OBE- chapter 4

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2.The belief that "violence is wrong" is an descriptive statement. Such an opinion constitutes the ________ component of an attitude. A) cognitive B) affective C) reflective D) behavioral E) reactive


An important moderator of the satisfaction-turnover relationship is the ________. A) employee's level of performance B) organization's culture C) management's style D) employee's values and attitudes E) employee's level of workplace deviance


Which of the following statements about job satisfaction is NOT true? A) Most of the research on job satisfaction has not been conducted in the U.S. B) People in other cultures form judgments of job satisfaction. C) Similar factors cause job satisfaction across cultures. D) Pay is weakly related to job satisfaction in industrialized nations. E) all of the above.


The theory of cognitive dissonance was proposed by ________. A) Maslow B) Festinger C) Hofstede D) Skinner E) Pavlov


To focus on building a service-oriented business, companies might do all of the following EXCEPT A) hire upbeat, friendly employees. B) provide training in customer service. C) conduct external pay surveys. D) reward customer service. E) track employee satisfaction through attitude surveys.


Mrs. Jonas believes strongly that it is important that worker's rights be respected, and that one of the more important ways of doing this is to ensure that all workers be properly documented. She is supervising a contracting company that is building a new warehouse for her company. While doing this she discovers that many of the workers employed by the contractor are undocumented aliens working for well below minimum wage. Mrs. Jonas is experiencing cognitive dissonance. In this situation Mrs. Jonas has a(n) ________ that is in conflict with a(n) ________. A) behavior; behavior B) attitude; attitude C) social need; social interest D) social need; social need E) behavior; attitude


OB research has focused on all of the following attitudes EXCEPT A) job satisfaction. B) job involvement. C) employee engagement. D) perceived organizational support. E) employee turnover


Mrs. Jonas believes strongly that it is important that workers' rights be respected, and that one of the more important ways of doing this is to ensure that all workers be properly documented. She is supervising a contracting company that is building a new warehouse for her company. While doing this she discovers that many of the workers employed by the contractor are undocumented aliens working for well below minimum wage. Mrs. Jonas is likely experiencing ________. A) cognitive dissonance B) unresolved anger C) ethical evasion D) uncertainty avoidance E) social pressure


High job involvement means identifying with ________, while high organizational commitment means identifying with ________. A) your employing organization; your specific job B) your specific job; your employing organization C) your profession; your specific job D) your co-workers; your specific job E) your specific job; your co-workers


An individual's involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the work he performs is known as A) employee engagement. B) job involvement. C) loyalty. D) job satisfaction


Early studies of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) assumed that it was closely linked with satisfaction. More recent evidence suggests that satisfaction influences OCB, but through perceptions of ________. A) fairness B) consistency C) productivity D) leadership ability E) out marketing


Given that managers want to keep resignations and absences at a minimum, they should focus on generating A) positive job attitudes. B) happy employees. C) the highest pay rates. D) the best benefit package


In a study of large employers, the text reported that ________ percent of senior managers believe the organization treated its employees well and ________ percent of the employees agreed. A) 86; 55 B) 55; 86 C) 55; 55 D) 100; 100 E) 100; 0


A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds A) positive attitudes toward the job. B) negative attitudes toward the job. C) positive attitudes toward the organization. D) negative attitudes toward the organization. E) indifferent attitudes toward both the organization and the job.


A study conducted by a management consulting firm found that those companies with higher morale A) experienced a larger growth in their stock prices. B) experienced a larger growth in market share. C) experienced a smaller decrease in their stock prices. D) experienced a smaller decrease in their market share. E) had more dissatisfied employees.


Organizational commitment is defined as ________. A) the degree to which an employee identifies with the organization they work for and its goals B) an employee's belief that the organization they work for will go to considerable lengths to ensure that its employees are treated fairly C) the degree to which an employee's sense of fulfillment and self-worth is related to their job D) the amount of effort an employee will make in order to keep or advance their position in an organization E) the degree to which an employee believes their work impacts their organization


The ________ component of an attitude is the emotional or feeling component of that attitude. A) affective B) cognitive C) behavioral D) evaluative E) reaffective


The attitude-behavior relationship is likely to be much stronger if the attitude ________. A) refers to something that the individual has direct personal experience with B) must be defended against the attitudes of society at large C) is perceived to be of little importance D) is related to organizational structure E) is not regularly discussed and examined


The following answer choices are quotes from employees about their job at Healthy Eating, a chain of health food stores. Which quote most likely comes from an employee who has a great deal of organizational commitment? A) "I am a great believer in the importance of a healthy diet, so I'm glad I am working for a company that is trying to make simple, healthy food available to all." B) "I like the fact that in my role as a buyer for Healthy Eating I get to make choices about which food is good enough for us to sell." C) "Even though I only work in the produce department for now, it's good to know that the suggestions I make about how the store could be improved are heard and considered by my managers." D) "The challenging nature of the work and the thoughtful and generous way they treat their staff has made Healthy Eating the best place I have ever worked." E) "With the benefits it provides, it is vital for me to keep


What did the study of Sears employees that examined satisfaction and absenteeism find? A) Workers with high satisfaction scores had much higher attendance than those with lower satisfaction levels. B) Workers with high satisfaction scores had much lower attendance during snow storms. C) Workers with low satisfaction scores had much higher attendance than those with higher satisfaction levels. D) There was no relationship between satisfaction and attendance. E) Even satisfied employees will experience high absenteeism during snow storms.


Which of the following statements is NOT true about attitudes? A) Managers need to focus more on keeping resignations and absences down than on employees' attitudes. B) Managers should be interested in their employees' attitudes since they give warnings of potential problems. C) Managers should be interested in their employees' attitudes since they influence behavior. D) Measurement of overall job attitude is a useful piece of organizational information.


_28_______ refers to an individual's general attitude toward his or her job. A) Job satisfaction B) Job involvement C) Job stability D) Organizational commitment E) Social investment


"It is suggested that with a weakening of the loyalty of employers to employees (and vice-versa) in today's workplace, organizational commitment may be replaced with ________ commitment." A) family B) occupational C) hierarchical D) department E) socially stratified


23 Festinger proposed that the desire to reduce dissonance is determined by three factors including the ________. A) values of the elements creating the dissonance B) degree of influence the individual believes he or she has over the elements C) degree of positive affect the person has toward the behavior D) fact that values and attitudes will vary over the short term E) awareness that dissonance exists


3.What are the three components of an attitude? A) cognitive, behavioral, and dissonant B) cognitive, affective, and behavioral C) dissonant, affective, and behavioral D) behavioral, affective, and correspondent E) correspondent, cognitive, and affective


35 Sam works for the SPCA because of their involvement with animals. He is demonstrating which dimension to organization commitment? A) general organizational commitment B) affective commitment C) continuance commitment D) normative commitment E) involvement commitment


72 Which of the following statements is NOT true? A) An important moderator of the satisfaction-turnover relationship is the employee's level of performance. B) Job satisfaction is more important in influencing superior performers to stay than in influencing poor performers to stay. C) Job satisfaction is more important in influencing poor performers to stay than in influencing superior performers to stay. D) Superior performers are more likely to remain with the organization because of other rewards they receive. E) All of the above.


All of the following are true about pay and job satisfaction EXCEPT A) For people who are poor, pay correlates with job satisfaction. B) Once an individual; reaches a level of comfortable living, pay correlates highly with job satisfaction. C) People in the U.S. who earn $75,000 experience no greater levels of job satisfaction than those who earn $40,000. D) There is no relationship between average pay and average level of job satisfaction. E) The richest people on the Forbes 400 list do not have significantly higher overall well-being scores than Maasai herdsmen in East Africa.


Any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes results in ________. A) organizational dissonance B) cognitive dissonance C) attitudinal clarification D) values clarification E) affective reactance


Higher levels of job satisfaction have been reported in the U.S. and western Europe. This may be because A) individuals in western cultures need to work. B) individuals in western cultures emphasize positive emotions. C) there is more industrialization in western cultures. D) individuals in western cultures are more self-critical and geared toward continuous improvement. E) these are collectivist societies not focused on individual happiness.


If Joe knows that stealing from the company is wrong, but he continues to take paper for his computer home fro his son's homework, Festinger would argue that Joe is experiencing A) deviant work behaviors. B) cognitive dissonance. C) a poor conscience. D) job dissatisfaction E) disengagement


In her work in the publishing industry, Vera seeks out new authors who she considers promising. In the past two years she has found a number of new writers whose work she thought was exceptional, and immersed herself in the task of helping them shape their manuscripts for submission to her managers for publishing. Although she was extremely proud of the results, none of the authors she worked with were chosen for publication. Vera believes that the decision not to publish these authors was based on personal rivalries within management, rather than the quality of her writers' work. She is extremely frustrated, dreads coming into work each morning and is seriously thinking of resigning. How can Vera's job attitudes best be described? A) low job satisfaction and low job involvement B) low job satisfaction and high job involvement C) high job satisfaction and low job involvement D) high job satisfaction and high job invo


In which facet of job satisfaction are people least satisfied? A) work itself B) pay and promotion opportunities C) job overall D) supervisor E) coworkers


Jason has been spending a great deal of work time talking to his co-workers about how dissatisfied he is with the job. He has spent quite a bit of time discussing unionization. he has arrived at work intoxicated twice in the last week and has repeatedly taken office supplies home with him. His behavior might be classified as A) job enlargement. B) deviant behavior. C) separation anticipation. D) theft. E) cognitive dissonance.


Service-oriented businesses like Southwest Airlines obsess about pleasing customers. To accomplish this end, they also focus on A) providing the best benefits to employees. B) building employee satisfaction. C) paying the highest salaries. D) offering flextime. E) offering tuition reimbursement


The degree to which a person identifies with his or her job, actively participates in it, and considers his or her performance as being important to self-worth is ________. A) job satisfaction B) job involvement C) job stability D) organizational commitment E) social embeddedness


Those employees who have been described as "retired on the job" are considered A) dissatisfied. B) disengaged. C) disloyal. D) uninvolved.


What are the most widely used approaches to measuring job satisfaction? A) engagement surveys B) a single global rating and a summation score C) supervision and pay ratings D) standardized job involvement surveys


When Joe responds to his dissatisfaction with his job by discussing his problems with his manager, he is using which response? A) exit response. B) voice response. C) loyalty response. D) neglect response. E) performance response.


When union members express dissatisfaction through the grievance procedure, this allows them to continue in their jobs while convincing themselves they are acting to improve the situation. Which response is being used? A) exit response B) voice response C) loyalty response D) neglect response E) performance response


Which of the following is NOT true? A) Organizations with more satisfied employees tend to be more effective than organizations with fewer satisfied employees. B) Making workers happy causes higher levels of productivity. C) Happy workers are likely to be productive workers. D) The relationship between job satisfaction and job performance is no longer considered a myth. E) Job satisfaction is a determinant of OCB.


Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between satisfaction and absenteeism? A) There is a consistent positive relationship between the two. B) There is a consistent, moderate negative relationship between the two. C) There is a curvilinear relationship between the two. D) When fairness is controlled for, there is a direct relationship between the two. E) No relationship can be established between the two.


36 Which dimension to organizational commitment is reflected in the perceived economic value of remaining with an organization compared to leaving it? A) general organizational commitment B) affective commitment C) continuance commitment D) normative commitment


52 The exit-voice-loyalty framework aids in understanding the consequences of A) pay. B) low motivation. C) dissatisfaction. D) lack of loyalty. E) low levels of employee engagement


Evidence suggests that job satisfaction A) creates productive workers. B) is unrelated to performance. C) is the major determinant of a worker's OCB. D) is unrelated to fairness of outcomes, treatments or procedures. E) is caused by high pay.


Job satisfaction is best described as ________. A) a result B) a value C) an attitude D) causing high performance E) a valued discipline


Leon Festinger argued that ________ follow(s) ________. A) behavior; job satisfaction B) behavior; attitude C) attitudes; behavior D) attitudes; job satisfaction E) job satisfaction; behavior


Of the following, the best predictor of turnover is ________. A) job satisfaction B) job involvement C) affective commitment D) cognitive dissonance E) affective dissonance


Survey results highlighting the discrepancy between employee morale as perceived by management and employees themselves suggests that managers need to A) do more to improve employee morale. B) administer salary surveys more frequently. C) care about job satisfaction and then measure it rather than assuming everything is fine. D) treat employee better. E) all of the above.


The degree to which employees believe the organization values their contribution and cares about their well-being is known as A) employee engagement. B) job involvement. C) perceived organizational support. D) job satisfaction.


The highest levels of job satisfaction have been reported in A) Japan. B) all the collectivist cultures. C) the U.S. and western Europe. D) western Europe. E) most of Asia.


Which company was the focus of a study on how satisfaction directly leads to attendance? A) Neiman Marcus B) Southwest C) Sears D) Macy's E) Four Seasons


Which major job-satisfaction facet is the one most strongly correlated with high levels of overall job satisfaction? A) advancement opportunity B) pay C) enjoying the work D) supervision


Which of the following is a predictor of deviant behaviors in the workplace? A) turnover B) absenteeism C) dissatisfaction D) loyalty E) job involvement


Which of the following is not a moderating variable of the attitude-behavior relationship? A) direct experience B) correspondence to behavior C) power D) accessibility E) importance


Which of the following statements would have been most likely made by an employee with a high degree of job involvement? A) "My skills make me exceptionally valuable to the company." B) "I'm a harder worker than most of my colleagues, even to the degree I am carrying some of the lazier ones." C) "It felt great to get promoted; I guess the guys upstairs really did appreciate the way I had been running things." D) "I love my job, it is engaging, well-paid, and low pressure enough that I don't have to be always worrying about it in my time off." E) "I enjoy working with my hands, so much so that on the days when my job requires me to actually physically build something time flies by without me even noticing it."


Which response is demonstrated when Joe speaks up to support his company's actions even when the local newspaper is criticizing them? A) exit response B) voice response C) loyalty response D) neglect response E) performance response


) Mrs. Jonas believes strongly that it is important that worker's rights be respected, and that one of the more important ways of doing this is to ensure that all workers be properly documented. She is supervising a contracting company that is building a new warehouse for her company. While doing this she discovers that many of the workers employed by the contractor are undocumented aliens working for well below minimum wage. Mrs. Jonas comes to you for an explanation of why she is so uncomfortable. You might refer her to the theories of ________. A) Hofstede B) Maslow C) Skinner D) Festinger E) Surber


1) Which of the following is the best definition of attitudes? A) Attitudes indicate how one will react to a given event. B) Attitudes are the yardstick by which one measures one's actions. C) Attitudes are the emotional part of an evaluation of some person, object or event. D) Attitudes are evaluative statements of what one believes about something or someone. E) Attitudes are a measure of how the worth of an object, person or event is evaluated.


37 Which dimension to organizational commitment describes an employee who is "tethered" to an employer simply because there isn't anything better available? A) general organizational commitment B) affective commitment C) normative commitment D) continuance commitment


Job satisfaction is negatively related to A) turnover. B) absenteeism. C) customer satisfaction. D) turnover and absenteeism. E) turnover and customer satisfaction


The most important thing a manager can do to raise employee satisfaction is to focus on A) employee pay. B) benefits. C) work hours. D) intrinsic parts of the job. E) employee productivity.


When there are inconsistencies between attitudes or between behavior and attitudes, individuals will attempt to A) increase their job-related social relationships. B) confront their supervisor. C) reduce their job involvement. D) reduce dissonance. E) increase their job satisfaction


Which of the following is NOT generally found in businesses whose employees have high-average levels of engagement? A) higher levels of customer satisfaction B) higher levels of productivity C) higher profits D) higher turnover E) lower accident rates


Which of the following is an example of the affective component of an attitude? A) Satisfaction with a job well done. B) The observation that most dogs have four legs. C) The opinion that it is never acceptable to steal. D) Anger at being unfairly accused of a wrongdoing. E) The avoidance of a restaurant where one once received bad service


Which of the following statements is NOT true about job satisfaction ? A) More workers are satisfied with their jobs overall than are dissatisfied. B) U.S. trends are generally applicable to other developed countries, C) Employees tend to be most satisfied by the work itself. D) Rate of pay is strongly correlated with job satisfaction for almost all workers. E) Employees tend to be least satisfied with pay and promotion opportunities


Which responses to dissatisfaction allow individuals to tolerate unpleasant situations? A) exit and neglect responses. B) neglect and loyalty responses. C) voice and neglect responses. D) voice and loyalty responses. E) exit and voice responses


"Dissonance" means ________. A) reactance B) constance C) resistance D) consistency E) inconsistency


) Mrs. Jonas believes strongly that it is important that worker's rights be respected, and that one of the more important ways of doing this is to ensure that all workers be properly documented. She is supervising a contracting company that is building a new warehouse for her company. While doing this she discovers that many of the workers employed by the contractor are undocumented aliens working for well below minimum wage. Mrs. Jonas can be expected to relieve the discomfort she is experiencing by engaging in which of the following behaviors? A) deciding this issue is unimportant B) rationalizing that it is not her problem since she is not the contractor C) attempting to stop the contractor using undocumented workers D) coming to accept that using undocumented workers does not harm workers' rights E) all of the above


According to Festinger, people will seek a(n) ________. A) variable state with variable dissonance B) stable state with maximal dissonance C) unstable state with maximal dissonance D) unstable state with minimal dissonance E) stable state with minimal dissonance


Dissatisfied employees who don't like their jobs will attempt to "get even". This may manifest itself in which of the following behaviors? A) quitting B) surfing the Internet on company time C) stealing from the company D) spending more time socializing on the job E) all of the above


Festinger argued that dissonance is ________. Therefore, people will attempt to reduce it. A) monotonous B) confounding C) physically painful D) exhausting E) uncomfortable


High levels of job involvement are related A) positively to organizational citizenship. B) negatively to absences. C) positively to job performance. D) negatively to resignation rates. E) all of the above


Jan is a security officer. Jan believes that it is important to know exactly who is in the office at any given time. She notices that some employees do not sign out of the office when they take lunch, which makes it impossible to keep track of who is actually in the office. Jan becomes frustrated with those employees. She makes note of them and reports them to their supervisors. What is the behavioral component of Jan's attitude to the employees who did not sign out of the office? A) Jan believes that it is important that she know exactly who is in the office at any given time. B) Jan notices that some employees do not sign out of the office when they take lunch. C) Jan finds it impossible to keep track of who is actually in the office. D) Jan becomes frustrated with those employees who do not sign out of the office. E) Jan notes which employees leave the office without signing out, and reports them to their supervis


Jo is a courier, delivering parcels throughout the metropolitan area. Although she considers herself law abiding, she often breaks the speed limit while making her deliveries. Which of the following statements does not reflect a likely response to the conflict between her attitude and her behavior? A) "It's not a problem that I speed a little bit, it's not much over the limit, and everyone else speeds some." B) "The speed limits are just too low around here; anyone driving at a reasonable speed will break them." C) "This speeding is irresponsible. From now on I am observing the speed limits." D) "I've got to drive fast sometimes, otherwise I will not make all my deliveries and I'll lose clients." E) "It's wrong to break even minor laws, but I'll probably keep speeding anyway."


Mrs. Jonas believes strongly that it is important that worker's rights be respected, and that one of the more important ways of doing this is to ensure that all workers be properly documented. She is supervising a contracting company that is building a new warehouse for her company. While doing this she discovers that many of the workers employed by the contractor are undocumented aliens working for well below minimum wage. It is safe to say that this wouldn't be a problem if Mrs. Jonas was ________. A) a worker rather than a supervisor B) working for the construction company C) more of an ethical character D) an undocumented worker E) indifferent to workers' rights


The primary organizational implication of cognitive dissonance theory is that it helps to predict ________. A) overall job satisfaction for employees B) the likelihood of a given employee engaging in impression management C) the overall level to which the workforce will accept gender, racial or other types of bias D) the willingness of the workforce to accept company rules and work practices E) the inclination towards attitude and behavioral change of the workforce


What can a manager do to ensure his employees perceive the organization as supportive? A) Ensure rewards are deemed fair. B) Allow employees a voice in decisions. C) Provide a participative environment. D) Provide support for employees. E) All of the above.


Which of the following factors is likely to impact the job satisfaction-turnover relationship? A) labor-market conditions B) length of time with the organization C) expectations about alternative job opportunities D) employee's level of performance E) all of the above


Which of the following is NOT a response to dissatisfaction? A) exit response B) voice response C) loyalty response D) neglect response E) performance response


Which of the following might be a typical element in a job used to measure job satisfaction? A) nature of the work B) supervision C) present pay D) promotion opportunity E) all of the above


Which of the following statements are true? A) Employee satisfaction is related to positive customer outcomes for those employees with regular customer contact. B) Satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction. C) Dissatisfied customers can increase an employee's job dissatisfaction. D) Satisfied employees increase customer loyalty. E) All of the above.


Which of the following statements is NOT true? A) Satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. B) Dissatisfied customers can increase an employee's job dissatisfaction. C) In service organizations, customer retention and defection are highly dependent on how front-line employees deal with customers. D) Satisfied employees are likely to be more productive. E) The most effective way to improve job satisfaction is a raise in pay.


Which of these actions are the most likely to be taken by Sarah if she behaves in a way that is inconsistent with an attitude that she holds? A) Change the behavior. B) Change the attitude. C) Rationalize the behavior. D) Ignore the inconsistency. E) All of the above.


Why do satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction? A) Satisfied employees are more likely to be friendly. B) Satisfied employees are less prone to turnover. C) Customer satisfaction and loyalty are built with employees who customers are familiar with. D) Customer retention is highly dependent on their interactions with front line employees. E) All of the above


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