Module 1

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What is the range of decimal values for an unsigned DWORD?

0 to 4,294,967,295

How many *bits* long is a WORD on x86 systems?


How many binary digits are represented by a series of 4 hexadecimal characters?


What is the largest unsigned integer that may be stored in 24 bits?



16-bit signed integer


16-bit unsigned integer.

How many binary digits are represented by a series of 7 hexadecimal characters?


What is the largest signed integer that may be stored in 32 bits?

2^31 - 1

How many *bits* long is a DWORD (doubleword) on x86 systems?


What is the size of the general-purpose registers?

32 bits

What is the width of the address and data buses?

32 bits


32-bit (4-byte) IEEE short


32-bit signed integer.


32-bit unsigned integer

There are how many segment registers?



64-bit (8-byte) IEEE long

There are how many general purpose registers?



8-bit unsigned integer.

What would you call an ordered list of organized instructions existing somewhere in memory, and associated with a data structure for storage of data?

A program!

Define "Bus"

A set of parallel "wires" for transferring a set of electrical signals simultaneously.

Is the following a valid 8-bit register references? If so, describe what it references? If not, why? AL

AL: Yes, refers to bits 0-7 of EAX

What unit on a CPU chip is responsible for computing basic addition and subtraction operations?


On a computer, where is simple integer math computed?

ALU - Arithmetic/Logic Unit

Level 2 of 4 (4 Being Highest) of Language Hierarchy

ARM Assembly

What is an instruction?

An instruction is a control phrase for the computer which will be translated (with its operands) into a op code (Machine Language)

Step 2 of 4 for a memory read in the correct order.

Assert a Read

A ______ Architecture's instructions are decoded to micro-programs which are executed by the CPU.


Which flag is set when the result of an unsigned arithmetic operation is too large to fit into the destination?

Carry Flag

Name at least four CPU status flags.

Carry, Overflow, Parity, Auxiliary Carry, Sign, Direction, Zero

Language Hierarchy: The purpose of a Compiler is to...

Convert High/Low level Program Code to Assembly/Machine Code

Is the following a valid 8-bit register references? If so, describe what it references? If not, why? DH

DH: Yes, refers to bits 8-15 of EDX

Step 3 of 6 of the instruction execution cycle in its proper order.

Decode the instruction in the Instruction Register.

Why does protected mode prevent programs from changing the EIP register directly?

EIP contains the memory address of the next instruction to be fetched. Since the programmer ordinarily will not know the absolute address where any of the instructions are stored, protected mode restricts access to EIP, and allows it to be changed only by the operating system.

Is the following a valid 8-bit register references? If so, describe what it references? If not, why? EL

EL: No, ES register can't be byte-referenced.

Highest Level (4 of 4) of Language Hierarchy


Step 5 of 6 of the instruction execution cycle in its proper order.

Execute the instruction.

(True/False) A single computer architecture may have programs written for it using more than one Assembly Language (x86, RISC-V, ...).


(True/False) Assembly Language programs are 'higher level' than C programs.


(True/False) Assembly Language programs are portable to a variety of computer architectures.


ALU is a component of the Control Unit. T/F?


Assembly Languages are *portable*. T/F?


Changes made to the AL register will not modify the contents of the EAX register. T/F?


If an integer's sign bit is 1, the integer is positive. T/F?


Multi-Purpose Registers are a component of the Control Unit. T/F?


The ASCII code values for alphabetic letters (e.g. 'a') are smaller than for decimal digits (e.g. '1'). T/F?


Step 1 of 6 of the instruction execution cycle in its proper order.

Fetch the instruction at the address in the Instruction Pointer into the Instruction Register.

How is data pulled from memory?

First, the address where the data resides is put in MAR, then on the address bus, then a 'memory read' is triggered and the data is pulled from that particular memory cell, put on the data bus, and then into the MDR.

Which register points to the address of the next instruction to be executed?

IP - Instruction Pointer (EIP in IA32)

Which register holds the opcode of current instruction being executed?

IR - Instruction Register

Step 4 of 6 of the instruction execution cycle in its proper order.

If the instruction requires memory access, determine the memory address, and fetch the operand from memory into a CPU register, or send the operand from a CPU register to memory.

Step 6 of 6 of the instruction execution cycle in its proper order.

If the output operand is in memory, the control unit uses a write operation to store the data.

Step 2 of 6 of the instruction execution cycle in its proper order.

Increment the Instruction Pointer to point to next instruction's address.

Name three components of the Control Unit?

Instruction Pointer, Instruction Register, Status Register

An Assembly Language is defined by the . . .

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)

A program that combines object files into an executable program is called a ______.


Lowest Level (1 of 4) of Language Hierarchy

Machine Code

A signed integer stores the sign in the . . .

Most significant bit (MSB)

Step 4 of 4 for a memory read in the correct order.

Move data to its destination.

What is the main purpose of caching?

Moving information from slowerstorage to faster storage, where it can be accessed more quickly.

Compared to higher-level languages, is the following a benefit of Assembly Language programming? Ease of Use


Compared to higher-level languages, is the following a benefit of Assembly Language programming? Integrated Tools


Compared to higher-level languages, is the following a benefit of Assembly Language programming? Intuitive Programs


Where is a major data transfer bottleneck in a computer, and what helps resolve it?

One major bottleneck is the data bus, because both the program instructions and the data must be retrieved from from the same memory to be executed or used. Caching helps reduce the impact.

Which flag is set when the result of a signed arithmetic operation is either too large or too small to fit into the destination?

Overflow Flag

In a vonNeumann architecture, how are programs organized?

Programs are stored in memory and executed according to an instruction execution cycle.

Which Operation Mode prevents access to critical memory segments?

Protected Mode

Level 3 of 4 (4 Being Highest) of Language Hierarchy


A ______ Architecture's instructions are *directly* executed by the CPU.


Which Operation Mode provides compatibility for legacy 8086 programs?

Real-Address mode

What storage unit is the closest/fastest on the chip?


Is the following a valid 8-bit register references? If so, describe what it references? If not, why? SH

SH: No, this would be ambiguous, because we have ESP, ESI, and SS registers

Which flag is set when an arithmetic or logical operation generates a negative result?

Sign Flag

Step 1 of 4 for a memory read in the correct order.

Specify the memory address on the Address Bus via MAR.

In 32-bit mode, aside from the stack pointer (ESP), what other register points to stack addresses?

Stack Segment (SS), possibly EBP depending on usage

What component's primary duty is synchronizing processes inside a computer?

System Clock

What component's primary duty is synchronizing processes inside a computer?

System clock

Which register holds the current micro-instruction?

The Control Register

Which register holds the current machine instruction?

The Instruction Register (IR)

What is the Address Bus used for?

The address bus is used to communicate a specific memory location for reads or writes, e.g. Read from "this address on the address bus"

(True/False) A single computer architecture may have programs written for it using more than one assembler (MASM, NASM, FASM, ...)


(True/False) Assembly Language instructions have a nearly 1:1 correspondence with Machine Code.


(True/False) High-level language (HLL) programs are portable to a variety of computer architectures.


Instruction Pointer is a component of the Control Unit. T/F?


Instruction Register is a component of the Control Unit. T/F?


Status Register is a component of the Control Unit. T/F?


The status flags are implemented as individual bits within the Status & Control Register.


Step 3 of 4 for a memory read in the correct order.

Wait until operation is complete.

Compared to higher-level languages, is the following a benefit of Assembly Language programming? Direct Manipulation of Memory


Compared to higher-level languages, is the following a benefit of Assembly Language programming? Hands-on Code Optimization


If the AH register is modified by the software engineer, is there any change in the EAX register? Why or why not?

Yes, the AH register is part of the EAX register. Specifically, the bits 0-7 of the AH are exactly bits 8-15 of EAX.

High-speed memory that reduces the frequency of access by the CPU to conventional memory is called

cache memory

A program is considered portable if it . . .

can be executed on multiple platforms.

The three types of buses connected to the CPU are:

data, address, control

During which phase of the instruction execution cycle is the program counter incremented?


What best describes the relationship from *assembly language instructions* to *machine language instructions*?

nearly one to one

A ______ is a container for data which resides on the CPU chip.


The Parity flag

result of boolean or arithmetic op has even number of bits in its LSB

The Sign flag

result of operation is negative

The Zero flag

result of operation is zero

The Overflow flag

signed integer overflow

The Carry flag

unsigned integer overflow

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