadership development domain includes education and training at TRADOC and other schools


Moral courage

is the commitment to what is right despite risk, adversity, and fear.

CPT Neumann's company is preparing for a large, non tactical event and is conducting the Military problem solving process. what type of criteria tells him what he cannot do?

screening criteria

leaders who can accurately assess themselves and how they are viewed by others would be considered which of the fallowing?

self aware

Which of the following is an example of event counseling?

short term wins- wrong

when a decision is involved and any ambiguity exists about the commander

submits a draft of the memorandum for record for correction before preparing the final document

which fundamentals of wring are needed to write a successful correspondence?

substance, style, organization and correctness

Moral leadership

the process of influencing people by providing moral purpose, direction, or motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization consistent with the Army ethic.

why is it important to cite sources and references?

to give credit for someone else's ideas and work

when are unethical solutions worth considering

unethical solutions are never worth sacrificing our commitment to ethics.

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