Organization of Programming Languages - Exam 1
What are the two distinct goals of syntax analysis?
"First, the syntax analyzer must check the input program to determine whether it is syntactically correct. When an error is found, the analyzer must produce a diagnostic message and recover. In this case, recovery means it must get back to a normal state and continue its analysis of the input program. This step is required so that the compiler finds as many errors as possible during a single analysis of the input program. If it is not done well, error recovery may create more errors, or at least more error messages. "The second goal of syntax analysis is to produce a complete parse tree, or at least trace the structure of the complete parse tree, for syntactically correct input. The parse tree (or its trace) is used as the basis for translation."
Give three advantages of LR parsers.
1) They can be built for all programming languages. 2) They can detect syntax errors as soon as it is possible in a left-to-right scan. 3) The LR class of grammars is a proper superset of the class parsable by LL parsers (for example, many left recursive grammars are LR, but none are LL).
In what language is most of UNIX written?
What are the three general methods of implementing a programming language?
Compilation, Pure interpretation, Hybrid implementation
The process of placing a memory cell that has been unbound from a variable back into the pool of available memory.
PHP's array data structure is a combination of what two data structures from other languages?
Perl hashes, Javascript arrays
Select all that are examples of dynamic type binding. a. Perl: $x = 4; b. Java: int x = (int)4.0; c. Python: x = int(4.0) d. C++: int x = 4;
Perl: $x = 4; Python: x = int(4.0)
Which one of the following features was NOT a feature of Fortran 77?
Dynamic arrays
Perform the pairwise disjointness test for each of the following grammar rules. Your answer should show the FIRST() function for each RHS, and then state whether the LHS rule passes or fails pairwise disjointness. A → b{aB} | a
FIRST(b{aB}) = {b} FIRST(a) = {a} FIRST(b{aB}) ∩ FIRST(a) = Ø {b} ∩ {a} = Ø Passes
The first successful high-level language for scientific applications was _____________.
What is the name of the category of programming languages whose structure is dictated by the von Neumann computer architecture?
Imperative programming languages
Variables bound to heap storage only when they are assigned values.
Implicit heap-dynamic variables
What are the three general methods of implementing a programming language?
Interpreted, compiled, Hybrid (compiled-interpreted)
A word of a programming language that is special only in certain contexts.
The time during which the variable is bound to a specific memory location.
Convert the following EBNF rules to BNF: S → A{bA} A → a[b]A
S → A | AB B → bA | bAB A → aA | abA
Variables whose storage bindings are created when their declaration statements are elaborated, but whose types are statically bound.
Stack-dynamic variables
Variables that are bound to memory cells before program execution begins and remain bound to those same memory cells until program execution terminates.
Static variables
What data structure(s) does Python use in place of arrays?
Tuples, dictionaries, lists
What is the primary use of attribute grammars?
Type Compatibility
An abstraction of a computer memory cell or collection of cells.
The binding of more than one variable to the same memory cell.
With respect to language evaluation critieria, select all language characteristics that affect reliability: a. Syntax design b. Orthogonality c. Type checking d. Support for abstraction e. Restricted aliasing f. Simplicity g. Data types h. Exception handling i. Expressivity
All answers are correct
One of the greatest single advances in computing came with the introduction of the IBM [a] in 1954, in large measure because its capabilities prompted the development of [b].
a) 704 b) fortran
Using the algorithm described in Section 4.4.2, remove direct left recursion form the following grammar rules. A → Aa | Abc | bc | d
A → bcA' | dA' A' → aA' | bcA' | ε
At which possible binding time is a C or C++ static variable bound to a memory location?
Load time
On what branch of mathematics is axiomatic semantics based?
What characteristic does Ruby share with Smalltalk?
Pure-object oriented language
Using the algorithm described in Section 4.4.2, remove direct left recursion form the following grammar rules. X → Xyy | Xz | Yx | w Y → Yy | Yw | zy | x
X → YxX' | wX' X' → yyX' | zX' | ε Y -> zyY' | xY' Y' → yY' | wY' | ε
With respect to language evaluation criteria, select all language characteristics that affect readability: a. Restricted aliasing b. Data types c. Type checking d. Exception handling e. Orthogonality f. Syntax design g. Expressivity h. Support for abstraction i. Simplicity
Data types, Orthogonality, Syntax Design, Simplicity
True or false: Python data types are declared explicitly.
At which possible binding time is the Java + operator symbol bound to a memory location?
Language design time
Select all that are constructed languages: a. Na'vi b. lojban c. Esperanto d. Klingon e. Mandarin f. Loglan g. English h. Latin
Na'vi, Lojban, Esperanto, Klingon, Loglan
The primary limiting factor in the speed of von Neumann architecture computers is called the ________________.
von Neumann bottleneck
Using the grammar in Example 3.4 [p.120]*, show a sentential form leftmost derivation: A = B + C + A
<assign> => <id> = <expr> => A = <expr> => A = <expr> + <term> => A = <expr> + <term> + <term> => A = <term> + <term> + <term> => A = <factor> + <term> + <term> => A = <id> + <term> + <term> => A = B + <term> + <term> => A = B + <factor> + <term> => A = B + <id> + <term> => A = B + C + <term> => A = B + C + <factor> => A = B + C + <id> => A = B + C + A
Using the grammar in Example 3.4 [p.120]*, show a sentential form leftmost derivation: A = ( A + B ) * C
<assign> => <id> = <expr> => A = <expr> => A = <term> => A = <term> * <factor> => A = <factor> * <factor> => A = (<expr>) * <factor> => A = (<expr> + <term>) * <factor> => A = (<term> + <term>) * <factor> => A = (<factor> + <term>) * <factor> => A = (<id> + <term>) * <factor> => A = (A + <term>) * <factor> => A = (A + <factor>) * <factor> => A = (A + <id>) * <factor> => A = (A + B) * <factor> => A = (A + B) * <id> => A = (A + B) * C
Using the grammar in Example 3.4 [p.120]*, show a sentential form leftmost derivation: A = A * (B + C)
<assign> => <id> = <expr> => A = <expr> => A = <term> => A = <term> * <factor> => A = <factor> * <factor> => A = <id> * <factor> => A = A * <factor> => A = A * (<expr>) => A = A * (<expr> + <term>) => A = A * (<term> + <term>) => A = A * (<factor> + <term>) => A = A * (<id> + <term>) => A = A * (B + <term>) => A = A * (B + <factor>) => A = A * (B + <id>) => A = A * (B + C)
Using the grammar in Example 3.4 [p.120]*, show a sentential form leftmost derivation: A = B * (C * (A + B))
<assign> => <id> = <expr> => A = <expr> => A = <term> => A = <term> * <factor> => A = <factor> * <factor> => A = <id> * <factor> => A = B * <factor> => A = B * (<expr>) => A = B * (<term>) => A = B * (<term> * <factor>) => A = B * (<factor> * <factor>) => A = B * (<id> * <factor>) => A = B * (C * <factor>) => A = B * (C * (<expr>)) => A = B * (C * (<expr> + <term>) => A = B * (C * (<term> + <term>)) => A = B * (C * (<factor> + <term>)) => A = B * (C * (<id> + <term>)) => A = B * (C * (A + <term>)) => A = B * (C * (A + <factor>)) => A = B * (C * (A + <id>)) => A = B * (C * (A + B))
Using the grammar in Example 3.2 [p.117]*, show a sentential form leftmost derivation for each of the three following statements: A = A * (B + (C))
<assign> => <id> = <expr> Right side: A = <expr> A = <id> * <expr> A = A * <expr> A = A * (<expr>) A = A * (<id> + <expr>) A = A * (B + <expr>) A = A * (B + (<expr>)) A = A * (B + (<id>)) A = A * (B + (C))
Using the grammar in Example 3.2 [p.117]*, show a sentential form leftmost derivation for each of the three following statements: A = A * (B + (C * A))
<assign> => <id> = <expr> Right side: A = <expr> A = <id> * <expr> A = A * <expr> A = A * (<expr>) A = A * (<id> + <expr>) A = A * (B + <expr>) A = A * (B + (<expr>)) A = A * (B + (<id> * <expr>)) A = A * (B + (C * <expr>)) A = A * (B + (C * <id>)) A = A * (B + (C * A))
Using the grammar in Example 3.2 [p.117]*, show a sentential form leftmost derivation for each of the three following statements: B = C * (A * C + B)
<assign> => <id> = <expr> Right side: B = <expr> B = <id> * <expr> B = C * <expr> B = C * (<expr>) B = C * (<id> * <expr>) B = C * (A * <expr>) B = C * (A * <id> + <expr>) B = C * (A * C + <expr>) B = C * (A * C + <id>) B = C * (A * C + B)
Write EBNF descriptions (i.e. rules) for the a Java class definition header statement. Begin with the start symbol <class_header>. Use the non-terminal <class_name> for the user-defined name of the class You do not have to include a LHS rule which defines valid naming conventions to expand the <class_name> non-terminal
<class_head> → {<modifier>} class <class_name> [extends class_name] [implements <interface_name> {, <interface_name>}] <modifier> → public | abstract | final
Describe, in English, the language defined by the following grammar: S → ABC A → aA | a B → bB | b C → cC | c
All strings that contain one or more a's followed by one or more b's followed by one or more c's. The following strings are all in the language: abc abbbbbbbbbbc aaaaaaaaaabbcc aabcc
The process of taking a memory cell from a pool of available memory and binding it to a variable.
Why are named constants used, rather than numbers, for token codes?
Although tokens are usually represented as integer values, for the sake of readability of lexical and syntax analyzers, they are often referenced through named constants.
The first successful high-level language for business was ________________.
Variables that are nameless (abstract) memory cells allocated and deallocated by explicit run-time instructions written by the programmer.
Explicit heap-dynamic variables
With respect to language evaluation criteria, select all language characteristics that affect writability: a. Expressivity b. Exception handling c. Orthogonality d. Restricted aliasing e. Type checking f. Simplicity g. Syntax design h. Support for abstraction i. Data types
Expressivity, Orthogonality, Simplicity, Syntax design, Support for abstraction, Data types
Perform the pairwise disjointness test for each of the following grammar rules. Your answer should show the FIRST() function for each RHS, and then state whether the LHS rule passes or fails pairwise disjointness. B → aB | a
FIRST(aB) = {a} FIRST(a) = {a} FIRST(aB) ∩ FIRST(a) = {a} {a} ∩ {a} = {a} Fails
Perform the pairwise disjointness test for each of the following grammar rules. Your answer should show the FIRST() function for each RHS, and then state whether the LHS rule passes or fails pairwise disjointness by examining all pairs of RHS FIRST()'s. To get you started, the first RHS is: FIRST(aB) = {a} A → aB | b | cBB
FIRST(aB) = {a} FIRST(b) = {b} FIRST(cBB) = {c} FIRST(aB) ∩ FIRST(b) ∩ FIRST(cBB) = Ø {a} ∩ {b} ∩ {c} = Ø Passes
Perform the pairwise disjointness test for each of the following grammar rules. Your answer should show the FIRST() function for each RHS, and then state whether the LHS rule passes or fails pairwise disjointness by examining all pairs of RHS FIRST()'s. To get you started, the first RHS is: FIRST(aB) = {a} B → aB | bA | aBb
FIRST(aB) = {a} FIRST(bA) = {b} FIRST(aBb) = {a} FIRST(aB) ∩ FIRST(bA) ∩ FIRST(aBb) = {a} {a} ∩ {b} ∩ {a} = {a} Fails
Perform the pairwise disjointness test for each of the following grammar rules. Your answer should show the FIRST() function for each RHS, and then state whether the LHS rule passes or fails pairwise disjointness. S → aSb | bAA
FIRST(aSb) = {a} FIRST(bAA) = {b} FIRST(aSb) ∩ FIRST(bAA) = Ø {a} ∩ {b} = Ø Passes
Perform the pairwise disjointness test for each of the following grammar rules. Your answer should show the FIRST() function for each RHS, and then state whether the LHS rule passes or fails pairwise disjointness by examining all pairs of RHS FIRST()'s. To get you started, the first RHS is: FIRST(aB) = {a} C → aaA | b | caB
FIRST(aaA) = {a} FIRST(b) = {b} FIRST(caB) = {c} FIRST(aaA) ∩ FIRST(b) ∩ FIRST(caB) = Ø {a} ∩ {b} ∩ {c} = Ø Passes
True or false: In programming languages, the use of keywords is more restrictive than reserved words.
True or false: Like the if/else statement in Java and C++, the Racket else statement is optional.
Between 1951 and 1953, a team led by _________________ at UNIVAC developed a series of "compiling" systems named A-0, A-1, and A-2 that expanded a pseudo-code into machine code subprograms in the same way as macros are expanded into assembly language.
Grace Hopper
A string of characters used to identify some entity in a program.
Variables can be characterized as a sextuple (6-tuple) of which six attributes?
Name Address Value Type Lifetime Scope
A simple trade-off can be made between compilation cost and execution speed of the compiled code. _______________ is the name given to the collection of techniques that compilers may use to decrease the size and/or increase the execution speed of the code they produce.
With respect to compilation, the syntax analyzer takes the lexical units from the lexical analyzer and uses them to construct hierarchical structures called _____________.
Parse trees
A ________________ is a program that processes a program immediately before the program is compiled.
On what branch of mathematics is denotational semantics based?
Recursive Function Theory
A special word of a programming language that can- not be used as a name.
Reserved word
What are three reasons why lexical analysis is separated from syntax analysis?
Simplicity, Efficiency, Portability
What language was the first to fully support object-oriented programming?
For what application area is JavaScript most widely used?
Web programming
The very first program was written in 1843 by [a], which was designed to execute on the theoretical hardware platform called the Analytical Engine, designed in 1842 by [b].
a) Ada Lovelace b) Charles Babbage
What two programming language deficiencies were discovered as a result of the research in software development in the 1970s?
a) Incompleteness of type checking b) Inadequacy of control statements
Although never implemented, and not even published until 1972, the first high-level language, [a], was developed in Germany between 1936 and 1945 by [b].
a) Plankalkül b) Zuse
Compute the weakest precondition for each of the following assignment statements and postconditions: a) a = 2 * (b - 1) - 1 {a > 0} b) b = (c + 10) / 3 {b > 6} c) a = a + 2 * b - 1 {a > 1} d) x = 2 * y + x - 1 {x > 11}
a) b > 3/2 b) c > 8 c) b > 1 - a/2 d) y > 6 - x/2
The first widely-used functional programming language (called [a]) was invented to provide language features for list processing, the need for which grew out of the first applications in the area of [b].
a) lisp b) artificial intelligence
Compute the weakest precondition: a = 2 * b + 1; b = a - 3 {b < 0}
b < 1
Computer the weakest precondition: a = 3 * (2 * b + a); b = 2 * a - 1 {b > 5}
b > (1-a)/2 OR b > 1/2-a/2
Consider the following grammar: <S> → <A> a <B> b <A> → <A> b | b <B> → a <B> | a Which of the following sentences are in the language generated by this grammar? a) bbaab b) bbbab c) baab d) bbaaaaa
bbaab baab
Initial implementations of Java were all hybrid. Its intermediate form, called ______________, provides portability to any machine that has an interpreter and an associated runtime system.
byte code
Consider the following grammar: S → aScB | A | b A → cA | c B → d | A Which of the following sentences are in the language generated/recognized by this grammar? a) cd b) acccbd c) acd d) acccbcc e) abcd f) accc
cd abcd accc
The execution of a machine code program on a von Neumann architecture computer occurs in a process called the _________________ cycle.