NeuroLab Exercise 3 + Quiz Questions

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A 64 year old patient presents with a minor visual field defect of her left eye. On MRI, an infarct is likely to be found cuased by which of the following vessels? a) anterior cerebral artery b) anterior choroidal artery c) posterior cerebral artery d) middle cerebral artery

A 64 year old patient presents with a minor visual field defect of her left eye. On MRI, an infarct is likely to be found cuased by which of the following vessels? c) posterior cerebral artery

All of the following statements regarding the middle cerebral artery are true EXCEPT: A. gives off numerous penetrating branches B. gives off branches that supply the internal capsule C. is a branch of the internal carotid artery D. gives off branches that supply the basal ganglia E. supplies the medial surface of the left hemisphere

All of the following statements regarding the middle cerebral artery are true EXCEPT: E. supplies the medial surface of the left hemisphere

Cerebral veins are located: a) below the pia b) below the arachnoid c) above the dura d) in the dura e) in the epidural space

Cerebral veins are located: b) below the arachnoid

__ is found in the lateral ventricle body, atrium, temporal horn and interventricular foramen.

Choroid plexus

Choroid plexus is absent from the a) fourth ventricle b) anterior horn of the lateral ventricle c) foramen of Monroe d) cerebral aqueduct

Choroid plexus is absent from the b) anterior horn of the lateral ventricle

__ innervates the posterior third of the tongue, other areas of the oral cavity, part of the ear and parasympathetic (otic) ganglion

Glossopharyngeal nerve

If a tumor develops at the cerebellopontine angle, all of the following cranial nerves are in danger EXCEPT: a) X b) VIII c) VII d) IX

If a tumor develops at the cerebellopontine angle, all of the following cranial nerves are in danger EXCEPT: a) X

__ supply most of the lateral areas of the corpus striatum of the basal ganglia and the internal capsule.

Lateral striate arteries or lenticulostriate arteries

The primary function of the Superior colliculi is for __


The brain is supplies by four large arteries: a) two internal carotid arteries and two vertebral b) two external carotid arteries and two vertebral c) two interal varotide arteries and two bassilar arteries d) two bassilar arteries and two vertebral

The brain is supplies by four large arteries: a) two internal carotid arteries and two vertebral

The communication between the terminal anterior and middle cerebral arteries, which permits blood flow between their cortical territories is the a) cisterna magna b) arachnoid villi c) anterior communicating artery d) leptomeningeal anastomoses

The communication between the terminal anterior and middle cerebral arteries, which permits blood flow between their cortical territories is the d) leptomeningeal anastomoses

The medulla a) contains the facial colliculus b) contains the red nucleus c) contains the hypoglossal and vagal trigones d) is divided along the midline by the sulcus limitans e) contains the middle cerebellar peduncle

The medulla c) contains the hypoglossal and vagal trigones

The obex originates from what structure? a) anterior median sulcus b) sulcus limitans c) posterior median sulcus d) stria medullaris

The obex originates from what structure? c) posterior median sulcus

The postolivary sulcus contains rootlets from which three cranial nerves? a) vagus nerve, spinal accessory nerve, and hypoglossal nerve b) Glossopharyngeal nerve, spinal accessory, and hypoglossal nerve c) Glossopharyngeal, vagus, and spinal accessory nerve d) facial nerve, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal nerve

The postolivary sulcus contains rootlets from which three cranial nerves? c) Glossopharyngeal, vagus, and spinal accessory nerve

The stria medullaris forms the caudal border of the a) inferior colliculi b) medulla oblongota c) fourth ventricle d) pons

The stria medullaris forms the caudal border of the d) pons

The trochlear nerve leaves the midbrain from the posterior surface just caudal to a structure whose primary function is a) auditory b) vestibular c) motor d) gustation

The trochlear nerve leaves the midbrain from the posterior surface just caudal to a structure whose primary function is a) auditory

There are CN located in the A. interpeduncular fossa B. ponto-medullary junction C. post-olivary sulcus D. all of these

There are CN located in the D. all of these

__ is the only cranial nerve to leave the brain stem posteriorly

Trochlear Nerve

What two cranial nerves are in the midbrain? a) optic and oculomotor b) trigeminal and abducens c) oculomotor and trochlear d) abducens and optic

What two cranial nerves are in the midbrain? c) oculomotor and trochlear

What two gyri are supplied by blood from the posterior cerebral arteries? a) cuneus and lingual b) middle temporal and superior temporal c) precentral and postcentral d) supramarginal and parietal

What two gyri are supplied by blood from the posterior cerebral arteries? a) cuneus and lingual

Which CN does NOT originate in the postolivary sulcus a) CN IX b) spinal accessory c) vagus d) hypoglossal

Which CN does NOT originate in the postolivary sulcus d) hypoglossal

Which arteries join to form the basilar artery? a) anterior inferior cerebellar artery and the posterior inferior cerebellar artery b) vertebral arteries c) external carotid artery and the interna carotid artery

Which arteries join to form the basilar artery? b) vertebral arteries

Which artery supplies blood to the choroid plexus of the 3rd ventricle? a) posterior inferior cerebellar artery b) posterior choroidal c) anterior choroidal d) superior choroidal

Which artery supplies blood to the choroid plexus of the 3rd ventricle? b) posterior choroidal

Which is incorrect about arterial blood supply? a) both the AICA and PICA supply the choroid plexus of the 4th ventricle b) both AICA and superior cerebellar artery c) both the AICA and PICA supply the inferior cerebellum d) Both the AICA and PICA supply the pons

Which is incorrect about arterial blood supply? d) Both the AICA and PICA supply the pons

Which nerve is involved with not involved with eye movement? a) trochlear b) abducens c) oculomotor d) glossopharyngeal

Which nerve is involved with not involved with eye movement? d) glossopharyngeal

Which of the following arteries is generally the shortest? a) medial striate artery b) anterior communicating artery c) posterior communicating artery d) middle cerebral artery

Which of the following arteries is generally the shortest? b) anterior communicating artery

Which of the following is NOT a division of the lateral ventricles? A. interventricular foramen B. body C. atrium D. frontal horn E. posterior horn

Which of the following is NOT a division of the lateral ventricles? A. interventricular foramen

Which of the following is the primary function of the inferior colliculus? a) touch b) taste c) hearing d) smell e) sight

Which of the following is the primary function of the inferior colliculus? c) hearing

Which of the following statements concerning the fourth ventricle is TRUE? a) connects the lateral and third ventricle b) contains two midline and one lateral foramen into the cisterna magna c) contains choroid plexus that produces CSF d) contains the foramen of Monroe

Which of the following statements concerning the fourth ventricle is TRUE? c) contains choroid plexus that produces CSF

Which of the following structures is NOT a subdivision of the lateral ventricle? a) posterior horn b) body c) atrium d) interventricular foramen e) frontal horn

Which of the following structures is NOT a subdivision of the lateral ventricle? d) interventricular foramen

Find the facial nerve and its nervus intermedius, which emerge at the caudal border of the pons lateral to the __

abducens nerve.

The five subdivisions of the lateral ventricles include the __

anterior (frontal) horn, the body, the collateral trigone or atrium, the inferior (temporal) horn and the posterior (occipital) horn

The internal carotid artery divides into the __.

anterior and middle cerebral arteries

Arterial border zones or leptomeningeal anastomoses exist between the __. They permit blood flow from cortical branches of one cortical arterial territory to the other.

anterior cerebral and middle cerebral arteries

Besides supplying the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricles, the __ also provide branches to the core of the parahippocampal gyrus and the posterior portion of the internal capsule.

anterior choroidal arteries

The anterior cerebral artery of each side is connected to its partner by the __, an important link in the circle of Willis.

anterior communicating artery

The __ arise from the basilar artery near the pontomedullary junction. It is the most caudal large artery originating directly from the basilar artery.

anterior inferior cerebellar arteries

__ supplies inferior parts of the cerebellum lateral to that supplied by the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. It also provides branches to the caudal pontine tegmentum and to the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle.

anterior inferior cerebellar arteries

Locate the basilar artery on the whole brain specimen. In some specimens the __ may come off the basilar artery near its origin.

anterior inferior cerebellar artery

__ is obscured by small fiber bundles in the pyramidal decussation near the junction of the medulla and the spinal cord.

anterior median sulcus

Just rostral to the __ the olfactory tract divides into the medial olfactory stria and the lateral olfactory stria (see inset).

anterior perforated substance

See if you can find branches of the __ which supply the anterior and midline regions of the medulla. These arteries merge to form a single artery which descends in the anterior median fissure of the spinal cord.

anterior spinal arteries

After formation in the ventricles, CSF passes into the cisterna magna via the foramina of Magendie and Luschka, circulates up and around the brain in the subarachnoid space, and is passively absorbed into the venous system via the __

arachnoid villi

Variations in pattern of the circle of Willis are fairly frequent (Only about 50% of patients have a completely symmetrical circle of Willis). In various cerebrovascular diseases, especially __, an asymmetry may reduce the effective collateral circulation in parts of the cerebral hemisphere.

arterial occlusion

Cerebral veins do not generally accompany __


The cochlear portion of this nerve carries __

auditory information encoded receptors in the cochlea of the inner ear.

The primary function of the inferior colliculi is __


The __ is a large midline arterial trunk formed by the fusion of the vertebral arteries on the anterior surface of the brain stem.

basilar artery

The paired vertebral arteries fuse at the caudal border of the pons to form the __

basilar artery

The posterior cerebral arteries usually arise from the __ but may originate from the internal carotids, another variation in pattern.

basilar artery

The paired vertebral arteries pass rostrally and unite near the pontomedullary junction to form the __

basilar artery.

Most of the cranial nerves (III to XII) take origin or terminate in the __

brain stem.

These five divisions (i.e., the medulla, metencephalon, midbrain, diencephalon, and telencephalon) together with the spinal cord, constitute the bulk of the __

central nervous system.

The region where cranial nerves VII, VIII and IX are found is called the __. Tumors can develop in that region and produce symptoms involving all the nerves within the angle.

cerebellopontine or cerebellomedullary angle

The __ connects the third ventricle to the fourth.

cerebral aqueduct

The third ventricle is connected to the fourth ventricle via the __

cerebral aqueduct (also called the aqueduct of Sylvius).

Instead they emerge from the substance of the brain, form an anastomotic network that gives rise to the __

cerebral veins.

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by modified capillaries called __

choroid plexus

The __ may still be present in the exposed part of the lateral ventricle

choroid plexus

Within the lateral ventricles, __ is found in the body, atrium, temporal horn & interventricular foramen.

choroid plexus

The __ arise from the basilar artery and pass around and the brain stem enter along its anterolateral and posterolateral surfaces.

circumferential branches

The fourth ventricle also contains choroid plexus which produces CSF. The CSF drains from the fourth ventricle into an enlargement of the subarachnoid space called the ___

cisterna magna.

You should recall that the internal carotid artery is a branch of the __ and the vertebral artery a branch of the __

common carotid artery; subclavian artery.

Except for the most rostral portion of the __, the entire blood supply of the brain stem (i.e., midbrain, pons and medulla) and cerebellum is derived from the vertebral-basal system.

crus cerebri

At a level slightly rostral to the clava, the__ appears as a small bulge laterally.

cuneate tubercle

The posterior cerebral artery provides cortical branches that supply the __

cuneus and lingual gyri of the occipital lobe, the inferior surface of the temporal lobe and the lateral occipital gyri

The third ventricle is a thin, elongated cavity lying in the midsagittal plane of the __


Normally the optic nerve is attached to the __


Rostral to the stria medullaris, the paired elevations bordering the median sulcus are called the __

facial colliculi

Locate the vestibulocochlear nerve as it emerges caudal to the pons and lateral to the __

facial nerve.

There are three openings that lead from the fourth ventricle into the cisterna magna: the midline __ lies at the caudal end of the fourth ventricle and the two laterally situated __ are found at approximately mid-pontine level. These laterally situated foramina often can be identified on the inferior aspect of the brain by finding protrusions of choroid plexus in the subarachnoid space near the cerebellopontomedullary junction.

foramen of Magendie; foramina of Luschka

The lateral ventricle is connected with the third ventricle via the __

foramen of monro.

The CSF of the ventricles communicates with the subarachnoid space only through the three foramina of the fourth ventricle. They are the __

foramina of Magendie and Luschka

NOTE that the internal carotid system supplies blood to most of the __. Thrombi passing through the internal carotid artery or any other vascular disease or injury associated with the internal carotid system will thus yield functional deficits unique to these structures.

forebrain (e.g., the cerebral cortex, corpus callosum, basal ganglia and diencephalon)

The __ is shaped like an elongated pyramid, with its apex extending up into the cerebellum and its diamond-shaped base on the posterior surface of the pons and medulla.

fourth ventricle

In posterior view, the medulla is seen to consist of a closed, caudal portion that contains a continuation of the spinal cord central canal and an open, rostral portion that forms part of the floor of the __

fourth ventricle.

Part of the posterior surface of the pons forms the rostral half of the floor of the __

fourth ventricle.

Find the __, which appears as a series of rootlets that emerges from the brain stem in the postolivary sulcus.

glossopharyngeal nerve

Lateral to the posterior median sulcus is a longitudinal bulge, the __

gracilis tubercle or clava

The paired elevations nearest the midline are called the __

hypoglossal trigones.

The portion of the diencephalon which you can see on the inferior surface of the brain is the __


Small branches leave the anterior cerebral arteries and enter the anterior perforated substance to supply portions of the __


The __ appear as two ridges extending along the sides of the ventricle on the lateral surface of the medulla.

inferior cerebellar peduncles

Find the trochlear nerve as it leaves the midbrain from the posterior surface, just caudal to the __. Axons of the trochlear nerve innervate the superior oblique muscle of the eye.

inferior colliculus.

The cortical branches of the posterior cerebral arteries supply the __

inferior part of the temporal lobe and the entire occipital lobe.

The facial and vestibulocochlear nerves converge further along their course towards the periphery in the __

internal auditory meatus

Find the oculomotor nerve root as it emerges from the anterior aspect of the midbrain - medial to the crus cerebri, in the __

interpeduncular fossa.

On the anterior surface of the midbrain two large longitudinal fiber bundles, the cerebral peduncles are separated by a deep groove called the __

interpeduncular fossa.

Inspect the base of the whole brain and identify all components of the circle of Willis, an anastomatic arterial ring that constitutes the major, but not exclusive, component of the __

intracranial collateral circulation

Observe the abducens nerve root fibers as they leave the brain stem in the pontomedullary sulcus a little lateral to the pyramid. Abducens nerve fibers innervate the __. A lesion of the right abducens nerve would result in failure to abduct the denervated eye.

ipsilateral lateral rectus of the eye

The accessory nerve innervates the muscles of the larynx, and the __

ipsilateral sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.

The tuberculum cinereum becomes displaced laterally in the rostral (open) medulla by the __

large inferior cerebellar peduncles or restiform body.

The posterior inferior cerebellar artery usually arises from the vertebral artery, but its position of origin is quite variable on the parent vessel. On the whole brain follow the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) as it travels along the __

lateral and posterior surface of the medulla.

The cortical branches of the middle cerebral artery are of great importance clinically as they supply most of the __

lateral aspect and some of the inferior aspect of the cerebrum.

inferior surface of the corpus callosum forms the roof of the __

lateral ventricle body

In the lateral ventricles, the caudate body forms part of the __

lateral wall

Choroid plexus structures are located in the __ ventricles

lateral, third and fourth

In most specimens the basilar artery branches caudal to the __ to form the posterior cerebral arteries.

mammillary bodies

Two small round elevations, the __ (part of the hypothalamus), mark the caudal extent of the diencephalon and the optic chiasm marks its rostral border.

mammillary bodies

The median sulcus divides the floor of the ventricle along the midline, while the sulcus limitans divides each half of the medulla into __.

medial (motor) areas and lateral (sensory) areas.

The medial striate artery passes laterally and enters the brain to supply __

medial areas of the corpus striatum of the basal ganglia and anterior internal capsule.

The __ arises from the anterior cerebral artery before the latter passes into the longitudinal cerebral fissure.

medial striate artery (Recurrent Artery of Heubner)

Locate the anterior cerebral artery arising from the internal carotid body of each side. The major branches of the anterior cerebral artery supply the __

medial surface of the frontal and parietal cortex and much of the corpus callosum.

The elevation which continues rostral to the facial colliculus is known as the __

median eminence.

The __ is the most caudal division of the brain and is normally continuous with the spinal cord.

medulla (myelencephalon)

The brain stem consists of the __

medulla, pons and midbrain

Rostral to the pons is the __, which is distinguished by two anteriorly located columns of fibers, the crura cerebri or cerebral peduncles.

midbrain (mesencephalon)

Notice that the cerebral aqueduct is located immediately anterior to the __. The aqueduct is a midline tube-like structure a few centimeters in length and about as thick as a pencil lead. It connects the third ventricle to the fourth.

midbrain tectum

The anterior surface of the pons is characterized by a massive band of transverse bundles of nerve fibers that converge posteriorly on each side to form the __

middle cerebellar peduncles

Locate the main stem of the __ which gives off numerous penetrating branches, known as the lateral striate arteries or lenticulostriate arteries.

middle cerebral artery

If the lateral striate arteries are occluded the basal ganglia may be affected, causing __

motor deficits

The facial nerve contains, among other things, motor axons innervating the __

muscles of facial expression.

Be certain to locate and identify the olfactory bulbs and the olfactory tracts. They are located on the __ and are associated with the olfactory nerve or cranial nerve I.

nferior surface of the frontal lobe

The apex of the V-shaped caudal border of the fourth ventricle is known as the __


There are two cranial nerves associated with the midbrain, the __

oculomotor (cranial nerve III) and the trochlear (cranial nerve IV).

Motor fibers in the __ innervate the intrinsic muscles of the eye and all the extrinsic muscles of the eye except for the lateral rectus and the superior oblique.

oculomotor nerve

The __ is formed by the decussation (midline crossing) of optic nerve fibers that innervate the nasal half of the eye.

optic chiasm

Locate the intracranial portion of the internal carotid on each side. Note its proximity to the __

optic nerve and optic chiasm

The nerve fibers of the vagus nerve innervate the __

oral and ear cavities, the larynx and pharynx, and parasympathetic ganglia of trunk & abdominal viscera.

Along its rostral course, the basilar artery gives off __ that enter the brain stem on its anterior surface near the midline. If you gently lift up the basilar artery, you will observe these small delicate branches penetrating the brain stem.

paramedian branches

__ provide blood to structures in the basal and medial tegmental regions of the brain stem.

paramedian branches

The metencephalon consists of the __

pons and the cerebellum.

Notice the shallow groove that is running along the anterior midline. This is the __ and it normally contains the basilar artery.

pontomedullary sulcus

Find the trigeminal nerve as it leaves the brain stem from the anterolateral aspect of the pons about halfway between its rostral and caudal borders. The trigeminal nerve is made up of two bundles, the larger __, which is sensory to the face, and a smaller __, which is motor to the muscles of mastication.

portio major; portio minor

The vestibular portion of cranial nerve VIII carries information about the __

position and movement of the head relative to earth (i.e., gravity) as determined by vestibular receptor cells in the inner ear.

Because __ provides the major blood supply to the visual cortex, occlusion of this artery results in visual field defects, contralateral to the site of injury.

posterior cerebral arteries

The __ are usually formed by the rostral bifurcation of the basilar artery.

posterior cerebral arteries

The posterior communicating arteries arise from the internal carotid arteries (in most cases), connect the latter to the __, and are part of the circle of Willis.

posterior cerebral arteries

The __ is derived from the posterior cerebral artery and supplies the choroid plexus of the lateral and third ventricles and the superior aspect of the thalamus and the midbrain tectum.

posterior choroidal artery

The anterior choroidal arteries should be identified as arising from the internal carotid artery lateral to the origin of the __

posterior communicating arteries

In its course along the medulla, __ gives off small branches to supply posterolateral regions of the medulla. Follow this artery as it courses up to the cerebellum to supply the inferior surface of the cerebellum and the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle.

posterior inferior cerebellar artery

The __ extends rostrally from the spinal cord to the obex.

posterior median sulcus

Branches of __ supply posterior areas of the medulla that are also supplied by branches of the vertebral artery (caudally) and the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (rostrally).

posterior spinal arteries

The __ arise from the vertebral arteries and descend along the posterolateral aspect of the medulla and spinal cord

posterior spinal arteries

The paired vertebral arteries pass over the anterior surface of the medulla and give rise to the __

posterior spinal arteries, the anterior spinal arteries and the posterior inferior cerebellar arteries

The __ borders the olivary eminence laterally and contains the rootlets of the glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX), the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X), and the spinal accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI).

postolivary sulcus

Rostrally, the __, containing rootlets of the hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve XII) divides the pyramids from the olivary eminence.

preolivary sulcus

The anterior median sulcus along the midline of the anterior medulla divides two longitudinal eminences called the __


Locate the two large reddish-gray structures, the __, located along the midline just posterior to the substantia nigra.

red nuclei

The posterior communicating arteries are often of unequal size. Small hair-like branches from the posterior communicating arteries supply the __

rostral and medial regions of the diencephalon.

The nervus intermedius consists predominantly of __

sensory axons innervating taste receptors on the anterior two thirds of the tongue.

Lateral to the sulcus limitans is the __

sensory or vestibular area.

Rostrally the bodies of the lateral ventricles lie side-by-side, separated in part by the __

septum pellucidum.

In the hemisected brain with intact __, you will not be able to see the frontal horn, temporal horn, atrium, or the occipital horn of the lateral ventricle. However, be aware that as their names imply the frontal horn is located rostrally in the frontal lobe, the temporal horn inferiorly in the temporal lobe, and the occipital horn caudally in the occipital lobe

septum pelludicum

Identify the anterior communicating artery; it may be a single vessel, and may be large or small or hair-like. The anterior communicating artery permits __ of blood from one anterior cerebral artery to the opposite side


The hypoglossal nerve (XII) rootlets emerge from the preolivary sulcus just lateral to the pyramids. The fibers of the hypoglossal nerve innervate the __.

somatic skeletal muscles of the tongue

The __ in the floor of the fourth ventricle forms the caudal border of the pons.

stria medullaris

The __ in the floor of the fourth ventricle marks the rostral border of the medulla

stria medullaris

Look for two black bands posterior to the two cerebral peduncles. These lines are the __

substantia nigra.

A shallow groove, the __ extends from the pons into the medulla and separates the facial colliculus and medial eminence from the more laterally located sensory or vestibular area

sulcus limitans

Two venous systems can be identified: __

superficial cerebral veins and deep cerebral veins

The auditory receiving area in the cerebral cortex is the __

superior bank of the superior temporal gyrus.

The __ arise from the basilar artery near the pons-midbrain junction. Follow the artery as it travels along the lateral surface of the pons and note that it subdivides to provide branches to the superior surface of the cerebellum and to the deep cerebellar nuclei and white matter. Small branches also provide blood to the rostral part of the posterior pontine tegmentum.

superior cerebellar arteries

The __ is derived from the basilar artery near the pons-midbrain junction.

superior cerebellar artery

The __ appear on the rostral end of the posterior pons as two bands of fibers running in the walls of the fourth ventricle.

superior cerebellar peduncles

The remainder of the brain, i.e., the cerebrum, constitutes the __


The atrium is the region of the lateral horn where the __ horns are confluent with the body of the lateral ventricle.

temporal and occipital

the superior surface of the __ forms part of the floor of the lateral ventricles


The lateral walls of the third ventricle are formed by the medial aspects of the __ & __ and its rostral wall is formed by the __

thalamus and the hypothalamus; lamina terminalis

The optic tract travels laterally and terminates in the __

thalamus of the diencephalon

Three other cranial nerves are located at the pontomedullary junction: __

the abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI), the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII), and the vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII).

Four small, round elevations, __ form the tectum or roof of the midbrain.

the inferior colliculi and the superior colliculi

The spinal accessory nerve (XI) is formed by the union of rootlets emerging from __

the postolivary sulcus caudal to the vagus roots with rootlets from upper cervical levels of the spinal cord.

There is one cranial nerve associated with the pons proper, __

the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V).

Locate the interventricular foramen of Monro. Note that the lateral ventricles communicate with the __ via these paired interventricular foramina.

third ventricle

The __ contains choroid plexus which extends from the body of the lateral ventricle through the interventricular foramina.

third ventricle

The motor area of the medulla consists of two paired elevations called __


The __ is a slight swelling located lateral to the cuneate tubercle.

tuberculum cinereum

There are __ lateral ventricles, one per cerebral hemisphere.


The brain is supplied by four large arteries: __

two internal carotid arteries and two vertebral arteries

The optic tract consists of the __

uncrossed optic nerve fibers from the temporal half of the ipsilateral eye and the crossed optic nerve fibers from the nasal half of the contralateral eye.

The lateral olfactory stria terminates in the __ and structures forming the limbic system.


The __ are located just lateral to the hypoglossal trigones.

vagal trigones

Caudal to the rootlets of the glossopharyngeal nerve are the rootlets of the __ that also emerge from the brain stem at the postolivary sulcus

vagus nerve

The cerebral veins pass through the subarachnoid space and empty into a series of venous channels in the dura mater called __

venous sinuses.

The __ is an interconnected series of spaces within the brain, containing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the choroid plexus which produces the CSF.

ventricular system

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