NTDT201 Chapter 14: Fruits
Preparation: Dry-Heat Preparation
- Baking - Broiling - Frying/Sauteing - Moist-Heat - Stewing/poaching
Purchasing: Processed Fruits
- Canned as whole, halves, sliced, chunks, crushed, sauce, or juice - Fruits canned in their own juice or in medium, or heavy syrup - Grading of canned fruit - US Grade A or Fancy - best fruit - US Grade B or Choice - US Grade C or Standard - Frozen - Retains color & taste, but texture is damaged - Signs of refrozen fruit = heavy frost, flaccid, less flavorful
Purchasing: Fruit Juices - Forms...
- Cans - Cartons - Bottles - Fresh Frozen Concentrates Powdered Forms
- Dried fruit - Fruit Spreads - types... - Most fruits can be made into spread except... - Bananas - Melons
Purchasing: Nutrient Content
- Fat - Carbohydrates - Vitamins & Fiber - Minerals - Fruits generally low in mineral content; exceptions... - Raisins, apricots, avocados, bananas, dates, figs, oranges, plums, prunes, melons - Phytochemicals
Composition: Fruits as Functional Foods
- Fruits important in growth of functional foods - Some, but not all, are rich in.. - Vitamins & minerals, and... - Antioxidants - Polyphenols - Fiber
Composition: Grading Fruit
- Grading is voluntary - USDA grading of fresh fruits - Based on... - Four grades - US Fancy (best grade) US No.1, US No. 2, US No. 3 - Canned or frozen - US Grade A or Fancy, US Grade B or Choice, US Grade C or Standard
Purchasing: Fruit Juice Processing
- Juice extraction - Clarification - Deaeration - Pasteurization - Concentration/additions
Fruit Spread Ingredients
- Pectin - Sugar - Acid - Fruit
Composition: Pectic Substances
- Polysaccharides found in fruit - Protopectin (immature fruit, no gel) - Pectin (ripe fruit, gels) - Pectic acid (overripe fruit, no gel) - Albedo - White, inner rind of citrus fruits - Food industry uses pectin as.. - Pectic substances & juice cloudiness - Pectinases
Composition: Food Additives in Fruits
- Purpose - Sulfites, sorbates, benzoates - Sensitive to sulfites - Vitamin C - Sulfites can appear on labels as... - Sulfur dioxide, sodium sulfite, sodium bisulfate, potassium bisulfate, sodium metabisulfate, potassum metabisulfate - Sorbic acid (sorbate) - Benzoic acid
Composition: Phenolic Compounds
- Responsible for _____ - Tannins - Some fruits that contain phenolic compounds....
Composition: Cellular Structure & Pigments
- Similar to vegetables - Organic acids - Pectic substances - Phenolic compounds
Composition: Organic Acids
- Volatile - Nonvolatile - Common acids... - Citric - Malic - Tartaric - Oxalic - Benzoic
Composition: Acidity of Fruits
- pH value below 5.0 - Tartness - Lemones, limes, cranberries - Least acidic fruits - Those with pH above 4.5 ___
Purchasing: Enzymatic Browning
Certain fruits susceptible to browning when sliced; inhibiting browning can be done by... - Denaturing enzymes - Acid pH - Cold temperatures - Coating with sugar or water - Antioxidant
Preparation: Changes During Heating
Color - pH - Acids of canned fruits - ethylene gas Texture - heating softens fruit due to.... Flavor Aromatic Oils - found in the peels of ... - "Zest"
Classification: Exceptions
Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Nuts are fruits? Rhubarb?
Type of fruit is determined by the type of flower - Simple: 1 flower - Drupes (pistachip, cherries, almond, coffee, coconut, dates, apricots) a drupe is a fleshy fruit with thin skin and a central stone containing the seed. - Pomes - Aggregate: several ovaries in one flower - Multiple: a cluster of several flowers